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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LEANDRO SERRA SILVA PEREIRA 10 January 2020 (has links)
[pt] O processo de difusão das microfinanças e de microcrédito é característico do momento atual da fase da ideologia neoliberal de mercado, que tende a valorizar novos espaços para a reprodução das relações rentistas. Os reflexos na produção, na sociedade e na refuncionalização dos territórios são extremamente complexos. Neste contexto de intensificação dos fluxos de capital e predominância da produção do espaço capitalista via processos de financeirização, faz-se necessário compreender as transformações nas dinâmicas territoriais, devido a complexidade das múltiplas escalas em que perpassam os territórios. Dessa maneira, buscaremos entender a dinâmica territorial das famílias remanescentes de quilombos do rio Trombetas, o acesso e uso da linha de microcrédito rural do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) e como o Programa transforma (e/ou perpetua) a dinâmica territorial das populações agroextrativistas. A racionalidade econômica e ambiental não são novidades na Amazônia, nem nos territórios quilombolas do estudo de caso. Os negros escravizados sempre estiveram inviabilizados e subalternos pelas relações de poder que buscam homogeneizar o espaço e deslegitimar o acesso à terra e a reprodução da dinâmica territorial e do modo de vida elaborado por esse grupo étnico. Foi assim com o sistema produtivo escravocrata no século XVIII, com as tentativas de destruição dos quilombos e reintegração da mão-de-obra negra ao quadro produtivo, com a chegada das unidades de conservação e da empresa de mineração de bauxita. Atualmente, os programas de ―desenvolvimento social são os novos elementos da lógica das relações de mercado que chegam aos países periféricos. A difusão do microcrédito é oriundo das diretrizes do Banco Mundial, FMI e outras instituições responsáveis pela administração da pobreza. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal da analisar as singularidades das transformações na dinâmica territorial a partir do acesso e uso do microcrédito rural (PRONAF B) nos Territórios Quilombolas do Rio Trombetas, Oriximiná-PA. / [en] The process of diffusion of microfinance and microcredit is characteristic of the current moment of the phase of neoliberal market ideology, which tends to value new spaces for the reproduction of rentier relations. The repercussions on production, society and the refunctionalization of the territories are extremely complex. In this context of intensification of capital flows and predominance of the production of capitalist space through financialization processes, it is necessary to understand the transformations in territorial dynamics, due to the complexity of the multiple scales in which they pass through the territories. In this way, we will try to understand the territorial dynamics of the remaining families of quilombos of the Trombetas river, the access and use of the rural microcredit line of the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF) and how the Program transforms (and / or perpetuates) the dynamics of the agro-extractive populations. Economic and environmental rationality are not new in the Amazon, nor in the quilombola territories of the case study. The enslaved Negroes have always been unfeasible and subalternos by the relations of power that seek to homogenize the space and to delegitimize the access to the land and the reproduction of the territorial dynamics and the way of life elaborated by this ethnic group. This was the case with the slave-owning productive system in the eighteenth century, with attempts to destroy the quilombos and reintegration of the black labor force into the productive framework, with the arrival of the conservation units and the bauxite mining company. Nowadays, social development programs are the new elements of the logic of market relations that reach peripheral countries. The spread of microcredit comes from the World Bank, IMF and other institutions responsible for managing poverty. Thus, this research has as main objective to analyze the singularities of the transformations in the territorial dynamics from the access and use of rural microcredit (PRONAF B) in Quilombola Territories of the Trombetas River, Oriximiná-PA.

Group structure and behaviour in microfinance : empirics from Sierra Leone

Sabin, Nicholas Edward January 2014 (has links)
The use of group lending for poverty alleviation is a widespread feature of modern microfinance. The structure of joint-liability credit - if one member defaults the others are held financially responsible - produces a natural tension between a borrower's social and economic interests. This study integrates theory from economics, sociology, and behavioural experiments to address the question, "How do social and economic mechanisms interact to shape a microcredit group's financial behaviour?" The empirical analysis involves an original dataset from a microfinance institution in Sierra Leone. The total dataset includes 7,025 joint-liability borrowers involved in 47,931 repayment transactions from 2005 to 2011. The empirical methods used are diverse: ethnographic fieldwork, GPS spatial analysis, social affiliation survey design, and multilevel statistical analysis of loan performance data. The original work is structured as three distinct papers. In the first paper, I examine social collateral, the formal use of a borrower's relationships as security against loan default. How does a group's spatial structure affect the efficacy of social collateral? Spatial concentration improves a group's economic performance up to a certain level after which the effect reverses and performance declines. The relationship is driven by a social trade-off between ability and willingness to enforce the loan. Further, groups that consist of multiple spatial fragments produce worse performance. Spatially fragmented groups are prone to splitting into social factions. In the second paper, I question what drives the self-selection process of microcredit group formation. The results show that group leaders prefer members with pre-existing social ties, who are spatially proximate, and have matching business types. The preference for socio-spatial factors is likely motivated by reducing the risk of strategic default by group members. In the third paper, I explore how economic cooperation in small groups evolves over years of repeated interaction. Despite the selective retention of better performing groups, average cooperation rates consistently decline, in terms of contribution and effort. Further, variance across groups continues to increase over 30 months of repeated interaction, suggesting that convergence to a stable cooperation rate has not occurred. Given that group lending exhibits many of the factors found to promote cooperation in laboratory experiments, it is surprising to find such a marked decline in this field setting. Overall, this thesis contributes to economic sociology by dissecting the difficult trade-offs between social and economic motives in group lending and offers policy implications for microfinance institutions regarding group formation heuristics, contract design, and loan management.

Le microcrédit social : un "argent secours" en perspective historique : le cas du prêt sur-gages au crédit municipal de Bordeaux depuis 1801 / Social microcredit : aid-cash in historical perspective : the case of pawnbroking activities at the Bordeaux “Crédit Municipal” since 1801.

Pastureau, Guillaume 08 July 2013 (has links)
Créé dans les villes marchandes d'Italie du Nord au XVe siècle pour lutter contre l'usure, le Mont-de-Piété est devenu incontestablement un acteur fondamental de l'aide sociale à travers le prêt sur gages. Promoteur d'une économie sociale de bienfaisance, il met au cœur des préoccupations le rôle de l'argent comme une forme d'outil d'intégration économique et sociale à la société en voie de modernisation. Il agit comme une institution protectrice d'un salariat soumis au paupérisme et aux aléas sociaux de leur existence. En apportant des capacités financières, il permet au salariat de compléter ses revenus, quand les salaires sont précaires aléatoires. L'émergence de la Protection sociale, venant garantir et stabiliser les revenus, concurrencerait la finance sociale issue du Mont-de-Piété. Ainsi, l'action sociale institutionnalisée retourne les conceptions de l'aide, l'aide privée, individualisée, et marchande du XIXe siècle est remplacée par une aide publique, collective et non marchande. L'activité du prêt sur gages devient progressivement insignifiante, le Crédit municipal s'intègrera dans une logique bancaire. Mais la fin du XXe siècle voit renaître l'institution, le microcrédit social prend une nouvelle place. Sous l'effet de l'évolution de l'intensité de la Protection sociale, de l'apparition d'une nouvelle pauvreté, et de l'expression d'un nouveau risque lié à l'exclusion bancaire et financière, le prêt sur gages en consacrant un « argent secours » (re)introduit une forme de protection sociétale spécifique. / The first pawnshop, or "Mont-de-Piété," was created in 15th-century Italy to fight usury. The Mont-de-Piété and its pawn loan unquestionably became a fundamental pillar of social care. It promotes a charitable social economy and regards money as being at the center of all concerns for social and economical integration within a modernising society. It plays the role of a protective institution for wage earners subjected to pauperism and the social hazards of existence. The Mont-de-Piété allows wage earners to supplement their incomes by providing financial capacities when wages are low or uncertain. However the emergence of Social Welfare which stabilised incomes soon competed with the social financing provided by the Mont-de-piété. Thus institutionalised social policies brought a new light on the concept of social aid. 19th-century private and individualised social aid was gradulally replaced by public and global social welfare. Pawnbroking activities decreased significantly and soon the Crédit Municipal will assimilate the logic of banking institutions. However, toward the end of the 20th century the Mont-de-Piété institution comes up again and social microcredit progressively rises up in importance. Since the end of the 20th century, consequences of the liberal economic organization - such as social exclusion and banking exclusion - the Crédit Municipal activity has (re)developped and evolved. Nowadays, the Crédit Municipal is, just like the Mont-de-Piété used to be, an institution which allows for or facilitates social inclusion. In fact, the Crédit Municipal and its pawnbroking activities are re-establishing a new form of specific social protection.

Les stratégies et initiatives des femmes dans le secteur de la microfinance : Le cas du Sénégal / Strategies and initiatives for women in the microfinance sector : The case of Senegal

Sall, Aminata 23 November 2012 (has links)
A partir des associations féminines de microcrédit, des femmes sénégalaises mettent en place des stratégies de solidarité et investissent le secteur de la microfinance à l’aide de systèmes formels et informels d’épargne et de crédit pour assurer la survie de la famille ou l’acquisition de biens matériels et/ou d’argent, gage de succès économique et source de prestige au Sénégal. Ces pratiques de solidarité et de réseautage socio-économiques sont construites et entretenues à partir des acteurs dominants du milieu associatif (dirigeants et fondateurs) avec l’aide des partenaires financiers et techniques. L’Etat et les ONG de développement considérés comme les partenaires de ces associations sont les premiers à leur fournir un apport financier et technique. Ce partenariat s’inscrit dans une logique de lutte contre la pauvreté mais aussi instrumentale dans laquelle les femmes sont considérées comme une ressource, et comme sujette à un « investissement rentable ». Dans cette thèse, on semble se demander si les pratiques associées à la lutte contre la pauvreté en général et le microcrédit en particulier ne profitent pas plus aux partenaires qui en font la promotion qu’aux femmes elles-mêmes. A partir d’une étude de cas, cette thèse tente de comprendre la pratique du microcrédit dans les associations féminines de microcrédit sénégalaises, les dynamiques de collaboration et de pouvoir, entre les différents acteurs, qui se mettent en place, et enfin les objectifs poursuivis par les uns (Etat et ONG de développement) et les autres (les associations de femmes). / Women's microcredit associations allow Senegalese women to support each other while investing in the microfinance sector. Formal and informal savings and credit systems ensure the families survival and the purchase of goods. These, as well as the flow of cash, are proofs of economic success and a source of prestige in Senegal. Solidarity strategies, along with social and economic networking practices originate from key community leaders (both founders and leaders) with the help of technical and financial partners. The state and associated NGOs provide the biggest part of the financial and technical support. The partnerhip fits into a general fight against poverty where women are understood as resources and profitable investments. However one could argue that associated partners often benefit more from the fight against poverty- and the development of microcredit- than Senegalese women themselves. Using a specific case study, the thesis examines the microcredit practices of Senegalese women involved in the associative sector; the power dynamics behind associations of people and, finally, the objectives of each participant (NGOs, state and women’s associations).

La liaison entre les nouvelles formes de crédit et le développement en Afrique subsaharienne / The linkage between new forms of credit and develompent in sub-Saharian Africa

Djade, Komi 02 July 2008 (has links)
Cette recherche est une contribution au débat sur la possibilité de concilier rentabilité, faible coût du crédit et large portée relative des institutions de microfinance. Elle discute aussi l’efficacité des subventions accordées à ces institutions. Enfin elle cherche à articuler la microfinance et la croissance économique dans les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Notre étude produit des résultats qui tendent à montrer qu’en Afrique subsaharienne les institutions de microfinance issues de la privatisation directe ou indirecte d’anciens réseaux de collecte étatiques ont une rentabilité négative mais touchent un grand nombre de personnes. A l’inverse les institutions de microfinance d’origine locale ont une taille relative beaucoup plus faible, leur part dans la distribution du crédit total à l’économie est faible, mais elles sont rentables. Deuxièmement la politique de subventions doit encourager les institutions à devenir autonomes plutôt que chercher à pérenniser les situations acquises d’endettement, tout en cherchant à réduire l’effet des coûts fixes sur le taux du crédit. Finalement, de la nature de la politique économique dépendra le développement relatif des secteurs formel et informel. Par exemple, une politique monétaire restrictive favorisera le secteur informel alors qu’une politique monétaire expansionniste favorisera le secteur formel. / The aim of this dissertation is to contribute on the debate about the possibility to reconcile return, low cost of credit and high relative outreach of microfinance institutions. It deals with efficiency of the granted subsidies to these institutions and at last with the interaction between microfinance and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa. The results of our study tend first of all to suggest that, in sub-Saharan Africa, microfinance institutions coming from the direct or indirect privatization of public development banks have a negative return but a high level of outreach, whereas microfinance institutions coming from local groups have a relative low size but are profitable and self-sufficient. The ratio of their gross loan portfolio to total loan is marginal. Secondly, subsidy policy should enforce microfinance institutions to become self-sufficient rather than perpetuate overdraft situations coming from the past. It should also aim at reducing fixed cost on loan rate. The development of formal and informal markets will depend on the nature of economic policy: a restrictive monetary policy will increase the informal market while an expansionist monetary policy will increase the formal market.

Um estudo comparado entre o programa \"Missão Caixa\" na Venezuela e o programa \"Caixa Aqui\" no Brasil: políticas públicas de inclusão financeira na América Latina / A comparative study between the program \"Missão Caixa\" in Venezuela and the program \"Caixa Aqui\" in Brazil: public policies for financial inclusion in Latin America

Marques, Tomás Costa de Azevedo 26 August 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo realizar uma análise comparada de duas políticas públicas de inclusão financeira, sendo uma delas no Brasil e outra na Venezuela. A importância deste estudo reside na necessidade de desenvolver trabalhos que busquem compreender melhor as iniciativas de políticas públicas de inclusão financeira de caráter inovador focadas na bancarização da população de baixa renda e que apresentam desenho distinto das principais iniciativas do campo, mas que até o presente momento ainda são muito pouco estudadas suas contribuições em especial no contexto da América Latina. A Missão Caixa na Venezuela e o programa Caixa Aqui no Brasil são analisadas a partir de suas origens históricas, o seu desenvolvimento e uma comparação entre seu desenho institucional. Isto é feito à luz da discussão teórica apresentada pela teoria dos mercados imperfeitos e a abordagem pós-keynesiana. Diante disso é feita uma revisão história da discussão da inclusão financeira e sua importância como instrumento de desenvolvimento econômico e social, para o combate à pobreza e geração de oportunidades para os mais pobres, a partir da problematização do microcrédito como mecanismo financeiro que busca cumprir tais objetivos. No resultado do desenvolvimento do trabalho são apresentados como os desenhos dessas políticas públicas têm se mostrado inovadoras dentro do contexto de inclusão financeira dos grupos desbancarizados. Por fim pretendese que a análise aqui apresentada possa contribuir com o aperfeiçoamento e desenvolvimento de instituições e políticas públicas de inclusão financeira, bem como abra a oportunidade de novas agendas de pesquisa que possam aprofundar a partir de outras dimensões o objeto de estudo. / This dissertation aims to conduct a comparative analysis of two public policies of financial inclusion in Brazil and in Venezuela. The importance of this study is the need to develop works that seek better understanding public policy initiatives of financial inclusion with innovative character, focused on the banks role in including low-income population, as well as presenting distinct design comparing to the main initiatives in this issue. Other characteristic is that it has been few studies concerning the contributions of these two policies in Latin America. The Missão Caixa in Venezuela and the program Caixa Aqui are analyzed from their historical origins, development and institutional design. This was done under the light of the theory of imperfect markets and post- Keynesian approach. Thus is made a historical review of the financial inclusion debate and its importance as economic and social development tool for combating poverty and generating opportunities for the poorest, from the questioning of microcredit as a financial mechanism that seeks to achieve these objectives. The result of the development work are presented as the designs of these public policies have proved to be innovative within the context of financial inclusion of unbanked groups. Finally it is intended that the analysis presented here can contribute to the improvement and development of institutions and public policies for financial inclusion as well as the opportunity to open new research agendas that could strengthen from other dimensions the object of study.

Efficiency and Social Capital in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: the Case of Ethiopia.

Worku, Eshetu Bekele. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study extends the existing literature on how social networks enhance the performance and sustainability of small enterprises. More specifically, the study isolates and investigates the mechanisms through which social capital helps with the growth and survival of MSMEs. The evidence presented in this study strongly suggests that an indigenous social network widely practiced in Ethiopia, the &ldquo / iqqub&rdquo / , contributes significantly to the start-up, survival and development of urban MSMEs.</p>

Efficiency and Social Capital in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: the Case of Ethiopia.

Worku, Eshetu Bekele. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study extends the existing literature on how social networks enhance the performance and sustainability of small enterprises. More specifically, the study isolates and investigates the mechanisms through which social capital helps with the growth and survival of MSMEs. The evidence presented in this study strongly suggests that an indigenous social network widely practiced in Ethiopia, the &ldquo / iqqub&rdquo / , contributes significantly to the start-up, survival and development of urban MSMEs.</p>

Programa Crescer de microcrédito produtivo orientado : uma avaliação da política pública de inclusão produtiva

Souza, Cristiano Soares de 12 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2018-07-27T15:24:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Cristiano Soares de Souza.pdf: 1654565 bytes, checksum: bed736d1c32ec7e1681bf2ef447193f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2018-08-02T12:51:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Cristiano Soares de Souza.pdf: 1654565 bytes, checksum: bed736d1c32ec7e1681bf2ef447193f9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-02T12:51:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2015_Cristiano Soares de Souza.pdf: 1654565 bytes, checksum: bed736d1c32ec7e1681bf2ef447193f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-12 / Esta dissertação analisa o Programa Crescer Microcrédito Produtivo Orientado, uma política pública de inclusão produtiva, geração de trabalho e renda do Programa Brasil Sem Miséria do Governo Federal. Foi implementada pelo Governo para subsidiar quatro objetivos a serem alcançados para o atendimento do público alvo: dar oportunidade de novos negócios, estimular o empreendedorismo, estimular a bancarização e principalmente fornecer a porta de saída aos programas do Brasil Sem Miséria, priorizado por meio dos microempreendedores individuais, com atenção destacada aos participantes do Cadastro Único do Fome Zero. Esta Política de Microcrédito é subsidiada pelo Tesouro Nacional, com características e critérios específicas para sua concessão estabelecidos pelo Banco Central, apresentado pelo Governo Federal como o passo decisivo para a democratização do Crédito aos microempreendedores. Para fazer tal análise realizamos levantamento bibliográfico e pesquisa de tipologia exploratória referente ao Microcrédito, tratando a pobreza como espaço onde está inserido o público alvo desta política, discutindo o papel do Estado e às Políticas Sociais, entendendo o microcrédito e sua nova proposta por meio do crédito produtivo e orientado. O objetivo é avaliar esta política pública, averiguando a real efetividade da Inclusão Produtiva do micronegócio por meio da orientação oferecida pelos agentes de crédito, o que resultou na constatação da fragilidade do processo instituído pela metodologia de concessão do crédito que esses agentes não concretizam o objetivo do Programa Crescer de Microcrédito Produtivo Orientado pela não obrigatoriedade de capacitação profissional dos mesmos pela Lei do Programa Nacional de Microcrédito Produtivo Orientado. / This dissertation analyzes the Growth Oriented Productive Microcredit Program, a public policy of productive inclusion, creation of jobs and income of Brazil Without Poverty Program of the Federal Government. It was implemented by the Government to subsidize four objectives to be achieved for the target audience of care: give opportunity to new businesses, stimulate entrepreneurship, stimulate banking and mainly provide the exit door to the Brazil Without Poverty programs, prioritized through microentrepreneurs individual, carefully highlighted to the participants of the Single Zero Hunger Register. This microcredit policy is subsidized by the National Treasury, with specific characteristics and criteria for their award established by the Central Bank, presented by the Federal Government as the decisive step towards the democratization of credit to microentrepreneurs. To do such an analysis conducted literature review and exploratory type of research in the Microcredit, treating poverty as a space where the target audience of this policy is set, discussing the role of the State and Social Policies, understanding the micro-credit and its new proposal through production-oriented credit. The objective is to evaluate this public policy, checking the actual effectiveness of the Productive Inclusion of micro business through the guidance offered by loan officers, which resulted in the process of the fragility of verification established by the granting of credit methodology that these agents do not materialize the goal Growing the Productive Microcredit Program Guided by not mandatory professional training of the same by the National Law Program of Oriented Productive Microcredit.

O microcrédito e a população de baixa renda: a experiência do banco do cidadão / Microcredit and the low-income population: the experience of the citizen's Bank

Santos, Fabrício Rios Nascimento 07 December 2012 (has links)
The Brazil is a country with many poor and the solution to this phenomenon is based on a more equitable distribution of income, thus, one of the efficient ways of alleviating the situation of those who are at the bottom of the pyramid is to give them access to credit and enable them in the use of the resource, stimulating their entrepreneurial skills in order to make them emerge from poverty. It is therefore inherent in microcredit the democratization of credit to deleted, in order to enable the generation of work and income for low-income families. Based on this context, the dissertation investigated the actions of the Bank of the citizen against the poor families of the State of Alagoas in the period from 2006 to 2009 to verify that your biggest credit was really aimed at regions with socio-economic conditions. To this end, we used the Log-linear model, which was estimated by the method of Weighted least squares (MQP). It became evident that the Bank had a more incisive action in regions with greater momentum. However, despite their greater lending have been in areas with better conditions, the same has contributed greatly to mitigate socio-economic disparities in the State, through the generation of jobs and income. Yes, in the analyzed period granted more than 10,000 loans to poor people, totaling a volume of resources released approximately 13,400,000. Its activities could be extended to other cities and in turn to a greater number of poor families from the moment that Governments understand that the Citizen should be treated as a State policy and not Government. And finally, it is worth noting that poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon and as such must be fought not only with micro-credit. / O Brasil é um país com muitos pobres e a solução para tal fenômeno encontra-se alicerçado numa distribuição de renda mais equitativa, sendo assim, uma das maneiras eficientes de aliviar a situação daqueles que se encontram na base da pirâmide é dar-lhes condições de acesso ao crédito e capacitá-los no uso do recurso, estimulando sua capacidade empreendedora de forma a fazê-los emergir da situação de pobreza. Portanto, é inerente ao microcrédito a democratização do crédito aos excluídos, de maneira a possibilitar a geração de trabalho e renda para as famílias de baixa renda. Com base nesse contexto, a dissertação investigou a atuação do Banco do Cidadão frente às famílias pobres do estado de Alagoas no período de 2006 a 2009 para verificar se sua maior concessão de crédito estava realmente voltada às regiões com piores condições socioeconômicas. Para tanto, utilizou-se do modelo Log-linear, o qual foi estimado pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados (MQP). Ficou evidenciado que o Banco teve uma atuação mais incisiva nas regiões com maior dinâmica. Entretanto, apesar da sua maior concessão de crédito ter sido em regiões com melhores condições, o mesmo tem contribuído sobremaneira para a mitigação das disparidades socioeconômicas do estado, através da geração de trabalho e renda. Pois, no período analisado concedeu mais de 10.000 empréstimos a pessoas pobres, perfazendo um volume de recursos liberado de aproximadamente 13,4 milhões. Sua atuação poderá ser estendida a outros municípios e por sua vez a um maior número de famílias pobres a partir do momento que os governantes compreenderem que o Banco do Cidadão deve ser tratado como uma política de estado e não de governo. E por fim, cabe ressaltar que a pobreza é um fenômeno multidimensional e como tal deve ser combatida e não apenas com o microcrédito.

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