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Partnerské vztahy mladých dospělých mužů s poruchou hraní internetových her / Relationship of young adult mens with Internet gaming disorderVáhalová, Martina January 2021 (has links)
Background: Internet gaming disorder is a relatively new diagnosis. Research in this area is developing dynamically, and the number of studies conducted is growing, focusing not only on the disorder in general, but also on its impact on the lives of addicted gamers. Laical and professional public debate on the potential impact of non-substance addictions on social relations. Aim of the research: The research focuses on the perception of partnerships by players who meet criteria for an online gaming disorder and a subjective assessment of the impact of the disorder on the partners themselves. Set and selection methods: The research file was created by combining simple purposeful selection with criteria and method of a snowball. Two scales were used as criteria for inclusion in the file - diagnostic criteria for Internet gaming disorder according to DSM-V. and Abbreviated versions of the gambling addiction questionnaire (Lemmens et al., 2009), as well as male gender and age 20-35 years. The sample consists of 9 men who meet the criteria. Methods of working with data: Data were obtained by semi-structured interview using online video call or chat. The data was transcribed. Systematization was performed by open coding. A combination of interpretative-phenomenological and narrative analysis was used to...
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Organizace mužského hnutí v ČR (empirický profil a typologie) / Organizations of men's movement in the Czech Republic (empirical profile and typology)Lada, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
The central theme of this diploma thesis are male organizations and although some of them are already long decades old their presence is quite unknown phenomenon among majority of people, so much they stand behind their female counterparts. Therefore I decided to introduce male organizations and areas of their interest, the main goal of this diploma thesis is to create a typology of male organizations in the Czech Republic. The work issues from specification of the terms "masculinity" and "male organizations of civil society", carried out on the basis of publicized theoretical knowledge and my own experience. I begin with organizations of the so-called traditional type to pass on those that are considered to be the so-called new ones and their origin is closely associated with woman's emancipation caused by an expansion of feminism in the last decades of the past century. In connection with the existence of these new organizations it was discussed a concept of the so-called new masculinity for the first time. In the part of my work related to the goal's fulfillment I introduce all male organizations in the Czech Republic and the basis of analyze I create their typology. The analyzed material consists of texts of examined organizations and statements of their representatives. Great attention is also...
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Jak otevřít dveře mužům? Projekt Patron - příklad zapojení mužů v oblastech občanského, veřejného a soukromého života, které dlouhodobě postrádají jejich větší participaci / How to invite men? Project Patron - the case study of engaging men in the areas of civic, public and private life which needs their deeper participationPetr, Josef January 2015 (has links)
How to invite men? Project Patron - the case study of engaging men in the areas of civic, public and private life which needs their deeper participation Abstract The support of engagement of men in the areas of civic, private and public life which showing the lack of their involvement becomes a topic in the last decade on the level of EU and some national states. But there is just little social research focused on the practical ways how to support the engagement of men in these areas. This paper offers the view from perspective of the studies of civil society - which is especially focused on the motivations to volunteering - combined with the perspective of the studies of men and masculinities. The core of this paper is a case study of the project Patron in which the adult men creates friendly-based relationships with the young men from the institutional care and help them to manage the leaving of this care to the "real life". The aim of this research is analyze the motivation of these men which leads to their participation on this project - mainly in the relations to the experience of manhood and masculinity. This paper offers the basic findings in the form of assumptions which can be used in the following social research and also as the practical inspiration for projects and organisations which want to...
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Drag Against AIDS: AIDS and the Indianapolis Bag Ladies, 1981- 1995Chinn, Kara Elizabeth 04 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), as it would later be known, began to appear in the United States in 1981. Medical professionals from around the country began to track a mysterious set of illnesses that were affecting previously healthy people, most of who were homosexual men. As the disease spread, it was clear that homosexual men were being most affected. There was no cure to this illness which was quickly killing those infected.
In October 1981, the Indianapolis Bag Ladies, a group of gay men, began as a simple Halloween Bus Tour around the city. Coby Palmer, Gary Johnson, and Ed Walsh teamed up by renting three charter busses for their new “Bag Ladies Bus.” Their campy drag involved multiple costume changes that required them to tote bags around, thus earning their name. By 1982, the Bag Ladies knew they needed to do more than have a party. The second bus tour was all about collecting money and creating a “war chest” for the gay community of Indianapolis in case AIDS made its way to the city. In doing this, they became one of the first grassroots HIV/AIDS support groups in the United States.
After over 38 years of continued efforts, the Indianapolis Bag Ladies have impacted the Indianapolis LGBTQ communities through a variety of programs that expanded beyond the original bus tour. This thesis explores and analyzes these efforts which include Nurse Safe Sexx, a safe sex campaign; the Damien Center, a HIV/AIDS health clinic; and the Buddy House and Buddy Support Program, two programs connecting people with AIDS to support programs. The final chapter of this thesis expands on the discussion through a public program hosted by the Indiana Historical Society and demonstrates how programs surrounding these topics can be successful for museums and participants.
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Kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap i fastighetsmäklarbranschen : En kvalitativ studie utifrån medarbetarnas uppfattningarMetto, Julie Izabell, Siala, Ali January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen: en kvalitativ studie utifrån medarbetarnas uppfattningar. Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå i ämnet Företagsekonomi C Författare: Ali Siala och Julie Izabell Metto Handledare: Emilia Kvarnström Datum: 2022-januari Syfte: Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att försöka förstå hur medarbetarna uppfattar kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ utgångspunkt med en abduktiv ansats och består av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer som har genomförts med medarbetare från fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens slutsats landar i att medarbetarna uppfattar kvinnliga ledare vara effektivare ledare än män i fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Detta eftersom deras ledaregenskaper generellt är bättre lämpade för det som fastighetsmäklarna behöver, såsom bekräftelse och uppvaktning. Dessutom visar resultatet vad som uppfattas vara effektivt ledarskap i fastighetsmäklarbranschen, ett uppgiftsorienterat ledarskap med fokus på att engagera och stödja medarbetarna. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med ökade kunskaper om medarbetarnas uppfattningar kring kvinnors och mäns effektiva ledarskap i fastighetsmäklabranschen. Den bidrar även med kunskap om vilka egenskaper som uppfattas vara förenade med effektivt ledarskap därinom. Förslag till framtida forskning: Förslagsvis hade det gått att utföra en liknande studie genom en enkätundersökning för att få ett mer populationsrepresentativt svar. Ett annat förslag är att undersöka det effektiva ledarskapet i en annan bransch för att se om det blir ett annat utfall. Slutligen kan man fokusera på att analysera ifall könet på ledaren har någon vidare relation till könet på medarbetaren för att se om det påverkar respondenternas svar om hur pass effektiva de uppfattas vara. Nyckelord: Kvinnors ledarskap, mäns ledarskap, effektivt ledarskap, ledaregenskaper, fastighetsmäklarbranschen, medarbetarperspektiv. / Title: Women's and men's effective leadership in the real estate industry: a qualitative study based on employees' perceptions. Level: Final assignment for bachelor’s degree in business administration C Authors: Ali Siala and Julie Izabell Metto Supervisor: Emilia Kvarnström Date: 2022-January Aim: The purpose of this qualitative study is to try to understand how employees perceive women's and men's effective leadership in the real estate industry. Method: The study has a qualitative construction with an abductive research approach and consists of eight semi-structured interviews that have been conducted with employees from the real estate industry. Results and conclusion: The study concludes that employees perceive female leaders to be more effective leaders than men in the real estate industry. This is because their leadership qualities are generally better suited to what real estate agents need, such as confirmation and courtship. In addition, the results show what is perceived to be effective leadership in the real estate industry, a task-oriented leadership with a focus on engaging and supporting employees. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with increased knowledge of employees' perceptions of women's and men's effective leadership in the real estate industry. It also contributes with knowledge of which qualities are perceived to be associated with effective leadership within it. Suggestions for further research: As a suggestion, it would have been possible to carry out a similar study through a survey to obtain a more population-representative answer. Another suggestion is to examine the effective leadership in another industry to see if there will be a different outcome. Finally, one can focus on analysing whether the gender of the leader has any further relationship to the gender of the employee to see if it affects the respondents' answers about how effective they are perceived to be. Keywords: Women's leadership, men's leadership, effective leadership, leadership qualities, the real estate industry, employee perspective.
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Var är nollvisionen? : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsgivares uppfattningar om arbetsgivaransvar och deras möjligheter att upptäcka och förebygga mäns våld mot kvinnor i relation till det ökande distansarbetet / Where is the zero vision? : A qualitative study on employers' perceptions of employer responsibility and their opportunities to detect and prevent men's violence against women in relation to the increasing teleworkNordman, Julia, Fredman, Tina January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka arbetsgivares uppfattningar om deras arbetsgivaransvar och vilka möjligheter de har att upptäcka och förebygga mäns våld mot kvinnor, i relation till det ökande distansarbetet. Förhoppningen var att studien skulle öka arbetsgivares medvetenhet kring samhällsproblemet mäns våld mot kvinnor och att detta skulle ge synergieffekter utifrån ökad kunskap och en vilja att ta större ansvar för samhällsproblematiken. Vi utgick från följande frågeställningar: Hur uppfattar arbetsgivare risken med att medarbetare som distansarbetar kan hamna i en arbetsmiljö som är otrygg och potentiellt skadlig? Hur säkerställer arbetsgivare arbetsmiljön och säkerheten i hemmet för sina medarbetare vid distansarbete, särskilt i relation till mäns våld mot kvinnor? Hur kan arbetsgivare påverka problematiken med mäns våld mot kvinnor och bidra till större samhällsnytta? Vi valde att utgå ifrån en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in vårt empiriska material. Vårt urval bestod av sju enhetschefer från två olika kommuner, vilket bidrog till ett bredare perspektiv för studien. Samtliga enhetschefer hade ansvar över medarbetare som arbetade på distans. Vi genomförde samtliga intervjuer digitalt via videosamtal på Teams. Resultatet visade att enhetscheferna var osäkra på hur långtgående deras arbetsmiljöansvar var i relation till distansarbete. Möjligheten att upptäcka om en medarbetare blir utsatt för våld är något de allra flesta enhetscheferna upplever som en svår utmaning, de anser därför att det förebyggande arbetet har stor betydelse. / Abstract The purpose of our study was to investigate employers' perceptions of their employer responsibility and what opportunities they have to detect and prevent men's violence against women, in relation to the increasing telework. The hope was that the study would increase employers' awareness of the social problem of men's violence against women and that this would provide synergy effects based on increased knowledge and a willingness to take greater responsibility for the social problem. Our questions were as follows: How do employers perceive the risk that employees who work remotely may end up in a work environment that is unsafe and potentially harmful? How do employers ensure the work environment and safety at home for their employees when working remotely, especially in relation to men's violence against women? How can employers influence the problem of men's violence against women and contribute to greater societal benefit? We chose to start from a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews to collect our empirical material. Our sample consisted of seven unit managers from two different municipalities, which contributed to a broader perspective for the study. All unit managers had responsibility for employees who worked remotely. We conducted all interviews digitally via video calls on Teams. The result showed that the unit managers were unsure of how far-reaching their work environment responsibility was in relation to telework. The possibility of discovering if an employee is exposed to violence is something that the majority of the unit managers experienced as a difficult challenge, they therefore believed that preventive work is of great importance.
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Sjuksköterskans identifiering av mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relation : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses identification of men´s violence against woman in intimate relationships : A literature reviewNilarve, Lova, Arbil, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem. Våldet kan uttrycka sig på flera olika sätt och leda till omfattande hälsoproblem. Hälso- och sjukvården har en viktig roll i att screena, identifiera och stödja våldsutsatta kvinnor. Det är avgörande att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal skapar en trygg miljö för patienterna. Syfte: Syftet var att synliggöra hinder för sjuksköterskor att identifiera mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på fyra kvalitativa, fyra kvantitativa och fyra mixade originalartiklar hämtade från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat: Resultatet är strukturerat utifrån tre huvudteman: Kunskap- och utbildningsbrist, Organisatoriska hinder samt Känslomässiga hinder. Sjuksköterskor vittnar om kunskapsluckor, bristande rutiner, knappa resurser, utmaningar i arbetsmiljön, tidsbrist, attityder och rädslor. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor möter hinder vid identifiering av våld i nära relation. Fördjupad kunskap, större organisatoriskt stöd och ökad medvetenhet är viktigt för att förbättra arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a global public health problem, manifesting in various forms and causing significant health problems. Healthcare plays an important role in screening, identifying, and supporting battered women. It's essential that healthcare professionals create a safe environment for patients. Aim: The purpose was to highlight barriers for nurses in identifying men's violence against women in partner relationships. Method: A literature review based on four qualitative, four quantitative and four mixed-methods original articles retrieved from the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Results: The results are structured around three main themes: Lack of knowledge and education, Organizational barriers and Emotional barriers. Nurses report about knowledge gaps, lacking protocols, resource limitations, work environment challenges, time constraints, attitudes and fears. Conclusions: Nurses encounter barriers in identifying intimate partner violence. Enhanced knowledge, greater organizational support, and increased awareness are important for improving work with battered women.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor - en ständigt pågående pandemi. : En kvalitativ studie om covid-19-pandemins påverkan på öppenvårdens praktiska arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor. / Men's violence against women - a constantly ongoing pandemic.Dahlberg, Tua, Jonsson, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett omfattande samhällsproblem, där internationell forskning visar att mäns våld mot kvinnor tenderar att öka under samhällskriser. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om öppenvårdens praktiska arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor såväl påverkades som förändrades av covid-19-pandemin. Studien syftar också till att undersöka om socialarbetare inom öppenvården upplever att mäns våld mot kvinnor förändrades under pandemin och i så fall hur. Studien baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem socialarbetare inom öppenvården. För att analysera resultatet har tematisk analys tillämpats, med grund i de teoretiska begreppen handlingsutrymme, organisatorisk resiliens, makt och kontroll samt social isolering. Studien visar att våld gentemot kvinnor ökade och blev grövre under pandemin till följd av de restriktioner som infördes, samtidigt som färre kvinnor sökte hjälp för sin utsatthet under pandemin. Vidare förändrades öppenvårdens praktiska arbete på grund av pandemins restriktioner, gällande ett digitaliserat klientarbete och anpassade arbetssätt. Slutligen konstateras det att öppenvårdens praktiska arbete med våldsutsatta kvinnor återgått till hur det var innan pandemin, samtidigt som nya digitala möjligheter har uppkommit. Våldet har även ökat efter pandemin, vilket medfört att öppenvården idag har ett större fokus på våld samt bristfälliga resurser. / Men's violence against women is an extensive social problem, where international studies implies that men’s violence against women tend to increase during crises in the society.The aim of this study is to examine if the practical work in the open care with female victims of domestic violence was affected and changed due to the covid-19-pandemic. The study also aims to examine whether social workers in the open care experience that men's violence against women changed during the pandemic and if so how. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with five social workers in the open care. Thematic analysis has been applied to analyze the results, based on the theoretical concepts: capacity for action, organizational resilience, power, control and social isolation. The study indicates that the violence increased during the pandemic and was more severe due to the effects of the pandemic restrictions. Furthermore, the study found that although the violence increased, fewer victims sought aid during the pandemic. The pandemic also changed the practical work in the open care, regarding digitized client work and adapted working methods. Finally, the practical work in aid of abused women at the open care has mostly returned to pre-pandemic ways. However, digital opportunities have emerged. The domestic violence has also increased after the pandemic, resulting in a larger focus on violence and lack of resources in the open care today.
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Låt oss prata om våldsutsatta män : En kvalitativ studie om jourverksamheters arbete med män som utsätts för våld i heterosexuella relationer / Let us talk about men who are subjected to violence : A qualitative studie on how emergency services work with men who are subjected to violence in heterosexual relationshipsSkow-Stasai, Sabina, Bondesson, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Most studies that deal with intimate partner violence (IPV) focus on men as the assailant and women as the victim. This study however explored how personnel within nonprofit men's shelters and crisis centers for men, work with male victims of IPV and what resources the personnel have to help these men. The central purpose was to get a broader understanding of IPV in Sweden by focusing on men's susceptibility, how it affects them and how well professionals and laymen within this field can work with male victims of IPV. The authors found that these businesses work with complex issues surrounding these men in borth different and equal ways. The study was conducted using semi-structured qualitative interviews, and the number of interviewees was 9 people that currently work within the aforementioned men's shelters or crisis centers for men. From these interviews, the authors used content analysis to process and analyze the data. The interviewees mentioned that shame and stigmatization is highly prevalent in IPV affected men in heterosexual relationships regarding aspects of gender norms and masculinity, to the extent that it functions as a large barrier for many men in seeking help for their exposure to violence. This barrier is so large for these men that they more commonly deny their exposure to violence altogether or they become convinced that they are actually the perpetrators and not the victims.
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De rubricerade våldtäktsmyterna och det dolda ansvaret : En feministisk kritisk diskursanalys om konstruktionen av ansvar och skuld i svenska nyhetsrubriker om mäns sexuella våld mot kvinnor / News headline rape myths and the hidden responsibility : A feminist critical discourse analysis of the construction of responsibility and guilt in Swedish news headlines about men's sexual violence against womenNiklasson, Eva-Lena, Hedlund, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Studien utforskar hur svenska nyhetsmediers rubriksättning medverkar till mediediskursen om mäns våld mot kvinnor. Genom feministisk kritisk diskursanalys undersöks hur rubrikers struktur konstruerar ansvar och skuld genom våldtäktsmyter och språkliga funktioner. Transitivitetsanalys utgör grunden för att studera de språkliga funktionerna och kombineras med teorin om våldtäktsmyter. Studien granskar rubriker från Sveriges fyra största nyhetstidningar: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet när de rapporterar om våldtäktsfall som begåtts i Sverige. Resultatet visar att det i rubrikerna förekommer våldtäktsmyter som tillsammans med språkliga funktioner, som nominalisering och passiv form, bidrar till en nedtoning av förövarens ansvar samt ger en ensidig bild av våldet. Studien visar även att skuldbeläggning av både offer och förövare sker genom uppseendeväckande titlar och omständigheter samt språkliga funktioner, vilket även ses bidra till ett upprätthållande av våldtäktsmyter. Myterna ter sig dock något mer diskreta jämfört med tidigare studier varför deras existens kan ses som mer raffinerad. Synligheten av brottet och de inblandades könstillhörighet ses som en avgörande faktor i att skildra den strukturella samhällsproblematiken som det sexuella våldet utgör. Studien visar att en förändring av rubrikernas struktur och språk kan utgöra en omgående skillnad i hur ansvar och skuld konstrueras i mediediskursen om mäns våld mot kvinnor. / The study explores how the headlines of Swedish news media contribute to the media discourse on men's violence against women. Through feminist critical discourse analysis, it examines how the structure of headlines constructs responsibility and guilt through rape myths and linguistic functions. Transitivity analysis forms the basis for studying the linguistic functions and is combined with the theory of rape myths. The study examines headlines from Sweden's four largest newspapers: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, and Svenska Dagbladet when reporting on rape cases that have occurred in Sweden. The results show that the headlines contain rape myths that, together with linguistic functions such as nominalization and passive voice, contribute to downplaying the perpetrator's responsibility and provide a one-sided view of the violence. The study also reveals that blaming both the victim and the perpetrator occurs through sensational titles and circumstances, as well as linguistic functions, which are also seen to contribute to the perpetuation of rape myths. However, the myths appear somewhat more discreet compared to previous studies, which is why their existence can be seen as more refined. The visibility of the crime and the gender identity of those involved are seen as crucial factors in depicting the structural societal problem that sexual violence represents. The study suggests that a change in the structure and language of headlines can make an immediate difference in how responsibility and guilt are constructed in the media discourse on men's violence against women.
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