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Message Matters: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Increase Household Hazardous Waste Program ParticipationCabaniss, Amy Dyer 30 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Combining approach-gain and avoid-loss frames increases message effectivenessSolloway, Tyler January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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"Learning by doing" som ett förhållningssätt till undervisning av programmering på gymnasiet : Ett elevmaterial för undervisning av felsökning i inledande programmering / "Learning by doing" as an approach to teaching programming in upper secondary schoolKorlat, Edita January 2023 (has links)
Den snabba digitaliseringen har inte bara lett till stora förändringar i samhället utan också utbildningssystemet i vilket kunskaper om tillämpningar och funktion av olika tekniska system och digitala verktyg har blivit en nödvändighet. Programmering har blivit en naturlig del av processen att förstå dagens digitala system men också ett verktyg för problemlösning och design av digitala lösningar. Processen att lära sig programmering kan för många elever bli utmanande och omges av en mängd svårigheter på vägen. En känd problematik för nybörjare har sedan länge varit felsökning som är en nödvändig kunskap både för att kunna förhindra olika typer av fel men också för att kunna lösa fel som uppstår i ett program. Detta är också ett av lärandemålen i kursen Programmering 1. I detta examensarbete utvecklades och testades en prototyp till en elevhandledning vars syfte är att stödja elever i att lära sig felsökning som en del av undervisningen i kursen Programmering 1 på gymnasiet. Vidare var syftet med studien att identifiera de felsökningsstrategier som elever använder för att åtgärda olika typer av fel i sina program. Examensarbetet genomfördes som en del av projektet K-ULF som bedriver praktiknära forskning genom ett samarbete mellan skolor och universitet i Stockholm. Studien genomfördes i huvudsak i fyra delar där den första var en förstudie bestående av observationer under vilken felsökning identifierades som ett problemområde. Under denna del av studien kunde flera teman identifieras kopplade till problemlösningsstrategier som eleverna använder sig av. Därefter påbörjades utvecklingsarbetet av en prototyp till elevhandledningen. Designen av elevhandledningen utgick från data som samlats in under förstudien i kombination med resultat från tidigare forskning om nybörjares svårigheter med felsökning. Prototypen testades sedan på en elevgrupp bestående av andra- och tredjeårselever som läser ett naturvetenskapligt gymnasieprogram. Elevmaterialet utvärderades sedan ur ett elev- och lärarperspektiv genom en enkät respektive en intervju. Därefter bearbetades den tidigare versionen av prototypen utifrån det som framkommit under den utvärderande fasen av arbetet. Att behovet av ett elevmaterial som stödjer elever i felsökning finns, blev tydligt under arbetets gång och bekräftades sedan i den senare delen av arbetet. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns fyra huvudteman kopplade till elevers felsökningsstrategier. Dessa är Lärarstöd, Självständig lösning, Stöd från klasskamrat och Google. Vidare framkom att elevmaterialet visat sig ha en positiv effekt på elevers lärande genom att bidra till en ökad förståelse om felens orsak och uppkomst vilket ledde till att fler elever kunde lösa problem i sin kod självständigt. / The rapid digitalization has not only led to major changes in society but also in the education system in which knowledge of the applications and functions of various technical systems and digital tools has become a necessity. Programming has become a natural part of the process of understanding today's digital systems, but also a tool for problem solving and designing digital solutions. The process of learning programming can be challenging for many students and beset with many difficulties along the way. A known problem for beginners has long been troubleshooting, which is a necessary knowledge both to be able to prevent various types of errors but also to be able to solve errors that occur in a program, which is also one of the learning objectives in the course Programming 1. In this thesis a prototype for a student guide was developed and tested whose purpose is to support students in learning debugging as part of the teaching in the course Programming 1 in upper secondary school. Furthermore, the purpose of the study was to identify the debugging strategies that students use to fix different types of errors in their programs. The thesis was carried out as part of the K-ULF project, which conducts practical research through a collaboration between schools and universities in Stockholm. The study was mainly carried out in four parts where the first was a pilot study consisting of observations during which troubleshooting was identified as a problem area. During this part of the study, several themes could be identified linked to problem-solving strategies that the students use. Then the development work of a prototype for the student guide began. The design of the student guide was based on data collected during the pilot study combined with results from previous research on beginners' difficulties with troubleshooting. The prototype was then tested on a student group consisting of second- and third-year students studying a high school science program. The student material was thereafter evaluated from a student and teacher perspective through a questionnaire and an interview respectively. The initial version of the prototype was then revised based on what emerged during the evaluation phase of the work. The need for a student material that supports students in troubleshooting became clear during the course of the work and was then confirmed in the latter part of the work. The results of the study show that there are four main themes linked to students' troubleshooting strategies. These are Teacher Support, Independent Solution, Classmate Support and Google. Furthermore, it emerged that the student material proved to have a positive effect on students' learning by contributing to an increased understanding of the cause and origin of the errors which resulted in more students being able to solve issues in their code independently.
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Exploring the promotion of safe schools in the Eastern Cape: a whole school development approachMnyaka, Nompumelelo Margaret 31 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the promotion of safe schools in the Eastern Cape according to a Whole School Development Approach. A literature study investigated the factors contributing to violence in schools in the Eastern Cape as well as South Africa, the strategies that can be used to involve all stakeholders in education to combat school violence and the strategies to promote safe schools through Whole School Development Approach. An empirical investigation following a qualitative approach was used to explore the views of learners, educators, principals and teachers of two secondary schools in the Eastern Cape. Data was gathered by observation, interviews, analysis of written documents and analysis was according to qualitative procedures. Findings showed a prevalence of violence in the schools as a result of non-application of the Whole School Development Approach. The implications of the findings of both literature and the empirical investigation are discussed and certain guidelines are provided to assist all stakeholders in education on the promotion of safe schools through the Whole School Development Approach. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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A comparative review of legislative reform of electronic contract formation in South AfricaSnail, Sizwe 09 May 2016 (has links)
Electronic contracts in the new technological age and electronic commerce have brought about world-wide legal uncertainty. When compared to the traditional paper-based method of writing and signing, the question has arisen whether contracts concluded by electronic means should be recognised as valid and enforceable agreements in terms of the functional equivalence approach.
This study will examine the law regulating e-commerce from a South African perspective in contrast to international trends and e-commerce law from the perspective of the United States. The research investigates various aspects of contract formation such as time and place, validity of electronic agreements, electronic signatures, attribution of electronic data messages and signatures, automated transaction as well as select aspects of e-jurisdiction from a South African and United States viewpoint. / Mercantile Law / LLM
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L’analyse phonostylistique du discours politique oral de Dominique de Villepin / The phonostylistic analysis of Dominique de Villepin’s political oral discourseAbdulbaqi, Ibrahim Khaleel 10 November 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse focalise sur une analyse phonostylistique du discours politique oral de M. Dominique de Villepin. Une étude qui aborde les variations de son style vocal dans plusieurs de ces discours oraux, d'une manière qui nous permet d'analyser les éléments discursifs et prosodiques tout au long de ses discours politiques. L'étude portera sur le double codage (linguistique et paralinguistique) caché derrière ses propos politiques. Notre corpus d'étude est l'ensemble d'échantillons tirés d'entretien, débat, conférence, interview. Cette étude, par ailleurs, soulève sa compétence discursive et communicationnelle manifestée quant à l'emploi des unités linguistiques, prosodiques, et discursive perçus comme un rôle praxéologique de pratiques sociales, politiques et de l'expérience dans son discours. Au niveau discursif, l'étude analyse des éléments pragmatiques tels que le tour de la parole les temps verbaux et les effets persuasifs. Au niveau phonostylistique, plusieurs phénomènes prosodiques de valeurs phonostylistiques (intonation, mélodie, accent et pause) seront analysés à l'aide du logiciel Praat pour connaître les différentes rôles pragmatiques et énonciatives en termes de stratégie de persuasion de cet homme politique. La thèse consiste à démontrer le rôle de ces phénomènes prosodiques dans l'établissement des informations nouvelles capables de transmettre un deuxième message vocal à son public. Ce message phonostylistique, qui renforce le premier message discursif des forces illocutoires, rajoute au style de Dominique de Villepin un nouveau procédé d'influence et de convaincre sur un public auditoire. / This thesis studies the phonostylistical analysis of Mr. Dominique de Villepin's political oral discourse. A study which requires several of his vocal style in his different oral speeches in a way that allows us to analyze the discourse and prosodic elements throughout his political speeches. The study will focus on the dual coding (linguistic and paralinguistic) hidden behind his political purposes. The corpus of study is the set of samples taken from his different speeches: debate, conference, interviews. This study also rises to explain his discursive and communicative competence which is manifested by using linguistic, prosodic and discursive units in order to disclose the praxeological role of social practices, political roles and the role of experience in his speeches. Concerning the discursive level, the present study aims to analyze the pragmatic elements such as the tour of speech and verbal and persuasive effects. Concerning the phonostylistical level, several of phonostylistic phenomena which have prosodic values (intonation, melody, accent and pause) are analyzed under the Praat software to identify different pragmatic and enunciative roles in terms of persuasive strategy of this political man. The thesis is to demonstrate the role of prosodic phenomena in the establishment of new information, capable of transmitting a second vocal message to his audience. This phonostylistical message, which supports the first message carried through discursive illocutionary forces, adds to the style of Dominique de Villepin a new method to influence and persuade the public audience
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Dynamic cavity method and problems on graphs / Méthode de cavité dynamique et problèmes sur des graphesLokhov, Andrey Y. 14 November 2014 (has links)
Un grand nombre des problèmes d'optimisation, ainsi que des problèmes inverses, combinatoires ou hors équilibre qui apparaissent en physique statistique des systèmes complexes, peuvent être représentés comme un ensemble des variables en interaction sur un certain réseau. Bien que la recette universelle pour traiter ces problèmes n'existe pas, la compréhension qualitative et quantitative des problèmes complexes sur des graphes a fait des grands progrès au cours de ces dernières années. Un rôle particulier a été joué par des concepts empruntés de la physique des verres de spin et la théorie des champs, qui ont eu beaucoup de succès en ce qui concerne la description des propriétés statistiques des systèmes complexes et le développement d'algorithmes efficaces pour des problèmes concrets.En première partie de cette thèse, nous étudions des problèmes de diffusion sur des réseaux, avec la dynamique hors équilibre. En utilisant la méthode de cavité sur des trajectoires dans le temps, nous montrons comment dériver des équations dynamiques dites "message-passing'' pour une large classe de modèles avec une dynamique unidirectionnelle -- la propriété clef qui permet de résoudre le problème. Ces équations sont asymptotiquement exactes pour des graphes localement en arbre et en général représentent une bonne approximation pour des réseaux réels. Nous illustrons cette approche avec une application des équations dynamiques pour résoudre le problème inverse d'inférence de la source d'épidémie dans le modèle "susceptible-infected-recovered''.Dans la seconde partie du manuscrit, nous considérons un problème d'optimisation d'appariement planaire optimal sur une ligne. En exploitant des techniques de la théorie de champs et des arguments combinatoires, nous caractérisons une transition de phase topologique qui se produit dans un modèle désordonné simple, le modèle de Bernoulli. Visant une application à la physique des structures secondaires de l'ARN, nous discutons la relation entre la transition d'appariement parfait-imparfait et la transition de basse température connue entre les états fondu et vitreux de biopolymère; nous proposons également des modèles généralisés qui suggèrent une correspondance exacte entre la matrice des contacts et la séquence des nucléotides, permettant ainsi de donner un sens à la notion des alphabets effectifs non-entiers. / A large number of optimization, inverse, combinatorial and out-of-equilibrium problems, arising in the statistical physics of complex systems, allow for a convenient representation in terms of disordered interacting variables defined on a certain network. Although a universal recipe for dealing with these problems does not exist, the recent years have seen a serious progress in understanding and quantifying an important number of hard problems on graphs. A particular role has been played by the concepts borrowed from the physics of spin glasses and field theory, that appeared to be extremely successful in the description of the statistical properties of complex systems and in the development of efficient algorithms for concrete problems.In the first part of the thesis, we study the out-of-equilibrium spreading problems on networks. Using dynamic cavity method on time trajectories, we show how to derive dynamic message-passing equations for a large class of models with unidirectional dynamics -- the key property that makes the problem solvable. These equations are asymptotically exact for locally tree-like graphs and generally provide a good approximation for real-world networks. We illustrate the approach by applying the dynamic message-passing equations for susceptible-infected-recovered model to the inverse problem of inference of epidemic origin. In the second part of the manuscript, we address the optimization problem of finding optimal planar matching configurations on a line. Making use of field-theory techniques and combinatorial arguments, we characterize a topological phase transition that occurs in the simple Bernoulli model of disordered matching. As an application to the physics of the RNA secondary structures, we discuss the relation of the perfect-imperfect matching transition to the known molten-glass transition at low temperatures, and suggest generalized models that incorporate a one-to-one correspondence between the contact matrix and the nucleotide sequence, thus giving sense to the notion of effective non-integer alphabets.
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Presidential Communication to Children: An Analysis of Persuasive Strategies in Presidential SpeechesGrice, Patricia Joyce 01 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the content of presidential communication to children, specifically the only three presidential speeches that have been designed for children. These three speeches are President Barack Obama's speech to children in 2009, George H.W. Bush's speech to children in 1991, and Ronald Reagan's speech to children in 1988. Through content analysis this thesis was designed to determine whether persuasive strategies were used in these messages to children, and if persuasive strategies were present, which ones were used. Through qualitative analysis conducting a focus group discussion with children exposed to one of the presidential speeches, this thesis also explored the speeches from children's perspectives. Political socialization theory is used as framework for developing the study, and three persuasive theories are used for analysis of the speeches.
The findings provide insight into presidential communication to children and implications of future research in this area. Findings suggest that persuasive strategies are present and a variety of techniques are utilized in the speeches. The purpose and common topics of these speeches are also explored. Focus group findings support that children can identify persuasive strategies present in the speeches and provide insight into the knowledge children retain from exposure to the communication.
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SIAAM: Isolation dynamique pour une machine abstraite à base d'acteursSabah, Quentin 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions l'isolation mémoire et les mesures de communications efficaces par passage de message dans le contexte des environnements à mémoire partagée et la programmation orientée-objets. L'état de l'art en la matière se base presque exclusivement sur deux techniques complémentaires dites de propriété des objets (ownership) et d'unicité de références (reference uniqueness) afin d'adresser les problèmes de sécurité dans les programmes concurrents. Il est frappant de constater que la grande majorité des travaux existants emploient des méthodes de vérification statique des programmes, qui requirent soit un effort d'annotations soit l'introduction de fortes contraintes sur la forme et les références vers messages échangés. Notre contribution avec SIAAM est la démonstration d'une solution d'isolation réalisée uniquement à l'exécution et basée sur le modèle de programmation par acteurs. Cette solution purement dynamique ne nécessite ni annotations ni vérification statique des programmes. SIAAM permet la communication sans copie de messages de forme arbitraire. Nous présentons la sémantique formelle de SIAAM ainsi qu'une preuve d'isolation vérifiée avec l'assistant COQ. L'implantation du modèle de programmation pour le langage Java est réalisé dans la machine virtuelle JikesRVM. Enfin nous décrivons un ensemble d'analyses statiques qui réduit automatiquement le cout à l'exécution de notre approche.
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E-Mail - SMS - MMS : the linguistic creativity of asynchronous discourse in the New Media Age /Frehner, Carmen. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Zürich, University, Diss., 2006/2007.
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