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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

English language policies in Hong Kong and Singapore in the Post-war period : circa 1965-1998 /

Wong, Ngar-chu, Mary. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-91).

The effects of the medium of teaching and testing on the performance of students /

Chan, Wai-wah, Margaret Rose. January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1984. / Includes bibliographical references.

English language policies in Hong Kong and Singapore in the Post-war period circa 1965-1998 /

Wong, Ngar-chu, Mary. January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-91) Also available in print.

The effects of the medium of teaching and testing on the performance of students

Chan, Wai-wah, Margaret Rose. January 1984 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1984. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print.

L'équilibre asymétrique : une ethnographie de l'antagonisme entre les Kakataibo et les Shipibo d'Amazonie péruvienne / The asymmetrical balance : an ethnography of the antagonism between the Kakataibo and the Shipibo in Peruvian Amazonia

Dziubinska, Magda Helena 04 December 2014 (has links)
« Les Shipibo nous doivent un jeu !» - disent les Kakataibo en insistant sur le caractère contraignant du système d'échange de fête dans lequel ils sont engagés aujourd'hui avec leurs anciens ennemis. L'objectif de ce travail est de fournir une ethnographie du rapport antagoniste entre les deux groupes de la famille linguistique pano du bassin de l'Aguaytía, en Amazonie péruvienne. Il entend également d'offrir un nouvel aperçu sur les propositions théoriques concernant la socialité, et plus précisément l'inimitié, dans les basses terres qui dominentl'anthropologie amazoniste depuis plus de vingt ans, en les confrontant avec un matériel ethnographique récent.L'abandon des pratiques guerrières qui étaient jadis le modus operandi privilégié entre les ennemis, ainsi que l'intensification des contacts avec la société nationale et avec les Blancs ont engendré les nouvelles formes du rapport entre les groupes amérindiens. Si la figure de l'ennemi est toujours indispensable dans les constructions identitaires récentes, nous ne sommes plus ici dans la logique de la prédation ontologique. L'exemple de la fête de la communauté native est dece point de vue particulièrement parlant. Une monnaie d'échange entre les chefs de villages adverses, les différentes séquences de la fête laissent entrevoir la pluralité des formes relationnelles que les Kakataibo entretiennent avec leurs différents affins. Tandis que l'idiome sorcellaire qu'ils mobilisent pour parler du football produit l'asymétrie et la distance avec leurs affins potentielles - les Shipibo, la mise en scène d'une femme blanche, belle, intelligente et érotisée par les filles kakataibo lors du concours de beauté a pour effet, au contraire, de séduire les Métis, les affins réels.En analysant les différents types d'interactions que les Kakataibo ont avec leursadversaires, je me propose de saisir l'image qu'ils ont d'eux-mêmes, leur rapport à soi et la manière dont ils se projettent dans le réseaux social de la région. / ‘The Shipibo owe us a game!’ This statement by Kakataibo people expresses the binding character of the ceremonial exchange system in which they participate with their former enemies. The aim of this thesis is to provide an ethnography of the antagonistic relationship between these two groups of the Panoan language family of the Aguaytía basin in Peruvian Amazonia.The abandonment of warrior practices that were formerly the modus operandi privileged between these rivals, as well as the intensification of the contacts with the national society and ‘white people’ engendered new forms of relations between Kakataibo and Shipibo. Even if the figure of the ‘enemy’ remains indispensable for contemporary forms of identity constructions these are nolonger based on a logic of ontological predation. By using new ethnographic material, the thesis offers a new formulation of the theoretical propositions concerning sociality, and more specifically enmity, that has dominated amazonian anthropology for more than twenty years.From this point of view, the example of the native community festival is particularly relevant. A bargaining chip between opposing leaders, the various sequences of the festivity reveal the plurality of the relational forms which Kakataibo maintain with their various affines.On the one hand, the sorcery idiom which they mobilize to speak about football produces asymmetry and distance with their potential affines, such as the Shipibo. On the other, however, the Kakataibo girls performance of a white, beautiful, intelligent and eroticized woman during the beauty contest has the effect to seduce the Mestizos who are their real affines.Through describing various types of interactions the Kaktaibo have with their opponents, I simultaenously analyze the image Kakataibo have of themselves, their relationship to a notion of self, and the way they project themselves into regional social networks.

L'apport des informations visuelles des gestes oro-faciaux dans le traitement phonologique des phonèmes natifs et non-natifs : approches comportementale, neurophysiologique / Contribution of visual information provided by labial gesture in phonological difficulties experienced during foreign language learning and bilingualism

Burfin, Sabine 03 February 2015 (has links)
En situation de perception audiovisuelle de la parole, comme lors des conversations face-àface,nous pouvons tirer partie des informations visuelles fournies par les mouvements orofaciauxdu locuteur. Ceci améliore l’intelligibilité du discours. L'objectif de ce travail était dedéterminer si ce « bénéfice audiovisuel » permet de mieux identifier les phonèmes quin’existent pas dans notre langue. Nos résultats révèlent que l’utilisation de l’informationvisuelle permet de surmonter les difficultés posées par la surdité phonologique dont noussommes victimes lors d'une présentation auditive seule (Etude 1). Une étude EEG indique quel’apport des informations visuelles au processus d’identification de phonèmes non natifspourrait être dû à une modulation précoce des traitements effectués par le cortex auditifprimaire (Etude 2). En présentation audiovisuelle les phonèmes non natifs donnent lieu à uneP50, ce qui n’est pas observé pour les phonèmes natifs. Il semblerait également quel'expérience linguistique affecte l'utilisation des informations visuelles puisque des bilinguesprécoces semblent moins aptes à exploiter ces indices pour distinguer des phonèmes qui neleur sont pas familiers (Etude 3). Enfin, l’étude de l’identification de consonnes plosivesnatives avec une tâche de dévoilement progressif nous a permis d’évaluer la contributionconjointe et séparée des informations auditives et visuelles (Etude 4). Nous avons observé quel’apport de la modalité visuelle n’est pas systématique et que la prédictibilité de l’identité duphonème dépend de la saillance visuelle des mouvements articulatoires du locuteur. / During audiovisual speech perception, like in face-to-face conversations, we can takeadvantage of the visual information conveyed by the speaker's oro-facial gestures. Thisenhances the intelligibility of the utterance. The aim of this work was to determine whetherthis “audiovisual benefit” can improve the identification of phonemes that do not exist in ourmother tongue. Our results revealed that the visual information contributes to overcome thephonological deafness phenomenon we experience in an audio only situation (Study 1). AnERP study indicates that this benefit could be due to the modulation of early processing in theprimary auditory cortex (Study 2). The audiovisual presentation of non native phonemesgenerates a P50 that is not observed for native phonemes. The linguistic background affectsthe way we use visual information. Early bilinguals take less advantage of the visual cuesduring the processing of unfamiliar phonemes (Study 3). We examined the identificationprocesses of native plosive consonants with a gating paradigm to evaluate the differentialcontribution of auditory and visual cues across time (Study 4). We observed that theaudiovisual benefit is not systematic. Phoneme predictability depends on the visual saliencyof the articulatory movements of the speaker.

Simulation fonctionnelle native pour des systèmes many-cœurs / Functional native simulation techniques for many-core systems

Sarrazin, Guillaume 23 May 2016 (has links)
Le nombre de transistors dans une puce augmente constamment en suivant la conjecture de Moore, qui dit que le nombre de transistors dans une puce double tous les 2 ans. On arrive donc aujourd’hui à des systèmes d’une telle complexité que l’exploration architecturale ou le développement, même parallèle, de la conception de la puce et du code applicatif prend trop de temps. Pour réduire ce temps, la solution généralement admise consiste à développer des plateformes virtuelles reproduisant le comportement de la puce cible. Avoir une haute vitesse de simulation est essentiel pour ces plateformes, notamment pour les systèmes many-cœurs à cause du grand nombre de cœurs à simuler. Nous nous focalisons donc dans cette thèse sur la simulation native, dont le principe est de compiler le code source directement pour l’architecture hôte, offrant ainsi un temps de simulation que l’on peut espérer optimal. Mais un certain nombre de caractéristiques fonctionnelles spécifiques au cœur cible peuvent ne pas être présentes sur le cœur hôte. L’utilisation de l’assistance matérielle à la virtualisation (HAV) comme base pour la simulation native vient renforcer la dépendance de la simulation du cœur cible par rapport aux caractéristiques du cœur hôte. Nous proposons dans ce contexte un moyen de simuler les caractéristiques fonctionnelles spécifiques du cœur cible en simulation native basée sur le HAV. Parmi les caractéristiques propres au cœur cible, l’unité de calcul à virgule flottante est un élément important, bien trop souvent négligé en simulation native conduisant certains calculs à donner des résultats différents entre le cœur cible et le cœur hôte. Nous nous restreignons au cas de la simulation compilée et nous proposons une méthodologie permettant de simuler correctement les opérations de calcul à virgule flottante. Finalement la simulation native pose des problèmes de passage à l’échelle. Des problèmes de découplage temporel amènent à simuler inutilement certaines instructions lors de procédures de synchronisation entre des tâches s’exécutant sur les cœurs cibles, conduisant à une réduction de la vitesse de simulation. Nous proposons des solutions pour permettre un meilleur passage à l’échelle de la simulation native. / The number of transistors in one chip is increasing following Moore’s conjecture which says that the number of transistors per chip doubles every two years. Current systems are so complex that chip design and specific software development for one chip take too much time even if software development is done in parallel with the design of the hardware architecture, often because of system integration issues. To help reducing this time, the general solution consists of using virtual platforms to reproduce the behavior of the target chip. The simulation speed of these platforms is a major issue, especially for many-core systems in which the number of programmable cores is really high. We focus in this thesis on native simulation. Its principle is to compile source code directly for the host architecture to allow very fast simulation, at the cost of requiring "equivalent" features on the target and host cores.However, some target core specific features can be missing in the host core. Hardware Assisted Virtualization (HAV) is used to ease native simulation but it reinforces the dependency of the target chip simulation regarding the host core capabilities. In this context, we propose a solution to simulate the target core functional specific features with HAV based native simulation.Among target core features, the floating point unit is an important element which is neglected in native simulation leading to potential functional differences between target and host computation results. We restrict our study to the compiled simulation technique and we propose a methodology ensuring to accurately simulate floating point computations while still keeping a good simulation speed.Finally, native simulation has a scalability issue. Time decoupling problems generate unnecessary code simulation during synchronisation protocols between threads executed on the target cores, leading to an important decrease of simulation speed when the number of cores grows. We address this problem and propose solutions to allow a better scalability for native simulation.

Broadening the Participation of Native Americans in Earth Science

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: Climate change is not a thing of the future. Indigenous people are being affected by climate changes now. Native American Earth scientists could help Native communities deal with both climate change and environmental pollution issues, but are noticeably lacking in Earth Science degree programs. The Earth Sciences produce the lowest percentage of minority scientists when compared with other science and engineering fields. Twenty semi-structured interviews were gathered from American Indian/ Alaska Native Earth Scientists and program directors who work directly with Native students to broaden participation in the field. Data was analyzed using qualitative methods and constant comparison analysis. Barriers Native students faced in this field are discussed, as well as supports which go the furthest in assisting achievement of higher education goals. Program directors give insight into building pathways and programs to encourage Native student participation and success in Earth Science degree programs. Factors which impede obtaining a college degree include financial barriers, pressures from familial obligations, and health issues. Factors which impede the decision to study Earth Science include unfamiliarity with geoscience as a field of study and career choice, the uninviting nature of Earth Science as a profession, and curriculum that is irrelevant to the practical needs of Native communities or courses which are inaccessible geographically. Factors which impede progress that are embedded in Earth Science programs include educational preparation, academic information and counseling and the prevalence of a Western scientific perspective to the exclusion of all other perspectives. Intradepartmental relationships also pose barriers to the success of some students, particularly those who are non-traditional students (53%) or women (80%). Factors which support degree completion include financial assistance, mentors and mentoring, and research experiences. Earth scientists can begin broaden participation by engaging in community-inspired research, which stems from the needs of a community and is developed in collaboration with it. Designed to be useful in meeting the needs of the community, it should include using members of the community to help gather and analyze data. These community members could be students or potential students who might be persuaded to pursue an Earth Science degree. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction 2011

Creating to Compete: Juried Exhibitions of Native American Painting, 1946-1960

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: In the middle of the 20th century, juried annuals of Native American painting in art museums were unique opportunities because of their select focus on two-dimensional art as opposed to "craft" objects and their inclusion of artists from across the United States. Their first fifteen years were critical for patronage and widespread acceptance of modern easel painting. Held at the Philbrook Art Center in Tulsa (1946-1979), the Denver Art Museum (1951-1954), and the Museum of New Mexico Art Gallery in Santa Fe (1956-1965), they were significant not only for the accolades and prestige they garnered for award winners, but also for setting standards of quality and style at the time. During the early years of the annuals, the art was changing, some moving away from conventional forms derived from the early art training of the 1920s and 30s in the Southwest and Oklahoma, and incorporating modern themes and styles acquired through expanded opportunities for travel and education. The competitions reinforced and reflected a variety of attitudes about contemporary art which ranged from preserving the authenticity of the traditional style to encouraging experimentation. Ultimately becoming sites of conflict, the museums that hosted annuals contested the directions in which artists were working. Exhibition catalogs, archived documents, and newspaper and magazine articles about the annuals provide details on the exhibits and the changes that occurred over time. The museums' guidelines and motivations, and the statistics on the award winners reveal attitudes toward the art. The institutions' reactions in the face of controversy and their adjustments to the annuals' guidelines impart the compromises each made as they adapted to new trends that occurred in Native American painting over a fifteen year period. This thesis compares the approaches of three museums to their juried annuals and establishes the existence of a variety of attitudes on contemporary Native American painting from 1946-1960. Through this collection of institutional views, the competitions maintained a patronage base for traditional style painting while providing opportunities for experimentation, paving the way for the great variety and artistic progress of Native American painting today. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Art History 2012

Evaluating performance of a React Native feature set

Johansson, Erik, Söderberg, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
React Native has quickly become one of the most popular cross-platform frameworks for developing Android and iOS applications since it was first released by Facebook in 2015. In this study a proof of concept application is  developed and a set of features are evaluated with regard to performance efficiency. Results of measurements show that while React Native does perform worse than it's Android counterpart, it performs sufficiently well for building most applications with but can be more problematic for applications running heavier client-side logic.

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