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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring Change in Key HRQL Outcomes Using MOS SF-36 vs VSAQ and BDI With Patients Undergoing CABG Surgery

Malo, Sharon Y. 30 July 1999 (has links)
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) measures taken before and after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) aid in determining meaningful patient-perceived outcomes associated with alternative clinical interventions. This study compared performance of the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 (MOS SF-36) subscales for Physical Functioning (PF), Role Physical (RP), Mental Health (MH), and Role Emotional (RE) against two other questionnaires, i.e. the Veteran's Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ: self-efficacy for vigorous physical activity) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II: mental-emotional functioning). Seventy-one patients (59-M; 12-F; age, Mean + SD = 63 ± 8.6 years) were administered these three questionnaires just before and 3 months following CABG surgery. Score distributions were evaluated for the pre- and post-surgery measurements, as were change scores after CABG. All measures except the MOS SF-36 subscales for RP and RE showed statistically significant change after CABG (p<0.01). Only the subscales of RP and RE demonstrated substantial ceiling (21.0% and 56.3%) and floor effects (49.3% and 16.9%). Evaluation of individual change scores after CABG indicated that 59% and 62% of the patients, respectively, had clinically meaningful increases in the two measures of physical capability, i.e. PF and VSAQ. In contrast, 60% and 72% of patients, respectively, showed no clinically meaningful changes in the two measures of emotional functioning, i.e. RE and BDI-II scores. Chi-square analyses revealed that use of scales with similar definitional constructs resulted in significantly different surgical outcomes for the following: PF vs VSAQ (p<0.001), RP vs VSAQ (p<0.02); and MH vs BDI-II (p<0.0001). These findings illustrate the limitations in performance of the MOS SF-36 for assessing changes of importance in HRQL after CABG. The VSAQ and BDI-II, two simple measures of physical and emotional functioning that are fundamentally similar to those contained in the MOS SF-36, appear to be sensitive markers for detecting changes in these important outcomes after CABG surgery. / Master of Science

Interfaces neuronales CMOS haute résolution pour l'électrophysiologie et l'optogénétique en boucle fermée

Gagnon-Turcotte, Gabriel 16 September 2019 (has links)
L’avenir de la recherche sur les maladies du cerveau repose sur le développement de nouvelles technologies qui permettront de comprendre comment cet organe si complexe traite, intègre et transfère l’information. Parmi celles-ci, l’optogénétique est une technologie révolutionnaire qui permet d’utiliser de la lumière afin d’activer sélectivement les neurones du cortex d’animaux transgéniques pour observer leur effet dans un vaste réseau biologique. Ce cadre expérimental repose typiquement sur l’observation de l’activité neuronale de souris transgéniques, car elles peuvent exprimer une grande variété de gènes et de maladies et qu’elles sont peu couteuses. Toutefois, la plupart des appareils de mesure ou de stimulation optogénétique disponible ne sont pas appropriés, car ils sont câblés, trop lourds et/ou trop simplistes. Malheureusement, peu de systèmes sans fil existent, et ces derniers sont grandement limités par la bande passante requise pour transmettre les données neuronales, et ils ne fournissent pas de stimulation optogénétique multicanal afin de stimuler et observer plusieurs régions du cerveau. Dans les dispositifs actuels, l’interprétation des données neuronales est effectuée ex situ, alors que la recherche bénéficierait grandement de systèmes sans fil assez intelligents pour interpréter et stimuler les neurones en boucle fermée, in situ. Le but de ce projet de recherche est de concevoir des circuits analogiques-numériques d’acquisition et de traitement des signaux neuronaux, des algorithmes d’analyse et de traitement de ces signaux et des systèmes electro-optiques miniatures et sans fil pour : i) Mener des expériences combinant l’enregistrement neuronal et l’optogénétique multicanal haute résolution avec des animaux libres de leurs mouvements. ii) Mener des expériences optogénétiques synchronisées avec l’observation, c.-à-d. en boucle fermée, chez des animaux libres de leurs mouvements. iii) Réduire la taille, le poids et la consommation énergétique des systèmes optogénétiques sans fil afin de minimiser l’impact de la recherche chez de petits animaux. Ce projet est en 3 phases, et ses principales contributions ont été rapportées dans dix conférences internationales (ISSCC, ISCAS, EMBC, etc.) et quatre articles de journaux publiés ou soumis, ainsi que dans un brevet et deux divulgations. La conception d’un système optogénétique haute résolution pose plusieurs défis importants. Notamment, puisque les signaux neuronaux ont un contenu fréquentiel élevé (_10 kHz), le nombre de canaux sous observation est limité par la bande passante des transmetteurs sans fil (2-4 canaux en général). Ainsi, la première phase du projet a visé le développement d’algorithmes de compression des signaux neuronaux et leur intégration dans un système optogénétique sans fil miniature et léger (2.8 g) haute résolution possédant 32 canaux d’acquisition et 32 canaux de stimulation optique. Le système détecte, compresse et transmet les formes d’onde des potentiels d’action (PA) produits par les neurones avec un field programmable gate array (FPGA) embarqué à faible consommation énergétique. Ce processeur implémente un algorithme de détection des PAs basé sur un seuillage adaptatif, ce qui permet de compresser les signaux en transmettant seulement les formes détectées. Chaque PA est davantage compressé par une transformée en ondelette discrète (DWT) de type Symmlet-2 suivie d’une technique de discrimination et de requantification dynamique des coefficients. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que cet algorithme est plus robuste que les méthodes existantes tout en permettant de reconstruire les signaux compressés avec une meilleure qualité (SNDR moyen de 25 dB _ 5% pour un taux de compression (CR) de 4.2). Avec la détection, des CR supérieurs à 500 sont rapportés lors de la validation in vivo. L’utilisation de composantes commerciales dans des systèmes optogénétiques sans fil augmente / la taille et la consommation énergétique, en plus de ne pas être optimisée pour cette application. La seconde phase du projet a permis de concevoir un système sur puce (SoC) complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) pour faire de l’enregistrement neuronal et de optogénétique multicanal, permettant de réduire significativement la taille et la consommation énergétique comparativement aux alternatives commerciales. Ceci est une contribution importante, car c’est la première puce à être doté de ces deux fonctionnalités. Le SoC possède 10 canaux d’enregistrement et 4 canaux de stimulation optogénétique. La conception du bioamplificateur inclut une bande passante programmable (0.5 Hz - 7 kHz) et un faible bruit referré à l’entré (IRN de 3.2 μVrms), ce qui permet de cibler différents types de signaux biologiques (PA, LFP, etc.). Le convertisseur analogique numérique (ADC) de type Delta- Sigma (DS) MASH 1-1-1 est conçu pour fonctionner de faibles taux de sur-échantillonnage (OSR _50) pour réduire sa consommation et possède une résolution programmable (ENOB de 9.75 Bits avec un OSR de 25). Cet ADC exploite une nouvelle technique réduisant la taille du circuit en soustrayant la sortie de chaque branche du DS dans le domaine numérique, comparativement à la méthode analogique classique. La consommation totale d’un canal d’enregistrement est de 11.2 μW. Le SoC implémente un nouveau circuit de stimulation optique basé sur une source de courant de type cascode avec rétroaction, ce qui permet d’accommoder une large gamme de LED et de tensions de batterie comparativement aux circuits existants. Le SoC est intégré dans un système optogénétique sans fil et validé in vivo. À ce jour et en excluant ce projet, aucun système sans-fil ne fait de l’optogénétique en boucle fermée simultanément au suivi temps réel de l’activité neuronale. Une contribution importante de ce travail est d’avoir développé le premier système optogénétique multicanal qui est capable de fonctionner en boucle fermée et le premier à être validé lors d’expériences in vivo impliquant des animaux libres de leurs mouvements. Pour ce faire, la troisième phase du projet a visé la conception d’un SoC CMOS numérique, appelé neural decoder integrated circuit (ND-IC). Le ND-IC et le SoC développé lors de la phase 2 ont été intégrés dans un système optogénétique sans fil. Le ND-IC possède 3 modules : 1) le détecteur de PA adaptatif, 2) le module de compression possédant un nouvel arbre de tri pour discriminer les coefficients, et 3) le module de classement automatique des PA qui réutilise les données générées par le module de détection et de compression pour réduire sa complexité. Un lien entre un canal d’enregistrement et un canal de stimulation est établi selon l’association de chaque PA à un neurone, grâce à la classification, et selon l’activité de ce neurone dans le temps. Le ND-IC consomme 56.9 μW et occupe 0.08 mm2 par canal. Le système pèse 1.05 g, occupe un volume de 1.12 cm3, possède une autonomie de 3h, et est validé in vivo. / The future of brain research lies in the development of new technologies that will help understand how this complex organ processes, integrates and transfers information. Among these, optogenetics is a recent technology that allows the use of light to selectively activate neurons in the cortex of transgenic animals to observe their effect in a large biological network. This experimental setting is typically based on observing the neuronal activity of transgenic mice, as they express a wide variety of genes and diseases, while being inexpensive. However, most available neural recording or optogenetic devices are not suitable, because they are hard-wired, too heavy and/or too simplistic. Unfortunately, few wireless systems exist, and they are greatly limited by the required bandwidth to transmit neural data, while not providing simultaneous multi-channel neural recording and optogenetic, a must for stimulating and observing several areas of the brain. In current devices, the analysis of the neuronal data is performed ex situ, while the research would greatly benefit from wireless systems that are smart enough to interpret and stimulate the neurons in closed-loop, in situ. The goal of this project is to design analog-digital circuits for acquisition and processing of neural signals, algorithms for analysis and processing of these signals and miniature electrooptical wireless systems for: i) Conducting experiments combining high-resolution multi-channel neuronal recording and high-resolution multi-channel optogenetics with freely-moving animals. ii) Conduct optogenetic experiments synchronized with the neural recording, i.e. in closed loop, with freely-moving animals. iii) Increase the resolution while reducing the size, weight and energy consumption of the wireless optogenetic systems to minimize the impact of research with small animals. This project is in 3 phases, and its main contributions have been reported in ten conferences (ISSCC, ISCAS, EMBC, etc.) and four published journal papers, or submitted, as well as in a patent and two disclosures. The design of a high resolution optogenetic system poses several challenges. In particular, since the neuronal signals have a high frequency content (10 kHz), the number of chanv nels under observation is limited by the bandwidth of the wireless transmitters (2-4 channels in general). Thus, the first phase of the project focused on the development of neural signal compression algorithms and their integration into a high-resolution miniature and lightweight wireless optogenetics system (2.8g), having 32 recording channels and 32 optical stimulation channels. This system detects, compresses and transmits the waveforms of the signals produced by the neurons, i.e. action potentials (AP), in real time, via an embedded low-power field programmable gate array (FPGA). This processor implements an AP detector algorithm based on adaptive thresholding, which allows to compress the signals by transmitting only the detected waveforms. Each AP is further compressed by a Symmlet-2 discrete wavelet transform (DWT) followed dynamic discrimination and requantification of the DWT coefficients, making it possible to achieve high compression ratios with a good reconstruction quality. Results demonstrate that this algorithm is more robust than existing approach, while allowing to reconstruct the compressed signals with better quality (average SNDR of 25 dB 5% for a compression ratio (CR) of 4.2). With detection, CRs greater than 500 are reported during the in vivo validation. The use of commercial components in wireless optogenetic systems increases the size and power consumption, while not being optimized for this application. The second phase of the project consisted in designing a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) system-on-chip (SoC) for neural recording and multi-channel optogenetics, which significantly reduces the size and energy consumption compared to commercial alternatives. This is important contribution, since it’s the first chip to integrate both features. This SoC has 10 recording channels and 4 optogenetic stimulation channels. The bioamplifier design includes a programmable bandwidth (0.5 Hz -7 kHz) and a low input-referred noise (IRN of 3.2 μVrms), which allows targeting different biological signals (AP, LFP, etc.). The Delta-Sigma (DS) MASH 1-1-1 low-power analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is designed to work with low OSR (50), as to reduce its power consumption, and has a programmable resolution (ENOB of 9.75 bits with an OSR of 25). This ADC uses a new technique to reduce its circuit size by subtracting the output of each DS branch in the digital domain, rather than in the analog domain, as done conventionally. A recording channel, including the bioamplifier, the DS and the decimation filter, consumes 11.2 μW. Optical stimulation is performed with an on-chip LED driver using a regulated cascode current source with feedback, which accommodates a wide range of LED parameters and battery voltages. The SoC is integrated into a wireless optogenetic platform and validated in vivo. / To date and excluding this project, no wireless system is making closed-loop optogenetics simultaneously to real-time monitoring of neuronal activity. An important contribution of this work is to have developed the first multi-channel optogenetic system that is able to work in closed-loop, and the first to be validated during in vivo experiments involving freely-moving animals. To do so, the third phase of the project aimed to design a digital CMOS chip, called neural decoder integrated circuit (ND-IC). The ND-IC and the SoC developed in Phase 2 are integrated within a wireless optogenetic system. The ND-IC has 3 main cores: 1) the adaptive AP detector core, 2) the compression core with a new sorting tree for discriminating the DWT coefficients, and 3 ) the AP automatic classification core that reuses the data generated by the detection and compression cores to reduce its complexity. A link between a recording channel and a stimulation channel is established according to the association of each AP with a neuron, thanks to the classification, and according to the bursting activity of this neuron. The ND-IC consumes 56.9 μW and occupies 0.08 mm2 per channel. The system weighs 1.05 g, occupies a volume of 1.12 cm3, has an autonomy of 3h, and is validated in vivo.

Développement d’un nouveau marqueur de transgénèse pour la transformation de nématodes / Development of a novel genetic marker for nematode transgenesis

Giordano-Santini, Rosina 01 June 2011 (has links)
La construction d’animaux transgéniques est une technique clef qui a permis l’étude de nombreux aspects de la biologie du nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. Les animaux transgéniques peuvent être construits soit en injectant l’ADN exogène dans les gonades syncitiales de l’hermaphrodite adulte, soit en bombardant une population de vers avec des microbilles enrobées d’ADN. Dans les deux cas, l’utilisation de marqueurs génétiques est indispensable pour l’identification des individus transgéniques et la maintenance des lignées. Nous avons développé un vecteur d’expression pour les nématodes contenant le gène de résistance à la néomycine (neo), qui fonctionne comme marqueur génétique. Le gène neo confère la résistance au G-418, un antibiotique qui inhibe la synthèse de protéines chez les eucaryotes et qui est létal pour les nématodes sauvages. Nous avons montré que le marqueur neo est un marqueur génétique très puissant qui permet l’identification rapide des animaux transgéniques et qui permet l’enrichissement des populations transgéniques en présence de l’antibiotique, facilitant ainsi la maintenance des lignées. Ce système ne nécessite aucun contexte génétique particulier pour fonctionner et est donc compatible avec des lignées receveuses mutantes, ainsi que des lignées transgéniques ayant été transformées avec d’autres marqueurs génétiques. De plus, le gène neo est sous le contrôle du promoteur du gène de C. elegans rps-27, codant pour une protéine ribosomale dont la séquence est hautement conservée entre les nématodes. Nous avons utilisé ce gène comme marqueur génétique pour la transgénèse de l’espèce Caenorhabditis briggsae, ce qui suggère que le système neo pourrait aussi être utilisé pour d’autres espèces de la famille Caenorhabditis. Finalement, nous avons aussi montré que le système neo peut être utilisé dans le contexte des techniques d’ingénierie génétique basées sur le transposon Mos1. En conclusion, la sélection en présence de G-418 offre des nouvelles possibilités d’expériences pour la transgénèse de C. elegans et d’autres espèces proches. Les avantages du système neo devraient ainsi contribuer à développer des techniques de transgénèse du ver plus flexibles et efficaces. / The generation of transgenic animals has been instrumental to study many biological aspects of Caenorhabditis elegans biology. Transgenic animals can be obtained by either microinjection of the exogenous DNA into the syncitial gonad of the hermaphrodite or by bombardment of a population of worms with DNA coated microparticles. Both techniques rely on the use of genetic markers to facilitate the recovery of transformed animals and the maintenance of transgenic lines. We developed a nematode expression vector carrying the neomycin resistance gene (neo) as a selection marker. This gene confers resistance to G-418, an antibiotic that normally inhibits protein synthesis in eukaryotes and is lethal for wild-type nematodes. We showed that the neo marker is a potent tool that allows a clear-cut selection of transgenic animals and hands-off maintenance of non-integrated populations on G-418 plates. This system does not imply any prerequisite on the original genotype of the recipient strain and can therefore be used on mutants lines as well as transgenic strains obtained with common markers. Moreover, we placed the neo gene under the control of the C. elegans rps-27 promoter, a highly conserved ribosomal protein throughout the nematode phylogeny. We were able to provide resistance to Caenorhabditis briggsae using this vector; this likely indicates that neo can be used in any species from the Caenorhabditis family. Finally, we demonstrated that this powerful selection system can be used in the context of Mos1 transposon excision-repair methods. Therefore, the neo system offers a wide range of new possibilities for transgenesis both in C. elegans and in other related species. We therefore believe that the benefits of the neo system should contribute to the development of more flexible and efficient techniques for nematode transgenesis.

Growth and doping of heteroepitaxial 3C-SiC layers on α-SiC substrates using Vapour-Liquid-Solid mechanism / La croissance et le dopage de couches 3C-SiC hétéroépitaxiales sur des substrats α-SiC en utilisant le mécanisme vapeur-liquide-solide

Da Conceicao Lorenzzi, Jean Carlos 18 October 2010 (has links)
L'utilisation récente d'une voie originale de croissance cristalline basée sur les mécanismes vapeur-liquide-solide (VLS) à partir d'un bain Ge-Si a permis des améliorations importantes de la qualité cristalline des couches minces hétéroépitaxiales de SiC-3C sur substrats sur substrat α-SiC(0001). Ce travail a pour but d'approfondir les connaissances sur cette technique de croissance, d'améliorer le procédé et de déterminer les propriétés du matériau élaboré. La première partie est dédiée à la compréhension et la maîtrise des différents mécanismes impliqués dans la croissance de SiC-3C par VLS. Cela a notamment permis la détermination des paramètres limitant la taille des échantillons et la démonstration des avantages à utiliser des alliages fondus contant 50 at% de Ge au lieu de 75 at%. Une étude de la croissance latérale sur substrats patternés a donné des indications intéressantes pouvant être intégrées dans le modèle d'élimination des macles. L'incorporation intentionnelle et non intentionnelle de dopants de type n et p pendant la croissance VLS a été suivie. Pour le dopage n, nous avons démontré l'existence d'un lien clair entre l'impureté N et la stabilisation du polytype SiC-3C. En outre, nous avons réussi à abaisser le dopage résiduel n des couches en dessous de 1x1017 cm-3. Pour le dopage p, le meilleur élément n'est pas le Ga mais l'Al, même s'il doit être ajouté à un alliage de type Si-Ge pour éviter l'homoépitaxie. Enfin, ces couches ont été caractérisées optiquement et électriquement par différentes techniques. Les mesures C-V et G-V ont permis d'estimer une concentration très faible (7×109 cm-2) de charges fixes dans l'oxyde SiO2 ainsi qu'une densité d'états d'interface aussi basse que 1.2×1010 cm-2eV-1 à 0.63 eV sous la bande de conduction. Ces valeurs record sont une très bonne base pour le développement d'un composant de type MOSFET en SiC-3C / Recently, the use of an original growth approach based on vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism with Ge-Si melts has led to significant improvement of the crystalline quality of the 3C-SiC thin layers heteroepitaxially grown on α-SiC(0001) substrate. This work tries to deepen the knowledge of such specific growth method, to improve the process and to determine the properties of the grown material. The first part was dedicated to the understanding and mastering of the various mechanisms involved in 3C-SiC growth by VLS mechanism. This led to the determination of the parameters limiting sample size and the demonstration of the benefits of using 50 at% Ge instead of 75 at% Ge melts. A study of lateral enlargement on patterned substrates gave some interesting hints which can be integrated in the model of twin defect elimination. The incorporation of non intentional and intentional n- and p-type dopants during VLS growth was studied. For n-type doping, a clear link between N impurity and 3C polytype stability was demonstrated. Besides, high purity layers with residual n-type doping below 1x1017 cm-3 were achieved. For p-type doping, the best element was shown to be Al and not Ga, even if it has to be alloyed with Ge-Si melts to avoid homoepitaxial growth. Finally, these layers were characterised by several optical and electrical means like Raman spectroscopy, low temperature photoluminescence, deep leveltransient spectroscopy and MOS capacitors measurements. Very low concentrationsof fixed oxide charges estimated about 7×109 cm-2 and interface states densities Dit equal to 1.2×1010 cm-2eV-1at 0.63 eV below the conduction band have been achieved. These record values are a very good base toward 3C-SiC MOSFET

Potencial de sequestro de carbono no solo e dinâmica da matéria orgânica em pastagens degradadas no Brasil / Potential of soil carbon sequestration and organic matter dynamics in degraded pastures in Brazil

Oliveira, Daniele Costa de 08 March 2018 (has links)
As pastagens são o principal uso da terra no mundo, ocupando dois terços de sua área agricultável e três quartos da área agricultável do Brasil. Quando bem manejadas, as pastagens possuem alta capacidade de estocar C no solo, porém podem perder até 50% do C do solo quando em avançado estágio de degradação. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram quantificar o potencial de sequestro de C e avaliar a dinâmica da matéria orgânica no solo em locais de conversão de pastagens degradadas para bem manejadas no Brasil. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as alterações dos estoques de C no solo nas pastagens do Brasil através de uma meta-análise, bem como os fatores de manejo e as taxas de variações do estoque de C no solo em diferentes status de pastagens. Em sete cronossequências situadas em Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade (MT), Nova Xavantina (MT), Conquista D\'Oeste (MT), Dueré (TO), Carmolândia (TO) e Paraíso (TO), foram determinadas as alterações na quantidade e na qualidade da Matéria Orgânica do Solo (MOS). Foram determinados os estoques de C e N e as taxas de variação locais. A qualidade da MOS foi avaliada por meio de análise isotópica, fracionamento físico, Índice de Manejo do C (IMC), grau de humificação (HFIL) e teor de C na Biomassa Microbiana (C-BM). Através da meta-análise, estimou-se que no Brasil os solos sob pastagens degradadas apresentam redução dos estoques de C de 0,13 Mg ha-1 ano-1. As pastagens nominais foram capazes de aumentar o estoque de C no solo, enquanto as pastagens melhoradas nem sempre mantiveram os estoques semelhantes aos da vegetação nativa. A recuperação das pastagens promove acúmulo de C no solo na faixa de 0,40 Mg ha-1 ano-1. O cumprimento da meta de recuperação dos 30 milhões de hectares de pastagens resultará no acumúlo de 12 Tg ha-1 ano-1 de C. A degradação das pastagens nos estados do Mato Grosso e Tocantins reduziu os estoques de C no solo numa faixa de -0,06 Mg ha-1 ano-1, enquanto a recuperação das mesmas proporcionou aumento de 0,12 Mg ha-1 ano-1. Nas pastagens avaliadas, cerca de 54% do C é originado das gramíneas cultivadas. A fração orgânica foi a mais sensível às Mudanças de Uso da Terra (MUT), promovendo diminuição dos estoques de C nessa fração. A implantação de pastagens tem impacto negativo na qualidade da MOS, com diminuição do IMC de até 70%. Contudo, se bem manejadas, o IMC das pastagens pode ser superior ao da vegetação nativa, como acontece quando a pastagem é consorciada com Pueraria spp. O C-BM e o grau de humificação não foram alterados após a implantação ou a recuperação das pastagens, não sendo bons indicadores de qualidade da MOS. As alterações dos estoques de C nas frações da MOS e o IMC foram os indicadores mais eficientes de alterações da qualidade da MOS em pastagens. As recuperação de pastagens degradadas promove aumento no estoque de C no solo e melhoria da qualidade da MOS. / Pastures are the main land use in the world, occupying two-thirds of the world\'s arable land and three quarters of agricultural areas of Brazil. When well-managed, pastures have a high capacity to store SOC, but they may lose up to 50 % of stock SOC when in an advanced stage of degradation. The objective of this work was to quantify the potential of carbon sequestration and to evaluate soil organic matter dynamics in the conversion of degraded pastures to well-managed in Brazil. We evaluated changes in stocks SOC in pastures in Brazil through a meta-analysis, determining the management factors and the rates of stocks SOC changes in different pasture status. In seven cronossequences located in Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade (MT), Nova Xavantina (MT), Conquista D\'Oeste (MT), Dueré (TO), Carmolândia (TO) and Paraíso (TO) were determined the changes in the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM). C and N stocks and rates of local variations were determined. The quality of the SOM was evaluated through isotopic analysis, physical fractionation, C management index (CMI), degree of humification (HFIL) and C content in microbial biomass (MB-C). Through the meta-analysis it was estimated that in Brazil degraded pastures present a reduction of stocks SOC of 0.13 Mg ha-1 year -1. Nominal pastures were able to increase stock SOC, while improved pastures did not always maintain stocks similar to native vegetation. The recovery of pastures promotes the accumulation of C in the soil at the rate of 0.40 Mg ha-1 year -1. Meeting the recovery goal of 30 million ha of pasture will result in the accumulation of 12 Tg C ha-1year -1. The degradation of pastures in the states of Mato Grosso and Tocantins reduces C stocks in the soil at a rate of 0.06 Mg C ha-1 year-1. While the recovery of degraded pastures has the potential to increase C stocks in the soil with rate of 0.12 Mg C ha-1 year-1. In the pastures evaluated, about 54% of the C originates from the cultivated grasses. The organic fraction was the most sensitive to LUC, promoting the decrease of C stocks in this fraction. Pasture implantation has a negative impact on SOM quality, with a reduction in the CMI of up to 70%; however, if managed well, the CMI of pastures may be higher than that of native vegetation. The MB-C and degree of humification were not altered after the implantation or the recovery of the pastures. Changes in C stocks in SOM fractions and CMI were the most efficient indicators of changes in SOM quality in pastures. The recovery of degraded pastures promotes an increase in C stock in the soil and an improvement in the quality of the MOS.

Caracterização elétrica de capacitores obtidos através de tecnologia ultra-submicrométrica. / Electrical characterization of capacitors obtained through extreme-submicrometer technology.

Rodrigues, Michele 23 June 2006 (has links)
Apresentamos neste trabalho um estudo do efeito da depleção do silício policristalino e da corrente de tunelamento em dispositivos com óxidos de porta finos. Utilizamos curvas características da capacitância em função da tensão de porta (C-V), para analisar a degradação causada por estes efeitos.Quanto ao efeito da depleção do silício policristalino a capacitância total na região de inversão apresenta uma redução conforme a concentração de dopantes do silício policristalino diminui. Este efeito foi observado em curvas C-V tanto de alta como de baixa freqüência, sendo esta última mais afetada. A corrente de tunelamento através do óxido de porta apresentou uma influência na largura da região de depleção no silício, que aumentou devido ao tunelamento de portadores do substrato. Como resultado, uma diminuição na capacitância do silício foi observada, fazendo a curva C-V diminuir na região de inversão. Quando considerado o efeito de depleção no silício policristalino junto com o efeito do tunelamento, observou-se que na região da porta houve um excesso de portadores, causando uma diminuição na região de depleção do silício policristalino. Neste caso a curva C-V sofreu uma maior redução, tornando-se difícil separar os dois efeitos. A curva C-V de baixa freqüência foi a mais atingida, pois como os portadores tem tempo de resposta, pode-se observar a influência da corrente de tunelamento nas cargas de inversão. Apresentamos ainda um novo método para a determinação da concentração de dopantes no substrato e no silício policristalino, através de curvas C-V de alta freqüência. Simulações numéricas bidimensionais e medidas experimentais foram utilizadas para validação do método. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o método proposto apresenta um grande potencial, tendo como principal vantagem a simplicidade de aplicação. / In this work we present the study of polysilicon depletion and the gate tunneling current effects in thin-gate oxide devices. Characteristic curves of capacitance as a function of the gate voltage (C-V) were used to analyze the degradation caused for these effects. Regarding the poly depletion effect, a reduction of the total capacitance in the inversion region was verified as the polysilicon doping concentration decreases. This effect was observed in C-V curves in high and low frequency, being the last one more affected. The gate tunneling current presented an influence on the width of the depletion silicon region, which increased due to the carriers tunneling from the substrate. As a result, a reduction in the silicon capacitance was observed, causing the C-V curve reduction in the inversion region. When the polysilicon depletion effect is considered together with the tunneling effect, it was observed that there is a carriers excess in the gate region, causing a reduction of the polysilicon depletion region width. In this case, the C-V curve suffered a larger reduction, making difficult to separate both effects. The most affected characteristic was the C-V curve at low frequency, due to existence of the carrier response time that allows observing the influence of the tunneling current in inversion charges. A new method for the determination of the doping concentration of substrate and polysilicon was also presented, through C-V curves at high frequency. Two-dimensional simulations and experimental measurements were used to validate the method. The obtained results indicate that the propose method present a higher potential, having as principal advantage the simplicity of application.

La valeur politique du mos maiorum au Ier siècle avant J.-C. / The political value of mos maiorum in the Ist century B.C.

Iacoboni, Anna 19 December 2017 (has links)
Le mos maiorum est fondé sur la mémoire et a une nature orale. Le droit Quiritaire était essentiellement fondé sur les mores. Ceux-ci règlent les vies des familiae et des gentes patriciennes. Jusqu’à la rédaction des Douze Tables, le droit était oral et la connaissance et l’interprétation du droit étaient les prérogatives des pontifes. La nature orale de la tradition rend possible sa manipulation politique de la part des patriciens et, dans un deuxième temps, de la noblesse patricio-plébéienne. Ensuite, nous éclairons le passage du droit pontifical à la iurisprudentia laïque qui apparaît vers le IIIe siècle. Nous étudions aussi l’évolution des rapports entre l’auctoritas de la classe dirigeante et la revendication d’équité dans le domaine juridique adressée par le peuple. Nous mettons en lumière la crise de la tradition à l’époque tardo-républicaine. L’appel au mos maiorum par Cicéron et Salluste s’inscrit dans le projet de mettre en œuvre un renouvellement politique de la res publica sur un fondement moral. Le mos maiorum est évoqué dans l’espoir de revenir à la res publica des maiores. Toutefois, à cette époque, l’État s’est effondré et les citoyens ne sont pas à la hauteur de leurs ancêtres. Aussi bien Cicéron que Salluste sont conscients que la tradition ne peut pas constituer un modèle à leur époque. En effet, cette dernière a profondément changé au fil du temps. D’ailleurs, l’évocation du mos maiorum, est mise place aussi bien par les optimates que par les populares dans des buts politiques opposés. La tendance à l’individualisme répandue dans la société tardo-républicaine est la cause de l’effondrement de la res publica. / Mos maiorum is based on memory and it has an oral nature. The Quiritary Law was primarily based on mores. They regulated the the way of living both of familiae and patrician gentes. Prior to the writing of Twelve Tables, the law was oral and the knowledge as well as the interpretation of the law were the prerogatives of the pontiffs. The oral nature of the tradition makes it possible for the patricians and, then, for the patrician-plebeian nobility to provoke its political manipulation. Thereafter, we will enlighten the transition from the Pontifical Law to secular iurisprudentia, which appears approximately at the 3rd century BC. We will also clarify the evolution of relations between the auctoritas of the ruling class and the claim for equity in the legal area appealed by the people. We will shed light on the crisis of tradition in the late republican era. The calling to the mos maiorum by Cicero and Sallust is a part of the project to implement a political renewal of the res publica on a moral basis. Mos maiorum is mentioned in the hope of returning to the res publica of maiores. However, at that time, the state collapses and citizens are not equal to their ancestors. Both Cicero and Sallust are aware that tradition can not be a model in their time. Indeed, the latter has changed profoundly over time. Moreover, the evocation of the mos maiorum is put both by the optimates and by the populares for opposite political purposes. A tendency to widespread individualism in the late-republican society is the cause of the collapse of the res publica.

Caracterização elétrica de capacitores obtidos através de tecnologia ultra-submicrométrica. / Electrical characterization of capacitors obtained through extreme-submicrometer technology.

Michele Rodrigues 23 June 2006 (has links)
Apresentamos neste trabalho um estudo do efeito da depleção do silício policristalino e da corrente de tunelamento em dispositivos com óxidos de porta finos. Utilizamos curvas características da capacitância em função da tensão de porta (C-V), para analisar a degradação causada por estes efeitos.Quanto ao efeito da depleção do silício policristalino a capacitância total na região de inversão apresenta uma redução conforme a concentração de dopantes do silício policristalino diminui. Este efeito foi observado em curvas C-V tanto de alta como de baixa freqüência, sendo esta última mais afetada. A corrente de tunelamento através do óxido de porta apresentou uma influência na largura da região de depleção no silício, que aumentou devido ao tunelamento de portadores do substrato. Como resultado, uma diminuição na capacitância do silício foi observada, fazendo a curva C-V diminuir na região de inversão. Quando considerado o efeito de depleção no silício policristalino junto com o efeito do tunelamento, observou-se que na região da porta houve um excesso de portadores, causando uma diminuição na região de depleção do silício policristalino. Neste caso a curva C-V sofreu uma maior redução, tornando-se difícil separar os dois efeitos. A curva C-V de baixa freqüência foi a mais atingida, pois como os portadores tem tempo de resposta, pode-se observar a influência da corrente de tunelamento nas cargas de inversão. Apresentamos ainda um novo método para a determinação da concentração de dopantes no substrato e no silício policristalino, através de curvas C-V de alta freqüência. Simulações numéricas bidimensionais e medidas experimentais foram utilizadas para validação do método. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o método proposto apresenta um grande potencial, tendo como principal vantagem a simplicidade de aplicação. / In this work we present the study of polysilicon depletion and the gate tunneling current effects in thin-gate oxide devices. Characteristic curves of capacitance as a function of the gate voltage (C-V) were used to analyze the degradation caused for these effects. Regarding the poly depletion effect, a reduction of the total capacitance in the inversion region was verified as the polysilicon doping concentration decreases. This effect was observed in C-V curves in high and low frequency, being the last one more affected. The gate tunneling current presented an influence on the width of the depletion silicon region, which increased due to the carriers tunneling from the substrate. As a result, a reduction in the silicon capacitance was observed, causing the C-V curve reduction in the inversion region. When the polysilicon depletion effect is considered together with the tunneling effect, it was observed that there is a carriers excess in the gate region, causing a reduction of the polysilicon depletion region width. In this case, the C-V curve suffered a larger reduction, making difficult to separate both effects. The most affected characteristic was the C-V curve at low frequency, due to existence of the carrier response time that allows observing the influence of the tunneling current in inversion charges. A new method for the determination of the doping concentration of substrate and polysilicon was also presented, through C-V curves at high frequency. Two-dimensional simulations and experimental measurements were used to validate the method. The obtained results indicate that the propose method present a higher potential, having as principal advantage the simplicity of application.

Investigação de defeitos e de métodos passivadores da região interfacial SiO2/SiC / Investigation of defects and passivation methods for the SiO2/SiC interfacial region

Pitthan Filho, Eduardo January 2017 (has links)
O carbeto de silício (SiC) é um semicondutor com propriedades adequadas para substituir o silício em dispositivos eletrônicos em aplicações que exijam alta potência, alta frequência e/ou alta temperatura. Além disso, é possível crescer termicamente um filme de dióxido de silício (SiO2) sobre o SiC de maneira análoga ao silício. Porém, esses filmes apresentam maior densidade de defeitos eletricamente ativos na região interfacial SiO2/SiC que no caso do SiO2/Si, o que limita a qualidade dos dispositivos formados. Assim, compreender a origem da degradação elétrica e desenvolver métodos para passivar os defeitos na região interfacial SiO2/SiC são importantes passos para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia do SiC. Buscando uma melhor compreensão da natureza dos defeitos presentes na região interfacial SiO2/SiC, a interação de estruturas SiO2/SiC com vapor d’água enriquecido isotopicamente (D2 18O) e a interação com monóxido de carbono (CO), um dos subprodutos da oxidação térmica do SiC, foram investigadas. Observou-se que a interação com CO gera cargas positivas na estrutura e que a incorporação de deutério proveniente da água é fortemente dependente da rota de formação do filme de SiO2. Sabendo que a incorporação de nitrogênio e de fósforo na região interfacial SiO2/SiC são eficientes métodos para reduzir o número de defeitos eletricamente ativos nessa região, investigou-se a incorporação de nitrogênio em estruturas de SiC através de tratamentos térmicos em amônia enriquecida isotopicamente (15NH3) e desenvolveu-se um novo método de incorporação de fósforo, fazendo sua deposição por pulverização catódica (sputtering) Os métodos de incorporação propostos resultaram em maiores quantidades de nitrogênio e de fósforo na região interfacial SiO2/SiC do que os encontrados na literatura, tornando-os promissores candidatos na passivação elétrica do SiC. Além da caracterização físico-química utilizando diferentes técnicas, também foi feita a caracterização elétrica de capacitores Metal-Óxido-Semicondutor (MOS) testando filmes de SiO2 obtidos por sputtering ou por crescimento térmico. Adicionalmente, desenvolveu-se uma rota de síntese de padrões de 18O mais estáveis ao longo do tempo para serem utilizados em análises por reação nuclear. Também foi proposta uma metodologia de quantificação de fósforo via análise por reação nuclear. Dos resultados obtidos neste doutorado, uma melhor compreensão da natureza e da origem dos defeitos presentes na região interfacial SiO2/SiC foi alcançada. Também obteve-se uma melhor compreensão de como os elementos passivadores nitrogênio e fósforo interagem nessa região. / Silicon carbide (SiC) is a semiconductor with adequate properties to substitute silicon in electronic devices in applications that require high power, high frequency, and/or high temperature. Besides, a silicon dioxide (SiO2) film can be thermally grown on SiC in a similar way to that on Si. However, these films present higher density of electrical defects in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region when compared to the SiO2/Si interface, which limits the quality of the fabricated devices. Thus, it is important to understand the origin of the electrical degradation and to develop methods to passivate the defects in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region in order to develop the SiC technology. Aiming at a better understanding of the nature of defects at the SiO2/SiC interfacial region, the interaction of SiO2/SiC structures with water vapor isotopically enriched (D2 18O) and the interaction with carbon monoxide (CO), one of the SiC thermal oxidation by-products, were investigated. It was observed that the interaction with CO generates positive charges in the structure and that the deuterium incorporation from the water vapor is strongly dependent on the formation route of the SiO2 film. Knowing that nitrogen and phosphorous incorporation in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region are efficient methods to reduce the number of electrical defects in this region, the nitrogen incorporation in SiC structures by isotopically enriched ammonia (15NH3) annealings was investigated and a new method to incorporate phosphorous, by sputtering deposition was developed The proposed incorporation methods resulted in higher amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous then those found in literature, making them promising candidates to the electrical passivation of SiC. Besides the physico-chemical characterization using different techniques, the electrical characterization of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) capacitors was also performed, testing SiO2 films obtained by sputtering deposition or thermally grown. Additionally, a route to synthesize 18O standards for nuclear reaction analyses that are more stable over time was developed. Besides, a methodology to quantify phosphorous by nuclear reaction analysis was proposed. From the results obtained in this PhD thesis, a better understanding of the nature and the origin of defects present in the SiO2/SiC interfacial region was obtained, as well as a better understanding on how the passivating elements nitrogen and phosphorous interact in this region.

Potencial de sequestro de carbono no solo e dinâmica da matéria orgânica em pastagens degradadas no Brasil / Potential of soil carbon sequestration and organic matter dynamics in degraded pastures in Brazil

Daniele Costa de Oliveira 08 March 2018 (has links)
As pastagens são o principal uso da terra no mundo, ocupando dois terços de sua área agricultável e três quartos da área agricultável do Brasil. Quando bem manejadas, as pastagens possuem alta capacidade de estocar C no solo, porém podem perder até 50% do C do solo quando em avançado estágio de degradação. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram quantificar o potencial de sequestro de C e avaliar a dinâmica da matéria orgânica no solo em locais de conversão de pastagens degradadas para bem manejadas no Brasil. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as alterações dos estoques de C no solo nas pastagens do Brasil através de uma meta-análise, bem como os fatores de manejo e as taxas de variações do estoque de C no solo em diferentes status de pastagens. Em sete cronossequências situadas em Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade (MT), Nova Xavantina (MT), Conquista D\'Oeste (MT), Dueré (TO), Carmolândia (TO) e Paraíso (TO), foram determinadas as alterações na quantidade e na qualidade da Matéria Orgânica do Solo (MOS). Foram determinados os estoques de C e N e as taxas de variação locais. A qualidade da MOS foi avaliada por meio de análise isotópica, fracionamento físico, Índice de Manejo do C (IMC), grau de humificação (HFIL) e teor de C na Biomassa Microbiana (C-BM). Através da meta-análise, estimou-se que no Brasil os solos sob pastagens degradadas apresentam redução dos estoques de C de 0,13 Mg ha-1 ano-1. As pastagens nominais foram capazes de aumentar o estoque de C no solo, enquanto as pastagens melhoradas nem sempre mantiveram os estoques semelhantes aos da vegetação nativa. A recuperação das pastagens promove acúmulo de C no solo na faixa de 0,40 Mg ha-1 ano-1. O cumprimento da meta de recuperação dos 30 milhões de hectares de pastagens resultará no acumúlo de 12 Tg ha-1 ano-1 de C. A degradação das pastagens nos estados do Mato Grosso e Tocantins reduziu os estoques de C no solo numa faixa de -0,06 Mg ha-1 ano-1, enquanto a recuperação das mesmas proporcionou aumento de 0,12 Mg ha-1 ano-1. Nas pastagens avaliadas, cerca de 54% do C é originado das gramíneas cultivadas. A fração orgânica foi a mais sensível às Mudanças de Uso da Terra (MUT), promovendo diminuição dos estoques de C nessa fração. A implantação de pastagens tem impacto negativo na qualidade da MOS, com diminuição do IMC de até 70%. Contudo, se bem manejadas, o IMC das pastagens pode ser superior ao da vegetação nativa, como acontece quando a pastagem é consorciada com Pueraria spp. O C-BM e o grau de humificação não foram alterados após a implantação ou a recuperação das pastagens, não sendo bons indicadores de qualidade da MOS. As alterações dos estoques de C nas frações da MOS e o IMC foram os indicadores mais eficientes de alterações da qualidade da MOS em pastagens. As recuperação de pastagens degradadas promove aumento no estoque de C no solo e melhoria da qualidade da MOS. / Pastures are the main land use in the world, occupying two-thirds of the world\'s arable land and three quarters of agricultural areas of Brazil. When well-managed, pastures have a high capacity to store SOC, but they may lose up to 50 % of stock SOC when in an advanced stage of degradation. The objective of this work was to quantify the potential of carbon sequestration and to evaluate soil organic matter dynamics in the conversion of degraded pastures to well-managed in Brazil. We evaluated changes in stocks SOC in pastures in Brazil through a meta-analysis, determining the management factors and the rates of stocks SOC changes in different pasture status. In seven cronossequences located in Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade (MT), Nova Xavantina (MT), Conquista D\'Oeste (MT), Dueré (TO), Carmolândia (TO) and Paraíso (TO) were determined the changes in the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM). C and N stocks and rates of local variations were determined. The quality of the SOM was evaluated through isotopic analysis, physical fractionation, C management index (CMI), degree of humification (HFIL) and C content in microbial biomass (MB-C). Through the meta-analysis it was estimated that in Brazil degraded pastures present a reduction of stocks SOC of 0.13 Mg ha-1 year -1. Nominal pastures were able to increase stock SOC, while improved pastures did not always maintain stocks similar to native vegetation. The recovery of pastures promotes the accumulation of C in the soil at the rate of 0.40 Mg ha-1 year -1. Meeting the recovery goal of 30 million ha of pasture will result in the accumulation of 12 Tg C ha-1year -1. The degradation of pastures in the states of Mato Grosso and Tocantins reduces C stocks in the soil at a rate of 0.06 Mg C ha-1 year-1. While the recovery of degraded pastures has the potential to increase C stocks in the soil with rate of 0.12 Mg C ha-1 year-1. In the pastures evaluated, about 54% of the C originates from the cultivated grasses. The organic fraction was the most sensitive to LUC, promoting the decrease of C stocks in this fraction. Pasture implantation has a negative impact on SOM quality, with a reduction in the CMI of up to 70%; however, if managed well, the CMI of pastures may be higher than that of native vegetation. The MB-C and degree of humification were not altered after the implantation or the recovery of the pastures. Changes in C stocks in SOM fractions and CMI were the most efficient indicators of changes in SOM quality in pastures. The recovery of degraded pastures promotes an increase in C stock in the soil and an improvement in the quality of the MOS.

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