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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korttidsfrånvaro inom offentlig verksamhet : Enhetschefers upplevelse av samarbetet med en företagshälsovård

Svanered, Helena, Samuelsson, Ann-Katrin January 2011 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa enhetschefers upplevelser och värderingar av samarbetet med en företagshälsovård angående upprepad korttidsfrånvaro. Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes. Tio enhetschefer i två kommuner intervjuades och resultatet bygger på deras subjektiva upplevelser. I studien framkom att enhetscheferna generellt anser att grundtanken i samarbetet är bra med en bra struktur. Enhetscheferna har sedan länge själva arbetat med den upprepade korttidsfrånvaron och det är även de som bedömer vilka medarbetare som hänvisas till företagshälsovården. Arbetet med korttidsfrånvaron uppges ta mycket tid och enhetscheferna får ofta prioritera detta arbete på bekostnad av andra arbetsuppgifter. Företagshälsovårdens roll uppges vara av rådgivande och vägledande karaktär samt att de ska fungera som ett stöd för cheferna i deras roller. Enhetscheferna uppger att det är svårt att se tydliga resultat, i fråga om minskad korttidsfrånvaro som en konsekvens av samarbetet. / The purpose of this study is to illustrate how unit managers perceive and value collaboration with an occupational health company in the case of repeated short-term absence. Qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used. Ten unit managers from two municipalities were interviewed and the result is based on their experiences. The study found that the unit managers generally believe that the spirit of cooperation is good and that it has a good structure. The unit managers has been handling the repeated short-term absence on their own for a long time, and they are also the ones who  are assessing which employees are to be referred to occupational health services. This work is said to take a lot of time and the unit managers may, in their role often give priority to the determent of other tasks. The occupational health company’s role is said to be of an advisory and guiding nature and that they will last as a support to the unit managers in their roles. The unit managers find it hard to see any results, in terms of reduced short-term absenteeism, referred to the cooperation.

Kvinnors syn på ohälsa inom en mansdominerande industri

Johansson, Marie, Lundbergh, Sanna January 2011 (has links)
Syftet i studien var att få en djupare förståelse för hur kvinnor som arbetar inom en mansdominerande industri förhåller sig till ohälsa. I bakgrunden presenteras kvinnor och mäns position i samhället samt hur kvinnlig sjukskrivning ser ut på ett nationellt och internationellt plan. Hur normer och synen på kvinnor ser ut och påverkas på en arbetsplats som domineras av män. Studier visar att kvinnor står för procentuellt högst antal sjukfrånvarodagar och att bidragande orsaker till detta kan vara biologiska skillnader.  Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ ansats där sex intervjuer har använts som metod, detta för att få den djupa förståelse som studien annars hade kunnat gå miste om ifall andra metoder använts. Resultatet visade tydligt att majoriteten av de undersökta kvinnorna hade svårt att beskriva sina åsikter kring företaget. Sömnproblem och ryggsmärta visade sig vara vanliga problem, status inom företaget kretsade kring kön och lön samt att de äldre männen hade svårt att ta direktiv från kvinnor. Arbetet på företaget visade sig vara enformigt och inte underhållande vilket gjorde kvinnornas relationer till varandra kollegorna mycket viktiga. Samtliga av kvinnorna beskrev att det pågick ett utanförskap på arbetsplatsen samt att kommunikationsflödet mellan skiftarbetare och förmän/chefer var bristande.

Initial prövning av innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet för bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Performance : Försäkringskassan (AWP-FK) / Initial Evaluation of Content Validity and Utility of the Instrument Assessment of Work Performance : Försäkringskassan (AWP-FK)

Hildebrand, Anne-Marie, Johansson, Emélie January 2012 (has links)
Försäkringskassan (FK) har fått i uppdrag av regeringen att vidareutveckla bedömningsförfarandet för sjukskrivna i Sverige. Som en del i detta har bland annat ett nytt bedömningsinstrument tagits fram för att användas vid arbetsterapeutisk kompletterande bedömning av medicinska förutsättningar för arbete. Instrumentet bygger på det redan befintliga bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Performance (AWP), med tre utvalda arbetsuppgifter och kallas för AWP-FK. Syftet med den här studien var att göra en initial prövning av AWP-FK med fokus på innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet. Som metod användes kvalitativa telefonintervjuer med nio arbetsterapeuter som ingick i Försäkringskassans pilotstudie. Resultatet indikerar att AWP-FK har en god innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet. Arbetsterapeuterna i studien ansåg att instrumentet var relevant för både målgruppen och bedömning i förhållande till den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Några förslag på förändringar föreslogs, t.ex. att förtydliga vissa instruktioner i manualen till AWP-FK. I diskussionen tas vikten av att klienterna förstår syftet med bedömningen och får återkoppling på sitt utförande upp. Även bedömningsmiljöns påverkan på bedömningen har diskuterats. Vidare studier kring AWP-FK behövs för att säkerställa en god validitet, användbarhet och reliabilitet. / The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan, FK) has been commissioned by the Government to further develop the assessment procedure for those on sick leave in Sweden.  As part of this, a new assessment instrument has been developed for occupational therapy assessment of the medical ability to work. The instrument is based on the Assessment of Work Performance (AWP), using three selected tasks, and is called AWP-FK. The purpose of this study was to do an initial assessment of AWP-FK with a focus on content validity and utility. The method chosen was qualitative telephone interviews with nine occupational therapists who participated in the Agency's pilot study. The results indicate that AWP-FK has good content validity and utility. The occupational therapists in the study believed that the instrument was relevant, both for the target group and assessment in relationship to the regular labour market. Some suggestions for change have been included, for example that certain instructions in the AWP-FK manual be clarified. The importance of clients understanding the purpose of the assessment and receiving feedback on their performance, and the influence of the assessment environment is discussed. Further studies on AWP-FK are needed to ensure high validity, utility and reliability.

Pappaledighet : Nyblivna pappors resonemang om föräldraledighet - en intervjustudie

Axelsson, Petronella, Jakobsson, Julia January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar fördelningen av föräldradagarna och hur nyblivna pappor resonerar om föräldraledighet. Metod: Studiens design är en explorativ kvalitativ intervjustudie, där ett bekvämlighetsurval med snöbollsteknik användes. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta förstagångspappor. Analysmetoden som användes var en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Få pappor var eller hade varit pappalediga och resterande pappor önskade kunna ta ut pappalediga dagar när barnet blir äldre. Den främsta faktorn som påverkade hur familjerna delat upp föräldraledigheten var mammans önskan att få vara hemma. Amningen gjorde det naturligt för mamman att vara hemma de första månaderna efter barnets födsel. Samtliga pappor hade negativa synpunkter om Försäkringskassan och på deras information om föräldraförsäkringen. De flesta papporna såg även kritiskt på de 60 individuella dagar som de har tillgodoräknade sig. Att ha blivit pappa beskrevs som en positiv upplevelse där personligheten utvecklades. Slutsats: Som nybliven pappa utvecklas en positiv personlighetsförändring genom att man få mer tålamod och bli mer ansvartagande. Pappor valde en mer tillbakadragen position vid fördelningen av föräldraledigheten eftersom de ansåg att mammorna önskade att vara barnlediga. När barnen når en äldre ålder önskar flera pappor mer ledig tid för att umgås med sitt barn och skapa en närmare relation. / Objective: To investigate what factors influence the distribution of parental days and how new fathers have reason about parental-leave. Method: An exploratory qualitative interview study, a convenience selection with snowball technique. Semi-structured interviews were made on eight first-time fathers. To analyze the data, a qualitative content analysis was used. Results: Few fathers were or had been on paternity leave and the remaining fathers wished to have parental-leave days when the child becomes older. The main factor that influenced how families divided parental leave was the mother´s desire to be at home. Breastfeeding made it natural for the mother to be at home the first few months after childbirth. All fathers had negative views on Försäkringskassan and on their information on parental leave. All fathers also looked critically at the 60 individual days that they have credited. Having become a father was described as a positive experience in which ones personality was developed. Conclusion: As a new father you develop a positive personality change by getting more patience and are more accountable. Fathers choose a more withdrawn position in the allocation of parental leave because the mother wants to be on maternity leave. When the children reach an older age dads wises to take more time off to spend with their children and create a closer relationship.

Jämställdhetens inverkan på föräldrars tid med sina barn

Thurezon, Per, Thurezon, Malin January 2012 (has links)
One purpose of our study was to investigate if equality in work time and parental leave in a relationship affect the time that parents spend with their children. Our first hypothesis was that increased equality in work time and parental leave leads to a reduction of the parents’ total time with their children, ie the children spend more hours in pre-school and begin pre-school earlier. In order to test our hypothesis, we investigated the relationship between the woman’s and the man’s work time and parental leave and the time that the children spend in pre-school as well as at what age they began pre-school by using two surveys. Our study showed a significant coherence between both working women’s work time and the children’s time in pre-school as well as women’s parental leave and the children’s age at start in pre-school. We did not find any corresponding coherence for men. This indicates that it is the women’s work situation which, to a large degree, determines the children’s time in pre-school and at what age they start pre-school. Hence, increased equality in work life, meaning that women work more, probably has the consequence that the children spend more time in pre-school and also start pre-school earlier. The second purpose of our study was to investigate parents’ own experience of the equality in their relationship, compared to their actual equality regarding work time, parental leave, housekeeping, time with their children and own time. Our second hypothesis was that couples feel much more equal than their actual division of work time, parental leave, housekeeping, time with the children and own time indicates. We found some coherence between experienced equality and especially division of work time and housekeeping. Our study showed, however, that most couples feel that they have equality, despite an unequal division of work time and parental leave. / Ett syfte med vår studie var att undersöka huruvida jämställdhet i arbetstid och föräldraledighet i ett parförhållande påverkar den tid föräldrar tillbringar med sina barn. Vår första hypotes var att ökad jämställdhet i arbetstid och föräldraledighet leder till att föräldrars totala tid med barnen minskar, dvs. att barnen tillbringar fler timmar i förskolan och inskolas tidigare. För att testa denna hypotes undersökte vi, med hjälp av två enkätstudier, sambanden mellan kvinnans och mannens arbetstid och föräldraledighet, och den tid som barnen tillbringar i förskolan samt vid vilken ålder de skolades in i förskolan. Våra studier visade ett signifikant samband mellan såväl yrkesarbetande kvinnors arbetstid och barnens antal timmar i förskolan som mellan kvinnors föräldraledighet och barnens ålder vid förskolestart. Motsvarande samband för männen saknades. Detta indikerar således att det är kvinnornas arbetssituation som till betydande del avgör barnens närvarotid i och ålder vid start i förskolan. Ökad jämställdhet i arbetslivet, innebärande att kvinnor arbetar mer, leder sannolikt till att barnen tillbringar mer tid i förskolan och inskolas tidigare. Ett andra syfte med vår studie var att undersöka föräldrars egen upplevelse av jämställdhet i sin parrelation, i förhållande till deras jämställdhet i arbetstid, föräldraledighet, fördelning av hemarbete, tid med barnen och egen tid. Vår andra hypotes var att par upplever sig som betydligt mer jämställda än vad fördelning av arbete, föräldraledighet, hemarbete, tid med barnen och egen tid indikerar. Vi fann i vår studie att det finns ett visst samband mellan upplevd jämställdhet och framförallt fördelning av arbetstid och hemarbete. De flesta par upplever sig dock som jämställda, trots en relativt ojämlik fördelning av arbetstid och föräldraledighet.

Gender Equality a case study of Sweden : Gender Equality Gender Equity and policies of combating inequality at workplace to make the society equal.

Sultan, Tipu January 2010 (has links)
The paper analyses Gender Equality, Gender Equity and policies of combating inequality at workplace to make the society equal as a case study of Sweden. The aim of paper is see the gender equality, gender equity, discrimination against women at workplace and to describe the policies combating inequality in the welfare state of Sweden. This work highlights the gender equality in terms of institutionalizing gender equality, gender equity, gender and pay gap, parental leave, gender and the pension system and sexual behavior directed towards women and policies combating inequality to bring equality in society. For my research I used the secondary data the fact sheets, scientific literature, statistics from eurostate of Sweden and case studies about Swedish society and the theoretical explanation to explain the phenomena. To achieve my aim I used the combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. I showed the empirical evidences of these phenomena from the Swedish society and theoretical analysis about equality and equity of gender in different wakes of life. I found an interesting conclusion that there are good policies and legislation to combat inequality to bring society but there are no policies to change the perception of society about male and female role.

A study of role, role stress, social support and organizational commitment of clinical nursing faculty

Chen, Hsiao-Ming 28 August 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to, based on the structure questionnaire, explore the relationships between the role, role stress, social support, organizational commitment and intention to leave of clinical nursing faculty. The study population was composed of the full-time clinical nursing faculty obtained from two universities of technology, three colleges of technology, and two institutes of technology located in the middle and southern part of Taiwan. 173 completed and qualified questionnaires were received. This yielded a response rate of 70.6%. The measuring instruments deployed in this study were the scale of role clinical nursing faculty, the scale of role stress, the scale of social support, the scale of organizational commitment. The Cronbach's Alpha reliabilities, according to orders, are .923, .862, .882, .767. The analytical implement in this study consisted of factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, independent t test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, multiple regression, and logistic regression analysis. The results indicated: the role stress and organizational commitment of clinical nursing faculty were significantly influenced by partial demographic variables. The more important the role of researcher or patient care provider was considered, the less role stress clinical nursing faculty would perceive. Role stress demonstrated negative influences to organizational commitment in the direction predicted explaining 24.4% of the variances. Social support was able to reduce role stress, enforce organizational commitment, and mitigate the negative effects to organizational commitment entailed by role stress. Among all kinds of social support, school support boasted the most powerful buffer effect. The critical factor of intention to leave was the affection commitment, which was found to be 91% correctly classified. According to this research, in terms of clinical nursing faculty, we suggest: 1. Improve the professional and research ability of clinical nursing faculty. 2. Improve the clinical nursing faculty's ability to take care of patients. In terms of schools: 1. Make plans to initiate curriculums aiming to improve the teaching ability of clinical nursing faculty. 2. Bring in knowledge management as a link between clinical teaching and in-class teaching. 3. Invent strategies to cultivate the human resources of clinical nursing faculty. 4. Construct full-fledged systems for advanced study. 5. School should enhance the supports toward clinical nursing faculty. 6. Construct supportive network among clinical nursing faculty. In terms of the clinical practice unit: 1. Arrange clinical nurses to assist clinical teachings. 2. Assist clinical nursing faculty to get familiar with the environment.

An Empirical Study on Anticipation of Organizational Change and Job Insecurity and The Employee¡¦s Working Reaction¡V Example in Kaohsiung Area local hospital

Tseng, Chih-Hung 19 December 2003 (has links)
There is a trend that the phenomenon of inequality is behaved in the market of medical treatment after the exercise of public health insurance. The large-scale hospitals incrementally enlarge to squeeze the survival condition of small and medium hospitals under the situation that supreme will survive to enhance competitive advantage. The competition is fierce between local hospitals to be based on the inequality of survival condition and unreasonable payment system of public health insurance. The research of Tong-Liang Chiang and Ming-San Huang (2000) indicates following phenomenon: the 77% of manager of local hospitals think that the competition is obviously increased between local hospitals after the exercise of public health insurance. The job insecurity of employees is generated by the expecting psychological condition that is derived from change in the organization under the impact of current environment and pressure of survival. What is the response of work influenced by job insecurity? What is the management lesson of hospital brought in the competition of hospitals? I hope to find the real response of employees under situation that feeling of job insecurity is derived by the expecting psychological condition of change in the organization. What is the relationship by the addition of individual personality? There are main findings in the research through the analysis of evidence: 1. Job insecurity is evident positive relevant to variation on work scenario, variation on structure of human resource, variation on management pattern of organization and variation on opportunity of employment that is belongs to the expecting factor of change in the organization. The higher score of variation on work scenario, variation on structure of human resource, variation on management pattern of organization and variation on opportunity of employment, the much easier generation of job insecurity. 2. For the job insecurity, the deviation of explanation on job insecurity is evidently related with the model of expecting factor of change in the organization. And the variation on work scenario and variation on opportunity of employment are evidently influenced by job security. 3. Job insecurity is partial evidently related with the immediate effect that is derived between the expecting change in organization and organizational commitment, leave attitude, work satisfaction, service attitude. 4. The employees that have personality of self-control are evidently interfered by the job insecurity that is derived from variation on work scenario, variation on opportunity of employment, variation on management pattern of organization and variation on work character. The employees that have personality of extraversion are evidently interfered by the job insecurity that is derived from variation on structure of human resource and variation on work character.

The effect of work-family conflict and socialization on intent to leave: The case of expatriates' in Mainland China from Taiwan international business

Tung, Yu-Chuan 25 May 2000 (has links)
Abstract With the international age coming, a number of studies have been done regarding the management of expatriates, but little research has focused on the expatriates' decisions to quite their assignment. A comprehensive model is developed to test the cause of the expatriates' turnover tendencies. The model is applied both of the theories from socialization and work-family conflict. Date were obtained with a sample of 171 expatriates in Mainland China from Taiwan's international businesses. Results were indicated that work-family conflict and socialization have the direct effect on intent to leave organization and intent to transfer back prior to the completion of their foreign assignments. Work-family conflict, job similarity, organization support have the direct effect on intent-to-leave the job. Family support has both of the direct and indirect effects on the intent to transfer back prior to the completion of their foreign assignments. Parents' health and the youngest child's age have the indirect effect on the expatriates' intent-to-leave through work-family conflict. Expatriate's position has the indirect effect on the expatriates' intent-to-leave through expatriate's socialization. Implication for international HRM researchers and practitioners are discussed.

The Study on the employees¡¦ upward political behaviors have significantly influences on work satisfaction and leave inclination.- ¥H¤¤¿³«O¥þªÑ¥÷¦³­­¤½¥q¬°¨Ò

Lan, Yi-Lin 09 August 2002 (has links)
ABSTRACT The integration and coordination process across organizational functional levels are crucial for firms to formulate their corporate and functional strategies. However, most related studies have been focusing on a rational and analytical process, which is the reaction of the ¡©economic rationality¡ªof managers and organizations. What have been always neglected by researchers were the upward political process of the organization, the exercises of power, conflicts, and the communication process involved. This study has attempted to investigate the upward political behaviors, to understand their influences on organization¡¦s subordinates. We adopt both experimental design and questionnaire survey to achieve higher credibility and validity. The results of our experimental design showed that upward political behaviors have significantly influences on work satisfaction and leave inclination. Key Words¡GMicro-Political Behavior¡BPower¡BStaff Satisfaction¡BLeave Inclination¡BJob Satisfaction¡BUpward Political Behavior

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