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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un Marco de Calidad Total para la Evaluación y Mejora de la Gestión de Planes de Emergencia

Núñez Ávila, Ana Gabriela 07 January 2019 (has links)
La gestión de planes de emergencia compete a todas las organizaciones y a la comunidad en general. La falta de propuestas para evaluar un plan de emergencia, más allá de una simple auditoría, hace que los planificadores construyan planes de emergencia basándose en su propia formación y experiencia. A pesar de las regulaciones legales existentes publicadas en diferentes países sobre formato y contenido de los planes de emergencia, y del esfuerzo de las investigaciones centradas en la definición y mejora de los métodos de planificación y herramientas asociadas, no se ha propuesto un marco de referencia que aborde la evaluación y mejora de las actividades de las organizaciones en relación a la elaboración, la implantación y el mantenimiento del plan de emergencia. En esta tesis se propone un marco para la evaluación y mejora continua de la gestión de planes de emergencia con el soporte de las Tecnologías de Información, que se encuentra basado en la gestión de calidad total, denominado marco QuEP (Quality of Emergency Plans Management). El componente central del marco son los niveles de madurez, los cuales toda organización comprometida en la búsqueda de la mejora de calidad debe tratar de alcanzar. La calidad se mide a través del modelo QuEP, el cual está conformado por niveles de madurez, y donde cada nivel identifica principios, prácticas, preguntas, y técnicas. El marco QuEP ha sido evaluado por profesionales o expertos en planificación y gestión de emergencias, a través de un sistema de evaluación del experto integrado al modelo QuEP. El modelo, soportado con las herramientas web pertinentes, da paso a que una organización sea evaluada y conozca las técnicas o buenas prácticas que deberá considerar para mejorar las actividades de la gestión del plan de emergencia. Con la finalidad de continuar mejorando la gestión de los planes de emergencia en organizaciones, el marco QuEP ha sido enriquecido al incluir la resiliencia como una nueva dimensión a medir. Por otra parte, incluir un modelo de conocimiento en el marco QuEP, transciende hacia otra perspectiva, dando paso a que se pueda realizar una evaluación (semi) automática del plan de emergencia de una organización, accediendo directamente al contenido del mismo, además de, ayudar a la organización a tomar decisiones durante una emergencia. / La gestió de plans d'emergència competeix a totes les organitzacions i a la comunitat en general. La falta de propostes per a avaluar un pla d'emergència, més enllà d'una simple auditoria, fa que els planificadors construïsquen plans d'emergència basant- se en la seua pròpia formació i experiència. Malgrat les regulacions legals existents publicades en diferents països sobre format i contingut dels plans d'emergència, amb l'esforç de les recerques centrades en la definició i millora dels mètodes de planificació i eines associades, no s'ha proposat un marc de referència que aborde l'avaluació i millora de les activitats de les organitzacions amb la intenció d'obtenir una major qualitat en tots els processos involucrats en elaborar, implantar i mantenir el pla d'emergència. En aquesta tesi es proposa un marc per a l'avaluació i millora contínua de la gestió de plans d'emergència amb el suport de les tecnologies d'informació, que es troba basat en la gestió de qualitat total, denominat com a marc QuEP (Quality of Emergency Plans Management). El component central del marc són els nivells de maduresa, els quals tota organització compromesa en la cerca de la millora de qualitat ha de tractar d'aconseguir. La qualitat es mesura a través del model QuEP, el qual està conformat per un conjunt de components, on cada nivell identifica principis, pràctiques, preguntes, i tècniques. El marc QuEP ha sigut avaluat per professionals o experts en planificació i gestió d'emergències, a través d'un sistema d'avaluació de l'expert integrat al model QuEP. El model, suportat amb les eines web pertinents, dóna pas al fet que una organització siga avaluada i conega les tècniques o bones pràctiques que haurà de considerar per a millorar les activitats de la gestió del pla d'emergència. Amb la finalitat de continuar millorant la gestió dels plans d'emergència en organitzacions, el marc QuEP ha sigut enriquit en incloure la resiliència com una nova dimensió a mesurar en l'avaluació i millora de la gestió del pla d'emergència. D'altra banda, incloure un model de coneixement en el marc QuEP, transciende cap a una altra perspectiva donant pas al fet que es puga realitzar una avaluació (semi) automàtica del pla d'emergència accedint directament al contingut del mateix en una organització, i a més d'açò ajudar a l'organització a prendre decisions durant una emergència. / The emergency plans management concerns both organizations and the community in general. The lack of proposals to evaluate an emergency plan, beyond a simple audit, causes the planners to build emergency plans based only on their training and experience. Despite the existing legal regulations published by different countries on the format and content of the emergency plans, and the research effort focused on the definition and improvement of planning methods and associated tools, there is no reference framework that addresses the evaluation and improvement of the activities of the organizations with a view to obtaining a higher quality in all the processes involved when preparing, implementing and maintaining the emergency plan. This thesis proposes a framework for the evaluation and continuous improvement of the emergency plans management with the support of information technologies, which is based on total quality management, called QuEP (Quality of Emergency Plans Management). The central component of the framework is a set of maturity levels, which any organization engaged in the search for quality improvement should try to achieve. Quality is measured through the QuEP model, which is made up of a set of components, where each level identifies principles, practices, questions, and techniques. The QuEP framework has been evaluated by professionals or experts in emergency planning and management, through an expert evaluation system, integrated with the QuEP model. The model, supported by the relevant web tools, gives way to an organization to be evaluated and know the techniques or good practices that should be considered to improve the activities of emergency plan management. In order to continue improving the management of emergency plans in organizations, the QuEP framework has been enriched by including resilience as a new dimension to be measured in the evaluation and improvement of emergency plan management. On the other hand, including a knowledge model in the QuEP framework transcends to another perspective, giving way to a (semi) automatic evaluation of the emergency plan by directly accessing the content of an emergency plan in an organization, and besides it helps to the organization to make decisions during an emergency. / Núñez Ávila, AG. (2018). Un Marco de Calidad Total para la Evaluación y Mejora de la Gestión de Planes de Emergencia [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/114794 / TESIS

Zero-shot, One Kill: BERT for Neural Information Retrieval

Efes, Stergios January 2021 (has links)
[Background]: The advent of bidirectional encoder representation from trans- formers (BERT) language models (Devlin et al., 2018) and MS Marco, a large scale human-annotated dataset for machine reading comprehension (Bajaj et al., 2016) that made publicly available, led the field of information retrieval (IR) to experience a revolution (Lin et al., 2020). The retrieval model based on BERT of Nogueira and Cho (2019), by the time they published their paper, became the top entry in the MS Marco passage-reranking leaderboard, surpassing the previous state of the art by 27% in MRR@10. However, training such neural IR models for different domains than MS Marco is still hard because neural approaches often require a vast amount of training data to perform effectively, which is not always available. To address the problem of the shortage of labelled data a new line of research emerged, training neural models with weak supervision. In weak supervision, given an unlabelled dataset labels are generated automatically using an existing model and then a machine learning model is trained upon the artificial “weak“ data. In case of weak supervision for IR, the training dataset comes in the form of a tuple (query, passage). Dehghani et al. (2017) in their work used the AOL query logs (Pass et al., 2006), which is a set of millions of real web queries, and BM25 to retrieve the relevant passages for each of the user queries. A drawback with this approach is that it is hard to obtain query logs for every single different domain. [Objective]: This thesis proposes an intuitive approach for addressing the shortage of data in domains with limited or no data at all through transfer learning in the context of IR. We leverage Wikipedia’s structure for creating a Wikipedia-based generic IR training dataset for zero-shot neural models. [Method]: We create the “pseudo-queries“ by concatenating the titles of Wikipedia’s articles along with each of their title sections and we consider the associated section’s passage as the relevant passage of the pseudo-queries. All of our experiments are evaluated on a standard collection: MS Marco, which is a large scale web collection. For our zero-shot experiments, our proposed model, called “Wiki“, is a BERT model trained on the artificial Wikipedia-based dataset and the baseline is a default BERT model without any additional training. In our second line of experiments, we explore the benefits gained by pre-fine- tuning on the Wikipedia-based IR dataset and further fine-tuning on in-domain data. Our proposed model, "Wiki+Ma", is a BERT model pre-fine-tuned in the Wikipedia-based dataset and further fine-tuned in MS Marco, while the baseline is a BERT model fine-tuned only in MS Marco. [Results]: Results regarding our first experiments show that our BERT model trained on the Wikipedia-based IR dataset, called "Wiki", achieves a performance of 0.197 in MRR@10, which is about +10 points more in comparison to a BERT model with default weights; in addition, results in the development set indicate that the “Wiki“ model performs better than BERT model trained on in-domain data when the data is between 10k-50k instances. Results regarding our second line of experiments show that pre-fine-tuning on the Wikipedia-based IR dataset benefits later fine-tuning steps on in-domain data in terms of stability. [Conclusion]: Our findings suggest that transfer learning for IR tasks by leveraging the generic knowledge incorporated in Wikipedia is possible, though more experimentation is needed to understand its limitations in comparison with the traditional approaches such as the BM25.

Una secuencia didáctica para un concepto unificador en un curso de álgebra lineal de un programa de formación a la ingeniería

Pascual, Sara 12 1900 (has links)
L’introduction aux concepts unificateurs dans l’enseignement des mathématiques privilégie typiquement l’approche axiomatique. Il n’est pas surprenant de constater qu’une telle approche tend à une algorithmisation des tâches pour augmenter l’efficacité de leur résolution et favoriser la transparence du nouveau concept enseigné (Chevallard, 1991). Cette réponse classique fait néanmoins oublier le rôle unificateur du concept et n’encourage pas à l’utilisation de sa puissance. Afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage d’un concept unificateur, ce travail de thèse étudie la pertinence d’une séquence didactique dans la formation d’ingénieurs centrée sur un concept unificateur de l’algèbre linéaire: la transformation linéaire (TL). La notion d’unification et la question du sens de la linéarité sont abordées à travers l’acquisition de compétences en résolution de problèmes. La séquence des problèmes à résoudre a pour objet le processus de construction d’un concept abstrait (la TL) sur un domaine déjà mathématisé, avec l’intention de dégager l’aspect unificateur de la notion formelle (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). À partir de résultats de travaux en didactique des sciences et des mathématiques (Dupin 1995; Sfard 1991), nous élaborons des situations didactiques sur la base d’éléments de modélisation, en cherchant à articuler deux façons de concevoir l’objet (« procédurale » et « structurale ») de façon à trouver une stratégie de résolution plus sûre, plus économique et réutilisable. En particulier, nous avons cherché à situer la notion dans différents domaines mathématiques où elle est applicable : arithmétique, géométrique, algébrique et analytique. La séquence vise à développer des liens entre différents cadres mathématiques, et entre différentes représentations de la TL dans les différents registres mathématiques, en s’inspirant notamment dans cette démarche du développement historique de la notion. De plus, la séquence didactique vise à maintenir un équilibre entre le côté applicable des tâches à la pratique professionnelle visée, et le côté théorique propice à la structuration des concepts. L’étude a été conduite avec des étudiants chiliens en formation au génie, dans le premier cours d’algèbre linéaire. Nous avons mené une analyse a priori détaillée afin de renforcer la robustesse de la séquence et de préparer à l’analyse des données. Par l’analyse des réponses au questionnaire d’entrée, des productions des équipes et des commentaires reçus en entrevus, nous avons pu identifier les compétences mathématiques et les niveaux d’explicitation (Caron, 2004) mis à contribution dans l’utilisation de la TL. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’émergence du rôle unificateur de la TL, même chez ceux dont les habitudes en résolution de problèmes mathématiques sont marquées par une orientation procédurale, tant dans l’apprentissage que dans l’enseignement. La séquence didactique a montré son efficacité pour la construction progressive chez les étudiants de la notion de transformation linéaire (TL), avec le sens et les propriétés qui lui sont propres : la TL apparaît ainsi comme un moyen économique de résoudre des problèmes extérieurs à l’algèbre linéaire, ce qui permet aux étudiants d’en abstraire les propriétés sous-jacentes. Par ailleurs, nous avons pu observer que certains concepts enseignés auparavant peuvent agir comme obstacles à l’unification visée. Cela peut ramener les étudiants à leur point de départ, et le rôle de la TL se résume dans ces conditions à révéler des connaissances partielles, plutôt qu’à guider la résolution. / Introduction to unifying concepts in the teaching of mathematics typically adopts the axiomatic approach. It is not surprising that under these conditions, tasks tend to become more algorithmic in order to help students’ performance and favor apparent transparency of the new concept (Chevallard, 1991). This classical response makes forget the unifying role of the concept and does not encourage its powerful use. In order to improve the learning of a unifying concept, this thesis aimed at studying the relevance of a didactical sequence in the formal training of future engineers, centered on a unifying concept of linear algebra: the linear transformation (LT). The idea of unification and the question of meaning are addressed through the development of problem solving competencies. The sequence of problems to solve is aimed at constructing an abstract concept (the LT) on a domain which is already mathematized, with the intent of abstracting the unifying aspect of the formal notion (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). Building on the work of Dupin (1995) and Sfard (1991), in mathematics and science education, we have designed didactical situations with elements of modelling, by articulating two ways of conceiving the notion (« procedural » and « structural ») in order to find a safest, more economical and reusable solving strategy. In particular, we have situated the notion in various mathematical domains where it is applicable: arithmetics, geometry, algebra and analysis. The sequence aims at developing connections between different mathematical frameworks, and between various representations of the LT in the different mathematical registers, with the historical development of the notion as a source of inspiration. Moreover, the didactical sequence aims at achieving a balance between the practical aspect of the tasks in the foreseen professional practice and the theoretical aspect required to structure the concepts. The study was conducted in Chile, with engineering students in the first linear algebra course of the program. We had completed a detailed a priori analysis of the sequence in order to reinforce its robustness and prepare for data analysis. With the analysis of answers to the entry questionnaire, team productions to the tasks, and comments received in students interview, we were able to identify the mathematical competencies and the levels of communication (Caron, 2004) put at work in their use of the LT. Results show emergence of the unifying role of the LT, even with students whose problem solving habits in mathematics have been marked by a procedural influence in the teaching and the learning. The didactical sequence showed its effectiveness in the progressive construction by students of the linear transformation concept (LT), with its specific meaning and properties: the TL has appeared as an economical means of solving problems outside of linear algebra, which helped students in abstracting its underlying properties. In contrast, we have also observed that some previously taught concepts could act as obstacles to the desired unification. In these cases, students could revert to their old habits, and their use of the LT would rather reveal their partial understanding than help guide the resolution. / La introducción de conceptos unificadores en la enseñanza de las matemáticas privilegia comúnmente el enfoque axiomático. No es sorprendente que la utilización de este concepto así definido, opera a menudo sobre la algoritmización de tareas para aumentar la eficacia de las resoluciones y promover la transparencia del nuevo objeto enseñado (Chevallard, 1991). Esta respuesta clásica hace sin embargo olvidar el rol unificador y no favorece la utilización de su poder. A fin de mejorar el aprendizaje de un concepto unificador, este trabajo de tesis estudia la pertinencia de una secuencia didáctica en la formación de ingenieros sobre un concepto unificador del álgebra lineal: la transformación lineal (TL). La noción de unificación y la pregunta del sentido lineal son tratadas bajo el ángulo de la adquisición de competencias en situación de resolución de problemas. La secuencia de los problemas a resolver está centrada en el proceso de construir un concepto abstracto (la TL) sobre un dominio ya matematizado, con el fin de retener el aspecto unificador de la noción formal (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). A partir de resultados de trabajos de didácticas de las ciencias y de las matemáticas (Dupin 1995; Sfard 1991), elaboramos situaciones didácticas en base a elementos de modelización articulando las dos formas de concebir el objeto: “procedural” y “estructural” que permitan encontrar un medio de resolución más seguro, más económico y reutilizable. En particular, tratamos de hacer interactuar las aplicaciones de la noción situándonos en diversos dominios matemáticos; aritmético, geométrico, algebraico y analítico. La secuencia pone atención al desarrollo de conexiones entre diferentes marcos, y entre las representaciones de la TL en los distintos registros, inspirándose en particular del desarrollo histórico de la noción. Por sí misma, la secuencia didáctica, se encarga de mantener un equilibrio entre el lado aplicable de las tareas a su dominio práctico profesional y el lado teórico para ayudar a la estructuración de los conceptos. El estudio concierne a estudiantes chilenos en un primer curso de álgebra lineal. Valoramos un análisis a priori bien detallado para reforzar la secuencia y al mismo tiempo preparar el análisis de los datos. Con el análisis de las respuestas al cuestionario de entrada, de las producciones de los equipos y de los comentarios recibidos en entrevista, pudimos identificar las competencias matemáticas y los niveles de explicitación (Caron, 2004) en la utilización de la TL. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la emergencia del papel unificador de la TL, incluso en aquellos cuyas costumbres en resolución de problemas matemáticos están marcadas por los enfoques procedurales de aprendizaje y de enseñanza. La secuencia didáctica ha mostrado ser eficaz para el desarrollo progresivo de la herramienta lineal (TL) con sentido y propiedades propias: la TL aparece como un medio económico para resolver problemas fuera del álgebra lineal, lo que parece otorgar a los estudiantes una abstracción de las propiedades subyacentes. Por otra parte, observamos que los procesos atados por la enseñanza a ciertos conceptos pueden actuar como obstáculos a la unificación. Eso puede hacer volver a los estudiantes al punto de entrada, y el papel de la TL resulta más bien “revelar” un conocimiento parcial que conducir el proceso de la solución.

Benátské vlivy na dílo Boccaccia Bocaccina / Venetian influances on the Boccaccio Boccaccino's work

Jiráková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
(in English) The key theme of my thesis are venetian influences on the Boccaccio Boccaccino's work, who was one of the most important exponents of the Cremonese school of painters. Initially he worked in Genoa, Cremona and Milan and he was influenced by the painters as Leonardo, Bramantino and Boltraffio. In the years 1497-1500 Boccaccino is documented in Ferrara. In this period he executed so-called tondo Gronau, The Christ on the way to Calvary, The Virgin and Child, now in Boston, The Virgin and Child, now in Padua, The Adoration of the Shepherds, now in Naples and Dead Christ supported by an Angel. This works show the influence of Bramantino, umbrian school but also early influence of venetian art. In 1500 or 1501 he painted the altarpiece with Virgin and Child with Sts Peter, Michael, John the Baptist and John the Evangelist for the church of S. Giuliano in Venice. Models of this composition are the S. Cassiano altarpiece of Antonello da Messina and Virgin and Child with Saints which Giovanni Bellini executed for the church of S. Giobbe. Boccaccino's image in S.Giuliano is also inspired by Ercole de'Roberti and Lorenzo Costa. His colours show the influence of Giorgione. In 1506 is Boccaccino documented in Venice but also in Cremona. In the years 1500-1506 he stayed probably in Venice, but he...

Experimentalist governance in climate finance: the case of REDD+ in Brazil / Governança experimentalista no financiamento do clima: o caso de REDD+ no Brasil

Pinsky, Vanessa Cuzziol 24 November 2017 (has links)
Climate change is a daunting problem that results in actions-interactions from a number of actors in complex global systems, which require multi-level governance and a myriad of national policies. Academics and policy makers alike have been grappling with how to devise effective strategies on the international coordination of climate change policies. It is challenging because climate change problems involve actors with different positions, interests and motivation to cooperate due to the risks involved, the uncertainty and the high costs of adaptation and mitigation. Deforestation is the second largest source of GHG emissions. Success in this area can have a large impact on mitigation. This study focuses on the case of REDD+, a large scale governance experiment in climate finance and a promising cost-effective mitigation mechanism to motivate developing countries to implement policy approaches to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. REDD+ is considered a breakthrough mechanism in international cooperation under the UNFCCC regime as it was designed to be performance-based. Brazil is the world\'s largest recipient and has the most important REDD+ experiment - the Amazon Fund. The lack of developed theory in this domain led to the use of grounded theory methodology to understand the REDD+ governance process in Brazil. The \'REDD+ Governance Theoretical Framework\' emerged from the data. It is a substantive theory formed by seven major categories (Governance, Strategy, Financing, Implementation, Participation of stakeholders, Joint action and Collective learning) that are related to each other and explain the phenomenon. This study suggests that the lack of institutional arrangements to stimulate collective learning and incorporate lessons learned from the ground experience has been a major constraint on improving its governance in Brazil. Improving the effectiveness of the policy cycle may depend upon the establishment of specific arrangements focused on peer review processes involving lower-level entities responsible for implementation and experts from civil society. The establishment of a recursive learning system could solve certain policy coordination problems and create new opportunities to improve the effectiveness of the REDD+ governance process and implementation. This theory adds to the limited body of literature in the field by extending the knowledge on climate finance, stimulating discussion, and creating opportunities for further research and theoretical advances. The theoretical framework and lessons learned in Brazil from success and failure can help other developing countries to implement a national REDD+ strategy, system or regime. The theory can contribute to the international debate on the principles of good governance in official development assistance and aid effectiveness. This study provides an opportunity for policy makers and practitioners to learn about the challenges and constraints faced by Brazil when implementing an unprecedented results-based mechanism focused on mitigation. / A mudança climática é um problema desafiador resultante de ações e interações entre diversos atores em sistemas globais complexos, o que demanda governança em vários níveis e uma miríade de políticas nacionais. Acadêmicos e policy makers vêm se desafiando sobre como elaborar estratégias eficazes na coordenação internacional das políticas em mudança climática. É desafiador porque os problemas relacionados à mudança do clima envolvem atores com diferentes posições, interesses e motivação para cooperar, já que existem riscos envolvidos, alto nível de incerteza e custos de adaptação e mitigação. O desmatamento é a segunda maior fonte de emissões de gases causadores do efeito estufa. Sucesso nesta área pode ter um grande impacto em mitigação. Este estudo enfoca no caso de REDD+, um experimento de governança no financiamento do clima e um promissor mecanismo de mitigação com baixo custo para incentivar os países em desenvolvimento a implementar abordagens políticas que reduzam emissões oriundas do desmatamento e da degradação florestal. O REDD + é considerado um mecanismo inovador em acordos de cooperação internacional sob o regime da UNFCCC, pois foi idealizado para ser baseado em desempenho. O Brasil é o maior receptor do mundo e tem o mais importante experimento de REDD+ - o Fundo Amazônia. A ausência de teorias desenvolvidas nessa área levou ao uso da metodologia grounded theory para compreender o processo de governança de REDD+ no Brasil. A partir dos dados primários foi desenvolvido o \'REDD+ Governance Theoretical Framework\'. Trata-se de uma teoria substantiva formada por sete categorias (Governança, Estratégia, Financiamento, Implementação, Participação de stakeholders, Ação coletiva e Aprendizagem coletiva) que se relacionam e explicam o fenômeno. Este estudo sugere que a ausência de arranjos institucionais para estimular a aprendizagem coletiva e incorporar as lições aprendidas durante a implementação tem sido um grande obstáculo para melhorar a governança de REDD+ no Brasil. Melhorar a efetividade do ciclo político pode depender do estabelecimento de arranjos específicos com foco em processos de revisão por pares que envolvam entidades responsáveis pela implementação e especialistas da sociedade civil. O estabelecimento de um sistema de aprendizagem recursiva poderia facilitar a resolução de alguns problemas de coordenação política e criar novas oportunidades para aprimorar o processo de governança de REDD+. Esta teoria contribui para a construção do conhecimento científico focado no financiamento do clima, estimula a discussão, sugere oportunidades para novas pesquisas e avanços teóricos. O framework teórico pode ajudar outros países em desenvolvimento a implementar estratégia, sistema ou regime nacional de REDD+. As lições aprendidas no Brasil, baseadas no sucesso e fracasso, podem ser absorvidas por outros países em desenvolvimento. A teoria contribui para o debate internacional sobre os princípios da boa governança nos acordos de cooperação internacional e na eficácia da ajuda financeira. Este estudo oferece uma oportunidade para que os policy makers e os profissionais aprendam sobre os desafios e obstáculos enfrentados pelo Brasil ao implementar um inovador mecanismo de financiamento do clima baseado em resultados.

Concerti con Aria

Albrici, Vincenzo, Peranda, Giuseppe 16 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Una secuencia didáctica para un concepto unificador en un curso de álgebra lineal de un programa de formación a la ingeniería

Pascual, Sara 12 1900 (has links)
L’introduction aux concepts unificateurs dans l’enseignement des mathématiques privilégie typiquement l’approche axiomatique. Il n’est pas surprenant de constater qu’une telle approche tend à une algorithmisation des tâches pour augmenter l’efficacité de leur résolution et favoriser la transparence du nouveau concept enseigné (Chevallard, 1991). Cette réponse classique fait néanmoins oublier le rôle unificateur du concept et n’encourage pas à l’utilisation de sa puissance. Afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage d’un concept unificateur, ce travail de thèse étudie la pertinence d’une séquence didactique dans la formation d’ingénieurs centrée sur un concept unificateur de l’algèbre linéaire: la transformation linéaire (TL). La notion d’unification et la question du sens de la linéarité sont abordées à travers l’acquisition de compétences en résolution de problèmes. La séquence des problèmes à résoudre a pour objet le processus de construction d’un concept abstrait (la TL) sur un domaine déjà mathématisé, avec l’intention de dégager l’aspect unificateur de la notion formelle (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). À partir de résultats de travaux en didactique des sciences et des mathématiques (Dupin 1995; Sfard 1991), nous élaborons des situations didactiques sur la base d’éléments de modélisation, en cherchant à articuler deux façons de concevoir l’objet (« procédurale » et « structurale ») de façon à trouver une stratégie de résolution plus sûre, plus économique et réutilisable. En particulier, nous avons cherché à situer la notion dans différents domaines mathématiques où elle est applicable : arithmétique, géométrique, algébrique et analytique. La séquence vise à développer des liens entre différents cadres mathématiques, et entre différentes représentations de la TL dans les différents registres mathématiques, en s’inspirant notamment dans cette démarche du développement historique de la notion. De plus, la séquence didactique vise à maintenir un équilibre entre le côté applicable des tâches à la pratique professionnelle visée, et le côté théorique propice à la structuration des concepts. L’étude a été conduite avec des étudiants chiliens en formation au génie, dans le premier cours d’algèbre linéaire. Nous avons mené une analyse a priori détaillée afin de renforcer la robustesse de la séquence et de préparer à l’analyse des données. Par l’analyse des réponses au questionnaire d’entrée, des productions des équipes et des commentaires reçus en entrevus, nous avons pu identifier les compétences mathématiques et les niveaux d’explicitation (Caron, 2004) mis à contribution dans l’utilisation de la TL. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’émergence du rôle unificateur de la TL, même chez ceux dont les habitudes en résolution de problèmes mathématiques sont marquées par une orientation procédurale, tant dans l’apprentissage que dans l’enseignement. La séquence didactique a montré son efficacité pour la construction progressive chez les étudiants de la notion de transformation linéaire (TL), avec le sens et les propriétés qui lui sont propres : la TL apparaît ainsi comme un moyen économique de résoudre des problèmes extérieurs à l’algèbre linéaire, ce qui permet aux étudiants d’en abstraire les propriétés sous-jacentes. Par ailleurs, nous avons pu observer que certains concepts enseignés auparavant peuvent agir comme obstacles à l’unification visée. Cela peut ramener les étudiants à leur point de départ, et le rôle de la TL se résume dans ces conditions à révéler des connaissances partielles, plutôt qu’à guider la résolution. / Introduction to unifying concepts in the teaching of mathematics typically adopts the axiomatic approach. It is not surprising that under these conditions, tasks tend to become more algorithmic in order to help students’ performance and favor apparent transparency of the new concept (Chevallard, 1991). This classical response makes forget the unifying role of the concept and does not encourage its powerful use. In order to improve the learning of a unifying concept, this thesis aimed at studying the relevance of a didactical sequence in the formal training of future engineers, centered on a unifying concept of linear algebra: the linear transformation (LT). The idea of unification and the question of meaning are addressed through the development of problem solving competencies. The sequence of problems to solve is aimed at constructing an abstract concept (the LT) on a domain which is already mathematized, with the intent of abstracting the unifying aspect of the formal notion (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). Building on the work of Dupin (1995) and Sfard (1991), in mathematics and science education, we have designed didactical situations with elements of modelling, by articulating two ways of conceiving the notion (« procedural » and « structural ») in order to find a safest, more economical and reusable solving strategy. In particular, we have situated the notion in various mathematical domains where it is applicable: arithmetics, geometry, algebra and analysis. The sequence aims at developing connections between different mathematical frameworks, and between various representations of the LT in the different mathematical registers, with the historical development of the notion as a source of inspiration. Moreover, the didactical sequence aims at achieving a balance between the practical aspect of the tasks in the foreseen professional practice and the theoretical aspect required to structure the concepts. The study was conducted in Chile, with engineering students in the first linear algebra course of the program. We had completed a detailed a priori analysis of the sequence in order to reinforce its robustness and prepare for data analysis. With the analysis of answers to the entry questionnaire, team productions to the tasks, and comments received in students interview, we were able to identify the mathematical competencies and the levels of communication (Caron, 2004) put at work in their use of the LT. Results show emergence of the unifying role of the LT, even with students whose problem solving habits in mathematics have been marked by a procedural influence in the teaching and the learning. The didactical sequence showed its effectiveness in the progressive construction by students of the linear transformation concept (LT), with its specific meaning and properties: the TL has appeared as an economical means of solving problems outside of linear algebra, which helped students in abstracting its underlying properties. In contrast, we have also observed that some previously taught concepts could act as obstacles to the desired unification. In these cases, students could revert to their old habits, and their use of the LT would rather reveal their partial understanding than help guide the resolution. / La introducción de conceptos unificadores en la enseñanza de las matemáticas privilegia comúnmente el enfoque axiomático. No es sorprendente que la utilización de este concepto así definido, opera a menudo sobre la algoritmización de tareas para aumentar la eficacia de las resoluciones y promover la transparencia del nuevo objeto enseñado (Chevallard, 1991). Esta respuesta clásica hace sin embargo olvidar el rol unificador y no favorece la utilización de su poder. A fin de mejorar el aprendizaje de un concepto unificador, este trabajo de tesis estudia la pertinencia de una secuencia didáctica en la formación de ingenieros sobre un concepto unificador del álgebra lineal: la transformación lineal (TL). La noción de unificación y la pregunta del sentido lineal son tratadas bajo el ángulo de la adquisición de competencias en situación de resolución de problemas. La secuencia de los problemas a resolver está centrada en el proceso de construir un concepto abstracto (la TL) sobre un dominio ya matematizado, con el fin de retener el aspecto unificador de la noción formal (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). A partir de resultados de trabajos de didácticas de las ciencias y de las matemáticas (Dupin 1995; Sfard 1991), elaboramos situaciones didácticas en base a elementos de modelización articulando las dos formas de concebir el objeto: “procedural” y “estructural” que permitan encontrar un medio de resolución más seguro, más económico y reutilizable. En particular, tratamos de hacer interactuar las aplicaciones de la noción situándonos en diversos dominios matemáticos; aritmético, geométrico, algebraico y analítico. La secuencia pone atención al desarrollo de conexiones entre diferentes marcos, y entre las representaciones de la TL en los distintos registros, inspirándose en particular del desarrollo histórico de la noción. Por sí misma, la secuencia didáctica, se encarga de mantener un equilibrio entre el lado aplicable de las tareas a su dominio práctico profesional y el lado teórico para ayudar a la estructuración de los conceptos. El estudio concierne a estudiantes chilenos en un primer curso de álgebra lineal. Valoramos un análisis a priori bien detallado para reforzar la secuencia y al mismo tiempo preparar el análisis de los datos. Con el análisis de las respuestas al cuestionario de entrada, de las producciones de los equipos y de los comentarios recibidos en entrevista, pudimos identificar las competencias matemáticas y los niveles de explicitación (Caron, 2004) en la utilización de la TL. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la emergencia del papel unificador de la TL, incluso en aquellos cuyas costumbres en resolución de problemas matemáticos están marcadas por los enfoques procedurales de aprendizaje y de enseñanza. La secuencia didáctica ha mostrado ser eficaz para el desarrollo progresivo de la herramienta lineal (TL) con sentido y propiedades propias: la TL aparece como un medio económico para resolver problemas fuera del álgebra lineal, lo que parece otorgar a los estudiantes una abstracción de las propiedades subyacentes. Por otra parte, observamos que los procesos atados por la enseñanza a ciertos conceptos pueden actuar como obstáculos a la unificación. Eso puede hacer volver a los estudiantes al punto de entrada, y el papel de la TL resulta más bien “revelar” un conocimiento parcial que conducir el proceso de la solución.

As parcerias tecnológicas no SUS: o novo marco legal da ciência e tecnologia e as novas oportunidades para FIOCRUZ

Villas Bôas, Paulo de Carvalho 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Paulo de Carvalho Villas Bôas (paulovillasboas82@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-12T15:07:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação V.Final (1).pdf: 1302201 bytes, checksum: 1f2dfad7f4b4a0f0de9eff39be289abf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2018-01-15T13:30:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação V.Final (1).pdf: 1302201 bytes, checksum: 1f2dfad7f4b4a0f0de9eff39be289abf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-16T12:52:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação V.Final (1).pdf: 1302201 bytes, checksum: 1f2dfad7f4b4a0f0de9eff39be289abf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-01 / Purpose - The work consists in the accomplishment of a qualitative study regarding the technological partnerships signed within SUS and the opportunities brought to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation's partnerships with the advent of the "new legal framework of science and technology" (Law 13243/2016) under the Constitutional Amendment 85/2015. Design/Methodology - In this aim, the work initially seeks to delimit the term "technological partnerships", defining what “technological” activities are and what are considered "partnerships" for the purposes of the study. From the delimitation, the work then places such covenants in the ambit of the SUS, highlighting its relevance in facing the current challenges of the sector, the so-called " challenges of the SUS " (FIOCRUZ, 2015), in which Fiocruz emerges as one of the protagonists. At the end, the study then goes on to identify, from a descriptive and explanatory perspective, the new opportunities that opened up for Fiocruz, as a Public Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institution (ICT) of the SUS, with the new S&T legislation. Findings - From the systematic analysis of the entire normative body modified by the new legal framework, the study identifies the new legal opportunities for Fiocruz and presents a specific contracting model for the Foundation's technological partnerships. Research limitations - The main limitations of the study are the terminological imprecision of the terms "partnership", "technological" and "opportunities", the confidentiality of data and its qualitative nature, which gives a certain degree of subjectivity to its conclusions and propositions. Practical implications- The study presents technical and objective proposals before the new legal perspectives to optimize the use of these instruments in the fulfillment of the institutional mission of Fiocruz. Social implications- The study presents a set of propositions for exploring the entire "mosaic" of new legal opportunities for the benefit of Fiocruz, as a public ICT of the SUS, in the achievement of its institutional mandate and in the best interests of Brazilian public health. Originality - The work deals with an extremely recent legislation with poor specific bibliography, mainly under a Public Administration approach and, to our knowledge, does not have any institutional precedent / Objetivo- O trabalho consiste na realização de um estudo qualitativo a respeito das parcerias tecnológicas firmadas no âmbito do SUS e das oportunidades trazidas para as parcerias da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz com o advento do “novo marco legal da ciência e tecnologia” (Lei 13.243/2016) sob os auspícios da Emenda Constitucional 85/2015. Metodologia - Nesse desiderato, o trabalho busca inicialmente delimitar o que são propriamente as chamadas “parcerias tecnológicas”, definindo o que compreendem atividades “tecnológicas” e o que são consideradas “parcerias” para fins do estudo. A partir da delimitação o trabalho então situa tais avenças no âmbito do SUS, destacando sua relevância no enfrentamento de desafios atuais do setor, os chamados “desafios do SUS” (FIOCRUZ, 2015), no qual a Fiocruz desponta como um dos protagonistas. Ao final o estudo passa então à identificação em abstrato, sob uma perspectiva descritiva e explicativa, das novas oportunidades que se abrem para Fiocruz, na qualidade de Instituição Científica, Tecnológica e de Inovação (ICT) pública do SUS, trazidas pelo indigitado “novo marco legal de C&T”. Resultados - Da análise sistemática de todo o corpo normativo alterado pelo novo marco legal o estudo identifica quais são as novas oportunidades legais para Fiocruz e apresenta um modelo de contratação específico para as parcerias tecnológicas da Fundação. Limitações – As principais limitações do estudo são a imprecisão terminológica das expressões “parceria”, “tecnológica” e “oportunidades”, a confidencialidade de dados e a natureza qualitativa do estudo que confere certo grau de subjetividade às conclusões propugnadas. Contribuições práticas - O estudo apresenta propostas técnicas e objetivas ante às novas perspectivas legais para otimização do aproveitamento desses instrumentos na consecução da missão institucional da Fiocruz. Contribuições sociais – O estudo apresenta um conjunto de proposições para exploração de todo o “mosaico” de novas oportunidades legais em proveito da Fiocruz, como ICT pública do SUS, na consecução de sua missão institucional e, bem assim, no melhor interesse da saúde pública nacional. Originalidade – O trabalho trata de legislação extremamente recente, carente de bibliografia específica, mormente sob o enfoque da Administração Pública e, pelo nosso conhecimento, não possui precedente em âmbito institucional

Captação de recursos por meio de debêntures conversíveis em ações: uma opção para os investimentos no Pré-Sal / Raising funds through convertible debentures: an option for the pre-salt industry

Adriana Machado da Rocha Ferreira 23 August 2013 (has links)
Agência Nacional do Petróleo / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / O tema a respeito do financiamento da exploração e produção de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos fluidos nas áreas do Pré-Sal tem sido motivo de debate entre estudiosos e profissionais da área. No novo regime de exploração e produção previsto na Lei n 12.351/2010, a Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) será a operadora de todos os blocos contratados, ou seja, responsável pela condução e execução, direta ou indireta, de todas as atividades de exploração, avaliação, desenvolvimento, produção e desativação das instalações de exploração e produção. Tal incumbência legal, por si só, denota o volume de investimentos que a Petrobras deverá realizar nos próximos anos, seja com recursos próprios ou de terceiros, para exploração dessas novas áreas descobertas. Ademais, as sociedades contratadas para empreender as operações exploratórias também necessitarão de recursos, uma vez que, junto com a Petrobras, assumirão os custos e os investimentos referentes às atividades de exploração, avaliação, desenvolvimento, fabricação e desativação das instalações de exploração e produção decorrentes dos contratos de partilha. As debêntures conversíveis em ações apresentam-se como uma alternativa viável para a captação de recursos financeiros, além de proporcionarem vantagens, se comparadas com outras formas de financiamento, como empréstimos junto a instituições financeiras e aumento de capital, uma vez que é a companhia emissora responsável por decidir, por exemplo, a data e prazo de vencimento das debêntures e a forma de remuneração dos subscritores de tais títulos. O novo regime legal das debêntures, instituído pela Lei n 12.431/2011, também veio a facilitar o uso desse instrumento para financiar as atividades de produção e exploração de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos fluidos nas áreas do Pré-Sal. A Petrobras, mesmo enquanto sociedade de economia mista, poderá emitir debêntures conversíveis em ações, observadas algumas regras para a manutenção do seu controle pela União. / The financing of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons exploration and production in the Pre Sal areas has currently been a debated matter among scholars and professionals. Under the new exploration and production regime set forth in Law No. 12.351/2010, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) will act as an operator of all contracted blocks, thus, it shall be responsible for the direct or indirect management and performance of all of the activities related to the exploration, evaluation, development, production and deactivation of the exploration and production facilities. This legal arrangement by itself denotes the volume of investments that Petrobras is expected to achieve, through the use of its own resources, in the coming years. Moreover, the companies contracted to perform the exploration activities will also be in need of a large amount of resources, since they, alongside with Petrobras, will bear the costs and expenses arising out of the exploration, evaluation, development, production and deactivation of the exploration and production facilities in connection with the sharing contracts. Convertible debentures present themselves as a feasible alternative to obtain the required financial resources in the securities exchange market, as well as are also more advantageous than other capitalization mechanisms, such as traditional bank loans or capital underwriting share subscriptions, since the issuing company is responsible for deciding, e.g., the debenture maturity date and the way that its underwriters will be remunerated. The new legal regime of the debentures, established by Law No. 12.431/2011, was also created to simplify the use of this instrument in order to finance the production and the exploration of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons in the Pre Sal areas. Despite being a government-controlled company, Petrobras will be able to issue convertible debentures, provided that it complies with the rules related to its control by the government.

Captação de recursos por meio de debêntures conversíveis em ações: uma opção para os investimentos no Pré-Sal / Raising funds through convertible debentures: an option for the pre-salt industry

Adriana Machado da Rocha Ferreira 23 August 2013 (has links)
Agência Nacional do Petróleo / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / O tema a respeito do financiamento da exploração e produção de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos fluidos nas áreas do Pré-Sal tem sido motivo de debate entre estudiosos e profissionais da área. No novo regime de exploração e produção previsto na Lei n 12.351/2010, a Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) será a operadora de todos os blocos contratados, ou seja, responsável pela condução e execução, direta ou indireta, de todas as atividades de exploração, avaliação, desenvolvimento, produção e desativação das instalações de exploração e produção. Tal incumbência legal, por si só, denota o volume de investimentos que a Petrobras deverá realizar nos próximos anos, seja com recursos próprios ou de terceiros, para exploração dessas novas áreas descobertas. Ademais, as sociedades contratadas para empreender as operações exploratórias também necessitarão de recursos, uma vez que, junto com a Petrobras, assumirão os custos e os investimentos referentes às atividades de exploração, avaliação, desenvolvimento, fabricação e desativação das instalações de exploração e produção decorrentes dos contratos de partilha. As debêntures conversíveis em ações apresentam-se como uma alternativa viável para a captação de recursos financeiros, além de proporcionarem vantagens, se comparadas com outras formas de financiamento, como empréstimos junto a instituições financeiras e aumento de capital, uma vez que é a companhia emissora responsável por decidir, por exemplo, a data e prazo de vencimento das debêntures e a forma de remuneração dos subscritores de tais títulos. O novo regime legal das debêntures, instituído pela Lei n 12.431/2011, também veio a facilitar o uso desse instrumento para financiar as atividades de produção e exploração de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos fluidos nas áreas do Pré-Sal. A Petrobras, mesmo enquanto sociedade de economia mista, poderá emitir debêntures conversíveis em ações, observadas algumas regras para a manutenção do seu controle pela União. / The financing of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons exploration and production in the Pre Sal areas has currently been a debated matter among scholars and professionals. Under the new exploration and production regime set forth in Law No. 12.351/2010, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) will act as an operator of all contracted blocks, thus, it shall be responsible for the direct or indirect management and performance of all of the activities related to the exploration, evaluation, development, production and deactivation of the exploration and production facilities. This legal arrangement by itself denotes the volume of investments that Petrobras is expected to achieve, through the use of its own resources, in the coming years. Moreover, the companies contracted to perform the exploration activities will also be in need of a large amount of resources, since they, alongside with Petrobras, will bear the costs and expenses arising out of the exploration, evaluation, development, production and deactivation of the exploration and production facilities in connection with the sharing contracts. Convertible debentures present themselves as a feasible alternative to obtain the required financial resources in the securities exchange market, as well as are also more advantageous than other capitalization mechanisms, such as traditional bank loans or capital underwriting share subscriptions, since the issuing company is responsible for deciding, e.g., the debenture maturity date and the way that its underwriters will be remunerated. The new legal regime of the debentures, established by Law No. 12.431/2011, was also created to simplify the use of this instrument in order to finance the production and the exploration of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons in the Pre Sal areas. Despite being a government-controlled company, Petrobras will be able to issue convertible debentures, provided that it complies with the rules related to its control by the government.

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