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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Justice en résistance - La médiatisation de la récidive criminelle (1997-2008) / When Justice resists - The mediatization of criminal recidivism (1997-2008)

Huré, Isabelle 06 June 2013 (has links)
Depuis la fin des années 1990, la question de la récidive criminelle est présente dans le débat public. Des lois pénales visant à endiguer ce phénomène judiciaire sont promulguées. À partir de 2002, elles deviennent significativement répressives et leur production s’accélère. Cette politique pénale engendre une contestation forte dans les milieux judiciaires,universitaires et intellectuels ainsi que dans les partis politiques de l'opposition et chez certaines personnalités politiques de la majorité en désaccord avec le gouvernement. La politique, les lois et les débats ou réactions qu'elles engendrent dans la société se passent aujourd'hui difficilement de leur pendant médiatique. Nous interrogeons donc certains médias pour comprendre le sens qu'ils confèrent à l'activité législative des gouvernements à l'encontre de la récidive criminelle et aux réactions qu'elle provoque. Ainsi, la thèse montre en quoi les médias du corpus présentent la question de la récidive criminelle et de sa prise en charge comme un double cycle. L'un va du fait divers criminel – en récidive - à la loi pénale. L'autre va de l'activité politique à propos de la récidive à sa contestation. Elle explique également en quoi le processus de médiatisation, impliquant l’interaction de divers acteurs, favorise cette répétition. Derrière cette hypothèse à deux versants, se posent d'un côté la question du sens contenu dans les productions journalistiques et ce qu'il révèle de l'évolution de notre justice pénale et de l’autre celle de la construction de ce sens. La thèse propose donc d'observer la « scène médiatique » constituée par le corpus puis d’explorer les mécanismes de sa co-construction par les journalistes et les acteurs aux prises avec la question de la récidive criminelle. / Recidivism has been debated as a public issue since the end of the 1990's. Criminal laws are enacted in order to contain this phenomenon. As of 2002 they start growing significantly repressive and ever more numerous. This criminal policy leads to major protestation among the legal, academic and intellectual worlds, as in the political opposition parties or among political figures disagreeing with the government though in the majority. Policies, laws and the debate or reactions they generate in the society hardly go without their mediatic side. Hence, we shall analyse some media to understand the meaning they give to the governments’ legislative activity against criminal recidivism and what meaning these media give to the reactions this activity creates.This dissertation shows by which means the media of our corpus set both the issue of criminal recidivism and the way it is taken care of as a double-cycle. One cycle goes from a criminal re-offense in the back page news to a criminal law. The other goes from the policy about recidivism to its contesting. It also explains where in media exposure – along which several players are involved - proceeds with this recurrence. This two-sided hypothesis points out two questions. First of all what is the meaning within this journalistic content and what does it tell about the evolution of our criminal justice ? Then, how is this meaning made? Thus, this dissertation shall first observe the « media scene » delimited by the corpus, and then examine the mechanism of its co-production by journalists and the different players coping with criminal recidivism.

¿Cómo se representa la clase media a sí misma? Fronteras morales y diferenciación social en el Chile actual

Mella San Martín, Camila 05 1900 (has links)

Le National Geographic, fenêtre sur le monde, fenêtre sur les États-Unis / The National Geographic, a window to the world, a window on the United States

Sulaiman, Sulaiman 07 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la vision du reste du monde que le National Geographic Magazine transmet aux Américains depuis 125 ans. Après avoir abordé les origines et l’évolution du magazine, la recherche se concentre sur le traitement par le magazine de certains sujets emblématiques de la manière dont le magazine rend compte des cultures étrangères, la culture des Indiens des États-Unis, celle des quasi-colonies américaines (Cuba et les Philippines), et les mondes exotiques que sont l’Afrique et l’Orient. Si le magazine montre une grande adaptabilité et épouse les changements de paradigmes culturels, une étude attentive de tous les articles consacrés à ces sujets montre deux invariants : la politique officielle des États-Unis n’est jamais critiquée (quand le magazine n’est pas d’accord, il se tait), et, s’ils sont périodiquement recyclés, les stéréotypes utilisés pour rendre compte des cultures étrangères restent fondés sur une vision ethnocentrique reposant sur l’attrait de l’exotisme, le puritanisme, et l’attachement à l’American Way of Life comme incarnation du rêve américain. / The dissertation explores the vision of the rest of the world that Americans have been exposed to for 125 years by the National Geographic Magazine. After discussing the origins and development of the magazine, the research focuses on the treatment of specific subjects that are illustrative of the magazine’s approach of US domestic cultures (Native Americans), America’s quasi-colonies (Cuba and the Philippines), and the exotic worlds of Africa and the Orient. While the magazines shows a great adaptability and espouses the changes of cultural paradigms, a close study of all the articles on these topics across the period shows two invariants: the official US policy is never questioned (when the magazine disagrees, it remains silent), and, while periodically recycled, the stereotypes developed to give an account of foreign cultures remain based on three aspects of an ethnocentric vision based on the allurements of exoticism, Puritanism, and devotion to the American Way of Life as the embodiment of the American Dream.

Auditoría estratégica y plan de negocios de una empresa de confecciones de calcetines

Rau Álvarez, José Alan 09 May 2011 (has links)
La investigación ha determinado los requerimientos de los consumidores y los atributos que son necesarios considerar en los productos. Concretamente, los 4 requerimientos más exigidos son: que las medias sean cómodas, que tengan buen acabado, que sean indeformables y que tengan colores firmes. Esto varía por Nivel Socioeconómico (NSE). / Tesis

A gestão de riscos e continuidade de negócios em pequenas e médias empresas fornecedoras da indústria metalmecânica da serra gaúcha

Dalpissol, Evandro January 2016 (has links)
A gestão de riscos e continuidade de negócios em pequenas e médias empresas são negligenciadas na literatura brasileira e internacional. Na Serra Gaúcha, as pequenas e médias empresas correspondem a 96,6% do total de 3088 empresas do setor, caracterizando-se ainda por fornecerem seus serviços a grandes empresas locais, que correspondem a 3,4% do total de empresas do setor. Devido a isso, é necessário entender o modo que os empresários dessas organizações pensam e agem em relação à identificação e gestão de riscos empresariais, como um mecanismo para proteger seus ativos. Elege-se descrever, como objetivo central desta investigação, a forma como essas empresas realizam o processo de identificação e a gestão de seus riscos a fim de garantir a continuidade dos negócios. Como objetivos específicos foram selecionados: a) caracterizar o setor e as empresas que compõem o estudo; b) identificar e analisar o conceito de risco empresarial na perspectiva dos dirigentes das empresas em estudo; c) analisar como estas empresas identificam seus riscos empresariais; d) identificar os riscos que as empresas em estudo estão expostas e classificá-los, conforme a literatura; e) analisar como as empresas estudadas estão gerenciando seus diferentes tipos de riscos; f) identificar crises ou interrupções de negócios que estas empresas sofreram nos últimos anos. Como procedimento metodológico foi selecionado o estudo de casos múltiplos, como estratégia de metodologia principal, foram escolhidas duas empresas de pequeno porte e uma de médio porte, que atuam no setor metalmecânico da Serra Gaúcha. Essas empresas caracterizam-se por fabricar produtos tendo o aço e o plástico como matéria-prima. Além disso, essas mesmas empresas fornecem esses itens para abastecer grandes empresas da região. No que diz respeito à revisão da literatura, esta pesquisa aborda a origem e a evolução dos conceitos centrais ligados à gestão de riscos e continuidade de negócios, as diferentes tipologias de gestão de riscos e as principais normas e modelos de gestão de riscos. Para isso, foram tomados como referência os quadros teóricos desenvolvidos pela ABNT (2009, 2013), BCI (2011), COSO (2007), FERMA (2014), FNQ (2009), Frigo e Anderson (2011, 2014), Herbane (2013), Herbane, Elliott e Johnson (2010), Hiles (2012), IBGC (2007), Kaplan e Mikes (2012), Orange Book (2004). Entre os resultados do estudo, verificou-se que a preocupação dos empresários, em termos de planejamento e preparação para lidar com situações de risco, é restrita principalmente aos riscos de natureza operacional e estratégica. No entanto, não há ferramentas sistemáticas de gerenciamento baseadas na prática, para responder às crises provocadas por riscos que eram suscetíveis de serem geridos com ferramentas de gestão de risco, de modo a não comprometer a continuidade dos negócios. / neglected in Brazilian and international literature. In Serra Gaúcha, the small and medium companies account for 96.6 % of the total of 3088 companies in the field; it is characterized also by providing their services to large local companies, which account for 3.4 % of all companies in the sector Due to this, it is necessary to understand the way that entrepreneurs on these organizations think and act in relation to the identification and management of business risks, as a mechanism to protect their assets. It has been chosen to describe, as a main purpose of this research, how these companies perform the process of identifying and managing their risks in order to ensure business continuity. Specific objectives have been selected as follow: a) characterize the sector and the companies in the study; b) identify and analyze the concept of company risk from the perspective of business leaders in the study; c) analyze how these companies identify their business risks; d) identify risks that companies, in the study, have been exposed and classify them, according to literature; e) analyze how, the studied companies, have been managing their different types of risks; f) identify crises or business interruptions that these companies have suffered in recent years. As a methodological procedure, it has been selected a case study, as main methodology strategy, it has been chosen two small and a midsize companies, operating in the metalmechanic sector of Serra Gaúcha. These companies are characterized by manufacturing products with steel and plastic, as their raw material. In addition, these companies provide these items to supply large companies in the region. Regarding literature review, this research addresses the origin and evolution of main concepts related to risk management and business continuity, different types of risk management and main standards, and risk management models. To that end, it has been taken as reference the theoretical frameworks developed by ABNT (2009, 2013), BCI (2011), COSO (2007), FERMA (2014), FNQ (2009), Frigo and Anderson (2011, 2014), Herbane (2013), Herbane, Elliott and Johnson (2010), Hiles (2012), IBGC (2007), Kaplan and Mikes (2012), Orange Book (2004). Among the results of the study, it has been found that the entrepreneurs’ concern, in terms of planning and preparation to deal with situations of risk, is restricted mainly to the risk of operational and strategic nature. However, there is no systematic management tools based on practical, to respond to crises caused by risks that were likely to be managed with risk management tools, so as not to jeopardize business continuity.

Barn och TV-såpor : - Sympatiserar och identifierar sig 11-12 åringar med rollfigurer i TV-såpor?

Sahlqvist, Åsa, Wikberg, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
Media av olika slag spelar allt större roll i dagens samhälle och påverkar barns lärprocesser på ett annat sätt än tidigare (Ihrskog, 2006). von Tetzchner (2005) skriver att av alla medier i dagens samhälle har TV störst inflytande eftersom den är en stor del av de ungas fritid. Nordlunds definition av en TV-såpa är att det är tätt mellan avsnitten, det finns ett visst antal huvudpersoner med någon typ av karaktärsdrag och en miljö som är bekant för tittaren. Handlingen rör ofta problem beträffande mänskliga relationer i vardagen (Nordlund, 2001). Idag använder sig barnen av bland annat TV-såpor för att få svar på sina frågor (Utbildningsradion). Syftet med vår undersökning är att ta reda på om 11-12 åringar sympatiserar och identifierar sig med rollfigurer i TV-såpor. Våra frågeställningar är: - Ser 11-12 åringar på TV-såpor? - Känner 11-12 åringar igen sig i rollfigurer i TV-såpor? - Påverkas 11-12 åringar känslomässigt av innehållet i TV-såpor? För att få svar på våra frågeställningar genomfördes en enkätundersökning i 14 klasser med barn i år 5 och 6 på två olika skolor, sammanlagt svarade 172 barn på enkäten. Större delen, 156 (90,7 %) av 172, av de respondenter som deltog i undersökningen uppger att de har sett eller ser på en eller flera TV-såpor. Vidare visar resultatet att ett stort antal 11-12 åringar känner igen sig, sympatiserar och identifierar sig med rollfigurer i TV-såpor. Om man är pojke eller flicka, visar endast en marginell skillnad. Skolan kan använda TV-såpor som ett pedagogiskt verktyg exempelvis genom att visa episoder från TV-såpor och utifrån dem skapa diskussioner och låta barnen dramatisera olika händelser.

Barn och TV-såpor : - Sympatiserar och identifierar sig 11-12 åringar med rollfigurer i TV-såpor?

Sahlqvist, Åsa, Wikberg, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
<p>Media av olika slag spelar allt större roll i dagens samhälle och påverkar barns lärprocesser på ett annat sätt än tidigare (Ihrskog, 2006). von Tetzchner (2005) skriver att av alla medier i dagens samhälle har TV störst inflytande eftersom den är en stor del av de ungas fritid. Nordlunds definition av en TV-såpa är att det är tätt mellan avsnitten, det finns ett visst antal huvudpersoner med någon typ av karaktärsdrag och en miljö som är bekant för tittaren. Handlingen rör ofta problem beträffande mänskliga relationer i vardagen (Nordlund, 2001). Idag använder sig barnen av bland annat TV-såpor för att få svar på sina frågor (Utbildningsradion).</p><p>Syftet med vår undersökning är att ta reda på om 11-12 åringar sympatiserar och identifierar sig med rollfigurer i TV-såpor.</p><p>Våra frågeställningar är:</p><p>- Ser 11-12 åringar på TV-såpor?</p><p>- Känner 11-12 åringar igen sig i rollfigurer i TV-såpor?</p><p>- Påverkas 11-12 åringar känslomässigt av innehållet i TV-såpor?</p><p>För att få svar på våra frågeställningar genomfördes en enkätundersökning i 14 klasser med barn i år 5 och 6 på två olika skolor, sammanlagt svarade 172 barn på enkäten. Större delen, 156 (90,7 %) av 172, av de respondenter som deltog i undersökningen uppger att de har sett eller ser på en eller flera TV-såpor. Vidare visar resultatet att ett stort antal 11-12 åringar känner igen sig, sympatiserar och identifierar sig med rollfigurer i TV-såpor. Om man är pojke eller flicka, visar endast en marginell skillnad.</p><p>Skolan kan använda TV-såpor som ett pedagogiskt verktyg exempelvis genom att visa episoder från TV-såpor och utifrån dem skapa diskussioner och låta barnen dramatisera olika händelser.</p>

Bilden av EU : En studie av EU som opinionsbildare i Tyskland och Österrike

Ek, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The opinions about the European Union vary considerably between the member states. There are likely several reasons of this, the following study examines one that ought to play a major role. This study examines the idea that media affects the public opinion. According to the theory of Framing media can not only tell us what to think about, media also has the power to influence how we think about the matter. “Framing: Toward Clarification of a fractured paradigm” by Robert M. Entman works as a main influence of this study. Entman suggests that frames promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described.</p><p>The aim of the study is to analyse how the European Union is depicted in German and Austrian newspapers. To find underlying frames in the chosen 114 articles, a comparative qualitative textanalysis has been used. The four, by Entman suggested, items that compose frames were searched, analysed and compared. The result concludes that different frames occur in German and Austrian newspapers. The various EU-opinions in the two countries could with other words partly be due to different kinds of media reports.</p><p>Nyckelord: Framing, EU, media, allmänna opinionen, medias effekt</p>

Cyberespace et paysage : regards croisés sur la ville et les environnements digitaux / Cyberspace and landscape : Crossing visions of city and digital environments

Zattoni, Olivier 16 October 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les enjeux symboliques, artistiques et représentationnels liés à la démocratisation des appareils connectés. Car l’écran, désormais envisagé dans sa mobilité, fait non seulement office de fenêtre ouverte sur le monde (Alberti), mais plus encore, il compose un vaste paysage où le cyberespace, monde virtuel aujourd’hui à portée de tous, se combine avec un réel mis à distance, fragmenté, puis recomposé. Ainsi en va-t-il de nos trajectoires se dessinant sur Google Maps, de cette ville qui apparaît comme un nouveau texte à déchiffrer et sur laquelle les appareils connectés juxtaposent de nouvelles cartes. Dès lors se dessine, dans la frénésie informative que nous proposent ces objets techniques d’un nouveau genre, une vision de la technique participant de ce que Michel de Certeau appelait une ’sensibilité partagée’. Cette sensibilité, acquise à mesure que les dispositifs informatiques se sont perfectionnés, tisse de nouveaux réseaux d'associations entre l'individu et son milieu. Par conséquent, là où l’histoire et la théorie de l’art ont mis au jour un certain nombre de questions relatives à la surface, au cadre, au plan, la cybersensibilité actuelle s'inscrit dans une histoire non seulement technique, mais également optique. La ville, et sa symbolique du territoire, se présente non pas comme décor mais se donne à voir tel un terrain de jeu (sandbox) propice à de nouvelles explorations. Considérant ce maillage inédit de perspectives, nous garderons de la cybersensibilité sa formidable aptitude à reconsidérer le milieu urbain ou numérique suivant de multiples points de vue qui sont autant de nouvelles tactiques de nouvelles approches. / This research focuses on symbolic, artistic and representational issues linked to Web and connected systems, such as mobile phones and tablets. Because the screen, i.e. the monitor, is now considered in its mobility, it has to be perceived as a window opened toward the outside. However, the monitor also sketches a lanscape where cyberespace, beyond its logical nature, has to be combined with a reality that aftermath becomes fragmented and recomposed. This applies to the steps we spread while walking in the street, soon transcribed in data on our smartphone : from a simple walk to a track that edges into the city. In this context, city becomes a kind of text and digital artefacts participate to its rewriting, juxtaposing new maps. As city represents the fragmented and the multiple, cyberspace implies a vision of urbanity where man merges himself with technology in a specific way: virtual worlds, along with videogames, science-fiction litterature and movies bring us back to the cyberpunk movement, and before, with the ’shock’ of cities experienced during the modernity by Georg Simmel and Walter Benjamin. This chaos of senses, space and time which defines modern cities is also typical of a technological power that tends to lead the society. Far from orwellian visions, the current advanded technology, although it appears crossed by political, technological and social matters, has to be situated in the context of cybersensbility. Actually in this era of networks and mature technology stands a new vision of technology that implies new practices, new attempts, and makes the cybersensibility concept tangible, as it is opposed to a passive conception in the use of technologies.

Fundamentos para a implantação de micro e pequenas empresas de alimentos

Bringhenti, Cassiano January 2000 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-17T18:49:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2013-07-16T18:00:29Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 173194.pdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Introdução. Das pequenas empresas que abrem no Brasil, 80% findam antes de completar dois anos. As razões disso são múltiplas, como a falta de conhecimentos administrativos ou de características empreendedoras em quem as conduz. Objetivo. Analisar como o (1) controle de custos, a (2) pesquisa mercadológica e o (3) perfil empreendedor contribuem para o sucesso de micro ou pequenas empresas de alimentos. Método. Desenvolve-se um sistema de gestão contemplando os três referidos itens, sendo em seguida aplicado em duas empresas (estudos de caso). Resultados. Após a implantação das ferramentas de controle de custo (a fim de auxiliar a contabilidade) e de instrumentos de pesquisa mercadológica (com o fito de prover informações) houve uma significativa melhoria na forma de gerenciamento das empresas estudadas. E a colocação do assunto do perfil empreendedor aos dirigentes das empresas permitiu-lhes descobrir seus pontos fortes e fracos e incentivou-os a aproveitar melhor aqueles e, dentro do possível, corrigir estes. Conclusão. As informações oriundas dos três itens supra-citados permitem ao gerente tomar decisões e realizar ações mais acertadas, aumentando as chances de sucesso de micro e pequenas empresas de alimentos.

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