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Managing Terminology for Translation Using Translation Environment Tools: Towards a Definition of Best PracticesGómez Palou Allard, Marta January 2012 (has links)
Translation Environment Tools (TEnTs) became popular in the early 1990s as a partial solution for coping with ever-increasing translation demands and the decreasing number of translators available. TEnTs allow the creation of repositories of legacy translations (translation memories) and terminology (integrated termbases) used to identify repetition in new source texts and provide alternate translations, thereby reducing the need to translate the same information twice. While awareness of the important role of terminology in translation and documentation management has been on the rise, little research is available on best practices for building and using integrated termbases. The present research is a first step toward filling this gap and provides a set of guidelines on how best to optimize the design and use of integrated termbases. Based on existing translation technology and terminology management literature, as well as our own experience, we propose that traditional terminology and terminography principles designed for stand-alone termbases should be adapted when an integrated termbase is created in order to take into account its unique characteristics: active term recognition, d one-click insertion of equivalents into the target text and document pretranslation. The proposed modifications to traditional principles cover a wide range of issues, including using record structures with fewer fields, adopting the TBX-Basic’s record structure, classifying records by project or client, creating records based on equivalent pairs rather concepts in cases where synonyms exist, recording non-term units and multiple forms of a unit, and using translated documents as sources. The overarching hypothesis and its associated concrete strategies were evaluated first against a survey of current practices in terminology management within TEnTs and later through a second survey that tested user acceptance of the strategies. The result is a set of guidelines that describe best practices relating to design, content selection and information recording within integrated termbases that will be used for translation purposes. These guidelines will serve as a point of reference for new users of TEnTs, as an academic resource for translation technology educators, as a map of challenges in terminology management within TEnTs that translation software developers seek to resolve and, finally, as a springboard for further research on the optimization of integrated termbases for translation.
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Pojetí vlastnických práv v Národním parku Šumava / A Property Rights Concept of The National Park ŠumavaKrejčí, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The theme of the work is the management of the Sumava National Park. Publicized problems concerning the intervention rate, zoning, construction, management and status of local communities are conceived in the context of state ownership of the park and its public administration. Institutional change is possibly the logical solution. The cause of conflict in the SNP is searching with the use of stakeholder analysis. The method takes the form of interviews with representatives of interested parties, followed by a synthesis of observed attitudes and opinions. Despite some differences and divergent views on specific issues they see as the main obstacle agreements failure and legislation disregard, so it is a socio-political problem. The following is an economic aspect (lack of funds and poor management of them) and environmental (especially the form of zoning). Regime management change, however, they do not evaluate as a solution of the existing disagreements.
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Proposta de sistema de gestão ambiental para empresa prestadora de serviços logisticos do transporte rodoviario de cargaGonçalves, Alvaro 19 October 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Lucia Galves / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T02:15:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Goncalves_Alvaro_M.pdf: 5114678 bytes, checksum: c1f07437e5886f622cc75543b7bd28c3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: O trabalho apresenta uma proposta de sistema de gestão ambiental para empresa prestadora de serviços logísticos do transporte rodoviário de carga, baseado na norma NBR ISO 14001, integrando o conceito de gestão ecológica, que considera a empresa como uma organização viva com seu fluxo metabólico. A partir da avaliação ambiental inicial, foi possível conhecer o posicionamento da empresa em relação ao meio ambiente e dar seqüência na implantação do sistema de gestão ambiental. Os resultados obtidos, em termos de conscientização ecológica, redução de custos operacionais, racionalização e otimização dos recursos naturais, ganho de competitividade e reforço da imagem corporativa, permitiram à empresa agregar valor na prestação de serviços logísticos / Abstract: This work presents a proposal for an environmental management system to be used by one third-parties logistics of road freight transport, based on standard NBR ISO 14001, integrating the concept of ecologica1 management that considers the enterprise as a living organization with its metabolic flow. Based on the environmental assessment review, it was possible to know the position of the enterprise vis a vis the environment and to implement an environmental management system. The results, in terms of raising ecological consciousness, reducing operational costs, optimizing the use of natural resources, and competitiveness as well as reinforcement of the image of the corporation, allowed the enterprise to add value to its logistics services / Mestrado / Transportes / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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Guerras nos mares do sul: a produção de uma monocultura marítima e os processos de resistência / Wars in the South Seas: The Production of a Maritime Monoculture and the Resistance Processes.Gustavo Goulart Moreira Moura 24 February 2014 (has links)
A pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos é uma atividade em disputa. De um lado, as comunidades de pesca produzem seus territórios de pesca através dos seus respectivos Conhecimentos Ecológicos Tradicionais (CET) que embasam os diferentes modos de usos dos recursos pesqueiros, os sistemas de manejo de recursos pesqueiros tradicionais (MT). A atividade pesqueira no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos é anterior à colonização portuguesa sendo os CETs que embasam os MTs resultado de um hibridismo cultural entre indígenas, afro e luso-descendentes. De outro, o Estado Moderno implementa políticas públicas de manejo de recursos pesqueiros, sobretudo a partir da segunda metade da década de 1970, que resultam na implementação de um sistema de manejo de recursos pesqueiros moderno (MM), característico de um projeto colonial de dominação. Como resultado da implementação do MM, a pesca entra em colapso na primeira metade da década de 1970 e as indústrias pesqueiras decretam falência na década de 1980. Para solucionar a crise no setor pesqueiro, na segunda metade da década de 1990 cria-se o Fórum da Lagoa dos Patos (FLP) onde se formula a atual legislação que regulamenta a pesca no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, a Instrução Normativa Conjunta de 2004 (INC 2004). A INC 2004 implementa um MM através da imposição de um calendário de pesca que se torna institucionalizado e, por isso, oficializado. O objetivo desta tese é descrever o processo de des-re territorialização das comunidades de pesca do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos gerado pelo Estado Moderno na implementação da INC 2004. Para atingir tal objetivo, foram utilizadas basicamente duas técnicas de pesquisa para coleta de dados do CET, que produz os territórios tradicionais, e dos conhecimentos, verdades e valores mobilizados na formulação da INC 2004: entrevistas e levantamento bibliográfico. A partir dos dados obtidos, foi necessário o desenvolvimento de uma proposta própria que se enquadra na perspectiva integradora de território: território como conhecimento. Segundo esta proposta, território é um espaço epistêmico produzido a partir do espaço. Com a tentativa de implementação da INC 2004, emerge um conflito ambiental territorial na produção de um espaço através do controle do uso de recursos pesqueiros no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos. O Estado Moderno, que exibe caráter colonial, opera estrategicamente sobre o espaço tentando forçar o curso da modernidade às comunidades de pesca na produção de um espaço epistêmico disciplinar. O resultado, se o Estado Moderno fosse bem sucedido em seu projeto de colonialismo cultural, seria um epistemicídio: a eliminação dos multiterritórios operados pelo CET com uma dinâmica multicalendárica em cada uma das comunidades de pesca artesanal do estuário e a sua substituição por um território operado por uma racionalidade ocidental com um ritmo mecânico através da imposição do Calendário Oficializado da INC 2004. As comunidades de pesca, por sua vez, resistem silenciosa e abertamente operando taticamente via CET na produção de espaços de R-existência. Surpreendentemente, em movimentos diagramáticos infinitos, ambos, Estado Moderno e comunidades de pesca, des-re-territorializam um ao outro. / Fishing in the estuary of Patos Lagoon is an activity in dispute. On the one hand, fishing communities produce their fishing territories through their respective Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), which grounds the different use modes of fishery resources, the traditional resource management systems (TM). The fishing activity in Patos Lagoon estuary is prior to the Portuguese colonization and the TEKs which ground TMs are a result of a cultural hybridity among indigenous, African and Portuguese descendants. On the other hand, especially from the second half of the 1970s, the modern State has been implementing policies for fishery management which have led to the establishment of a modern sciencebased resource management (SM), characteristic of a colonial project of domination. As a result, fishery collapsed in the first half of the 1970s and fishing industries filed bankruptcy in the 1980s. To solve the crisis in the fishery sector in the second half of the 1990s, Forum of Patos Lagoon (FLP) was created. It was at the Forum that the 2004 Normative Instruction (INC 2004), the current legislation which regulates fishing in the estuary of Patos Lagoon, was formulated. INC 2004 implements an SM by imposing a fishing calendar that becomes institutionalized and, therefore, officialized. The objective of this thesis is to describe the process of de-reterritorialization in the fishing communities of the estuary of the Patos Lagoon which was generated by the Modern State when it implemented INC 2004. To achieve this goal, data on TEK were obtained through open and semi-structured interviews and ethnoscientific bibliographic review. Data on knowledge, truths and values that support the formulation of INC 2004 were collected through open interviews held with researchers, who played a key role in mobilizing such intellectual resources and through bibliographic research on the four fisheries whose fishing periods are regulated by INC 2004. From the data obtained, it was necessary to develop our own proposal that fits the integrative perspective of territory: territory as knowledge. Under this proposal, the territory is an epistemic space originating from space. With the attempted implementation of INC 2004, an environmental territorial conflict has emerged in the production of space through the control of the use of fishery resources in the Patos Lagoon estuary. The Modern State, in a display of its colonial character, strategically operates upon space by trying to force the course of modernity on the fishing communities in the production of a disciplined epistemic space. The result, if the Modern State were successful in its project of cultural colonialism would be an epistemicide: the elimination of multi-territories operated by TEK with a multicalendaric dynamics in each of the artisanal fishing communities of the estuary and its replacement by a territory operated by Western rationality, with a mechanical rhythm through the imposition of the official calendar of INC 2004. Fishing communities, in turn, resist quietly and openly by operating tactically via TEK in the production of spaces of R-existence. Surprisingly, in diagrammatic infinite movements, both the Modern State and fishing communities de-reterritorialize one another.
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Plataformas de Serviços de Bibliotecas (LSP) : avaliação da nova geração de sistemas para gerenciamento de bibliotecas por meio da satisfação de seus usuários internosTonding, Fabiana John January 2018 (has links)
As plataformas de serviços de bibliotecas, em inglês library services plataforms (LSP), são sistemas para gerenciamento unificado de todo o espectro de materiais, impressos, eletrônicos e digitais, que compõem as coleções das bibliotecas atualmente. Utilizados desde 2012, somente por instituições fora do Brasil, estes sistemas são providos mediante serviços em nuvem, no modelo Software-as- a-Service e em arquitetura multi-tenant. Esta nova tecnologia, considerada disruptiva, traz mudanças nos processos de trabalho das equipes das bibliotecas e da área de tecnologia da informação. A adoção de um novo sistema, recente e contemporâneo, requer sólida fundamentação sobre seus benefícios, de modo a justificar, junto aos gestores das organizações, os investimentos necessários. Estudos indicam que o sucesso de um sistema de informação pode ser verificado através da avaliação da satisfação dos usuários desse sistema. Com o objetivo de compreender o fenômeno da adoção das plataformas de serviços de bibliotecas, esta pesquisa explora as percepções avaliativas de seus usuários internos, através de uma abordagem qualitativa e por meio de um estudo de caso. A coleta de dados se apoia na pesquisa documental e na realização de entrevistas com os funcionários da Biblioteca da University of Surrey (Guilford, Inglaterra), usuários internos da plataforma de serviços de bibliotecas Alma O roteiro para condução das entrevistas baseia-se no modelo de antecedentes da formação da satisfação de usuários finais, dos autores Au, Ngai e Cheng (2008), e busca identificar os construtos principais e determinantes da satisfação ou da insatisfação dos funcionários da Biblioteca em relação ao sistema de gerenciamento utilizado. A pesquisa conclui que a qualidade do sistema é o construto de maior satisfação entre os usuários da LSP, enquanto que a qualidade do suporte ao sistema pode ser melhorada. Demonstra que o equilíbrio para o atendimento do desempenho do trabalho é relevante para os usuários, revelando que os esforços são altos, mas os benefícios compensam. As narrativas dos entrevistados evidenciam que a implantação da plataforma de serviços de bibliotecas implica em mudar o modo de fazer habitual, propõe rever e estabelecer novos fluxos de trabalho e cria interfaces entre setores e atividades. Este processo afeta o status quo organizacional e permeia as relações interpessoais no trabalho - o que requer suporte de uma forte estratégia motivacional. / Library services platforms (LSP) are the new genre of library management systems. They manage all type of materials that belong to the libraries collections today - printed, electronic and digital. These systems are being used by libraries all over the world since 2012, but not yet in Brazil. The new systems are provided through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model and multi-tenant architecture. This new disruptive technology changes the current workflow processes involving the library and the information technology areas. The adoption of a modern, new and recent system requires a clear vision about its benefits to justify the decision and the necessary financial support to the institution managers. Many earlier studies have found relations between the information system success and the end users satisfaction. The aim of this research is to study the adoption of a library services platform phenomenon based on the perceptions and evaluations of its end users, through a qualitative approach and applying a case study method. The data collection was performed through documental research and interviews with the staff of the University of Surrey Library (Guilford, England), which uses the Alma library services platform The interview script followed the model of antecendents of end users satisfaction formation proposed by Au, Ngai e Cheng (2008) and seeks to confirm the main and determinant constructs of the library staff users´ satisfaction or dissatisfaction regarding the management system used. The research concludes that the system quality is the highest satisfaction construct among LSP users, while system support quality can be improved. It demonstrates that equitable work performance fulfillment is relevant for the users, and despite their inputs and efforts, the benefits are considered valuable. The respondents´ narratives highlight that the library services platform implementation changes the usual way of doing things, establishes new and improved workflows and creates interfaces between departments and activities. This processs affects the organizational status quo and permeates interpersonal relations in the workplace, which requires a strong motivational strategy.
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Bike-Sharing Management System Using IoTLuna, Renato Mercado, Soto, Gabriel Benavente, Oliden, Daniel Subauste, Padilla, Alfredo Barrientos 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Nowadays, due to climate change and many other facts affecting daily life a trend to use eco-friendly transportation ways has arisen, and from them the one mostly used and with the highest acceptance is biking. Therefore, several companies have emerged offering bike-sharing systems, and those systems have been greatly accepted in the different metropolises around the world. The generalization of these systems has created a new need: to manage them efficiently. Consequently, in this work, we propose a software architecture and the implementation of a bike-sharing management system using the Internet of things (IoT). / Revisión por pares
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The impact of class visits on professional teacher development in White Hazy Circuit in Mpumalanga ProvinceMnisi, Donald Moffat January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / This study aims to give insights into the nature and extent of professional teacher development by the department of education through class visits, and subsequently its impact on professional teacher development in the white hazy circuit in Mpumalanga province. This study further examines measures and recommendations to be put in place which can help to improve the programme (class visits), also the effectiveness of this programme in professional teacher development. The study further highlights key issues regarding class visits with regard to professional teacher development. The study further highlights strategies that can be put in place to enhancing class visits as a programme for professional teacher development. The study further highlights key recommendations to be put in place to enhance class visits as professional teacher development programme.
Professional Teacher Development; Development Appraisal System; Integrated Quality Management Systems; development support group; Continuing Professional Teacher Development.
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[pt] Em aplicações colaborativas distribuídas, o uso de
repositórios centralizados para armazenamento dos dados e
programas compartilhados compromete algumas características
importantes desse tipo de aplicações, tais como tolerância a
falhas, escalabilidade e autonomia local. Aplicações como
Kazaa, Gnutella e Edutella exemplificam o emprego de
computação ponto-a-ponto (P2P), que tem se mostrado uma
alternativa interessante para solução dos problemas
apontados acima, sem impor as restrições típicas de
sistemas centralizados ou mesmo distribuídos do tipo
mediadores e SGBDHs. Nesse trabalho apresentamos a
arquitetura TEAM (Teamwork-support Environment
Architectural Model) para gerência de workflows na web.
Além de descrevermos os componentes e conectores da
arquitetura, que se baseia em computação P2P, tratamos dos
aspectos de modelagem de processos, gerência dos dados,
metadados e das informações de controle de execução dos
processos. Exploramos, também, a estratégia adotada para
disseminação das consultas e mensagens encaminhadas aos
pares da rede em ambientes baseados na arquitetura.
Ilustramos o emprego da arquitetura TEAM em um estudo de
caso em e-learning. / [en] In distributed collaborative applications, the use of
centralized repositories for storing shared data and
programs compromises some important characteristics of
this type of applications, such as fault tolerance,
scalability and local autonomy. Applications like Kazaa,
Gnutella and Edutella exemplify the use of peer-to-peer
computing, which is being considered an interesting
alternative for the solution of the problems mentioned
above, without imposing typical restrictions of centralized
or even distributed systems such as mediators and HDBMSs. In
this work we present the TEAM (Teamwork-support Environment
Architectural Model) architecture for managing workflows in
the Web. Besides describing the components and connectors
of the architecture, which is based on P2P computing, we
address the modelling of processes and management of data,
metadata and execution control information.We also discuss
the strategy adopted for queries dissemination and messages
sent to peers in environments based on the architecture. We
illustrate the application of TEAM in a case study in
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Aplikace pro správu překladů pro redakční systémy / Translating management system for publishing systemsŠtefaník, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on creation of application for managing translation for content management systems. Application will help translation leader with distribution of requests for translation to translators and then to proofreader. Translation leader will be able to import needed articles from WordPress and export after translation. Editor will be able to write articles directly in application. For managing and granting access will be responsible user with administration rights.
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Vysokoúrovňové objektově orientované genetické programování pro optimalizaci logistických skladů / High-Level Object Oriented Genetic Programming in Logistic Warehouse OptimizationKarásek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Disertační práce je zaměřena na optimalizaci průběhu pracovních operací v logistických skladech a distribučních centrech. Hlavním cílem je optimalizovat procesy plánování, rozvrhování a odbavování. Jelikož jde o problém patřící do třídy složitosti NP-težký, je výpočetně velmi náročné nalézt optimální řešení. Motivací pro řešení této práce je vyplnění pomyslné mezery mezi metodami zkoumanými na vědecké a akademické půdě a metodami používanými v produkčních komerčních prostředích. Jádro optimalizačního algoritmu je založeno na základě genetického programování řízeného bezkontextovou gramatikou. Hlavním přínosem této práce je a) navrhnout nový optimalizační algoritmus, který respektuje následující optimalizační podmínky: celkový čas zpracování, využití zdrojů, a zahlcení skladových uliček, které může nastat během zpracování úkolů, b) analyzovat historická data z provozu skladu a vyvinout sadu testovacích příkladů, které mohou sloužit jako referenční výsledky pro další výzkum, a dále c) pokusit se předčit stanovené referenční výsledky dosažené kvalifikovaným a trénovaným operačním manažerem jednoho z největších skladů ve střední Evropě.
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