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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Získávání znalostí z multimediálních databází / Knowledge Discovery in Multimedia Databases

Jirmásek, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
This master's thesis deals with knowledge discovery in databases, especially basic methods of classification and prediction used for data mining are described here. The next chapter contains introduction to multimedia databases and knowledge discovery in multimedia databases. The main goal of this chapter was to focus on extraction of low level features from video data and images. In the next parts of this work, there is described data set and results of experiments in applications RapidMiner, LibSVM and own developed application. The last chapter summarises results of used methods for high level feature extraction from low level description of data.

Získávání znalostí z multimediálních databází / Knowledge Discovery in Multimedia Databases

Jurčák, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis is dedicated to theme of knowledge discovery in Multimedia Databases, especially basic methods of classification and prediction used for data mining. The other part described about extraction of low level features from video data and images and summarizes information about content-based search in multimedia content and indexing this type of data. Final part is dedicated to implementation Gaussian mixtures model for classification and compare the final result with other method SVM.

Multi-modal Reading For Low Level Readers

O'Neal, Jamie 01 January 2010 (has links)
The value of this research hinges on the idea that exchanging illustrations for descriptive text can provide appropriate schemas for students with reading difficulties and thereby improve their comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. The research in this dissertation is based on theories and earlier research in the fields of psychology, education, reading, and narratology. A review of these fields offers a variety of perspectives on the processes involved in reading and comprehension. These processes range from the physical systems involved in reading (e.g., early childhood development, eye movement) to the psychological systems, which include cognitive load theory as well as image and text processing models. This study compares two reading methods by analyzing students' vocabulary and comprehension gains. Both groups read the same text and completed the same pre- and post-tests. The control group read the text from the book which was text only. The experimental group read from a modified text on the computer screen. The text was modified by replacing some sentences with images designed to transmit the same information (e.g., descriptions of the setting, vocabulary items) in a graphic format. The images were in-line with the text, and designed to be read as part of the story, not as additional illustrations. Final analysis shows that the experimental format performed as well as the control format for most students. However, students who have learning disabilities, particularly language learners who have learning disabilities, did not make gains in the text only control format. These same students did show statistically significant gains with the experimental format, particularly the section of reading where the vocabulary words were explicitly presented in the images. Disparate, non-homogenous groupings of students reflect the actual teaching and learning circumstances in the school, as required by the school system. This situation thus represents the actual status quo situation faced by teachers in our school. We leave it to future researchers to work with more homogenous groups of students in order to attain clearer, stronger and more plaintively useful results.

Primordial nuclides and low-level counting at Felsenkeller

Turkat, Steffen 14 November 2023 (has links)
Within cosmology, there are two entirely independent pillars which can jointly drive this field towards precision: Astronomical observations of primordial element abundances and the detailed surveying of the cosmic microwave background. However, the comparatively large uncertainty stemming from the nuclear physics input is currently still hindering this effort, i.e. stemming from the 2H(p,γ)3He reaction. An accurate understanding of this reaction is required for precision data on primordial nucleosynthesis and an independent determination of the cosmological baryon density. Elsewhere, our Sun is an exceptional object to study stellar physics in general. While we are now able to measure solar neutrinos live on earth, there is a lack of knowledge regarding theoretical predictions of solar neutrino fluxes due to the limited precision (again) stemming from nuclear reactions, i.e. from the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction. This thesis sheds light on these two nuclear reactions, which both limit our understanding of the universe. While the investigation of the 2H(p,γ)3He reaction will focus on the determination of its crosssection in the vicinity of the Gamow window for the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the main aim for the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction will be a measurement of its γ-ray angular distribution at astrophysically relevant energies. In addition, the installation of an ultra-low background counting setup will be reported which further enables the investigation of the physics of rare events. This is essential for modern nuclear astrophysics, but also relevant for double beta decay physics and the search for dark matter. The presented setup is now the most sensitive in Germany and among the most sensitive ones worldwide. / Innerhalb der Kosmologie gibt es zwei völlig unabhängige Ansätze, die gemeinsam die Präzision in diesem Gebiet weiter vorantreiben können: Astronomische Beobachtungen der primordialen Elementhäufigkeiten und die detaillierte Vermessung des kosmischen Mikrowellenhintergrunds. Dieses Vorhaben wird derzeit allerdings noch durch die vergleichsweise große Unsicherheit des kernphysikalischen Inputs verhindert, vor allem bedingt durch das limitierte Verständnis der 2H(p,γ)3He-Reaktion. Eine präzise Vermessung dieser Reaktion ist sowohl für die Präzisionsdaten zur primordialen Nukleosynthese erforderlich, als auch für die damit einhergehende unabhängige Bestimmung der kosmologischen Baryonendichte. Des Weiteren ist unsere Sonne ein exzellent geeignetes Objekt, um unser theoretisches Verständnis über die Physik von Sternen mit experimentellen Messungen abgleichen zu können. Während wir heutzutage in der Lage sind, solare Neutrinos in Echtzeit auf der Erde messen können, mangelt es noch an der theoretischen Vorhersagekraft von solaren Neutrinoflüssen. Auch hier ist die Präzision (erneut) begrenzt durch das limitierte Verständnis der beteiligten Kernreaktionen, vor allem bedingt durch mangelnde Kenntnis über die 3He(α,γ)7Be-Reaktion. Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet diese zwei Kernreaktionen, die beide unser Verständnis des Universums auf verschiedene Weise einschränken. Während sich die Untersuchung der 2H(p,γ)3He-Reaktion auf die Bestimmung ihres Wirkungsquerschnitts in der Nähe des Gamow-Fensters für die Urknall-Nukleosynthese konzentriert, ist das Hauptanliegen für die 3He(α,γ)7Be-Reaktion eine Messung der Winkelverteilung der dabei emittierten γ-Strahlung bei astrophysikalisch relevanten Energien. Darüber hinaus wird über die Installation eines Messaufbaus zur Untersuchung niedriger Aktivitäten berichtet, das sich durch seine äußerst geringe Untergrundzählrate auszeichnet. Bedingt durch seine hohe Sensitivität kann dieser Aufbau in Zukunft bedeutende Beiträge für die moderne nukleare Astrophysik leisten und ist darüber hinaus beispielsweise auch relevant für die Untersuchung von Doppel-Betazerfällen oder die Suche nach dunkler Materie. Der präsentierte Aufbau ist nun der Sensitivste seiner Art in Deutschland und gehört zu den Sensitivsten weltweit.

An investigation of postural and visual stressors and their interactions during computer work

Treaster, Delia E. 15 August 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Realizing Low-Latency Internet Services via Low-Level Optimization of NFV Service Chains : Every nanosecond counts!

Farshin, Alireza January 2019 (has links)
By virtue of the recent technological developments in cloud computing, more applications are deployed in a cloud. Among these modern cloud-based applications, some require bounded and predictable low-latency responses. However, the current cloud infrastructure is unsuitable as it cannot satisfy these requirements, due to many limitations in both hardware and software. This licentiate thesis describes attempts to reduce the latency of Internet services by carefully studying the currently available infrastructure, optimizing it, and improving its performance. The focus is to optimize the performance of network functions deployed on commodity hardware, known as network function virtualization (NFV). The performance of NFV is one of the major sources of latency for Internet services. The first contribution is related to optimizing the software. This project began by investigating the possibility of superoptimizing virtualized network functions(VNFs). This began with a literature review of available superoptimization techniques, then one of the state-of-the-art superoptimization tools was selected to analyze the crucial metrics affecting application performance. The result of our analysis demonstrated that having better cache metrics could potentially improve the performance of all applications. The second contribution of this thesis employs the results of the first part by taking a step toward optimizing cache performance of time-critical NFV service chains. By doing so, we reduced the tail latencies of such systems running at 100Gbps. This is an important achievement as it increases the probability of realizing bounded and predictable latency for Internet services. / Tack vare den senaste tekniska utvecklingen inom beräkningar i molnet(“cloud computing”) används allt fler tillämpningar i molnlösningar. Flera avdessa moderna molnbaserade tillämpningar kräver korta svarstider är låga ochatt dessa ska vara förutsägbara och ligga inom givna gränser. Den nuvarandemolninfrastrukturen är dock otillräcklig eftersom den inte kan uppfylla dessa krav,på grund av olika typer av begränsningar i både hårdvara och mjukvara. I denna licentiatavhandling beskrivs försök att minska fördröjningen iinternettjänster genom att noggrant studera den nuvarande tillgängligainfrastrukturen, optimera den och förbättra dess prestanda. Fokus ligger påatt optimera prestanda för nätverksfunktioner som realiseras med hjälp avstandardhårdvara, känt som nätverksfunktionsvirtualisering (NFV). Prestanda hosNFV är en av de viktigaste källorna till fördröjning i internettjänster. Det första bidraget är relaterat till att optimera mjukvaran. Detta projektbörjade med att undersöka möjligheten att “superoptimera” virtualiseradenätverksfunktioner (VNF). Detta inleddes med en litteraturöversikt av tillgängligasuperoptimeringstekniker, och sedan valdes ett av de toppmodernasuperoptimeringsverktygen för att analysera de viktiga mätvärden som påverkartillämpningssprestanda. Resultatet av vår analys visade att bättre cache-mätningar potentiellt skulle kunna förbättra prestanda för alla tillämpningar. Det andra bidraget i denna avhandling utnyttjar resultaten från den förstadelen genom att ta ett steg mot att optimera cache-prestanda för tidskritiskakedjor av NFV-tjänster. Genom att göra så reducerade vi de långa fördröjningarnahos sådana system som kördes vid 100 Gbps. Detta är en viktig bedrift eftersomdetta ökar sannolikheten för att uppnå en begränsad och förutsägbar fördrörninghos internettjänster. / <p>QC 20190415</p> / Time-Critical Clouds / ULTRA

選址政策中的信任與風險溝通: 以台灣低放射性廢棄物最終處置場為例 / Trust and Risk Communication of Site Selection Policy: a Case Study of Taiwan's Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

朱文妮, Chu, Wen Ni Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以台灣「低放選址政策」的信任問題為主題,採用文獻研究、調查訪談、焦點座談、問卷調查等多元研究方法,一方面參照並補充TCC模型作為理論架構,分析「信任」如何分別透過其知識與非知識屬性,影響台東與金門兩縣民眾的最終處置場設施接受度,藉以充實對公共政策中不行動面向之理解,並增加對非科學理性因素之重視。另方面,則綜合實證分析結果,並參酌近期國/內外選址的風險溝通經驗,探討「低放選址政策」如何納入重建信任的風險溝通模式,以協調科學與民主、專家與民眾在決策過程中的關係。研究結果指出,「低放選址政策」的信任問題,彰顯了過去人們用以確保政府機關不負所託的科學理性及專家決策模式,在現代風險社會中,不再足以讓民眾繼續作出授予信任的判斷,並在風險議題中合作。有鑑於在信任的分類與運作模式中,受價值相似性啟發的信任,主導了對科學證據與信心的詮釋。因此,對風險議題進行社會選擇的決策模式,必須能夠重塑集體的價值相似性,形成新的信任穩定機制。本論文乃建議一個重視「代表性、共同框架、決策影響力」的參與式對話平台,將可藉由政策審議架構,尋求在共享價值下,可被普遍接受的正義原則及解決之道,以提升「低放選址政策」的接受度與正當性。 / In this study, the author focused on the trust problems related to the “low radioactive waste disposal site selection” topic and adopted the literature review, survey interview, focus group, and questionnaire survey study methods. One of the objectives was to reference and supplement the TCC model as the theoretical framework to analyze how “trust” as well as its knowledge and non-knowledge attributes can affect acceptance for the final disposal site by the people of Taitung and Kinmen in order to enrich our understanding of the inaction in public policies and strengthen the emphasis on non-scientific rationality factors. The other objective was to incorporate the analysis and empirical results, reference the recent domestic/foreign disposal site selection risk communication experiences, and explore how to incorporate a trust rebuilding risk-communication method into the low radioactive waste disposal site selection, in order to coordinate the relationships between science and democracy as well as the experts and citizens throughout the policy-making process. The trust problems related to low radioactive waste disposal site selection discussed in this study highlight the fact that the scientific rationality and expert policy-making mode relied upon by the government agencies are no longer sufficient for the people to trust the government’s judgments or cooperate in the risk topics during the modern risk society. In terms of TCC model, trust inspired by value similarities drives the interpretation of scientific evidence and confidence. Therefore, the policy-making process that enable to risk-topic related social choice must be able to reshape the shared value and form a new trust stabilization mechanism. In this study, the author proposed a participative discourse platform that emphasizes on “representation, collaborative framing, and decision impacts” may adopt the framework for policy deliberation in search of shared values, as well as generally accepted justice principles and solutions, in order to enhance the acceptance and legitimacy for the low radioactive waste disposal site selection.

Cohorte de patients avec le VIH/SIDA : échecs virologiques et effets de thérapies antirétrovirales sur la fonction rénale et l'hyperbilirubinémie

Laprise, Claudie 03 1900 (has links)
Le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) est à l’origine d’une infection chronique, elle-même responsable du développement du syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA), un état de grande vulnérabilité où le corps humain est à la merci d’infections opportunistes pouvant s’avérer fatales. Aujourd’hui, 30 ans après la découverte du virus, même si aucun vaccin n’a réussi à contrôler la pandémie, la situation s’est grandement améliorée. Conséquemment à l’arrivée de traitements antirétroviraux hautement actifs (HAART) à la fin des années 1990, la mortalité associée au VIH/SIDA a diminué et un plus grand nombre de personnes vivent maintenant avec l'infection. La présente thèse avait pour objectif d’aborder trois situations problématiques, en dépit de l’efficacité reconnue des HAART, plus particulièrement la faible charge virale persistante (LLV) et sa relation avec l’échec virologique, ainsi que les effets de certains antirétroviraux (ARV) sur les fonctions rénale et hépatique. Les objectifs précis étaient donc les suivants : 1) étudier le risque d’échec virologique à long terme chez les patients sous HAART dont la charge virale est indétectable comparativement aux patients affichant une LLV persistante; 2) évaluer sur le long terme la perte de fonction rénale associée à la prise de ténofovir (TDF) 3) étudier sur le long terme l'hyperbilirubinémie associée à la prise d’atazanavir (ATV) et ses autres déterminants possibles. Afin d’atteindre les trois objectifs susmentionnés, une cohorte de 2 416 patients atteints du VIH/SIDA, suivis depuis juillet 1977 et résidant à Montréal, a été utilisée. Pour le premier objectif, les résultats obtenus ont montré un risque accru d’échec virologique établi à >1000 copies/ml d’ARN VIH chez tous les patients qui présentaient une LLV persistante de différentes catégories durant aussi peu que 6 mois. En effet, on a observé qu’une LLV de 50-199 copies/ml persistant pendant six mois doublait le risque d’échec virologique (Hazard ratio (HR)=2,22, Intervalle de confiance (CI) 95 %:1,60–3,09). Ces résultats pourraient modifier la façon dont on aborde actuellement la gestion des patients affichant une LLV, et plus particulièrement une LLV de 50-199 copies/ml, pour laquelle aucune recommandation clinique n’a encore été formulée en raison du manque de données. Pour le deuxième objectif, on a observé une augmentation du risque de perte de fonction rénale de l’ordre de 63 % (HR=1,63; 95% CI:1,26–2,10) chez les patients sous TDF comparativement aux patients traités avec d’autres ARV. La perte de fonction rénale directement attribuable à la prise de TDF, indique que cette perte est survenue au cours des premières années de l’exposition du patient au médicament. D’une perspective à long terme, cette perte est considérée comme modérée. Enfin, pour ce qui est du troisième objectif, on a constaté que l’incidence cumulative d’hyperbilirubinémie était très élevée chez les patients sous ATV, mais que cette dernière pouvait régresser lorsque l’on mettait fin au traitement. L’hyperbilirubinémie à long terme observée avec la prise d’ATV n’a été associée à aucun effet néfaste pour la santé. Dans l’ensemble, la présente thèse a permis de mieux comprendre les trois situations problématiques susmentionnées, qui font actuellement l’objet de débats au sein de la communauté scientifique, et d’éclairer sous un jour nouveau la gestion des patients séropositifs sous traitement médicamenteux. / Human immonudeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus causing a chronic infection responsible for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a state of vulnerability of the body where different opportunistic infections will ultimately be fatal. About 30 years after the discovery of the virus, even if no vaccine is available to control the pandemia, situation has changed for the best. With the arrival of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) in the late 90's, a reduction in HIV/AIDS mortality rate and growing number of persons living with the infection were observed. The overall objective of this thesis was to address three problematic situations, despite recognised HAART efficacy, especially low-level viremia (LLV) and its relationship with virologic failure, and the impacts of certain antiretrovirals (ARV) on kidney and hepatic functions. The specific objectives were: 1) to study the risk of virologic failure in long-term perspective in undetectable patients under HAART in comparison to patients with persistent LLV; 2) to evaluate the long-term loss of kidney function related to tenofovir (TDF) exposure 3) to evaluate long-term hyperbilirubinemia related to atazanavir (ATV) exposure and other possible determinants. In order to address the three specific objectives, a cohort of patients 2416 living with HIV/AIDS followed in Montreal since July 1977 was used. For the first objective, analyses and results shown an increased risk of virological failure defined as >1000 copies/mL of HIV RNA, for all categories of persistent LLV as soon as 6 months of persistent duration. Persistent LLV of 50-199 copies/mL for 6 months doubled the risk of virologic failure (Hazard ratio (HR)=2,22, Confidence interval (CI) 95%: 1,60-3,09). The results shed new light for the management of patients with LLV, especially for LLV of 50-199 copies/mL, for which no clinical recommendation is currently available due to a lack of data. For the second objective, an increased risk of loss of kidney function of 63% (HR=1.63; 95% CI:1.26–2.10) associated to TDF exposure in comparison to patients taking other ARV was observed. The cumulative eGFR loss directly attribuable to TDF also shown that this loss occured during the first years of exposure. This loss was mild in a long-term perspective. For the third objective, it has been shown that the cumulative incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in ATV users was very high and that regression was possible if ATV exposure was ended. Long-term hyperbilirubinemia related to ATV use was not associated with adverse health outcome. Overall, this thesis allowed a better understanding of these three problematics currently debated in scientific literature and shed new lights on management of HIV positive patients under therapy.

The relationship between early and intermediate level spatial vision during typical development and in autism spectrum disorder

Perreault, Audrey 01 1900 (has links)
Certaines recherches ont investigué le traitement visuel de bas et de plus hauts niveaux chez des personnes neurotypiques et chez des personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Cependant, l’interaction développementale entre chacun de ces niveaux du traitement visuel n’est toujours pas bien comprise. La présente thèse a donc deux objectifs principaux. Le premier objectif (Étude 1) est d’évaluer l’interaction développementale entre l’analyse visuelle de bas niveaux et de niveaux intermédiaires à travers différentes périodes développementales (âge scolaire, adolescence et âge adulte). Le second objectif (Étude 2) est d’évaluer la relation fonctionnelle entre le traitement visuel de bas niveaux et de niveaux intermédiaires chez des adolescents et des adultes ayant un TSA. Ces deux objectifs ont été évalué en utilisant les mêmes stimuli et procédures. Plus précisément, la sensibilité de formes circulaires complexes (Formes de Fréquences Radiales ou FFR), définies par de la luminance ou par de la texture, a été mesurée avec une procédure à choix forcés à deux alternatives. Les résultats de la première étude ont illustré que l’information locale des FFR sous-jacents aux processus visuels de niveaux intermédiaires, affecte différemment la sensibilité à travers des périodes développementales distinctes. Plus précisément, lorsque le contour est défini par de la luminance, la performance des enfants est plus faible comparativement à celle des adolescents et des adultes pour les FFR sollicitant la perception globale. Lorsque les FFR sont définies par la texture, la sensibilité des enfants est plus faible comparativement à celle des adolescents et des adultes pour les conditions locales et globales. Par conséquent, le type d’information locale, qui définit les éléments locaux de la forme globale, influence la période à laquelle la sensibilité visuelle atteint un niveau développemental similaire à celle identifiée chez les adultes. Il est possible qu’une faible intégration visuelle entre les mécanismes de bas et de niveaux intermédiaires explique la sensibilité réduite des FFR chez les enfants. Ceci peut être attribué à des connexions descendantes et horizontales immatures ainsi qu’au sous-développement de certaines aires cérébrales du système visuel. Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont démontré que la sensibilité visuelle en autisme est influencée par la manipulation de l’information locale. Plus précisément, en présence de luminance, la sensibilité est seulement affectée pour les conditions sollicitant un traitement local chez les personnes avec un TSA. Cependant, en présence de texture, la sensibilité est réduite pour le traitement visuel global et local. Ces résultats suggèrent que la perception de formes en autisme est reliée à l’efficacité à laquelle les éléments locaux (luminance versus texture) sont traités. Les connexions latérales et ascendantes / descendantes des aires visuelles primaires sont possiblement tributaires d’un déséquilibre entre les signaux excitateurs et inhibiteurs, influençant ainsi l’efficacité à laquelle l’information visuelle de luminance et de texture est traitée en autisme. Ces résultats supportent l’hypothèse selon laquelle les altérations de la perception visuelle de bas niveaux (local) sont à l’origine des atypies de plus hauts niveaux chez les personnes avec un TSA. / Most studies investigating visual perception in typically developing populations and in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have assessed lower- (local) and higher-levels (global) of processing in isolation. However, much less is known about the developmental interactions between mechanisms mediating early- and intermediate-level vision in both typically developing populations and in ASD. Based on such premise, the present thesis had two main objectives. The first objective (Study 1) was to evaluate the developmental interplay between low- and intermediate-levels of visual analysis at different periods of typical development (school-age, adolescence and adulthood). The second objective (Study 2) was to evaluate the functional relationship between low- and intermediate-levels of visual analysis in adolescents and adults diagnosed with ASD. Common methodologies were used to assess both objectives. Specifically, sensitivity to slightly curved circles (Radial Frequency Patterns or RFP), defined by luminance or texture information, was measured using a two alternative temporal forced choice procedure. Results obtained in Study 1 demonstrated that local information defining a RFP (mediated by intermediate visual mechanisms) differentially affected sensitivity at different periods of development. Specifically, when the contour was luminance-defined, children performed worse when compared to adolescents and adults only when RFPs targeted a global processing style (few deformations along the RFP’s contour). When RFPs were texture-defined, children’s sensitivity was worse compared to that of adolescents and adults for both local and global conditions. Therefore, timing of adult-like sensitivity to RFPs is dependent on the type of local physical elements defining its global shape. Poor visual integration between low and intermediate visual mechanisms, which could be attributed to immature feedback and horizontal connections as well as under-developed visual cortical areas, may account for such reduced sensitivity in children. Results obtained from Study 2 demonstrated that manipulating the local physical elements of RFPs impacts visual sensitivity in ASD. Specifically, sensitivity to RFPs is unaffected in ASD only when visual analysis is dependent on local deformations of luminance-defined contours. However, sensitivity is reduced for both local and global visual analysis when shapes are texture-defined. Such results suggest that intermediate-level, shape perception in ASD is functionally related to the efficacy with which local physical elements (luminance versus texture) are processed. It is possible that abnormal lateral or feed-forward / feedback connectivity within primary visual areas in ASD, which possibly arise from excitatory / inhibitory signalling imbalance, accounts for differential efficacy with which luminance and texture information is processed in ASD. These results support the hypothesis that atypical higher-level perception in ASD, when present, may have early (local) visual origins.

Efeito fotobiomodulador da terapia laser de baixa intensidade na transição inflamação-reparo em modelo de lesão pulmonar / Effect of low level laser therapy in the transition between inflammation and repair in a model of lung injury

Cury, Vivian 22 October 2013 (has links)
A terapia laser de baixa intensidade (LLLT) é capaz de modular a resposta inflamatória em vários modelos experimentais, reduzindo o infiltrado de células do sistema imune e a secreção de mediadores químicos. Estudos prévios sugerem sua utilidade também no tratamento da lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA), condição caracterizada por intensa reação inflamatória em vias aéreas distais. Assim, considerando os efeitos anti-inflamatórios do laser e a fisiopatologia da LPA, formulamos a hipótese de que a LLLT 660 nm, 10 J/cm2, poderia modular o processo inflamatório nessa patologia favorecendo a transição inflamação-reparo. Foram utilizados camundongos C57BL distribuídos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos: PBS- instilado com PBS intratraqueal; PBS+LLLT- irradiado com LLLT 6 horas após instilação intratraqueal de PBS; LPS- instilado com LPS (5 mg/kg); LPS+LLLT- irradiado com LLLT 6 horas após instilação intratraqueal de LPS. Observou-se que a instilação de LPS intratraqueal levou a um aumento do número de células inflamatórias tanto na região peribronquiolar quanto no lavado broncoalveolar (LBA), detectado na histologia pulmonar e pela expressão de F4/80. Houve também aumento da transcrição e secreção de citocinas (TNF-alfa, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10) e quimiocinas (MCP-1) (detectadas por PCR quantitativo e ELISA). A aplicação de LLLT 6 horas após a instilação de LPS causou uma significativa diminuição tanto no influxo de células inflamatórias quanto na secreção de mediadores. Em seguida, foram caracterizadas as populações de macrófagos presentes no tecido pulmonar e observou-se nos animais do grupo LPS+LLLT, comparados ao grupo LPS, uma diminuição na expressão de mRNA de HIF-1alfa e aumento para arginase 1, sugerindo um predomínio da população de macrófagos M2. Esse efeito da LLLT foi também testado em populações de macrófagos peritoneais estimulados com LPS em cultura, porém, embora houvesse diminuição da produção de citocinas e quimiocinas, não foram observadas diferenças nos marcadores de polarização dessas células / A low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is able to modulate the inflammatory response in several experimental models, reducing the infiltration of immune system cells and the secretion of chemical mediators. There are some previous studies suggesting also useful in the treatment of acute lung injury (ALI), a condition characterized by an intense inflammatory reaction in the distal airways. Considering the anti-inflammatory effects of laser and the pathophysiology of ALI, we hypothesized that LLLT 660 nm, 10 J/cm2, could modulate the inflammatory process in this disease favoring the transition between inflammation and repair. C57BL mice were divided into four groups: PBS - intratracheal instillation of PBS; PBS+LLLT - irradiated with LLLT 6 hours after intratracheal instillation of PBS; LPS - intratracheal instillation of LPS (5 mg/kg); LPS+LLLT - irradiated with LLLT 6 hours after intratracheal instillation of LPS. Animals were sacrificed 24 hours after injury. Intratracheal LPS inoculation induced a marked increase in the number of inflammatory cells in perivascular and alveolar spaces (detected by lung histology and in bronchoalveolar lavage), and F4/80 expression (macrophage marker). There was also an increase in the expression and secretion of cytokines (TNF-alfa, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10) and chemokine (MCP-1) detected by ELISA and quantitative PCR. The LLLT application 6 hours after LPS induced a significant decrease in both of the inflammatory cells influx and mediators secretion. Then, we characterized the macrophages populations in lung tissue and we observed that in the LPS+LLLT group the expression of HIF-1alfa mRNA was reduced while arginase 1 was increased, which suggested that the M2 macrophages were predominant. The LLLT effect was also tested on peritoneal macrophage population in culture stimulated with LPS and there was decreased of cytokines and chemokine production, however any difference in polarization markers was found

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