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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MiR-132 as a Dynamic Regulator of Neuronal Structure and Cognitive Capacity

Hansen, Katelin Libby French 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Detección y caracterización del virus meridional del tomate (STV)

Elvira González, Laura 13 April 2021 (has links)
[ES] El virus meridional del tomate (Southern tomato virus, STV) es un virus persistente (género Amalgavirus, familia Amalgaviridae) que se ha detectado en diversos países como España e Italia. Inicialmente, fue asociado a síntomas de decoloración y falta de maduración en el fruto de tomate. Sin embargo, la presencia frecuente de virus agudos en las plantas infectadas con el STV y la detección de éste en plantas asintomáticas, ponen en duda su patogenicidad y el impacto que puede tener en el cultivo. En esta tesis doctoral se puso a punto la RT-LAMP y la RT-qPCR para la detección específica y sensible del STV. La RT-LAMP permitió reducir costes y simplificar el procedimiento, siendo útil para la detección en campo. La RT-qPCR nos permitió detectar y cuantificar el STV en distintos tipos de tejidos de tomate, incluyendo semillas individuales. El virus se acumulaba principalmente en las raíces y hojas, y en las semillas se encontraba tanto en cubierta como en embrión, lo que dificulta las tareas de desinfección. La tasa de transmisión por semilla del virus, la incidencia en campo y en viveros era muy elevada, afectando más a variedades comerciales que locales. Los análisis filogenéticos mostraron que el STV tenía una baja diversidad genética con una fuerte presión de selección negativa. Además, no había una correlación entre distancia genética del virus y origen geográfico debido a una rápida dispersión de semillas infectadas y/o una fuerte presión de selección negativa. Se comprobó que el STV en condiciones de infección simple no inducía síntomas, no alteraba la producción, ni afectaba a parámetros fisiológicos como conductividad estomática, fotosíntesis y peso, en condiciones de estrés salino. Tampoco se observaron cambios a nivel tisular ni celular, ni se encontraron partículas virales. Sin embargo, el virus modificaba la expresión de algunos miRNAs con importantes funciones. Se detectaron muy poca cantidad de vsiRNAs derivados del STV, lo cual podría deberse a la supresión del silenciamiento génico de la planta por acción de un supresor codificado por el virus. Los ensayos de expresión transitoria en plantas de N. benthamiana 16C determinaron que la p42 del STV no tenía actividad supresora de silenciamiento génico. Finalmente, estudiamos el efecto del STV en infecciones múltiples con otros virus agudos como el CMV y el PepMV. Se observaron complejas interacciones entre los virus que implicaban variaciones en la severidad de síntomas, en los niveles de acumulación viral y en las poblaciones de siRNAs. El STV y el CMV establecían una interacción sinérgica que producía el adelanto y aumento de la severidad de los síntomas, y de la acumulación del CMV en las primeras fases de la infección. La presencia del STV en plantas infectadas con el PepMV también producía un adelanto de los síntomas sin cambios en la acumulación viral del PepMV. En las plantas coinfectadas con el CMV y PepMV se observó un efecto antagónico que disminuía la concentración del CMV y alteraba los síntomas. El STV era capaz de romper este efecto antagónico restableciendo la concentración del CMV y modificando los síntomas. Los análisis de siRNAs permitieron identificar un total de 78 miRNAs, 47 noveles, que se expresaban diferencialmente en los grupos de plantas infectadas con los diferentes virus respecto a las plantas sin infectar. Estos miRNAs estaban implicados en la regulación de importantes funciones y tanto su número como su nivel de expresión variaba dependiendo de la combinación viral. También se identificaron vsiRNAs de origen viral y se vio que su proporción variaba dependiendo de la combinación viral. La cantidad de vsiRNAs del STV se incrementaba notablemente con la presencia de otros virus. La frecuencia de acumulación de vsiRNAs en los genomas virales no era uniforme y no se veía influenciada por las combinaciones de virus. / [CA] El virus meridional de la tomaca (Southern tomato virus, STV) és un virus persistent (gènere Amalgavirus, família Amalgaviridae) que s'ha detectat en diversos països com Espanya i Itàlia. Inicialment, STV va ser associat a distints símptomes de decoloració i anomalies en la maduració del fruit. Però la presència freqüent de virus aguts en les plantes infectades amb STV i la detecció d'aqueste en plantes asimptomàtiques, posen en dubte la seua patogenicitat i l'impacte que pot tindre en el cultiu. En aquesta tesi doctoral es va realitzar la posada al punt de la RT-LAMP i la RT- qPCR per a la detecció específica i sensible de STV. La RT-LAMP va permetre reduir costos i simplificar el procediment, sent útil per a la detecció del virus en camp. La RT-qPCR és una tècnica molt sensible que ens va permetre detectar i quantificar STV en distints tipus de teixits, incloent-hi llavors individuals. El virus s'acumulava principalment en arrels i fulles, i en les llavors es trobava tant en la coberta com en l'embrió. Es va comprovar que les taxes de transmissió per llavor, la incidència en camp i en vivers era molt elevada, major en les varietats comercials que en les locals. Els estudis filogenètics realitzats van mostrar que el virus tenia una baixa diversitat genètica amb una forta pressió de selecció negativa. No hi havia una correlació entre distància genètica del virus i origen geogràfic, degut per una ràpida dispersió a traves de llavors infectades i/o a la forta pressió de selecció negativa. En aquest treball es van obtindre evidències de què STV en condicions d'infecció simple no induïa símptomes en la planta, no alterava la producció, ni afectava paràmetres fisiològics com a conductivitat estomacal, fotosíntesi i pes en condicions d'estrés salí. Tampoc, es van observar cap presència de partícules virals ni canvis a nivell tissular ni cel·lular. No obstant això, STV era capaç de modificar l'expressió d'alguns miRNAs amb importants funcions. Es van detectar molt poca quantitat de vsiRNAs derivats del STV, podria deure's a la supressió del mecanisme de silenciamient gènic per acció d'un supressor. Els assajos d'expressió transitòria en plantes de N. benthamiana 16C va determinar que la p42 de STV no va tindre capacitat supressora de silenciamient gènic. Per finalitzar, vam estudiar l'efecte que podia tindre STV en infeccions mixtes amb altres virus aguts com CMV i PepMV. Els resultats obtinguts d'un assaig amb diferents combinacions d'infeccions van mostrar interaccions complexes entre els virus que implicaven variacions en la severitat de símptomes, en els nivells d'acumulació viral i en les poblacions de siRNA. STV i CMV establien una interacció sinèrgica que produïa l'avanç i l'increment dels símptomes, i un augment de l'acumulació de CMV. D'altra banda, la presència de STV en plantes infectades amb PepMV també produïa un avanç dels símptomes, però no hi havia variacions en l'acumulació de PepMV. En el grup de plantes co-infectades amb CMV i PepMV es va observar un efecte antagònic que dificultava la replicació de CMV, alterant-se els símptomes de la planta. STV era capaç de trencar aquest efecte antagònic restaurant la concentració de CMV i modificant els símptomes. Els anàlisis de siRNAs van permetre identificar un total de 78 miRNAs, 47 corresponien a miRNAs novells, que s'expressaven de forma diferent als grups de plantes infectades amb els diversos virus, respecte a les plantes control sense infectar. Aquests miRNAs estaven implicats en la regulació d'importants funcions i tant el seu nombre com el seu nivell d'expressió variaven. També es van identificar vsiRNAs d'origen viral i es va observar que la seua proporció variava depenent de la combinació viral. La quantitat de vsiRNAs de STV s'incrementava notablement amb la presència d'altres virus. Les freqüències de vsiRNA en els genomes virals no eren uniformes, no obstant això, els pat / [EN] Southern tomato virus (STV) is a persistent virus (genus Amalgavirus, family Amalgaviridae) which was detected in several countries such Spain and Italy. STV was associated with symptoms of discoloration and maturation of tomato fruit. However, STV was frequently detected in mixed infections with acute viruses and in some asymptomatic tomato plants. For these reasons, it is not clear the STV pathogenic role and its real impact on tomato crops. In this PhD we improved the specific and sensitive detection of the virus by using the RT-LAMP and RT-qPCR. RT-LAMP is very useful for field STV detection since it is a simple and cheap technique. The high RT-qPCR sensitivity enabled this technique to detect and quantify STV from different plant tissues even individual sees. The highest STV concentrations were found in tomato leaves and roots. In the seeds, STV could be detected in both coat and embryo. The virus transmission by seed and the STV incidence in fields and seedlings was very high, being higher in commercial tomato varieties than in local ones. Phylogenetic analysis from different STV isolates showed a low genetic diversity with a high negative selection pressure. Moreover, there was no correlation between genetic diversity and geographic region. This could be explained by a quick dispersion of infected seeds and/or by the high negative selection pressure. It was shown that STV did not induce any apparent plant symptom and did not affect the plant production in single infection conditions. Also, physiological parameters related to stomatic conductivity, photosynthesis, and plant weight were no affected by STV infection in saline stress conditions. Optic and transmission electron microscopy did not reveal viral particles or structural changes in STV tomato tissues. However, the population analysis of miRNAs showed that STV was able to modify the expression of some miRNAs which modulated important plant functions. Low vsiRNAs were detected in STV tomato infected plants. It could be produced by the action of a suppressor which could suppress the gene silencing pathway in the plants. A transient expression assay of p42 in N. benthamiana 16C plants did not show suppressor activity of this STV protein. Finally, we studied the effect of STV in mixed infections with other acute viruses such as CMV and PepMV. The virus mixes infection assay in tomato plants showed complex interactions between viruses that modify the symptoms severity, the viral accumulation and the siRNA population. STV and CMV established a synergistic interaction in co-infected tomato plants producing the advancement of the symptoms and an increase in its severity. STV and CMV co-infection increased the CMV accumulation in the early stages of infection. On the other hand, the presence of STV in plants co-infected with PepMV also produced an advance of symptoms, but with no variation in the PepMV accumulation. In the group of plants co-infected with CMV and PepMV, it was observed an antagonistic effect that delayed the CMV accumulation, altering the symptoms of the plant with respect to the simple infections. STV was able to break this antagonistic effect by increasing the CMV viral concentration and changing the symptomatology. The siRNAs analysis allowed to identify a total of 78 miRNAs, 47 corresponding to novel miRNAs, that were expressed differentially in the plants infected respect to no infected plants. These miRNAs were involved in the regulation of important functions and their number and their level of expression varied depending on the virus combination. vsiRNAs of the different viruses were also identified and it was observed that rates varied depending on the virus combination. The number of vsiRNAs in STV single infected tomato plants was very small, but it increased with the presence of the other viruses. The frequencies of vsiRNAs in the viral genomes were not uniform and these frequencies were not influenced by other viruses in mixed infections. / Elvira González, L. (2021). Detección y caracterización del virus meridional del tomate (STV) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165207

Étude du rôle des micro-ARN cellulaires au cours de l’infection par le VIH-1

Bellini, Nicolas 12 1900 (has links)
Avec plus de 39 millions de personnes infectées à travers le monde, le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine de type-1 (VIH-1) est un problème majeur de santé publique. Bien que la thérapie antirétrovirale contrôle la réplication virale, améliore la santé et prolongent la vie des personnes vivant avec le VIH-1, elle ne permet pas d’éradiquer complètement le virus. En effet, celui-ci établit des phases de latence en intégrant son génome dans l’ADN cellulaire des cellules cibles, entrainant la formation de ce que l’on appelle le réservoir latent du virus. Ce réservoir se situe principalement dans les lymphocytes T CD4+, bien qu’on le retrouve également dans les cellules myéloïdes, et il constitue le principal obstacle à l’éradication du virus. Il est donc impératif de mieux comprendre les facteurs de l’hôte qui régissent non seulement la susceptibilité de ces cellules à l’infection et qui contribuent également à la persistance du VIH-1. Nous postulons que les micro-ARN (miARN), des petits ARN produits par la cellule et qui régulent l’expression génique, jouent un rôle au cours de l’infection par le VIH-1. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes concentrés sur le rôle des miARN dans l’entrée virale. À l’aide d’un séquençage de nouvelle génération des miARN dans les macrophages, nous avons déterminé que le miARN-103, ainsi que son paralogue le miARN-107, ciblent l’ARNm du corécepteur CCR5 utilisé par le VIH-1. Nous montrons que l’induction de l’expression des miARN-103/107 est régulée par le facteur de transcription p53 et rend les macrophages réfractaires à l’entrée du VIH-1. Nous observons que le niveau d’expression des miARN-103/107 est enrichi dans les macrophages résidant dans les tissus intestinaux de donneurs sains et les macrophages alvéolaires des personnes sous thérapie antirétrovirale, ce qui contribue vraisemblablement à leur résistance à l’infection par le VIH-1. Étant donné que les lymphocytes T CD4+ constituent le principal réservoir du VIH-1, nous avons ensuite étendu l’étude du miARN-103 dans ces cellules. Récemment, il a été montré que la latence virale serait la conséquence de l’infection de lymphocytes T CD4+ dans une fenêtre très étroite suite à leur activation. Ces cellules qui 3 transitionnent vers un phénotype mémoire posséderaient des propriétés uniques, comme une augmentation temporaire de l’expression du corécepteur viral CCR5, ainsi qu’une capacité réduite de transcrire l’ADN proviral intégré. Nos résultats montrent que le miARN-103, qui cible également le CCR5 dans les lymphocytes T CD4+, participe à la modulation du CCR5 selon l’état d’activation de la cellule et contribue indirectement à l’établissement de la latence virale dans ces cellules. De plus, nos résultats montrent que les lymphocytes T CD4+ issus d’individus qui contrôlent l’infection par le VIH-1 expriment des niveaux réduits d’ARNm de CCR5 (lorsque comparés à ceux d’individus non-contrôleurs). Cet état étant associé à une tendance à la hausse du miARN-103, suggère que le miARN-103 pourrait participer au contrôle de l’expression de CCR5 in vivo. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons réalisé un séquençage de nouvelle génération de l’ARN des lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés. À la suite de cette analyse, nous avons déterminé que le miARN-26a participe à la régulation de CD59, une protéine cellulaire incorporée dans les virions jouant un rôle clé dans l’activation du complément en inhibant la formation du complexe d’attaque membranaire. Au cours de l’infection, ce miARN est diminué dans les cellules productivement infectées. Cette diminution est associée à une augmentation de CD59 dans les cellules infectées et à la surface des virions produits par ces cellules, favorisant leur échappement à la lyse médiée par le complément. Nous montrons que l’introduction d’un analogue du miARN-26a dans les cellules rend les virions produits par ces dites cellules plus sensibles à la lyse médiée par le complément. En conclusion, les observations et analyses réalisées dans le cadre de cette thèse nous aident à mieux comprendre le rôle des miARN dans l’infection et la persistance du VIH-1. Ces résultats aident à notre compréhension des facteurs de l’hôte qui régissent la susceptibilité de ces cellules à l’infection ainsi que la persistance virale, et pourraient aider au développement de stratégies thérapeutiques. / With more than 39 million people infected in the world, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a major public health problem. Although antiretroviral therapy controls viral replication, improves the health, and prolongs the lives of people living with HIV-1, it does not completely eradicate the virus. Indeed, the virus has established latency phases by integrating its genome into the cellular DNA of target cells, leading to the formation of what is called the latent reservoir of the virus. This reservoir is located mainly in CD4+ T cells, although it is also found in myeloid cells, and it has become the main obstacle to eradication of the virus. It is therefore imperative to better understand the host factors that not only govern the susceptibility of these cells to infection but also contribute to HIV-1 persistence. We postulate that microRNAs (miRNAs), which are small RNAs produced by the cell involved in regulation of gene expression, have a role during HIV-1 infection. First, we focused on the role of miRNAs in viral entry. Using next generation miRNA sequencing in macrophages, we determined that miRNA-103, as well as its paralogue miRNA-107, target the mRNA of CCR5, the HIV-1 coreceptor. We show that the induction of miRNA-103/107 expression is regulated by the transcription factor p53 and makes macrophages more resistant to HIV-1 entry. We observe that the expression level of miRNAs-103/107 is enriched in resident macrophages in intestinal tissues of healthy donors and alveolar macrophages of people on antiretroviral therapy, which likely contributes to their resistance to infection by HIV-1. Given that CD4+ T cells constitute the main reservoir of HIV-1, we then extended the study of miRNA-103 in these cells. Recently, it has been shown that viral latency is the consequence of the infection of CD4+ T cells within a very narrow window following their activation. These transitioning to memory T cells are thought to possess unique properties, such as a temporary increase in the expression of the viral coreceptor CCR5, as well as a reduced capacity to transcribe integrated proviral DNA. Our results show that miRNA-103, which also targets CCR5 in CD4+ T cells, participates in the modulation of CCR5 depending on the activation state of the cell 5 and indirectly contributes to the establishment of viral latency in these cells. Furthermore, our results show that CD4+ T cells from individuals who control HIV-1 infection express reduced levels of CCR5 mRNA (when compared to those from non- controller individuals), this being associated to a upward trend in miRNA-103 expression, suggesting that miRNA-103 may participate in the control of CCR5 expression in vivo. Secondly, we carried out next generation RNA sequencing of HIV-1 infected CD4+ T cells. Their resulting analyses determined that miRNA-26a participates in the regulation of CD59, a cellular protein that is incorporated into virions and has a key role in complement activation by inhibiting the formation of the membrane attack complex. During infection, this miRNA is decreased in productively infected cells. This decrease is associated with an increase in CD59 in infected cells, as well as on the surface of virions produced by these cells, favoring their escape from complement- mediated lysis. We show that introduction of miRNA-26a mimics in cells makes the virions produced by these cells more sensitive to complement-mediated lysis. In conclusion, the observations and analyses developed in this thesis will help us better understand the role of miRNAs in HIV-1 infection and persistence. These results help in the understanding of host factors that govern the susceptibility of these cells to infection as well as viral persistence and could help in the development of therapeutic strategies.

Micro RNA-Mediated regulation of the full-length and truncated isoforms of human neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor type 3 (NTRK 3)

Guidi, Mònica 13 January 2009 (has links)
Neurotrophins and their receptors are key molecules in the development of thenervous system. Neurotrophin-3 binds preferentially to its high-affinity receptorNTRK3, which exists in two major isoforms in humans, the full-length kinaseactiveform (150 kDa) and a truncated non-catalytic form (50 kDa). The twovariants show different 3'UTR regions, indicating that they might be differentiallyregulated at the post-transcriptional level. In this work we explore howmicroRNAs take part in the regulation of full-length and truncated NTRK3,demonstrating that the two isoforms are targeted by different sets of microRNAs.We analyze the physiological consequences of the overexpression of some of theregulating microRNAs in human neuroblastoma cells. Finally, we providepreliminary evidence for a possible involvement of miR-124 - a microRNA with noputative target site in either NTRK3 isoform - in the control of the alternativespicing of NTRK3 through the downregulation of the splicing repressor PTBP1. / Las neurotrofinas y sus receptores constituyen una familia de factores crucialespara el desarrollo del sistema nervioso. La neurotrofina 3 ejerce su funciónprincipalmente a través de una unión de gran afinidad al receptor NTRK3, del cualse conocen dos isoformas principales, una larga de 150KDa con actividad de tipotirosina kinasa y una truncada de 50KDa sin dicha actividad. Estas dos isoformasno comparten la misma región 3'UTR, lo que sugiere la existencia de unaregulación postranscripcional diferente. En el presente trabajo se ha exploradocomo los microRNAs intervienen en la regulación de NTRK3, demostrando que lasdos isoformas son reguladas por diferentes miRNAs. Se han analizado lasconsecuencias fisiológicas de la sobrexpresión de dichos microRNAs utilizandocélulas de neuroblastoma. Finalmente, se ha estudiado la posible implicación delmicroRNA miR-124 en el control del splicing alternativo de NTRK3 a través de laregulación de represor de splicing PTBP1.

Developing gene knockdown-replacement therapies for spinocerebellar ataxia type 7

Curtis, Helen J. January 2013 (has links)
For many dominant diseases, conventional treatment options are limited. This makes them attractive candidates for gene therapy, which may be directed to specifically silence a disease-causing allele. However, many mutations are not easily amenable to this technique, including nucleotide repeat expansions, which cause numerous neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s disease and several Spinocerebellar Ataxias. Combined gene knockdown and replacement (K&R) may present a more practical approach for such conditions, whereby the gene of interest is subject to mutation-independent non-allele-specific silencing and concurrently replaced with a functional copy. Artificial mimics of naturally occurring intronic microRNAs are theoretically ideal for this purpose, since they can be nested within the replacement gene. This thesis investigates the development of mimics of two different intronic miRNA systems (mirtron miR-1224 and the miR-106b cluster) to silence Ataxin-7 and to be incorporated into novel single K&R constructs for testing in vitro. Artificial mirtrons and intronic miRNAs were successfully developed and shown to silence Ataxin-7 mRNA in numerous cell lines. An RNAi-resistant gene was developed and mirtrons could be successfully incorporated as introns. Patient-derived fibroblasts and iPSC-derived neuronal cells were investigated as models for testing of gene silencing therapies. This work suggests that mirtron-based K&R is achievable, and warrants further investigation.

Molecular understanding of KRAS- and BRAF-mutated colorectal cancers

Lundberg, Ida January 2017 (has links)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed malignancy in both men and women, and one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. One frequently mutated pathway involved in oncogenesis in CRC is the RAS/RAF/MAP kinase pathway. Oncogenic activation of KRAS and BRAF occur in 30‒40% and 5‒15% of all CRCs, respectively, and the mutations are mutually exclusive. Even though KRAS and BRAF are known to act in the same pathway, KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs have different clinical and histopathological features. For example, BRAF mutation in CRC is tightly linked to microsatellite instability (MSI) and a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP), which is not seen in KRAS-mutated tumours. BRAF-mutated CRCs are also more often found in right-sided tumours. However, the underlying molecular reasons for these differences have not yet been defined. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate molecular differences between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs to understand how KRAS and BRAF mutations differentially affect tumour progression. We used an in vitro cell culture system to explore molecular differences between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs and verified our findings using CRC tissue specimens from the Colorectal Cancer in Umeå Study (CRUMS). We found that BRAF mutation, but not KRAS mutation, was associated with expression of the stem cell factor SOX2. Furthermore, SOX2 was found to be correlated to a poor patient prognosis, especially in BRAF-mutated cancers. We further investigated the role of BRAF in regulation of SOX2 expression and found that SOX2 is at least partly regulated by BRAF in vitro. We continued by investigating the functional role of SOX2 in CRC and found that SOX2-expressing cells shared several characteristics with cancer stem cells, and also had down-regulated expression of the intestinal epithelial marker CDX2. There was a strong correlation between loss of CDX2 expression and poor patient prognosis, and patients with SOX2 expression were found to have a particularly poor prognosis when CDX2 levels were down-regulated. In conclusion, in these studies we identified a subgroup of BRAF-mutated CRCs with a particularly poor prognosis, and having a cancer stem cell-like appearance with increased expression of SOX2 and decreased expression of CDX2. Tumour progression is regulated by interactions with cells of the immune system. We found that BRAF-mutated CRCs were more highly infiltrated by Th1 lymphocytes than BRAF wild-type tumours, while the opposite was true for KRAS-mutated CRCs. Interestingly, we found that part of this difference is probably caused by differences in secreted chemokines and cytokines between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs, stimulating different arms of the immune response. Altered levels of expression of miRNAs have been seen in several malignancies, including CRC. We found that BRAF- and KRAS-mutated CRCs showed miRNA signatures different from those of wild-type CRCs, but the expression of miRNAs did not distinguish KRAS-mutated tumours from BRAF-mutated tumours. In summary, our findings have revealed possible molecular differences between KRAS- and BRAF-mutated CRCs that may explain some of the differences in their clinical and histopathological behaviour.

Imagerie in vivo du contrôle de l’inhibition génique et de l’électroporation d’ARN / In vivo imaging of gene silencing control and the RNA electroporation

Pinel, Karine 21 December 2012 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse d’imagerie moléculaire et translationnelle proposent, sur des modèles murins, deux approches innovantes pour les thérapies géniques. La plupart des cancers sont associés à des dérégulations de l’expression génique et certains gènes sont surexprimés. L’utilisation de microARN (miARN) permet d’envisager une réduction de l’expression d’un gène spécifique mais il est nécessaire de limiter cette inhibition au tissu pathologique. L’utilisation des promoteurs thermo-inductibles couplés à un dépôt local de chaleur autorise un contrôle spatial et temporel de l’expression génique in vivo. Notre projet a été de coupler le contrôle spatio-temporel et l’inhibition d’un gène cible. A cette fin, un miARN synthétique a été placé sous contrôle du promoteur thermo-inductible Hsp70B pour induire l’inhibition d’un gène d’imagerie (luciférase firefly) surexprimé dans une tumeur. L’étude a été menée in vitro sur des lignées cellulaires génétiquement modifiées puis in vivo sur un modèle de xénogreffes chez la souris grâce au suivi en imagerie optique de bioluminescence (BLI). Nos résultats montrent la faisabilité d’induire transitoirement l’inhibition génique au sein d’une tumeur. L’induction est modulable par la température. Cette stratégie peut être couplée à des méthodes couramment utilisées en clinique et ouvre des perspectives thérapeutiques intéressantes. Notre travail de thèse s’intéresse également à l’utilisation d’ARN comme molécule thérapeutique pour la thérapie génique. L’électroporation intra-dermique d’ARN codant pour la luciférase permet de suivre et de quantifier in vivo par BLI l’expression génique. Plusieurs types d’ARN ont été utilisés pour comparer les efficacités respectives des différentes voies traductionnelles. Notre travail démontre que les ARN permettent l’expression transitoire, sans risque d’insertion génomique, d’un gène in vivo. Nous montrons ainsi tout le potentiel de l’utilisation des ARN en thérapie génique. / The present thesis work in molecular and translational imaging establishes two innovative approaches for gene therapy in mouse models. Abnormal regulation of gene expression is the hallmark of cancer, and some of them are overexpressed. MicroRNA (miRNA) can be used as tools to reduce specific gene expression but requires inhibition to be limited to the pathological tissue. Thermo-inducibles promoters associated with local hyperthermia allow for spatial and temporal control of gene expression in vivo. The goal of the present study was to achieve gene inhibition with spatio-temporal control of miRNA expression to inhibit a target gene. In our strategy, a synthetic miRNA was placed under transcriptional control of the heat-inducible promoter Hsp70B to induce inhibition of the imaging reporter gene firefly luciferase overexpressed in a tumor. The study was conducted both in vitro using genetically modified cells lines and in vivo using a xenograft model in mice monitored by optical bioluminescence imaging (BLI). Our data show the feasibility of transient induction and heat-modulation of gene inhibition within a tumor. This strategy can be performed with currently clinically available methods and thus, offers interesting therapeutics prospects. Our work also includes a study on RNA as therapeutic vector for gene therapy. The intradermic electroporation of RNA encoding the imaging reporter gene firefly luciferase allows to monitor and quantify gene expression by BLI in vivo. Several types of RNA have been used to investigate efficiency of the different translational mechanisms. Our data clearly demonstrate that RNA allows for transient gene expression in vivo without any risk of insertion into the target cell’s genome. Altogether, our data highlight the potential use of RNA in gene therapy.

Postpartální expresní profil kardiovaskulárních microRNA ve vztahu k těhotenským komplikacím - studie matek 3-10 let po porodu / Postpartal expression profile of cardiovascular microRNAs with regard to occurrence of pregnancy-related complications - study on mothers 3-10 years after the delivery

Marvanová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate gene expression of cardiovascular miRNAs in peripheral blood of mothers after delivery. MiRNAs are small non-coding RNAs, which significantly modulate posttranscriptional adjustments of mRNA and thus regulate gene expression across biological processess. Dysregulation of miRNAs is associated with many pathological phenomena, thanks that we can use them for diagnosis and potentionaly we can treat these diseases by the manipulation of miRNA gene expression. We examined gene expression of circulating miRNAs associated with cardiovascular diseases, and we investigated, how the expression profile depends on pregnancy course and manifestation of pregnancy-related complications. For this purpose we examined material from 221 mothers 3-10 years after delivery. A group with identical pregnancy-related complication was always compared with a group of mothers after physiological pregnancy. Gene expression of 29 cardiovascular miRNAs in peripheral blood was studied using reverse transcription and quantitative real-time PCR. It was confirmed, that the expression profile of miRNAs differed between pregnancy-related complications and physiological controls. We also confirmed, that the profile of gene expression discovered at mothers 3-10 years after delivery was different...

Estudo da expressão sérica do microRNA-1281, proteína C reativa e avaliação da função renal em indivíduos com aneurisma de aorta abdominal antes e após tratamento endovascular / Study of serum expression of microRNA-1281, C-reactive protein and renal function in subjects with abdominal aortic aneurysm before and after endovascular treatment

Alves, Lais Missae Murakami Domingues Estraiotto 25 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O aneurisma de aorta abdominal (AAA) é uma doença prevalente e silenciosa também relacionada com a atividade inflamatória. Atualmente, a abordagem endovascular tem sido utilizada como principal técnica devido à inúmeras vantagens. Porém tem uma maior taxa de reintervenções e necessita de seguimento periódico com angiotomografias, o que aumenta custos e tem implicações como alteração da função renal além do acúmulo progressivo de radiação. Tais condições justificam a busca por possíveis biomarcadores que possam contribuir para um melhor seguimento. Objetivos: Neste estudo, buscou-se correlacionar o microRNA-1281, proteína C reativa (PCR) e a avaliação da função renal de indivíduos com AAA com a evolução dos mesmos após o tratamento endovascular. Pacientes e métodos: Foram selecionados 30 pacientes consecutivos do Ambulatório de Cirurgia Vascular e Endovascular do HCFMRP-USP, no período de janeiro de 2104 a novembro de 2015, com aneurisma de aorta abdominal e com indicação para tratamento endovascular. As dosagens séricas e avaliações angiotomográficas foram feitas no pré-operatório e 6 meses após a intervenção. Resultados: Houve uma hiperexpressão do microRNA-1281 nos pacientes com aneurisma e uma significativa redução dos seus níveis séricos após a correção endovascular. A expressão do miRNA-1281 apresentou correlação positiva com o clearence de creatinina. Houve também correlação positiva da PCR com a presença do aneurisma, e com seu diâmetro e não houve alteração significativa da função renal mensurada através das dosagens séricas de uréia, creatinina e cálculo indireto de clearence. Conclusão: O estudo mostrou que o miRNA 1281 tem boa correlação com a evolução favorável pós-tratamento endovascular do AAA, não se observando o mesmo com a proteína C reativa. Novos estudos são necessários para validar e complementar tais achados. / Introduction: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a prevalent and silent disease. Currently, the endovascular approach has been widely used and is the main technique due to the innumerable advantages. However, it has a higher rate of reintervention and requires periodic follow-up with tomography over the years, which increases its costs and has implications such as altered renal function besides the accumulation of radiation. Such conditions justify the search for possible biomarkers that may perhaps replace CT. Objectives: In this study, we sought to correlate the microRNA-1281, Creactive protein (CRP) and the renal function evaluation of individuals with AAA with their evolution after endovascular treatment. Patients and methods: We selected 30 consecutive patients from the Ambulatory of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of the HCFMRP-USP, in the period from January of 2104 until November of 2015, with abdominal aortic aneurysm and with indication for endovascular treatment. Serum dosages were made preoperatively and 6 months after the intervention Results: There was a hyperexpression of the micro-RNA -1281 in patients with aneurysm and a significant reduction of their serum levels after endovascular correction. Expression of miRNA-1281 showed a positive correlation with creatinine clearence. There was also a positive correlation of CRP with the presence of the aneurysm, and with its diameter, and there was no significant alteration of renal function measured through serum urea, creatinine and indirect clearance calculations. Conclusion: The study showed that 1281 miRNAs may prove to be a potential biomarker for eventual follow-up of patients undergoing AAA endovascular repair. New studies are needed to validate and complement these findings.

Development of miRNA-mimic nanoparticles for the treatment of brain tumours / Développement de nanoparticules contenant microARN-mimétique pour le traitement des tumeurs cérébrales

Anthiya Ramamoorthi, Shubaash 04 November 2016 (has links)
Les glioblastomes sont des tumeurs cérébrales très agressives présentant une médiane de survie de 15 mois malgré l’usage du traitement de référence. Parmi les stratégies innovantes anti-glioblastome, les microARNs (miARN) constituent de nouvelles cibles et des outils thérapeutiques à fort potentiel. En outre, pour atteindre les cellules tumorales notamment au niveau loco-régional, les miARNs nécessitent d’être administrés grâce à des vecteurs sûrs et efficaces. L’objectif de ce travail a été de développer un système nanoparticulaire original de polyamidoamine réticulé (PAA) capable de véhiculer des miARNs au niveau cellulaire et tissulaire. Dans un premier temps, un test basé sur l’expression de la luciférase a été mis au point afin d’étudier la cytotoxicité et l’efficacité de nanoparticules des miARNs. Dans un second temps,des nanoparticules PAA-miARN ont été développées. Différentes conditions de formulation ont été testées afin d’optimiser la complexation entre miARNs et polymères. En l’absence d’efficacité cellulaire significative des premiers objets obtenus, des modifications du procédé de formulation ont été apportées, permettant une plus grande stabilité et une meilleure efficacité. Une fonctionnalisation par greffage de groupements biotine à des complexes PAA thio-réticulés a amélioré l’efficacité des internalisations. En conclusion, ce travail a permis le développement d’une méthode simple et rapide pour l’évaluation de l’efficacité et de la cytotoxicité de nanoparticules de miARN. La stabilité des nanoparticules a été augmentée par réticulation de thiolet leur internalisation a été améliorée par le greffage,adapté et modulable, d’un ligand cellulaire. / Glioblastoma are aggressive brain tumours with a median survival of 15 months even with the best currently available treatment options. microRNAs (miRNA) are ~23 nucleotide natural silencing RNAs that have great potentials to improve cancer treatment outcomes. Lack of a safe, stable and efficient delivery system has, however, hindered the use of miRNAs inclinical applications. The aim is therefore to develop amiRNA delivery system adapted to glioblastoma using linear chain cationic polyamidoamine (PAA) polymers.The first part involved the development of luciferase assay that combined the measurement of gene-knockdown efficiency and cytotoxicity of miRNA nanoparticles. The simple two-step procedure was more effective and sensitive compared to the conventional protein-based normalization method. The second part was focused on the development of miRNA nanoparticles. In the initial phase, conditions required for maximum miRNA-polymer binding was achieved, however, the newly developed miRNA-PAA nanoparticlesdid not produce significant functional gene-knockdown after cell treatment. The second stage was focused on the optimization of nanoparticle formulation as a function of stability in physiologicalionic concentration. Stable PAA-nanoparticles displaying moderate cellular uptake and gene-knockdown were obtained. The final stage of development was focused on PAA-nanoparticle tagging with biotin, which improved their cellular uptake. This work developed simple and informative luciferase assay ; the stability of miRNA-PAA-nanoparticles was improved by thiol-crosslinking and the functional performance was strongly enhanced by a simple butsmart method of ligand tagging.

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