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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acceso a microcrédito y tenencia de tierras agrícolas / Access to formal microcredit and agricultural land tenure

Cordero Mosayhuate, Victor Giacomo 12 November 2021 (has links)
Este documento examina la relación entre el acceso a microcrédito formal y la tenencia de tierras agrícolas para hogares productores en Perú. El análisis empírico está basado en la regresión logística con data recolectada de la Encuesta Nacional Agropecuaria (ENA) del año 2019, la cual comprende a 2 327 hogares productores agrícolas. Adicionalmente, el estudio incorpora otros factores relevantes a nivel jefe de hogar y socioeconómico, tales como: la edad, sexo y estado civil del jefe de hogar prestatario y la productividad agrícola regional. Los resultados del estudio revelan que el 89.86% de hogares productores agrícolas accedieron al microcrédito que solicitaron. El estudio concluye que la relación entre la tenencia de tierras agrícolas y el acceso a microcrédito formal no es significativa a nivel nacional. No obstante, a partir de dividir la muestra se obtienen resultados significativos. Inicialmente, se plantea la división respecto del umbral de superficie total promedio. Posteriormente, se dividió la muestra por región natural. A partir de lo anterior, se obtiene que la relación entre el acceso a microcrédito formal y tenencia de tierras agrícolas es significativa y positiva para los hogares con superficie total menor al promedio y/o los hogares productores que pertenecen a la región Costa. Las diferencias en los resultados surgen a raíz del cambio marginal en la superficie total y productividad agrícola. En suma, la investigación establece que la productividad agrícola resulta fundamental para explicar el aumento de la producción y el acceso a microcrédito. / This document examines the relationship between access to formal microcredit and agricultural land tenure of producer households in Peru. The empirical analysis is based on the logit regression and data was obtained from the National Agricultural Survey (ENA), developed in 2019, which includes 2 327 agricultural producer households. In addition, this study incorporates others relevant factors at head household and socioeconomic level such as: age, gender and married status of head household and regional agricultural productivity. The study reveals that 89.86% of agricultural producer households accessed the microcredit they requested. The paper thus concludes relationship between agricultural land tenure and access to formal microcredit is not significant at the national level. However, significant results are obtained from dividing. At first, the division respect to the threshold of the average total surface. Subsequently, the sample was divided by natural region. Based of the above, it is obtained that the relationship between access to formal microcredit and agricultural land tenure is significant and positive for households with less than average total land area and/or producer households belonging to the Coastal region. The differences arise from marginal change in total land area and agricultural productivity. Finally, the research establishes that agricultural productivity is essential to explain the improving production and access to microcredit. / Trabajo de investigación

Women’s Empowerment and Microcredit in Brazil: A Case Study of the Banco do Povo de Itabira

Fleischer Proaño, Laura Lynn 19 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Approche communicationelle de la construction du microcrédit comme cause internationale : pratiques, discours, figures / Microcredit as an international cause, a communicational approach : practices, discourses and figures

Vallée, Odile 29 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les processus de communication qui autorisent la construction du microcrédit - pratique de prêts à des personnes pauvres - comme cause internationale. Un réseau d’acteurs nommé « Campagne du Sommet du Microcrédit » milite activement pour sa reconnaissance en tant qu’outil de lutte contre la pauvreté. L’étude de ses pratiques et des formes de son discours éclaire les conditions de possibilité logistique et symbolique de la conversion d’une technique financière en cause louable, endossable et universalisable.L’approche communicationnelle de cet objet se formule au croisement de deux axes théoriques qui forment les deux niveaux d’analyse d’un matériau composite - documentaire et ethnographique.Le premier axe concerne la démarche stratégique d’« entrepreneurs de cause » qui défendent une thématique et en accompagnent la trajectoire publique. Il questionne les conditions de la visibilité de la cause et met, ainsi, en évidence les contraintes d’une exigence de visibilité et les normes d’action et de justification qu’elle impose aux acteurs.Le second axe s’attache aux médiations symboliques - formes intercalaires, rémanentes et circulantes - qui incarnent la cause en-Deçà et au-Delà des déclarations d’intention. Il interroge, alors, sa lisibilité en élucidant les régimes de construction de deux figures nécessaires et complémentaires - le micro et le macroentrepreneur - et leurs effets de sens paradoxaux.La thèse confronte donc les « arrière-Pensées » des formes aux intentions stratégiques des acteurs qui les mobilisent et éclaire ainsi la mécanique d’inscription d’une perspective contemporaine du traitement de la pauvreté dans son « ordre de discours ». / Microcredit is a widespread financial tool, originally designed to lend small amounts of money to very poor people.This thesis questions the communication processes that enabled its construction as an international cause. Microcredit Summit Campaign is a network of organizations that strongly advocates for the acknowledgement of microcredit as a tool to fight poverty . The study of its practices and the forms of its discourse highlights the logistic and symbolic conditions required for the conversion of a financial theory into a praiseworthy, endorsable and universal cause.Drawing on a discourse and semiotic analysis of documented and ethnographical sources, the communicational approach of this topic links together two theoretical perspectives.On the one hand, it focuses on Microcredit Summit Campaign as a social movement organization and discusses the symbolic constraints imposed by a requirement for visibility in the public sphere. It influences their eligibility as spokeperson, their standards of action and their modes of justification.On the other hand, the thesis questions the legibility of microcredit as a cause. In this perspective, it analyzes the symbolic mediations that allow it to be embodied. To support the analysis, two compatible actors – “microentrepreneur” and “macroentrepreneur” - are strategically used in the discourse. The study of their characteristics reveals a paradoxical symbolic meaning and effect.Thus, the thesis confronts the "ulterior motives" of the semiotic forms used to support the discourse with the strategic intentions. In doing so, it sheds light on how a contemporary perspective on treating poverty is symbolically integrated in its " orders of discourse ".

Recherche qualitative examinant les liens entre un programme de bourses, le parcours scolaire des bénéficiaires et leur contexte familial au Bénin

Dargis, Luc 08 1900 (has links)
Le contexte familial influence probablement plus le succès scolaire des élèves de pays en voie de développement que ce que certaines recherches indiquaient jusqu’à présent (Nonoyama-Tarumi, 2008). Ce mémoire explore les relations entre le contexte familial et le parcours scolaire d’élèves Béninois dans le cadre d’une évaluation d’implantation et de processus du programme de bourses de la Fondation Sophie Lavigne (FSL). Au total 18 informateurs ont participé à la recherche. Les données ont fait l’objet d’analyses qualitatives. Les résultats montrent que le programme de bourses est mis en œuvre conformément à ce qui était attendu. Ce dernier facilite le parcours scolaire de toutes les participantes et parfois celui de leur fratrie. Par contre, les critères de renouvellement des bourses, en fonction de la réussite scolaire, ont peu d’influence positive sur leur parcours scolaire. Les causes d’échecs scolaires rapportées par les participants sont de deux ordres, (a) une accumulation de difficultés qui entravent l’étude et (b) un obstacle ponctuel important qui empêche la poursuite des études. Les familles interrogées valorisent grandement l’instruction. Dans la mesure de leurs moyens, elles tentent d’offrir les meilleures conditions de réussite scolaire possibles à leurs enfants. L’accès à du soutien scolaire tel des cours de rattrapage est nécessaire pour assurer des conditions d’étude optimales. À la lumière des résultats, la FSL aurait avantage à fournir plus de soutien scolaire aux étudiantes qu’elle accompagne et à revoir les critères de renouvellement de bourses. / One’s family background probably has a stronger influence on a student’s academic success in developing countries than many studies have shown up to now (Nonoyama-Tarumi, 2008). By means of an evaluation of both the implantation and processes of the Sophie Lavigne Foundation (FSL) scholarship program, this thesis deals with the relationships between Benin students’ family background and their academic trajectory. A total of 18 informants participated in the research project. The data was analyzed qualitatively. Generally speaking, the scholarship program has been established as was expected. Families that were interrogated greatly value education. To the very best of their abilities, they try to offer their children the greatest possible conditions for academic success. The scholarship program makes the academic trajectory of all participants easier and sometimes even positively affects their siblings’. However, the criteria for the renewal of the scholarships, which depend on academic success, have few positive effects on the participants’ academic trajectories. The causes for academic failures mentioned by the participants seem to be twofold: (a) an accumulation of difficulties that impair their academic trajectory (b) an important and specific obstacle that prevents a student from continuing her studies. It also appears that having access to academic support—remedial work for instance—is necessary in order to guarantee the best study conditions. The results of this research indicate that the FSL should provide students it accompanies with more academic support and reconsider the criteria for the renewal of the scholarships.

Institutions de microfinance et lutte contre la pauvreté dans les pays du sud : le cas du Tchad, approche socio-économique / Institutions of microficance and combating proverty in developing countries : the case of Chad, socio-economic approach

Allambademel, Vincent de paul 29 November 2012 (has links)
La microfinance, dont l’un des objectifs est de combattre la pauvreté, consiste en la fourniture de produits financiers à tous ceux qui sont exclus du système bancaire classique. Elle est née dans les années 1970, s’est diffusée dans les pays du Sud et s’est révélée être, en quelques décennies, un vecteur de développement. Cette thèse met en évidence ses limites et ses dérives, sans nier certains de ses succès. Au Tchad, dans certains cas, elle a produit des effets pervers et a conduit à l’endettement. L’étude menée répond à un travail de terrain pluridisciplinaire, conjuguant des approches financières et socio-culturelles. Les données recueillies proviennent de nos méthodes et techniques mises en place au cours de diverses enquêtes menées à N’Djaména et à Moundou entre janvier 2009 et mars 2012. Notre recherche a montré, entre autres, comment et à quel niveau se situe l’intervention de la microfinance auprès des populations défavorisées. Dans cette optique, nous avons analysé les obstacles rencontrés et précisé les conditions requises pour que ce type d’outil puisse être efficace, le secteur informel ainsi que l’économie sociale et solidaire étant susceptibles – en tant qu’outils de lutte contre l’exclusion – de rétablir le lien social / Microfinance, which one of the objectives is combating poverty, is the provision of financial products to all people who are excluded from the traditional. It emerged in the 1970s, spread in the countries of the South and proved to be, in a few decades, an instrument of development. This dissertation highlights his limits and his drawbacks, without denying some of its success. In Chad, in some cases, it has produced perverse effects and led to debt. This study is a pluridisciplinary field work, which aligns financial and socio-cultural approaches. Our research has shown, among others, how and at what level is situated the intervention of microfinance to the poor. In that process, we analyzed the obstacles and specified the conditions required so that this type of tool could be effective, the informal sector and social solidarity and economy etc. restore the social ties as they are effective for combating exclusion

Francophonie et microfinance : rôle de l'OIF et politiques publiques en faveur de la microfinance (les cas de la France, du Québec, du Sénégal et du Gabon, de 2004 à 2014) / The Francophonie and microfinance : the role of the Francophonie and public policies for microfinance (in France, Quebec, Senegal and Gabon, from 2004 to 2014)

Esseng Ndong, Nelly Marline 19 September 2014 (has links)
Pour cet ensemble géopolitique dont les origines remontent aux années 70, l’heure des choix stratégiques a sonné. C’est pourquoi ce travail dont le thème est « Francophonie et microfinance » interroge l’utilité de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie sur la scène internationale dans un contexte de bouleversements économiques majeurs. En effet, au regard de sa vocation première d’union géoculturelle, la Francophonie peut-elle s’approprier l’outil économique qu’est la microfinance ? Notre contribution interroge donc également la microfinance, pour en saisir la dynamique mondiale. A travers la description du phénomène qu’elle représente, ce qui importe est d’identifier les acteurs, les raisons qui motivent leur choix pour cet outil et les limites auxquelles les nations ou acteurs internationaux se heurtent dans la pratique de la microfinance. Il s'agit d'une approche centrée sur des études de cas (France, Québec, Gabon et Sénégal) qui, dans un dialogue interdisciplinaire, convoque la théorie des organisations pour mettre en lumière les initiatives de l'OIF et leurs limites en même temps que cette étude s'inscrit dans le champ des relations internationales explorant les collaborations entre l’Organisation, son environnement, et les populations francophones en leur qualité de bénéficiaires finales. / For this geopolitical union whose origins date to the 1970s, the time for strategic choices has come. That is why this thesis "The Francophonie and Microfinance" questions the usefulness of the Organization on the international scene, in a context of major economic upheavals. Indeed, with regard to its primary geocultural purpose, can the Francophonie appropriate this economic tool? Our contribution therefore also queries microfinance to understand how it works all over the world. Through the description of the phenomenon it represents, what matters is to identify stakholders, the reasons that motivate their choice for this tool and the limits to which nations or international actors face in its practice. This approach based on cases (France, Quebec, Gabon and Senegal) calls the theory of organizations to put in effect the initiatives of the Francophonie and their limits, in an interdisciplinary dialogue. This study also fits into international relations exploring collaborations between the Organization, its environment, and French speaking populations as final beneficiaries.

L'efficacité du microcrédit dans les pays industrialisés : le cas de la France / The effectiveness of micro-credit in industrialized countries : a French case study

Kamaha, Marinette 22 September 2014 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer si les objectifs que se fixent les institutions demicrofinance (IMF) en France en matière de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion, et en matièrede soutien au micro-entrepreneuriat, se traduisent dans les faits. Il s’agit plus précisémentd’apprécier la performance sociale des IMF tant en termes de portée sociale qu’en termesd’impact. Nous montrons dans une première partie que le microcrédit extra-bancaire en France aclairement un impact social car octroyé principalement aux personnes les plus pauvres et à cellesles plus en risque d’exclusion. Sa capacité à servir durablement le plus grand nombre estcependant remise en cause compte tenu du fait qu’aucune institution étudiée ne répond à lacontrainte de pérennité qu’est l’autosuffisance financière. Le maintien des subventions dans cecontexte s’avère donc indispensable. Nous trouvons en outre une adaptation de l’offre auxbesoins de la clientèle et mettons en évidence l’existence d’une stratégie dichotomique dans lesecteur (sociale vs économique), ce qui entraine un traitement différencié de la clientèle suivantl’objectif poursuivi par l’IMF. Dans une seconde partie, nous trouvons que dans un contextemarqué par la persistance de la crise économique, le microcrédit démontre une certaine capacité àsoutenir la création d’entreprises et d’emplois de qualité. Cette capacité dépend cependant dutype de microcrédit dont il s’agit (entrepreneurial vs insertion sociale). L’accompagnement serévèle fort utile dans l’ensemble, mais nous montrons des différences de perception parmi lesbénéficiaires. Le microcrédit se révèle en outre avoir un fort impact psychologique mais sesretombées économiques sont de faible ampleur. Nous trouvons en effet une amélioration globalede la situation professionnelle des bénéficiaires, mais soulignons la précarité des emplois occupéset la faiblesse des revenus. Ceci suggère un contraste entre perception et réalité économique / This thesis aims at determining whether microfinance institutions (MFIs) in France succeed inovercoming poverty and exclusion and in supporting entrepreneurship. More precisely, we assessthe social performance of the MFIs both in terms of outreach and impact. We show in a firstsection that non-bank MFIs in France reach the poor and individuals at high-risk of exclusion,and their offer is adapted to their clientele. However, because none of these IMFs are viable,their capacity to durably serve the largest number is questioned. This underlines the need formaintaining subsidies. We also highlight the existence of two types of strategy within the sector(social vs economic), which leads to a differentiated treatment of customers according to theobjective pursued by the MFI. In a second section we show that in a time of persistent economiccrisis, microcredit demonstrates some ability to support business and job creation. However, thisability depends on the type of microcredit in question (micro-enterprises lenders vs socialinclusion lenders). Business support shows itself very useful on the whole, but we bring to theforeground differences in perception among the beneficiaries. Besides, microcredit proves tohave a strong psychological impact even when economic gains are low. There is an overallimprovement in the working position of beneficiaries, although gains are limited by theprecariousness of jobs and relative low incomes. This suggests a contrast between perception andeconomic reality.

Three essays on microcredit and poverty

ORSO, CRISTINA ELISA 13 May 2013 (has links)
Partendo da una concettualizzazione multidimensionale della povertà, il presente lavoro di ricerca studia l’effetto prodotto dalla partecipazione a programmi di microcredito su specifiche dimensioni di genere: l’empowerment delle donne e la violenza domestica. Il primo capitolo analizza la letteratura empirica sul tema in un’ottica critica, gettando le basi per lo sviluppo dei successivi. La seconda parte esamina la relazione fra partecipazione al microcredito e due distinte dimensioni di empowerment utilizzando un modello ad equazioni strutturali (SEM). Accanto alla partecipazione a tali programmi, considero, quale potenziale causa del processo di empowerment femminile, le attitudini maschili in merito al ruolo svolto dalle donne all’interno e al di fuori del contesto familiare. Dai risultati emerge un’associazione positiva fra microcredito e dimensioni di empowerment considerate, ma l’effetto delle attitudini maschili non è significativo. Infine, nell’ultimo capitolo esamino come la partecipazione al microcredito, congiuntamente ad altri fattori socio-demografici, influenza il subire violenza domestica e le attitudini femminili circa la giustificazione della stessa in determinati contesti. Dall’analisi empirica emerge un’associazione positiva tra microcredito e violenza domestica, mentre il partecipare a tali programmi non produce alcun effetto significativo sulle attitudini femminili in merito alla giustificazione della stessa. / The focus of this dissertation is about the influence of participation in microcredit programs on gendered dimensions of poverty. Specifically, I refer to multidimensional poverty in terms of women’s empowerment and domestic violence. The first chapter reviews the empirical literature on microcredit and poverty in a critical perspective and lays the foundations for the two later chapters. The second part explores the relationship between participation in microcredit programs and two distinct dimensions of women’s empowerment using a structural equation model with categorical observed variables. I consider a set of potential causes of the empowerment dimensions including participation in microcredit programs and men’s attitudes towards women’s role in intra-household relationships and in the social context. Interestingly, the former is positively associated with empowerment while the men’s perception about the women’s role do not produce a significant effect on both empowerment dimensions. The last chapter investigates how participation in microcredit programs along with other socio-demographic factors affect the likelihood to experience physical violence and the likelihood of women’s beating justification in different situations. The most interesting result concerns the influence of microcredit on the outcomes variables: it doesn’t affect women’s beliefs about beating justification but it is positively associated with physical violence.

Recherche qualitative examinant les liens entre un programme de bourses, le parcours scolaire des bénéficiaires et leur contexte familial au Bénin

Dargis, Luc 08 1900 (has links)
Le contexte familial influence probablement plus le succès scolaire des élèves de pays en voie de développement que ce que certaines recherches indiquaient jusqu’à présent (Nonoyama-Tarumi, 2008). Ce mémoire explore les relations entre le contexte familial et le parcours scolaire d’élèves Béninois dans le cadre d’une évaluation d’implantation et de processus du programme de bourses de la Fondation Sophie Lavigne (FSL). Au total 18 informateurs ont participé à la recherche. Les données ont fait l’objet d’analyses qualitatives. Les résultats montrent que le programme de bourses est mis en œuvre conformément à ce qui était attendu. Ce dernier facilite le parcours scolaire de toutes les participantes et parfois celui de leur fratrie. Par contre, les critères de renouvellement des bourses, en fonction de la réussite scolaire, ont peu d’influence positive sur leur parcours scolaire. Les causes d’échecs scolaires rapportées par les participants sont de deux ordres, (a) une accumulation de difficultés qui entravent l’étude et (b) un obstacle ponctuel important qui empêche la poursuite des études. Les familles interrogées valorisent grandement l’instruction. Dans la mesure de leurs moyens, elles tentent d’offrir les meilleures conditions de réussite scolaire possibles à leurs enfants. L’accès à du soutien scolaire tel des cours de rattrapage est nécessaire pour assurer des conditions d’étude optimales. À la lumière des résultats, la FSL aurait avantage à fournir plus de soutien scolaire aux étudiantes qu’elle accompagne et à revoir les critères de renouvellement de bourses. / One’s family background probably has a stronger influence on a student’s academic success in developing countries than many studies have shown up to now (Nonoyama-Tarumi, 2008). By means of an evaluation of both the implantation and processes of the Sophie Lavigne Foundation (FSL) scholarship program, this thesis deals with the relationships between Benin students’ family background and their academic trajectory. A total of 18 informants participated in the research project. The data was analyzed qualitatively. Generally speaking, the scholarship program has been established as was expected. Families that were interrogated greatly value education. To the very best of their abilities, they try to offer their children the greatest possible conditions for academic success. The scholarship program makes the academic trajectory of all participants easier and sometimes even positively affects their siblings’. However, the criteria for the renewal of the scholarships, which depend on academic success, have few positive effects on the participants’ academic trajectories. The causes for academic failures mentioned by the participants seem to be twofold: (a) an accumulation of difficulties that impair their academic trajectory (b) an important and specific obstacle that prevents a student from continuing her studies. It also appears that having access to academic support—remedial work for instance—is necessary in order to guarantee the best study conditions. The results of this research indicate that the FSL should provide students it accompanies with more academic support and reconsider the criteria for the renewal of the scholarships.

Efeitos do microcrédito na geração de renda em microempreendimentos: avaliação de impacto do programa Real Microcrédito

Righetti, Carlos Cesar Buosi 28 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:48:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 71050100663.pdf.jpg: 19093 bytes, checksum: 3257bf8cd304fb8f62410e9f370264ca (MD5) 71050100663.pdf.txt: 306257 bytes, checksum: 3f0bd45a5434a866198bb9b3c9951b8a (MD5) 71050100663.pdf: 2626224 bytes, checksum: 312ad4ff0b65a9aff1fc2c14b7d8ea94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-28T00:00:00Z / This doctoral dissertation presents an empirical investigation of microcredit impact on the household income of the micro-entrepreneurs, clients of a commercial Brazilian bank. Real Microcredito belongs to Banco Real, the third largest commercial bank in Brazil, and to Acción International, a non-governmental organization. The research covered a sample of 22.294 microcredit contracts and 20.628 clients, from which 2.366 presented two or more credit operations, from August 2004 to April 2007. The data was provided by Real Microcredito and it was collected on Social and Economic Survey, a questionnaire filled by the microentrepeneur along with the agent, for every credit taken. Average sales was the outcome variable, used to proxy for the household income. Applying the hierarchical linear model (HLM) to analise data it was not possible to confirm with statistical significance that there are changes in the trajectory of sales for the analyzed group. Analyzing inter-individuals differences, it was possible to conclude that the variable feminine gender is associated to the increase of the household sales and income. For the other second-level variables (group-lending, geographic placement and economic activity) it is not possible to identify change statically explained by them. This research presents two contributions to the microfinance knowledge body. Firstly is a methodological contribution: the utilization of Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) for microcredit impact evaluation. This method overcome many existing problems of traditional impact evaluation methods, as control group definition and the possibility of different program participation timing. Secondly is improved evidence. A frequent criticism found at the microfinance literature is the absence of quantitative evaluations with large samples. This work helps to fill this gap. Such conclusions contribute to the academy since they add the above evidences to the microfinance field, which particularly in Asia and for the women, has been highlighted given its society transformation power. / O trabalho realiza uma investigação empírica sobre impacto do microcrédito produtivo orientado de um banco comercial privado, sobre renda disponível no domicílio de microempreendedores. O objeto de estudo foram os clientes da Real Microcrédito, uma empresa resultante da parceria entre o Banco Real, terceiro maior banco privado brasileiro, e a ONG Acción International,organização não-governamental com foco em microfinanças. Foram analisados 22.994 contratos de concessão de microcrédito, correspondendo a um total de 20.628 clientes do período de agosto de 2004 a abril de 2007, dos quais 2.366 possuíam duas ou mais tomadas de crédito. A variável dependente adotada para análise do impacto da renda do domicílio foi vendas médias. Utilizando a técnica de modelos hierárquicos lineares (HLM) para analisar os dados de evolução do indivíduo ao longo do tempo não foi possível concluir que os indivíduos apresentam mudanças nas suas vendas médias ao longo do tempo, pois não foi possível afirmar com significância estatística que há mudanças nas trajetórias das vendas médias para o conjunto de tomadores no período analisado. Analisando-se as diferenças entre os indivíduos foi possível concluir que a variável gênero feminino está associada ao aumento de renda do indivíduo participante do programa. No caso das demais variáveis analisadas no segundo nível (grupo solidário, localização geográfica e atividade econômica) não foi possível identificar mudanças da renda estatisticamente significativas explicadas por elas. A tese apresenta duas contribuições para o avanço do conhecimento no campo de microfinanças. A primeira é uma contribuição metodológica: o uso de modelos Hierárquicos Linerares para análise de impacto de microcrédito. Esta metodologia, inovadora, supera diversos problemas existentes nas metodologias tradicionais de avaliação de impacto, tais como a definição de grupos de controle e possibilidade de diversos prazos de entrada no programa.

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