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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Age-Dependent Arthropathy in a Circadian Mutant Mouse Model: A Dissertation

Yu, Elizabeth A. 09 June 2011 (has links)
Ectopic calcification can cause pain and limit mobility. Studies suggest that circadian genes may play a role in the calcification process. Core circadian genes Clock, Npas2, and Bmal1 are transcription factors that form CLOCK:BMAL1 or NPAS2:BMAL1 transactivator complexes that drive the rhythmic expression of circadian oscillator genes and output genes. Circadian oscillator genes Period1-3 and Cryptochrome1-2 encode proteins that form transcription repressor complexes that feedback to inhibit CLOCK/NPAS2:BMAL1 activity, thus completing the feedback loop that is the basis of the molecular circadian clockwork. Arrhythmic Bmal1-/- mice exhibit site-specific, age-dependent arthropathy. While studying the circadian phenotype of Clock-/-;Npas2m/m double mutant mice, we discovered that these double mutant mice develop site-specific arthropathy similar to the arthropathy described in Bmal1-/- mice. Based on the circadian clockwork mechanism, we hypothesized that CLOCK/NPAS2:BMAL1 transactivator complexes drive the expression of a gene (or genes) that prevents age-dependent arthropathy. To investigate Clock-/-;Npas2m/m double mutant mouse arthropathy, we evaluated mutant mice using X-ray, micro-computed tomography, and histology, and found that Clock-/-;Npas2m/m double mutant mice exhibit age-dependent, site-specific arthropathy that phenocopies that of Bmal1-/- mice. The costosternal junction and calcaneal tendon are most prominently affected, in that calcification of those tissues is detectable as early as 4-5 weeks and 11-12 weeks, respectively. The arthropathic lesions in these tissues consist of calcium phosphate vii deposits, and in Bmal1-/- costosternal junction calcifications, the deposits contain calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. Mechanical stress, disregulation of centrally-regulated circadian rhythms, and systemic serum mineral imbalances likely do not contribute to this pathology. In vitro micromass cultures generated from Clock-/-;Npas2m/m double mutant mouse embryonic fibroblasts do not exhibit irregular chondrocyte differentiation compared to wild-type cultures, suggesting that chondrocyte cell-autonomous mechanisms are insufficient to induce this arthropathy. Analysis of Clock-/-;Npas2m/m double mutant intersternebral tissue RNA did not reveal significant changes in chondrocyte or calcification-related gene expression. Histological stains showed an absence of osteoblasts and osteoclasts around costosternal junction calcifications, suggesting that these cell types are not contributing to this pathology. Instead, chondrocytes are localized to the costosternal junction but there were no significant changes in the distribution of chondrocyte markers in this tissue, as evaluated by immunohistochemistry. These findings suggest that Clock or Npas2, and Bmal1, regulate ectopic calcification through a combination of systemic and local factors, and that the cells affected by Clock and Npas2, or Bmal1, disruption are a subset of the cells distributed in specific tissues that develop age-dependent arthropathy. The significance of these findings is that “circadian genes” play a role in the regulation of ectopic calcification in a non-oscillator capacity. Understanding this new mechanism by which ectopic calcification is controlled could lead to novel approaches for the treatment of some human calcification diseases.

Molecular Players in Preserving Excitatory-Inhibitory Balance in the Brain

Mao, Wenjie 07 December 2017 (has links)
Information processing in the brain relies on a functional balance between excitation and inhibition, the disruption of which leads to network destabilization and many neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders. One of the homeostatic mechanisms that maintains the excitatory and inhibitory balance is called synaptic scaling: Neurons dynamically modulate postsynaptic receptor abundance through activity-dependent gene transcription and protein synthesis. In the first part of my thesis work, I discuss our findings that a chromatin reader protein L3mbtl1 is involved in synaptic scaling. We observed that knockout and knockdown of L3mbtl1 cause a lack of synaptic downscaling of glutamate receptors in hippocampal primary neurons and organotypic slice cultures. Genome-wide mapping of L3mbtl1 protein occupancies on chromatin identified Ctnnb1 and Gabra2 as downstream target genes of L3mbtl1-mediated transcriptional regulation. Importantly, partial knockdown of Ctnnb1 by itself prevents synaptic downscaling. Another aspect of maintaining E/I balance centers on GABAergic inhibitory neurons. In the next part of my thesis work, we address the role of the scaffold protein Shank1 in excitatory synapses onto inhibitory interneurons. We showed that parvalbumin-expressing interneurons lacking Shank1 display reduced excitatory synaptic inputs and decreased levels of inhibitory outputs to pyramidal neurons. As a consequence, pyramidal neurons in Shank1 mutant mice exhibit increased E/I ratio. This is accompanied by a reduced expression of an inhibitory synapse scaffolding protein gephyrin. These results provide novel insights into the roles of chromatin reader molecules and synaptic scaffold molecules in synaptic functions and neuronal homeostasis.

Preclinical studies on a new strategy combining the Bacillus of Calmette-Guérin with plasmid DNA-based subunit vaccines against tuberculosis / Etudes précliniques sur une nouvelle stratégie de vaccination contre la tuberculose combinant le Bacille de Calmette-Guérin avec des vaccins à ADN plasmidique

Bruffaerts, Nicolas 21 May 2015 (has links)
La tuberculose est une maladie contagieuse causée par les bactéries appartenant au complexe Mycobacterium tuberculosis. On estime près de neuf millions de nouveaux cas et un million de décès chaque année dans le monde. De plus, approximativement un tiers de la population mondiale est infecté de manière latente, donc à risque de développer la maladie. Le seul vaccin préventif jusqu’à présent disponible est le Bacille de Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Cependant, son efficacité contre la forme pulmonaire de la maladie, contagieuse et plus fréquente chez l’adulte, est extrêmement variable. Le développement de nouveaux vaccins prophylactiques contre la tuberculose est basé sur une stratégie de remplacement ou d’amélioration de l’actuel vaccin BCG. De nombreux candidats vaccins sous-unitaires sont évalués dans un protocole de vaccination de rappel après le BCG. Ce dernier est en effet administré à plus de 80% des nouveau-nés et des nourrissons des populations à haut risque.<p>Le présent travail a eu pour but principal d’étudier une nouvelle approche de vaccination combinant le Bacille de Calmette-Guérin avec des vaccins sous-unitaires à ADN plasmidique dans différents modèles précliniques.<p>Plusieurs hypothèses tentent d’expliquer la faible efficacité du vaccin BCG, comme la faible induction de réponses immunitaires de type cellulaire T CD8+, le déclin de l’immunité protectrice induite au cours du temps, ou son répertoire antigénique limité. Les vaccins à ADN plasmidique induisant de telles réponses, le travail proposé a consisté au développement d’un nouveau protocole de vaccination basé sur la coadministration par la voie intradermique du vaccin BCG formulé avec un vaccin à ADN plasmidique codant pour un antigène mycobactérien. Nous avons observé dans plusieurs modèles murins (adulte et néonatal) une augmentation significative des réponses cellulaires de type CD4+ Th1 et CD8+, ainsi que de la réponse humorale spécifique. L’immunogénicité de cette approche a également été analysée dans un modèle animal de grande taille, à savoir le modèle porcin. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les vaccins à ADN plasmidique sont capables d’augmenter les réponses spécifiques à l’antigène codé par le plasmide mais également celles spécifiques à d’autres antigènes exprimés par le vaccin BCG. Enfin, dans la deuxième partie du travail, nous avons développé des vaccins plasmidiques codant pour des combinaisons d’antigènes phase-spécifiques de M. tuberculosis et nous avons analysé leur immunogénicité en modèle murin.<p>En conclusion, nous avons montré que la stratégie de coadministration par la voie intradermique du vaccin BCG avec un vaccin à ADN plasmidique encodant des antigènes mycobactériens s’avère être un protocole de vaccination réaliste et efficace pour améliorer l’immunité induite par le vaccin BCG. Elle offre par ailleurs des perspectives pour être appliquée avec des plasmides codant pour des antigènes caractéristiques de la tuberculose latente, peu reconnus après vaccination BCG, pour protéger à la fois contre la tuberculose active d’une primo-infection et contre la réactivation d’une infection latente. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Étude du rôle d’ARF6 dans la physiologie des cellules du muscle lisse vasculaire lors de l’athérosclérose

Fiola-Masson, Émilie 12 1900 (has links)
L’athérosclérose est une pathologie cardiovasculaire chronique impliquant de nombreux acteurs. Les cellules du muscle lisse vasculaire (CMLV) jouent un important rôle dans la pathogénicité. Lors de la formation des plaques athérosclérotiques, ces cellules entraînent l’augmentation de la taille de l’athérome, accentuent la formation du chapeau fibreux et à long terme, contribuent à l’instabilité de la plaque. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’impact d’ARF6 sur les cellules du muscle lisse vasculaire et ses implications pathologiques dans l’athérosclérose. Les ARF sont des GTPases agissant comme interrupteurs moléculaires dans divers processus physiologiques tels que le trafic vésiculaire intracellulaire et le remodelage des lipides membranaires. ARF6 est importante pour la prolifération et la migration cellulaire des CMLV, deux phénomènes importants dans le développement de l’athérosclérose. Nous émettons donc l’hypothèse que la GTPase ARF6 est impliquée dans la progression de l’athérosclérose. En premier lieu, nous avons étudié l’effet de la GTPase dans le phénomène de l’invasion cellulaire. Dans l’athérosclérose, plusieurs facteurs environnementaux influencent l’invasion des CMLV. Nous avons voulu vérifier l’effet d’ARF6 sur l’invasion des CMLV médiée par le facteur de croissance dérivé des plaquettes (PDGF-BB) et l’angiotensine II (Ang II). Dans un modèle humain, l’invasion était diminuée en l’absence d’ARF6. Nous avons démontré que ce mécanisme résultait d’un effet d’ARF6 sur l’activité de la métalloprotéinase matricielle MMP14. En second lieu, nous avons voulu évaluer l’effet d’ARF6 dans un modèle in vivo d’athérosclérose. En utilisant un modèle accéléré d’athérosclérose inductible, nous avons inhibé ARF6 dans les cellules du muscle lisse. Après dix semaines de diète riche en gras, nous avons observé une diminution de la taille des lésions athérosclérotiques dans les souris ARF6 KO, accompagnée d’une réduction de l’expression des facteurs pro-inflammatoires tels qu’IL-6. Dans un modèle in vitro, l’absence d’ARF6 réduisait l’absorption lipidique en agissant sur l’expression des transporteurs. De plus, ARF6 régulait des voies de signalisation impliquées dans l’inflammation. En somme, nous avons démontré l’importance d’ARF6 dans la modulation pathologique des CMLV dans l’athérosclérose. Ainsi, ARF6 contribue à la pathogénicité des CMLV en modulant leur invasion cellulaire tout en jouant un rôle pro-inflammatoire. / Atherosclerosis is a chronic cardiovascular disease characterized by an accumulation of lipids, followed by the infiltration of macrophages and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). VSMC are responsible for the increase of lesion size, the formation of a fibrous cap, and eventually contributing to the plaque instability. In this study, we were interested in the role of ARF6 in the vascular smooth muscle cells and its pathological implications in atherosclerosis. ARF are a family of GTPases that act as molecular switches and are involved in diverse physiological mechanisms, such as vesicular traffic and membrane lipid transformation. In VSMC, ARF6 is important for cell proliferation and migration, two processes involved in atherosclerosis. We therefore hypothesize that the GTPase ARF6 is involved in the development of atherosclerosis through its impact on VSMC. First, we studied the role of ARF6 in the mechanism of cell invasion. In atherosclerosis, multiple environmental factors affect VSMC invasion. We verified the impact of ARF6 on platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) and angiotensin II (Ang II)-mediated invasion. Using a human model, we observed a reduction of invasion in the absence of ARF6. We have demonstrated that this mechanism is due to the effect of ARF6 on the activity of the matrix metalloproteinase MMP14. Second, we wanted to verify the role of ARF6 in atherosclerosis in an in vivo model. Using an accelerated inducible atherosclerosis model, we inhibited ARF6 in smooth muscle cells. After ten weeks of high-fat diet, we observed a reduction in the size of atherosclerotic lesions in ARF6 KO mice. This reduction was accompanied by a decrease in the expression of proinflammatory factors. In our in vitro model, ARF6 depletion reduced lipid uptake by downregulating the lipidic transporter expression. Also, ARF6 was responsible to activate inflammation signaling pathways. In summary, we have demonstrated the impact of ARF6 in the pathological modulation of VSMC in atherosclerosis. Indeed, ARF6 contributes to the pathogenicity of VSMC through its ability to modulate cell invasion and induce proinflammatory actions.

Caractérisation du jeûne intermittent dans un modèle de néovascularisation choroïdienne chez la souris

Faquette, Marie-Lou 11 1900 (has links)
La dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA) est une des premières causes de cécité pour les personnes âgées de plus de 50 ans. Elle existe sous deux formes : sèche et humide. La forme causant les pertes de vision les plus sévères et rapides est DMLA humide où des nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins anormaux se forment dans la rétine; ce processus est appelé la néovascularisation choroïdienne. Celui-ci est causé par la dégradation des différentes membranes de la rétine et de l’augmentation du VEGF stimulant la croissance de ces vaisseaux. L’obésité, l’hypertension, le diabète et la cigarette sont connus pour être des facteurs modifiables et fortement corrélés avec la maladie. Avec l’arrivée des nombreuses diètes tendances, le jeûne intermittent pourrait être une intervention non-pharmacologique impactant l’obésité, l’hypertension et le diabète. En effet, cette diète est reconnue pour améliorer la santé, améliore la sensibilité à l’insuline et la tolérance glucose, diminuer le cholestérol sanguin et exercerait un effet bénéfique sur l’obésité. Ce mémoire a été entrepris dans le but d’évaluer les avantages potentiels du cycle de diète, soit le jeûne intermittent, sur la néovascularisation choroïdienne dans un modèle de DMLA. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que le jeûne intermittent permet la diminution de la néovascularisation choroïdienne. Nos résultats montrent que les souris sous le régime jeûne intermittent que nous avons utilisé, c’est-à-dire 2 jours d’alimentation pour 1 jour de jeûne, ne perdent pas de poids, et suivent le même schéma de prise de poids que les souris nourries à volonté. De plus, les souris sous jeûne intermittent n’ont pas d’avantage métabolique que ce soit au niveau du glucose et, encore, moins au niveau de l’insuline. Les résultats ne permettent pas de montrer une différence au niveau de la néovascularisation choroïdienne induit par notre modèle. Le modèle de jeûne intermittent choisit ne permet pas d’obtenir des avantages au niveau de la néovascularisation choroïdienne ni pour la sensibilité au glucose et à l’insuline / Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the most prominent causes of blindness for people over 50 years old. It exists in two forms: dry and wet. The form causing majority of loss of sight is caused by wet AMD from where new abnormal blood vessels form in retina. This process is called choroidal neovascularization. This is caused by degeneration of outer portion of the retina and an increase in VEGF that instigate the growth of the new blood vessels. Obesity, hypertension, diabetes and smoking are known to be modifiable factors and strongly correlated with the disease. The advent of a vast number of trendy diets has introduced the possibility of modulating chronic disease by modifying eating habits. As an example, intermittent fasting can impacting obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. Indeed, this diet has been known to improve health, increase sensitivity of insulin and glucose, lower cholesterol and to have beneficial effect in obesity. The purpose of the research in my master’s thesis is to evaluate the influence of diet cycle, intermittent fasting on choroidal neovascularization in a mouse model of AMD. We hypothesized that the intermittent fasting could be diminish the choroidal neovascularization. There are several experimental paradigms that reproduce intermittent fasting. We selected the intermittent fasting 2 days of eating for one day of fasting (IF 2:1). Our results show that mice on our selected intermittent fasting regimen did not lose weight and follow the same pattern of weight gain as the mice that fed ad libitum. Furthermore, the mice on this intermittent fasting diet paradigm didn’t have metabolic benefits on glucose or insulin tolerance. Our results also did not show any differences in choroidal neovascularization. Hence, the 2:1 paradigm of intermittent fasting didn’t show any benefits on choroidal neovascularization, nor glucose and insulin.

Lipidomic Interrogation of Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome, Farber's Disease, and Spinal Muscular Atrophy with Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy

McDowell, Graeme Stephen Vaughn 31 January 2024 (has links)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy with Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy (SMA-PME), Farber Lipogranulomatosis (FL), and a rare variant form of Neonatal Progeroid Syndrome (NPS) are three monogenetic rare disorders caused by pathogenic variation in genes encoding lipid modifying proteins. FL and SMA-PME are caused by loss of function mutations in ASAH1, encoding the acid ceramidase (aCDase) enzyme. It is not, however, known how aCDase deficiency can produce either the isolated neurological symptoms of SMA-PME or the predominantly systemic symptoms of FL. Further, a recently identified variant form of NPS has been attributed to variants in ANO6, encoding a dual function calcium-activated chloride channel and glycerophosphoserine (GPS) scramblase. Here, it is not known how ANO6 mutation causes the premature aging phenotype that defines NPS. To address these questions, I sought to elucidate pathogenic changes in lipid metabolism that associate clinical phenotype. I show here that the different patient mutations in ANO6 cause a non-physiological gain of channel function and either a loss or gain of scramblase function depending on the variant expressed. Both variants, however, alter GPS metabolic homeostasis suggesting a common mechanism of action. To provide in vivo insight, I characterized a novel mouse model based on our NPS patient genetics, showing extremely low penetrance of disease symptoms in terms of live births yet confirming that affected animals show impaired GPS metabolism in affected organs. Next, I characterized the clinical presentation of six new patients with SMA-PME and identified distinct sphingolipid metabolic fingerprints in FL and SMA-PME cells. I show that FL is defined by a hypometabolic sphingolipid phenotype with cellular and molecular features of a classic lysosomal storage disorder. By contrast, SMA-PME has a hypermetabolic sphingolipid phenotype with features of non-classic lysosomal trafficking disorders. To provide clinical insight, I assessed the potential of enzyme replacement therapy, demonstrating a rescue of sphingolipid metabolism in SMA-PME patient cells. Together, this thesis identified changes in the cellular and tissue lipid profiles of patients with ANO6-NPS, SMA-PME, or FL, elucidating some of the lipid-centric pathomechanisms of these diseases.

The Role of TrkB and BDNF Signaling Pathways in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Insights from Mouse Models

Abdollahi, Mona January 2024 (has links)
This research delves into idiopathic autism spectrum disorder (ASD), investigating the role of TrkB signaling pathways and BDNF regulation in the cortex. Additionally, it explores offering insights into maternal influences on mouse models. / Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges in social interactions and repetitive behaviors. Prevalence of ASD is estimated to be 1 in 54 globally and is rising recently in many countries including Canada. ASD affects individuals differently, making diagnosis challenging. At present, no molecular diagnosis of ASD is available. Further, available medications only manage some symptoms of the disease and have adverse side effects in children. Therefore, there is a need for accurate molecular diagnostic tools to aid in molecular detection and treatment of ASD. To this end, a better understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms that link ASD etiology to ASD-related behavior is crucial. While genetic factors contribute to syndromic ASD, most cases of ASD are idiopathic with unknown causes, influenced by a combination of epigenetic and environmental factors. TrkB and its downstream signaling pathways, such as Akt and Erk, are hyper-activated in syndromic ASD and hypo-activated in idiopathic cases. Therefore, drugs like rapamycin that inhibit the mTOR pathway downstream of TrkB are beneficial for syndromic ASD but not idiopathic cases. Additionally, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which mitigates ASD-related synaptic disruptions via Akt and Erk signaling, shows unchanged mRNA and protein levels along with its receptor in the idiopathic ASD fusiform gyrus. In ASD with either genetic or epigenetic/environmental causes, disruptions in synaptic connectivity are observed. Synaptic function is regulated by signaling pathways involving brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor, tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB), as well as their downstream signaling cascades such as MAPK and Akt. The existing literature suggests that there is an association between BDNF and TrkB signaling pathways and ASD. However, a serious gap in knowledge about the precise molecular role of TrkB in ASD pathology is that our current understanding is correlational in nature and based on observational studies that lack causal experiments. This underscores the importance of further research to understand the causative role of TrkB and its related molecular events in idiopathic ASD. The present work aims to provide a deeper understanding about the causative role of molecular mechanisms underlying TrkB signaling in ASD. ASD mouse models exhibit behaviors and molecular features resembling those observed in human ASD. Therefore, these mouse models are helpful tools for studying ASD. However, understudied physiological confounding factors, such as maternal age and parity, can introduce biases and add to data variability, thus negatively impacting the reproducibility and translational value of ASD mouse models. To achieve a reliable mouse model of ASD, we conducted our first study that examines the impact of maternal age and parity on pregnancy complications, neurodevelopment, and social behavior in mice. Results demonstrate that older maternal age and prior motherhood interact to ensure a normal, steady developmental rate and provide protective effects against anxiety, social impairment, and olfactory deficits. Given the current lack of clarity regarding the causative impact of TrkB on ASD pathology, our subsequent investigation sought to establish a causal relationship between TrkB signaling and ASD. We used the TrkB agonist, LM22A-4 treatment in a validated ASD mouse model. Our results demonstrate that treatment with LM22A-4 effectively rescues the core symptoms associated with ASD (social impairment and repetitive behavior). These findings indicate that impaired TrkB signaling is responsible for ASD-like behavior of valproic acid (VPA)-exposed mice. However, unlike TrkB-related molecular events occurring in the fusiform gyrus of idiopathic ASD, TrkB isoform protein levels, BDNF species, Akt, and Erk total protein levels and activation remained unchanged in VPA-exposed cortices compared to healthy control mice. Since our VPA mouse model does not replicate human idiopathic ASD, our study cannot draw a conclusion on how disruptions in these signaling pathways may contribute to the development and manifestation of ASD symptoms. Cortex is responsible for various aspects of social behavior that are impaired in ASD. However, regulatory mechanisms that are involved in ASD upstream of cortical TrkB and BDNF are not well known. BDNF expression is highly cell-and tissue-specific and is regulated by different sets of transcription factors in specific tissues. While NURR1, the BDNF regulator in midbrain neurons, is associated with ASD pathology, its specific role in regulation of cortical BDNF is not yet well-established. Our third study aimed to understand the role of NURR1 in regulating BDNF specifically in the cortex. We showed that in resting and depolarized neurons, when NURR1 is knocked down, BDNF mRNA levels remained unchanged, suggesting that NURR1 does not regulate BDNF in cortical neurons and highlighting the tissue-specificity of BDNF regulation. In summary, we address the understudied effects of maternal factors on mouse models, which enhances the reliability of ASD research. Further, our studies significantly enhance the understanding of ASD by elucidating the role of TrkB and its downstream signaling pathways in the behavioral aspects of the disorder. We also contribute to the knowledge of BDNF regulation in the cortex, a brain tissue with crucial roles in various aspects of social behavior. In a forward-looking approach, the results of our studies provide valuable insights into mouse modeling of idiopathic ASD and the potential role of TrkB in ASD behavioral symptoms. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy / Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition that is accompanied by challenges in social interaction and repetitive behaviors. ASD is a complicated condition because we do not fully understand all the details of how it works in the body. Studying ASD is important as it is the most challenging condition in children and it is becoming more common, especially in the last two decades. While scientists are developing molecular tools to improve ASD diagnosis and understand its biology, these tools are not widely used in clinics for ASD diagnosis yet. Also, the approved medications available can only help with managing some of the behavioral symptoms like self-harming behavior. Despite the pressing need to find a solution, our recent advancements have not yet brought us closer to a cure for ASD, mainly because of the complexity of the disorder. Therefore, identifying the specific ASD-related mechanisms at the molecular level that contribute to ASD-related behaviors is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of the disease. In ASD, there are problems with how brain cells communicate with each other. This communication is controlled by certain molecules in the brain, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor, tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB), along with other molecules. There is evidence suggesting a link between these molecules and ASD, but we have not fully understood their precise roles because most of the current knowledge is based on observations and correlations, rather than on establishing cause-and-effect relationships. To bridge this gap, our research focused on understanding TrkB's role in ASD. We required reliable mouse models. Since we aimed to induce ASD-like behaviors in mice using an ASD-causing chemical, it was crucial to ensure they were healthy beforehand. We needed to confirm that any social deficits or repetitive behaviors were not due to other factors, such as adverse infancy experiences or impaired interactions between mother and infant. We discovered that sexually mature dams aged between 3 to 6 months, with a history of previous pregnancies and motherhood, give birth to healthier litters. These litters can serve as a more dependable source for our animal behavioral studies. Many cases of ASD in humans are caused by non-genetic factors such as environmental influences like pesticides, air pollution, and the use of certain drugs during pregnancy. In cases of human ASD triggered by non-genetic factors, there is an increase in proBDNF, the precursor of BDNF. However, this proBDNF does not efficiently convert to BDNF. With insufficient BDNF and TrkB receptors, molecules like Akt (protein kinase B, also PKB) and Erk (Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase), which are crucial for neuron communication, are also less active downstream. This imbalance disrupts neuron connections, leading to ASD behaviors. In our research, the ASD-causing chemical which we used is valproic acid. It is originally an anti-seizure medication. When pregnant women took valproic acid, the chance of their child having ASD increased. Scientists used this information to inject pregnant mice with valproic acid, and as a result, all the offspring showed ASD-like behaviors. We anticipated that by isolating the brains of these offspring and measuring protein levels of BDNF, TrkB, Akt, and Erk, we would observe a similar pattern to that seen in humans with non-genetic ASD cases. We focused on studying the cortex, a region of the brain responsible for regulating social behaviors in both mice and humans. Since ASD is associated with challenges in social behaviors, we isolated the cortex from mouse brains to analyze protein levels. A chemical known as LM22A-4 with a structure resembling BDNF can bind to TrkB and activate it. We expected that the offspring of pregnant dams injected with valproic acid, which led to reduced TrkB axis activation in their brains, would show improvement in ASD behavior. This anticipation stems from the understanding that LM22A-4 activates the TrkB axis, thus compensating for its reduction, which is thought to be causing ASD-like behaviors. The offspring of mothers injected with valproic acid exhibited ASD-like behaviors, unlike the control mice. Control mice were offspring of pregnant dams injected with a solution containing only the substances used to dissolve valproic acid, typically water and salt (saline). Mice prenatally exposed to valproic acid (VPA) exhibited ASD-like behaviors, but treatment with LM22A-4 helped alleviate these behaviors, promoting more typical behavior patterns. LM22A-4, by activating TrkB receptors, helped to protect the brain from harm caused by exposure to valproic acid before birth. This could mean that valproic acid-induced changes in TrkB-related molecular mechanisms are involved in social behavior difficulties and increased repetitive behaviors seen in autism. Nevertheless, the levels of TrkB, BDNF, proBDNF, Akt, and Erk in the cortex of offspring from mothers injected with valproic acid were like those in the offspring from mothers injected with the saline solution. Therefore, the BDNF and TrkB signaling pathways remained unchanged in the cortex of our valproic acid model in this study, and they differ from those observed in human idiopathic ASD. We also speculated that a protein, called NURR1 acting upstream of BDNF and TrkB might be involved in the process. NURR1 acts as a regulatory protein that binds to the BDNF, increasing the production of copies from the BDNF. We also used a small RNA that targets a specific region in the Nurr1 and inhibits its protein production We anticipated a reduction in Nurr1 levels. As NURR1 acts as an upregulator of BDNF, lower levels of Nurr1 would result in decreased BDNF production. Activating NURR1 resulted in increased BDNF mRNA levels. However, when NURR1 was reduced, BDNF mRNA levels remained unaffected. This led us to conclude that if NURR1 levels decrease, other proteins may step in to maintain BDNF mRNA levels. Therefore, in the cortex, unlike in some other brain regions, the presence of NURR1 is not essential for regulating Bdnf. In summary, before inducing ASD-like behavior in mice using valproic acid, it is crucial to ensure the health of the mice. We used sexually mature mothers with prior pregnancy experience to provide a healthy baseline. We showed valproic acid induced ASD-like behaviors in mice offspring. We also observed that LM22A-4 treatment alleviated ASD-like behaviors of offspring. In our study, we demonstrated that the levels of BDNF, TrkB, Erk, and Akt proteins in the cortex of mice exposed to valproic acid were not affected. For this reason, our mouse model does not resemble human non-genetic ASD. Finally, NURR1's role in BDNF regulation varies by brain region. Lowering NURR1 did not affect BDNF mRNA levels, suggesting compensatory mechanisms. Our findings suggest new directions for further research to better understand the roles of TrkB and BDNF in non-genetic ASD. Overall, this study provides valuable knowledge that can contribute to advancing our understanding of idiopathic ASD-related molecular mechanisms.

Impact of the myeloid Krüppel-like factor 4 during pneumococcal pneumonia

Bhattacharyya, Aritra 19 July 2018 (has links)
Bakterielle Pneumonien sind weltweit eine der häufigsten Todesursachen und S. pneumoniae ist das häufigste klinische Isolat. Neutrophile Granulozyten gehören zur Klasse der myeloiden Zellen und sind eine wichtige Komponente der angeborenen Immunität gegen bakterielle Infektionen. Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) spielt dabei nicht nur eine Rolle in der Differenzierung der Zellen des Immunsystems, sondern auch während der Infektion bei der Vermittlung inflammatorischer Signale in unterschiedlichen Zelltypen. Diese Studie zeigt zum ersten Mal in vivo, dass myeloides KLF4 Einfluss auf den Krankheitsverlauf hat und die mit einer bakteriellen Pneumonie einhergehende Entzündungsreaktion reguliert. Die hier aufgeführten Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor KLF4 während einer Pneumokokken Pneumonie in humanen und murinen neutrophilen Granulozyten induziert wird. Diese Induktion ist Zeit- und Dosisabhängig. Außerdem wird die Expression von myeloidem KLF4 durch die Autolyse von S. pneumoniae reguliert, aber nicht über Toll-like Rezeptor 2 (TLR2), TLR4 oder TLR9 vermittelt. Studien in einem Maus-Pneumonie Modell zeigen, dass myeloides KLF4 einen proinflammatorischen Phänotyp bewirkt. Mäuse mit einem KLF4 knockout (KLF4-/-) in myeloiden Zellen haben im Vergleich zu Wildtyp (KLF4+/+) Mäusen eine höhere Bakterienlast in Lunge, Blut und Milz. Obwohl die Produktion proinflammatorischer Zytokine (wie TNF-α, IL-1β und KC) in BALF und Plasma von KLF4-/- Mäusen geringer war, gab es keine Unterschiede bei der Zellrekrutierung in der BALF von KLF4-/- und KLF4+/+ Mäusen. Allerdings war die Zellrekrutierung im Blut der KLF4-/- Mäuse geringer als bei den KLF4+/+ Mäusen. Außerdem wurde eine erhöhte vaskuläre Permeabilität verbunden mit perivaskulären Ödemen und Pleuritis bei KLF4-/- Mäusen während der S. pneumoniae-induzierten Infektion beobachtet. Diese Mäuse erreichten auch eher die humanen Endpunkte als die vergleichbaren KLF4+/+ Mäuse. / Bacterial pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most frequently isolated pathogen from clinical pneumonia samples. Neutrophils belong to the class of myeloid cells and forms an important component of this innate immune system against bacterial infections. Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) has been reported to not only play a role in differentiation of cells of the immune system but also in mediating inflammatory signals in different kinds of host cells during infection. This study shows myeloid KLF4 has an impact on pneumococcal pneumonia outcome and regulates the inflammation associated with bacterial pneumonia in vivo in mice. The results presented in the work show that the transcription factor KLF4 is induced in human and mice neutrophils during pneumococcal pneumonia. The induction of KLF4 is time and dose dependent. Additionally, the expression of myeloid KLF4 is regulated by the autolysis of S. pneumoniae but is not mediated via Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, TLR4 or TLR9. Studies using a mouse pneumonia model showed that myeloid KLF4 exhibits a pro-inflammatory phenotype. Mice with KLF4 knockout (KO) or KLF4-/- in myeloid cells had higher bacterial load in their lungs, blood and spleen in comparison to wildtype (WT) or KLF4+/+ mice. Although there was less pro-inflammatory cytokine (such as TNF-α, IL-1β and KC) production in the broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and plasma of KLF4-/- mice yet there no differences in cell recruitment in the BALF of the KLF4-/- and KLF4+/+ mice. There was however less cell recruitment in the blood of KLF4-/- mice in comparison to KLF4+/+ mice. Additionally, an increased vascular permeability associated with perivascular edema and pleuritis was seen during Streptococcus pneumoniae-induced infection in KLF4-/- mice, which also reached earlier the human endpoints than the KLF4+/+ mice.

NaV1.5 Modulation: From Ionic Channels to Cardiac Conduction and Substrate Heterogeneity

Raad, Nour 16 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Expression du facteur neurotrophique HGF dans les motoneurones lombaires murins suite à la lacération et à la stimulation électrique du nerf sciatique

Roy, Andrée-Anne 09 1900 (has links)
Objectifs: Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) améliore la régénération axonale et la survie des motoneurones lors du développement embryonnaire. Son rôle dans la régénération des nerfs périphériques lésés chez l’adulte n’a pas encore été étudié. Notre objectif est de déterminer l’expression de HGF dans la moelle épinière murine suite à une axotomie, avec ou sans stimulation électrique, directe ou transcutanée. Méthodes: Soixante souris C57BL/6 adultes ont été divisées en 5 groupes : Contrôle (n=12), Placebo (n=12), Axotomie (n=12, lacération et réparation immédiate du nerf sciatique), Directe (n=12, lacération, réparation immédiate et stimulation électrique directe proximale du nerf sciatique, 1h, 20 Hz) et Transcutanée (n=12, lacération, réparation immédiate et stimulation électrique transcutanée proximale du nerf sciatique, 1h, 20 Hz). Les moelles épinières ont été recueillies 1, 3, 7 et 14 jours suivant l’intervention. L’expression de HGF a été évaluée par technique d’hybridation in situ. Résultats: Nos résultats démontrent une augmentation de l’expression de HGF dans les moelles épinières murines suite à l’axotomie. Cette augmentation est plus rapide suite à la stimulation électrique, autant directe que transcutanée. L’expression de HGF devient localisée aux zones motrices de la moelle épinière murine dans les groupes Axotomie, Directe et Transcutanée. Conclusions: HGF, facteur neurotrophique impliqué de le développement et la survie des motoneurones, a une expression altérée suite à la lacération du nerf sciatique. Ceci suggère fortement qu’il participe aussi à la régénération des nerfs moteurs. De plus, l’expression plus rapide de HGF suite à la stimulation électrique suggère son implication dans l’augmentation de la régénération nerveuse. / Purpose: Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) plays a role in promoting axonal growth and survival of motoneurons during embryonic development. This factor might also be important in directing the regeneration of adult motoneurons following laceration. We aim to identify the expression patterns of HGF following axotomy, with or without direct or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in a mouse model. Methods: Sixty adult C57BL/6 mice were divided into 5 groups: Control (n=12), Sham (n=12), Axotomy (n=12, sciatic nerve laceration and immediate repair), Direct (n=12, sciatic nerve laceration, immediate repair and application of direct electrical stimulation on the proximal nerve end, 1h, 20 Hz) and Transcutaneous (n=12, nerve laceration and immediate repair followed by proximal transcutaneous electrical stimulation, 1h, 20 Hz). Spinal cords were harvested at 1, 3, 7 and 14 days post-surgery. The expression patterns of HGF were measured using in situ hybridization. Results: Our results showed an upregulation of HGF expression in mouse spinal cords following sciatic nerve axotomy. This occurred more quickly following electrical stimulation in both Direct and Transcutaneous groups. The expression pattern of HGF became localized to the motor neuron pools in the Axotomy, Direct and Transcutaneous groups. Conclusions: HGF, a growth factor involved in directing the outgrowth of motor axons in development, has an altered expression pattern following sciatic nerve laceration, suggesting it may also play a role in directing motoneuron regeneration. Furthermore, rapid change in the expression pattern of HGF following electrical stimulation suggests it may also be involved in the upregulation of nerve regeneration following electrical stimulation.

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