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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IS mobilisation av följare och framtida visioner : En diskursanalys av Islamiska Statens propagandamagasin Dabiq Magazine / Mobilization of followers and visions for the future in IS. : A discourse analytical study of Dabiq Magazine, the propaganda magazine of Islamic State.

Brager, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to find out what methods the Islamic State are using in order to mobilize their followers and strengthen the organization. The purpose of this essay has also been to find out what the dreams and visions the Islamic state has for the future. From a discourse analytical approach, the Islamic State propaganda newspaper Dabiq Magazine has been analyzed based on how well the material is consistent with Lincoln’s theories on cultural identity and Jameson’s theory on historical identities and myths. The results showed the Islamic state's conscious strategy of portraying itself as the religion’s only true interpreter and that religion holds a central domain of the collective identity as the Islamic State intends to create for the organization. The analysis also shows the Islamic state's dreams and visions for the future that are primarily manifested by the organization's power ambitions but also by apocalyptic references to prophecies from holy scriptures in the Quran.

Polisen är kommunikation : en kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan polisens image och profil i kommunikationen på Facebook

Bergholz-Widell, Ebba, Kervefelt, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte:
Kritik har riktats mot polisens närvaro i sociala medier då samhället har ifrågasatt om polisen behöver lägga energi och tid på att närvara på dessa plattformar (Erlandsson 2015). Syftet med den här studien är att analysera vilka uppfattningar ett urval av Facebook-användare har om polisens kommunikation på Facebook, för att sedan jämföras med hur polisen vill framstå och om de arbetar strategiskt för att lyckas med detta på Facebook.
Metod och material: För att svara på studiens syfte har studien en kvalitativ metod och utgår från intervjuer med två kommunikatörer från Polismyndighetens kommunikationsavdelning i Stockholm som har sociala medier som sitt största arbetsområde. Samt två fokusgrupper av totalt åtta Facebook-användare med olika kön och åldrar mellan 20 till 60 år.
Huvudresultat: Polisens profil skiljer sig mot deras image på en del plan utifrån ett urval av Facebook-användare. Urvalet uppfattar polisen som tillförlitlig, med intressanta uppgifter men att Facebookinläggen ofta är tråkigt och krångligt skrivna. De har förväntningar på polisens kommunikativa arbete på Facebook som enligt de inte uppfylls. Detta medan polisen menar att deras arbete på Facebook är välfungerande då responsen är märkbart bra. I sin kommunikation på Facebook vill polisen framstå som mänsklig, lättförståelig, professionell och öppen. För att bibehålla detta arbetar de strategiskt med sin kommunikation då framförallt många regler och riktlinjer följs.

Employer Branding : En kvalitativ studie om Employer Branding i praktiken - från ett arbetsgivarperspektiv

Usberg, Leonardo, Clavijo-Retamales, Isaak January 2016 (has links)
In the increasingly competitive labor market it is becoming important for organizations to attract and retain competent employees. There are constant demands and pressures that organizations should comply. Therefor organizations need to have employees with the right knowledge to maintain their competitive advantage. By working systematically with the working environment, organizations can create basic conditions to strengthen their Employer Branding. The concept of Employer Branding have gained a significant role during the past decade and has evolved to become a key strategic priority for organizations. What matters is to appear as the most attractive employer in the market in order to retain and attract the most qualified talent. The study aims to identify and analyze the processes involved in Employer Branding. The results of the study show signs that many organizations have similar processes within their Employer Branding. In the subsequent discussion, the researchers have structured a model that can explain the approach on Employer Branding, where the working environment and Talent Management plays an important role.   Key words: Employer Branding, Talent Management, work environment, social media / I en alltmer konkurrensutsatt arbetsmarknad blir det allt viktigare för organisationer att kunna attrahera och behålla kompetenta medarbetare. Det ställs ständiga krav och riktlinjer som organisationer förväntas efterfölja. Detta leder till att organisationer har behov av medarbetare med rätt kunskap för att kunna vara konkurrenskraftiga. Att skapa en arbetsplats för medarbetarna som ökar trivseln gynnar arbetsgivarna och bör ligga i deras intresse. Genom att systematiskt arbeta med arbetsmiljö kan organisationer skapa de grundförutsättningar som krävs för att stärka sitt Employer Brand.   Begreppet Employer Branding har fått en betydande roll under det senaste decenniet och har utvecklats till att bli en viktig strategisk prioritering för ledningen inom många organisationer. Det handlar alltså om att organisationer vill framstå som de mest attraktiva arbetsgivarna på marknaden. Studiens syfte är att kartlägga och analysera vilka processer som ingår i Employer Branding och undersöka hur dessa används i praktiken. Det teoretiska ramverket som denna studie har sin utgångspunkt i, berör Employer Branding samt olika organisationsteorier för att få en ökad förståelse för detta ämne. Undersökningen består utav en kvalitativ ansats där ett flertal semistrukturerade intervjuer av olika organisationer genomförts. Genom en abduktiv ansats har författarna kunnat skifta mellan den teoretiska referensramen och empiri. Resultatet i studien visar tendenser på att många organisationer har likartade processer i arbetet med Employer Branding. I efterföljande diskussion har författarna till denna studie strukturerat upp en modell som kan förklara arbetssättet kring Employer Branding, där arbetsmiljö och Talent Management spelar en viktig roll.   Nyckelord: Employer Branding, Talent Management, arbetsmiljö, sociala medier

Attityder till annonser på Instagram : En kvalitativ studie om hur konsumenter uppfattar innehållet i annonser på Instagram

Bojackly, Rosalia, Eriksson, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Social media is increasing constantly, which led to new communication and marketing channels have evolved, it has helped businesses and consumers to integrate and communicate with each other. One of the fastest growing communication and marketing channels is Instagram. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of consumer attitudes to the content of the ads on Instagram. The study was based on a qualitative research approach with a selection of ten people, aged 18-28 years, who use Instagram. Previous research has shown that most people who use Instagram are between 12-35 years, therefore this study chose to combine the people who were available and were in the age frame. Semi-structured interviews were used as a method of study and consisted of eleven questions, which were in two distinct themes. The study's empirical data were analyzed using theories of social media as a communication- and marketing channel and attitudes to advertising. The study results showed that all respondents perceive the content of the ads on Instagram as both positive and negative, depending on how the company shapes the content of the ads on Instagram.

Gymnasieelevers utsatthet för cyberstalkning : en studie om viktimisering och Internetvanor

Bladh, Anny, Eriksson, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Cyberstalkning definieras som en upprepad oönskad kontakt av en individ genom elektroniska eller Internetkompatibla enheter. Den oönskade kontakten brukar oftast förekomma via mail, sociala medier, bloggar, chattrum eller sms. Unga är en utsatt grupp för cyberstalkning eftersom de frekvent använder Internet och sociala medier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur vanligt förekommande utsatthet för cyberstalkning var bland gymnasieelever i årskurs tre, att undersöka huruvida ett samband fanns mellan elevernas Internetvanor och deras utsatthet samt att identifiera om eventuella könsskillnader förelåg i utsattheten. Metod: Etthundrafyrtio gymnasieelever i årskurs tre besvarade en enkät om Internetvanor och utsatthet för cyberstalkning. Svaren analyserades med bland annat Pearsons r och Chi2. Resultat: Av urvalet var det 26,4 procent (37 personer) som hade blivit utsatta för cyberstalkning under sin gymnasietid. Kvinnor hade blivit utsatta i större utsträckning än män och män var oftare förövare än kvinnor. Det var vanligast att ha blivit utsatt genom antingen chattrum eller sociala medier, där Instagram var det medium som visade på flest samband med olika cyberstalkningbeteenden. Resultatet visade även att risken för att utsättas påverkades snarare av hur de sociala nätverken användes, än att de användes. Diskussion: Det är viktigt att belysa problematiken kring cyberstalkning, dels på grund av att det är så pass vanligt förekommande då många respondenter uppgav att de blivit utsatta för minst ett cyberstalkningbeteende, och dels för att sprida kunskap och information så att cyberstalkning blir ett mer etablerat begrepp. / <p>2016-06-01</p>

Den sköra tråden mellan hälsa och ohälsa: : en kvantitativ studie av ungdomars upplevelse kring träning och kroppsideal. / The fine line between health and unhealth: : a quantitative study of adolescents experience concerning training and body ideals.

Hellström, Mia, Antane, Santa, Eriksson, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Träning är ett komplext fenomen. Det är dels en grundläggande komponent för hälsa men samtidigt ett tillvägagångssätt i strävan att nå idealet, vilket kan utryckas sig i extrema förhållningssätt. Informations- och kommunikationsteknologin har dessutom utvecklats radikalt de senaste åren. Detta har föranlett att internet blivit den starkaste informationskällan för dagens ungdomar, vilket kan liknas vid en arena där det ständigt förmedlas ideal kring utseende och träning. Studien genomfördes därför med syftet att undersöka hur ungdomar påverkas av samhälleliga ideal och vår tids frekventa användande av sociala medier, samt ungdomarnas tankar kring träning och i vilken utsträckning den anses hälsosam. Undersökningen utgår ifrån ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt där 102 respondenter i åldrarna 17-18 år fick besvara en webb-enkät med totalt 23 frågor. Resultatet påvisar att ungdomar upplever samhällets krav på träning och kroppsideal nästintill som ouppnåeliga och att det ger konsekvenser som försämrad självbild samt att sociala medier till stor del har en negativ påverkan på ungdomarna. Resultaten indikerar att träning tenderar att passera gränsen till ohälsosamt när individen anser att träning är den viktigaste delen i livet och sociala relationer prioriteras bort. Det kan också ses att kunskapsläget kring detta fenomen är begränsat och att det finns behov av ytterligare forskning.

En närvarande gemenskap : Unga kristna, deras församlingar och digitala medier. / A community present. : Young Christians, their congregations and digital media.

Persson, Anton January 2019 (has links)
Today´s society is overwhelming with new technology and expressions of new media outlets.Forums, podcasts, easy internet access, videoblogs etc. is a new part of how people in generalare consuming media, searching for information and finding community. Previous studies haveshown that religious groups tend to use and interact with digital media in other ways than othersocial groups in the society. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine how members of twocongregations in Umeå interact and use different forms of digital media in relation to theirreligious offline-community. Four people agreed to be interviewed and be a part of this studyand semi structured interviews were made.The results was analyzed in relation to theories about how religious communities traditionallyhas used and interacted new forms of digital media. Also, theories about how traditional mediaoutlets changes forms and how people tend to use them was used for analyzing the finding. Theoutcome of those interviews revealed that there is a slight variation in how digital media isconceived and used in these religious communities, but the general view is that the offlinecommunityis a central part of their religious life. The opportunities that, for example religiousteaching online offers is viewed as only complementary to the teachings and other rituals thatoccur in the offline-community.

Underholdningens pedagogiske funksjon : En studie om underholdningsmediers effekt på språkinnläring

Wahl, Per Henrik January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRACT Aim: The purpose of this study is to produce knowledge regarding the effects of media consumption and exposure on language learning skills. Method: The study assumes the form of a pedagogical language experiment which encompasses language learning skills through consumption and exposure of entertainment media. Furthermore, the study preforms a quantitative examination of the hypothesis stating that those Swedish high school students that have watched one season or more of the Norwegian entertainment program Skam, would preform better on the studies language test, than those who had not watched Skam. The method of data gathering is based on a questionnaire form including a language test, which was handed out to different high schools Sweden. The gathered data will be presented and analyzed through the statistical data program PSPP, where the results are presented through a descriptive design. This study has a certain positivistic character since it performs a test of an assumed hypothesis. Result: The majority of the Swedish students that had never watched Skam, preforms poorly on the study’s language test. The majority of the students that have watched Skam for one season or more, preforms either average or good on the language test. As a result, this study indicates that considerable exposure of the entertainment series Skam, can increase the Norwegian language skills of Swedish high school students. Conclusion: This study indicates that exposure of Skam is the variable with the most considerable impact on the respondent’s Norwegian language skills. Other variables like sociocultural status and visits to Norway is shown to have less significant impact on the pupil’s performance on the language test.

Framställningen av ett perfekt liv : En kvalitativ studie om sociala mediers påverkan på unga kvinnors identitet

Lindgren, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to increase the knowledge of how young women between the ages of 20 and 25 experience their use of social media. The problem formulation is based on social media being able to influence the self-image of young women. Within these frames, a multitude of images and videos that people post are often flowing in the best possible way. This, in turn, can help many people believe that the people behind have a perfect life. The empirical material has been collected through seven qualitative interviews with young women aged 20-25. The empirical study was analyzed with the help of Erving Goffman's theory of impression control and Anthony Gidden's theory of identity and was then analyzed by a thematic analysis. The main themes of the study are "identity" and "control of impressions", "comparison and requirements in relation to social media"The quotes from the empirical material have been analyzed using the above-mentioned theories. The essay results show that the use of social media can adversely affect the interviewees. Young women's self-image can be influenced by all images published on social media, they are compared with this and furthermore it can lead to them feeling inadequate. There is a norm on social media that means that the flow should appear as a "perfect life". The result also shows that the interviewees create a certain identity on social media that can be different from the one they have in real life. The essay shows that the interviewees' way of presenting themselves on social media is in line with the other members who use social media, which means that everyone together creates these standards and maintains them. / Uppsatsens syfte är att öka kunskapen om hur unga kvinnor i åldern 20–25 år upplever sin användning av sociala medier. Problemformuleringen grundar sig i att sociala medierkan påverka unga kvinnors självbild. Inom dessa ramar flödar en mängd bilder och videor som människor postar, ofta framställda på ett så bra sätt som möjligt. Detta kan i sin tur bidra till att många människor tror att personerna bakom har ett perfekt liv.Det empiriska materialet är insamlat genom sju stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med unga kvinnor i åldern 20–25. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av Erving Goffmans teori om intrycksstyrning och Anthony Giddens teori om identitet och har sedan analyserats genom en tematisk analys. Studiens huvudteman är ”identitet” och ”styrande av intryck”, ”jämförelse och krav i relation till sociala medier”. Citaten från det empiriska materialet har analyserats med hjälp av ovan nämnda teorier. Uppsatsensresultat visar att användningen av sociala medier kan påverka intervjupersonerna negativt. Unga kvinnors självbild kan påverkas av alla bilder som publiceras på sociala medier, de jämför sig med dessa och vidare kan det leda till att de känner sig otillräckliga. Det finns en norm på sociala medier som innebär att flödet ska framstå som ett ”perfekt liv”. Det intervjupersonerna gör är att skapa sig en viss identitet på sociala medier samtidigt som de har en annan identitet i verkliga livet, det livet utanför sociala medier. Uppsatsen visar att intervjupersonernas sätt att presentera sig på sociala medier stämmer överens med de övriga medlemmarna som använder sociala medier, vilket innebär att alla tillsammans skapar dessa normer och upprätthåller dem.

"Fotboll är livet" : en medieetnografisk studie om fotbollstjejer och TV-sport / "Football is the essence of life" : a media ethnographic study on young female football players and TV-sport

Ringfjord, Britt-Marie January 2006 (has links)
Media represent a powerful institution in society reflecting dominant values in society and take part in socialization to gender roles for men and women. The gender discourses in society as well as in mass media are interrelated to a complex system of many parts in people’s every day lives (the family, the school, the peer group, boyfriends etc.). The study’s main focus is on how discourses in society and Sport Media offers different gender positions that young female football players use as tools when they as active subjects make meaning of their identities in a gender discourse of sport. In Sweden football is a well-represented sports in media as well as among a Swedish population of nearly 9 millions. The Swedish Football Association is the largest among the sports federations with more than 3.200 associated clubs consisting of more than 1 million active members where 20 % are females (The Swedish Sports Confederation www.rf.se). In media the most common sports is football and Television Channels with nationwide coverage produce more male sport than gendered mixed or female sport in all. Male and gendered mixed sport top the list of sports occurring on Television, as despite football, consists of ice hockey on second place, athletics on third, motor sports and skiing on fourth and fifth place. Popular female sports, that is sports dominated by women in Swedish sports federations, as gymnastics, equestrian and swimming, we find horse jumping on ninth place and swimming on eleventh but not gymnastics though it’s the second popular sports activity after football for females. Despite this when Germany and Sweden meet in Women’s World Cup Final in USA 2003 broadcasted by Swedish Channel 4, the match was followed by 3,5 million Swedish viewers. In the combined the annual audience rating 2003 on Television viewers in Sweden, this football match came second only beaten by The Swedish Trial Contest for Eurovision Song Contest. Other sports events positions on this annual list are far behind other popular TV-programs in Sweden as Donald Duck and Friends, a popular Disney production always sent on Christmas Eve and Swedish quizzes with popular program leaders (www.rf.se, www.svenskfotboll.se, www.mms.se). It has been said that Female Football reached a break trough 2003 in Sweden as a public popular sports event, and in 2004 spectators visiting But if this hints to better opportunities for more female football in the national media coverage, the male dominance still continues in media representations of sport. Even though female sport reporters and female sports appears in media more often than before, this suggests that Sport Media foremost is an interest only for a male viewer, but many women like sport on Television too. The question is what happens when teenaged girls (and boys) view mediated sport produced for male middle-aged adult audience groups? How does cultural meaning of generation, gender and social differences structure everyday life for a collective group as a female football team in how they construct and position them selves within a gendered discourse?   This brief summary reflects sports and media habits in the Swedish society and shows us the cultural importance of physical activities and media entertainment in our day-to-day lives. How the sport is represented through media reflect in certain ways our own picture of the concept sport, as well as sports is comprehended and valued on a cultural level. From a feminist perspective on the institutionalised power relations between media and culture the central question is how gender discourses negotiate meaning in society for men and women.   The theoretical framework for feminist audience research The main theoretical perspectives used here are Stuart Halls reception model of the process of encoding and decoding media texts as meaningful TV-discourses, where viewers in terms of meaning structures approach the media. This model has developed by feminist media studies as power structures of gender discourses in production, content and reception (van Zoonen 1994:41f, Thornham 2000: 99). I will use this model to analyse female positions as gender discourses in a football team. The second perspective is a hermeneutic inspired approach supported by John B Thompson’s appropriation concept. The reception model suggests that even if media texts are framed in certain ways were a dominant power structure of gender representations are embedded; they are decoded by the audiences’ meaning structures in a social context with specific cultural and historical variations. The main point is that communication practices have to be understood in a wider context of social and cultural determinations, as context is both related to family matters and wider social relations. Instead of ideological power structures Hall emphasize the process of hegemony were three possible positions in the decoding process are offered to the viewers: a dominant /hegemonic, a negotiated and an oppositional position (Hall et al 1972/1992, van Zoonen 1994). By relate dominant structures to social processes in culture we can find different explanations. In one sense the media content offers a dominant/hegemonic female collective gender identity supported by the common western ideal for femininity, but in another sense the female gender identity expressed in this football culture by the female football players shows how the interpretation of media content adjust in a socio-historical context. Young females in a football club can negotiate or reject the offered media messages and construct other possible gender positions in their own socio-historical context.  Appropriation is a concept that directs our attention to contextualise the process of reception as a cultural phenomenon, where macro structures of ideological power in society are interrelated with people’s ordinary lives and sense-making processes in their micro social world. This concept also helps us to direct our attention on combining the contexts of production, content and reception in order to analyse culture as meaning making processes. To appropriate is a cultural process were individuals use their available resources to make sense of media messages and adjust them to their social-historical context. Media products are an important part in how we create communication and shape our identities in modern society. The media stimulate to action and utterance as an active part in the formation of social reality. By following the content of sport in media, individuals actually can use that as information to guide their thoughts and actions in their own social context. The appropriations of symbolic forms in a social context are shared with other important individuals in every day communication (Thompson 1995:11f, 174f). In modern society collective identities are complex and culturally constructed in various ways. Media, as part of popular culture, have a particularly important role in the construction and mediation of different expressions and styles of identities. In one sense mass media serves us with a multiplicity of possible identities, free for any individual to pick up and adjust for individual needs in a social context outside the media content. In another sense we must also relate this to some of the important power structures in the organization of media production and content of Sport Media in order to show how mediated symbolic forms adjust in a cultural context by active meaning making subjects. (These structures are often referred to as the Media-Sport-Complex where the analyses of global power relations are connected to perspectives on political economy and culture. See Miller at al.2001, Roche 2000, Boyle &amp; Haynes 2000). In relation to this study the football-playing girls have opportunities to choose what ever sport they like on a theoretical level, but on a social level they adjust to the cultural context they live in, where football for men and women are considered as two separate spheres, supported by the Sport Media content. The Sport Media’s gender representations divides sports in a female and male sphere according to gendered stereotyped structures in society, where team sports as football or ice hockey are dominated by men, and individual sports as gymnastic or figure skating are dominated by women. These stereotypes are structured within ideological representations of gendered positions for masculinity and femininity that are bound to social-historical context that changes over time. The framed structure in media texts function as ideologies but at the same time hegemony according to Hall rather suggests possibilities for opposition and social change since the production of cultural meaning always is open to contestation from below (Hall 1972/1992: 136ff).  The positions suggested here are considered as gendered ideal types not existing in reality. Rather they show how complex constructions of gender identities are and how the girls in this study reflect and move between discourses and different gender positions. The dominant/hegemonic ideal for femininity concerns appearance and beauty accepted as normal standards for females, and are reproduced in many social spheres of which mass media is one of the main messengers. The negotiated position acknowledges and adjusts the offered dominant feminine ideal to own experiences and social situation. The oppositional position recognizes the dominant feminine ideal but due to other experiences or social situation this position rejects and question the proposed ideal with skepticism (Thornham 2000: 100). But if media discourses reflect dominant values in society there is another standard to consider for the constructions of gender in sports. The commonly hegemonic gender ideals are reflecting dominant gender values that in part passes over to sport, where masculine and feminine ideals for physical body appearance distinguish between gender and between sports. So the polarization between genders in sports suggests at least 2 possible hegemonic positions for us to consider. The dominant/hegemonic female position for football is compared to male football, and both ideals starts from a heterosexual white western middle class ideal on masculinity and femininity. Even if the mediated sport historically is built on masculine hegemony were men compete over the hierarchical positions and space of action, this not only exclude women but also men from the sporting field. The dominant position in the hegemonic power structures then only supports some men, not all men (Boyle &amp; Haynes 2000, Connell 1995). Considering sports like ballet, gymnastic or aerobics dominated by women, the men in these sports are likely in a subordinated hierarchical position within a feminine hegemony. They are as men also certainly subordinated in a masculine hegemony, compared to other male sports. We must also consider the risk of using the concepts of masculinity and femininity as this split up gender in two homogenous spheres, when gender in reality consists of more complex and heterogeneous characteristics both for us as individuals and as on a collective level for different groups of people. In everyday life other demographic factors as social classes, education, professional roles or sexual preferences also can unite people as they share common interests. So as gender is social and cultural constructed I consider masculinity and femininity as qualities possessed by both men and women, but divided into gender-preferred stereotypes by socialization for each sex within a given ideological power structure embedded in different discourses in culture (van Zoonen 1994: 34, Butler 1990: 144ff).   How to study football culture During a 6-month period I had conducted my study with an ethnographic approach in a female football club in a team with seventeen players aged 15 years, in a Community situated in the southern parts of Sweden. My focus is on how teenaged girls make meaning in their day-today lives by using media content in a specific cultural context. I colleted my data by observing, talking and interviewing mainly these girls, but also the team’s coaches and the girls parents while attending on the teams training and matches. The media ethnographic approach combines different methods by using participant observations, conversations and interviews. These methods originally derived from anthropological inquiry, are often termed interpretative procedures, the theoretical tradition known as interactionism represented in the works of Erving Goffman and Herbert Blumer. This perspective suggests that the social world is not objective but involves subjective meanings and experiences that are socially constructed in relations by participants in social contexts. Essentially focus lays on how different people experience, interpret and structure their lives. As a researcher using a media ethnographic method you take active part in the culture and tries to understand and take the cultural group’s perspective on media in order to describe peoples acts, expressions and thoughts (Bell et al. 1995, Gillespie 1995:54f, van Zoonen 1994: 131ff).   The participant observations had the main purpose for me to get into the culture and understand football from the girls’ point of view, and to give the girls a chance to get used to me, and make it possible for them to ask questions about me and my study. All though some media use occurred on occasions, I have not observed them watching TV or in front of a computer, in stead I had asked and interviewed the girls about their media preferences. Like other feminists I treat their responses as texts which should be read “symptomatically” as discourses related to available ideologies and images in the specific culture in order to analyse my informants constructions of female identity (Thornham 2000:108f).   For ethical reasons I was very clear about my role as a researcher, since I believe you must be as honest as possible in a study were people are involved, especially young people, and to win their trust I must treat them with respect. My informants knew what the research was about and were prepared for questions from me. Permission from the club and parents were granted before the study started and the girls as well as the club are presented with other names to secure their anonymity and integrity in the published study.                 Sport active girls environment and media habits These girls live in a provincial capitol of medium size, with 76 700 inhabitants in the municipality with 174 sports associations consisting of some successful sports on national or international levels. Despite football clubs in several series, there are for instance a premiership hockey team, a successful tennis club and an athletics club. In 2004 three clubs in this district had football teams for girls and women but only The Football Club Lyrans FF exclusively concentrate on female football. In this cultural context these teenaged football- players live. Their parents all work in middle or lower middle classes professions and lives in middle class areas. The girls either come to trainings together in pairs on bicycles or are driven by cars by their parents. Most of the parents take active part in the team’s matches as enthusiastic spectators. Even if a girl is hindered to participate in training or matches by some illness they always are present as by watchers, not out of duty but for social reasons. Three of the girls have their fathers as coaches in this team, but some younger teams have female coaches and some of the girls in the team I followed acted as coaches on summer school for girls aged 7-10. Of the seventeen girls in the team only two are immigrants from different parts of the Mediterranean.   The cultural construction of gender identities by female sport active females    All these girls live, as many other teenagers in western societies, in a dense media environment with access to different kind of media genres. In the discourse of dominant sports and gender ideals the football playing girls own experienced self-identity as female football player clashes with the unbalanced content on football in Sport Media, as they meet conflicting demands on femininity within the football culture as well as from surrounding society. The football culture encourages one type of femininity that perhaps is a little tuff and physical at least when it comes to matches. But as female football players they don’t recognise their own experiences in broadcasted football matches from male premier league matches as female football is played in a different way. A negative perspective on gender position available for young football-playing girls then seems to be restricted by the clear affluence in favour for male football represented by media. There is also a strong allusion to separate male and female football, where the latter part has to adapt to the hierarchical structures in the ideology of football. In society sports organizations and Sport Media mediates value systems of norms and regulations supplied by the football club and the team’s coaches from a dominant power position of discursive practices and power. At the same time the girls own processes of meaning making are at work, were experiences and media use both negotiate or stand in opposition to sport ideologies and gender ideals.     Other TV-genres like reality soaps discussed here, encourage young women to take good care of their appearance by diets, dressing codes and make up, to fit into the hegemonic ideals for femininity. All media representations support the cultural conventions existing on gender differences by differentiate their audience as either feminine or masculine subjects by offering separate gender closed spheres with different hegemonic positions in sports and as well as in other media content for men and women (Hirdman 2002). For young teenaged girls this might seem difficult to find a self-confident gender identity by them selves because of the manifest demands in modern society implies this as a personal duty for us to fix. A positive perspective however suggests the possibilities for these girls use of different media genres as means to reflect over their gender identities in a supportive culture where female football is accepted as something different from male football. As gender qualities not are fixed to certain sexes female football-players also must deserve the acknowledgement of playing the game in a different way. Perhaps these girls own appropriations by positions in gender structured discourses shows the way for how female football in the future have the possibilities to earn acceptance in society and media as a sport performance for its own sake and not as a treat to a protected masculinity in decline.  A brief conclusion then shows the representation of team sports in Sport Media still are built on an ideological understanding of football as a typical masculine field of action, where female football always has a subordinate position. The cultural demands on women (and men) are to adjust to a society where football for men and women are considered as two separate spheres, concealed and supported by the global sport media content.

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