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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New and Emerging Mobile Apps Among Teens - Are Forensic Tools Keeping Up?

Kelsey Billups (8800973) 06 May 2020 (has links)
Mobile applications are an important but fast changing piece of the digital forensics’ world. For mobile forensics researchers and field analysts, it is hard to keep up with the pace of the ever-changing world of the newest and most popular applications teens are using. Mobile forensic tools are quickly becoming more and more supportive of new applications, but with how quickly apps are changing and new ones being released, it is still difficult for the tools to keep up. The research question for this project examines to what extent digital forensic tools support new and emerging applications seen recently in investigations involving teenagers? For this research, a survey was conducted asking digital forensic analysts, and others who investigate digital crimes, what applications they are coming across most frequently during investigations involving teens and whether those applications are being supported by forensic tools. The top three applications from the survey that were not supported by mobile forensic tools, Monkey, Houseparty, and Likee were populated onto a test device and then evaluated and analyzed to see what forensic artifacts were found in those applications. The mobile application artifacts were then compared on two different forensic tools to see which tool obtains the most forensic artifacts from the applications. Through the examination and analysis of the applications and data contained within the apps, it was determined that 61% of the populated forensic artifacts were recovered manually and only 45% were recovered by a forensic tool for the Monkey application. 100% of the populated forensic artifacts were recovered manually and only 29% were recovered by a forensic tool for the Houseparty application. 42% of the populated forensic artifacts were recovered manually and only 3% were recovered by a forensic tool for the Likee application. It was found that the extent of support from digital forensic tools for these types of applications depends greatly on how the application stores the artifacts, but the artifact extraction support was limited for all applications. This research benefits in helping researchers and analysts by understanding the data and artifacts contained within the applications, what forensic artifacts are recoverable, and where to find those important artifacts. This research can help in finding important evidence for future investigations.<br>

App de Entretenimiento Interactivo - LOUD

Charpentier Fajardo, Vivian Isabel, Diaz Encalada, Valeria Eloisa, Muñoz Alen, Andrea Lucia, Shinzato Higa, Diana Alexandra, Torres Cruz, Gabriel Omar 30 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación muestra un modelo de negocio innovador y escalable, el cual consiste en una aplicación móvil de entretenimiento interactivo a través de videollamadas denominada LOUD App. Esta app posee funcionalidades diferentes a las aplicaciones convencionales que existen en el mercado, ya que cuenta con opciones como karaoke, música compartida, juegos en línea y conciertos en vivo que buscan entretener al público objetivo. El segmento de clientes al que se dirige está compuesto por personas pertenecientes al NSE A, B y C, entre los 20 y 39 años que residan en Lima y posean celulares con conexión a internet. Esta idea de negocio nació en la época de pandemia por la COVID-19 debido a que se detectó un problema referido a las limitadas opciones de entretenimiento interactivo online. Este modelo de negocio ha sido validado en el mercado gracias a experimentos como Mockups, entrevistas, concierge de todas las funcionalidades de la app, entre otros. Asimismo, se ha elaborado la planificación y desarrollo de diversos aspectos como ventas, recursos humanos, operaciones, marketing, financiero y responsabilidad social empresarial que son requeridos para poner en marcha un negocio. En este sentido, a través de la elaboración de este proyecto, se ha podido comprobar que LOUD es un modelo de negocio rentable y que posee una ventaja competitiva diferenciadora en el mercado. / This research work shows an innovative and scalable business model, which consists of a mobile application for interactive entertainment through video calls called LOUD App. This app has different functionalities than conventional applications that exist in the market, since it has with options such as karaoke, shared music, online games and live concerts that seek to entertain the target audience. The customer segment it is aimed at is made up of people belonging to NSE A, B and C, between 20 and 39 years old who reside in Lima and have cell phones with internet connection. This business idea was born at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic because a problem was detected regarding the limited options for interactive online entertainment. This business model has been validated in the market thanks to experiments such as mockups, interviews, concierge of all the functionalities of the app, among others. Likewise, the planning and development of various aspects such as sales, human resources, operations, marketing, financial and corporate social responsibility that are required to start a business have been prepared. In this sense, through the elaboration of this project, it has been possible to verify that LOUD is a profitable business model and that it has a differentiating competitive advantage in the market. / Trabajo de investigación

Aggregation and power forecasting for the CoordiNet power flexibility market in Uppsala

Hjelm, Daniel, Wreeby, Emanuel, Sjöström, Anton January 2021 (has links)
In the region of Uppland, a shortage of electric power during cold days has emerged during the past years by virtue of the electrification of the society and industry in general. As a result, a power flexibility market managed by the CoordiNet project has commenced to hopefully create a more reliant, eco-friendly and accessible electricity supply. Uppsala kommun wishes to participate in the market but needs a solution for communication between market and technology and smart control methods. In this project, the solution to the problem, consisting of a mobile app, API, database, server and deep learning model, almost meets the requirements to participate on the market this autumn. With more time and resources, the product can hopefully be completed, enabling both economic and city growth in the region.

Aplicación para solicitar servicios de remodelación del hogar: RemodelApp / Application to request home remodeling services: RemodelApp

Abanto Elías, Andrea Michelle, Chavez Flores, Jimena Jackeline, Chinga Gonzales, Jampier Jesús, Morales Palacios, Giovanna, Sullon Gonzales, Andy Steven 03 December 2021 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad presentar un plan de negocios, en el cual se desarrolló una aplicación que conecta a freelancers con usuarios finales que requieran o deseen una remodelación en su hogar. Para ejecutar de una manera óptima la aplicación se llevó a cabo validaciones tanto a expertos como usuarios mediante la realización de entrevistas, en el caso de los expertos, estos nos proporcionaron información técnica y los usuarios, nos confirmaron que existía una necesidad no cubierta en el mercado actual peruano. Asimismo, se logró validar la aceptación de la aplicación a través de nuestros canales, siendo el más importante las redes sociales, ya que por ese medio se realizaron las primeras ventas del proyecto, por esta razón, en el siguiente estudio se está analizando la posibilidad de tener un retorno de inversión positivo a partir de la concertación de servicios mediante nuestra aplicación, y se espera que un mediano plazo se pueda añadir más categorías y tener un posicionamiento estable en el sector. / The purpose of the following research work is to present a business plan, in which an application was developed that connects freelancers with end users who require or want a home remodeling. To optimally execute the application, validations were carried out on both experts and users through interviews, in the case of the experts, they provided us with technical information and the users confirmed that there was a need not covered in the current Peruvian market. Likewise, it was possible to validate the acceptance of the application through our channels, the most important being social networks, since the first sales of the project were made through this means, for this reason, the possibility is being analyzed in the following study to have a positive return on investment from the agreement of services through our application, and it is expected that in the medium term more categories can be added and have a stable position in the sector. / Trabajo de investigación

Alli: Tu aliada emocional (Aplicación de bienestar emocional) / ALLI: emotional well-being app

Flores Zuniga, Elida Paola, Nishimura Higa, Danica, Pascual Erazo, Johana Janet, Rojas Benites, Stefany Rosemary, Sánchez Ramirez, Valeria Fernanda 01 December 2021 (has links)
Actualmente, la mayoría de personas cuentan con un smartphone para comunicarse, conectarse a las redes sociales, trabajar, estudiar, entre otros. Todo ello, es posible gracias a las aplicaciones que este contiene, que en muchos casos facilitan la vida de quienes las usan. Por otro lado, en los últimos años y durante la pandemia, se ha visto un incremento de problemas de estrés y ansiedad, y también más apertura en los jóvenes y personas en general a pedir ayuda cuando sienten que no pueden controlar solos sus malestares. Por ello, en el presente trabajo, se busca evaluar la viabilidad de lanzar al mercado una aplicación de bienestar emocional llamada “Alli: Tu aliada emocional”, que contenga herramientas, actividades y sesiones psicológicas que ayuden a superar o reducir problemas de estrés ocasionados por la pandemia y las múltiples actividades diarias de las personas que la utilizarán, es decir, el público objetivo. Para el logro del objetivo del trabajo, se ha pasado por un proceso de ideación del modelo de negocio, conocimiento del público objetivo y validación del problema que esta aplicación busca resolver, mediante entrevistas a usuarios y expertos. Además, se realizó el Business Model Canvas del proyecto, con lo que se tuvo una idea más clara del perfil del cliente, propuesta de valor, estructura de costos, etc. Después, se creó un prototipo de aplicación y se procedió a realizar los concierge para validar la venta del producto al público objetivo. Finalmente, se elaboró el plan financiero, que inicia con la proyección de ventas, elección del tipo de financiamiento y concluye con la verificación de la rentabilidad del proyecto. / Nowadays, most people communicate using smartphones, make new connections through social networks, and even work and study using technology. All of this is possible thanks to apps and widgets inside smartphones. Most of the time, those apps and widgets make life easier and improve the connection between people. Although, in recent years and during the pandemic, there has been an increase in some mental health issues such as stress and anxiety. Young people have been more affected by those, most of them don't know how to ask for help when they feel out of control of their feelings, even though most of them have a constant sensation of loneliness. Therefore, in the present work, we seek to evaluate the viability of launching an emotional well-being application called "Alli: Your emotional ally", which contains tools, activities and psychological sessions that will help to overcome and reduce stress problems caused by the pandemic and the multiple daily activities of the people who will use it, that is, the target audience. To achieve the objective of the work, it has gone through a process of ideation of the business model, knowledge of the target audience and validation of the problem that this application seeks to solve, through interviews with users and experts. In addition, the Business Model Canvas of the project was carried out, giving a clearer idea of ​​the client's profile, value proposition, cost structure, etc. Afterwards, an application prototype was created and the concierges were carried out to validate the sale of the product to the target audience. Finally, the financial plan was elaborate, it began with the sales projection, choice of the type of financing and concluded with the verification of the profitability of the project. / Trabajo de investigación

Studiapp: Aplicación de temas para escolares

Berrocal Felices, Pompeyo Adrian, Cisneros Avalos, Melanie Melisa, Delgado Alvarez, Alessandro André, Olivas Yaulli, Jason Maximo, Padilla Romero, Luiggi Omar 04 November 2021 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación consiste en realizar un aplicativo móvil dirigido a nuestro público objetivo quienes son escolares de secundaria de colegios privados de Lima Metropolitana con una necesidad clara de reforzamiento de clases escolares. Por ese motivo, nuestro servicio tiene como modelo de negocio ofrecer clases grabadas dictadas por universitarios con experiencia en cursos de secundaria y a un precio accesible, además de ofrecer teoría, ejercicios y videollamadas para absolver dudas. Sabemos que son menores de edad, por ello dentro de nuestros elementos tecnológicos diferenciadores está el reconocimiento facial que permitirá velar por la seguridad de los adolescentes. No obstante, se realizará un proceso riguroso de reclutamiento y selección de los colaboradores. Primero, realizamos entrevistas para conocer la problemática. Después, diseñamos y elaboramos el prototipo de alta fidelidad como solución a la necesidad del cliente, de la misma manera con las redes sociales y el landing page para tener un mayor alcance tanto en los escolares quienes demandan el servicio como en los asesores universitarios que ofrecen su servicio. Posteriormente, se elaboraron los diferentes concierge con el objetivo de concretar ventas y de esta manera evaluar la rentabilidad. Para finalizar, se realizó el plan financiero con la finalidad de determinar si nuestro proyecto es viable o no y si nos genera rentabilidad ya que podríamos realizarlo en un futuro no muy lejano. / The research work consists of making a mobile application aimed at our target audience who are secondary school students from private schools in Metropolitan Lima with a clear need to reinforce school classes. For this reason, our service's business model is to offer recorded classes taught by university students with experience in high school courses and at an affordable price, in addition to offering theory, exercises and video calls to answer questions. We know that they are minors, so within our differentiating technological elements is facial recognition that will ensure the safety of adolescents. However, a rigorous process of recruitment and selection of collaborators will be carried out. First, we conduct interviews to learn about the problem. Then, we design and develop the hi-fi prototype as a solution to the client's need, in the same way with social networks and the landing page to have a greater reach both in the schoolchildren who demand the service and in the university advisers who offer your service. Subsequently, the different concierges were prepared in order to make sales and thus evaluate profitability. Finally, the financial plan was carried out in order to determine if our project is viable or not and if it generates profitability since we could carry it out in the not too distant future. / Trabajo de investigación

L’importance de la cognition sociale et le potentiel des nouvelles technologies dans les interventions auprès des personnes présentant un trouble concomitant

Pennou, Antoine 07 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat présenté en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie - recherche intervention, option psychologie clinique (Ph.D) / La schizophrénie est un trouble mental grave associé à des difficultés de fonctionnement social dans plusieurs sphères de vie. Des diagnostics comorbides accompagnant fréquemment cette condition tel que les enjeux reliés à la consommation de drogue et d’alcool sont souvent source de difficultés additionnelles. Les désignations « troubles concomitants » pour un double diagnostic et « trouble concomitant complexe » pour plusieurs diagnostics comorbides sont employées pour faire référence à ces présentations. Ces tableaux cliniques complexes font moins souvent l’objet d’études empiriques que la schizophrénie « unique » et représente un défis substantiel dans l’intervention clinique. Une approche pour faire face à cette réalité consiste à faire à appel à des processus transdiagnostics mettant au premier plan les facteurs communs dans l’intervention. Les cognitions sociales, un ensemble de compétences permettant de percevoir, interpréter et répondre adéquatement aux indices verbaux et paraverbaux, sont un exemple de ces processus qui font l’objet de plus en plus de recherche à ce jour. Parmi eux, nous retrouvons la régulation émotionnelle et la théorie de l’esprit, deux cognitions sociales prometteuses dans les approches auprès des troubles concomitants. De plus, les approches se basant sur les cognitions sociales gagneraient à faire appel aux nouvelles technologies de l’information comme les applications mobiles, sachant que le soutien de l’individu dans son milieu naturel est un facteur clé dans le rétablissement de cette problématique. Ce nouveau médium offre des avantages considérables dans l’implantation d’interventions visant à soutenir le rétablissement dans la communauté suite à un épisode psychotique. Cette thèse se penche sur l’apport potentiel de deux cognitions sociales (i.e. régulation émotionnelle et théorie de l’esprit) aux processus d’intervention et d’évaluation auprès des individus avec un trouble concomitant. De plus, l’intervention évaluée dans ces travaux fera III appel aux nouvelles technologies de l’information en intégrant une application mobile comme médium d’intervention. Le premier chapitre présente une recension des écrits sur la théorie de l’esprit, la régulation émotionnelle et les interventions mobile auprès des troubles concomitants. Le deuxième chapitre de cette thèse présente les résultats d’une étude pilote d’acceptabilité et de faisabilité d’une application mobile (ChillTime) visant à favoriser l’acquisition de compétence de régulation des émotions auprès d’individus présentant des troubles concomitants. L’étude a été réalisée auprès de 13 individus présentant des troubles concomitants sur une durée de 30 jours. Des indicateurs cliniques, d’acceptabilité, de faisabilité et de préférences d’utilisation ont été recueillis. Les résultats suggèrent que l’application fait preuve d’une bonne faisabilité et d’une bonne acceptabilité auprès de l’échantillon. Des études avec un plus grand échantillon sont cependant nécessaires pour appuyer ces conclusions. Le troisième chapitre de cette thèse présente les résultats d’une étude visant à évaluer le degré avec lequel les compétences reliées à la théorie de l’esprit permettent de prédire le fonctionnement social des individus présentant un premier épisode psychotique comorbide à un trouble de l’usage de substance. Les données ont été recueillies à partir d’un échantillon de 37 personnes en suivant un devis transversal. Des analyses de régressions hiérarchiques ont été réalisées à partir de mesure de théorie de l’esprit, de symptômes cliniques et de neurocognitions comme prédicteurs du fonctionnement social. Les résultats suggèrent que la théorie de l’esprit serait plus efficace pour prédire certains domaines de fonctionnement social que le fonctionnement cognitif auprès de l’échantillon évalué. Des études avec un plus grand échantillon sont cependant nécessaires pour appuyer ces conclusions. Dans leur ensemble, les résultats de ces recherches contribuent à démontrer la pertinence de l’emploi des cognitions sociales dans les interventions visant améliorer les capacités fonctionnelles des individus présentant un trouble concomitant. Ils contribuent également appuyer l’utilisation des applications mobiles comme médium d’intervention auprès de cette population. / Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder associated with difficulties in social functioning in many areas of life. Co-morbid diagnoses that frequently accompany this condition, such as drug and alcohol issues, often cause additional difficulties. The designations "concurrent disorder" for a dual diagnosis and "complex concurrent disorder" for multiple comorbid diagnoses are used to refer to these presentations. These complex clinical pictures are less often the subject of empirical studies than "single" schizophrenia and represent a substantial challenge in clinical intervention. One approach to addressing this reality is to use cross-diagnostic processes that foreground common factors in intervention. Social cognitions, a set of skills for perceiving, interpreting, and responding appropriately to verbal and paraverbal cues, are an example of these processes that are the subject of increasing research to date. Among them, we find emotional regulation and theory of mind, two promising social cognitions in approaches to concurrent disorders. In addition, approaches based on social cognition would benefit from the use of new information technologies such as mobile applications, knowing that supporting the individual in his or her natural environment is a key factor in the recovery of this problem. This new medium offers considerable advantages in the implementation of interventions aimed at supporting recovery in the community following a psychotic episode.This thesis examines the potential contribution of two social cognitions (i.e., emotional regulation and theory of mind) to the intervention and assessment processes for individuals with a concurrent disorder. Furthermore, the intervention evaluated in this work will use new information technologies by integrating a mobile application as an intervention medium.The first chapter presents a review of the literature on theory of mind, emotional regulation and mobile interventions for concurrent disorders. The second chapter of this thesis presents the results of a pilot study on the acceptability and feasibility of a mobile application (ChillTime) aimed at promoting the acquisition of emotion regulation skills in individuals with concurrent disorders. The study was conducted with 13 individuals with concurrent disorders over a period of 30 days. Clinical indicators, acceptability, feasibility and preferences for use were collected. The results suggest that the application demonstrates good feasibility and acceptability to the sample. However, studies with a larger sample size are needed to support these findings. The third chapter of this dissertation presents the results of a study designed to assess the degree to which theory of mind skills predict social functioning in individuals with a first episode psychosis comorbid with a substance use disorder. Data were collected from a sample of 37 individuals following a cross-sectional design. Hierarchical regression analyses were performed using theory of mind measures, clinical symptoms, and neurocognitions as predictors of social functioning. Results suggest that theory of mind is more effective in predicting some areas of social functioning than cognitive functioning in the sample tested. However, studies with a larger sample size are needed to support these findings. Taken together, the results of this research help to demonstrate the relevance of using social cognitions in interventions to improve the functional abilities of individuals with a co-occurring disorder. They also help support the use of mobile applications as an intervention medium with this population.

Ultra-wideband location tracking of mobile devices

Hietarinta, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Today’s most widely used tracking solutions for consumers involve the Global Positioning System (GPS) which meets most needs when it comes to rough estimation of location. GPS however is limited in accuracy with a horizontal error of around 5 meters and cannot be used in the areas where the satellites cannot provide a strong enough signal e.g. indoor areas or near mountains and other sources of blockage. Ultra-wideband (UWB) abolishes these two issues, providing an accuracy at centimeter level and works great in indoor areas. This thesis dives into the theory behind tracking devices with UWB and includes an implementation of the tracking as well as covers noteworthy issues, shortcomings, and future work. The app that is developed within this thesis runs on Android mobile devices and can locate and track another Android mobile device running the same app. Results were clear that the concept works, but more filtering needs to be done in order to remove the remaining noise.

Acceptance and adoption of mobile development technologies for accessibility in a public sector : A software practitioner's perspective

Falk Lundgren, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
With rapid technology growth and a rising disabled and aging population, mobile appaccessibility is vital. Stricter accessibility laws, especially in the public sector, highlight thisemphasis. However, despite this, the body of research focusing on software practitioners’perspectives, especially concerning cross-platform development, is lacking. In this qualitativecase study, six software practitioners at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency(Försäkringskassan) were interviewed about their experience during a migration betweenmobile development technologies, with a focus on enhancing mobile application accessibility.It explores their attitude to cross-platform development, their challenges with NativeScript, across-platform framework, and preferences for native technology. To further understand theiracceptance of native technology and their rejection of cross-platform technology in thiscontext, an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2) was used. Respondents emphasized the legal and ethical obligations for accessibility in the publicsector, with evolving standards necessitating the selection of the most appropriate technologyfor the task. Prioritizing accessibility early on in public sector app development helps avoidadditional expenses later on. It's also possible that private sector apps may be required to shifttowards greater inclusivity in the future. The team successfully addressed previous accessibility issues using native technology, whichinfluenced the organization to migrate. Moreover, respondents believed that nativetechnology enhances professional image, especially as the industry favors it over unknowncross-platform frameworks. They perceived that cross-platform frameworks might lackthorough documentation and community support, making it more difficult to manage andimplement accessibility. Additionally, respondents are alarmed by the uncertain nature ofcross-platform technology, which can result in outdated frameworks and unworkablecodebases. It's crucial to consider the duration of the project, its accessibility needs, and theavailable support for implementing accessibility when deciding on mobile developmenttechnologies. These findings are valuable for various stakeholders, such as consultants,researchers and policy-makers.

不同設計元素之遊戲式英文單字學習APP在學習成效、情緒及注意力之影響研究 / Effects of Design Factors of Game-based English Vocabulary Learning APP on Learning Performance, Emotion, and Attention

曹鼎, Cao, Ding Unknown Date (has links)
遊戲式學習已被證實能夠有效提升學習者的學習成效,而遊戲的愉悅度是否設計得越強烈,對學習成效越有幫助,是個值得探索的問題。此外,遊戲過程中,有哪些遊戲設計要素能夠影響學習成效,同時讓學習者在遊戲中亦能夠感到趣味性,進而達到學習目標,值得我們關切。再者,學習的專注力及情緒在學習型遊戲設計中,也是必須納入考量的面向。因此,本研究分別探討兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,對於學習者學習成效、專注力、放鬆度及單字記憶保留上的影響。 本研究以馬祖高中高三的36位學生為研究對象,根據英語字彙前測成績及性別將其隨機分派至兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,進行四週的英語字彙學習。結果顯示遊戲設計要素較低的組別的學習者,在英文單字學習成效、單字記憶保留上的成效均顯著優於遊戲設計要素較高組別學習者,同時放鬆度亦較高,而專注度不如遊戲設計要素較高的組別,且各依變項間彼此有顯著的正相關。此外,本研究亦進一步證實性別差異存在於不同遊戲設計要素的英語字彙學習APP中,在遊戲設計要素較低的英文單字學習APP中,發現女性學習者擁有顯著較優的英語字彙學習成效及記憶保留度。而本研究也發現「符合程度的挑戰性」為設計遊戲式英文單字學習APP時最需要重視的遊戲設計要素。 綜上所述,本研究證實相較於遊戲設計要素較高的高刺激性英文單字學習APP,遊戲設計要素較低的低刺激性英文單字遊戲APP對於學習成效、單字記憶保留上具有較正面的效應。此一結果顯示像英語字彙學習這樣的認知型學習,在遊戲設計上並不適合納入刺激性較高的遊戲設計要素。此外,對遊戲設計者來說,未來設計英文單字遊戲學習APP時,亦應將性別差異納入設計考量,同時儘可能在遊戲娛樂性及教育性中取得平衡。 / Game-based learning has been proved to effectively boost learners’ learning performance, while whether more enjoyment designed in the game brings better learning performance remains unknown. Besides, what game design factors will affect learning performance and simultaneously keep learners interested in the game is also worth investigating. Moreover, attention and emotion are two dimensions which should be taken into account when designing learning games. As a result, this study tries to assess the effects of using two different English vocabulary learning APPs with significantly different game design factors on learners’ performance, sustained attention, meditation, and vocabulary memory retention, respectively. A pilot study was conducted beforehand to examine whether the two considered English vocabulary game APPs differ significantly in game design factors including concentration, feedback, challenges match player skills, control, and immersion. In the formal study, thirty-six Grade 12 students from Matsu senior high school participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two experimental groups based on gender and pretest scores, separately using two English vocabulary game APPs with significantly different game design factors for English vocabulary learning. The study lasted for four weeks. Analytical results show that students using game with lower scores in game design factors generated significantly better vocabulary learning performance, memory retention and meditation level than those using game with higher scores in game design factors, while sustained attention level was lower. Also, they were significantly correlated to one another. Moreover, this study further confirms that gender differences existed among English vocabulary learning games with different game design factors. Girls were found to have significantly better English vocabulary learning performance and memory retention in the game APP with lower scores in game design factors. Furthermore, “challenge matches players’ skill” was found to be the most important game design factor when designing game-based English vocabulary learning APPs. In conclusion, this study confirms that English vocabulary game APPs with lower exciting elements have more positive learning effects on learning performance, memory retention than those with higher scores in game design factors. The result indicates that when designing games, higher exciting game design factors are not suitable for cognitive learning, such as English vocabulary learning. Finally, this study provides suggestions for future game-design developers to take gender differences into consideration when designing English vocabulary learning game APPs, and meanwhile tries to strike the balance between educational purpose and entertainment of the game APPs.

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