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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

KUNDVÄRDE INOM TJÄNSTEFÖRETAG : En studie som belyser likheter och skillnader inom kundvärde utifrån kunds och företagsperspektiv / Customer value in service companies : A study that highlights the similarities and differences in customer value from a customer and company perspective

Shehla, Mohammad, Melda, Duru January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens titel: Kundvärde inom tjänsteföretag – En studie som belyser likheter och skillnader inom kundvärde utifrån kunds och företags perspektiv  Datum: 8 Jan 2016  Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng  Instution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, EST, Mälardalens Högskola  Författare: Melda Duru & Shehla Mohammad  Titel: Kundvärde utifrån kundens och företagets perspektiv  Handledare: Magnus Linderström  Nyckelord: Tjänstemarknad, kundvärde, kundlojalitet, illojalitet, kundorientering, marknadsmix.  Frågeställning: Hur skiljer sig kundvärdet mellan en advokatbyrå och en mäklarbyrå?  Vilka är likheterna och olikheterna?  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka likheter och olikheter det finns på kundvärde mellan en advokatbyrå samt en mäklarbyrå. För att kunna få svar på detta kommer uppsatsförfattarna även att undersöka vad som ger kundvärde för kunden utifrån kundens och företagets perspektiv.  Metod: Material samlades in genom att söka på olika begrepp som redovisas i teoriavsnittet. Kurslitteraturer samt högskolans databas var två viktiga verktyg som uppsatsförfattarna arbetat med för att samla in teorier. Vidare kontaktades respondenterna och därefter genomfördes totalt åtta intervjuer som redovisas i bilagan. Åtta intervjuer, varv två med respondenterna och två kompletterande intervjuer med respondenterna samt fyra med kunderna.   Slutsats: Det finns både likheter och olikheter på kundvärde inom advokat samt mäklarbyrån. / Title: Customer value in service companies- A study that highlights the similarities and differences in customer value from a customer and company perspective  Date: 8 Jan 2016  Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University  Authors: Melda Duru 930521 & Shehla Mohammad 921015  Tutor: Magnus Linderström  Keywords: Service marketing, customer value, loyalty, disloyalty, customer orientation, marketing mix.  Research questions: How does the customer value differ between a law firm and a real estate agency? What are the similarities and differences.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to inspect the similarities and differences of customer value between a law firm and a real estate agency. To be able to answer this, the article author will also inspect what gives the customer a customer value from the customer and companies perspective.  Method: Material was collected by looking up different concepts that are shown in the theory section. The course literature and the universities database were two major tools that the article author worked with for the theories. The respondents were contacted and after that eight interviews were completed that are shown in the appendix. A total of eight interviews were two conducted with respondents, two complementary with the respondents and four with clients/customers.  Conclusion: There are similarities and differences when it comes to customer value at both law firms and real estate agencies.

Kampen om studenten : Kund och råvara på samma gång

Pilblad, Marcus, Belaid, Samir January 2008 (has links)
<p></p><p>A reform of higher education in Sweden in 1993 led to stiffer competitive climate among educational institutions. The reform meant that educational institutions now had the opportunity to plan their curriculum autonomously. Prior to the reform educational planning was restricted to the Swedish government. The new rules spelled a greater opportunity for educational institutions to profile themselves based on their educational offerings. The higher degree of competition means that marketing becomes increasingly important when recruiting new students. This thesis focuses on the marketing activities done by educational institutions to recruit new students. This study will specifically investigate the activities regarding marketing of business education in Luleå University of Technology and the officer education The Military School of higher education in Karlberg. Both schools are chosen because they have among other things, experienced a shortage of applicants. This study will also show student opinions of marketing activities from both institutions. Our results points out that both schools are firmly aware of the benefits of marketing when recruiting new students. However, the students experience a certain disharmony between the marketing and reality. Our conclusions are that this disharmony might partly explain the shortage of applicants to these specific educations.</p><p> </p>

gooh! Marketing Mix och Brand image : En fallstudie om hur brand image och marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende.

Nyström, Mattias, Åbonde, Johannes January 2008 (has links)
<p>Till följd av en ständigt ökad konkurrens blir det allt svårare att som ny aktör att ta sig in på olika marknader. Vad som däremot kan underlätta etableringsprocessen för nya företag och varumärken är att associeras och förknippas med redan etablerade och välkända varumärken. Företaget gooh! är ett nytt måltidskoncept som funnits i drygt två år och är ett samarbete mellan Lantmännen och Operakällaren. Det intressanta här är att företaget gooh! har två kända varumärken som medverkar och står bakom konceptet.</p><p>I den här uppsatsen kommer vi att undersöka hur Marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar en konsuments första köp av en gooh! produkt, med syfte att se om någon av dessa faktorer är mer viktig än någon annan samt att se hur dessa samverkar med varandra. Vi vill också i denna uppsats se hur konsumentens första köp påverkas av att två starka varumärken står bakom konceptet gooh!.</p><p>Undersökningen baseras på en kvantitativ undersökning där vi slumpmässigt frågat 50 konsumenter som alla handlat i en och samma gooh! butik.</p><p>Resultaten vi kommit fram till i denna undersökning tyder på att den valda ”platsen” av butik, dvs. lättillgängligheten till butiken är den faktor som påverkar konsumentens första köp mest, men även de andra faktorerna i Marketing mix modellen är av stor betydelse. Vidare visar även våra resultat på att Lantmännens och Operakällarens samverkan, har en positiv inverkan på konsumentens köpbeteende. I vår slutsats kommer vi bl.a. fram till att dessa två aktörers medverkan bidrar till en kvalitetsstärkning av gooh! produkterna och skapar ett mervärde hos konsumenten.</p>

När tid är pengar : En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster

Norell, Erik, Friberg, Carl January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong><p>Datum</p>3 juni, 2010 <strong><p>Kurs</p>Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, FÖA 400, 15HP <strong><p>Författare</p>Carl Friberg & Erik Norell <strong><p>Handledare</p>Finn Wiedersheim-Paul <strong><p>Nyckelord</p>Revisorsplikten, SIVA, Marketing Mix, tjänsteerbjudande, ekonomiska tjänster, administrativa tjänster. <strong><p>Titel</p>När tid är pengar - En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster <strong><p>Syfte</p>Syftet med denna studie är att förse Per Silvin KB med information som kan ligga till grund när företaget expanderar sitt tjänsteerbjudande. <strong><p>Frågeställning</p><p>Vad bör Per Silvin KB ha i åtanke när man formar sitt tjänsteerbjudande för att bäst tillgodose målgruppens behov?</p>Vilka administrativa tjänster efterfrågas av Per Silvin KBs tilltänkta målgrupp? <strong><p>Metod</p>Undersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär. Data samlades in via personliga intervjuer och mejlintervjuer. Urvalet baserades på Per Silvin KBs tilltänka målgrupp. <strong><p>Slutsats</p>Studien visar att främst bokförings- och skattehjälp efterfrågas av målgruppen. Per Silvin KB kan konkurrera med revisorerna genom att på ett engagerat sätt erbjuda hög kompetens till ett lägre pris.</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></p>


王嘉鋒 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 台灣美髮服務產業蓬勃發展時,許多業者逐漸由家庭剪髮或個人工作室發展成美髮連鎖集團,但自2000年後由於市場的高度飽和與激烈競爭,使各大連鎖集團呈現發展停滯或甚至衰退的現象,因此近年來逐漸進入中國市場發展。 本研究分析外資業者進入上海市場的策略,以環境的影響與STP的分析方式來確認各業者在市場中的定位,再根據業者的定位來分析行銷策略,進而推論出最後的經營成效。 本研究以三家外資美髮連鎖集團為分析個案,研究發現:當個案公司進入一個全新的市場時,對於目標市場的選擇和經營模式往往受到過去台灣成功模式所影響,個案公司通常會保留70%以上和台灣相同的競爭模式,當原模式可吻合市場需要時,發展上就會順利許多,但若是不適合該市場的需求時,業者就會遭遇經營困境,甚至退出市場。 面對競爭激烈的市場環境,往往進入市場的行銷策略就是發展成敗的關鍵之一,而行銷策略深受環境和市場定位的影響,本研究期望能帶給剛進入或重返上海市場的美髮連鎖業者做為發展策略上的參考。 / Abstract When hairdressing service industry was flourishing in Taiwan, many firms started to transform from individual studios or family-run businesses to chain operation. However, since 2000, market saturation and high competition have caused major hairdressing chains to show signs of stagnation, and even recession, and many of them have started to enter the Chinese market in recent years. This research analyzes how foreign hairdressing chains entered Shanghai by three steps: first evaluate the impact of environment on the operations of foreign hairdressing chains and their STPs; second, how these chains utilize their marketing mixes; and third, how have them performed in the market. By looking into three chains, the study finds that: (1) For the choice of target market and business models, they tend to be influenced by their successful business models in Taiwan, and thus they adopted 70% of their operational approaches in Taiwan to the operations in Shanghai; (2) When their business models appealed to and marched the needs of the market, they would be successful; on the contrary, a mis-match would lead to financial difficulties and even exit the market. Facing a highly competitive market environment, entering a market with appropriate marketing mix (4Ps) often is critical and 4Psand market positioning are highly influenced by the environmental factors. By highlighting the linkages among environment, STP and 4Ps, this research hopes to offer suggestions to foreign hairdressing chains either planning to enter or re-enter Shanghai or other markets in China.

Influence of colour on the consumer behaviour of Generation Y students in the Vaal Triangle / Re-an Muller

Müller, Re-an January 2011 (has links)
Colour influences the human mind and body through physical as well as psychological reactions to specific colours. These reactions are conditioned by previous experiences leading to certain preferences, associations and perceptions regarding certain colours. There are various aspects within a firm where colour may be utilised to the benefit of its marketing efforts. Marketers must realise that colour may be very influential and it is important to pay close attention to the associations and preferences of the firm’s target market(s) the influence of colour on human perceptions has been widely studied in many research fields. Most marketers recognise the importance of colour within the marketing environment (Section 1.1). Colour has different meanings for different people and these differences need to be acknowledged to ensure success in marketing efforts. If colour is used strategically within the marketing mix (product, place and promotion) of a firm, it may influence consumers positively (Section 1.2). This study endeavoured to determine the colour preferences, associations and perceptions of Generation Y students in South Africa. The findings of this study will be of value to those marketers who target this cohort and may utilised by them to use colour more effectively within their marketing mix. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of colour on the consumer behaviour of Generation Y students in the South African market. The research study investigated the following aspects: • The colour preferences of Generation Y students. • Emotions Generation Y students associate with different colours. • How Generation Y students perceive various colours. • Product colour and product packaging colour preferences of Generation Y students. • Consumer behaviour patterns of Generation Y students regarding specified products. For this study, the target population comprised of Generation Y students registered at South Africa’s public higher education institutions (HEIs). The sampling frame consisted of a list of South Africa’s 23 public HEIs, as stipulated by the Department of Higher Education and Training (2011). This study made use of a non-probability convenience sample of two HEI campuses located in the Vaal Triangle region of South Africa’s Gauteng province that was drawn from the sampling frame. Thereafter, a convenience sample of 500 under-graduate students was drawn from these HEI campuses - 250 students per campus. A structure self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the respondents. The questionnaire requested respondents to rank colours according to preferences, on a four- and seven-point Likert scales were used respectively to determine colour associations and perceptions. The questionnaire also contained questions using a four-point Likert scale designed to determine product colour and product-package colour preferences as well as questions designed to determine consumer behaviour patterns of Generation Y students regarding certain products. In addition, the respondents were asked to provide certain demographic data. The findings indicate that Generation Y students have distinctive colour preferences, associations and perceptions. The respondents also indicated a number of notable product and product package preferences as well as particular consumer behaviour traits. When comparing male and female respondents as well as black and white respondents respectively, the results depicted various statistical significant differences (p < 0.05). Cohen’s D statistic was computed to determine the level of practical significance of these differences. From this, it is evident that colour do influence Generation Y students’ consumer behaviour and perceptions to some extent. Colour is present in every aspect of marketing. If used strategically, colour may be used by marketers to influence their target market’s perceptions and preferences. The findings emanating from this study should be used as a guideline to incorporate colour into the design of the marketing mix (colour) in such a way as to appeal to Generation Y students. / MCom, Marketing Management, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Socialinio marketingo priemonių taikymo jaunimo aktyvaus laisvalaikio skatinimui Jonavos ir Kėdainių miestuose vertinimas / Assessement of application of social marketing measures to promote active leisure among youth inJonava and Kėdainiai cities

Kučinskaitė, Kamilė 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas - socialinio marketingo priemonių taikymas aktyvaus laisvalaikio skatinimui. Probleminis klausimas. Kaip taikyti socialinio marketingo priemones jaunimo aktyviam laisvalaikiui skatinti? Darbo tikslas – įvertinti socialinio marketingo priemonių taikymą jaunimo aktyvaus laisvalaikio skatinimui Jonavos ir Kėdainių miestuose. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti socialinio marketingo teorinius aspektus; 2. Įvertinti socialinio marketingo priemones, taikomas aktyvaus laisvalaikio skatinimui Jonavos ir Kėdainių miestuose; 3. Identifikuoti socialinio marketingo priemones, taikytinas jaunimo aktyvaus laisvalaikio skatinimui Jonavos ir Kėdainių miestuose. Darbo metodai:  mokslinės literatūros analizė;  anketinė apklausa;  aprašomoji statistinė duomenų analizė; Rezultatai, išvados, pasiūlymai: Socialinio marketingo paskirtis – ne įsakynėti žmonėms, ką ir kaip jiems daryti, o nukreipti juos teigiama linkme, pakeisti jų gyvenimą į gerąją pusę. Dažniausiai jis bando spręsti problemas susijusias su sveikata ar aplinkosauga. Norimi rezultatai neateina taip greitai kaip norėtūsi, tačiau dažniausiai jie būna ilgalaikiai ir teigiami. Tokia socialinio marketingo priemone, kaip reklama, galime paskatinti Jonavos ir Kėdainių jaunimą savo laisvalaikį leisti aktyviau. Išsiaiškinome, kad šių miestų jaunimas labiausiai pastebi lauko reklamą, bei reklamą spaudoje ir internete. Taigi jei reklamuojant aktyvius laisvalaikio praleidimo būdus būtų panaudoti tokie teigiami faktoriai, kaip... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object - social marketing measures to promote active leisure. Issues. How to apply social marketing tools to promote youth active leisure? The aim – identify social marketing measures to promote active leisure among youth in Jonava and Kėdainiai cities. Tasks: 1. to expose the social marketing aspects of the theoretical; 2. to evaluate social marketing tools applied active leisure promotion in Jonava and Kėdainiai cities; 3. Identify the social marketing tools, which are used to promote active leisure in jonava and kėdainiai cities. Methods:  analysis of scientific literature;  questionnaire;  descriptive statistical analysis of the data; The results, conclusions, recommendations: Social marketing is trying to change not only individuals but also society well-established attitude to certain things. In most cases social marketing is trying to solve the problems related to health or the environment. The desired results do not come as quickly as we would like, but they are usually long-term and positive. This social marketing tool like advertising, we can encourage Jonava and Kėdainiai cities young people to spend their leisure time more active. We found that most of these urban youth most observes outdoor advertising and advertising in press and online advertising. If promoting active leisure activities we use such positive factors as the original presentation, unusual, information, famous people, humor and the idea, we can achieve great results.

Green Marketing - The impact on consumer-based brand equity : a quantitative study among the Swedish Generation Y in the fashion clothing industry

Ahmad, Danial, Magariños, David January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Recent trends have shown a steady growth regarding environmental concerns along with the pro-environmental attitudes among the consumers, yet a contradicting behaviour is observed in the purchase of environmentally friendly products, giving birth to the phenomena of attitude-behaviour gap. A fair amount of researchers have studied this attitude-behaviour gap over the recent years, investigating this very inconsistency in order to present a solution. This specific study is based on the findings of Davari &amp; Strutton in relation to this attitudebehavior gap, where the researchers presented a simplified model of their study as an effort in overcoming this inconsistency. This specific study is based on the simplified model, where the research unearths the effect of green marketing mix elements on four dimensions of consumerbased brand equity with Swedish Generation Y and clothing fashion industry in perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain the impact of green marketing mix elements (product, price, place and promotion) on dimensions of consumer-based brand equity (brand loyalty, brand association, brand trust and perceived brand quality). Methodology: The research is based on quantitative approach designed in respect with the explanatory purpose. A closed-end online questionnaire was designed as the data collection method, resulting in 127 responses. The results were based on the multiple regression analysis, while the validity was tested against pearson's correlation method and reliability was tested through cronbach’s alpha. Conclusion: The study did not measure significant results, where green product stands out as the only element on the green marketing-mix having a positive relationship on one consumerbased brand equity dimension in this case, brand loyalty. Whereas the other elements were concluded as having no significance. Even t

Podnikatelský záměr založení tenisové školy / Business plan of founding a tennis school

Coufal, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Title: Business plan of founding a tennis school Target: Target of the work is to set up a business plan for founding a tennis school in Prague, which should with using methods mentioned below bring the answer for essential question about space on the trade for this kind of business and it's potential rentability. Method: During processing thesis were used this methods: description (document analysis), interview with methodist of Czech Tennis Association Mrs. Jana Srnisková, written inquiries on candidates of second grade of tennis coaching, Porter five forces analysis, PESTEL analysis, competition analysis and SWOT analysis, which has helped to detect strenghts and weaknesses of tennis school and on the other hand provided evaluation of opportunities and threats analysed from external point of view. Results: The results should approach the problematic of founding tennis school in real conditions of TJ Sokol Horní Počernice. In final evaluation we can state, that in terms of exclusivity, courts will be used only with one tennis school - tennis school of Hroní Počernice. Despite the large amount of competition of tennis schools we could consider this business as profitable business. Keywords: Trade business, analysis, competiton, SWOT analysis, marketing mix.

Audit marketingu lyžařské školy / Marketing audit of ski school

Větříček, Adam January 2016 (has links)
Title: MARKETING AUDIT OF SKI SCHOOL Goals: Invent a ski school marketing audit structure which will be used for carrying out marketing audit of real ski school in South Africa. Make suggestions about marketing conception of the ski school based on the marketing audit results. Method: Methods used in thesis are analysis of documents, BCG matrix, Porter's five forces analysis, PEST analysis and SWOT analysis. Results: Ski school marketing audit and suggestions about its marketing conception, which can be used as model how to carry out a marketing audit of any ski school or any other sport services organisation. Specific suggestions can be also used in real business by the ski school. Key words: Sport services, marketing mix, promotion, ski school

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