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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information flow in a fragmented dealer market three essays on price discovery /

Tuttle, Laura A., January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains x, 112 p.; also includes graphics. Includes bibliographical references (p. 73-77).

Análisis técnico Intraday para acciones del Dow Jones y Nasdaq: tramos horarios rentables.

Fernández Fernández, Consuelo, Matte Roos, Pablo, Moreno Isla, Javier January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Det förbryllande sambandet mellan risk och avkastning : En studie av de nordiska finansiella marknaderna / The baffling relationship between risk and return : A study on the Nordic financial markets

Huila, Anton, Bergman, Ludvig January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to in a comparative and causal way explore whether there is a relationship between risk and return and also how it is perceived on the Nordic financial markets. Theory: The theoretical frame of reference applied in the thesis is considered relevant inthe perspective of the study’s purpose and research questions. We have among other theories used The Capital Asset Pricing Model, The Efficient Market Hypothesis and various Behavioural finance theories. Method: The study has its starting point in a quantitative approach with a quantitative data analysis supported by secondary data extracted from Thomson Reuters. Empirics: The empirics contains regression analyses made from calculated secondary data of 240 randomly chosen companies from Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, NasdaqOMX Copenhagen, Nasdaq OMX Helsinki and Oslo Bors. Conclusion: The study conclusions show that there are both a negative and positive relationship between volatility and actual return on the investigated markets. Considering this prior statement we can conclude that the Capital Asset Pricing Model can’t correctly describe the actual relationship between the parameters investigated on the current sample. The Capital Asset Pricing Model’s unclear compatibility regarding the relationship makes it impossible to make conclusions about the Efficient Market Hypothesis on any other ground than the observed abnormal return. / Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att på ett komparativt och kausalt sätt ta reda på om ett samband mellan risk och avkastning existerar samt hur det i sådana fall urskiljs på de nordiska marknaderna. Teorier: Den teoretiska referensramen som appliceras i uppsatsen finner vi vara relevantför studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Vi har bland annat använt oss av teorier som Capital Asset Pricing Model, den Effektiva marknadshypotesen samt olika Behavioural finance teorier. Metod: Studien har sin utgångspunkt i en kvantitativ ansats med en kvantitativ dataanalys stödd av sekundärdata från Thomson Reuters. Empiri: Empirin innefattar regressionsanalyser med kalkylerad sekundärdata från 240 slumpmässigt valda bolag från Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Nasdaq OMX Köpenhamn, Nasdaq OMX Helsingfors samt Oslo Börs. Slutsatser: Studiens slutsatser visar på både ett negativt och positivt samband mellan volatilitet och faktisk avkastning på de undersökta marknaderna. Med detta som grund dras slutsatsen att Capital Asset Pricing Model inte förmår korrekt beskriva det samband som råder på urvalet. Capital Asset Pricing Model:s otydliga kompatibilitet gör det omöjligt att dra slutsatser kring den Effektiva marknadshypotesens giltighet på andra grunder än observerade tillgångars överavkastning.

Påverkas omsättningstillväxten av en börsnotering? : En kvantitativ studie

Doyle, Robin, Therese, Lewenstedt January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka sambandet mellan börsnotering och omsättningstillväxt hos primärnoterade företag på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. Studien avgränsas till att undersöka noteringens påverkan endast på omsättningstillväxten, under en sjuårsperiod. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen som appliceras i studien är till för att besvara syftet och forskningsfrågorna. Studien använder sig främst av tidigare forskning som bas. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvantitativ forskningspunkt med statistisk tyngd. Undersökningen genomförs genom insamling av årsrapporter från börsnoterade företag från databasen Retreiver Business. Datan analyseras genom linjär regression och säkerställs statistiskt genom hypotesprövningar. Empiri: Empirin baseras på den insamlade datan från Retriver Bussines, som sedan gestaltas i tre regressionsanalyser för sjuårsperioden som sedan testas statistiskt. I två av de tre regressionerna kan vi statistiskt säkerställa sambandet. Slutsats: Studien slutsatser grundar sig i regressionsanalyserna där sambandet mellan omsättningstillväxt och tid illustreras. Av studien kan slutsatsen om ett positivt samband mellan börsnotering och ökad omsättningstillväxt

Nasdaq OMX Baltijos ir Nasdaq OMX Šiaurės akcijų rinkų likvidumo atsparumą globaliam finansiniam nuosmukiui lemiančių veiksnių vertinimas / Evaluation of the factors, weighted the resistance of Nasdaq OMX Baltic and Nasdaq OMX Nordic market’s liquidity to global financial crisis

Gudynaitė, Jurgita 14 June 2011 (has links)
Darbe yra analizuojamos Nasdaq OMX Baltijos ir Nasdaq OMX Šiaurės rinkos, siekiant nustatyti, kurios rinkos likvidumas yra atsparesnis globaliam finansiniam nuosmukiui ir kokie įmonių lygio veiksniai nulemia didesnį likvidumo atsparumą. Teorinėje dalyje apžvelgiamos rinkos likvidumo sąsajos su rinkos, įmonių lygio ir makroekonominiais veiksniais. Antroje darbo dalyje pateikiama tyrimo metodologija, susidedanti iš dviejų tyrimo etapų. Pirmame etape rinkų likvidumo kitimas skaičiuojamas 2005 – 2010 m. ir lyginamas jo vidurkis prieš ir po globalaus finansinio nuosmukio, įvertinant finansinio nuosmukio mastą rinkas sudarančiose šalyse. Antrame tyrimo etape nustatoma, kurie įmonių lygio veiksniai turi įtakos likvidumui ir kaip jie paveikia likvidumo atsparumą globaliam finansiniam nuosmukiui. Trečioje dalyje pateikiami empirinio tyrimo rezultatai, jog Nasdaq OMX Šiaurės rinka, pagal prašomos-siūlomos kainos skirtumo likvidumo rodiklį, yra atsparesnė globaliam finansiniam nuosmukiui, o tai nulemia didesnis listinguojamų įmonių dydis rinkoje, didesnis skaičius įmonių vykdančių mokslinius tyrimus ir plėtrą, bei nuosmukio laikotarpiu žymiai mažiau kritęs įmonių pelnas, kapitalo išlaidos, akcijų rinkos ir balansinės vertės santykis, lyginant su Nasdaq OMX Baltijos rinka. / In this paper are analyzing Nasdaq OMX Baltic and Nasdaq OMX Nordic markets on purpose to find out, which market has bigger resistance of liquidity to the global financial crisis and which factors weighted it. In the theoretic part is analyzing interface between liquidity and factors of the markets, firms and macroeconomic. In the second part of paper is represented research methodology. First of all, is calculating resistance of liquidity through 2005 – 2010 years and compare resistance of market liquidity before and after global financial crisis, evaluating the extent of crisis in the countries, of which consisted the Baltic and Nordic markets. Next it is find out which firm’s level indicators influence firm’s liquidity and how these indicators influence the resistance of market liquidity to global financial crisis. In the third part are represented results of empirical research. It is find out that by the bid-ask spread indicator the Nasdaq OMX Nordic market’s liquidity is more resistance to global financial crises, because the firms are bigger, more firms engage in research and development activity and had considerably higher profit, capital expenditures and market-balance value of stocks through crisis, compare with Nasdaq OMX Baltic market.

A inovação aberta nas empresas do Índice NASDAQ-100: um estudo das redes de cooperação formadas a partir das patentes / Open Innovation in NASDAQ-100 Index firms: a study of cooperation networks formed from patents

Luqueze, Maria Angélica Oliveira 16 October 2017 (has links)
A inovação apresenta-se, primordialmente, nas indústrias intensivas em tecnologia que, nos últimos anos, criaram redes globais de parceiros para melhorar o alcance e a gama de seus produtos, serviços e tecnologias. Em virtude de o conceito de inovação estar intimamente ligado à tecnologia, o presente trabalho toma por base o ambiente de negociações de ações na maior bolsa de valores do mundo das empresas de tecnologia, a NASDAQ. Por ser a representação das maiores companhias na bolsa, o Índice NASDAQ-100 constitui o universo da pesquisa que buscou estudar as empresas quanto ao grau de inovação aberta por meio da construção e análise das redes de cooperação. Em vista disso, apresenta-se um estudo sobre essas empresas denominadas de alta tecnologia para o período 1995-2014 analisando suas patentes protegidas em parcerias com o objetivo de classificá-las em uma matriz de inovação aberta, bem como, mapear a configuração e abrangência das suas redes de cooperação. Além disso, propicia discussão sobre a evolução dos investimentos em P&D e as áreas tecnológicas priorizadas pelas empresas. Por abordar extenso horizonte de 20 anos e adotar como paradigma o vínculo dos agentes nos pedidos de patentes, as análises permitiram o diagnóstico dos diversos padrões de comportamento no tocante às redes de cooperação para inovação dentre as empresas. Fundamentalmente, como resultantes das estratégias particulares e específicas adotadas por cada companhia, as redes de cooperação são distintas, entretanto, as principais métricas das redes são convergentes quanto ao grau de inovação aberta. Além disso, os resultados indicam que as áreas tecnológicas de interesse das empresas da amostra pesquisada estão mais concentradas na tecnologia proprietária, o que reforça a postura em manter investimentos em P&D na sua principal área de atuação. Assim, as parcerias são firmadas no sentido de intensificar o domínio tecnológico, na busca das complementaridades necessárias. / Innovation is primarily present in intensive technology industries, which, in recent years, have created global networks of partners to improve the scope and range of products, services and technologies. Because the concept of innovation is closely linked to technology, this study is based on the environment of trading of shares in the largest stock exchange in the world of technology companies, NASDAQ. Being the representation of the largest companies in the stock exchange, the NASDAQ-100 Index represents the universe of this research that focused on studying the companies according to the degree of open innovation by means of constructing and analyzing cooperation networks. In view of this, we present a study of the so called high-tech companies for the 1995-2014 period by analyzing the patents protected under partnerships in order to classify the firms into an open innovation matrix and map the configuration and scope of their cooperation networks. In addition, it presents discussions on the evolution of investments in R&D and the technological areas prioritized by companies. Addressing an extensive horizon of 20 years and adopting the relationship of the agents in patent applications as a paradigm, the analysis brought the diagnosis of the various behavioral patterns with regards to cooperation networks for innovation among these companies. Fundamentally, as a result of particular and specific strategies adopted by each company, cooperation networks are distinct, however, the key metrics of networks are converging towards the degree of open innovation. Moreover, the results indicate that technological areas of interest of the surveyed sample are more focused on proprietary technology, which reinforces the stance in maintaining investments in R&D in the main area of expertise. Thus, partnerships are signed to intensify the technological field and seek the necessary complementarities.

NASDAQ OMX Vilnius likvidumo rizikos ir laukiamos akcijų grąžos sąveikos vertinimas / Assessment of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius liquidity risk and expected stock returns interaction

Urniežius, Tomas 31 July 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe artlikta akcijų, kuriomis prekiauta Vilniaus vertybinių popierių biržoje (NASDAQ OMX Vilnius) 2000-2012 metais, ir rinkos likvidumo analizė. Teorinėje dalyje sukaupta, susisteminta ir apibendrinta mokslinė literatūra apie vertybinių popierių biržų svarbą, jų įtaką šalies ekonomikos augimui ir rinkos likvidumo svarbą vertybinių popierių biržoms. Tiriamojoje dalyje baziniu akcijų įkainojimo modeliu pasirinktas kapitalinių aktyvių įkainojimo modelis (CAPM). Naudojant NASDAQ OMX Vilnius akcijų prekybos duomenis 2000-2012 metais, vertinama rinkos likvidumo, taikant skirtingus jo matavimus, poveikį akcijų grąžai, išreiškiamai CAPM modeliu. Be to, sudarant skirtingo jautrumo rinkos likvidumo rizikai portfelius apskačiuojama NASDAQ OMX Vilnius likvidumo rizikos premija (kompensacija, kurią gauna investuotojai laikydami nelikvidžias akcijas). / In this bachelor thesis analysis of stocks, which were traded in Vilnius stock market (NASDAQ OMX Vilnius) from 2000 till 2012, and market liquidity risk is carried out. Theoretical part accumulates, systemizes, and summarizes scientific literature about the importance of stock markets, their influence to the country’s economic development and the importance of the market liquidity to the stock markets. In the empirical part capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is chosen as a basic model for stock pricing. While using the trading data from NASDAQ OMX Vilnius from 2000 till 2012 the influence of the market liquidity, which is estimated using various measurements, on the stock returns, which are predicted by CAPM, is analyzed. In addition, through the construction of portfolios with different sensitivity to the market liquidity risk NASDAQ OMX Vilnius liquidity risk premium (compensation to the investors who hold illiquid stocks) is calculated.

A inovação aberta nas empresas do Índice NASDAQ-100: um estudo das redes de cooperação formadas a partir das patentes / Open Innovation in NASDAQ-100 Index firms: a study of cooperation networks formed from patents

Maria Angélica Oliveira Luqueze 16 October 2017 (has links)
A inovação apresenta-se, primordialmente, nas indústrias intensivas em tecnologia que, nos últimos anos, criaram redes globais de parceiros para melhorar o alcance e a gama de seus produtos, serviços e tecnologias. Em virtude de o conceito de inovação estar intimamente ligado à tecnologia, o presente trabalho toma por base o ambiente de negociações de ações na maior bolsa de valores do mundo das empresas de tecnologia, a NASDAQ. Por ser a representação das maiores companhias na bolsa, o Índice NASDAQ-100 constitui o universo da pesquisa que buscou estudar as empresas quanto ao grau de inovação aberta por meio da construção e análise das redes de cooperação. Em vista disso, apresenta-se um estudo sobre essas empresas denominadas de alta tecnologia para o período 1995-2014 analisando suas patentes protegidas em parcerias com o objetivo de classificá-las em uma matriz de inovação aberta, bem como, mapear a configuração e abrangência das suas redes de cooperação. Além disso, propicia discussão sobre a evolução dos investimentos em P&D e as áreas tecnológicas priorizadas pelas empresas. Por abordar extenso horizonte de 20 anos e adotar como paradigma o vínculo dos agentes nos pedidos de patentes, as análises permitiram o diagnóstico dos diversos padrões de comportamento no tocante às redes de cooperação para inovação dentre as empresas. Fundamentalmente, como resultantes das estratégias particulares e específicas adotadas por cada companhia, as redes de cooperação são distintas, entretanto, as principais métricas das redes são convergentes quanto ao grau de inovação aberta. Além disso, os resultados indicam que as áreas tecnológicas de interesse das empresas da amostra pesquisada estão mais concentradas na tecnologia proprietária, o que reforça a postura em manter investimentos em P&D na sua principal área de atuação. Assim, as parcerias são firmadas no sentido de intensificar o domínio tecnológico, na busca das complementaridades necessárias. / Innovation is primarily present in intensive technology industries, which, in recent years, have created global networks of partners to improve the scope and range of products, services and technologies. Because the concept of innovation is closely linked to technology, this study is based on the environment of trading of shares in the largest stock exchange in the world of technology companies, NASDAQ. Being the representation of the largest companies in the stock exchange, the NASDAQ-100 Index represents the universe of this research that focused on studying the companies according to the degree of open innovation by means of constructing and analyzing cooperation networks. In view of this, we present a study of the so called high-tech companies for the 1995-2014 period by analyzing the patents protected under partnerships in order to classify the firms into an open innovation matrix and map the configuration and scope of their cooperation networks. In addition, it presents discussions on the evolution of investments in R&D and the technological areas prioritized by companies. Addressing an extensive horizon of 20 years and adopting the relationship of the agents in patent applications as a paradigm, the analysis brought the diagnosis of the various behavioral patterns with regards to cooperation networks for innovation among these companies. Fundamentally, as a result of particular and specific strategies adopted by each company, cooperation networks are distinct, however, the key metrics of networks are converging towards the degree of open innovation. Moreover, the results indicate that technological areas of interest of the surveyed sample are more focused on proprietary technology, which reinforces the stance in maintaining investments in R&D in the main area of expertise. Thus, partnerships are signed to intensify the technological field and seek the necessary complementarities.

Att varna eller inte varna : En granskning av regleringen beträffande vinstvarningar på aktiemarknaden / To alert or not to alert : A review of the regulation regarding profit warnings in the stock market

Nygren, Elin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

God bestyrkandesed: Bestyrkanden av hållbarhetsrapporter vid Nasdaq OMX Stockholm

Edling, Josefine, Sundman, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this paper is partly to determine the proportion of the listed companies that have chosen to report sustainability, assure them, and furthermore to explain whether if there is a correlation between certain factors and the companies chosen to provide a sustainability report and to assure and also the extent of the assurance and furthermore to develop a concept to describe the praxis of assurance.

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