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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic and ultrastructural characterization of chromosome segregation in C. elegans male meiosis

Fabig, Gunar 16 January 2019 (has links)
The production of germ cells is an essential process in all sexually reproducing eukaryotes. During male meiosis, four haploid sperm cells are formed from one primary spermatocyte, thereby undergoing two consecutive cell divisions after only one round of chromosome duplication. This process was studied in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, as this model organism offers a number of experimental advantages to simultaneously analyze spindle dynamics and ultrastructure. The worm is easy to cultivate, completely sequenced and numerous mutants are available, the worm is small and thus ideal for light and electron microscopic investigations, and the transparent body allows live-cell imaging within living animals. Importantly, meiotic spindles in C. elegans males are organized by centrosomes and show a lagging X-chromosome, which is always segregated after the autosomes have been partitioned to the newly forming secondary spermatocytes. The aim of this thesis was to systematically investigate this characteristic feature of chromosome segregation in male meiotic spindles. For that, spindle dynamics in the first and second meiotic division was analyzed with fluorescence light microscopy. Furthermore, the spindle ultrastructure was investigated in spindles of various stages of meiosis I using electron tomography. Light microscopy revealed a shortening of the distance between centrosomes and chromosomes (anaphase A) and an increase in the pole-to-pole distance (anaphase B). Moreover, spindles in male meiosis I and II showed differences in certain aspects of spindle dynamics. In addition it was demonstrated that spindles in metaphase II in the presence of a single X-chromosome were shorter compared to spindles without the X-chromosome. In addition, it was found that the process of aging had an impact on spindle length in both metaphase I and II. By manipulating the number of unpaired chromosomes, it could be demonstrated that the lagging behavior of univalent chromosomes is caused by the incapability of pairing in meiotic prophase. After performing a quantitative analysis of the light microscopic data it was further shown that a dynamic microtubule bundle is connecting the X-chromosome to the spindle poles. Using laser microsurgery it could be demonstrated that this bundle exerts a pulling force to the univalent chromosome throughout anaphase. Unexpectedly, electron tomography showed that anaphase-type movements of the autosomes were not accompanied by a shortening of the kinetochore microtubules. Instead, three findings indicated a shortening of the centrosome-chromosome distance itself: (1) upon anaphase onset, tension is released on the beforehand stretched autosomes; (2) centrosomes shrink in preparation for meiosis II and (3) the attachment angle of end-on microtubules changes. Interestingly, microtubules connecting the X-chromosome to the spindle poles showed a high curvature around the kinetochore region of the X-chromosome, suggesting an involvement of motor proteins in the process of segregation. Taken together, this thesis gives the first detailed quantitative analysis of spindle dynamics and architecture during male meiosis in the nematode C. elegans. This wild-type data will serve as a basis for future mutant analyses and should help to further understand the complex dynamic and ultrastructural aspects of spindle organization in the meiotic divisions in C. elegans males.

To be “Pavarotti” in a crowded concert hall? Song competition between bushcricket males in natural choruses.

Anichini, Marianna 19 August 2019 (has links)
Bei vielen Laubheuschreckenarten produzieren nur die Männchen Gesänge, hauptsächlich um arteigene Weibchen anzulocken und sich mit Rivalen zu messen. Die Produktion der durch sexuelle Selektion ausgewählten akustischen Signale kostet das singende Männchen Energie. Die Gesangsleistung kann aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Körperqualität von Männchen zu Männchen variieren, was zu relevanten Konsequenzen für das Ergebnis der sexuellen Selektion führt. In dieser Arbeit soll die Auswirkung sexueller Selektion auf sekundäre Merkmale der Männchen untersucht werden, wie die Größe der Organe zur Schallproduktion und die Struktur akustischer Signale. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Faktoren, die die Qualität des Signalgebers und die Zusammensetzung des sozialen Umfelds bestimmen. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, werden zwei Laubheuschreckenarten Poecilimon ampliatus und Poecilimon v. veluchianus untersucht. Die morphologischen Befunde zeigen, dass die positive Selektion auf klangproduzierende Strukturen mit der Präferenz von Weibchen für schwerere Männchen übereinstimmt und daher Rückschlüsse von der Körpermasse der Männchen auf die Größe der schallerzeugenden Organe gezogen werden können. Die Ergebnisse der akustischen Daten betonen die entscheidende Relevanz der Kombination verschiedener Umweltfaktoren. Sie zeigen, wie Männchen auf akustische Signale reagieren, die von benachbarten Konkurrenten erzeugt werden, indem sie ihre Signalerzeugung kohärent an die Stärke der Konkurrenz und ihren persönlichen energetischen Status anpassen. Männchen beider Arten zeigen eine interindividuelle Variation in der Fähigkeit, ihre Signalproduktion anzupassen, die sowohl durch Faktoren wie die Körpermasse des Männchens und der Populationsdichte beeinflusst wird. In zukünftigen Untersuchungen könnte der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie Männchen in der Natur von ihrer Kondition abhängige Signale und alternative Verhaltensstrategien entwickeln. / Behaviours and structures related to mating are under sexual selection. Due to their costs, these traits honestly reflect the quality of the signaller. Using structures located on the wings, bushcricket males signal to attract females and repel rivals. Sound performance can vary between individuals of different body conditions, leading to relevant consequences for the outcome of sexual selection. This thesis aims to investigate the effect of sexual selection on secondary male traits, such as the size of sound production organs and the structure of acoustic signals. The focus is on the factors that determine the quality of the signaller and the composition of the social environment. To fulfil the aims, two bushcrickets species were used: Poecilimon ampliatus and Poecilimon v. veluchianus. In P. ampliatus, sexual selection plays a role in determining the size of morphological structures that are responsible for producing female-preferred acoustic signals. A positive relationship between body condition and size of sound-producing organs was found. Heavier and larger males had larger wing and longer stridulatory file with disproportionally longer and less dense stridulatory teeth. A further effect of sexual selection is highlighted during the acoustic contest. In both species, only heavy males shown plasticity in acoustic behaviour. Moreover, the sound produced in competition honestly reflects the males’ body condition. In P. ampliatus heavier males signal at higher effort than lighter males and increased their activity when the light rival was placed at a closer distance. In P. v. veluchianus heavy males increased their signal activity only when the number of light rivals increased. Future endeavour will be to study how males in nature evolve condition-dependent signalling and alternative behavioural strategies.

The legalization of intimacy in Mexico

González, Manuel Alberto Castillo 24 November 2015 (has links)
DIE LEGALISIERUNG DER INTIMITÄT IN MEXIKO von Manuel Castillo Diese Dissertation wurde zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doctor iuris (Dr. iur.) an der Juristischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Deutschland vorgelegt. Das Hauptthema der Forschung ist die Legalisierung der Intimität, am Fallbeispiel des mexikanischen Rechts. Mit der Prämisse, dass das Recht auf Intimität sich aus dem Recht auf Privatsphäre ergibt, bespricht diese Forschungsarbeit die grundlegenden Menschenrechte, die einen Rahmen für die Legalisierung der Intimität ermöglichen. Die Einführung, der Sphären und Strukturen der Intimität, liefert eine Vorgehensweise zur Analyse dieses Themas. Es erfolgt eine Betrachtung der Frage der Geschlechter in ihrer Beziehung mit dem Recht und der Intimität. Aus einer „queer“ Perspektive hinterfragt diese Dissertation die Gleichstellung von Ehe und gleichgeschlechtlicher Ehe, mit dem Argument, ob eine neue Form der Legalisierung der Intimität für alle notwendig ist. Darüber hinaus, liefert diese Arbeit eine vergleichende Bewertung der mexikanischen Rechtsvorschriften im Rahmen des Völkerrechts. Am Ende der Dissertation, wird ein Vorschlag zur Legalisierung der Intimität im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert dargeboten. / THE LEGALIZATION OF INTIMACY IN MEXICO by Manuel Castillo This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor iuris (Dr. iur.) at the Faculty of Law, of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Germany. The main scope of the research is the legalization of intimacy, using Mexican law as a case study. Considering that the right to intimacy arises from the right to privacy, this research discusses the fundamental human rights that constitute a framework for the legalization of intimacy. The research provides an approach to the analysis of this subject that includes what has been introduced as the Spheres of Intimacy and the Structures of Intimacy. The issue of gender is discussed in its relationship with the law and intimacy. From a queer perspective, this dissertation questions the equality of marriage and same-sex marriage, arguing that a new form of legalization of intimacy for all is needed. Furthermore, this study provides a comparative review of Mexican legislations within the framework of international law. At the end, this dissertation offers a proposal for the legalization of intimacy in the twenty-first century.

Psychological distress and anxiety compared amongst dental patients- results of a cross-sectional study in 1549 adults

Zinke, Alexander, Hannig, Christian, Berth, Hendrik 26 April 2019 (has links)
Background This study aimed to identify anxiety in dental patients visiting a dental clinic using the Dental Anxiety Scale, their level of psychological distress using the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 and therefore identifying a correlation between these groups as well as their gender and age. Methods An adult sample of N = 1549 patients (865 females, 779 males) was examined over the course of three years using the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 to evaluate psychological distress and the Dental Anxiety Scale to determine anxiety before dental treatment. Evaluations were conducted according to age and gender. Results There was no correlation between different age groups of the sample the Dental Anxiety Scale. Anxiety, depression and GSI were more frequent in patients below the age of 46 than above. Women were more susceptible to signs of Anxiety and Somatization and scored higher on the Dental Anxiety Scale and the Global Severity Index than male patients. There was a significant positive correlation between scores of the BSI-18 categories: Somatization, Anxiety and Depression and the DAS for dental patients. Conclusions This study showed that a relationship between dental anxiety and psychological distress exists. It would be an improvement to use a short questionnaire like the Dental Anxiety Scale to evaluate a patient before his first treatment so that more appropriate treatments can be pursued.

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