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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Licenshantering : - Är företag medvetna om sin licenshanteringssituation? / Licensmanagement : - Are companies aware of their license management situation?

Andersson, Tobias, Martinson, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
<p>I ett samhälle där upphovsrätten och immaterialrätten blir allt mer uppmärksammad är det viktigt för företag att vara medvetna om sitt innehav av licenser för mjukvaror. I detta arbete kommer företags medvetenhet om deras licenshanteringssituation att undersökas. I den här rapporten kommer problemställningen att undersökas med hjälp av intervjuer med företag. Dessa intervjuer kommer att ske via telefon och per e-post. Ett liknande arbete har tidigare inte gjorts och därför känns det relevant samt intressant att göra denna undersökning.</p><p>Arbetet resulterade i intervjusvar från 11 företag. Det visade sig att företagens medvetenhet om deras licenshantering varierade stort, vilket även att storleken på företagen och innehav av en policy för licenshantering bland företagen gjorde. Metoden för licenshantering och licensinventering skiljde sig åt bland företagen.</p><p>Ett flertal program, tillammans med pärmar och Excel-listor var de dominerande licenshanteringsmetoderna bland företagen. Mjukvarutillverkarna och deras intresseorganisationer däribland BSA ställer krav på att företag som använder deras licensierade programvaror skall ha en strukturerad licenshantering. De ser gärna att företagen följer någon vedertagen metod för detta, en sådan metod är Software Asset Management, SAM.</p><p>Det är svårt att rekommendera någon licenshanteringsmetod och program som fungerar för samtliga företag, då användandet av dessa är väldigt företags- och organisationsspecifikt. De flesta större mjukvaror som finns i dagsläget följer en vedertagen metod för licenshantering och fungerar därmed bra att tillförlitligt inventera licenser med.</p> / <p>In a community where copyright and intellectual property law is getting more attention in the media, it is important for companies to be aware of their possession of software licenses. In this thesis we are going to investigate the awareness of the software licensing situation in some companies. To collect data that can be analyzed, we are interviewing companies. The interviews are performed by phone or e-mail. A similar report hasn’t been done before therefore it’s an interesting subject to look at.</p><p>The interviews resulted in answers from 11 companies. The answers showed that the awareness about software licensing among the companies had big variations. Some other things that varied among the companies were the size of the companies and the usage of software licensing policy within the companies. The way and method of handling software licensing also varied among the companies.</p><p>A lot of software programs, along with folders and Excel-lists dominated the method of handling software licenses among the companies. Software developing companies together with their interest organization for example BSA has demands on companies using their software to have a foreseeable documentation for the software licenses. They gladly see that the companies uses a best practice method to manage their license possessions, one best practice method is Software Asset Management, SAM.</p><p>It is hard to recommend a method for software license management to a non-specific company, because every company has a unique organization and computer network structure. Most of the big license management software is following a best practice method for software license management.</p>

Vilniaus miesto plėtros strateginis valdymas: sistema ir problemos / Strategic Management of Development of Vilnius: System and Problems

Šilinskaitė, Vaiva 21 March 2006 (has links)
The tasks of this thesis are: 1) to analyze a theoretical background of the strategic management; 2) identify the peculiarities of strategic management in Lithuanian municipalities; 3) to analyze the system of strategic management of development of Vilnius; 4) evaluate strategic management of Vilnius using Balanced Scorecard model; 5) suggest recommendations for improvement of strategic management of development of Vilnius. To meet the goal of the thesis theoretical background of the strategic management is analyzed and peculiarities of strategic management in Lithuanian municipalities are overviewed.

Licenshantering : - Är företag medvetna om sin licenshanteringssituation? / Licensmanagement : - Are companies aware of their license management situation?

Andersson, Tobias, Martinson, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
I ett samhälle där upphovsrätten och immaterialrätten blir allt mer uppmärksammad är det viktigt för företag att vara medvetna om sitt innehav av licenser för mjukvaror. I detta arbete kommer företags medvetenhet om deras licenshanteringssituation att undersökas. I den här rapporten kommer problemställningen att undersökas med hjälp av intervjuer med företag. Dessa intervjuer kommer att ske via telefon och per e-post. Ett liknande arbete har tidigare inte gjorts och därför känns det relevant samt intressant att göra denna undersökning. Arbetet resulterade i intervjusvar från 11 företag. Det visade sig att företagens medvetenhet om deras licenshantering varierade stort, vilket även att storleken på företagen och innehav av en policy för licenshantering bland företagen gjorde. Metoden för licenshantering och licensinventering skiljde sig åt bland företagen. Ett flertal program, tillammans med pärmar och Excel-listor var de dominerande licenshanteringsmetoderna bland företagen. Mjukvarutillverkarna och deras intresseorganisationer däribland BSA ställer krav på att företag som använder deras licensierade programvaror skall ha en strukturerad licenshantering. De ser gärna att företagen följer någon vedertagen metod för detta, en sådan metod är Software Asset Management, SAM. Det är svårt att rekommendera någon licenshanteringsmetod och program som fungerar för samtliga företag, då användandet av dessa är väldigt företags- och organisationsspecifikt. De flesta större mjukvaror som finns i dagsläget följer en vedertagen metod för licenshantering och fungerar därmed bra att tillförlitligt inventera licenser med. / In a community where copyright and intellectual property law is getting more attention in the media, it is important for companies to be aware of their possession of software licenses. In this thesis we are going to investigate the awareness of the software licensing situation in some companies. To collect data that can be analyzed, we are interviewing companies. The interviews are performed by phone or e-mail. A similar report hasn’t been done before therefore it’s an interesting subject to look at. The interviews resulted in answers from 11 companies. The answers showed that the awareness about software licensing among the companies had big variations. Some other things that varied among the companies were the size of the companies and the usage of software licensing policy within the companies. The way and method of handling software licensing also varied among the companies. A lot of software programs, along with folders and Excel-lists dominated the method of handling software licenses among the companies. Software developing companies together with their interest organization for example BSA has demands on companies using their software to have a foreseeable documentation for the software licenses. They gladly see that the companies uses a best practice method to manage their license possessions, one best practice method is Software Asset Management, SAM. It is hard to recommend a method for software license management to a non-specific company, because every company has a unique organization and computer network structure. Most of the big license management software is following a best practice method for software license management.

Yksityismetsänomistajien valinnat metsänhoidossa 2000-luvun Suomessa

Kasanen, M. (Mervi) 30 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract The present environmental anthropological study explores the premises and views of forest owners regarding different stages of forest management and factors affecting forest management by interviewing 24 owners of forest in the Northern Ostrobothnia region during 2005-2007. In addition, the views of forestry professionals were examined, mainly by using interviews from the ”Forest Professionals During Forestry’s Period of Transition” project collected during 1999-2002. The collected qualitative data was mostly employed in order to examine processes of reasoning in connection to both periodic- and continuous-cover silviculture. The views of the forest owners were compared to the Forestry Development Centre Tapio’s Forest Management Practice Recommendations. The research source materials also included the official documents from four cases involving forest regeneration and forest harvest sites in different parts of Finland during 2004-2008. The analysis in this study employs three perspectives, namely those of political ecology, cognitive anthropology and actor-network theory. When exploring the views of forest owners from the perspective of political ecology, these perspectives were examined as a part of the historical development of forestry and the discussion on forests in Finland. By applying the concept of cultural models from cognitive anthropology, two generalising models of thought were recognised in the interview material: an established model of forest management and an alternative model of forest management. The established model of forest management followed the management policy presented in the Forest Management Practice Recommendations. The alternative model of forest management diverged from the recommendations, but only in part. Views regarding what is natural, the implementation of different stages of forest management and how financial profitability is achieved from the forest owners’ point of view were, to some extent, different in these two models. However, it was not possible to identify the views of the interviewees as belonging entirely to one of the models only. The actor-network theory was particularly efficient in analysing court case documents in which the different views on forest management that were found in the cultural models become established. Based on the criticism presented in the source materials, it can be said that the differing views and needs of forest owners should be acknowledged in forest administration with greater versatility than is done at present. / Tiivistelmä Tässä ympäristöantropologisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin metsänomistajien perusteluita ja käsityksiä metsänhoidon vaiheista ja metsänhoitoon vaikuttavista tekijöistä haastattelemalla 24 Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla metsää omistavaa metsänomistajaa vuosina 2005–2007. Myös metsäalan ammattilaisten käsityksiä selvitettiin käyttäen aineistona lähinnä vuosina 1999–2002 kerättyjä ”Metsäammatit metsätalouden murroksessa” -hankkeen haastatteluita. Laadullisen aineiston avulla selvitettiin erityisesti jaksolliseen ja jatkuvaan metsänkasvatukseen liittyvää päättelyä. Metsänomistajien käsityksiä verrattiin Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus Tapion hyvän metsänhoidon suosituksiin. Aineistona olivat myös neljän eri puolilla Suomea tapahtuneen metsänuudistamista ja hakkuita koskeneen oikeustapauksen asiakirja-aineistot vuosilta 2004–2008. Analyysissä hyödynnettiin kolmea näkökulmaa: poliittista ekologiaa, kognitiivista antropologiaa ja toimijaverkkoteoriaa. Poliittisen ekologian näkökulmassa metsänomistajien käsityksiä tarkasteltiin osana Suomen metsätalouden ja metsäkeskustelun historiallista kehitystä. Kognitiivisen antropologian kulttuuristen mallien käsitettä käyttäen haastatteluaineistosta nostettiin esiin kaksi yleistävää ajattelumallia: vaihtoehtoisen metsänhoidon malli ja vakiintuneen metsänhoidon malli. Vakiintuneen metsänhoidon malli mukaili Hyvän metsänhoidon suosituksissa esitettyä metsänhoidon linjaa. Vaihtoehtoisen metsänhoidon malli erosi suosituksista osittain. Käsitykset metsänhoidon luonnonmukaisuudesta, metsänhoidon vaiheiden toteutuksesta ja taloudellisen kannattavuuden muodostumisesta metsänomistajien kannalta poikkesivat näissä malleissa toisistaan joiltakin osin. Haastateltujen käsityksiä ei voinut jaotella aina kaikilta osiltaan vain toiseen malliin kuuluvaksi. Toimijaverkkoteoria jäsensi erityisesti oikeustapausaineistoja, joissa tiivistyivät kulttuurisissa malleissa esiintyneet käsitykset metsänhoidosta. Aineistossa esitetyn kritiikin pohjalta metsähallinnoinnissa olisi huomioitava metsänomistajien vaihtelevat käsitykset ja tarpeet entistä monipuolisemmin.

Návrh a hodnocení systému výběru dodavatelů pro podnik automobilového průmyslu / Proposal of the system for evaluation and selection of the supplier for company in automotive industry

Vích, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is proposal of the system for evaluation and selection of the supplier for company in automotive industry. The described topic is concerned in purchasing of production components, i.e. those components, parts, etc. which are intended for direct assembly into the final product of our company.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Tomešková, Dagmar January 2011 (has links)
The subject of the dissertation is a financial analysis of an enterprise and following overall assessment of financial condition of the company during 2006 - 2009. The design part of the dissertation is focused on development and streamlining of enterprise management and individual proposals are concentrated mainly on optimization of reserves and investment in the area of production technologies.

The Use of Performance Measurement and Management in Small Ohio Municipalities

Christopher, Yvonne M. 11 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Управление информационными рисками на промышленных предприятиях : магистерская диссертация / Information Risk Management in Industrial Enterprises

Криницын, К. А., Krinitsyn, K. A. January 2017 (has links)
Магистерская работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы из 45 источников. Основное содержание изложено на 106 страницах, работа включает 12 таблиц, 12 рисунков и 2 приложения. Основное содержание работы. В первой главе «Сущность информационных рисков» определены основные понятия, связанные с управлением рисками, информационными технологиями, оценкой рисков. Описана классификация информационных рисков по различным критериям, рассмотрены общепринятые принятые методы анализа и управления рисками. Во второй главе «Роль информационных рисков в деятельности промышленных предприятий» проведен анализ тенденций развития информационных технологий на промышленных предприятиях, проведен анализ использования систем управления рисками на промышленных предприятиях. Так же в этой главе проведен анализ влияний информационных рисков на деятельность промышленных предприятий на примере ООО «ВИЗ-Сталь». В третьей главе определено понятие систему управления информационными рисками (СУИР) и предложено использовать ее в деятельности как основного элемента по минимизации влияния информационных рисков. Ключевым элементом для этой системы стала разработанная классификация информационных рисков. / The master's work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and 45 sources. The main content is set out on 106 pages, the work includes 12 tables, 12 drawings and 2 applications. The main content of the work. In the first chapter "The essence of information risks", the main concepts associated with risk management, information technology, risk assessment are defined. The classification of information risks by different criteria is described, generally accepted accepted methods of analysis and risk management are considered. In the second chapter, "The Role of Information Risks in the Activity of Industrial Enterprises," an analysis of trends in the development of information technology in industrial enterprises was conducted, an analysis was made of the use of risk management systems in industrial enterprises. Also in this chapter, an analysis of the effects of information risks on the activities of industrial enterprises on the example of OOO VIZ-Stal. In the third chapter, the concept of an information risk management system (ISIR) is defined and it is proposed to use it in the activity as the main element in minimizing the impact of information risks. A key element for this system was the developed classification of information risks.

Analýza managementu informačních toků v rámci mikrookolí Krajské vědecké knihovny v Liberci : případová studie / The Analysis of Information Flows Management within the Microenvironment of Krajská Vědecká Knihovna v Liberci : a Case Study

Fišer, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Informetrics study the information flow as a pure information phenomenon. However what are the practical applications of this problem? Information flow can be understood, investigated and managed from different points of view. The most practical one is management approach combined with intuitive analogy. Water flow parallel appears suitable. A conceptual model can be propounded upon this foundation and then used for better illustration of information flow function and key parts. Finally, a good amount of instruments and management methods can be used to manage information flows. So in chosen organization the current state of information flows and contemporary methods of its management are investigated in order to compare the theory and the practice. Concrete suggestions and statements about information flow management are deduced afterwards This paper illustrate possibilities of usage of information flow management in practice. Keywords information flow management - methods of information flow management - information flow model - practical aplications - case study - analogy - induction - Regional research library in Liberec

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