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Provozování rozhlasového a televizního vysílání jako majetkové právo autorské a zákonná výjimka z něho ve vztahu ke zdravotnickým zařízením / Communication to the public of broadcast works by radio or television receivers as an economic right in copyright and the exception thereto in favour of health establishmentsVěžníková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The intellectual property concept of 'communication to the public of the broadcast works by radio or television receivers' in Article 23 of the Czech copyright act is a current issue especially in a relation to the exception to this right in favour of health establishments that has been called in a question in front of both Czech courts and CJEU. The most important criteria of communication to the public -- laid down by CJEU -- suggest that the concept should be interpreted broadly, covering all transmissions, regardless of the means used and the nature of the place for the communication. A public refers to an indeterminate but fairly high number of people who constitute so called new public. In order to fall within the scope of a lawful exception the criteria of the so called 'three-step test' must be met as well as the formal criteria stated in the abovementioned Article. The most recent cases discussed in this work dealt with the transmission of the protected works by means of television sets located in the bedrooms of the guests of spa establishments. Although it was held by CJEU that this exception does not comply with EU law, it is still part of the Czech law and Czech courts must cope with it.
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Validação cultural e confiabilidade das versões em português das escalas de mobilidade na UTI: Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score e Intensive Care Unit Mobility Scale (IMS) / Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score and Intensive Care Unit Mobility Scale (IMS): Cross-Cultural validation and Reliability of the Brazilian Portuguese versionYurika Maria Fogaça Kawaguchi 11 August 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Realizar a tradução, validação cultural para a língua portuguesa do Brasil e análise de concordância e confiabilidade entre avaliadores das escalas de mobilidade em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) Perme Intensive Care Unit Mobility Score - Perme Score e a Intensive Care Unit Mobility Scale - IMS. Métodos: O processo de tradução e adaptação seguiu as seguintes etapas: Preparação, tradução, reconciliação e síntese, tradução reversa, revisão, aprovação e pré-teste. Após estes processos, a versão em português das duas escalas foi utilizada por dois pesquisadores na avaliação de 103 pacientes críticos internados em UTI. O índice de Kappa e a análise de Bland-Altman foram utilizados para verificar a concordância entre as escalas. O coeficiente ? de Cronbach foi utilizado para verificar a confiabilidade entre os avaliadores no uso das escalas. A correlação entre as escalas foi verificada pelo teste de Spearman. Resultados: Ambas as escalas, Perme Escore e Escala de Mobilidade na UTI - EMU, foram devidamente traduzidas para o Português falado no Brasil. As características dos pacientes críticos avaliados neste estudo demonstrou uma predominância masculina 56 (54%) com idade média de 52±18 anos, apresentando SAPS 3 = 66 (24%). O principal motivo de internação nas UTIS foi descompensação clínica de origem respiratória (44%). Ambas as escalas apresentaram excelente concordância (k > 0,90) e confiabilidade (alfa > 0,90) para todos os domínios. Na análise de Bland-Altman, constatou-se um baixo viés entre os avaliadores tanto para o EMU (-0,048 ± 0,35) quanto para o Escore de Perme (-0,06 ± 0,73). Os limites superiores e inferiores de 95% de concordância foram de 0,64 a -0,73 para o EMU e de 1,36 a -1,5 para o Perme Escore. Além disso, verificou-se forte correlação positiva entre as duas escalas utilizadas para avaliar os pacientes ( =0,941). Conclusão: A versão em português do Escore Perme de mobilidade em UTI (Perme Escore) e da escala de mobilidade em unidade de terapia intensiva (EMU) apresentaram alta concordância e confiabilidade entre os avaliadores / Objectives: Translate, cross cultural validate to Brazilian Portuguese language and analyze the inter-rater reliability with both instruments Perme Score and IMS. Methods: The translation process and the cross cultural validation followed the following steps: preparation, translation, synthesis, back translation, review, approval and pre-test. After this process the Brazilian Portuguese version of the both scales were used by two researchers to evaluated 103 critical care patients. The weighted kappa and Bland Altman analysis were used to verify inter rater agreement. Cronbach-? test was used to evaluate inter rate reliability. The correlation between the scales was verified by the Spearman correlation test. Results: Both scales, Perme escore e EMU, were translated to the Brazilian Portuguese. Most of the patients were male 56 (54%), mean age 52±18, SAPS 3 = 66 (24%). Respiratory failure was the most prevalent reason for admission (44%). Both scales showed an excellent inter rater agreement (k > 0,90) and reliability (alpha > 0,90) for all domains. Bland-Altman analysis showed a low bias between raters either for EMU (-0,048 ± 0,35) and Perme Escore (-0,06 ± 0,73). Upper and lower 95% limits of agreement were 0.64 to -0.73 for the EMU and 1.36 - 1.5 for the Perme Escore. Moreover, it also presented a strong positive correlation between the two instruments ( = 0,941). Conclusion: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the Perme Escore and EMU showed a high agreement and reliability between the raters
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Granskning av 3D-printingens möjligheter vid utformning av byggnader / Review of the 3D-printing possibilities in the design of buildingsBlom, Martina, Landstedt, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: There is today limitations of what is possible to design and in fact produce. In industrial construction the focus is on standardization which impedes an individual design form, which can be considered an architectural quality. The potential of 3Dprinting is growing, which is benefitting design freedom. The goal was to evaluate how 3D-printing in Sweden today could increase architects possibilities at the design process and be production adapted. Method: In a case study at Tengbom in Jönköping, interviews were included with three architects. In addition, a literature review, a telephone interview and a focus group interview formed the basis of the collected material. As an initial phase, a focus group interview was conducted, which resulted in the actors’ opinions about 3D-printing. The architect interviews contributed with high credibility regarding architectural qualities, which together with the other collection methods gave answers to the studies questions. Findings: The study shows that it is possible to print building components in Sweden. However it is not possible, with 3D-printing, to produce entire buildings. It can be shown that there are obstacles for the introduction of the technology, such as economy, Swedish laws and lack of knowledge. These should be reviewed to allow 3D-printing as a manufacturing method. With Rapid Ornament Production larger architectural qualities will conduce to, where 3D-printing allows unique solutions. Solutions no other technology can achieve. Implications: Customized and varied buildings can be achieved thanks to 3D-printing. Building components such as light weight walls, ornaments and details can be produced in Sweden today. One advantage of 3D-printing as a technology, is that it provides greater freedom between design and production. For further development of 3Dprinting a greater knowledge is recommended for industry stakeholders, regarding the drawing tools as well as the 3D-printing technology. Limitations: The result is applicable to architects, working at architectural offices similar to Tengbom in Jönköping. There have not been deeper studies regarding of printing technologies, finances, materials, time or law. A case study as research strategy entails an interpretation of the opinions, which limits the generalization of the results. Keywords: 3D-printing, design, production, architectural qualities, possibilities, limitations, industrial construction. / Syfte: Det finns idag begränsningar för vad som är möjligt att utforma och faktiskt producera. I industriellt byggande ligger fokus på standardisering som försvårar ett individuellt formspråk, vilket kan anses vara en arkitektonisk kvalitet. Potentialen för 3D-printing växer, vilket gynnar utformningsfriheten. Målet var att utvärdera hur 3D-printing i Sverige idag skulle kunna öka arkitektens möjligheter vid utformning och vara produktionsanpassat. Metod: I en fallstudie på Tengbom i Jönköping, ingick intervjuer med tre arkitekter. Utöver detta har en litteraturstudie, telefonintervju och en fokusgrupp legat till grund för insamlat material. Som ett inledande skede genomfördes en fokusgrupp, vilken resulterade i aktörers åsikter om 3D-printing. Arkitektintervjuerna bidrog med hög trovärdighet gällande arkitektoniska kvaliteter, vilket tillsammans med övriga insamlingsmetoder gav svar på studiens frågeställningar. Resultat: Studien visar att det är möjligt att skriva ut byggkomponenter i Sverige. Dock är det inte möjligt att med 3D-printing tillverka hela byggnader. Det kan påvisas att det finns hinder för införandet av tekniken, så som ekonomi, svensk lagstiftning samt bristande kunskap. Dessa bör ses över för att möjliggöra 3D-printing som tillverkningsmetod. I och med Rapid Ornament Production kan större arkitektoniska kvaliteter främjas, där 3D-printing möjliggör unika lösningar. Lösningar ingen annan teknik kan åstadkomma. Konsekvenser: Kundanpassad och varierad bebyggelse kan åstadkommas tack vare 3D-printing. Byggkomponenter så som, lättväggar, ornament och detaljer kan tillverkas i Sverige idag. En fördel med 3D-printing som teknik, är att den ger större frihet mellan projektering och produktion. För vidare utveckling av 3D-printing rekommenderas ökad kunskap för branschens aktörer gällande ritverktygen samt 3D-printings-tekniken. Begränsningar: Resultatet är applicerbart för arkitekter, verksamma vid arkitektkontor av liknande storlek som Tengbom i Jönköping. Det har inte genomförts djupare studier gällande utskriftstekniker, ekonomi, material, tid eller juridik. Fallstudie som undersökningsstrategi innebär en tolkning av åsikter, vilket begränsar generaliseringen av resultatet. Nyckelord: 3D-printing, utformning, produktion, arkitektoniska kvaliteter, möjligheter, begränsningar, industriellt byggande.
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La recherche d'un statut de l'oeuvre transformatrice. Contribution à l'étude de l'oeuvre composite en droit d'auteur. / Transformative worksLéger, Pauline 14 December 2015 (has links)
Plusieurs initiatives d’origines européenne et nationale ont contribué à l’émergence d’un nouveau concept en droit d’auteur : l’œuvre transformatrice. La récurrence et la persistance des débats en la matière prouvent que ce concept ne traduit pas qu’un phénomène conjoncturel. Ces raisons conduisent en conséquence à lui consacrer une étude afin de déterminer la pertinence de l’admission de ce concept en droit d’auteur. L’étude débute par le constat que certains auteurs travaillent en s’adossant volontairement à une ou plusieurs œuvres originelles créées par autrui, qu’ils intègrent à leur processus créatif, aboutissant ainsi à la création d'une œuvre nouvelle. Ces pratiques d’emprunt créatif à l’œuvre d’autrui ont désormais pris une dimension particulière. Celle-ci s’explique d’une part par le développement du numérique. D’autre part, une partie du public, soit les destinataires des œuvres, souhaite participer activement à la création et revendique le droit d’utiliser les œuvres d’autrui comme autant de moyens d’expression et de création. Le législateur a certes envisagé l’hypothèse dans laquelle une œuvre nouvelle procède d'une œuvre préexistante au travers de la catégorie légale des œuvres composites. Cependant, les dispositions éparses qui lui sont consacrées souffrent d’une terminologie et d’un régime imprécis qui n’ont jamais fait l’objet d’une étude juridique approfondie. L’émergence du concept d’œuvre transformatrice illustre l’importance théorique et pratique de remettre en cause cette catégorie légale des œuvres composites. Aussi, la délimitation du concept suppose, dans un premier temps, une nécessaire remise en cause des catégories traditionnelles qui constituent les piliers du droit d'auteur, ainsi que les impératifs auxquels la constitution de ce monopole doit répondre. Cette lecture renouvelée aboutit à circonscrire la notion fonctionnelle d’œuvre transformatrice. Loin de se cantonner à proposer une nouvelle version de l’œuvre originelle, l’auteur de l’œuvre transformatrice exprime une opinion sur l’œuvre d’autrui, en induisant un décalage avec celle-ci. Bien souvent, il a réalisé son œuvre sans l’autorisation de l’auteur de l’œuvre originelle, et leurs droits entrent alors en conflit. Dans un second temps, l’étude s’attelle à appréhender ce conflit de droits. Le droit positif s’avère limité, de sorte qu’il faut affiner l’analyse juridique du lien unissant ces deux auteurs en l’enrichissant de la comparaison avec des mécanismes extérieurs au droit d’auteur, et d’autres issus du droit comparé. En définitive, c’est par le mécanisme de l’exception au droit d’auteur que l’on trouvera le moyen de concilier de manière pérenne les droits de l’auteur originel et ceux de l’auteur de l’œuvre transformatrice. / Transformative work is a new concept in copyright law that is emerging from several recent initiatives across Europe. The recurring debate on this concept indicates that it is not short-lived and highlights the need for a strategy to define a suitable legal framework. The purpose of this study is to assess the relevance of including the concept of transformative works in French and European Union copyright law. The starting point is authors’ integration of original works created by third parties in their creative process so as to generate new pieces of work. These practices are increasing in occurrence, with the rise of the digital age being one explanation of their prevalence. Furthermore, the public appreciates the value of these works and wishes to maintain the right to use third party works as a means of creative expression. The legislator has envisaged categorising new work inspired from pre-existing work as derivative and composite work. Nevertheless, the scarce arrangements that have been developed lack a proper framework and a detailed legal study has yet to be undertaken. The emergence of the concept of transformative work highlights the practical and theoretical need to challenge the legal definition of derivative and composite work. Far from offering a new derived version of the original piece of work, the author of a transformative work expresses an opinion on the third party work, by inserting a differentiating element. Therefore, the format of expression and content justify the legal analysis between the author of the original piece of work and the author of the transformative work. As such, framing the concept involves in the first instance, questioning the traditional pillars of copyright law and their requirements. This new understudy leads to the framing of the definition of transformative work. Secondly, this study focusses on how several copyright laws can co-exist. The content of positive law is limited and therefore, the study helps develop the concept of transformative work by comparing external mechanisms of both copyright and comparative law.In conclusion, incorporating transformative work into copyright law is based on the exception mechanism of copyright law.
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RNAi Mediated Silencing of Cell Wall Invertase Inhibitors to Increase Sucrose Allocation to Sink Tissues in Transgenic Camelina Sativa Engineered with a Carbon Concentrating MechanismZuber, Joshua 17 July 2015 (has links)
Plant invertases are a class of proteins that have enzymatic function in cleaving sucrose to fructose and glucose. Cell wall invertase, located on the exterior of the cell wall of plant cells, plays a key role in the unloading of sucrose from the apoplast to the sink tissues. Cell wall invertase interacts with an inhibitor, cell wall invertase inhibitor, post-transcriptionally to regulate its activity. The inhibitor is constitutively expressed in pollen development, early developing seeds, and senescing leaves: indicative of sucrose allocation being a limiting factor at these stages of development. We introduced algal bicarbonate transporters LCIA/CCP1 to Camelina sativa for the purpose of increasing photosynthetic capacity. The bicarbonate transporters concentrate CO2 at RuBisCO by pumping CO2 in the form of bicarbonate through the membrane, then converting it back to CO2 at RuBisCO, increasing CO2 concentration. Results from these plants have shown an increase in seed number, but not seed mass, along with a faster rate of maturity and senescence. This is indicative of acclimation to high CO2 conditions, resulting from insertion of the bicarbonate transporters. RNA sequencing was performed and a putative invertase inhibitor was recognized as being expressed in the transgenic C. sativa but not in the wild type. Our strategy is to knock out two invertase inhibitors using induced RNA silencing, dramatically altering sucrose allocation into developing seeds and resulting in an increase in seed biomass. It is the aim of this research to increase the biomass of C. sativa seeds in order to increase its effectiveness as an agent to create sustainable biofuels.
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Omezení svéprávnosti osob se zdravotním postižením / Limitation of legal capacity for persons with disabilitiesKolářová, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
The Master's dissertation entitled Limitation of legal capacity for persons with disabilities examines problematics of rights and obligations of clients in protected housing and housing for people with disabilities. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. Basic concepts that are connected to legal capacity are outlined in the theoretical part. These are followed by the rights and obligations of the client and the institute of guardianship. Concepts of mental retardation and its diagnosis and methods of working with people with mental disabilities are outlined as well. The end of the theoretical part of the dissertation deals with the approach to deinstitutionalisation. The method of qualitative research was employed within the research survey. Data were obtained by the method of questioning and technique of semi-structured interviews. The research sample consists of addressing two facilities with constitutional service and two facilities with community service. The main aim of the practical part of the thesis is to compare how people with mental disabilities are limited by legal capacity in housing for people with disabilities and protected housing with appointed guardians. Semi-structured interviews and document studies serve as a help to support this aim. Acquired data...
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Contributions d'un modèle microscopique à la résolution du problème de construction d'une grille horaire et à la planification des activités de maintenance de l'infrastructure ferroviaire / Contributions on microscopic approaches to solve the train timetabling problem and its integration to the performance of infrastructure maintenance activitiesArenas Pimentel, Luis Diego 14 December 2016 (has links)
La plupart des systèmes ferroviaires subissent une demande croissante de capacité. Pour y faire face, il faut construire de nouvelles infrastructures ou exploiter plus efficacement celles existantes, notamment en définissant des grilles horaires optimisées. Dans la littérature, la plupart des approches de construction des grilles sont basées sur des représentations macroscopiques de l'infrastructure, ce qui peut conduireà des solutions infaisables ou inefficaces. En revanche, les approches microscopiques reposent sur une modélisation réaliste du système ferroviaire, ce qui garantit la faisabilité et l'efficacité des résultats. Néanmoins, en raison de leur complexité, l'utilisation de ces approches est généralement limitée à une seule gare. Malgré l'optimisation de la grille horaire, les travaux de maintenance peuvent avoir un fort impact sur les circulations des trains. En présence de maintenances, il peut donc être nécessaire de redéfinir la grille horaire pour assurer une exploitation efficace de la capacité. Nous présentons deux contributions principales sous forme de deux approches microscopiques : une pour la conception de grilles horaires et l'autre pour leur redéfinition en cas de maintenance. La deuxième est la première approche microscopique qui apparaît dans la littérature pour aborder ce problème tout en considérant des aspects comme les limitations temporaires de vitesse. Nous démontrons la validité de nos approches et leur applicabilité dans des scénarios réels. De plus, nous montrons que les approches microscopiques peuvent être utilisées pour traiter des zones de l'infrastructure contenant plusieurs gares. / Most railway systems experience a growing demand of railway capacity. To face this demand, either new infrastructure must be built or a more efficient exploitation of the existing one must be attained. Timetables play a determinant role in the efficient capacity exploitation. Most timetabling approaches in the literature are based on macroscopic representations of the infrastructure. This may lead to inefficient and in some cases, impractical solutions. Instead, microscopic approaches are based on more realistic modelling of the elements of the railway system. This guarantees the feasibility of the timetables while promoting an efficient capacity exploitation. However, due to their complexity, the scope of microscopic approaches is typically restricted to main stations. Despite the optimization of timetables, the performance of infrastructure maintenance may severely impact the trains' circulations in the network. Therefore, the timetable may have to be rearranged to ensure an efficient capacity exploitation. We present two main contributions in this thesis: first, a microscopic approach for timetable design. Second, a microscopic approach for timetable rearrangement to cope with maintenance. This is the first microscopic approach in the literature to tackle this problem while also considering specific aspects as temporary speed limitations. After a thorough experimental analysis, we demonstrate the validity of our approaches and their practical applicability in real life scenarios. In particular, we show that microscopic approaches can be used to tackle large areas of the infrastructure, including several stations.
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Quality Assurance of Exposure Models for Environmental Risk Assessment of Substances / Qualitätssicherung von Expositionsmodellen zur Umweltrisikoabschätzung von SubstanzenSchwartz, Stefan 04 September 2000 (has links)
Environmental risk assessment of chemical substances in the European Union is based on a harmonised scheme. The required models and parameters are
laid down in the Technical Guidance Document (TGD) and are implemented in the EUSES software. An evaluation study of the TGD exposure models was
carried out. In particular, the models for estimating chemical intake by humans were investigated. The objective of this study was two-fold: firstly, to
develop an evaluation methodology, since no appropriate approach is available in the scientific literature. Secondly, to elaborate applicability and limitations
of the models and to provide proposals for their improvement.
The principles of model evaluation in terms of quality assurance, model validation and software evaluation were elaborated and a suitable evaluation protocol
for chemical risk assessment models was developed. Quality assurance of a model includes internal (e.g. an investigation of the underlying theory) and
external (e.g. a comparison of the results with experimental data) validation, and addresses the evaluation of the respective software. It should focus not
only on the predictive capability of a model, but also on the strength of the theoretical underpinnings, evidence supporting the model?s conceptualisation, the
database and the software. The external validation was performed using a set of reference substances with different physico-chemical properties and use
patterns. Additionally, sensitivity and uncertainty analyses were carried out, and alternative models were discussed. Recommendations for improvements
and maintenance of the risk assessment methodology were presented. To perform the software evaluation quality criteria for risk assessment software were
From a theoretical point of view, it was shown that the models strongly depend on the lipophilicity of the substance, that the underlying assumptions
drastically limit the applicability, and that realistic concentrations may seldom be expected. If the models are applied without adjustment, high uncertainties
must inevitably be expected. However, many cases were found in which the models deliver highly valuable results. The overall system was classified as a
good compromise between complexity and practicability. But several chemicals and classes of chemicals, respectively, with several restrictions were
revealed: The investigated models used to assess indirect exposure to humans are in parts currently not applicable for dissociating compounds, very polar
compounds, very lipophilic compounds, ions, some surfactants, and compounds in which metabolites provide the problems and mixtures. In a strict sense, the
method is only applicable for persistent, non-dissociating chemicals of intermediate lipophilicity. Further limitations may exist. Regarding the software, it
was found that EUSES basically fulfils the postulated criteria but is highly complex and non-transparent. To overcome the inadequacies a more modular design is proposed.
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Infografik för alla (IFA) : design av information för individer med synvariationer / Infographics for all (IFA) : designing information for the visually impairedBrännström, Sanne, Lunnerhag, Miranda January 2020 (has links)
Infografik har blivit en populär metod för att visualisera information i det digitala samhället. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på hur användare med normal synförmåga på webben uppfattar infografik, men det finns ett behov av att undersöka infografik utifrån ett tillgänglighetsperspektiv för att inkludera användare med synvariationer. I denna studie presenteras designkonceptet “IFA”, som står för “Infografik För Alla”, som är framtaget i syfte att ta reda på hur ett designkoncept för infografik mot en synvarierad målgrupp kan konceptualiseras för att stödja dessa. Konceptet tas fram i enlighet med konceptdriven designforskning. I konceptet presenteras ett eget bidrag i form av färg, nämligen violett, något som författarna inte stött på tidigare inom ämnets forskningsfält. Tidigare rekommenderade färger som turkos och magenta testades och visade sig vara otillgängliga för målgruppen. I övrigt bekräftade konceptet även befintliga teorier, som vikten av hög kontrast mellan text och bakgrund och en lagom stor typgrad. Förslag på framtida forskning kan vara att testa konceptet “IFA” i en verklig kontext, samt att ta fram en version av konceptet som bygger på motsatsen till vad som rekommenderas i denna studie, detta för att kunna jämföra effekterna i en verklighetskontext. / Infographics has become a popular method for displaying information in the digital society. Previous research have mainly focused on how people with normal visual ability perceive infographics on the web, but there is a certain need to examine infographics from a perspective that focuses on accessibility to include people with visual impairment. This paper presents the design concept “IFA”, which stands for “Infographics For All”. The concept was developed with the aim of finding out how a design concept for infographics for the visually impaired can be designed, and was developed by concept-driven design research. The design concept presents a color contribution, the color violet, which the authors have not encountered in the research field of the subject before. Previously recommended colors such as turquoise and magenta were tested and proved inaccessible to the target group. The research of the design concept also confirmed existing theories, such as the importance of high contrast between text and background and fairly large font sizes. Suggestions for future research may contain to test the concept, “IFA”, in a real-life user context, as well as to develop a version of the concept that is based on the opposite of what is recommended in this thesis, to compare the effects of the concepts in a real-life user context.
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Matematické modelování hemodynamiky u mozkových aneurysmat / Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Intracranial AneurysmsSejkorová, Alena January 2021 (has links)
Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Intracranial Aneurysms Analysis of time-dependent changes of hemodynamic parameters - the road the clinical use Hemodynamics are involved in the genesis of intracranial aneurysms and time- dependent changes of their parameters lead to aneurysm growth, stabilization or rupture. Definition of these changes using computational fluid hemodynamics could significantly contribute to the understanding of aneurysmal development and rupture and could enable the routine use of mathematical simulations. In this study, computational fluid dynamics were performed for nine incidental aneurysms. Five aneurysms were monitored throughout time and factors leading to aneurysm rupture were analyzed. In four aneurysms the influence of the hemodynamics on the growth was defined. Major growth occurred in areas of low wall shear stress and oscillatory index. These areas increased in size during growth time. Contrary to this, neck shape remodeling occurred in areas with large wall shear stress and pressure. Throughout the follow-up of ruptured aneurysms, the minimal wall shear stress decreased, and the area of low wall shear stress increased significantly. The results indicate that decreasing values of minimal wall shear stress and increasing values of low wall shear stress area...
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