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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The developmental polarity and morphogenesis of a single cell / Développement de la morphogenèse et de la polarité d’une cellule unique

Bonazzi, Daria 06 March 2015 (has links)
Comment les cellules établissent leurs formes et organisations internes est un problème biologique fondamental. Au cours de cette thèse, j’ai étudié le développement de la forme cellulaire et de la polarité chez la cellule de levure fissipare. Ces études sont fondées sur l’exploration de la façon dont les petites spores symétriques de levures se développent et s’organisent pour briser la symétrie pour la définition de leur tout premier axe de polarité. Dans une première partie, j’ai étudié les couplages entre la mécanique de surface de la paroi cellulaire des spores et la stabilité de domaines de polarité de Cdc42 qui contrôlent les aspects spatio-temporelles de la brisure de symétrie de ces spores. Dans une seconde partie, j’ai étudié les mécanismes par lesquels ces domaines de polarité contrôlent leur taille et l'adapte à la géométrie de la cellule, un processus vraisemblablement pertinents pour comprendre comment des domaines fonctionnels corticaux s’adaptent à la taille des cellules. Globalement, ces nouvelles recherches focalisant sur la façon dont les cellules développent dynamiquement leur forme et polarité de novo, permettent de mettre en évidence des couplages complexes dans la morphogenèse qui ne peuvent pas être testés en regardant les cellules à « l’état stationnaire» ou avec des outils génétiques. / How cells establish their proper shapes and organization is a fundamental biological problem. In this thesis, I investigated the dynamic development of cellular form and polarity in the rod-shape fission yeast cell. These studies are based on monitoring how small symmetric fission yeast spores grow and self-organize to break symmetry for the definition of their very first polarity axis. In a first part, I studied interplays between surface mechanics of the spore cell wall and the stability of Cdc42-based polarity domains which control spatio-temporal aspects of spore symmetry breaking. In a second part, I studied mechanisms by which these polarity domains control their width and adapt it to cell surface geometry, a process likely relevant to understand how functional cortical domains scale to cell size. Overall these novel investigations focusing on how cells dynamically develop their form and polarity de novo highlight complex feedbacks in morphogenesis that cannot be evidenced by looking at cells at “steady state” or with genetics.

Étude du rôle des gènes TGF-β1 et HSP-70 lors du processus de régénération du membre chez l’axolotl

Lévesque, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
Les urodèles amphibiens, dont fait partie l’axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), ont la capacité de régénérer leurs organes et membres suite à une amputation, tout au long de leur vie. La patte est l’organe dont le processus de régénération est le mieux caractérisé et ce dernier est divisé en deux phases principales. La première est la phase de préparation et commence immédiatement suite à l’amputation. Elle renferme des étapes essentielles au processus de régénération comme la guérison de la plaie et la formation d’une coiffe apicale ectodermique. Par la suite, les fibroblastes du derme et certaines cellules musculaires vont revenir à un état pluripotent via un processus appelé dédifférenciation cellulaire. Une fois dédifférenciées, ces cellules migrent et s’accumulent sous la coiffe apicale pour former le blastème. Lors de la phase de redéveloppement, les cellules du blastème se divisent puis se redifférencient pour régénérer la partie amputée. Fait intéressant, la régénération d’un membre ou la guérison d’une plaie chez l’axolotl ne mène jamais à la formation d’une cicatrice. Afin d’en apprendre plus sur le contrôle moléculaire de la régénération, les gènes Heat-shock protein-70 (Hsp-70) et Transforming growth factor-β1 (Tgf-β1) ont été sélectionnés. Ces gènes jouent un rôle important dans la réponse au stress et lors de la guérison des plaies chez les mammifères. HSP-70 est une chaperonne moléculaire qui est produite pour maintenir l’intégrité des protéines cellulaires lorsqu’un stress se présente. TGF-β1 est une cytokine produite suite à une blessure qui active la réponse inflammatoire et qui stimule la fermeture de la plaie chez les amniotes. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que Hsp-70 est exprimé et régulé lors du développement et de la régénération du membre chez l’axolotl. D’autre part, nos expériences ont mené à l’isolation de la séquence codante pour Tgf-β1 chez l’axolotl. Nos résultats montrent que Tgf-β1 est exprimé spécifiquement lors de la phase de préparation dans le membre en régénération. De plus, le blocage de la voie des Tgf-β avec l’inhibiteur pharmacologique SB-431542, lors de la régénération, mène à l’inhibition du processus. Ceci démontre que la signalisation via la voie des Tgf-β est essentielle à la régénération du membre chez l’axolotl. / Urodele amphibians, such as the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), have the unique ability, among vertebrates, to perfectly regenerate many parts of their body throughout their life. Among the complex structures that can be regenerated, the limb is the most widely studied. Limb regeneration is divided in two main phases. The preparation phase, which begins right after amputation, includes wound healing and the formation of an apical ectodermal cap. During this phase, dermal fibroblasts and muscle cells will lose their characteristics and become pluripotent through a process called cellular dedifferentiation. The dedifferentiated cells migrate and accumulate under the apical ectodermal cap to form the blastema. During the redevelopment phase, the cells in the blastema proliferate and redifferentiate to regenerate the lost structures. It is interesting to highlight the fact that regeneration never leads to scar formation in the axolotl. In order to learn more about the molecular control of limb regeneration, the genes Heat-shock protein-70 (Hsp-70) and Transforming growth factor-β1 (Tgf- β1) were selected for their important roles in stress response and wound healing in mammals. HSP-70 is a molecular chaperone which is produced to protect cellular proteins when the cell faces a stress. TGF-β1 is a cytokine produced after wounding that activates the inflammatory response and stimulates wound closure in amniotes. Results presented in this thesis show that Hsp-70 is expressed and regulated during limb development and regeneration in the axolotl. We were also able to isolate the cDNA coding for axolotl Tgf-β1 and our results show that this gene is expressed specifically during the preparation phase of limb regeneration. Treatment of regenerating axolotls with a specific inhibitor of Tgf-β signalling, SB-431542, led to complete inhibition of regeneration. This directly implies that Tgf-β signalling is essential for limb regeneration in axolotl.

Etude du maintien de l'adhérence dans les tissus prolifératifs / Study of Adhesion Maintenance During Cell Division in Epithelial Tissues.

Guillot, Charlene 26 August 2014 (has links)
Les tissus épithéliaux présentent deux caractéristiques majeures, ils sont robustes (rôle de barrière) mais également plastiques lors de la morphogénèse. L'homéostasie des tissus épithéliaux repose sur la régulation de la balance prolifération/mort cellulaire. Dans ma thèse, je décris tout d'abord, les mécanismes moléculaires permettant à la cellule épithéliale de se diviser tout en maintenant l'intégrité du tissu. J'ai ensuite altéré cette intégrité, en utilisant le système de génération de clônes mosaïques, afin de comprendre comment la cohésion du tissu est maintenue. Ce travail m'a alors permis de comprendre comment l'adhérence est modulée, puis restaurée, au cours de la division cellulaire. Ainsi, j'ai montré que l'intégrité des tissus est assurée par l'action concomitante des forces d'adhésion et des forces de tension. Enfin, mon travail apporte également des éléments clés pour l'étude de la perte d'adhérence des cellules tumorales responsable en partie, de la progression des tumeurs solides en métastases. / Tissue homeostasis relies on the tight regulation of cell proliferation and cell death. Epithelial tissues are robust tissues that support the structure of developing embryos and adult organs and are effective barriers that physically protect the organism against pathogens. In my thesis, I have first described the molecular mechanisms responsible for maintaining tissue integrity during epithelial cell division. I have then abrogated this integrity by inducing mosaic clones within tissues to understand how tissue cohesion is maintained. This work shows how the continuity of adhesive properties is ensured during cell division. It also reveals new key elements that result in loss of adhesion in tissues and thus may be responsible for the progession from solid cancer to metastasis.

Respostas morfogênicas e características estruturais do capim-mulato submetido a estratégias de pastejo rotativo / Morphogenetic responses and structural characteristics of mulato grass subjected to strategies of rotational stocking management

Barbero, Leandro Martins 28 March 2011 (has links)
Plantas forrageiras se adaptam ao pastejo por meio de modificações em forma e função alterando seus padrões de expressão morfogênica e, consequentemente, de acúmulo e composição morfológica da forragem produzida. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as respostas morfogênicas e as estruturais de perfilhos em pastos de capim-mulato submetidos a estratégias de pastejo rotativo de fevereiro de 2008 a abril de 2009. Os tratamentos corresponderam combinações entre duas condições pós-pastejo (alturas pós-pastejo de 15 e 20 cm - APP) e duas condições pré-pastejo (95% e máxima interceptação de luz pelo dossel forrageiro - IL), e foram alocados às unidades experimentais (piquetes de 1200 m2) segundo arranjo fatorial 2x2 e delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com 4 repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis-resposta: taxa de aparecimento de folhas (TApF); filocrono (FIL); taxa de alongamento de folhas (TAlF); taxa de alongamento de colmos (TAlC); taxa de senescência de folhas (TSeF); encurtamento do colmo (EC); duração da vida da folha (DVF); duração do alongamento foliar (DAF); comprimento final da folha (CFF); número de folhas vivas (NFV), em expansão (NFEx), expandidas (NFE) e senescentes (NFS) por perfilho; comprimento do colmo (CC) e relação folha:colmo por perfilho (F:C). Tanto perfilhos basais como aéreos apresentaram sazonalidade de desenvolvimento caracterizada por ritmos morfogênicos mais lentos durante o outono/inverno/início de primavera e mais acelerados durante o final de primavera e verão. No caso de perfilhos basais, pastos manejados a 95% de IL apresentaram maiores valores de TApF no Verão 2. No Verão 1, o EC nesses pastos foi menor, sendo observado comportamento inverso no final da primavera. Menores valores de TAlC e TSeF foram registrados nos pastos manejados a 95% relativamente àqueles manejados com máxima IL (99%). Adicionalmente, pastos manejados com altura pós-pastejo 20 cm apresentaram maiores valores de TAlF, TSeF e DAF que pastos manejados a 15 cm, especialmente na condição pré-pastejo de 95% de IL. Nos perfilhos aéreos, maiores valores de TAlC e TSeF foram registrados nos pastos manejados com máxima IL (99%) relativamente àqueles manejados a 95% de IL. Com relação às características estruturais, a APP afetou apenas aquelas relacionadas com o porte da planta (CFF e CC). Apesar das diferenças estatísticas, o NFV foi relativamente constante para aéreos e basais (2,5 e 4,0 folhas por perfilho, respectivamente), com as diferenças entre categorias de perfilhos refletindo diferenças em NFS e NFE e não em NFEx. Perfilhos basais foram maiores que aéreos, porém com menor F:C. Para perfilhos basais, NFV, NFEx e F:C foram maiores em pastos manejados a 95% de IL e, para aéreos, naqueles manejados com máxima IL, padrão condizente com o fato de perfilhos aéreos serem provenientes de perfilhos basais reprodutivos decapitados. De forma geral, as características estruturais foram mais afetadas pela IL e época do ano do que pela APP, indicando, claramente, importância relativa maior da frequência comparativamente à severidade de desfolhação para controle da estrutura do dossel. Diante do exposto, a condição ideal para interrupção do processo de rebrotação dos pastos de capim-mulato é quando o dossel atinge 95% de IL com uma altura pós-pastejo de 20 cm. / Forage plants adapt to grazing through morphological and physiological changes that modify their morphogenesis and, in turn, herbage accumulation and morphological composition of the produced herbage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphogenetic responses and the structural characteristics of individual tillers on mulato grass swards subjected to strategies of rotational stocking management from February 2008 until April 2009. Treatments corresponded to combinations between two post-grazing (post-grazing heights of 15 and 20 cm) and two pre-grazing (95% and maximum light interception by sward canopy LI) conditions, and were allocated to experimental units (1200 m2 paddocks) according to a 2x2 factorial arrangement and a randomised complete block design, with four replications. The following response variables were evaluated: rates of leaf appearance (LAR), leaf elongation (LER), stem elongation (SER), leaf senescence (LSR), reduction in stem length (RSL), phyllochron (PHY), leaf lifespan (LLS), leaf elongation duration (LED), final leaf length (FLL), number of live (NLL), expanding (NExL), expanded (NEL) and senescing (NSL) leaves per tiller, stem length (SL) and the leaf:stem ratio per tiller (L:S). Both basal and aerial tillers showed a clear seasonal pattern of growth characterised by slow morphogenetic rhythms during autumn/winter/early spring and fast rhythms during late spring and summer. For basal tillers, swards managed at 95% LI showed highest values of LAR in summer 2. In Summer 1, RSL on those swards was lowest, the reverse happening in late spring. Lower values of SER and LSR were recorded on swards managed at 95% relative to those managed at maximum LI (99%). Further, swards managed with the postgrazing height of 20 cm showed larger values of LER, LSR and LED than those with 15 cm, particularly for the 95% LI pre-grazing condition. For aerial tillers, larger values of SER and LSR were recorded on swards managed at maximum LI (99%) relative to those managed at 95% LI. In relation to structural characteristics, postgrazing height only influenced those related to plant size (FLL and SL). In spite of the statistical differences, NLL was relatively stable for aerial and basal tillers (2.5 and 4.0 leaves per tiller, respectively), with differences between tiller categories mainly due to differences in NSL and NEL, not NExL. Basal tillers were bigger than aerial tillers, although had lower L:S. For basal tillers, NLL, NExL and L:S were larger on swards managed at 95% LI and, for aerial tillers, larger values were recorded on swards managed at maximum LI, a pattern in line with the fact that aerial tillers are originated from decapitated reproductive basal tillers. Overall, structural characteristics were more influenced by LI and season of the year than by postgrazing height, highlighting the larger importance of frequency relative to severity of defoliation for controlling sward structural characteristics. As a result, the ideal 14 condition for interrupting regrowth of rotationally stocked mulato grass correspond to a pre-grazing condition of 95% LI and a post-grazing height of 20 cm.

Organogênese in vitro e transformação genética de limão \'Volkameriano\' (Citrus volkameriana) e laranja azeda (Citrus aurantium) / In vitro organogenesis and genetic transformation of the Volkamer lemon (Citrus volkameriana) and sour orange (Citrus aurantium)

Tavano, Eveline Carla da Rocha 02 October 2008 (has links)
A transformação genética possibilita a introdução de genes de interesse agronômico no genoma das plantas e pode ser empregada na tentativa de obter plantas resistentes a doenças. No entanto, para se obter uma planta transgênica é necessário primeiramente estabelecer um procotolo eficiente de regeneração de plantas in vitro. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a organogênese in vitro e a transformação genética de limão Volkameriano e laranja azeda com um fragmento do gene da capa protéica do CTV. Para a organogênese in vitro utilizou-se, como explante, segmento internodal, obtido de planta cultivada em casa-de-vegetação, segmento de epicótilo, coletado de plântula cultivada in vitro e segmento de cotilédone associado ao hipocótilo obtido de semente introduzida in vitro. Esses explantes foram mantidos em meio de cultura EME suplementado com 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 mg L- 1), sendo incubados sob fotoperíodo de 16 h de luz ou em condições de escuro por 30 dias e então transferidos para fotoperíodo de 16 h de luz. A avaliação foi realizada após 45 dias de cultivo, determinando-se o número de explantes responsivos e o número de gemas por explante. A caracterização anatômica do processo de regeneração foi realizada por meio de cortes histológicos. Pela análise dos dados foi possível verificar que a organogênese in vitro ocorreu a partir dos três tipos de explantes testados, sendo que, nas duas espécies em estudo, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o cultivo de segmento de cotilédone associado ao hipocótilo. As concentrações de BAP que estimularam as melhores taxas de regeneração foram de 1,0 e 1,5 mg L-1, para limão Volkameriano, e 0,5 e 1,0 mg L-1 para laranja azeda. A incubação dos explantes em ausência de luz favoreceu a regeneração in vitro. Pela análise histológica foi possível observar que o processo de regeneração, a partir dos três tipos de explantes testados, ocorreu por meio de organogênese indireta. O protocolo de desenvolvimento estabelecido durante os experimentos de organogênese in vitro foi utilizado para a transformação genética dessas espécies via Agrobacterium, contendo o plasmídeo pCAMBIA 2201, com um fragmento do gene da capa protéida do CTV, em uma construção gênica do tipo hairpin. As gemas de limão Volkameriano e laranja azeda identificadas como transgênicas pelo teste histoquímico GUS foram enxertadas in vitro em citrange Carrizo. A confirmação da transformação genética foi realizada pela análise de PCR, a qual mostrou a amplificação de um fragmento de 671 pb, correspondente a parte do gene amplificada. / Genetic transformation permits the introduction of agronomically important genes in plant genome and can be utilized in order to produce disease resistant plants. However for the recovery of transgenic plants is required to establish an efficient in vitro plant regeneration protocol. In this work the aim was to study an in vitro organogenesis and the genetic transformation of Volkamer lemon and sour orange with a sequence of the CTV coat protein gene. For in vitro organogenesis explant internodal segments collected from plants cultivated in greenhouse, epicotyl segments obtained from in vitro cultivated seedlings and cotyledon fragment with hypocotyl attached obtained from in vitro germinated seed were used as explant. These explants were cultured in EME medium supplemented with benzilaminopurine (BAP 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 mg L-1). Cultures were maintained under a 16 h photoperiod or in the dark for 10 d and then transferred to a 16 h photoperiod. The evaluation was performed 45 d after the incubation determining the number of responsive explant and the number of buds per explant. The anatomical characterization of in vitro regeneration process was carried out through histological analyses. The in vitro organogenesis occurred in the three types of explant tested, however cotyledon fragment with hypocotyl attached showed higher morphogenetic potential in both species. The best responses of regeneration were obtained when the medium was supplementation with 1,0 e 1,5 mg L-1 BAP for the Volkamer lemon and 0,5 e 1,0 mg L-1 BAP for the sour orange. The incubation in darkness favored the in vitro regeneration. The histological analyses showed that the regeneration process occurred through indirect organogenesis in the three types of explants tested. The developed protocol was use for genetic transformation of Volkamer lemon and sour orange with Agrobacterium, containing pCAMBIA 2201 plasmid with a sequence of CTV coat protein gene, in a hairpin construction. Volkamer lemon and sour orange shoots identified as transgenic by histochemical test GUS were micrografted into Carrizo citrange. PCR analysis were performed after micrografted showing the presence of the 671 pb fragment of the transgene.

Intensidade e frequência de desfolhação como definidores da estrutura do dossel, da morfogênese e do valor nutritivo da Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk sob lotação intermitente / Defoliation intensity and frequency as determinants of sward structure, morphogenesis, and forage nutritive value of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk under intermittent grazing

Portela, Jorge Nunes 19 November 2010 (has links)
O capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk) tem grande importância para sistemas de produção pecuários no Brasil, notadamente em regiões com baixa fertilidade natural do solo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar efeitos de duas intensidades (5 e 10 cm de altura pós-pastejo) e duas frequências de desfolhação (descanso até 95 e 100% de interceptação luminosa, IL, para início do pastejo) como definidores da estrutura do dossel, da morfogênese e do valor nutritivo da B.decumbens cv. Basilisk sob lotação intermitente. O estudo foi conduzido em Brotas - SP. O período experimental foi de Jan 2007 a Ago 2008, compreendendo sete épocas (Verão/2007, Outono/2007, Inverno/2007, Final de primavera/2007, Verão/2008, Outono/2008 e Inverno/2008) para as variáveis: produção de forragem, composição morfológica, índice de área foliar (IAF), altura de dossel, IL e valor nutritivo de folhas. Para características morfogênicas, densidade e demografia de perfilhos, o período foi de Ago 2007 a Ago 2008 e para valor nutritivo da forragem de Jan 2008 a Ago 2008. Os tratamentos foram quatro combinações possíveis entre as duas intensidades e frequências de desfolhação, em arranjo fatorial, com quatro repetições num delineamento inteiramente casualizado.O manejo com 100% IL resultou em produção total de 17,1 Mg MS ha-1, enquanto que para 95% IL a produção foi de 14,2 Mg MS ha-1. Pastos sob a estratégia 100% IL resultaram em maior produção de colmos e material morto, e maior IAF-pré pastejo. A intensidade de 10 cm promoveu maior produção de forragem e colmos (16,6 e 4,4 Mg MS ha-1), e maior IL e IAF no pós-pastejo. As maiores taxas de aparecimento de folhas (TAPF) e menores taxas de senescência foliar (TSF), alongamento (TALC) e acúmulo de colmo (TAFCM), na primavera de 2007 até outono de 2008 foram obtidas para 95% IL.As maiores taxas de acúmulo de folhas (TAFLM)no final da primavera ocorreram em pastos submetidos a 95% de IL e no verão e outono para o tratamento 10/95 (24,3, 26,8 e 23,3 kg MS ha-1 dia-1). De forma geral, o tratamento 10/95 resultou em altas taxas de aparecimento e de sobrevivência de perfilhos basais nas épocas com maior disponibilidade nos fatores de crescimento, épocas em que também foram encontrados os maiores teoresem proteína bruta (PB) de folhas para 95% IL, enquanto adigestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO)de folhas foi maior para a intensidade de 10 cm. As menores DIVMOs da forragem foram encontradas nos pastos que receberam a combinação 5/100, indicando que períodos longos de descanso e intensidades altasde pastejo resultam na produção de forragem de baixo valor nutritivo. A altura de dossel no pré-pastejo para o manejo com 95% IL ficou próximo a 16 cm e para 100% IL em 22 cm. A desfolhação do capim-braquiária deve ser realizada até10 cm uma vez que isto resulta em rebrotações rápidas e, quando associado à frequência de 95% IL, permite que animais em pastejo tenham acesso a forragem com maior participação de folhas e menor de material morto e colmo. / Signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk) is an important forage resource in Brazilian livestock systems, mainly where soil natural fertility is low. The objective in this study was to investigate the effects of two intensities (5 and 10 cm stubble) and two frequencies of defoliation (rest periods determined by 95 or 100% light interception LI by the canopy) as determinants of sward structure, morphogenesis, and forage nutritive value of B.decumbens cv. Basilisk under intermittent grazing. The work was carried out in Brotas, SP. The experimental period was from Jan 2007 through Aug 2008, divided in seven seasons (Summer/2007, Autumn/2007, Winter/2007, Late Spring/2007, Summer/2008, Autumn/2008 and Winter/2008) for the response variables: forage production, plant-part composition, leaf area index (LAI), sward height, LI, and leaf nutritive value. For the morphogenetic characteristics, tiller density, and tiller demography, the experimental period was from Aug 2007 through Aug 2008. For forage nutritive value, it was from Jan 2008 through Aug 2008. Treatments included all possible combinations among two grazing frequencies and two intensities, in a factorial arrangement of a completely randomized design. The 100% LI management resulted in total yield of 17.1 Mg DM ha-1, whereas for the 95% LI treatments total production was 14.2 Mg DM ha-1. Pastures under the 100% LI strategy produced more stem and dead material, as well as higher pregraze LAI. The 10-cm stubble resulted in higher forage and stem yield (16.6 and 4.4 Mg DM ha-1, respectively), as well as higher postgraze LI and LAI.The highest leaf appearance rates and lowest rates of leaf senescence, leaf elongation, and stem accumulation from Spring 2007 through Autumn 2008 were recorded for 95%LI. The highest rates of leaf accumulation in late spring were found in pastures under 95% LI, and in the summer and autumn for the 10/95 treatment (24.3, 26.8 and 23.3 kg DM ha-1 d-1, respectively). In general, the 10/95 treatment resulted in high rates of basal tiller appearance and survival, when the environmental conditions were favorable, which was also when crude protein concentration in leaves was highest under 95% LI, whereas in vitroorganic matter digestibility (IVOMD) of leaves was higher for the 10 cm stubble. The lowest IVOMDs were found in pastures receiving the 5/100 treatment combination, indicating that long rest periods combined with high grazing intensities result in forage of low nutritive value. Pregraze sward height for the 95%-LI managements was around 16 cm and for the 100%-LI, around 22 cm. Defoliation of signalgrass should not be lower than 10 cm height, since this results in rapid regrowth and, when associated with the 95%-LI frequency, allows animals to harvest forage with high proportion of leaves and low proportion of stem and dead material.

Comportamento in vitro de explantes de matrizes de cenoura (Daucus carota L.) tratadas com variáveis níveis de potássio. / In vitro behaviour of explants from potassium treated carrot matrixes (daucus carota l.).

Amaral, Antonio Francisco de Campos 01 July 2003 (has links)
O crescimento de plantas, órgãos, tecidos e células in vitro depende do desenvolvimento de meios de cultura otimizados para a perfeita interação de componentes essenciais como fitorreguladores, fonte de carbono e nutrientes minerais. Os fatores que limitam o crescimento de órgãos ou tecido in vitro são similares a aqueles que limitam o crescimento in vivo. Com o objetivo de testar a influência do estado nutricional de plantas matrizes de cenoura Daucus carota Link em potássio na morfogênese in vitro, plantas obtidas de sementes germinadas em substrato e cultivadas em vasos com areia em condições de casa de vegetação, foram submetidas a tratamentos com soluções nutritivas contendo variáveis níveis de potássio. Decorridos 30 e 60 dias de tratamento, explantes dessas plantas (internódios) foram coletados, desinfetados e inoculados em meio de cultura sólido de MS contendo também diferentes concentrações de potássio e acrescido de 0,1mg.L -1 da auxina 2,4-D buscando indução de calogênese na ausência de luz. Diferenciação celular via embriogênese somática foi conseguida em ausência de auxina em condições de fotoperíodo de 16/8 horas (claro/escuro). A avaliação da calogênese foi feita aos 60 dias após a inoculação, com base na massa de matéria fresca e seca dos calos formados por explante. A avaliação da diferenciação celular (número de plantas/explante) e taxa de diferenciação celular (número de plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) foi realizada após 30 dias de cultivo em condições de luz. A indução de calogênese e crescimento celular nos explantes de matrizes tratadas foi influenciada pelo tratamento pelos níveis de K + na solução nutritiva e pela duração dos tratamentos. Explantes de matrizes tratadas com alta concentração de K + resultaram em indução e crescimento de calos em matéria fresca e seca inversamente proporcional à concentração de K + no meio de cultura tanto para tratamento por 30 dias como para 60 dias. Tratamentos de curta duração (30 dias) com altos níveis de K + nas soluções nutritivas e baixos níveis de K + no meio de cultura influenciaram negativamente a regeneração de plantas (nº plantas/explante) nos calos dos explantes das matrizes tratadas. No entanto, taxas mais altas de diferenciação celular (nº plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) ocorreram nos calos de explantes de matrizes tratadas por 30 dias com solução nutritiva contendo maiores níveis de potássio e inoculados em meio de cultura contendo concentrações iguais ou maiores de que a do meio MS. / The growth of plants, organs, tissues and cells in vitro culture depends on the development of optimized culture medium for the perfect interaction among essential components such as phytoregulators, carbon source and minerals nutrients. The factors limiting the growth of organs or tissues in vitro conditions are similar to those limiting growth in vivo conditions. The objective of this work was aimed at studying the influence of the potassium nutritional status of matrixes plants of carrot Daucus carota Link on the in vitro morphogenesis. Matrixes plants were obtained from seeds germinated in organic substratum and cultivated in plastic pots containing washed sand in greenhouse conditions. The matrixes plants were then submitted to treatments with nutrients solutions containing variable potassium levels. After 30 and 60 days treatment, explants (internodes) were collected, disinfested and inoculated in solid culture medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS) containing different potassium concentrations and supplemented with 0,1mg.L -1 of 2,4-D for callogenesis induction in dark conditions. Cell differentiation by somatic embryogenesis was pursued by culturing the calli in auxina-free same culture medium in growth room under photoperiod of 16/8 hours (light/dark). The evaluation of the callogenesis induction and cell growth was carried out 60 days after explants inoculation, based on the mass of fresh and dry matter accumulation on each explant. The evaluation of cell differentiation (plant formed/explant) and of cell differentiation rate (number of plants formed/g of dry matter of callus) was carried after 30 days of culturing under light conditions. Callogenesis induction and cell growth on the explants of treated matrixes plants were affected by the potassium treatment levels in the nutrient solution and by the duration of the treatments. Explants from treated plants with the higher K + concentrations showed callus induction and growth inversely proportional to the concentration of K + in the culture medium for both (30 and 60 days) treatment duration. However the callogenesis accumulated after 60 days treatment was twice as much as that of 30 days treatments. Short time treatments duration (30 days) with higher levels of K + in the nutrient solutions and low concentrations of K + in the culture medium influenced the cell differentiation negatively (nº plants/explant) in the callus of the explants from treated plants. Cells from calli induced on explants from matrixes plants for 30 days were more morphogenic than the cells in the 60 days treatment where high callogenesis was observed. Also better cell differentiation rate was observed on calli induced on explants from treated matrixes plants with nutrient solutions containing the highest potassium levels and inoculated on MS culture medium containing highest potassium concentrations.

Constrição celular apical durante a invaginação do placóide do cristalino em galinhas. / Apical cell constriction during chicken lens placode invagination.

Borges, Ricardo Moraes 06 November 2008 (has links)
O cristalino de vertebrados se origina a partir da invaginação do ectoderme que recobre a vesícula óptica. A invaginação epitelial em diversos modelos é causada pela constrição celular apical, mediada pela contração apical de actina e miosina II e regulada pela GTPase RhoA. Neste trabalho nós investigamos se a invaginação do cristalino em embriões de galinha ocorre devido à constrição celular apical e se este evento é controlado por RhoA. Actina filamentosa e miosina II são expressas na porção apical do cristalino durante a invaginação. Quando a polimerização de actina é inibida por Citocalasina D, o cristalino não invagina, sugerindo que a constrição celular apical poderia contribuir para a invaginação do cristalino. RhoA também é expressa durante o desenvolvimento do cristalino, mas a inibição de RhoA, por eletroporação da forma dominante-negativo, não impediu a invaginação do placóide do cristalino, não alterou a distribuição de miosina II na porção apical do cristalino nem sua ativação, indicando que a invaginação do cristalino independe de RhoA. / Vertebrate lens derives from invagination of the ectoderm that overlies optic vesicles. Epithelial invagination in many model systems is driven by apical cell constriction, mediated by actin and myosin II contraction regulated by GTPase RhoA. Here we investigate the possibility that chick lens placode invagination could also be driven by apical cell constriction and controlled by RhoA. We show that actin and myosin II are expressed at lens apical side during lens invagination. Actin polymerization inhibition by in ovo Cytochalasin D treatment prevents lens placode invagination, suggesting that lens placode invagination could be driven by apical cell constriction. RhoA GTPase is also expressed at apical portion of lens placode and during lens invagination. However, when we overexpressed by electroporation the dominant-negative RhoA in the pre-lens ectoderm invagination was not affected. Furthermore, dominant-negative RhoA didnt affect myosin II apical localization nor myosin II phosphorilation, indicating that in lens invagination this process is not regulated by GTPase RhoA.

The guanine nucleotide exchanger Vav2 interacts with c-ErbB-2 and induces alveolar morphogenesis of mammary epithelial cells

DiCesare, Silvana 08 February 2002 (has links)
Die Familie der ErbB-Rezeptor-Tyrosinkinasen besteht aus vier Mitgliedern, dem EGF-Rezeptor (ErbB-1), ErbB-2, ErbB-3 und ErbB-4. ErbB-Rezeptoren spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entwicklung des Nervensystems, des Herzens und der Brustdrüsen. Ein Teil dieser Differenzierungsvorgänge läßt sich in vitro nachvollziehen: so ist zum Beispiel die Aktivierung des ErbB-2 Rezeptors ausreichend für alveoläre Morphogenese der Brustdrüsenepithelzellinie EpH4. Intrazelluläre Moleküle, die dieses ErbB2-Signal übertragen, sind allerdings noch unbekannt. Mit Hilfe eines neuen, modifizierten Hefe-2-Hybrid-Systems wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit Vav2 als neuer Interaktionspartner von ErbB-2 identifiziert. Vav2 assoziiert mit aktiviertem ErbB-2 über eine SH2-Domäne. Die Interaktion ist direkt und ist von zwei Phosphotyrosinen in ErbB-2 abhängig. Vav2 kann den GDP/GTP-Austausch bei GTPasen der Rho-Familie vermitteln. Dadurch kann der Umbau des Zytoskeletts und Veränderungen der Transkription sowie Zelltransformation induziert werden. In einem dreidimensionalen Zellkultursystem kann aktiviertes Vav2 in EpH4 Zellen die Bildung von alveolären Zellaggregaten induzieren. In diesen Alveolen umgibt eine Schicht polarisierter milchproduzierender Zellen ein zentrales Lumen. Diese Vav2-vermittelte Morphogenese ist abhängig von der katalytischen GDP/GTP-Austausch Aktivität von Vav2. Katalytisch-inaktives Vav2 kann die morphogenetische Aktivität von ErbB-2 in EpH4-Zellen verhindern, ohne die mitogene Aktivität von ErbB-2 zu beeinflussen. Vav2 ist mit ErbB-2 coexprimiert und interagiert mit dem Rezeptor in Brustdrüsenzellen schwangerer Mäuse. Diese Untersuchungen deuten darauf hin, dass Vav2 eine wichtige Funktion bei der durch ErbB-2 induzierten alveolären Morphogenese der Brustdrüse spielt. / The ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases constitute a subfamily of four structurally related members, the EGF receptor (ErbB-1), ErbB-2, ErbB-3 and ErbB-4. ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases are critical for embryonic development of central and peripheral neural structures and heart. In addition, ErbB receptors play an important role in the postnatal development of the mammary gland. Previous studies showed that activated ErbB-2 receptor induces alveolar morphogenesis of EpH4 mammary epithelial cells that are cultured on a three-dimensional matrix (termed Matrigel). However, the downstream signaling proteins that mediate this biological activity of ErbB-2 were unknown. In this work, Vav2 was identified as a direct interaction partner of tyrosine-phosphorylated ErbB receptors using the yeast two-hybrid system. Vav2 is a member of a family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors that induce cytoskeletal rearrangements, transcriptional alterations, and have oncogenic potential when activated. To test the ability of Vav2 to mediate morphogenic signals of ErbB-2, EpH4 cells overexpressing Vav2 protein were cultured on Matrigel. Indeed, Vav2 induces alveolar morphogenesis of EpH4 cells when activated either by oncogenic mutation or tyrosine phosphorylation by ErbB-2. The morphogenic activity of Vav2 requires the Dbl homology domain, which mediates GDP/GTP exchange. Dominant-negative Vav2 specifically blocks the morphogenic signals of ErbB-2 in EpH4 cells without interfering with ErbB2-induced mitogenesis. Importantly, Vav2 is co-expressed and interacts with ErbB-2 in the mammary glands of pregnant mice. Taken together, these results point to Vav2 as a candidate to mediate ErbB-2 signals for alveolar morphogenesis in vivo, which is a relevant step in the development of the mammary gland during pregnancy.

Function of the alpha1B1 subunit of Na +, K + ATPase during zebrafish heart development

Cibrian-Uhalte, Elena 07 August 2008 (has links)
Die Zebrafischmutation heart and mind (had), welche die alpha1B1-Untereinheit der Na+,K+ ATPase betrifft, verzögert die Streckung des Herzschlauches und führt zu weiteren Entwicklungsanomalien, die an andere Zellpolaritätsmutanten wie nagie oko (nok) und heart and soul (has) erinnern. In dieser Arbeit habe ich die Funktion und Regulation von Had/Na+,K+ ATPase während der Herzmorphogenese des Zebrafisches und seine möglichen Interaktionen mit Has/Prkci und Nok/Mpp5 untersucht. In konnte nachweisen, dass genetische Interaktionen zwischen had und nok in der Aufrechterhaltung von Zonula-Occludens-1-(ZO-1)-positiven Adhäsionsbändern Adhäsionsbändern in myokardialen Zellen während der Herzentwicklung nachweisen. Meine Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Interaktion zwischen Nok/Mpp5 und Had/Na+,K+ ATPase zur Aufrechterhaltung der myokardialen ZO-1-Adhäsionsbändern die Funktion der Na-Pumpe erfordert und dass die korrekte Ionengradienten zur Aufrechterhaltung der myokardialen Integrität beiträgt. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen eine Phosphorylierung des N-terminalen Endes von Had/ Na+,K+ ATPase durch PKCs. PKCs wurden bereits mit der Regulation der Na-Pumpen-Funktion durch Phosphorylierung von N-terminalen Resten in Verbindung gebracht. Meine Ergebnisse legen die Möglichkeit nahe, dass dieser Mechanismus im Zebrafisch konserviert ist. Die Analyse der subzelluläre Lokalisation einer Phosphorylierungs-defizienten Form von Had/Na+,K+ ATPase legt nahe, dass während Herzschlauch-elongation die Had/Na+,K+ ATPase-Aktivität an der Zellmembran durch die Phosphorylierung an einer amino-terminalen Amino-säure reguliert wird. Frühere Studien legen nahe, dass die Herzmorphogenese durch direkte Phosphorylierung von Has/Prkci-Zielen gesteuert wird. Die Identifikation von Has/Prkci-Phosphorylierungs-Zielen könnte dazu beitragen, Herzmorphogenese besser zu verstehen. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein chemisch-genetischer Ansatz entwickelt, um direkte Phosphorylierungs-Ziele von Has/Prkci zu identifizieren. / The zebrafish heart and mind (had) mutation which disrupts the alpha1B1 subunit of Na+,K+ ATPase causes heart tube elongation defects and other developmental abnormalities that are reminiscent of several epithelial cell polarity mutants including nagie oko (nok) and heart and soul (has). In this work, I investigated the function and regulatory mechanisms of Had/Na+,K+ ATPase during zebrafish cardiac morphogenesis, as well as its´ possible interactions with Has/Prkci and Nok/Mpp5. In this study, I demonstrate genetic interactions between had and nok in maintaining Zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) positive junction belts within myocardial cells during heart development. My results strongly suggest that the interaction between Nok/Mpp5 and Had/Na+,K+ ATPase in the maintenance of myocardial ZO-1 junction belts requires the Na pump function and that the correct ionic balance contributes to the maintenance of myocardial integrity. My results show phosphorylation of the N-terminal intracellular tail of Had/Na+,K+ ATPase by PKCs. PKCs have previously been implicated in the regulation of the Na pump function via phosphorylation of N-terminal residues. Therefore, my results raise the possibility that this mechanism is conserved in the zebrafish embryo. The analysis of the subcellular distribution of a phosphorylation-deficient form of Had/Na+,K+ ATPase suggests that, during heart tube elongation, Had/Na+,K+ ATPase activity is regulated at the membrane via phosphorylation at an amino-terminal site. Previous studies suggest that heart morphogenesis is driven via direct phosphorylation of Has/Prkci targets. Therefore, identification of Has/Prkci phosphorylation targets would contribute to better understand cardiac morphogenesis. For this purpose, a chemical genetic approach was designed to identify Has/Prcki direct phosphorylation targets.

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