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Motyvacijos įtaka ergoterapijoje pacientų savarankiškumui / Influence of motivation of occupational therapy upon patients’ independenceJančauskaitė, Dainora 19 June 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti motyvacijos įtaką ligonių savarankiškumui. Tyrimo uždaviniai: įvertinti pacientų motyvaciją ir savarankiškumą prieš taikant ergoterapiją; įvertinti motyvacijos ir savarankiškumo pokytį taikant ergoterapiją; nustatyti pacientų motyvacijos ir savaranki��kumo ryšį.
Tyrimas buvo atliktas VĮ Šiaulių apskrities ligoninėje fizinės medicinos ir reabilitacijos skyriuje 2008m. Tyrime dalyvavo 30 pacientų: 20 moterų (67 proc.) ir 10 vyrų (33 proc.). Visi pacientai buvo suskirstyti į amžiaus grupes: iki 44 metų (23 proc.), 45–59 metų (50 proc.) ir 60-74 metų amžiaus (27 proc.). Pagal susirgimo pobūdį išskirti judamojo-atramos aparato pažeidimai (57 proc.) ir nervų sistemos ligos (43 proc.).
Tyrimui buvo atrinkti pacientai, kuriems buvo taikyta ambulatorinė reabilitacija. Pirminis pacientų vertinimas buvo atliekamas pirmą dieną jiems atvykus į ergoterapijos procedūras. Ambulatorinės reabilitacijos pabaigoje buvo atliekamas pakartotinis pacientų vertinimas. Įvertinti pacientų motyvaciją buvo naudoti du klausimynai. Pasveikimo padėties valdymo klausimynas (PPVK) atspindi paciento motyvaciją. Platus sveikatos padėties kontroliavimo klausimynas (PSPKK) buvo taikytas vidinės motyvacijos vertinimui. Paciento funkcinė būklė buvo vertinama panaudojant funkcinio nepriklausomumą testą (FNT). Ergoterapijos taikymo kryptys buvo apsitarnavimo mokymas ir motyvacijos veiklai skatinimas.
Ambulatorinės reabilitacijos pradžioje pacientams vyravo nežymūs veiklos sutrikimai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this work – to evaluate the influence of motivation upon patients‘ independence. The task: to evaluate patients‘motivation and independence before applying occupational therapy; to evaluate the change of motivation and independence while applying occupational therapy; to determine the relation of patients‘motivation and independence.
The research has been carried out in VĮ Šiauliai country hospital in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation in 2008. 30 patients participated in the research: 20 women (67%) and 10 men (33%). All patients have been divided into age groups: up to 44 years (23%), 45-59 years (50%) and 60-74 years (27%). According to the character of contraction of a disease, the lesions of movable-support apparatus (57%) and disease of nervous system (43%) have been distinguished.
Patients to whom out-patient rehabilitation had been applied were selected for the research. The primary patients’ evaluation was performed during the first day after their arrival to the procedures of occupational therapy. At the end of out-patient rehabilitation the second patients’ evaluation has been carried out. Two questionnaires were used to evaluate patients’ motivation. Recovery Locus of Control (RLC) reflects patients’ motivation. Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) scale was applied to evaluate the internal motivation. Patients‘ functional condition was evaluated using a Functional Independence Measure (FIM). The way of application of... [to full text]
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Netradicinė pamoka, kaip prielaida, skatinanti mokinių vizualinės raiškos mokymosi motyvaciją / Unconventional lesson as an assumption that motivates pupils’ visual expression learning motivationGrigaitytė, Odeta 24 September 2008 (has links)
Temos aktualumas – Mokytojai susiduria su mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos stoka, tad vis dažniau bandoma ieškoti naujų mokymo organizavimo formų: išbandomos pamokos netradicinėje erdvėje, naujos priemonės, organizuojamos netradicinės pamokos savo turiniu, metodais.
Temos problema – Darbe bandoma aiškintis kaip skatinti motyvaciją mokytis. Šio tyrimo problema yra kaip skatintų mokinių vizualinės raiškos motyvaciją netradicinės pamokos.
Tyrimo tikslas – Išsiaiškinti ar netradicinės pamokos skatintų mokinių vizualinės raiškos mokymosi motyvaciją.
Tyrimo objektas – Mokinių mokymosi motyvacija ir jos kėlimas netradicinėmis pamokomis.
Tyrimo hipotezė – Netradicinės pamokos kelia mokinių vizualinės raiškos mokymosi motyvaciją.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
4. Išnagrinėti literatūrą nagrinėjamu klausimu.
5. Išsiaiškinti mokinių ir mokytojų požiūrį į netradicines pamokas.
6. Ištirti, kaip mokytojų nuomone, netradicinės pamokos veikia mokinių mokymosi motyvaciją.
Tyrimo imtis. Tyrimas atliktas V, VI, VIII, X ir XII klasėse anketomis apklausiant 155 mokinius ir 43 mokytojus iš skirtingų Vilniaus mokyklų. Anketomis siekta išsiaiškinti, kaip mokiniai įsivaizduoja pamokas, kurios juos nuteiktų dirbti ir skatintų labiau domėtis pamokomis, kaip mokytojai įsivaizduoja mokymosi motyvacijos skatinimą pamokų metu.
Tyrimo metodai:
2. Mokslinės literatūros analizė.
3. Mokinių ir mokytojų anketinė apklausa.
4. Atlikto tyrimo matematinė analizė.
1. Netradicinės pamokos skatina aktyvų įsitraukimą į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topicality of the theme. Teachers face lack of pupils’ learning motivation often, thus teachers increasingly often look for new teaching organisation forms; they try to take lessons in untraditional spaces, try using new teaching means and organise lessons of unconventional content and using unconventional methods.
The problem of the theme. The greatest attention has so far been paid to what is taught during art lessons and how composition skills are developed. The paper tries to analyze ways to induce teaching motivation. The problem of this research is how unconventional lessons would encourage pupils’ visual expression motivation.
The aim of the research. To ascertain whether unconventional lessons would encourage pupils’ visual expressions learning motivation.
The object of the research. Pupils’ motivation and its inducement during unconventional lessons.
Hypothesis of the research. Unconventional lessons encourage pupils’ learning motivation.
The objectives of the research:
1. To discuss and analyse literature according to the issue stated above.
2. To ascertain pupils’ and teachers’ point of view to unconventional lessons.
3. To discuss ways, according to teachers’ opinion, on the influence of unconventional lessons on pupils’ learning motivation.
Scope of the research. The research was carried out while surveying 155 pupils of 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 forms and 43 teachers from different schools in Vilnius. The questionnaires show how pupils imagine lessons that... [to full text]
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Motyvacinių faktorių įtaka personalo kaitai UAB „Drogas“ / The job motivation factors influence over the fluctuation to manpower of UAB „Drogas“Žakaitienė, Romualda 26 September 2008 (has links)
Norėdami išvengti nuolatinės darbuotojų kaitos, įmonių vadovai privalo išsiaiškinti, kokie motyvaciniai faktoriai labiausiai skatina darbuotojus palikti organizaciją. Tyrimo metu, įvertinus motyvacinių faktorių grupių pagrindinius trūkumus ir atlikus darbuotojų kaitą skatinančių motyvacinių faktorių analizę UAB „Drogas“, nustatyta, jog svarbiausios įmonės darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos problemos yra nepakankamas gaunamo darbo užmokesčio lygis, galimybė kelti kvalifikaciją, nepakankamas papildomos skatinimo sistemos buvimas įmonėje ir nepatenkinami santykiai su vadovybe. Siekiant išspręsti šias darbuotojų skatinimo problemas įmonės vadovybė turi pasirinkti optimaliausius įmonės darbuotojų valdymo metodus, atsižvelgiant į darbuotojų materialinius ir moralinius poreikius bei individualias jų savybes. / The main purpose of managers to avoid of constantly infuence over the fluctuation to manpower is to find out what the main motivation factors has influence on the employees decision to leave the organization. During the research, upon evaluation of main weakness of groups of motivation factors and upon accomplishment of analysis of factors infuence over the fluctuation to manpower of UAB „Drogas“, it was determined that the main problems of the system of employees motivation are insufficient level of available wages, insufficient possibilities to raise qualification, insufficient additional motivation system in the enterprise and not satisfied relations with management of the enterprise. In order to solve the problems of stimulation of employees, the management of the enterprise has to choose the most optimal methods of management of employees, considering material and moral needs of the employees and individual their characteristics.
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UAB ”AFFINITAS” darbuotojų motyvavimas: identifikavimas ir tobulinimas / JSC “AFFINITAS” employee motivation: identification and improvementJasiūnienė, Jolanta 29 September 2008 (has links)
Teorinėje šio darbo dalyje plačiai apžvelgiama darbuotojų motyvacijos teorijos istorinė raida, nagrinėjami įvairūs šaltiniai pradedant nuo ankstyvųjų motyvacijos teorijos ištakų iki šių dienų ir jų įtaka šiuolaikiniam mąstymui. Įvairių šalių mokslininkų ir praktikų darbuose iki šiol ieškoma būdų, kaip pilnai panaudoti darbuotojų intelektinį potencialą ir padidinti darbo našumą, kaip vieną svarbiausių pelningo verslo sąlygų. Praktinėje šio darbo dalyje yra nagrinėjama mažos Lietuvos įmonės – uždarosios akcinės bendrovės „AFFINITAS“ motyvacinė sistema. Testavimo, pokalbių su darbuotojais ir vadovu, stebėjimo būdu, bandoma išsiaiškinti, kaip bendrovėje patenkinami darbuotojų motyvacijos poreikiai, analizuojami vadovo santykiai su pavaldiniais ir vadovavimo stilius. Pagrindiniai šio darbo tikslai buvo nustatyti, kokia yra skatinimo priemonių sistema ir ieškoma būdu jai tobulinti. / There is overviewed historical development of employee motivation theory according to the various sources, starting from the early motivation theory sources till the nowadays, also early sources influence to nowadays thinking is analyzed in the theoretical part of this work. Scientists from different countries are seeking for the ways how to fully use employees’ intellectual potential and increase labour productivity, as it is proven to be one of the most important conditions of the profitable business. The employee motivation system in small Lithuanian enterprise “AFFINITAS” is analyzed in the practical part of the work. I tried to determine the level of employees’ motivational needs satisfaction, analyzed the relationships between the manager and employees, leadership style by testing, conversations with manager and employees, observation. All in all, the main goals of this work were to determine the means of motivation system and try to find the ways to improve it.
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Studijuojančių socioedukacinio darbo specialybes profesinio pasirinkimo motyvacija ir jos vystymosi edukacinės prielaidos / Professional motivation of the studying social-educational work specialties and educational preconditions of its developmentUrbonienė, Aistė 26 July 2005 (has links)
The research aim is to theoretically and empirically ground educational preconditions of professional motivation.
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Muzikos mokyklos mokinių koncertinė veikla - mokymosi groti instrumentu motyvacijos stiprinimo veiksnys / The students' musical perfomance is a stimulus generating motivation to play a music instrumentStanionienė, Giedrė 12 June 2006 (has links)
In order to achieve entire impact on personal culture, artistic education has to be based on anthropocentric orientation process self–realization. The process, stimulating a person’s activity and determining its aspect, is closely related to motivation. Musical performance may become a factor that generates the necessary motivation, if everyone who learns to play a musical instrument would interrelate the playing in concerts with self–realization. That is the problem from the educational point of view.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of musical performance on learning to play a musical instrument.
The object of the study was the motivation of the students of 4–6 grades from music schools. They play different instruments and participate in concerts.
Methods. The research for this study was conducted with the help of a questionnaire specially prepared for this research. 178 students of 4-6 grades from the music schools from Marijampole, Kaisiadorys and Raseinai participated in the study. They all learn to play different musical instruments. The questionnaire tested how the musical performance influences motivation, the students’ attitude towards participation in concerts, the factors determining their attitudes.
Results. The results of the study showed that theoretically valid and empirically tested stimulus of playing in concerts with the chosen musical instrument influences the motivation of learning. The author of this study has produced a set of... [to full text]
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Stojimo į magistrantūrą motyvacijos ypatumai / Pecularities of motivation to enter postgraduate studiesDubosas, Mindaugas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The main aim of higher education goal is well educated society and personalities with capacious mind and orientation to knowledge and cultural values. The alterations of ourdays society determinate rethinking of education conception and therefore reform of system of higher education. The dynamic development of information technologies changing the usual lifestyle is intensively creating new opportunities for life long learning and for person to learn at any stage of his age in any geographical place. The goal of this final master thesis is to analyse the motivation of postgraduate studies. During data collecting period the applicants for master studies (n=227) from Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Kaunas University of Technology and Klaipeda University were interviewed. According this study respondents prefer the university which awarded bachelor’s degree for master studies to another university. Studies in master programs are motivated mainly by prospect of future job and improving professional skills.
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Mokymosi magistrantūroje motyvacijos ypatumai / Peculiarities of learning motivation of students in master coursesMeškauskienė, Dovilė 20 May 2005 (has links)
Learning motivation should be analysed as complex structure of personality, containing cognitive attitudes, needs, interests and motives. Any effective pedagogical correction is possible if focus is made only on the main (at that moment) structural element of learning motivation. Every student would be motivated for high-level studies if the university creates correspondent conditions of learning environment. Object of this study is learning motivation of the first year students of Master courses in the universities of Kaunas. Task of study is to analyse prevailing and dominant learning motives of students (n=142). After investigating peculiarities of learning motivation of studies of the first year Master students two main motives (future and intrinsic/ cognitive and social) were identified. Our respondents named such factors which determinate their successful studies – study tasks corresponding to interests and predispositions, stuff’s permanent stimulation for student to have in contemplation their own learning motivation Key words: learning motivation, master studies.
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Jaunimo mokyklų mokinių pilietiškumas / Civic Achievement of Youth shool studentsPetrikienė, Diana 08 June 2005 (has links)
The research done by master degree studies student Diana Petrikiene is based on the main concepts and understandings of National as well as International developments of citizenship education. In the first part of the thesis author presents the short history of Civic Education in Lithuania based on the research work of M. Luksiene (1985) and presented in the articles of I. Zaleskienė (2000). It is shown that Civic education did play a strong role during the historical developments of Lithuanian educational system.
The post sovietic educational developments are reflecting on these experiences and on the international ideas coming from democratic states. The first ideas of rebuilding Civic education was developed already in 1988 when the educational reform did start. In the contemporary rapid political transition, civic education is framed within a more progressive forward - looking vision accompanying processes of social and political change.
Implementation of citizenship education is foreseen in the national documents (Core-Curriculum and Standards, 2004). Main goals of the citizenship education can be structured and achieved according following areas or the ways on which Citizenship education is organised in Lithuania.
1. Through formal curriculum:
a) citizenship education is taught as a cross-curriculum. It means that Civic ideas, concepts, topics are integrated in the new developed curricular, textbooks, teaching and learning materials for whole variety of subjects... [to full text]
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Pedagogų mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai / The diversity of pedagogical teachers learningRainytė, Džiuljeta 15 June 2005 (has links)
Pedagogues are the basic supplies that help to reach good resulte in educational system. The guality of teaching usually judged by that how effectively pedagogues give educational services. There is a direct connection between pedagogue’s competence and educational services – the higher level of competence is the better guality of service is reached. The educational system should be coustantly changing and improving as economic, social, technological and low conditions are also changing all the time. It is necessary for our teacher to learn how to work in new conditions. Therefore it is important both to teach and to learn. This research work was done with the aim to investigate the peculiarities of pedagogues’s learning motivation, to reveal it’s main short comings, inner and outer problems and also to suggest possible solutions. The final work consists of 3 parts: the first part includes learning motivation conception examined in different the oretical aspects. The second part presents the analysis of pedagogues’ motivation as the factor of constant learning. The third part shows the results of the research and their exhaustive analysis. The received data has shown that unfavourable learning conditions, expectations which haven’t come true don’t encourage pedagogues to learn but having eliminated the established shortcomings pedagogues’ motivation will improve.
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