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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogo profesinio identiteto formavimasis mentoriaus veikloje / Pre-school teacher's professional identity formation of mentor

Bartusevičiūtė, Raminta 31 July 2012 (has links)
Demokratinės visuomenėmis sąlygomis keliant mokytojų kompetenciją vis didesnė reikšmė teikiama pedagogo vidiniam profesiniam apsisprendimui – identitetui. Magistro darbe “Ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogo profesinio identiteto formavimasis mentoriaus veikloje“ siekiama atsakyti į vieną pagrindinį klausimą – kaip ugdant profesinį tapatumą galima efektyviai rengti mokytoją profesinei veiklai ir profesinei karjerai. Profesinė karjera daug kuo priklauso nuo to, kaip mokytojas įsivaizduoja, savo mintyse suvokia profesinę veiklą, jos vykdymo ypatumus. Darbe pradedančiojo pedagogo formavimasis siejamas su bendradarbių, mentorių bendravimu (sociologinis aspektas) ir to bendravimo rezultatais (kognityvinis aspektas). Atskleista, kaip mokytojas per sąveiką su mentoriumi, kaupdamas patirtį, atranda save, ,,įauga“ į profesiją, plėtoja savo sugebėjimus. Ikimokyklinio pedagogogo identiteto analizė grindžiama vadovaujantis teorijos ir praktikos integravimo principu. Teoriniu lygmeniu atskleista profesinio identiteto samprata, jo skirtingos interpretacijos, mentoriaus vaidmuo. Atsižvelgiant į teorinėje dalyje apžvelgtus šaltinius, empirinėje darbo dalyje nustatyta pedagogo profesinio identiteto formavimosi pedagoginės sąlygos ir veiksniai. Remiantis gautais rezultatais numatyti pedagogo profesinio identiteto formavimosi perspektyva ir galimybės. Tyrimo metodai: įvairių šaltinių kritinė ir sisteminė analizė, kiekybinis tyrimas (anketinė apklausa). Kokybinis tyrimas: ikimokyklinių įstaigų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Democratic societies raising the conditions of teacher's competence is a growing importance to the inner teacher professional decision - identity. Masters at work "Pre-school teacher's professional identity formation of mentoring” aims to answer one key question - how developing professional identity can be an effective teacher professional development activities and career development. Professional career in many ways depends on how the teacher imagines in his mind perceives the profession, its performance characteristics. The work of a beginner teacher formation is associated with co-workers, mentors interaction (sociological dimension) and the communication performance (cognitive aspect). Disclosed, as a teacher during the interaction with the mentor, accumulating experience, discovering myself, 'grows' in the profession, develop your skills. Pre - school teacher's professional identity analysis is based on the theory and practice in accordance with the principle of integration. At a theoretical level the concept of professional identity revealed, the different interpretations of the role of the mentor. Given the theoretical part of the sources reviewed here, the empirical part of the teacher's professional identity formation conditions and educational factors. Based on the results for teacher professional identity formation perspective and opportunities. Methods: Various sources of systematic and critical analysis of a quantitative survey (questionnaire). Qualitative... [to full text]

Pradedančio dirbti pedagogo ir studento praktikanto konsultavimo ypatumai / The peculiarities of consulting a junior pedagogue and a trainee student: the final work of master of education studies

Ladišienė, Marija 22 June 2006 (has links)
The final work of master degree analyzes consultancy competence and work strategy of a mentor. Most often, the mentor’s work is confined to evaluation and control, and one of the main functions of his/her work – the function of consultancy – is not performed well enough. Regarding the need of junior pedagogues’ and trainee students’ to be consulted and aiming that both junior pedagogues and trainee students gain relevant elements of pedagogical work in educational institutions, it is very important to analyze the peculiarities of consultancy content and process of a mentor. The following defensive propositions have been raised: The consultancy process of a mentor corresponds with the process requirements, however, there are many problems connected with planning a suitable environment for consulting, making a contact with a nursling, modeling the content of consulting and feedback and evaluation of a mentor’s consultancy. The research data showed the lack of mentors’ experience in consulting and thus proved the defensive propositions.

Ikimokyklinės įstaigos vadovo mentorystės veikla / Pre – school institution leader‘s mentoring

Bružienė, Alma 27 June 2006 (has links)
The importance of the topic. The main thing in teacher‘s preparation reform is a competence of learning how to learn. While doing his work in pre-school institution mentor expands practical competence‘s regulation, which stimulate to help young teachers. In different education press there is not enough information about pre-school institution leader‘s mentoring as activity. There was researched a problem, if leader‘s activity has any details of mentoring and how does leader help young teacher while using his mentoring activity. There is no clear opinion of pre-school institutions leaders and teachers about mentoring as a form of help to young teacher and mentoring perfect opportunities in pre-school institution. Hypothesis: because of that, that there is no caring system young teacher in pre-school institution, the leaders of institutions make a part of mentor’s functions and because of that gets necessary competences. The object of research: pre-school institution leader’s activity. The aim of research: to research pre-school institution leader’s mentoring activity details. Tasks: to estimate leader’s as mentor’s activities ways: the style and roles of learning; to research what social, personal and competence’s facilities are essential; to treat leader’s and teacher’s opinion about mentoring, to provide leader’s mentoring opportunities. The methods of tje research: Theoretical: the analysis and conclusions of scientific literature. Empirical: the questionnaire for... [to full text]

Pradinio ugdymo mokytojo – globėjo (mentoriaus) kompetencijos / Primary school teacher’s mentor’s competencies

Masiulienė, Jūratė 27 June 2006 (has links)
Teachers need to re-create their role to suit new situations and relationship in Lithuania; teacher educators – create approaches and methods allowing teachers make a transition. Teacher competencies in this context come into the centre of reform. After renovation of the primary education concept, primary education program, primary school teacher’s education standards, certification provisions according to European Community agreements on the free professional movement, qualification recognition the need to research ant to help primary school teachers to acquire and develop the professional competence has emerged. Survey shows that young and inexperienced people while joining the organization of pedagogical process usually suffer stress and face variety of problems. Consequently students- practicians and teachers who are working for the first year are in need of a mentor i.e. experienced patron, able to take the role of the patron, helper, counselor, assessor and a friend. However we are in need of profound research to be able to analyze the competence of the teacher-mentor or patron. The mentors or primary education teachers’ problem is ones expression of competence functionality and assessing. In Lithuania this problem is not enough examined neither in theoretical neither in practical aspects. The mentors competence and qualities are not assigned. In Lithuania up to this day mentor was reputed as the guide for practical studies, or patron of the student practician. The... [to full text]

Factors of the new employees’ organizational socialization: the role of the mentor / Naujų darbuotojų socializacijos organizacijoje veiksniai: mentoriaus vaidmuo

Žukauskaitė, Irena 08 October 2009 (has links)
The aim of the study was to analyze mentor‘s role in new employee socialization. 373 newcomers and 56 mentors took part in the study. Newcomers filled the questionnaires evaluating their socialization (amount of different information, job related state anxiety, feeling of insider, perceived professional competency, evaluation of job and organization), characteristics of new employee (age, highest educational level attained, work experience, current position) and nearest surroundings (leadership style, leader-member exchange (LMX) quality, work group climate, group size and presence of mentorship programs). Mentors had to fill the questionnaires measuring organizational commitment, job satisfaction, work motivation, mentoring experience and professional, social and andragogical competencies. The results show that LMX, work group climate, group size and mentorship programs are the factors allowing to differentiate newcomers by the level of their socialization (high or low). The organizational socialization of employees who had and who had no mentors is very similar. Yet if employees had no mentors, the responsibility and workload sharing the information felt on their direct executives. High quality LMX, directive leadership style and friendly work group climate accelerate new employee socialization and these factors are significally more important when new employees have no mentors. Professional and social competencies of mentors and their organizational commitment are the... [to full text] / Disertacijos tikslas – išanalizuoti mentoriaus vaidmenį naujų darbuotojų socializacijos procese. Tyrime dalyvavo 373 nauji darbuotojai ir 56 mentoriai. Apklausiant naujus darbuotojus buvo vertinami jų socializacijos rodikliai (turima informacija, patiriamas nerimas darbe, jautimasis tikruoju organizacijos nariu, suvokta profesinė kompetencija, darbo ir organizacijos vertinimas), jų asmeninės (amžius, išsilavinimas, darbo patirtis, darbo pobūdis) bei artimiausios darbo aplinkos (vadovavimo stilius, vadovo ir pavaldinio santykių kokybė, grupės klimatas ir grupės dydis, ar buvo paskirtas mentorius) charakteristikos. Apklausiant mentorius buvo vertinamas jų įsipareigojimas organizacijai, pasitenkinimas darbu ir darbo motyvacija, mentorystės patirtis bei profesinė, socialinė ir andragoginė kompetencijos. Rezultatai rodo, kad geresnę ir blogesnę naujų darbuotojų socializaciją organizacijoje geriausiai diferencijuoja vadovo ir pavaldinio santykių kokybė, darbo grupės klimatas ir dydis bei mentoriaus skyrimas naujam darbuotojui. Mentorius turėjusių ir neturėjusių naujų darbuotojų socializacija yra panaši, tačiau jų neturėjusių darbuotojų imtyje didesnis darbo krūvis ir atsakomybė, teikiant informaciją tenka vadovui. Be to, mentorių neturėjusių naujų darbuotojų imtyje socializacijos rodiklių ir vadovo ir pavaldinio santykių kokybės, direktyvaus vadovavimo stiliaus, darbo grupės klimato koreliacijos statistiškai didesnės nei mentorius turėjusių imtyje. Su naujų darbuotojų socializacija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Jaunųjų pedagogų adaptavimo sistema mokykloje / Young Teachers' Adaptation System In School

Puskunigienė, Jolita 08 June 2012 (has links)
Įgijęs profesiją kiekvienas nerimauja kaip seksis pirmosiomis darbo dienomis, o ypač tie, kurių darbas susijęs bendravimu su žmonėmis. Pedagogui pirmos darbo dienos mokykloje ypač svarbios, nes tuomet formuojama nuomonė apie jį kaip apie vienos ar kitos srities specialistą ir kaip asmenybę. Siekiant, kad naujas darbuotojas pasiektų reikiamų darbo rezultatų ir gerai jaustųsi, būtina tinkamai padėti jam įsitvirtinti tiek profesinėje, tiek socialinėje aplinkoje. Tyrimo objektas - jaunųjų pedagogų adaptavimo sistema mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas - jaunųjų pedagogų adaptacijos galimybės mokykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: • Apibūdinti adaptacijos sampratą. • Aprašyti darbuotojų adaptavimą mokykloje. • Išryškinti socialinės ir profesinės adaptacijos pirmoje darbo vietoje ypatumus. • Atskleisti jaunųjų pedagogų adaptavimo sistemą mokykloje. Tyrimo klausimai. Su kokiomis problemomis adaptuodamasis susiduria jaunasis pedagogas? Kaip būtų galima tobulinti jaunųjų pedagogų adaptavimą mokykloje? Empirinio tyrimo metodologija - kokybinė, tipas - aprašomasis. Metodai - apklausa, turinio analizė. Tyrimo dalyviai - jaunieji pedagogai, kurių pedagoginio darbo stažas ne didesnis nei 3 metai, mokyklos pavaduotojai ugdymui ir mokyklų vadovai. Tyrimo instrumentai sudaryti iš atvirų klausimų. Mokykloje gali vykti formalus arba neformalus adaptavimas. Jei vykdomas formalus adaptavimas, mokyklos vadovas įpareigoja administracijos darbuotojus jaunajam pedagogui skirti mentorių arba kuruojantį mokytoją... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / After acquiring profession everyone worries about their success during their first days at work. It is especially worrisome for those whose work involves interaction with people. For a teacher first working days at school are extremely important, since during that period opinions about him as a specialist and as a personality are being formed. In order for the new employee to reach required results and feel well, it is essential to properly help him to adapt in professional and social environments. Research object – young teacher's adaptation system in school Research objective – the possibility of adaptation of young teachers in school. Research tasks: • To describe adaptation conception • To define employee adaptation in school • To reveal the peculiarities of social and professional adaptation at first workplace • To reveal young teacher's adaptation system in school Research questions – What kind of problems are the young pedagogues facing? How would it be possible to improve the adaptation of young specialists in schools? Research methodology – qualitative, type – descriptive. Methods – inquiry, content analysis. Research participants – young pedagogues, whose teaching experience is not greater that 3 years, assistant teachers and schoolmasters. Research instruments are made up of open questions. There can be formal and informal adaptation processes at school. If formal adaptation is conducted, the school head requires the administrative staff to assign the young... [to full text]

Turizmo vadybos profesinės praktikos mentoriaus vertinimas / Evaluation of the professional practice mentor of tourism management

Mockutė, Justina 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – mentoriaus vertinimas. Tikslas - ištirti mentoriaus kaip praktikos vadovo vertinimą turizmo organizacijoje. Uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti profesinės praktikos teorinius aspektus. 2. Išanalizuoti mentoriaus kaip profesinės praktikos vadovo teorines sampratas. 3. Atlikti „Turizmo ir sporto vadybos“ programos turizmo vadybos profesinės praktikos mentoriaus vertinimą. Darbo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, apklausa anketiniu būdu, aprašomoji statistika. Profesinė praktika yra neatsiejama studijų proceso dalis. Jos metu pagrindinį vaidmenį atlieka praktikos vadovas (mentorius) ir studentas. Mentorius kaip profesinės praktikos vadovas, moko studentą, jį konsultuoja bei padeda spręsti problemas. Jis reikalingas kaip modelis, iš kurio studentas gali semtis praktinės patirties ir tapti puikus tos srities specialistas. Tyrimas parodė, kad studijų programos „Turizmo ir sporto vadyba“ turizmo srities mentoriaus vertinimas yra teigiamas. Tai yra toks žmogus, kuris turi ne mažesnę nei 3 metų darbo patirtį, bendrauja su studentu, juo pasitikėdamas, turi tokias asmenines savybes kaip komunikabilumas, nuoširdumas, humoro ir atsakingumo jausmas ir kt. Tyrime buvo atskleista, kad turizmo srities mentoriai labiausiai vaidina konsultanto vaidmenį, t.y. padeda spręsti iškilusias problemas. Svarbiausias mentoriams aspektas – sutarimas. Kitaip tariant, bendravimo su studentais palaikymas ir formvimas, kuris paremtas abipusia pagarba ir pasitikėjimu. / Object of the research: the evaluation of mentor The purpose: to analyse the mentor‘s role as a practice manager of tourism organization. The aims: 1. To reveal theoretical aspects of the professional practice. 2. To analyze mentor‘s theoretical concepts as a supervisor of professional practice. 3. To carry out the study program „Tourism and sport management“ in the field of tourism, the evaluation of profesional practice mentor. The methods: analysis of the scientific literature, survey used questionnaires, descriptive statistics. Professional practice is an integral part of the process of study. During this time the supervisor (mentor) and the student perform the main role. The mentor as a professional practice supervisor teaches the student, gives an advice and helps to solve problems. He is needed as a model from which the student can get a practical experience and become a great specialist in a specific field. The research showed that the study program „tourism and sport management“ in the field of turism evaluation of the mentor is positive. This is a person, who has not less than 3 years work experience, interacts with students by trusting them. Also, he has personally qualities as sociability, sincerity, a sense of responsibility and humor and etc. The research revealed that mentors in the field of tourism play the role of consultant, they help to solve problems. The most important aspect for mentors - agreement. In other words, the support and formation of... [to full text]

Pradinio ugdymo mokytojų (jaunųjų specialistų) pirmųjų darbo metų problemos ir paramos poreikiai / Primary school teachers (young teachers) first-year work problems and needs of support

Vasilevskienė, Jolanta 27 June 2006 (has links)
Majority of the psychologists note that it is natural of a man to evolve gradually. In the beginning of the career, a teacher survives some stages of pedagogical development progress (Frances Fuler, 1969; Feiman – Nemsener, 1983; Leitwood, 1992; Arends, 1998; Šernas, 1998 etc.), but first and most of all (s)he experiences diffidence and self-concern. Only later (s)he starts to care about the teaching situation and the learners. After surveying a range of studies considering first-year teaching problems, a conclusion can be made that there are still very few programs helping beginner teachers’ work. As one of the ways which could help a young teacher solve raising problems, mentorship is being studied as method to establish and maintain partnership with young and little- or non-experienced colleagues. Good partnership should be grounded on common interests, mutual help and knowledge. The present article the deals with mentorship as way to help a beginner teacher’s adaptation and his formation as an educator, in which mentor means a person specially appointed to admonish a young teacher. Since Lithuania joined the international APartMent mentor preparation project in 2001, mentor has been defined as a qualified specialist able to conduct future teachers’ school practice. The present article states the opinion that it would be logical if the same mentor or a specially appointed person could admonish a beginner primary teacher as well, because a... [to full text]

Socialinių pedagogų adaptacijos procesą lemiančių veiksnių profesinėje veikloje analizė / The Analysis of Social Educators‘ Adaptation Process Determining the Factors in the Professional Activities

Bujienė, Rūta 20 August 2013 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė adaptacijos samprata ir socialinių pedagogų adaptacijos profesinėje veikloje lemiančių veiksnių analizė.Iškelta hipotezė, jog sėkmingą socialinio pedagogo adaptaciją profesinėje veikloje lemia pradedančiojo sėkminga psichosocialinė, profesinė bei organizacinė adaptacija.Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atlikti du tyrimai: kiekybinis ir kokybinis tyrimas. Atliekant kiekybinį tyrimą, siekta išsiaiškinti organizacinius, profesinius, psichosocialinius veiksnius lemiančius socialinių pedagogų adaptaciją profesinėje veikloje. Atliekant kokybinį tyrimą, siekta išsiaiškinti socialinio pedagogo veiklos sėkmes ir nesėkmes profesinės adaptacijos laikotarpiu. Kiekybiniu tyrimu atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji dažnių, vidurkių) duomenų analizė, o kokybiniame tyrime duomenys apdoroti, taikant turinio (content) analizės metodą. / The theoretical concept of the adaptation and the analysis of the determining factors of the social educators‘ adaptation in the professional activity are carried out in the work. The raised hypothesis that successful adaptation of a social educator in the professional activity leads the beginner‘s successful psychosocial, professional and organizational adaptation. Questionnaire survey method was used to carry out two tests: a qualitative and quantitative research. The quantitative research was used to find out the organizational, professional, psychosocial factors influencing social educators‘ adaptation in the professional activity. Performing the qualitative study it was used to find out the social pedagogues‘ successes and failures of the activity in the period of the professional adaptation. Using the quantitative research the statistical (descriptive frequencies, averages) data analysis is done and data are processed using the method of the content (content) analysis in the qualitative research.

Praktikos mokytojo (mentoriaus) vaidmuo ir funkcijos slaugos studentų praktikiniame mokyme / Practice teacher (mentor) the role and functions of nursing students' practical training

Bakienė, Gintarė 17 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Nustatyti praktikos mokytojo (mentoriaus) vaidmenį ir funkcijas slaugos studentų praktiniame mokyme. Darbo uždaviniai: Išnagrinėti praktikos mokytojo (mentoriaus) ir slaugos studentų santykius praktikos metu; Nustatyti praktikos mokytojo (mentoriaus) vadovavimo ypatumus praktikos metu; Išanalizuoti praktikos mokytojo (mentoriaus) vaidmenį ir funkcijas praktikiniame mokyme slaugos studentų požiūriu; Pateikti praktines rekomendacijas. Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimo objektas – Kauno medicinos universiteto Slaugos fakulteto bei Kauno kolegijos Sveikatos priežiūros fakulteto bendrosios slaugos specialybės studentai; Tyrimo metodas – anketinė apklausa. Klausimynas sudarytas remiantis moksline literatūra. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atliekama Microsoft Excel 2003 programa. Duomenų priklausomybei nustatyti naudota SPSS for Windows 13.0 programa. Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados: Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad dauguma respondentų turėjo pastovų praktikos mokytoją (mentorių), su kuriuo bendradarbiavimas buvo sėkmingas, teiktas vadovavimas buvo grįstas lygiais santykiais ir stiprino mokymąsi bei rėmėsi abipuse sąveika. Trečdalis respondentų praktikos metu jautėsi visaverčiais komandos nariais, beveik trečdalis apklaustų studentų bendravo neutralioje aplinkoje bei beveik trečdalis jautė praktikos mokytojo (mentoriaus) pagarbą. Praktikos metu dažniausiai buvo akcentuojamas slaugos technikos mokymas. Geriausias įvykdytas praktikinio mokymo uždavinys – instruktavimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Aim: The aim of this study was to determine a practice teacher‘s (mentor‘s) role and functions during nursing students' practical training. Objectives: • to analyze relationship between the practice teacher (mentor) and students of nursing during practice • to set practice teacher‘s (mentor‘s) management features during practical training; • to determine practice teacher‘s (mentor‘s) role and functions during practise training of nursing students; • to provide practical recommendations. The study methodology: Subjects - nurse students Methods - Survey questionnaire. The questionnaire concluded on the basis of scientific literature. Statistical methods – all data was analysed using Microsoft Excel 2003 program. Dependence of data set used SPSS for Windows 13.0 program. The results of the survey and conclusions: The investigation revealed that the majority of respondents had a regular practice with the teacher (mentor), whose cooperation has been successful. Menthors leadership has been based on equel intercource, which strengthened the relationship, based on mutual learning and interaction. One third of the respondents felt full-rate team members during practice, , nearly one-third of surveyed students were socialized in neutral environment and nearly a third of them felt respect for the practice teachers (mentors). The technical nursing training was main focus during practice,. The best executed training task -... [to full text]

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