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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erfarenhetshantering i ett värnpliktssystem / Knowledge management in a conscript system

Björkman, Joel January 2020 (has links)
Det här arbetet har undersökt hur övergången till ett värnpliktssystem påverkar det organisatoriska lärandet. Syfte har varit att undersöka om den värnpliktiges erfarenheter, främst vad gäller tekniska system, omhändertas i övergången till ett värnpliktssystem. Teorin som använts till det här arbetet är en modell som beskriver hur individens kunskap blir till organisatorisk kunskap och bygger på fem olika lärcykler framtagen av Sanchez. Metoden har varit att använda befintlig forskning inom området organisatoriskt lärande och ta fram faktorer som bör finnas med i en ideal process för att omhänderta värnpliktigas erfarenheter. Den ideala processen har sedan jämförts med hur processen för att omhänderta den värnpliktiges erfarenheter ser ut i Försvarsmakten. Resultatet av det här arbetet är att en övergång till ett värnpliktssystem bedöms ha en liten påverkan om den metod som Försvarsmakten har för att omhänderta erfarenheter används. De faktorer som bör finnas med för att omhänderta värnpliktigas erfarenheter finns med i metoden samt att Försvarsmakten som en hierarkisk organisation minskar effekten av den personalomsättning ett värnpliktssystem innebär. I vilken omfattning Försvarsmaktens metod de facto används under de värnpliktigas utbildning har däremot inte undersökts och lämnas som förslag till vidare forskning. / This thesis has researched how a transition to a conscript system will impact on the organisationallearning. The purpose was to examine if the conscript soldiers experience, primarily on theexperience regarding technical systems, is taken care of by the organisation. The theory that wasused was The Five Learning Cycles of the Organizational Learning developed by Sanchez. Themethod was to use previous research on organisational learning and use it to develop an idealprocess for organisational learning for conscript soldiers. This ideal process was later used toanalyse the process in the Swedish Armed Forces. The result of this thesis is that a transition to aconscript system will have a small impact if the existing method in the Swedish Armed Forces isused. The factors that should be in the process is in large found, and the fact that it is a hierarchicorganisation will reduce the effect of personnel turnover with a conscript system. In what extentthe Swedish Armed Forces is using its method in the training of the conscripts hasn´t beenresearched and is a suggestion to future research.

Postoje žáků 2. stupně vybrané základní školy k předmětu přírodopis / Pupils' Attitudes Toward Natural Science Lessons

Mastíková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to find out satisfaction of lower secondary school pupils with science lessons, science classroom equipment, environment and topics in science that are missed by the pupils. Their requests regarding improvement and variegation of science education are also determined, which could contribute to increasing their motivation and interest in science. This diploma thesis maps, which topics of science or tools are mostly lacked by pupils. Their opinions are determined using questionnaires, which were filled by 221 pupils of Elementary school in Uhlířské Janovice in Central Bohemian Region. The results show that pupils would like to include more field work, science outings, excursions, group work, laboratory work, science documentaries, work with a microscope and they would also like to include some real animals. Some of the respondents wouldn't change anything regarding the science lessons. With respect to the results of the research, a daylong project with environmental studies, field work, collection of natural products and their processing was suggested for the particular elementary school.

Hodnocení mikroskopovacích dovedností žáků středních škol / Evaluation of upper secondary students' microscopy skills

Míková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
High-school students are less interested in science then before. Despite importance of science for our life and for description of nature around us, students lose motivation for studying it. The approach of teacher is critical for focusing students' attention. Lessons should be based on linking of the education with daily-life and biology provides plenty of possibilities to achieve the goal, especially employing hand-on education, practical examples and exercises. One of the most effective way to show the beauty and a complexity of organism structure is by using microscopes. Many different techniques have been used to prepare education materials - picture, videos or whole movies from micro-word. Nevertheless, a classical optical microscopy is by far the most common training activity during the practical courses. An evaluation of this education aspects is, therefore, critical for further method development. This diploma thesis is focused on establishing of evaluation techniques and subsequent analysis of the current state of students' microscopy skills. First of all, the elementary set of knowledge and the correct microscopy work-flow were established in collaboration with eleven experienced teachers. Based on these results, two types of surveys were designed. One of them was dedicated to teachers...

Suchozemští stejnonožci jako modeloví půdotvorní činitelé v praktické školní výuce / Terrestrial Isopods as Model Soil-forming Agents in Practical School Education

Korbélyi, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
- 2 - Abstract Woodlice (Isopoda) belong to major soil decompositors of plant material and at the same time easily collectible. These organisms are therefore suitable for integration into practical school lessons. The aim of this thesis is therefore to design inquiry-based education using Isopoda as an example of soil decompositors. The first part of this thesis is focused on the theoretical introduction to inquiry- based education. It is also devoted to describe woodlice (Isopoda), explain their morphology, life cycle and cover the most common species of Isopoda occurring in the Czech Republic. A simplified determination key for these most common species is included. The second part of the thesis includes complete instructions on how to use these organisms in practical teaching with elements of inquiry-based education. The manual contains techniques for collecting and storing woodlice. The manual also contains instructions to individual experiments, including the list of needed tools and advice, where to obtain the tools and other didactic materials. The third part of the thesis has a research character, where, based on a questionnaire survey, students' attitudes towards woodlice (Isopoda) and their knowledge shift before and after the practical lesson are evaluated. Keywords Isopoda, inquiry-based...

Organizational learning: A practical approach on intra- and inter-project learning : A case study in tranmission development projects

Hatzl, Franziska Anna, Henn, Corinna January 2020 (has links)
Knowledge management has become one of the most important challenges inorganizations’ pursuit of competitiveness and long-term success. Essentialaspects of managing knowledge are its creation, transfer and retention.Organizational learning, which comprises these three processes, aims forimproving an organization’s performance. Hence, having an effective approachto organizational learning is crucial. In the literature, numerous guides, models and opinions on organizational learning exist, yet organizations struggle to learn from their experiences. This can be explained by the fact that the theory focuses on how to capture rather than how to apply learnings. Moreover, a description of a practical approach is lacking. Therefore, this thesis aims to develop a holistic strategy for an effective use of organizational learnings. For this purpose, a case study at the transmission development department ofa large Swedish commercial vehicle manufacturer was conducted. The statusquo of organizational learning as well as potential barriers to and drivers andenablers for an effective learning approach were investigated qualitatively. The data gathered was analyzed under the lens of organizational learning viewed from the outpost of social learning theory. Furthermore, Law and Chuah’s (2015b) theoretical framework for the study of organizational learning was applied. Great similarities between this study and previously conducted studies werediscovered. The research confirmed that even though organizationsacknowledge the value of organizational learning, they tend to lack an effective learning strategy. Learnings are seldom captured and applied even more rarely. One of the main reasons found is that the drivers for organizational learning, i.e. strong leaders, and a shared vision and mission, are poorly developed. These findings subsequently fed into the development of a learning strategy, which was adapted iteratively. It is designed to facilitate organizational learning in order to improve the learning outcome. For the learning strategy, the authors describe concrete learning actions as well as the underpinning drivers and enablers. The results of this thesis can serve as a springboard for further studies. The thesis opens up the possibility to examine the effectiveness of diverse strategies and to determine practical approaches to how organizational learning can be promoted. This study provides a relevant example for the setup of such a strategy and accentuates the importance of organizational learning.

Authentic Leadership Lessons from Leading Through a Pandemic: Suburban Superintendents Share Their Stories

Cooper, Jonathan M. 11 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Production of HIV/AIDS lessons in the entertainment-education television programme Tsha Tsha and their reception by HIV-positive men in Soweto-Johannesburg

Ogenga, Fredrick Oduor 22 October 2008 (has links)
This study aims to examine the production of HIV/AIDS lessons on Tsha Tsha Entertainment-Education and their reception by HIV-positive men in Soweto, and to find out whether this response impacts on their perception of their roles and responsibilities in HIV/AIDS. The rationale behind this study is that gender and HIV/AIDS has been critical in interventions aimed at combating the disease. Studies in South Africa on gender have revealed that versions of masculinity can be implicated in the increasing infection rates of HIV/AIDS making efforts to combat the disease problematic. A qualitative methodology is used. This method included interviews and focus group discussions. Five interviews were done with programme producers and researchers of Tsha Tsha to find out the major considerations in production. An average of seven HIV-positive men were exposed to 12 episodes of Tsha Tsha to find out their responses in six focus group discussions, and whether these indicated a changed perceptions in their roles and responsibilities in HIV/AIDS. Their responses were then examined under Bandura’s (1971) social learning theory and Hall’s (1977) encoding-decoding theory .This theories explain the considerations in the production of lessons in Tsha Tsha and how audiences respond to those lessons respectively. The findings reveal that audiences (HIV-positive) men identify with lessons around HIV-testing, disclosure, support and those that challenge stigma and masculinity in HIV/AIDS. Disclosure emerges as a major theme and is compared with sub themes of testing, stigma, masculinity and social support to form categories that are presented as the findings. While HIV-disclosure is seen as challenging HIV/AIDS stigma and masculinity, where men accept their condition, and take responsibility to continue occupying their space as men, E-E production can reinforce lessons around disclosure and other coping strategies to combat HIV/AIDS.

Rytm och musik i svenskundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om hur rytm och musik används som språkutvecklande verktyg i F-3. / Rhythm and music in Swedish teaching : A qualitative study of how rhythm and music are used as language development tools in F-3.

Doverfors, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
I grundlärarutbildningen för förskoleklass och årskurs 1–3 undervisas om musikens positiva inverkan och hur musik kan användas som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i svenska. Trots detta upplever jag att musik och rytm användas enbart i gruppstärkande syfte under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen. Det tvåfaldiga syftet med denna studie är dels att bidra med kunskap om hur lärare i F-3 uppfattar och beskriver arbetsmetoder med musik och rytm som ett medierande och språkutvecklande verktyg, dels hur lärare uppfattar och beskriver sig ha verktyg och kompetens för att använda musik och rytm i undervisningen. Syftet avsågs besvaras genom forskningsfrågorna: Hur uppfattar och beskriver lärare att de arbetar med musik och rytm i klassrummet som ett språkutvecklande verktyg under svenskundervisningen? Hur uppfattar och beskriver lärare att de har verktyg och/eller kompetens för att använda musik och rytm i undervisningen? Studien utgår från det sociokognitivistiska perspektivet och genom teorin redogörs för hur musik och rytm kan användas som ett verktyg för språkutveckling. Undersökningen använder en kvalitativ dataanalys och semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärarna uppfattar och beskriver musik och rytm som ett medierande verktyg för språkutveckling i svenskundervisningen samt huruvida lärarna anser sig ha kompetens att använda musik och rytm som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i svenskundervisningen. Studiens informanter var två förskollärare, två grundskollärare med inriktning 1–7 samt två grundskollärare med behörighet att undervisa i musik och svenska. Alla lärare är verksamma i grundskolans förskoleklass till årskurs 3. Resultatet visar att lärarna till stor del använder sig av rytm och musik men på olika sätt utifrån vad lärarna själva beskriver att de är bekväma med. / In the basic teacher education for preschool class and grades 1-3, the positive impact of music is taught and how music can be used as a pedagogical tool in Swedish. Despite this, music and rhythm are perceived to be used only for group strengthening purposes during the company-based training. The twofold purpose of this study was partly to contribute knowledge about how teachers in F-3 perceive and describe working methods with music and rhythm as a mediating and language development tool, and partly how teachers perceive and describe themselves as having tools and skills to use music and rhythm in teaching. The purpose was intended to be answered through the research questions: How do teachers perceive and describe that they work with music and rhythm in the classroom as a language development tool during Swedish teaching? How do teachers perceive and describe that they have the tools and / or competence to use music and rhythm in teaching? The study is based on the sociocognitivist perspective, and the theory describes how music and rhythm can be used as a tool for language development. The survey uses a qualitative data analysis, and based on semi-structured focus group interviews. The results show how teachers perceive and describe music and rhythm as a tool for language development in Swedish teaching and whether the teachers consider themselves competent to use music and rhythm as a language development tool in Swedish teaching. The informants in the study were two preschool teachers, two primary school teachers with a focus on 1–7 and two primary school teachers with the right to teach music and Swedish. All teachers are active in the compulsory school pre - school class for year 3. The results show that the teachers largely use rhythm and music, but in different ways according to what the teachers themselves describe that they are comfortable with.

Plavecká úroveň žáků městských a vesnických základní škol / Swimming level of pupils of urban basic schools and village basic schools

Bolomská, Dita January 2021 (has links)
Title: Swimming level of pupils of urban basic schools and village basic schools Objectives: The aim of this work is to ewaluate the records of the monitored records of input and output values of the swimming level of children of younger school age in compulsory swimming lessons at primary school. The basic criterion for the assessment will be whether the children will complete swimming lessons as part of their education at a city school or a village school. The results will be monitored in children of different classes and boys and girls. Methods: In this work, I used a mixed type of research, in which I used both qualitative and quantitative research of this problem. The qualitative part of the work is based on the study of available literature, respectively the study of printed and electronic sources. The qualitative part is based on the examination of the material, teaching records from teachers at the swimming school Aquasvět Chomutov. Data obtained from these materials were analyzed using descriptions, graphs and tables. The researched data were collected during the school year 2018/2019. The evaluation of the documents took place in 2020. Results: The result shows that there is no significant difference between the performance of urban primary school pupils and rural primary school pupils....

Vliv využívaných výukových metod a organizačních forem na oblíbenost biologie a přírodopisu u žáků / Influence of using methods and organizational forms on attractiveness of biology lessons for pupils

Kolesárová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to find out which teaching / learning methods and forms teachers use in their biology lessons and its impact on attractiveness of biology for pupils. The adjoing aims are to find out which factors influence teacher's choice of teaching / learning methods and forms, which teaching / learning methods and forms are unused and the causes of their non-use. Another adjoing aim is to determinate if there is a difference in biology lessons between lower grammar schools and primary schools. Furhermore, the adjoing aims are to compare not only the attractiveness of biology but also the popularity of teaching methods and forms by pupils of lower grammar schools and primary schools. The thesis first contains the theoretical part. The research part contains the metodology of data collection and the metodology of evaluation of these data. Furthermore this thesis contains the results of the research. The results show that monology and autodidactic teaching methods and forms predominate in biology lessons. Teachers are limited by various obstacles such as lack of time, materiál equipment of the school, the approach of colleagues and school management, different approach of pupils, approach of the teacher. For primary school pupils biology is more popular than for lower grammar...

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