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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dicionário multilíngue de regência verbal: equivalentes em francês

Sao, Mayara Stringhetta [UNESP] 27 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:48:41Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 sao_ms_me_sjrp.pdf: 869338 bytes, checksum: b0db7a87cc227ab381c15debf7dfff9e (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho vincula-se a uma pesquisa maior que está sendo desenvolvida simultaneamente por pesquisadores do GP “Lexicologia e Lexicografia contrastiva”. Tratamos da elaboração de uma obra de referência multilíngüe especial e inédita: o Dicionário Multilíngüe de Regência Verbal: verbos preposicionados, na direção português-alemão / espanhol / francês / inglês / italiano / japonês. Com base no levantamento já realizado dos verbos transitivos indiretos ou transitivos diretos e indiretos mais usuais da língua portuguesa do Brasil, elaboramos a microestrutura em língua francesa, propondo equivalentes a cada acepção dos verbos elencados na nomenclatura, ou seja, uma tradução (mesmo parafrásica) que corresponda ao significado indicado e, se for o caso, as preposições adequadas. Os resultados obtidos contribuem de modo efetivo para o desenvolvimento da lexicografia especial no país, atendendo a uma necessidade específica e central de diversos tipos de consulentes, sobretudo na produção textual em língua estrangeira e na tradução. / This work is attached to a larger survey which is being developed at the same time by researchers of GP Contrastive Lexicology and Lexicography. It is a drafting of a special and unique multilingual reference, the: Dicionário Multilíngue de Regência Verbal: verbos preposicionados, toward Portuguese-German / Spanish / French / English / Italian / Japanese. Based on the survey available about the most usual indirect transitive verbs or transitive direct and indirect verbs in Portuguese, as a Brazilian language, we developed a microstructure in the French language that offers the equivalent word for each meaning of the verbs listed in the nomenclature or a translation (also paraphrases) which corresponds to the meaning, followed by the indication of the appropriate prepositions, in the necessary cases. We believe that the results to be achieved with this work may effectively contribute to the development of a special lexicography in the country, given to the central and specific needs of different users, mainly in foreign language textual output and translations.

Proposta de uma base de conhecimento multilíngue on-line de expressões cromáticas da fauna e da flora / Proposal of a multilingual on-line knowledge base of chromatic phrases of fauna and flora

Martins, Sabrina de Cássia [UNESP] 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sabrina de Cassia Martins null (sabrismartins@gmail.com) on 2017-02-08T15:06:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese-Sabrina Martins_VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 4892311 bytes, checksum: ded93001eeec82424d2a73ec7626a3d8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-13T18:13:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_sc_dr_sjrp.pdf: 4892311 bytes, checksum: ded93001eeec82424d2a73ec7626a3d8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-13T18:13:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 martins_sc_dr_sjrp.pdf: 4892311 bytes, checksum: ded93001eeec82424d2a73ec7626a3d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo a terminologia da Fauna e da Flora cuja formação envolve o uso do vocabulário das cores. Nosso estudo abrange dois temas gerais: por um lado, a contribuição dos nomes de cores para a variação denominativa em terminologia a partir de uma perspectiva interlinguística; por outro, a descrição de tais variantes em uma obra lexicográfica especializada e multilíngue. A fim de delimitar a nossa pesquisa, concentramo-nos na análise de dois subdomínios da Biologia: a Botânica, especificamente as Angiospermas (monocotiledôneas e eudicotiledôneas), e a Zoologia, exclusivamente os Vertebrados (peixes, anfíbios, répteis, aves e mamíferos). Dessa forma, visamos, em primeiro lugar, ampliar o Dicionário Onomasiológico de Expressões Cromáticas da Fauna e Flora por meio da inserção em sua microestrutura dos correspondentes das palavras-entrada em línguas inglesa e italiana. Seguindo a metodologia proposta em nosso Mestrado (MARTINS, 2013), utilizamos o Corpus Web para a busca e validação dos correspondentes. Em segundo, uma vez verificada a existência de correspondentes para cada entrada, realizamos sua análise estrutural, observando o papel desses itens para a divulgação dos conceitos da Fauna e da Flora em outras culturas. Em terceiro, examinamos as possíveis causas que atuam na formação de tais unidades e que propiciam ou não a escolha do item cor nas línguas em estudo, isto é, português, inglês e italiano. Por último, ainda em relação à obra lexicográfica, propomos formular a metodologia mais adequada para a implementação de uma plataforma on-line que contribuirá para minimizar as divergências terminológicas nessa área, para a normatização de conceitos e para o estabelecimento da comunicação entre culturas. Enfatizamos que o nosso interesse é motivado pelo papel ativo dos nomes de cores na expansão do léxico e a investigação dessa fatia lexical é uma forma de evidenciar o uso dos nomes de cores para a difusão da terminologia da Fauna e da Flora. Finalmente, visamos contribuir qualitativamente, tanto no aspecto teórico (por meio das reflexões apresentadas) quanto no metodológico, para o âmbito das pesquisas que se limitam ao estudo do léxico, bem como para o conjunto das obras lexicográficas produzidas no Brasil. / The present thesis has as its object of study the terminology of Fauna and Flora composed by color names. Hence, it deals with two major themes: on one hand, the contribution of color names to the denominative variation in Terminology from a interlinguistic perspective; on the other, the description of such variants in a multilingual and specialized lexicographical work. In order to delimit our research, we concentrate our analysis on two subdomains of Biology: Botany, specifically the Angiosperms (monocotyledons and dicotyledons), and Zoology, specifically the Vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). In this manner, it aims, firstly, to extend the Onomasiological Dictionary of Chromatic Phrases of Fauna and Flora by inserting in the microstructure the equivalents of the entries in English and Italian languages. Following the methodology proposed in a prior research (MARTINS, 2013), we use the Corpus Web to collect and validate the equivalents. Secondly, once checked the existence of equivalents for each entry, it intends to realize their structural analysis, observing the role of these denominative variants to the propagation of Fauna and Flora concepts in other cultures. Thirdly, examining the probable causes that actuate in the formation of such units and that propitiate or not the choice of the color name in the languages in study, i.e., Portuguese, English and Italian. Finally, still regarding the lexicographical work, we propose to formulate an appropriate methodology for the implementation of an on-line platform that will contribute to minimize terminological variances in this area, to concepts normalization, as well as to the communication among cultures. We would like to emphasize that our interest is motivated by the active role of color names in the expansion of the lexicon and the study of this vocabulary demonstrates the importance of color names to the diffusion of Fauna and Flora terminology. To sum up, we expect to contribute qualitatively, as in the theoretical aspect (by means of the reflections presented in the following pages) as in the methodological aspect, to the range of the lexical studies, as well as to the set of lexicographical works produced in Brazil. / FAPESP: 2013/09232-1

Proposta de um trabalho lexicográfico para as notas de rodapé da obra adaptada I Promessi Sposi de Alessandro Manzoni / A proposal for a lexicography work for the footnotes of the adapted work I Promessi Sposi, by Alessandro Manzoni

Karine Marielly Rocha da Cunha 03 December 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo principal a proposta de novas notas de rodapé para o livro I Promessi Sposi Adattamento del testo e note di Marisa Pasqualetti, CIDEB, 2007. Inicialmente, fizemos um levantamento dos livros de leitura graduada para estrangeiros existentes no mercado editorial italiano. Verificamos que alguns dos títulos eram adaptações de obras clássicas da literatura italiana, outros eram policiais, de aventura e romance. A característica comum a esses títulos, além da linguagem controlada, é que todos eles apresentam notas de rodapé e que, na maioria das vezes, essas notas trazem um vocabulário já conhecido pelo público brasileiro. Dessa forma, colocamos as questões que pretendemos responder ao final dessa pesquisa: para quem é destinada as notas de rodapé dessas obras? A simplificação lexical é suficiente para tornar uma obra de fácil leitura? Qual é o critério usado para a escolha das palavras que vão compor as notas de rodapé dessas obras? Para a proposta das novas notas de rodapé do livro I Promessi Sposi adaptado, aplicamos a leitura da obra a sete grupos de alunos que possuíam, de certa forma, o mesmo nível de conhecimento lexical. Foi pedido a esses alunos que ao final da primeira leitura realizassem uma segunda leitura (de modo a provocar o mínimo possível de ruído na primeira leitura) preenchendo uma tabela que continha três colunas: primeira coluna elenco das palavras que constavam nas notas de rodapé desnecessariamente; segunda coluna palavras que não constavam nas notas de rodapé, porém, que deveriam constar (nesse caso, não seria todas as palavras desconhecidas, mas aquelas, que em uma leitura global ainda apresentavam-se incompreensíveis ou duvidosas); terceira coluna palavras que constavam no rodapé cuja explicação era insuficiente. Analisamos as colunas de 50 fichas preenchidas pelos alunos e verificamos que, das 213 palavras e/ou expressões que faziam parte das notas de rodapé, 77 eram desnecessárias, 19 deveriam ser reformuladas e 55 deveriam ser inseridas. Ao final, o título analisado teria 191 notas destinadas ao público brasileiro, 22 a menos do que o número total utilizado pela editora. / This research mainly aims at proposing new footnotes to the book I Promessi Sposi Adattamento del testo e note di Marisa Pasqualetti, CIDEB, 2007. At first, we made a survey of the graded readers for foreigners that we have access to in the Italian publishing industry. We identified that some of the books are adaptations from classic books in the Italian literature; others were suspense, adventure or romance stories. The common feature in all these classics, besides the graded language, is that all of them present footnotes, and that most of the times the vocabulary used is already familiar to the Brazilian readers. This way, we placed the following queries that we want to elicit in our research: Whom are the footnotes addressed to? Is the lexical simplification sufficient in order to make the reading of a piece of art of easy attainability? What is the criterion used for choosing the words which will come as footnotes in these books? In order to propose the new footnotes for the adapted I Promessi Sposi, we asked 07 different groups that were basically in the same lexical level to read the story. The students were asked to do a second reading right after the first one (in such a way so as to provoke the least interference in the first reading) and were asked to fill in a table with three columns: the first column demanded a list of words that were unnecessarily explained in the footnotes; the second column asked for words that were not in the footnotes but should be (in this case, not all the words would be unknown, but also words that could result in doubts or misunderstandings in a global reading); and the third column asked for words that were in the footnotes but whose explanations were insufficient. We analyzed the columns in 50 records filled up by the students and we found that from the 213 words and expressions that were in the footnotes, 77 were unnecessary, 19 should be reformulated and 55 should be inserted. By the end, the title which was chosen should have 191 footnotes destined to the Brazilian readers, 22 less that the number used by the publishing house.

Proposta de um modelo teórico para o ensino de texto dissertativo-argumentativo para alunos do Ensino Médio: um enfoque da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional

Silva, Maria Piedade Teodoro da 14 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-12-05T13:18:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Piedade Teodoro da Silva.pdf: 815184 bytes, checksum: d0b8765dc63ddad7bc488aa4d6433826 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-05T13:18:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Piedade Teodoro da Silva.pdf: 815184 bytes, checksum: d0b8765dc63ddad7bc488aa4d6433826 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The purpose of this thesis is the delineation of a diagnosis based on the examination of the unit of structure and texture of the argumentative-dissertative essay (ADTs), written by High School students and the ones in preparatory course. In light of the recent literature on the production of this type of text, mapping the areas of mismatch between the suggestions of this literature on the ADT and the effective accomplishment of this type of text by the candidate. The diagnosis should allow the development of a framework that provides teachers with resources that can guide students to write texts that meet the expectations of the academic audience in terms of both structure and language requirements. The difficulty that writing production represents for most students, at all levels of education, is present in the discourse of teachers from the most divergent areas. As for the high school students, as well as the university ones, this difficulty relies on the writing of ADT - the type of text requested for the students, but in which they, according to research, find it difficult to argue, discuss and persuade. For the executive secretary of MEC, Maria Helena Guimarães de Castro, the writing relates to the language performance. With the basic support of Systemic Functional Linguistics - a multiperspective model, designed to give analysts complementary lenses for the interpretation of the language in use. This thesis examines interpersonal aspects related to gender structure - with its stages and purposes, as well as the texture of the ADT, focusing on the lexicalgrammatical choices of the text (cohesion, coherence, modality and evaluation). The research should answer the following questions: (a) What are the interpersonal resources that affect the success of producing an ADT? (b) What role does the gender structure unit play in this issue? and the texture unit? The diagnosis should allow the development of a framework that provides teachers with resources that can guide students to write texts that meet the expectations of the academic audience in terms of both structure and language requirements / O objetivo desta tese é o delineamento de um diagnóstico baseado no exame da unidade de estrutura e de textura de textos dissertativo-argumentativos (TDAs) redigidos por alunos do Ensino Médio e vestibulandos para, à luz da literatura recente sobre a produção desse tipo de texto, mapear as zonas de desencontro entre as sugestões dessa literatura sobre o TDA e a efetiva realização desse tipo de texto pelo candidato. O diagnóstico deve permitir a elaboração de um enquadre que forneça aos professores recursos capazes de guiar os estudantes a escrever textos que satisfaçam as expectativas da audiência acadêmica tanto em termos de estrutura quanto de requisitos linguísticos. A dificuldade que a produção escrita representa para a maioria dos estudantes, em todos os níveis de ensino, está presente no discurso dos professores das mais diversas áreas. Quanto aos alunos do Ensino Médio bem como da universidade, essa dificuldade recai, especialmente, sobre a redação do TDA – o tipo de texto mais solicitado a esses alunos, mas em que eles, segundo pesquisas, encontram dificuldade em arguir, discutir, avaliar com competência e persuasão. Para a secretária executiva do MEC, Maria Helena Guimarães de Castro, a redação está ligada ao desempenho em linguagens. Com o apoio básico da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional - um modelo multiperspectivo, designado a dar aos analistas lentes complementares para a interpretação da língua em uso. – esta tese examina aspectos interpessoais referentes à estrutura de gênero – com seus estágios e finalidades, bem como à textura dos TDA, focalizando as escolhas léxicogramaticais do texto (coesão, coerência, modalidade e avaliatividade). A pesquisa deve responder às seguintes perguntas: (a) Quais são os recursos interpessoais que afetam o sucesso da produção de um TDA? (b) Que papel tem a unidade de estrutura de gênero nessa questão? e a unidade de textura? O diagnóstico deve permitir a elaboração de um enquadre que forneça aos professores recursos capazes de guiar os estudantes a escrever textos que satisfaçam as expectativas da audiência acadêmica tanto em termos de estrutura quanto de requisitos linguísticos

Statistical modeling for lexical chains for automatic Chinese news story segmentation.

January 2010 (has links)
Chan, Shing Kai. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-114). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgements --- p.v / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Problem Statement --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2 --- Motivation for Story Segmentation --- p.4 / Chapter 1.3 --- Terminologies --- p.5 / Chapter 1.4 --- Thesis Goals --- p.6 / Chapter 1.5 --- Thesis Organization --- p.8 / Chapter 2 --- Background Study --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1 --- Coherence-based Approaches --- p.10 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Defining Coherence --- p.10 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Lexical Chaining --- p.12 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Cosine Similarity --- p.15 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- Language Modeling --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2 --- Feature-based Approaches --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Lexical Cues --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Audio Cues --- p.23 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Video Cues --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3 --- Pros and Cons and Hybrid Approaches --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4 --- Chapter Summary --- p.27 / Chapter 3 --- Experimental Corpora --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1 --- The TDT2 and TDT3 Multi-language Text Corpus --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Introduction --- p.29 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Program Particulars and Structures --- p.31 / Chapter 3.2 --- Data Preprocessing --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Challenges of Lexical Chain Formation on Chi- nese Text --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Word Segmentation for Word Units Extraction --- p.35 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Part-of-speech Tagging for Candidate Words Ex- traction --- p.36 / Chapter 3.3 --- Chapter Summary --- p.37 / Chapter 4 --- Indication of Lexical Cohesiveness by Lexical Chains --- p.39 / Chapter 4.1 --- Lexical Chain as a Representation of Cohesiveness --- p.40 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Choice of Word Relations for Lexical Chaining --- p.41 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Lexical Chaining by Connecting Repeated Lexi- cal Elements --- p.43 / Chapter 4.2 --- Lexical Chain as an Indicator of Story Segments --- p.48 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Indicators of Absence of Cohesiveness --- p.49 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Indicator of Continuation of Cohesiveness --- p.58 / Chapter 4.3 --- Chapter Summary --- p.62 / Chapter 5 --- Indication of Story Boundaries by Lexical Chains --- p.63 / Chapter 5.1 --- Formal Definition of the Classification Procedures --- p.64 / Chapter 5.2 --- Theoretical Framework for Segmentation Based on Lex- ical Chaining --- p.65 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Evaluation of Story Segmentation Accuracy --- p.65 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Previous Approach of Story Segmentation Based on Lexical Chaining --- p.66 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Statistical Framework for Story Segmentation based on Lexical Chaining --- p.69 / Chapter 5.2.4 --- Post Processing of Ratio for Boundary Identifi- cation --- p.73 / Chapter 5.3 --- Comparing Segmentation Models --- p.75 / Chapter 5.4 --- Chapter Summary --- p.79 / Chapter 6 --- Analysis of Lexical Chains Features as Boundary Indi- cators --- p.80 / Chapter 6.1 --- Error Analysis --- p.81 / Chapter 6.2 --- Window Length in the LRT Model --- p.82 / Chapter 6.3 --- The Relative Importance of Each Set of Features --- p.84 / Chapter 6.4 --- The Effect of Removing Timing Information --- p.92 / Chapter 6.5 --- Chapter Summary --- p.96 / Chapter 7 --- Conclusions and Future Work --- p.98 / Chapter 7.1 --- Contributions --- p.98 / Chapter 7.2 --- Future Works --- p.100 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- Further Extension of the Framework --- p.100 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- Wider Applications of the Framework --- p.105 / Bibliography --- p.106

Die Suche nach der Äquivalenz: Auf einem Streifzug durch drei Disziplinen

Dobrina, Claudia January 2010 (has links)
<p>The concept of equivalence has for many years attracted attention of researchers in variousdisciplines: from mathematics to philosophy to translation theory to terminology. This thesisintends to survey the concept of equivalence in three subject fields all of which focus onlanguages and communication, namely: translation theory, lexicography and terminology. Thepurpose of the paper is twofold: to investigate the theoretical grounds of equivalence in thesethree disciplines and to survey the methods and practices of establishing equivalence inmultilingual terminology work. The results of the theoretical investigation are summed up onthe basis of the terminological concept analysis. Four concepts systems are structured andpresented in the form of concept diagrams (two for translation theory, one for lexicography andone for terminology). The concept systems give an overview of the current understanding ofequivalence in the three subject fields and expose the relations between equivalence and anumber of related concepts. The central theoretical question of the thesis whether equivalencecould be considered the same concept in all three disciplines is answered on the basis of theresults of the terminological concept analysis. The empirical investigation is carried out in theform of case studies in the frame of multilingual terminology work. It focuses on the problemsof establishing equivalence, of determining the degree of equivalence as well as on the methodsand practices of presenting equivalents in various terminological resources.</p>

A contextual analysis of compound nouns in Shona lexicography

Mheta, Gift January 2011 (has links)
This research is in the area of lexicography and investigates the relationship between Shona terminology development and the culture of the language community for which the terminology is intended. It is a contextual analysis of compound nouns found in Shona terminological dictionaries. The study specifically explores how lexicographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists make use of their knowledge about Shona cultural contexts in the creation of compound nouns. Thus, this research foregrounds Shona socio-cultural contexts and meaning generation in terminology development. This study employs a quadruple conceptual framework. The four components of the framework that are utilised are the Traditional Descriptive Approach (TDA), Cognitive Approach (CG), Systemic Functional Approach (SFL), and Semiotic Remediation (SRM). TDA is used in the linguistic categorisation of Shona compound nouns. In addition, it provides the metalanguage with which to describe the constituent parts of Shona compound nouns. As TDA is mainly confined to the linguistic dimension, this research employs CG, SFL, and SRM to explore the cultural and socio-cognitive dimensions of terminology development.

L'attrition de la marque d'usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e (1878) à la 8e (1932-35) édition du Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

Audy, Marie-Line 04 1900 (has links)
Notre mémoire porte sur l’attrition de la marque d’usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e (1878) à la 8e édition du Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (1932-35). L’informatisation des huit éditions achevées de l’ouvrage (Redon 2002), qui permet tant le relevé quantitatif que qualitatif des données, laisse voir que la marque jouit d’une grande stabilité dans les sept premières éditions, mais que son emploi chute considérablement de l’édition de 1878 à celle de 1932-35. Dans les limites notre projet, nous tâchons de comprendre le comment de cette érosion. Pour ce faire, nous avons recensé exhaustivement les lexies touchées de la 7e à la 8e édition, en tenant compte des cas de figure logiquement possibles : retrait d’un article ou d’une lexie dans la 8e édition, lexies partagées avec la 7e édition mais a) dépouillées de la marque, b) marquées différemment ou c) héritières du marquage d’origine. Dans l’édition de 1878, PROVERBIAL s’applique à 4 674 lexies distribuées dans 1 645 articles. Au terme de notre recherche, nous identifions les expressions proverbiales disparues ou maintenues dans le passage crucial de la 7e à la 8e édition du Dictionnaire de l’Académie française. Nous en tirons des résultats qui portent, entre autres, sur la transformation du système de marquage dans la tradition du Dictionnaire de l’institution. / This study looks at the attrition of the usage label PROVERBIAL between the 7th (1878) and 8th edition (1932-35) of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie française. The electronic version of the eight completed editions of this work (Redon 2002), which allows for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data, shows that the label was consistently used in the first seven editions, but that its use falls dramatically between the 1878 and 1932-35 edition. Within the scope of this study, we have tried to identify the reasons behind this reduction. To achieve this, all lexies (~ lexical unit) from the 7th and the 8th edition with this usage label were meticulously noted, while taking into consideration all logically possible cases: the removal of an article or a lexie in the 8th edition, shared lexies with the 7th edition but a) lacking the label, b) labelled differently or c) inheriting the original label. In the 1878 edition, PROVERBIAL is assigned to 4 674 lexies in 1 645 articles. Through our research, we have identified the proverbial expressions that have disappeared or have been maintained during the crucial passage from the 7th to the 8th edition of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie française. We draw conclusions from these results that, amongst other things, address the transformation of the labelling system in the tradition of the institution’s Dictionnaire.

Die lexikographische Methode des Wörterbuchs von Jacob Brodowski / Jokūbo Brodovskio žodyno leksikografinis metodas / The Lexicographical Method of the Dictionary of Jacob Brodowski

Plaušinaitytė, Lina 27 May 2010 (has links)
Die Promotionsschrift „Die lexikographische Metode des Wörterbuchs von Jacob Brodowski“ befasst sich mit dem handschriftlichen deutsch-litauischen Wörterbuch Lexicon Germanico=Lithvanicvm et Lithvanico=Germanicvm (vor 1744, nachstehend – B). Obwohl unvollständig überliefert, gilt dieses Wörterbuch als die größte deutsch-litauische lexikographische Arbeit des 18. Jahrhunderts. Das Ziel der Promotionsschrift ist die Untersuchung der lexikographischen Metode des Wörterbuchs, wobei unter lexikographischer Metode die Gesamtheit der Mittel und Vorgehensweisen verstanden wird, die zur Auwahl und Präsentation des sprachlichen Materials im Wörterbuch dienen. Außerdem umfasst die Untersuchung der lexikographischen Methode die Frage der Wörterbuchquellen. Das erste Kapitel der Dissertation bildet die Einleitung, darauf folgen zwei Kapitel, die einen Überblick über die Entstehungs- und Überlieferungsgeschichte des Wörterbuchs sowie die Lebensumstände des Wörterbuchverfassers bieten. Das vierte und fünfte Kapitel sind der Analyse der Makro- und Mikrostruktur des Wörterbuchs gewidmet. Hier werden der Inhalt und die Struktur des Wörterbuchs eingehend analysiert, die einzigartigen Merkmale des Wörterbuchs herausgearbeitet, das sprachliche Material und seine Präsentationsformen im Wörterbuch näher charakterisiert. Das sechste Kapitel der Dissertation befasst sich mit lexikographischen und nicht lexikographischen Wörterbuchquellen, die jeweils in separaten Abschnitten besprochen werden. Zu... [der volle Text, siehe weiter] / Disertacijoje „Jokūbo Brodovskio žodyno leksikografinis metodas“ tiriamas rankraštinis vokiečių–lietuvių kalbų žodynas Lexicon Germanico=Lithvanicvm et Lithvanico=Germanicvm (prieš 1744, toliau – B). Nors išlikęs nepilnas, šis žodynas laikomas didžiausiu XVIII a. vokiečių–lietuvių kalbų leksikografijos darbu. Disertacijos tikslas yra ištirti ir aprašyti žodyno leksikografinį metodą, kuris suprantamas kaip žodyne pateiktos kalbinės medžiagos atrankos ir pateikimo būdų bei priemonių visuma. Į leksikografinio metodo aprašymą įtrauktas ir žodyno šaltinių tyrimas. Disertacija pradedama įvadu ir dviem apžvalginiais skyriais, skirtais žodyno rankraščio atsiradimo istorijai ir autoriaus gyvenamajam laikotarpiui nušviesti. Ketvirtajame ir penktajame disertacijos skyriuose analizuojama žodyno makrostruktūra ir mikrostruktūra. Čia smulkiai nagrinėjamas B turinys, išskiriami unikalūs jo bruožai ir išsamiai apibūdinama žodyne teikiama leksikografinė informacija bei analizuojamos jos pateikimo formos. Disertacijos šeštasis skyrius skirtas žodyno šaltiniams tirti. Atskiruose skirsniuose aptariami trys pagrindiniai leksikografiniai žodyno šaltiniai ir jų naudojimo pobūdis: Konrado Agricolos Biblijos žodžių konkordancijų Concordantiae Bibliorum, emendatae ac ferè novae […] 1674 m. redakcija, naujai surastas B šaltinis Johanno Jacobo Dentzlerio vokiečių–lotynų kalbų žodynas Clavis Linguae Latinae (1709 m. redakcija) ir paskutiniu žodyno rengimo etapu naudotas anoniminiu laikomas rankraštinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The doctoral thesis „The Lexicographical Method of the Dictionary of Jacob Brodowski“ focuses on the manuscript German-Lithuanian dictionary Lexicon Germanico=Lithvanicvm et Lithvanico=Germanicvm (before 1744, further on – B). Although the manuscript has survived till the present day incomplete, it is considered to be the largest German-Lithuanian dictionary throughout the 18th century. The aim of the thesis is to examine and describe the lexicographical method of Brodovskis’ dictionary which is understood as the whole of means and techniques of selection of linguistic material as well as its presentation in the dictionary. The lexicographical method also covers an analysis of sources of the dictionary. The thesis starts with an introduction, two overviews on the history of the survival of the manuscript and on some special circumstances of author‘s life. The fourth and fifth parts analyse the macrostructure and microstructure of the dictionary. They present a detailed description of the dictionary contents, show its unique characteristics and thoroughly analyse lexicographical information and its presentation forms in B. The sixth part of the thesis focuses on dictionary sources. The most important lexicographical sources of B are discussed in three separate sections: a revised edition of Konrad Agricola‘s concordance to the Bible Concordantiae Bibliorum, emendatae ac ferè novae […] (1674), the German-Latin dictionary Clavis Linguae Latinae by Johann Jacob Dentzler (the... [to full text]

Partager le savoir du lexicographe: extraction et modélisation ontologique des savoirs lexicographiques

Comeau, Sophie 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la lexicologie, la lexicographie et l’enseignement/apprentissage du lexique. Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet Modélisation ontologique des savoirs lexicographiques en vue de leur application en linguistique appliquée, surnommé Lexitation, qui est, à notre connaissance, la première tentative d’extraction des savoirs lexicographiques — i.e. connaissances déclaratives et procédurales utilisées par des lexicographes — utilisant une méthode expérimentale. Le projet repose sur le constat que les savoirs lexicographiques ont un rôle crucial à jouer en lexicologie, mais aussi en enseignement/apprentissage du lexique. Dans ce mémoire, nous décrirons les méthodes et les résultats de nos premières expérimentations, effectuées à l’aide du Think Aloud Protocol (Ericsson et Simon, 1993). Nous expliquerons l’organisation générale des expérimentations et comment les savoirs lexicographiques extraits sont modélisés pour former une ontologie. Finalement, nous discuterons des applications possibles de nos travaux en enseignement du lexique, plus particulièrement pour la formation des maîtres. / This research is about lexicology, lexicography and vocabulary teaching/learning. It is part of a project called Ontologization of lexicographic abilites for use in the fields of applied linguistics, nicknamed Lexitation, which is, to our knowledge, the first attempt at extracting lexicographic abilities using experimental techniques. The project relies on the assumption that lexicographic abilities play a role in teaching and acquisition of lexical knowledge, and not only in lexicography per se. We will describe the methods and results of our initial set of experiments, that are based on the use of so-called Think Aloud Protocol (Ericsson et Simon, 1993). We will explain how experiments have been set up and how we are currently proceeding with the extraction and modeling of various types of knowledge and strategies used by lexicographers while performing lexicographic tasks. Finally, we will present possible applications of our work in the field of language teaching, more specifically, teachers’ training.

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