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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propuesta de mejora de la gestión de procura de encofrado metálico para la construcción de edificios multifamiliares en Lima Metropolitana

Chamorro Rodríguez, Julio Ernesto, Ríos Alzamora, Thomas Guido 16 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo elaborar un plan de mejora de la gestión de procura del encofrado metálico con la finalidad de reducir la variabilidad en el costo final del alquiler de encofrado y apuntalamiento durante la etapa constructiva de edificios multifamiliares ejecutados en la ciudad de Lima metropolitana. Se analizaron datos de cinco proyectos ejecutados en Miraflores, Jesús María, Barranco y Lima Cercado en los cuales se registraron diferencias económicas negativas respecto al presupuesto inicial de alquiler de encofrado. Se realizo encuestas a las personas involucradas en el proceso de procura de encofrado para identificar las causas de estas variaciones de costo y mediante herramientas de gestión se determinaron cuáles fueron las de mayor incidencia. Finalmente se estableció un plan de mejora del proceso tomando en cuenta los defectos y omisiones encontrados en las gestiones de procura de los proyectos que se tomaron como objeto de estudio y además se incorporaron algunas herramientas que permitan mejorar la comunicación entre el constructor y los proveedores de los equipos de encofrado. / The objective of this research work was to elaborate a plan to improve the management of the metallic formwork procurement in order to reduce cost overruns in the formwork rental and shoring during the construction stage of multifamily buildings executed in the city of metropolitan Lima. Data from five projects executed in Miraflores, Jesús María, Barranca and Lima Cercado were analyzed, in which negative economic differences were registered with respect to the initial formwork rental budget. Surveys were carried out among the people involved in the formwork procurement process to identify the causes of these cost variations and through management tools it was determined which were the ones with the highest incidence. Finally, a process improvement plan was established, taking into account the errors and omissions found in the projects that were taken as the object of study, and some tools were also incorporated to improve communication between the constructor and the companies that rent the formwork equipment. / Tesis

Anorexia, elefanten i rummet : Erfarenheter av att vara förälder till en ungdom med anorexia nervosa- en allmän litteraturstudie

Dopson, Lisa, Nilsson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Anorexia nervosa är en sjukdom som innebär en förvrängd kroppsuppfattning och ett sjukligt förhållningssätt till mat. Att vara förälder till ett barn med psykiska sjukdomar innebär ofta ett svårt lidande. Först när man besitter kunskap om föräldrarnas unika erfarenheter kan sjuksköterskan möta och hjälpa dem. Den teoretiska referensramen som användes var familjefokuserad omvårdnad.   Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka erfarenheter av att vara förälder till en ungdom med anorexia nervosa.    Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie baserad på åtta kvalitativa artiklar, från databaserna Cinahl och PsycINFO, analyserades enligt Kristenssons (2014) modell.    Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier och sex subkategorier. En huvudkategori var känslomässiga erfarenheter med subkategorierna förnekelse, missnöje med primärvården, skuld och skam samt maktlöshet och oro. Gemensamt för dessa subkategorier var att de grundade sig i okunskap om sjukdomen och/eller behandlingen samt bristande kommunikation med vårdpersonal. Den andra huvudkategorin var erfarenheter av sociala konsekvenser med subkategorierna ensamhet och isolering samt förändringar i familjesystemet. Gemensamt för dessa var att sjukdomen hade en negativ inverkan på familjens normala rutiner.    Slutsats: De flesta föräldrar vittnade om att anorexin hade en inverkan på hela familjesystemet men att multi-family therapy kunde minska ensamhetskänslan och lidandet.

Optimización del proceso de elección del subcontratista utilizando la técnica AHP en edificaciones multifamiliares en Lima Metropolitana / Optimization of the subcontractor election process using the AHP technique in Multi-family buildings in Metropolitan Lima

Alva Coz, Bruno Arturo, Hospina Cabrera, Jeason André 18 January 2022 (has links)
En los proyectos de construcción, sobre todo en edificaciones multifamiliares, tienden a tener un grado de dificultad mayor debido a que poseen una gran cantidad de procesos que son llevados a cabo por las diferentes áreas especializadas. Para ejecutarlos, se ven en la necesidad de subcontratar. Su éxito depende, en gran medida, del desempeño de los subcontratistas, es por lo que es fundamental su adecuada elección; sin embargo, esto no sucede, ya que, en diversas ocasiones, se elige al subcontratista que ofrece menor costo o por recomendaciones causando que la elección no sea la más óptima. Por ello, es importante optimizar el proceso de subcontratación para obtener una mejor elección al momento de subcontratar, y por ende tener un óptimo trabajo en la ejecución del proyecto. La presente investigación propone utilizar una técnica de decisión multicriterio llamada proceso de análisis jerárquico (AHP), la cual nos ayudará a solucionar nuestra problemática mediante una jerarquización de criterios y alternativas. Esto significa que se podrá elegir a un subcontratista considerando ciertos criterios importantes como la calidad, el tiempo de ejecución, estabilidad financiera y costo, lo cual nos ayudará a tener un panorama más extenso al momento de seleccionar al adecuado subcontratista Los criterios se basan en la investigación de tres proyectos de construcción y cincuenta entrevistas a diferentes ingenieros. Asimismo, se desarrolló una guía que explica cómo usar la técnica en un proyecto real, lo que permitirá realizar un juicio de expertos para determinar la validez de la técnica en proyectos futuros. / In construction projects, especially in multi-family buildings, there is a greater degree of difficulty, which is why they pose a large number of processes that are carried out by the different specialized areas. To run them, you need to outsource. Its success depends, to a large extent, on the performance of the subcontractors, so their proper selection is essential; However, this does not happen, since, on several occasions, the subcontractor that offers the lowest cost or by recommendations is chosen, causing the selection to not be the most optimal. Therefore, it is important to optimize the subcontracting process to obtain a better choice when subcontracting, and therefore, an excellent job is done in the execution of the project. This research proposes to use a multi-criteria decision technique called Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP), which will help us solve our problem through a hierarchy of criteria and alternatives. This means that a subcontractor can be chosen considering certain important criteria such as quality, execution time, financial stability and cost, which will help us to have a broader picture when selecting the right subcontractor. The criteria are based on the investigation of three construction projects and fifty interviews with different engineers. Likewise, a guide has been prepared that explains how to use the technique in a real project, which will allow an expert judgment to be made to determine the validity of the technique in future projects. / Tesis

Energy Renovation: A case study of a multi-family house built during the Million program in Djursholm

Bold, Adiltogtokh January 2022 (has links)
Large share of Swedish building stock were built during 1940-1980 when people were not fully aware of the energy efficiency concept. Majority of the buildings that made energy declaration are in energy class E-G, which are considered as high energy consumption buildings with low energy performance, and only few buildings meet the Swedish requirements for near zero energy buildings which are in energy class A-C. The energy renovation rate of the existing buildings is low and more needs to be done to make the Swedish building stock energy and resource efficient. In this thesis the potential of energy efficiency improvement is investigated for an old multi family house built during the Million program in Sweden. Passive energy renovation measures on the demand-side along with active energy renovation measures on the supply-side were investigated together with their combinations resulting in eight different cases. The investigated demand-side refurbishments are additional attic floor insulation and replacement of windows with insulated glass windows while the supply-side refurbishments are rooftop PV installation and conversion to water-based heating system with GSHP. The results of this study show that combination of all four energy efficiency measures has the highest energy-saving potential and yields the highest NPV compared to the other cases for an assumed real discount rate of 3% and grid purchase price of 1.60 SEK/kWh, while requiringthe highest CAPEX. On the other hand, GSHP with water-based heating system requires two times lower CAPEX, however, has high energy-saving potential and yields high NPV. / En stor del av Sveriges byggnadsbestånd byggdes under 1940-1980, då folk inte var fullt medvetna om energieffektiviseringskonceptet. Större delen av byggnaderna som har upprättat energideklaration är i energiklass E-G vilket anses vara byggnader med hög energibrukning med låg energiprestanda och endast ett fåtal byggnader uppfyller de svenska kraven som ställs för nära noll energi byggnader som är i energiklass A-C. Energirenoveringstakten i de befintliga byggnaderna är låg och mer behöver göras för att göra Sveriges byggnadsbestånd energi- och resurseffektivt. I detta examensarbete undersöks potentialen för energieffektivisering i ett äldre flerfamiljshus som byggdes under Miljonprogrammet i Sverige. Passiva energirenoveringar som avser energiefterfrågesidan såväl som aktiva energirenoveringar som avser energiförsörjningssidan undersöktes tillsammans med deras kombinationer, vilket resulterade i åtta olika fall. De undersökta energirenoveringarna som avser energiefterfrågesidan är tilläggsisolering av vindbjälkslag och byte av fönster till isolerglas medan energirenoveringarna som avser energiförsörjningssidan är installation av solceller på taket och konvertering till vattenburen värme med bergvärmepump. Resultatet av denna studie visar att kombinationer av alla fyra energieffektiviseringsåtgärder har den högsta energibesparingspotentialen och ger den högsta NPV jämfört med de andra fallen för en antagen real kalkylränta på 3% och ett elpris på 1.60 SEK/kWh, samtidigt som det kräver högst CAPEX. Däremot, bergvärmepump med vattenburen värme kräver två gånger lägre CAPEX, samtidigt som det har hög energibesparingspotential och ger hög NPV.

Supportive Community Housing: Addressing the Emergence of Non-Traditional Households

Albert, Steven P. 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Sänkt energiförbrukning med byte av energisystem eller energieffektivisering : Ekonomisk analys av fjärrvärme, bergvärme och luft-vatten värmepump i äldre fastigheter kontra energieffektiviseringsåtgärder

Westerberg, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Fjärrvärme är det dominerande uppvärmningssättet för flerbostadshus i Sverige och dess konkurrent är värmepumparna som blivit allt mer effektiva och fått en bättre slagkraft på marknaden. Samtidigt har regeringen satt upp 2020 målen, för att sänka och förbättra Sveriges energianvändning. Eftersom att bostadssektorn står för nästan 40 procent av Sveriges totala energianvändning, är rapportens syfte att studera hur energiförbrukningen för äldre hus kan sänkas genom byte av energisystem eller genom att behålla ett befintligt fjärrvärmesystem men utföra energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. De energisystemen som studeras i denna rapport är fjärrvärme, bergvärme och luft-vatten värmepump. Den data som har använts i rapporten har i huvudsak samlats in från ett flerbostads-hyreshus beläget i Vingåker och som ägs av Sjötorps hus AB. För att resultatet ska vara mer generellt har även två typhus studerats; ett småhus och ett större flerbostadshus. Resultatet av studien visar att den största kostnaden för fjärrvärmen ligger i driften och därmed blir detta alternativ också dyrast för de två större husen. Dock är både investeringskostnaden och underhållskostnaderna betydligt större för värmepumpar och varierar beroende på vart i landet de ska installeras, oförutsedda driftstopp och haverier. Resultatet visar också att det inte är lönsamt för ett småhus att byta från ett befintligt fjärrvärmesystem till värmepump. Slutsatsen är att energieffektivisering bör ske i första hand för att sänka en fastighets energiförbrukning, speciellt eftersom att andelen äldre hus kommer att öka och oavsett hur lite energi de nya husen förbrukar kommer de äldre husen utgöra den största andelen av Sveriges totala bostadsbestånd. Att en värmepump använder mindre energi är ingen långsiktig lösning för att sänka energiförbrukningen. Istället bör energieffektiviseringsåtgärder ligga till grund vid en önskan om sänkt energiförbrukning. / District heating is the dominant heating method for apartment buildings in Sweden, and its competitor is the heat pumps that have become increasingly efficient and have a better impact on the market. At the same time, the government has set the 2020 targets in order to reduce and improve Sweden's energy use. As the housing sector accounts for almost 40 percent of Sweden's total energy use, the report's purpose is to study how energy consumption for older homes can be reduced by changing energy systems or by maintaining an existing district heating system, but performing energy efficiency measures. The energy systems studied in this report are district heating, geothermal heat and air-water heat pump. The data used in the report has been largely collected from a apartment building located in Vingåker, owned by Sjötorps hus AB. In order for the results to be more general, two example houses have also been studied; A small house and a larger apartment building. The result of the study shows that the biggest cost of district heating is in operation, and thus this option is also the most expensive for the two major houses. However, both investment costs and maintenance costs are significantly higher for heat pumps and vary depending on where in the country they are to be installed, unexpected downtime and breakdowns. The result also shows that it is not profitable for a small house to switch from an existing district heating system to a heat pump. The conclusion is that energy efficiency should be the first option to reduce the energy consumption of a property, especially as the stock of older houses will increase. No matter how little the energy consumption for the newly built houses are, the older houses will be the largest part of Sweden's total housing stock. The fact that the heat pump uses less energy is no long-term solution to energy efficiency. Instead, energy efficiency actions should be the first option when the desire is reduced energy consumption.

Realisation av allmännyttan? : Analys av kommunala och privata avyttringar av bostadshyresfastigheter

Petré, Ingel, Larsson, Gabrielle January 2011 (has links)
Avyttringen och ombildningen av kommunala och privata bostadshyresfastigheter till bostadsrättsföreningar har blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen under de senaste decennierna. Främst sker avyttringen i Stockholms kommun. Syftet med denna uppsats är att mäta om prissättningen vid utförsäljning av bostadshyresfastigheter inom Stockholms kommun skiljer sig beroende på om säljaren varit privat eller ett allmännyttigt kommunalt bolag. För att undersöka detta har olika regressionsmodeller applicerats på data över fastighetsprisregistret under två mandatperioder. Resultatet visar en tydlig prisskillnad mellan kommunala avyttringar och privata inom samma områdesindelning. Skillnaden i prissättning innebär att kommunala fastighetsbolag har realiserat ut och omfördelat skattebetalarnas pengar, till ett värde som kan uppgå till så mycket som 3,23 miljarder kronor räknat i 2010 års penningvärde. Sannolikt är en sådan förmögenhetsomfördelning inte samhällsekonomisk effektiv. Vidare torde den motverka syftet med hyreslagsstiftningen. / In the Swedish market for multi-family housing, investment properties are often sold to the tenants who thus convert the property into co-operative housing. This is particularly true in attractive housing location where the existing rent control is in practice binding for all residential rental units. It is somewhat less self-evident that multi-family properties owned by the municipality (not-for-profit, council housing) would also be subject to such conversions. This is, however, quite common, particularly in Stockholm. The aim of this paper is to estimate whether council housing is generally sold to the tenants with a discount, as compared to the market prices of transactions where private property companies sell their properties. We use regression techniques applied to data from the official record of real property transactions. We find a significant price difference between the two categories of transactions. Council housing is sold out at a discount price and we estimate that a total value of some 3.23 billion SEK may have been redistributed from the taxpayers to the housing purchasers in these transactions. This program is probably not efficient from a public economic perspective. Furthermore, it counteracts the purpose of the current rent control legislation.

Demand flexibility potential from heat pumps in multi-family residential buildings

Oehme, Sabina January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish energy power system is in the middle of a paradigm shift where the increased share of intermittent energy sources place higher demand on the ability to regulate and balance the generation and consumption of electricity. Demand flexibility, which means that consumers can adjust their energy consumption, is a promising solution to manage the imbalance in the power system. Electric heat pumps in residential buildings are recognized to have potential to serve as a flexible load. In this thesis, an aggregated multi-family residential building model is developed to generate heat load profiles for a larger number of buildings which facilitate an assessment of the heat pump flexibility. The flexibility assessment is performed for a local distribution grid area with 174 buildings and an electricity price region in Sweden with 10 146 buildings with heat pumps. The flexibility assessment analyses the heat pump load deviation between a base load case and a case where the heat pumps receive an off-signal. The assessment takes into consideration seven flexibility parameters and is conducted for ambient temperatures between -20°C and 15°C. The thermal inertia of multi-family residential buildings facilitates a load shift with a duration of 4.4 to 9.8 hours depending on the ambient temperature. The maximal average power reduction for one hour of 10 MW in a distribution grid and 169 MW in an electricity price region illustrates the potential of using heat pumps as a demand flexibility solution in the electricity grid.

Factores de importancia para el diseño de aisladores sísmicos para una edificación multifamiliar de concreto armado con diferentes alturas en Lima, Perú / Important factors for the design of seismic isolators for a multi-family reinforced concrete building with different heights in peru

Meza Gallegos, Luis Alexander, Quintanilla Gallegos, Mauricio Sebastián 19 August 2021 (has links)
En muchos países sufren bastantes movimientos sísmicos, que en algunos casos de severa intensidad, que han ocasionado pérdidas de vidas humanas, económicas. Por ello, se realiza el diseño de edificaciones para soportar sismo de gran intensidad y que el comportamiento de la estructura sea inelástico, para que no pueda colapsar y permita la evacuación de las personas. Ante esta situación, la estructura queda severamente dañada y el costo de reparación es alto. En las últimas décadas, se ha generado sistemas de protecciones sísmicas, lo que engloba un amplio estudio de variedades y tipos de investigaciones. Uno de los temas más estudiados son los sistemas de aisladores sísmicos, ya que separa la superestructura del suelo, es decir que los desplazamientos y aceleraciones de la estructura y del suelo son diferentes. En este estudio se propone el uso del sistema de aisladores sísmicos, con el uso del aislador elastomérico con núcleo de plomo (Lead Rubber Bearing, siglas en ingles LRB), se hace el diseño del aislador de un edificio de concreto armado de diferentes alturas (6, 8 y 10 pisos) con 4 normas de diferentes países (NTP E.031, NCh 2745, ASCE 7-16 y NZS 1170.5). Para poder identificar los factores de mayor importancia en un diseño de aislador. Finalmente, se realiza la comparación de las derivas, desplazamientos y aceleraciones. / In many countries they suffer quite a few seismic movements, which in some cases of severe intensity, that have caused loss of human lives, economic losses. For this reason, buildings are designed to withstand high-intensity earthquakes and the behavior of the structure is inelastic, so that it cannot collapse and allows the evacuation of people. In this situation, the structure is severely damaged and the cost of repair is high. In the last decades, systems of seismic protection have been generated, which includes a wide study of varieties and types of investigations. One of the most studied subjects is the systems of seismic isolators, since it separates the superstructure from the soil, that is to say, the displacements and accelerations of the structure and the soil are different. In this study, the use of the seismic isolator system is proposed, with the use of the elastomeric lead rubber bearing (LRB), the isolator design of a reinforced concrete building of different heights (6, 8 and 10 floors) with 4 standards from different countries (NTP E.031, NCh 2745, ASCE 7-16 and NZS 1170.5). In order to identify the most important factors in an insulator design. Finally, the comparison of drifts, displacements and accelerations is made. / Tesis

Propuesta de mejora para el control de la gestión del cronograma, costo y calidad en la construcción de edificios multifamiliares con prelosas en Lima Top / Improvement proposal to the management of schedule, cost and quality in the building of multifamiliar’s edifice with pre-slabs on Lima Top

Oriundo Campos, Carlos Fredy, Romaní Vera Rebollar, Oscar Antonio 06 August 2021 (has links)
El desarrollo de la presente investigación académica tiene como área de estudio a la gestión de proyectos de Ingeniería Civil. Hemos apoyado el documento en los lineamientos del PMBOK (PMI, 2016) 6ta edición (PMI) y consideramos como factores importantes el desarrollo del cronograma, costo y calidad de proyectos edificados con el uso de prelosas de la compañía “BETON DECKEN”, considerando que fue aceptado como método de construcción no tradicional en el Perú por la Resolución Ministerial N°069-2018-VIVIENDA en febrero del 2018. Como situación problemática, hemos considerado la cuantificación de mano de obra empleada para las actividades correspondientes a las partidas que involucran pre-losas. Dado que, de acuerdo a los antecedentes de uso, este elemento era considerado generalmente en construcciones del sector retail y no en viviendas. Esto, debido a las particularidades de la construcción. Es por ello, que, en la resolución emitida, se muestran datos aplicados a las construcciones retail y no a viviendas. Nuestro propósito es plasmar los resultados obtenidos a través del seguimiento de las partidas (rendimiento) y, mediante herramientas de gestión, optimizar el proceso mejorando la calidad, tiempo (cronograma) y costo en un 15% de lo proyectado para Edificios Multifamiliares construidos con pre losas en Lima Top. Se validará la investigación mediante los métodos explicativo, descriptivo, exploratorio y correlacional. / The development of this research academy has as a study area the management of civil engineering projects, we have supported the document in the guidelines of the PMBOK (PMI, 2016) 6th edition (PMI). We take as important factors the development of the schedule, cost and quality of projects built with the use of pre-slabs of the company “BETON DECKEN” considering that it was accepted as a method of non-traditional construction in Peru by Ministerial Resolution No. 069-2018- VIVIENDA in February 2018. We have considered as a problematic situation the quantification of labor used for the activities corresponding to the items that involve pre-slabs. Given that, according to the history of use this element was generally considered in retail constructions and not in homes due to the particularities of the construction. That is why, in the resolution issued, they provide data applied to retail constructions and not to homes. Our purpose is to capture the results obtained through the monitoring of the items (performance) and through management tools to optimize the process by improving the quality, time (schedule) and cost by 15% of the projected for Multifamily Buildings built with pre-slabs in Lima Top. Research will be validated between the methods explanatory, descriptive, explorer and correlationally, / Tesis

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