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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detaljplanerad materiallogistik för byggarbetsplatser med hög upprepandegrad

Salomonsson, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
Det råder bostadsbrist i Växjö men det byggs trots detta väldigt få nya hyreslägenheter. Ett sätt att möjliggöra byggandet av fler hyresrätter är att finna besparande lösningar under produktionsskedet som på så sätt kan få ner byggkostnaderna och öka intresset hos bostadsbolagen att bygga nytt. Denna rapport fokuserar på de kostnader som rör materialhanteringen på produktionsplatser med hög upprepandegrad. Syftet är att belysa var onödiga kostnader uppstår och försöka finna lösningar på hur dessa kan undvikas. Nyckelord: Materialhantering, materiallogistik, hög upprepandegrad, hanteringskostnader, intervju, tidstudie, förändringsförslag.

Effektivisering av materialflöden på Kinnarps Production AB : Förslag till ny layout

Lassas, Carolina, Westling, Charlotte January 2009 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts som en del av högskoleingenjörsutbildningen Industriell organisation och ekonomi vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Rapporten är skriven på uppdrag av Kinnarps Production AB i Jönköping som är en del av Kinnarpskoncernen. Företaget erbjuder inredningslösningar för kontor och offentliga miljöer och är idag Europas tredje största tillverkare av kontorsmöbler. Produktionen i Jönköping består främst av plåt- och stålbearbetning. Enheten i Jönköping har investerat i en ny monteringslina inom produktionen. Där den nya monteringslinan ska placeras sker i nuläget montering av stolarna Yin och Jig. Därmed måste monteringsplatserna av stolarna flyttas. För närvarande finns ingen given yta att flytta monteringsplatserna till, vilket grundat problemet till detta arbete. Syftet med arbetet är att finna en ny plats för montering av Yin och Jig, samt att effektivisera stolarnas materialflöden. Målet är att presentera ett antal lösningsförslag, innehållande nya monteringsplatser och effektivare materialflöden.  Genom en övergripande kartläggning av produktionsanläggningen i Jönköping och en djupare kartläggning av tillverkningsprocesserna för Yin och Jig, har förståelsen för tillverkningen ökat. Tillgången till egen arbetsplats på företaget har också varit betydande för arbetets resultat. Närheten till produktionen och kontaktpersoner har lett till ett effektivare arbete och en ökad förståelse för Kinnarpskoncernen. En djupare analys av faktorer som är betydande för Yins och Jigs materialflöden har utförts. För att erhålla effektivare materialflöden har faktorerna utvecklats och förbättrats. De faktorer som analyserats är: materialhantering, rörbock, excenterpress, svets, montering och interna transporter. Materialhanteringen är problematisk vid lagring och har förbättrats genom utveckling av lastbärare och lagringsmetod. Rörbocken har identifierats som trång sektor och dess begränsning kan förbättras genom utbildning av personal och införande av säsongsbuffert. Monteringen kommer att utformas med mer flexibla och ergonomiska arbetsplatser. För att minska de interna transporterna kommer materialflödenas ingående operationer att utvecklas mot en flödesgrupp. Detta medför att excenterpressen och robotsvetsen kommer att flyttas till ett gemensamt område med rörlaser och rörbock. Resultatet presenterar tre lösningsförslag som baseras på materialflödesanalysen. Lösningsförslagen innehåller layouter över Yins och Jigs materialflöden och dess nya monteringsplatser. Målsättningarna för de tre layouterna skiljer sig åt. Den första layouten skapar främst ett arbetsteam där operatörer kan samarbeta vid närliggande operationer. För att uppnå detta mål har flera operationer inom Yins och Jigs flöden samordnats. Den andra och tredje layouten skapar främst minskade interna transporter. Detta har uppnåtts genom att skapa rakare materialflöden av Yin och Jig genom produktionsanläggningen. I diskussionskapitlet av lösningsförslagen har layouternas för- och nackdelar tagits upp. I slutsatsen presenteras det starkaste lösningsförslaget.

Studie av materialhantering på Proton Finishing i Forsheda / A study in material handling processes on Proton Finishing in Forsheda

Lilliebladh, David, Svensson, Per January 2006 (has links)
The aim with this report was to exam and surveys the internal logistics of Proton Finishing’s production. The basic data should give the company suggestions of more efficient and improved internal logistics. We will also give from our perspective suggestions of improvement, which the company will be able to evaluate. To evaluate these problems we used different kinds of methods. A frequency study was made on the internal forklift. For that we used a predefined sheet where we once a minute registered what it were doing. With a stopwatch we registered how long time the operators spend in the storage. We also did interviews with the personnel to get their opinion on these matters. The study was conducted during a four day period, where these methods were used to study the work in the factory. The result that emerged are divided after which line/function the personnel worked on. The stopwatch survey showed that the personnel on hang 1 line spend time in the storage which they don’t suppose to do, according to their work assignment. The frequency study showed that the internal forklift spend one and a half hour a day to look after material. The study also showed that only 45 per cent of its work was useful work. Our conclusions after this report are that a storage software with all it’s components should be used. We have also given suggestion of more efficient material handling around the three lines in the A-sector.

Nyttjande av ofrörbrukat byggmaterial : En rapport åt Peab Jönköping

Olsson, Robert, Dahlberg, Anders January 2006 (has links)
This final year project is made for Peab Jönköping and its target group is the construction industry. The main focus is the use of unutilized building material in the most economical and environmental-friendly way. Unutilized building material is here defined as material purchased for a construction project that for different reasons not has been used. The most important thing to find out was how much building material considered as being waste is actually useable material, and how much less it costs to use that building material instead of throwing it away. When this information was gathered a proposal on how to efficiently use the unutilized building material instead of wasting it was designed. Costs and incomes were investigated and the proposal suggested a storage area where Peab can store their unused building material. The costs for the storage area was however relatively high, large savings are therefore needed. These savings are very difficult or actually almost impossible to calculate because it is very difficult to know how much material that really is usable of the total waste. The savings can be estimated, however with low reliability. Hence, the proposal seems very expensive since the savings are not being able to cover the costs. If the incomes were known from the beginning it would be easier to properly design a proposal. Another way is to test the proposal at a smaller range first to better be able to calculate the savings. The decrease of environmental influence and other impacts from the proposal are hard to show with figures and it is difficult to estimate how much the storage area will cost. Based on this, Peab are therefore presently recommended not to take this risk. With this knowledge at hand an alternative proposal was designed. This proposal suggested a development of Peab’s already existing storage area utilizing the same resources as today. If this is properly realized, the environmental influence will be reduced and Peab Jönköping’s economy will be improved.

Arbetshanteringen på godsmottagningen hos EFG

Hess, Elin January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this report is to investigate how the work handling at the department for arriving goods at EFG in Tranås is working, as well as how it could be improved and made more effective. EFG is a corporation who process and sell office furniture. The company is working with a project concerning delivery precision, the subject is therefore particularly interesting from the perspective of delivery accuracy. The number of orders has increased notably during the fall of 2005 and the spring of 2006. This has led to new demands at the department for arriving goods and the topic is as a result of that important also from this point of view. Interviews and investigations have been conducted at location since no written material earlier has been made in the topic. A description of the main flows at the department and how they are being handled has been the results of those investigations. The amount of material arriving is to great to be handled without problems. Large quantities are received in intervals in the current situation. Those quantities demands storage which are impossible to house in the existing storerooms in the building. The goods must be moved several times and the handling becomes unnecessarily inconvenient. It is impossible to carry out the quality controls in a fashionable manner as a result of this, simply as there is no time for it, which may lead to faults ad problems further on in the refinement process. The result of the analysis shows that a combination of measures could be appropriate to prevent this. The measures include the introduction of a new identification system to make the registration of goods easier and faster. It is also recommended to buy the goods loaded on EUR-pallets, which means that no reloading will be necessary. Finally EFG is proposed to increase their cooperation with their suppliers and order smaller and more frequent deliveries.

Analys och implementering av ett lagerhanteringssystem : Thule Sweden AB

Smedberg, Karl, Johansson, Daniel, Bergström, Jacob January 2007 (has links)
<p>Three students with two different theoretical focuses have worked together to develop</p><p>our examination thesis. This thesis is a requirement of the curriculum at the School of</p><p>Engineering in Jönköping. The School of Engineering’s programs include Industrial</p><p>engineering and management, with a focus on logistics and management and</p><p>mechanical engineering.</p><p>This exam thesis was implemented at Thule’s plant in Hillerstorp, Sweden. Thule is a</p><p>world-leading company offering transport solutions in a safe, simple and elegant way</p><p>for cars (Thule 2007).</p><p>The project objective was to analyze and to implement a fully functional inventory</p><p>system for one of Thule’s average stock items and to address meeting capacity</p><p>requirements of</p><p>2 268 stores. In this inventory, attention is paid to tracking product labels and their</p><p>assembly instructions. These two article groups are important for Thule’s material</p><p>management.</p><p>The output of data related to these two article groups are included with each end</p><p>product that is to be delivered from Thule’s factory in Hillerstorp.</p><p>Thule was having problems managing stock/inventory. Employees found it difficult to</p><p>locate articles that were required for production and manufacturing due to inadequate</p><p>labeling of stock and inventory. This problem was caused by insufficiently labeled</p><p>storage areas and inadequate information of what inventory was being stored.</p><p>The group performed an analysis comprised of a comparison between four different</p><p>inventory management systems: a system with permanent stores, one paternoster</p><p>inventory management system, a management system for delivery direct to the</p><p>production groups and a system with dynamic stores. A decision was made choosing a</p><p>dynamic system; which was chosen because of Thule’s requirement to address</p><p>seasonal variations. A dynamic management system has the advantage that the articles</p><p>that belong to various summer and winter products can” borrow” stores of each other</p><p>when one of them are not in production.</p><p>After the analysis, a dynamic system was implemented. The system design decisions</p><p>were made with input from employees that work with Thule’s inventory. This was</p><p>important from the examination group’s point of view because the employees will</p><p>work with whatever future inventory management system would be implemented. In</p><p>addition, they contributed with knowledge that would be difficultly to see for as an</p><p>outsider.</p><p>After the implementation was made, various proposals have been presented in order to</p><p>further develop Thule’s material management system. These proposals comprise</p><p>measures to improve the dynamic supply system further, and in conjunction with</p><p>Thule’s business model works to further develop supplier collaboration with the</p><p>company’s production requirements.</p> / <p>Tre studenter med två olika inriktningar har tillsammans utfört ett examensarbete.</p><p>Arbetet är ett led i ingenjörsutbildningen på Jönköpings tekniska högskola på</p><p>programmen Industriell organisation och ekonomi, med inriktning logistik och</p><p>ledning och Maskinteknik med inriktning industriell ekonomi och produktion.</p><p>Detta examensarbete har bedrivits på Thules anläggning Hillerstrop. Thule är idag ett</p><p>världsledande bolag som erbjuder transportlösningar för bilen på ett säkert, enkelt och</p><p>elegant sätt (Thule 2007).</p><p>Arbetets inriktning har varit att analysera och implementera ett fullt fungerande</p><p>lagersystem för ett av Thules mellanlager med en kapacitet på 2268 lagerplatser. I</p><p>detta lager lagerförs etiketter och monteringsanvisningar. Dessa två artikelgrupper är</p><p>viktiga för Thules materialhantering, då de två artikelgrupperna på ett eller annat sätt</p><p>ingår i varje slutprodukt som skickas ifrån Thules fabrik i Hillerstorp.</p><p>Problemet som Thule hade med materialhanteringen vid mellanlagret var att</p><p>lagerpersonalen hade svårigheter med att lokalisera de artiklar som</p><p>produktionsgrupperna behövde. Detta berodde i grunden på otillräckligt märkta</p><p>lagerplatser och bristande information om vad lagret innehöll.</p><p>Analysen som examensgruppen har bedrivit innehöll en jämförelse mellan fyra olika</p><p>lagerhanteringssystem. Ett system med fasta lagerplatser, ett paternosterverk, ett</p><p>hanteringssystem för utleverans direkt till produktionsgrupperna och ett</p><p>lagerhanteringssystem med dynamiska lagerplatser. Valet föll på att välja ett</p><p>dynamiskt system, bland annat eftersom Thule har en kraftig säsongsvariation. Ett</p><p>dynamiskt hanteringssystem har den stora fördelen att de artiklar som tillhör olika</p><p>sommar och vinterprodukterna kan ”låna” lagerplatser av varandra då någon av dem</p><p>inte tillverkas.</p><p>Efter analysen implementerades det dynamiska systemet. Hur systemet utformades</p><p>bestämdes tillsammans med lagerpersonalen som idag arbetar i det aktuella lagret.</p><p>Detta var viktigt från examensgruppens sida, då det trots allt är personalen som</p><p>kommer att arbeta med hanteringen framöver. Samtidigt bidrog de med kunskap som</p><p>kan vara svår att se för personer som inte arbetar på Thule i Hillerstorp.</p><p>Efter implementeringen har olika förslag tagits fram för att kunna utveckla Thules</p><p>materialhantering ytterligare. Dessa förslag handlar om att vidareutveckla det</p><p>dynamiska systemet med hjälp av Thules affärssystem eller att använda sig mer av</p><p>leverantörssamverkan.</p>

Studie av materialhantering på Proton Finishing i Forsheda / A study in material handling processes on Proton Finishing in Forsheda

Lilliebladh, David, Svensson, Per January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim with this report was to exam and surveys the internal logistics of Proton Finishing’s production. The basic data should give the company suggestions of more efficient and improved internal logistics. We will also give from our perspective suggestions of improvement, which the company will be able to evaluate.</p><p>To evaluate these problems we used different kinds of methods. A frequency study was made on the internal forklift. For that we used a predefined sheet where we once a minute registered what it were doing. With a stopwatch we registered how long time the operators spend in the storage. We also did interviews with the personnel to get their opinion on these matters. The study was conducted during a four day period, where these methods were used to study the work in the factory.</p><p>The result that emerged are divided after which line/function the personnel worked on. The stopwatch survey showed that the personnel on hang 1 line spend time in the storage which they don’t suppose to do, according to their work assignment. The frequency study showed that the internal forklift spend one and a half hour a day to look after material. The study also showed that only 45 per cent of its work was useful work.</p><p>Our conclusions after this report are that a storage software with all it’s components should be used. We have also given suggestion of more efficient material handling around the three lines in the A-sector.</p>

Nyttjande av ofrörbrukat byggmaterial : En rapport åt Peab Jönköping

Olsson, Robert, Dahlberg, Anders January 2006 (has links)
<p>This final year project is made for Peab Jönköping and its target group is the construction industry. The main focus is the use of unutilized building material in the most economical and environmental-friendly way. Unutilized building material is here defined as material purchased for a construction project that for different reasons not has been used. The most important thing to find out was how much building material considered as being waste is actually useable material, and how much less it costs to use that building material instead of throwing it away.</p><p>When this information was gathered a proposal on how to efficiently use the unutilized building material instead of wasting it was designed. Costs and incomes were investigated and the proposal suggested a storage area where Peab can store their unused building material. The costs for the storage area was however relatively high, large savings are therefore needed. These savings are very difficult or actually almost impossible to calculate because it is very difficult to know how much material that really is usable of the total waste. The savings can be estimated, however with low reliability. Hence, the proposal seems very expensive since the savings are not being able to cover the costs. If the incomes were known from the beginning it would be easier to properly design a proposal. Another way is to test the proposal at a smaller range first to better be able to calculate the savings. The decrease of environmental influence and other impacts from the proposal are hard to show with figures and it is difficult to estimate how much the storage area will cost. Based on this, Peab are therefore presently recommended not to take this risk.</p><p>With this knowledge at hand an alternative proposal was designed. This proposal suggested a development of Peab’s already existing storage area utilizing the same resources as today. If this is properly realized, the environmental influence will be reduced and Peab Jönköping’s economy will be improved.</p>

Arbetshanteringen på godsmottagningen hos EFG

Hess, Elin January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to investigate how the work handling at the department for arriving goods at EFG in Tranås is working, as well as how it could be improved and made more effective. EFG is a corporation who process and sell office furniture. The company is working with a project concerning delivery precision, the subject is therefore particularly interesting from the perspective of delivery accuracy. The number of orders has increased notably during the fall of 2005 and the spring of 2006. This has led to new demands at the department for arriving goods and the topic is as a result of that important also from this point of view.</p><p>Interviews and investigations have been conducted at location since no written material earlier has been made in the topic. A description of the main flows at the department and how they are being handled has been the results of those investigations. The amount of material arriving is to great to be handled without problems. Large quantities are received in intervals in the current situation. Those quantities demands storage which are impossible to house in the existing storerooms in the building. The goods must be moved several times and the handling becomes unnecessarily inconvenient. It is impossible to carry out the quality controls in a fashionable manner as a result of this, simply as there is no time for it, which may lead to faults ad problems further on in the refinement process. The result of the analysis shows that a combination of measures could be appropriate to prevent this. The measures include the introduction of a new identification system to make the registration of goods easier and faster. It is also recommended to buy the goods loaded on EUR-pallets, which means that no reloading will be necessary. Finally EFG is proposed to increase their cooperation with their suppliers and order smaller and more frequent deliveries.</p>

Lokalisering av ytor för hantering av jord- och bergmaterial i Södertörn

Morén, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet var att identifiera ytor inom Södertörn där det skulle vara möjligt att etablera materialterminaler för hantering av byggbranschens jord- och bergmaterial. Förhoppningen var att detta kunde bidra till ett planeringsunderlag för en samordnad materialförvaltning inom regionen. Behovet och nyttan av fler materialterminaler har börjat uppmärksammas, men inga studier kring vilka platser som lämpar sig för ändamålet har tidigare genomförts utifrån svenska förhållanden.   För att ta reda på vilka kriterier som definierade en bra materialterminalyta genomfördes en intervjustudie där tio aktörer med anknytning till materialhanteringsbranschen intervjuades. Kriterierna översattes till geografisk information och implementerades i GIS-programmet ArcMAP där det konstruerades en kartbild vilken visualiserade de ytor som var lämpliga respektive olämpliga att använda för ändamålet. Därefter genomfördes ett exempel vilket visade hur kartunderlaget kunde användas för att göra ett första urval av potentiella platser för en terminal inom angivet avstånd från utvalda byggprojektområden. För att ytterligare bidra till planeringsunderlaget identifierades regionens nuvarande materialterminaler, även de redovisades i en geografisk bild konstruerad i ArcMAP. I stort var de intervjuade aktörerna överens om vilka kriterier en materialterminalyta bör uppfylla. De främsta tycktes vara följande; att terminalen har ett bra logistiskt läge som ger korta transporter, att den kan avskärmas från boende och andra som vistas i området, att den har liten konkurrens från andra intressen och ligger utanför miljökänsliga områden samt har en (tillräckligt) stor yta. GIS-analysen och dess resulterande kartbild visade att det fanns stora tillgängliga ytor som uppfyllde kriterierna och som potentiellt skulle kunna användas till nya materialterminaler inom Södertörn. Detta strider mot den vedertagna uppfattningen om att platsbrist är en av de största anledningarna till att terminaler inte har kunnat etableras. Alla kriterier fanns dock inte representerade i analysen, vissa visade sig nämligen vara svåra att översätta till geografisk information. Dessutom fanns det inte alltid tydliga gränser mellan när en markyta kunde användas och inte, i flera fall tycktes det bero på platsspecifika egenskaper. Antaganden och subjektiva bedömningar låg därmed delvis till grund för hur kriterierna representerades i kartbilden. Dessa antaganden och bedömningar baserades dock på intervjuer med kunniga och insatta aktörer samt relevant litteratur, resultaten bedömdes därmed som rimliga och kartbilden möjlig att använda för att få en uppfattning om potentiella materialterminalplatser. GIS-analysen med resulterande kartunderlag skulle kunna användas för att göra ett första urval av potentiella terminalplatser som sedan analyseras vidare innan slutgiltigt val. Rapporten kan användas till att få en bredare kunskap om materialterminaler, vilka kriterier och krav de bör uppfylla och hur berörda aktörer tänker kring dessa. / The purpose of this thesis was to identify areas within Stockholm’s southernmost municipalities (Södertörn) where it was possible to establish terminals where soil and rock material used within the construction industry could be stored and sorted. This should contribute to the planning of a coordinated material management in the region. The need for and usefulness of these hubs have begun to be recognized, but no studies about suitable sites based on Swedish conditions has previously been carried out. In order to find the criteria that define a favourable area for such a site ten stakeholders with connection to the material management were interviewed. The criteria were then translated into geographic information and implemented in the GIS software ArcMap, where a map visualizing the areas that were suitable respectively unsuitable for the purpose was constructed. Thereafter an example which showed how the map could be used to make an initial selection of potential sites within a specified distance from selected construction sites was carried out. In order to further contribute to a coordinated material management the region's current sites for soil and rock handling were identified, also presented in a geographical image constructed in ArcMap. Overall the interviewed stakeholders agreed about which criteria a soil and rock handling site should meet. The most important ones seemed to be the following; a good logistical location which minimizes transportation distances, possibility to shield it from residents and others staying in the area, little competition from other interests, a location outside environmentally sensitive areas, and finally, an area that is (sufficiently) large. The result showed that there existed large accessible areas that could potentially be used for the establishment of new handling sites within Södertörn, which contradict the opinion that the lack of space is one of the major reasons to that these kind of establishments can’t be established. All criteria were not represented in the map though, this since some were not possible to translate into geographic information. Moreover, clear boundaries between when an area could be used and not were sometimes lacking, it seemed to depend on site-specific characteristics. How the criteria were represented in the map was therefore partly based on assumptions and subjective judgments. Assumptions and estimates were however based on interviews with knowledgeable stakeholders and relevant literature and were therefore considered to be reasonable. The map was considered to be able to give an indication of where were soil and rock handling sites potentially could be established. The map could be used to make an initial selection of potential sites, which then can be further analysed before a final choice. The report can be used to gain a broader understanding of these kind of establishments, the criteria and requirements they must meet, and what involved stakeholders think about these.

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