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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Harmoni eller dysfori i en praktisk teori : En socialsemiotisk studie av stråklärares arbetssätt i musikteoretiska moment i stråkundervisning. / Harmony or dysphoria in a practical theory : A social semiotic study of string teachers work practice in music theoretical moments in string education.

Erikzén Hermond, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande arbete är att undersöka hur stråklärare designar användningen av musikteoretiska moment i enskild stråkundervisning. För att undersöka detta har ett antal lektioner med lärare i stråk videoinspelats som datainsamlingsmetod. Dessa videoinspelningar har sedan analyserats med en socialsemiotisk utgångspunkt och med hjälp av multimodal analysmetod. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats med socialkonstruktionistisk ontologisk och epistemologisk utgångspunkt. I resultatet framkommer lärares multimodalitet i undervisningen, stråklärare designade användningen av musikteoretiska moment genom att integrera olika semiotiska resurser för att tillämpa musikteori. I resultatet lyfts även lärares representationer av olika musikteoretiska moment samt vilka semiotiska resurser lärarna använder och vilken funktion de fyller i samspel med elever. Dessa resurser inkluderade visuell representation av noter, muntlig kommunikation och kroppslig gestaltning av musikaliska begrepp. Resultatet diskuteras i relation till tidigare nämnd litteratur om musikteori och musikundervisning, i resultatet beskrivs också vilka möjligheter eller begränsningar som kan finnas i lärarnas representationer av olika musikteoretiska moment samt meningserbjudande. Genom att betrakta musikteorin ur ett socialsemiotiskt perspektiv kan stråklärare bli medvetna om hur de designar musikteoretiska moment med eleverna och anpassa sin undervisning för att främja en djupare förståelse av stråkinstrumentet och musikens språk. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how string teachers design the use of music theoretical moments in individual string education. To examine this, several lessons with string teachers were video recorded as data collection method. The video recordings were then analysed using a social semiotic approach and the multi-modal analysis method. The study adopts a qualitative research approach with a social constructionist ontological and epistemological perspective. The results show the teachers' multimodality in their teaching, as string teachers designed the use of music theory concepts by integrating different semiotic resources to apply music theory. The result also highlights teachers' representations of various music theoretical moments and the semiotic resources they use as well as the function these resources serve in interaction with students. These resources included visual representation of notation, verbal communication, and bodily embodiment of musical concepts. The results are discussed in relation to previously mentioned literature on music theory and music education. The findings also describe the possibilities or limitations that may exist in teachers' representations of various music theory concepts and their offering of meanings. By considering music theory from a social semiotic

Meningserbjudanden som exkluderar : En litteraturstudie om Sveriges nationella minoritetsfolk i samhällskunskapens läromedel för årskurs 7-9 / Sentence offering that excludes : A literature study about Sweden’s national minorities in social studies textbooks in Junior high school.

Frisk, Evelin January 2024 (has links)
Denna undersökning är utförd inom ramen för samhällskunskapsdidaktiken. Dess syfte har varit att sammanställa och analysera vad tidigare forskning synliggör om Sveriges minoritetsfolk i läromedel i ämnet. Den metod som använts är litteraturstudie med innehållsanalys som analysverktyg. Undersökningen omfattar tidigare forskning om läromedel för årskurs 7-9. Som teoretiskt verktyg har det didaktiska meningserbjudandet använts. Resultatet visar att representationen av de olika nationella minoritetsfolken skiljer sig åt där samer är den nationella minoritet som ges mest utrymme medan tornedalingar och sverigefinnar är givna minst. Hur minoritetsfolken beskrivs skiljer sig åt, men sammanfattande, i de fall minoritetsfolket beskrivs mer nyanserat är det framför allt från ett majoritetsperspektiv med stereotypiserande inslag. / This survey is conducted within the subject area social studies educations didactics. Its purpose has been to conclude and analyse what previous research highlight about the Swedish national minorities in social studies textbooks. The method that has been used is literature studies with content analysis as analytical tool. The survey encompasses previous research about textbooks for junior high school. The sentence offering has been used as didactic tool. The result shows that the representation each national minority differs and that Samis are the most represented while Tornedalingar and Swedishfinnishs are the least. How the minorities are described differs, but in summary, in those cases the minorities are described more nuanced it is above all from a majority perspective with stereotyping elements.

Att undervisa om nyreligiositet : En studie om högstadielärares urval, metoder och definitionsproblem / To Teach About New Religiosity : A Study of Secondary School Teachers Selection, Methods and Difficulty of Definition

Forsström, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Fyra stycken lärares beskrivningar om hur de undervisar och definierar nyreligiositet och nya religiösa rörelser har studerats i föreliggande uppsats. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad verksamma religionskunskapslärare på högstadiet säger att de undervisar om i undervisningen kring nyreligiositet och nyreligiösa rörelser. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att få fram data till studien. Teorier om didaktiskt innehåll och undervisning som meningserbjudande har använts vid analysen av resultatet.   Uppsatsen utgår från tre stycken frågeställningar om hur definierar religionskunskapslärare begreppen nyreligiositet och nyreligiösa rörelser, om vad beskriver religionskunskapslärare att de undervisar kring nyreligiositet och nyreligiösa rörelser och hur beskriver lärare att de arbetar kring nyreligiositet och nyreligiösa rörelser i undervisningen?   Resultatet i studien visar att lärarna har problem med att definiera begreppet nyreligiositet, vilket kan vara en orsak till att området får en marginell plats i religionskunskapsundervisningen. Lärarna anser att kursplanen är den viktigaste faktorn i urvalet av undervisningsinnehåll, men skyller på att tiden är för knapp för att hinna med allt. Eleverna är ofta delaktiga i planeringen och urvalet av undervisningsinnehållet i området nyreligiositet och nya religiösa rörelser. / In this essay, the teaching on the subjects new religiousness and new religious movements and the definition of these subjects have been studied amongst four teachers. The aim of the study is to examine how religion teachers in secondary school say they teach the subjects. The data has been collected by semi-structured interviews, which is a qualitative method of data gathering. Theories on didactic content and teaching as provider of meaning have been used during the analysis of the result.   The essay is based on three questions about how the teacher defines the terms new religiousness and new religious movements, what the teachers include in his or her teaching on the subjects, and how the teachers describes his or her teachings on the subjects.   The result of the study shows that the teachers have problems defining the terms new religiousness, which may be one reason why the subject is neglected during the teaching on religion. The teachers think that the curriculum is the most important factor in the selection of content in their teaching, but blames time as the most important factor when they decide to focus on other content. The students are often involved in the planning and when selecting content in the area of new religiousness and new religious movements.

Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar har skogen som lekmiljö i förskolans verksamhet? : Förskolpedagogers berättelser om skogens potential för barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer / What opportunities and challenges do pre-schools encounter in the forest as a playing environment? : Pre-school educators’ narratives on the forest’s potential for children with neurodevelopmental disorders

Fellman, Paula January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med min studie är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och utmaningar skogen har som lekmiljö i förskolans verksamhet med ett fokus på vilken potential skogen har för barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsvariationer (NPF). Studien är gjord utifrån telefonintervjuer med förskolpedagoger. Resultat visar på att skogen har en stor potential för barn med NPF men att det krävs rätt förutsättningar som goda relationer till barnen, kompetens och personalstyrka för att kunna ta vara på skogen som lekmiljö i förskolans verksamhet. Resultat ger även en inblick i det komplexa arbetet att vara pedagog där en del är att ständigt vara problemlösaren. Studiens resultat visar däremot att kunskaper om skogen generellt inte behövs då att vara i natur ger en kroppslig närvaro och ett mer naturligt utforskande hos barnen och pedagogerna. / The purpose of my study is to explore what opportunities and challenges the forest has as a play environment in preschool, with a focus on what potential the forest has for  children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The study is based on telephone interviews with preschool educators. In the result it shows that the forest has great potential for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. But that the right conditions are required, such as good relations with the children, competence and enough staff to be able to take advantage of the forest as a play environment in the preschool. The results also provide an insight into the complex work of being an educator, where parts of it is constantly being the problem solver. The results of the study, on the other hand, show that knowledge about forest is generally not needed because of being in nature provides a physical presence and a more natural way to explore for both the children and educators.

Mellan närhet och distans. Lärar-elevrelationen som kunskapsinnehåll i grundlärarutbildning

Wistrand, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation takes its point of departure in a relational perspective on education, which means that the relationship between teacher and student is seen as fundamental for students’ knowledge- and personal development. The aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the teacher-student relationship in teacher education at national and local levels and the different meanings of closeness in this context.       The theoretical basis of the study is curriculum theory-based didactics, where questions about knowledge content and teaching as offering meaning are central. The thesis consists of three separate studies. The first investigates closeness in the teacher-student relationship by means of a thematic conceptual analysis of the field of research in educational science on teacher-student relationships. Four different dimensions of closeness were identified: closeness as presence, closeness as care, closeness as feeling and closeness as responsibility. The results show a nuanced way of understanding closeness in the teacher-student relationship and that closeness is challenging for teachers in that it makes their relational work more complex.      The central question in curriculum theory - ‘What opportunities do students have to learn about the teacher-student relationship in teacher education?’ - is used as the point of departure in the analysis of educational policy documents at national and local levels. The second study investigates content knowledge at the national level and shows a limited and simplified view of the relationship between teacher and student. By using the dimensions of closeness as analytical tools, a multifaceted teacher-student relationship is constructed as an alternative meaning offering. In the third study, eleven Swedish universities participated in the study of curriculum documents at the local level. The analysis showed three types of knowledge content: relational theory, relational work and relational quality. In this study, the local documents together provided a broad range of knowledge content, but individually a reduced and simplified knowledge content. The study also confirmed the differences between universities in their teacher education programmes and that there are often discrepancies in the knowledge content that is offered.      The thesis as a whole contributes to a nuanced understanding of closeness in the teacher-student relationship and provides a set of theoretical tools that can be used in an analysis of different types of research studies. It also indicates that the policy documents relating to teacher education at the national and local levels contain simplified and limited notions about the teacher-student relationship and teachers’ relational work as knowledge content. This restricted knowledge content could limit student teachers’ abilities to create, build and maintain good and close teacher-student relationships and to address the relational challenges in their complex relational work.

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