Spelling suggestions: "subject:"leisuretime"" "subject:"leisure.the""
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Fritidspedagogens ansvar inför den fria lekenKarlsson, Rosita January 2013 (has links)
As a leisure time pedagogue I find it hard to have an insight into what children are playing, and how they play when it comes to free play. My experience is that in some free play, conflicts arise, which reveal hierarchies and power structures containing violations, whereas other occasions of free play suddenly come to an end as the pedagogue interferes. In this essay I investigate my responsibility as a leisure time pedagogue during children´s free play, based on two differing play situations. I also investigate the play as a phenomenon by looking into previous research on children’s play and development psychology. By reflecting on the two play situations I can further understand how to act in a more supportive way during the children´s free play, and how I should relate to the free play I have in my essay found that the free play does not handle itself and that the leisure time pedagogue´s responsibility in the free play is to be present and observe when children are playing. In that way I can get an insight into the world of the children and I can give my support when the game becomes problematic or I can back away when I notice that I have disturb a free play that works well.
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Hodnotová orientace studentů Teologické fakulty Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích ve volném čase / The value orientation of students of the Faculty of Theology the University of South Bohemia in Budweis in their leisure timeBEREŠOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the value orientation of students of the Faculty of Theology the University of South Bohemia in Budweis in their leisure time. Firstly, there are explained the basic concepts, which are followed by a detailed overview of particular value concepts to their philosophical, sociological, pedagogical and psychological perspective. Furthermore, the classification values of the selected authors, roles of values and their importance in human life and society are presented in this thesis. Last but not least is this thesis focused on the researches of value orientations in both Czech and foreign literature. There is a chapter elaborated about the leisure time, its concepts, definitions of selected authors, functions of leisure time and its role in socioscientific contexts at the conclusion of the theory part. The main aim of the research is to describe and analyze the value orientation of students of the Faculty of Theology the University of South Bohemia in Budweis in their leisure time. The data obtained from a non-standardized questionnaire will be compared by gender, the age of students and their years of study at the Theological Faculty. Eventually, will be the evaluation and recomendation made for the use in practise.
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Městská organizace Svaz důchodců ČR České Budějovice jako jedna z možností trávení volného času v období stáří / The Municipal Association of pensioners CZ, České Budějovice as one of options for spending leisure time during our retirementDRÁBKOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the issues of spending leisure time by the seniors within The Municipal Association of pensioners CZ, České Budějovice, which unites seniors and accordingly to its possibilities offers them activities for spending leisure time. The thesis explains basic concepts and specifics concerning old age, introduces demands on spending leisure time in the old age and also brings a more detailed look at the leisure time activities which the mentioned organization offers. The thesis includes a research focused on active members of The Municipal Association of pensioners CZ, České Budějovice and deals with the question whether the leisure time activities provide the seniors self-realization and necessary social integration. By the carried out research it was confirmed that the organization brings the seniors natural relationship network and friends. The research also proved that the offer of leisure time activities allows universal spending of leisure time and helps to keep the seniors active. As a result of evaluation of the research the thesis offers suggestions on improving or extension of the leisure time activities so that they better correspond to the needs of the members of The Municipal Association of pensioners CZ, České Budějovice.
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Prevence rizikového chování na druhém stupni základních škol ve vztahu k problematice volného času / Prevention of risk behaviour at upper primary school in relation to the issue of leisure timeZEVLOVÁ, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The study enquires into the issue of risk behaviour prevention in relation to the importance of leisure time in upper primary school pupils. The theoretical part looks into the characteristics of leisure time and its importance, causes of risk behaviour, and the options for its prevention. The practical part examines the views of pupils, parents and education staff on the issues of risk behaviour and leisure time. The aim of the study was to analyse the types of leisure time activities and other related phenomena in a selected group of upper primary school pupils. The quantitative research approach was utilised, the data was acquired by means of a questionnaire. The survey research served as a basis for formulation of recommendations for leisure time education.
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Gambling behaviour and leisure-time activities among adolescents in SwedenNilsson, Robin January 2020 (has links)
Aim: This study examined associations between leisure-time activities and gambling participation respectively problem gambling among adolescents in Sweden. Furthermore, the study examined sex differences and the degree of possibly confounding factors. Methods: The data was obtained from European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, 2019 (n=1,911). Chi2-tests and logistic/multiple logistic regressions were used to analyze the data. Results: Unstructured leisure-time activity was robustly positively associated with gambling participation, structured leisure-time activity was weakly negatively associated with gambling participation among students. Unstructured leisure-time activity was moderately positively associated with problem gambling, structured leisure-time activity was weakly negatively associated with problem gambling among students. Unstructured leisure-time activity was strongly positively associated with gambling participation, structured leisure-time activity was strongly negatively associated with gambling participation for boys. Unstructured leisure-time activity was weakly positively associated with gambling participation for girls. Parental monitoring, school adjustments and externalizing behaviour problems affected the association between unstructured leisure-time activity for students respectively boys. Conclusion: Associations were found of varying extent between leisure-time activities and gambling participation respectively problem gambling. More and stronger associations were found for boys than girls and possibly confounding factors affected the association between unstructured leisure-time activity and problem gambling to some degree.
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Bland leksakspistoler, spindelväv och mellanstadiebarn : En vetenskaplig essä om vad meningsfull fritid innebär i förhållande till elevinflytande och lärande i en öppen fritidsverksamhetLindqvist, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines what a meaningful leisure-time could mean, in relation to pupils’ participation and learning. I have investigated the wording of the statement which says that children should be giving a meaningful leisure time, progress and learning. Is this possible, or does this statement contradict itself? What does a meaningful leisure-time really mean, and to whom? To examine this, I will describe two situations that occurred at my work place, a leisure-time centre for 10-13 -year-old children. The first story will describe a situation that I find relatively well working as a democratic process where some children want to organise a war activity for the other children, and I contemplate if that could be considered a meaningful leisure-time? In the second story, I describe a kind of chaotic situation, where a group of children are preparing an activity for other children. Time is hereof the essence and I contemplate if the children are having a meaningful time and if the situation spurs their progress in this stressful situation. I start with examining the two stories out of different perspectives: how to understand what meaningfulness is, the importance of coherency to experience purpose and how leisure-time has been interpreted over the years with regards to society and education. Further, I examine in what way student participation and democracy relate to both of my stories. I would also like to understand how and where learning is applicable in my stories. Therefore, I have chosen to also examine how the interaction between myself and the children contribute to their progress. Finally, I try to get a bigger picture on where the three aspects, meaningful leisure-time, progress and learning come together to create a wider perspective, that gives me a greater understanding for the mission of the leisure- time centre and for my occupation. / Denna vetenskapliga essä handlar om vad meningsfull fritid kan innebära i förhållande till elevinflytande och lärande. Jag har tagit fasta på formuleringen att barnen ska erbjudas en meningsfull fritid, utveckling och lärande, och funderar över om det finns en motsättning mellan dessa begrepp. Vad menas med meningsfull fritid, och för vem? För att undersöka detta utgår jag från två situationer som jag varit med om på min arbetsplats, en öppen fritidsverksamhet där barn mellan 10 och 13 år tillbringar sin fria tid mellan skolans slut och hemmet. Den ena berättelsen beskriver en relativt väl fungerade demokratisk arbetsprocess där några barn vill planera en krigslek för de andra barnen, och jag funderar över om det kan räknas som meningsfullt? I den andra berättelsen kommer vi in i en kaosliknande situation, med en tidspress som stressfaktor, och jag funderar över om barnen upplever det meningsfullt och utvecklande att förbereda en aktivitet åt andra barn. Jag undersöker först mina berättelser utifrån hur jag kan förstå vad meningsfullhet är, vilken betydelse känslan av sammanhang kan ha för upplevelsen av mening och även hur begreppet fritid har tolkats genom åren i förhållande till samhälle och skola. Därefter undersöker jag på vilket sätt elevinflytande och demokrati förhåller sig till mina berättelser. Jag vill även förstå hur lärande kommer in i mina båda berättelser och undersöker därför hur samspelet mellan mig och barnen bidrar till deras utveckling. Slutligen försöker jag se en större bild där de tre övergripande begreppen, meningsfull fritid, utveckling och lärande, förenas för att få ett bredare perspektiv och en bättre förståelse för vad verksamhetens och mitt uppdrag innebär.
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Leken sker på miljöns premisser : Ett kvalitativt arbete om fritidshemmets fysiska inomhusmiljö och dess påverkan på elevernas lekBiondi, Myriam, Andersson, Petra January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate how play is affected by the physical indoor environment in leisure-time centers with a focus on promotional and inhibitory factors. The survey is based on qualitative interviews with five educators who shared their perceptions and experiences within the subject. The study's results show a large agreement on enabling and limiting factors where variation, flexibility and students' participation in the environmental design are crucial for the stimulus of play. When these factors are missing, play is considered to be inhibited because the environment is not perceived to meet what is needed to be a rewarding play environment for the students. The result is related to environmental psychological theory and analyzed using an affordance perspective to understand how the students' different experiences of the environment affect the environmental offering for play.
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Möjligheter och utmaningar: Fritidslärares vardag med digitala verktyg / Possibilities and challenges: Leisure-time teachers day to day work with digital toolsHjerpe, Frida, Thorell, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fritidslärare beskriver sitt arbete meddigitala verktyg i fritidshemmet. Studien har ett multimodalt perspektiv på lärande, föratt förtydliga hur digitala verktyg kan fungera som verktyg i undervisningen. Detta är en kvantitativ studie med kvalitativa inslag för att lyfta fram fritidsläraresförhållningssätt och förutsättningar i arbetet med digitala verktyg. Datainsamlingen harskett genom en enkätstudie med majoriteten slutna frågor utöver en öppen fråga omrespondenternas upplevda utmaningar i arbetet med digitala verktyg. Enkäten lades uppi olika intressegrupper på Facebook med en gemensam nämnare gällandefritidspedagogik. Den insamlade empiriska data kategoriseras utefter studiensfrågeställningar för att kunna se samband mellan respondenternas upplevelser. Studiens resultat visade att förutsättningarna för att bedriva en verksamhet med digitalaverktyg såg olika ut på de olika fritidshemmen. Medan några respondenter menar att dehar en låg tillgång och sämre förutsättningar att arbeta med digitala verktyg, menarandra respondenter att deras fortsättningar för att bedriva en verksamhet med digitalaverktyg är betydligt bättre. Samtliga respondenter upplever att det finns utmaningar,även på de fritidshem där förhållningssättet och förutsättningar var goda. Studienpåvisar att det finns utmaningar i arbetet med digitala verktyg, men att utmaningarna serolika ut.
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Pedagogické ovlivňování volného času u osob s tělesným a kombinovaným postižením / Pedagogical influences leisure time for people with physical and combined disabilitiesZlobická, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
(in English): The master thesis deals with the pedagogical influence of leisure time for people with physical and combined disabilities. The nature of the work is theoretical-empirical. The aim of this work is to find out the organization of leisure activities in the Jedlička Institute and Schools, and to approach the pedagogical influences of leisure time in this institution. Its extent, manner and impact of pedagogical influences on the physical and mental side of people with physical and combined disabilities are determined. The theoretical part is based on professional literature that deals with people with physical and combined disabilities and pedagogical influences leisure time of these people. The practical part contains mixed research, which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research was conducted through online interviews with leading educators of the Jedlička Institute and Schools and presented the specific organization of leisure activities in three sections of the Jedlička Institute and Schools - two weekly hospitals and a school club. Based on the answers from the interviews, it was found that the organization of leisure activities in weekly hospitals is different from the organization in the school club, especially in time allocation and...
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Strategier och metoder för inkludering av elever med NPF i fritidshemmet / Strategies and methods for inclusion for students with neuropsychiatric disabilities in after-school careJonsson, Fredrik, Kurberg, Adrian January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur personal i fritidshem utformar undervisningen för elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar. För att kunna förstå varför undervisningen utformas på ett visst sätt används ett barndomssociologiskt perspektiv där vår syn placeras på eleverna och sätter deras villkor i centrum. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer där totalt nio lärare som arbetar i fritidshem intervjuades. Fyra av respondenterna är utbildade förskollärare och fem av dem är utbildade lärare i fritidshem. Vid intervjutillfället arbetade samtliga respondenter i fritidshem. Alla respondenter intervjuades enskilt. Den insamlade datan tematiserades och fyra teman som lämpade sig för vårt forskningsfokus framkom. Relationer, förhållningssätt, samverkan och anpassningar. Resultatet visar hur lärare i fritidshem arbetar med elever med NPF samt vilka metoder och tillvägagångssätt de använder för att inkludera alla elever. I slutsatsen lyfts vikten av goda relationer, anpassningar, samarbete och behovet av att se den enskilda eleven.
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