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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Catalogue raisonné des citations littéraires figurant dans l’œuvre d’Emile Gallé (écrits et productions artistiques). / An annotated catalog of the literary quotations found in Emile Gallé’s works (writings and art)

De Coster, Camille 11 January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à Emile Gallé, chef de file de l’Ecole de Nancy, artiste dont les créations appartiennent aux réalisations majeures de l’Art Nouveau. Il était, en outre, passionné par la littérature et c’est cet aspect de sa personnalité, ayant fortement influencé son œuvre, que nous avons étudié. Notre recherche se base essentiellement sur le témoignage le plus concret que Gallé nous a laissé de son intérêt pour les textes : les nombreuses citations qu’il a gravées sur ses œuvres (de verre, bois ou porcelaine), ou dont il a émaillé ses écrits. Leur importance réside dans le fait qu’elles sont partie prenante de la création artistique, puisque Gallé semblait parfois créer une pièce après avoir été subjugué par un passage littéraire. C’est pourquoi il nous a semblé nécessaire de répertorier en détail, sous la forme d’un catalogue raisonné, l’ensemble des citations que l’artiste a choisi d’extraire d’œuvres littéraires du 19e siècle. Nous avons fait suivre ce recensement d’un classement thématique, visant à éclairer les sujets de prédilection de l’artiste. Cette description permettant de faire, en conclusion, quelques remarques concernant les thématiques principales des œuvres. Si ce catalogue constitue le cœur de notre travail, il nous est apparu indispensable d’envisager aussi au préalable la vie d’Emile Gallé, afin de mieux appréhender les influences principales ayant déterminé sa sensibilité littéraire et artistique. La première partie de notre thèse revêt donc un aspect ouvertement biographique. / This research is dedicated to the works of Emile Gallé, leader of the Ecole de Nancy and an artist whose creations belong in Art Nouveau's major achievements. He was also very fond of literature and it is this aspect of his personality, which had a major impact on his works, that has been here focused on. This study is mostly based on Gallé's most tangible account of his interest for words : the many quotations he himself carved on his creations (in glass, wood or china) or referred to in his own writings. Their importance lies in the fact that they are truly part of his creative process since Gallé would sometimes create a piece after being enthralled by some literary passage he had read. This is the reason why it felt necessary to list exhaustively every quotation the artist chose to extract from 19th century literary works and present them as an annotated catalogue. This inventory is followed by a thematic classification highlighting the artist's favourite topics. The main themes here depicted are then discussed and confronted in the conclusion. The catalogue may be at the heart of this study but it also seemed inconceivable not to mention Emile Gallé's life so as to understand the main influences ruling his artistic and literary sensitivity. The first part of this research thus deliberately takes on a biographic aspect.

Economia, cultura e normatividade. O debate de Nancy Fraser e Axel Honneth sobre redistribuição e reconhecimento. / Economy, Culture and Normativity: the discussion of Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth about recognition and redistribution

Bressiani, Nathalie de Almeida 18 August 2010 (has links)
O debate sobre redistribuição e reconhecimento tem como principais referências os trabalhos de Nancy Fraser e Axel Honneth, bem como o livro Redistribuição ou Reconhecimento? Uma controvérsia político-filosófica, obra que reúne contribuições de ambos. Cada um destes autores atribui, contudo, um diferente significado a esses dois conceitos que são também mobilizados por eles de modos distintos. Com o objetivo de explorar esse debate no interior e a partir da controvérsia Fraser-Honneth, abordaremos a compreensão que os dois possuem sobre as relações entre redistribuição e reconhecimento, em seus diferentes níveis de análise. Tomando como fio condutor a pergunta acerca da possibilidade de que o conjunto de injustiças existentes seja compreendido a partir do conceito de reconhecimento, ou acerca da necessidade de recorrer para isso ao par conceitual redistribuição e reconhecimento, pretendemos mostrar que por mais importantes que sejam as questões relativas à base normativa de suas teorias, à importância e ao caráter que atribuem aos conflitos sociais a disputa entre o monismo proposto por Honneth e o dualismo defendido por Fraser tem em seu centro questões sobre teoria social, por meio das quais procuram compreender as relações entre a economia e a cultura e apresentar teorias do poder aptas a diagnosticar as injustiças ou patologias sociais existentes. Injustiças que, segundo eles, precisam ser analisadas também no interior das interações sociais, que estariam perpassadas por relações de poder. / The debate about redistribution and recognition has as its central theoretical references, Nancy Frasers and Axel Honneths work and, mainly, the book Redistribution or Recognition? A political-philosophical exchange, a work that gathers contributions from both of them. Each of these authors ascribes, though, a different meaning to those two concepts that are, besides, mobilised by them in distinguished ways. With the aim to explore this debate within and from Fraser-Honneth controversy, we seek to discuss the comprehension that both authors sustain regarding the relations between redistribution and recognition, in its different levels of analysis. Establishing as our guiding line the question concerning the possibility that the set of existing injustices be comprehended only through the concept of recognition, or if to do so is necessary to call upon the conceptual par redistribution and recognition, we aim to pinpoint that although questions regarding the normative basis of their theories and the importance or character they assign to the social conflicts might be of fundamental importance the dispute between the monism endorsed by Honneth and the dualism advocated by Fraser has its center the different social theories developed by those authors, through which they seek to understand the relations between culture and economy and to bring foreword theories of power that can diagnose the existent social pathologies or injustices. Injustices that, according to them, need to be properly analysed within social interactions, also pervaded by power relations.

A tensão entre modernidade e pós-modernidade na crítica à exclusão no feminismo / The tension between modernity and post-modernity in the critic to exclusion in feminism

Chambouleyron, Ingrid Cyfer 09 September 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o projeto de Nancy Fraser de pacificar a chamada guerra de paradigmas na teoria feminista, ou seja, o confronto entre teorias feministas pós-modernas e modernas. Essa análise é feita a partir do debate entre Judith Butler, Seyla Benhabib e Nancy Fraser acerca dos problemas teóricos que emergem das exclusões no movimento feminista, ou seja, da dificuldade de o movimento representar as várias formas de viver a condição feminina, levando em conta as intersecções entre a identidade de gênero, racial, de classe, etc. A intenção de Nancy Fraser é combinar a concepção de sujeito moderno e pósmoderno a fim de somar a desconstrução do sujeito, ou seja, a desnaturalização da identidade feminina com as concepções de igualdade e autonomia que estão presentes no argumento de Benhabib. Essa discussão remete a três tensões conceituais: autonomia e contextualização do sujeito; identidade e reconhecimento da diferença e igualdade e pluralidade. Por fim, concluo que a conciliação entre modernidade e pós-modernidade é problemática porque a concepção de sujeito pós-moderno apresenta desafios teóricos profundos a uma autonomia suficientemente forte para justificar a crítica social. No entanto, isso não significa necessariamente ter de escolher entre poder e autonomia, entre sujeito abstrato e determinado pelo meio. Na concepção de self narrativo de Benhabib, que ela concebe sob a influência do modernismo relutante de Hannah Arendt, encontra-se um modelo de conciliação de poder e autonomia mais promissor para vencer a exclusão no feminismo sem abandonar a identidade coletiva no movimento feminsita. / The subject of this thesis is Nancy Frasers attempt to overcome the tension between post-modernism and modernism in the feminist political theory, known as the paradigm war. This attempt is analysed though her debate with Judith Butler and Seyla Benhabib about the theoretical consequences of dealing with the problem of exclusion within the feminist movement. Nancy Fraser intends to combine Judith Butlers conception of the subject with Benhabibs conception of equality. For her, this is the only way to integrate power and autonomy in feminist political theory. This discussion leads to three theoretical tensions: contextualization of the subject and autonomy; identity and recognition of difference, and equality and plurality. My conclusion is that this combination is not possible because the post modern subjet challenges any conception of autonomy that is strong enough to explain and motivate social criticsm. Nevertheless, in Benhabibs conception of self narrative, inspired in the reluctant modernism of Hannah Arendt, we can find a theoretical model that is more adequate to fight the exclusion in feminist movement without abandoning its colletive identity.


PAOLA SANGES GHETTI 27 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação toma por objeto privilegiado de análise o livro L Intrus (O Intruso), do filósofo francês (1940) Jean-Luc Nancy. O livro mescla a escrita poética à reflexão propriamente filosófica e oferece, por conseguinte, o desafio de uma compreensão que tome em conta esse duplo viés. Partindo da abordagem inicial sobre o caráter do livro, é formulada a hipótese central de pesquisa: a questão do intruso, implícita no livro de Nancy, versa sobre o caráter desconstrutivo tanto do corpo social, quanto do corpo privado. Ambos funcionariam articulando-se numa dupla injunção, que no primeiro caso, apresenta-se numa investigação sobre o contato entre os termos intruso e estrangeiro, e no segundo caso, entre intruso e estranho. A pesquisa atua, ainda, num registro marcadamente contemporâneo. São as exigências, os problemas, as crises do mundo de hoje que norteiam as leituras do livro de Nancy, a compreensão da noção de hospitalidade e o redimensionamento da noção de subjetividade. / [en] This dissertation has, as its primary object of analysis, the book L Intrus (The intruder), by French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy (1940). This book blends poetic writing to proper philosophical reflection, and therefore poses the challenge of a comprehension that considers this double perspective. Based on this first approach to the nature of the book, the central research hypothesis is formulated: the topic of the intruder, implicit in Nancy s book, deals with the deconstructive nature of both the social and the private bodies. Both would work by articulating into a double injunction, which, in the first case, is present in an investigation of the contact between the terms intruder and foreigner, and in the second case, between intruder and strange. Also, the research takes place on a markedly contemporary register. It is the demands, problems and crises of today s world that guide the readings of Nancy s book, the understanding of the notion of hospitality and the redimensioning of the notion of subjectivity.

Vi har problem - om medvaro i ljuset av klimatkrisen / We are in trouble - on being-with in light of the climate crisis

Östergren, Åke January 2019 (has links)
This essay tries to find a possible way for us to deal with the questions concerning climate change by looking into an alternative conception of being. One can speak of the ongoing climate change as a crisis that concerns all of human kind and all beings on earth, but how can we fight it together? The situation demands us to re-think how we humans exist together and among other beings. Despite that the situation calls for instant and radical action, we seem unwilling to do enough. We get stuck on questions about who should take action: is it the politicians or each one alone, or is there something in between? By looking more deeply into the concept of Mitsein as Martin Heidegger depicts it in Being and Time, Jean-Luc Nancy brings to light a possible way past the problematic thought of Heidegger. Nancy shows us in Being Singular Plural that Heideggers exposition on Mitsein is a mere sketch when considering the full potential of the concept. By determining Mitsein as being fundamentally-ontologically originary and anterior to the individuation of Dasein, Nancy opens up a whole new field of thought. According to Nancy, the existential analytic has to begin with something like a ”co-existential analytic”, which will draw the lines for how we exist being-with. With a concept like being singular plural and his way of conceptualizing meaning, Nancy might give us some possible tools to cope with our situation today. Nancys actuality is confirmed by the ecological philosopher Mick Smith, who emphasizes the demand for a new approach towards nature and what it means to be. Smith adds to the essay a glimpse of an emerging philosophical discourse about the thought of an ecological community, where the concept of being singular plural could possibly play a central part.

Fraktionierungen des philosophischen Diskurses

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 21 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Drei fast zugleich veröffentlichte Texte französischer Philosophen zu lesen, mag zum Nachdenken über den Zusammenhang auffordern - hier soll einmal bewußt den Unterschieden nachgegangen werden, zum Erweis der Brüchigkeit des philosophischen Diskurses, der von vielen für manifest gehalten wird. Gibt es eine postmoderne, post-strukturalistische, post-analytische Philosophie? Das ist zweifelhaft. Es gibt Fraktionen. Es gibt so verschiedene Autoren wie Jean Baudrillard, JeanFrancois Lyotard und Jean-Luc Nancy.

La réinvention de la maternité dans l'oeuvre de Nancy Huston

Guarino, Angelina 08 1900 (has links)
Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est l’étude de l’inscription de la maternité dans L’empreinte de l’ange, La virevolte et Prodige de Nancy Huston. Les trois romans précités constituent mon corpus de base. Néanmoins, des allusions à d’autres écrits de l’auteure, notamment à Journal de la création, donneront une plus grande profondeur à l’analyse, car on ne peut ni écarter les traces du thème de la maternité dans ses autres textes ni mésestimer l’influence de l’expérience de l’auteure sur son œuvre. Dans la foulée de la réflexion féministe contemporaine sur la maternité et faisant recours, selon le besoin, à la Nouvelle Histoire et à la psychanalyse, pour éclairer le contexte sociohistorique et le non-dit des textes, nous essaierons de dégager la singularité de l’écriture hustonienne en ce qui concerne ses idées sur la maternité. En effet, Nancy Huston s’inscrit dans la lignée d’écrivaines qui ont contribué à redéfinir l’identité féminine dans la fiction contemporaine en esquissant, à travers ses romans et essais, une multiplicité d’expériences féminines, toutes différentes, bien que plus ou moins soumises aux valeurs sociales dont l’auteure mesure la force. Nous abordons notre analyse par une mise en contexte historique, culturelle et éthique de la maternité. En effet, comme le thème de la maternité est omniprésent dans le discours social passé et contemporain, il est intéressent de voir comment Nancy Huston compose avec les stéréotypes traditionnellement attribués à la mère en suivant les enjeux, les conséquences et les variations de la maternité dans les œuvres à l’étude. Suivront à la mise en contexte historique et théorique les chapitres destinés à l’analyse des œuvres. Le deuxième chapitre portera sur L’empreinte de l’ange dévoilant les perplexités qui naissent d’une maternité non désirée et ombragée par les séquelles d’un passé tragique. Le troisième chapitre, consacré à l’analyse de La virevolte, s’articule autour de la tension entre la création et la procréation. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier chapitre aborde la maternité dans Prodige, roman où il est surtout question du lien entre emprise maternelle et construction de l’identité de la fille. À travers cette analyse, nous verrons comment Nancy Huston déconstruit le lieu commun voulant que la mère soit cet être idéalisé, privé de passions professionnelles et de pulsions artistiques, se dédiant uniquement à la protection et aux soins de l’enfant pour représenter plutôt des mères animées par des sentiments contradictoires, des mères qui se positionnent avant tout comme femmes sans inhiber leurs élans, leurs passions ni leurs tourments. / The main purpose of this master’s paper is the study of the theme of maternity in Nancy Huston’s novels L’empreinte de l’ange, La virevolte and Prodige. The three aforesaid novels constitute the basic corpus of our study. Nevertheless, allusions to the other essays by the author, in particular to Journal de la création, will give a major depth to the analysis, because we cannot push aside the traces of the theme of maternity in her other writings nor underestimate the influence of the experience of the author on her work. Influenced by the ideas of the contemporary feminist reflexion to redefine the maternal experience and recurring, according to the needs, to the New History’s and the psychoanalysis’s theories, to enlighten the sociohistorical context and the unspoken of the texts, we shall try to find the peculiarity of Nancy Huston’s writing regarding maternity. In fact, Nancy Huston, by sketching through her novels a multiplicity of feminine experiences more or less influenced by social values, joins the lineage of women writers which have contributed to redefine the feminine identity in contemporary fiction. We approach our analysis by an historical, cultural, and ethical contextualization of the ideas surrounding maternity. As the subject of maternity is present in the past and contemporary social discourse, it is interesting to see how Nancy Huston composes with stereotypes traditionally attributed to mothers by following the consequences and the variations of maternity in her novels. The study of the novels follows this contextualization. The second chapter concerns L’empreinte de l’ange and reveals the perplexities which arise from a maternity that is unwanted and shaded by the after effects of a tragic past. The third chapter, dedicated to the analysis of La virevolte is articulated around the tension between creation and procreation. Finally, the fourth and last chapter studies the theme of maternity in Prodigy, a novel that reveals the link between maternal influence and the construction of the daughter’s identity. Through this entire study, we shall see how Nancy Huston deconstructs the common idea wanting that the mother is an idealized being, deprived of professional passions and artistic drives, dedicated only to the protection and to the care of the child. On the contrary, the author represents mothers animated by contradictory feelings, mothers who position themselves as women without inhibiting their passions nor their agonies.

Esthétique phénoménologique de l’intensité / A phenomenological esthetics of intensity

Aubertin, Céline 10 December 2012 (has links)
Du point de vue de l'expérience, l'intensité désigne ordinairement une force ou une puissance entendue dans leur acception purement sensorielle ou sensitive, comme ce qui peut amener les sens à leurs limites. Or, certaines œuvres d'art nous font parfois faire des expériences intenses et fortes, sans cependant en appeller systématiquement à nos sens, sans proposer aucun objet à voir ou à sentir, voire même en se présentant simplement en une expérience de pensée. C'est ce paradoxe qui nous a amenés à nous interroger sur l'imperceptible, désignant par là le caractère à la fois insensible et intense de l'expérience esthétique. Notre esthétique de l'intensité se fonde sur une interprétation phénoménologique de cette dernière en la définissant comme expérience « charnelle », au sens du dernier Merleau-Ponty, c'est-à-dire comme ce qui fait toucher au seul sens d'être, à l'il y a. L'intense prend alors une dimension ontologique en tant qu'il incarne la puissance interne de différenciation du sensible comme source de tension, de variations et de différences. Nous partons des œuvres de V. Woolf et de Cl. Royet-Journoud, pour explorer l'écriture comme lieu d'expérience du sens naissant ; puis nous interrogeons la dimension intense des expériences quasi-imperceptibles à l'œuvre dans les arts plastiques et visuels, chez M. Duchamp, B. Nauman, D. Graham, M. Abramovic ou R. Smithson. Nous montrons ensuite, à travers les philosophies de Merleau-Ponty, Deleuze et Jean-Luc Nancy, que la pensée peut constituer en elle-même une expérience intense, en élucidant simultanément l'idée même d'intensité. / From the point of view of experience, intensity generally designates a certain force or power that we understand in a purely sensorial or sensory fashion, as something that can takes our senses to their limits. Yet certain works of art offer us experiences that are intense and powerful without systematically calling upon our senses, without offering any particular object to be seen, or sensed. Sometimes, they are just presented as a an experience of thinking. It is this paradox that has prodded us into exploring the imperceptible. In this particular instance, that means the character of our esthetic experience that is both “in-sensitive” and intense. Our esthetics of intensity is founded on a phenomenological interpretation of the latter, defining it as a “carnal” experience, such as the later-period Merleau-Ponty envisaged it, implying that which touches the unique sense of being, the “there is”. The “intense” then takes on an ontological dimension, in so far as it embodies the internal force of differentiation of the “sensitive” as a source of tension, of variations and of differences. We shall begin our interrogation with the works of Virginia Woolf and Claude Royet-Journoud, in order to explore writing as a locus for experiencing newly-born senses. Then, we shall question the intense dimension of quasi-imperceptible experiences that are at work in the visual and the fine arts, looking at M. Duchamp, B. Nauman, M. Abramovic or R. Smithson. Finally, we shall demonstrate, through the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, G. Deleuze and Jean-Luc Nancy, that thought in itself, can constitute an intense experience, by simultaneously elucidating the idea of intensity itself.

Economia, cultura e normatividade. O debate de Nancy Fraser e Axel Honneth sobre redistribuição e reconhecimento. / Economy, Culture and Normativity: the discussion of Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth about recognition and redistribution

Nathalie de Almeida Bressiani 18 August 2010 (has links)
O debate sobre redistribuição e reconhecimento tem como principais referências os trabalhos de Nancy Fraser e Axel Honneth, bem como o livro Redistribuição ou Reconhecimento? Uma controvérsia político-filosófica, obra que reúne contribuições de ambos. Cada um destes autores atribui, contudo, um diferente significado a esses dois conceitos que são também mobilizados por eles de modos distintos. Com o objetivo de explorar esse debate no interior e a partir da controvérsia Fraser-Honneth, abordaremos a compreensão que os dois possuem sobre as relações entre redistribuição e reconhecimento, em seus diferentes níveis de análise. Tomando como fio condutor a pergunta acerca da possibilidade de que o conjunto de injustiças existentes seja compreendido a partir do conceito de reconhecimento, ou acerca da necessidade de recorrer para isso ao par conceitual redistribuição e reconhecimento, pretendemos mostrar que por mais importantes que sejam as questões relativas à base normativa de suas teorias, à importância e ao caráter que atribuem aos conflitos sociais a disputa entre o monismo proposto por Honneth e o dualismo defendido por Fraser tem em seu centro questões sobre teoria social, por meio das quais procuram compreender as relações entre a economia e a cultura e apresentar teorias do poder aptas a diagnosticar as injustiças ou patologias sociais existentes. Injustiças que, segundo eles, precisam ser analisadas também no interior das interações sociais, que estariam perpassadas por relações de poder. / The debate about redistribution and recognition has as its central theoretical references, Nancy Frasers and Axel Honneths work and, mainly, the book Redistribution or Recognition? A political-philosophical exchange, a work that gathers contributions from both of them. Each of these authors ascribes, though, a different meaning to those two concepts that are, besides, mobilised by them in distinguished ways. With the aim to explore this debate within and from Fraser-Honneth controversy, we seek to discuss the comprehension that both authors sustain regarding the relations between redistribution and recognition, in its different levels of analysis. Establishing as our guiding line the question concerning the possibility that the set of existing injustices be comprehended only through the concept of recognition, or if to do so is necessary to call upon the conceptual par redistribution and recognition, we aim to pinpoint that although questions regarding the normative basis of their theories and the importance or character they assign to the social conflicts might be of fundamental importance the dispute between the monism endorsed by Honneth and the dualism advocated by Fraser has its center the different social theories developed by those authors, through which they seek to understand the relations between culture and economy and to bring foreword theories of power that can diagnose the existent social pathologies or injustices. Injustices that, according to them, need to be properly analysed within social interactions, also pervaded by power relations.

Complexité narrative et hybridité dans les romans Dolce agonia et Lignes de faille de Nancy Huston : Une étude au croisement de la sémiologie et de la transculturalité / Complexity and Hybridity in Nancy Huston’s Two Novels’ Dolce agonia and Lignes de faille. A Study at the Crossroads of Semiology and Transculturality.

Dubois-Côté, Véronique January 2017 (has links)
Comment peut-on aborder la complexité narrative des romans de Nancy Huston, écrivaine se situant à cheval entre deux cultures, surtout si elle est doublée d’une hybridité symptomatique de notre époque marquée par les connexions entre différentes cultures? À travers une étude entrecroisant les théories structuralistes/sémiologiques, en particulier les écrits relativement récents de Jacques Fontanille qui remet l’énonciation au coeur du processus narratif, et la perspective transculturelle, ce mémoire s’intéresse à la spécificité de l’écriture de Huston, et plus largement celle des récits à caractère transculturel. Débutant avec la présentation des deux champs d’études choisis et l’identification des points de contact existant entre eux, le travail laisse ensuite place à l’analyse de deux romans de Huston, soit Dolce agonia (2001) et Lignes de faille (2006). Enfin, grâce au nouvel éclairage que les études transculturelles peuvent apporter aux théories structuralistes/sémiologiques, il est possible de reconsidérer le processus énonciatif dans les romans à caractère transculturel et d’ainsi confirmer leur statut de récits complexes et hybrides. / How is it possible to approach the narrative complexity in the novels of Nancy Huston, a writer positionning herself between two cultures, especially if that complexity is reinforced by hybridization, a phenomenon that represents our time marked by connections between different cultures? Through a study crossing structuralist/semiological theories, particularly the more recent writings of Jacques Fontanille who sets back the enonciation in the heart of the narrative process, and a transcultural perspective, this essay tries to understand the specificity of Nancy Huston’s writing, and in a larger perspective the specificity of transcultural narratives. The text begins with the presentation of the two chosen disciplines as well as the identification of some contact points between them, followed by the analysis of two of Nancy Huston’s novels, Dolce agonia (2001) and Lignes de faille (2006). Finally, with the new perspective brought by the transcultural studies on the structuralist/semiological theories, it is possible to reconsider the enonciative process in trancultural novels and to confirm in that way their status as complex and hybrid narratives.

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