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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Debris flows in glaciated catchments : a case study on Mount Rainier, Washington

Legg, Nicholas T. 15 March 2013 (has links)
Debris flows, which occur in mountain settings worldwide, have been particularly damaging in the glaciated basins flanking the stratovolcanoes in the Cascade Range of the northwestern United States. This thesis contains two manuscripts that respectively investigate the (1) initiation processes of debris flows in these glaciated catchments, and (2) debris flow occurrence and its effect on valley bottoms over the last thousand years. In a 2006 storm, seven debris flows initiated from proglacial gullies of separate basins on the flanks of Mount Rainier. Gully heads at glacier termini and distributed collapse of gully walls imply that clear water was transformed to debris flow through progressive addition of sediment along gully lengths. In the first study, we analyze gully changes, reconstruct runoff conditions, and assess spatial distributions of debris flows to infer the processes and conditions necessary for debris flow initiation in glaciated catchments. Gully measurements suggest that sediment bulking requires steep gradients, abundant unstable material, and sufficient gully length. Reconstruction of runoff generated during the storm suggests that glaciers are important for generating the runoff necessary for debris flow initiation, particularly because infiltration capacities on glacial till covered surfaces well exceed measured rainfall rates. Runoff generation from glaciers and abundant loose debris at their termini explain why all debris flows in the storm initiated from proglacial areas. Proglacial areas that produced debris flows have steeper drainage networks with significantly higher elevations and lower drainage areas, suggesting that debris flows are associated with high elevation glaciers with relatively steep proglacial areas. This correlation reflects positive slope-elevation trends for the Mount Rainier volcano. An indirect effect of glacier change is thus the change in the distribution of ice-free slopes, which influence a basin’s debris flow potential. These findings have implications for projections of debris flow activity in basins experiencing glacier change. The second study uses a variety of dating techniques to reconstruct a chronology of debris flows in the Kautz Creek valley on the southwest flank of Mount Rainier (Washington). Dendrochronologic dating of growth disturbances combined with lichenometric techniques constrained five debris flow ages from 1712 to 1915 AD. We also estimated ages of three debris flows ranging in age from ca. 970 to 1661. Run-out distances served as a proxy for debris flow magnitude, and indicate that at least 11, 2, and 1 debris flow(s) have traveled at least 1, 3, and 5 km from the valley head, respectively since ca. 1650. Valley form reflects the frequency-magnitude relationship indicated by the chronology. In the upper, relatively steep valley, discrete debris flow snouts and secondary channels are abundant, suggesting a process of debris flow conveyance, channel plugging, and channel avulsion. The lower valley is characterized by relatively smooth surfaces, an absence of bouldery debris flow snouts, few secondary channels, and relatively old surface ages inferred from the presence of tephra layers. We infer that the lower valley is deposited on by relatively infrequent, large magnitude, low-yield strength debris flows like an event in 1947, which deposited wide, tabular lobes of debris outside of the main channel. Debris flows during the Little Ice Age (LIA) predominantly traveled no further than the upper valley. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that the main Kautz Creek channel was filled during the LIA, enhancing debris flow deposition on the valley surface and perhaps reducing run-out lengths. Diminished areas and gradients in front of glaciers during the LIA also likely contributed to decreased run-out lengths. These findings suggest that changes in debris flow source and depositional zones resulting from temperature and glacier cycles influence the magnitude and run-out distances of debris flows, and the dynamics of deposition in valley bottoms. / Graduation date: 2013

Desarrollo, aplicación y validación de procedimientos y modelos para la evaluación de amenazas, vulnerabilidad y riesgo debidos a procesos geomorfológicos

Bonachea Pico, Jaime 30 October 2006 (has links)
Se presenta un procedimiento para evaluar de forma cuantitativa el riesgo por deslizamientos teniendo en cuenta la peligrosidad, los elementos expuestos y su vulnerabilidad. El método utiliza los modelos de susceptibilidad obtenidos previamente a partir de las relaciones estadísticas existentes entre los deslizamientos ocurridos en el pasado (últimos 50 años) y una serie de parámetros del terreno relacionados con la inestabilidad. La frecuencia de deslizamientos en el pasado se ha utilizado para estimar frecuencias futuras. También se ha realizado un inventario y cartografía de los elementos afectados por deslizamientos en el pasado, y se han estimado los daños para cada tipo de elemento teniendo en cuenta la magnitud del tipo de deslizamiento analizado. Posteriormente se estimó la vulnerabilidad, que se expresa en valores de 0 a 1, a partir de la comparación entre pérdidas y valor del elemento afectado.La integración de la peligrosidad, vulnerabilidad y valor del elemento ha permitido obtener modelos de riesgo directo por deslizamiento para cada tipo de elemento. Además se han analizado las pérdidas indirectas ocasionadas sobre las actividades económicas por este proceso. El resultado final es un mapa de riesgo donde cada píxel muestra las pérdidas esperables por deslizamientos en los próximos 50 años / A quantitative procedure for landslide risk mapping has been developed considering hazard, vulnerability and exposed elements. The method is based on a susceptibility model previously developed from statistical relationships between past landslides occurred in the study area (last 50 years) and terrain parameters related to instability. Past landslide behaviour has been used to calculate landslide frequency for the future. An inventory of direct damage due to landslides during the study period was carried out and the main elements at risk in the area identified and mapped. Past monetary losses per type of element have been estimated and expressed as an average 'specific loss' for events of a given magnitude (corresponding to a specified scenario). Vulnerability has been assessed by comparing losses with the actual value of the elements affected and expressed as a fraction of that value (0-1).By integrating hazard, vulnerability and monetary value, direct landslide risk ( /pixel) has been computed for each element considered. Indirect losses from the disruption of economic activities due to landsliding have also been assessed. The final result is a risk map combining all losses per pixel for a 50-year period.

Rebuilding less vulnerable communities : the case of Holy Cross

Pradi Bonilha, Camila 03 1900 (has links)
La résilience est la capacité à s’adapter aux menaces et à atténuer ou éviter un risque, elle peut être trouvée dans des bâtiments résistant aux dangers ou dans des systèmes sociaux adaptables (Pelling, 2003). Par conséquence, ce concept peut aussi être compris comme la capacité de reconstruire un quartier avec des composants plus solides et plus viables. Presque quatre ans après l’ouragan Katrina, la Nouvelle-Orléans est considérée comme un laboratoire à ciel ouvert. Le niveau de résilience de ses communautés peut y être examiné. L’état actuel de la reconstitution de ses quartiers diffère largement des uns aux autres. L’arrondissement historique de Holy Cross est l’un des plus vieux quartiers de la ville, cette communauté vulnérable est connue pour son patrimoine culturel, apparent non seulement dans son architecture unique, mais aussi ses relations sociales. Un des principaux défi de la reconstruction du quartier de Holly Cross est de trouver une façon de concilier la préservation du patrimoine bâti et de son tissu urbain ancien avec de nouveaux plans de développement, afin de créer une communauté durable. Cette étude examine les rôles des acteurs impliqués dans le processus de reconstruction et leur efficacité sur la création d’un Holy Cross plus durable, résistant et abordable, afin d’encourager le retour de ses résidents. Elle présente également les efforts actuels pour proposer des projets de reconstruction durables tout en préservant le caractère patrimonial du quartier. / Resiliency is the capacity to adjust to threats and mitigate or avoid harm; it can be found in hazard-resistant buildings or adaptive social systems (Pelling, 2003). Hence, it can also be understood as the ability to rebuild a neighbourhood with stronger and more viable components. Almost four years after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans is seen as an open laboratory in which the level of resiliency of its communities can be examined. The rebuilding status of its neighbourhoods widely differs from one to another. The historic district of Holy Cross is one of the oldest neighbourhoods in the city; this vulnerable community is known for its cultural heritage, apparent not only in its unique architecture but also its social relations. This research investigates the current process of rebuilding a more sustainable and resilient Holy Cross by assessing the efficiency of stakeholders involved in the reconstruction of affordable opportunities that work to encourage former residents to return. It also demonstrates the current efforts to build new sustainable projects while keeping the patrimonial style of the neighbourhood.

La mer Ionienne : évolution de l'activité sédimentaire au cours des derniers 400 000 ans dans un système en contexte tectonique convergent et influence de la sédimentation sur les propriétés géoacoustiques des fonds / The Ionian Sea : evolution of the sedimentary activity over the last 400 000 years in a convergent tectonic setting and influence of the sedimentation on the seabed’s geoacoustic properties

Köng, Eléonore 09 December 2016 (has links)
La mer Ionienne est une zone à la géodynamique active en raison de la convergence entre les plaques Nubie et Eurasie. Elle correspond aux derniers stades de vie d’un océan, la Téthys. De ce fait, la tectonique et la sédimentation y sont très réduites ; et les faibles flux sédimentaires permettent ainsi d’enregistrer une multiplicité de processus sédimentaires.Néanmoins, c’est une zone encore peu étudiée d’un point de vue sédimentaire, notamment sur les échelles de temps de l’ordre de la centaine de milliers d’années. Ce travail est basé sur une étude sédimentologique d’archives marines complétée par des données acoustiques (bathymétrie et multi-faisceau) issue de campagnes océanographiques du SHOM. L’analyse détaillée des faciès et des séquences sédimentaire a permis, dans un premier temps, d’établir un calendrier des risques naturels (séismes, tsunamis, volcanisme), leurs sources et leurs processus de dépôt dans le bassin pour les derniers 330 000 ans. Puis, dans un second temps, de retracer l’évolution sur les derniers 400 000 ans de la circulation et de l’oxygénation des eaux de fond dans le bassin ionien et l’influence du détroit de Sicile, et notamment de la plate-forme de Malte, sur les échanges entre les bassins occidental et oriental. L’intégration des données sédimentologiques dans un modèle géoacoustique développé par le SHOM a finalement permis de déterminer l’impact des variations sédimentaires (distribution spatiale, lithologie, stratification) sur la propagation des ondes acoustique pour différentes gammes de fréquences (300 Hz - 3000 Hz) et d’angle d’incidence (0 -90°) et d’établir une cartographie de la réponse sédimentaire du le signal acoustique. / The Ionian Sea is an active geodynamic area because of the convergence between theNubia and the Eurasia plate. It corresponds to the last stage of the Tethys ocean life. Therefore,the tectonics and the sedimentation are much reduced; and the low sedimentary supply enables torecord a multiplicity of sedimentary processes. Nevertheless, this area still poorly studied from asedimentary point of view, in particular on timescales on the order of hundred thousand years.This work is based on a sedimentological study of marine archives supplemented by acoustic data(bathymetry and multibeam imagery) recovered during oceanographic campaign leaded by theSHOM. The detailed sedimentary analysis of facies and sequences allows, at first, to established acalendar of the natural hazard (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism), their origins and theirdepositional processes into the basin over the last 330 000 years. Then, secondly, to reconstructthe evolution over the last 400 000 years of the circulation and the oxygenation of bottom waterthrough the Ionian basin and the influence of the strait of Sicily, in particular of the Malta Plateau,on the exchanges between the western and the eastern basins. The integration of thesedimentological data in a geoacoustic modelling developed by the SHOM finally allowed todetermine the impact of the sedimentary variability (special distribution, lithology, stratification)on the acoustic waves propagation for various frequency bands (300 Hz - 3000 Hz) and incidentangle (0 - 90°) and to established a mapping of the sedimentary answer of the acoustic signal.

Hazard Mitigation Element Quality in Coastal Comprehensive Plans in a State with Strong Requirements for Hazard Mitigation Plan Elements

Astray-Caneda, Evelio E, III 25 March 2013 (has links)
This dissertation examines the quality of hazard mitigation elements in a coastal, hazard prone state. I answer two questions. First, in a state with a strong mandate for hazard mitigation elements in comprehensive plans, does plan quality differ among county governments? Second, if such variation exists, what drives this variation? My research focuses primarily on Florida’s 35 coastal counties, which are all at risk for hurricane and flood hazards, and all fall under Florida’s mandate to have a comprehensive plan that includes a hazard mitigation element. Research methods included document review to rate the hazard mitigation elements of all 35 coastal county plans and subsequent analysis against demographic and hazard history factors. Following this, I conducted an electronic, nationwide survey of planning professionals and academics, informed by interviews of planning leaders in Florida counties. I found that hazard mitigation element quality varied widely among the 35 Florida coastal counties, but were close to a normal distribution. No plans were of exceptionally high quality. Overall, historical hazard effects did not correlate with hazard mitigation element quality, but some demographic variables that are associated with urban populations did. The variance in hazard mitigation element quality indicates that while state law may mandate, and even prescribe, hazard mitigation in local comprehensive plans, not all plans will result in equal, or even adequate, protection for people. Furthermore, the mixed correlations with demographic variables representing social and disaster vulnerability shows that, at least at the county level, vulnerability to hazards does not have a strong effect on hazard mitigation element quality. From a theory perspective, my research is significant because it compares assumptions about vulnerability based on hazard history and demographics to plan quality. The only vulnerability-related variables that appeared to correlate, and at that mildly so, with hazard mitigation element quality, were those typically representing more urban areas. In terms of the theory of Neo-Institutionalism and theories related to learning organizations, my research shows that planning departments appear to have set norms and rules of operating that preclude both significant public involvement and learning from prior hazard events.

Controlling the Uncontrollable? : A qualitative content analysis of the United Nations Sendai Framework and its reflection of disaster risk reduction in a risk society.

Lindberg, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Occurrences of extreme weather events are increasing due to the ongoing climate change driven by human actions. In parallel, this triggers a growing need for humanitarian action in the future to help those impacted by disasters. Disaster risk reduction and management has hereby become a central element of today's national and global governance in the aim of preventing and reducing humanitarian crises and minimizing economic loss often resulting from the impacts of natural hazards. The now more global effects from these events has resulted in a collective vision that is constantly concerned with the future and how to reduce the disaster risks it withholds. Due to climate change and a great number of other risks to our societies having been generated through humanity’s own actions, the possible indication of the global society attempting to gain control over uncontrollable risks through collective disaster risk reduction strategies between countries draws attention. This thesis provides a qualitative content analysis of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which is the most current international disaster risk reduction policy adopted by the United Nations. The risk society theory by German sociologist Ulrich Beck is applied to this study to examine how the Sendai Framework can be seen as an outcome of a risk society that attempts to gain control over risks from the natural environment, which can be perceived as uncontrollable. The results of this study uncover that the Sendai Framework can be regarded as a product of a risk society through several different aspects, and that it generates an illusion of gaining control over uncontrollable risks.

L'évolution du cadre juridique du déclenchement de l'action publique préventive dans le domaine des risques naturels et technologiques. / The evolution of the legal framework of the decision-making process triggering a preventive public action for natural and technological hazards.

Meerpoël, Matthieu 21 June 2013 (has links)
La gestion préventive des risques naturels et technologiques constitue un enjeu de premier ordre pour les autorités étatiques que ce soit à l’égard des populations, des biens et de l’environnement ou pour le coût que la réalisation de tels risques peut représenter. Aussi, le décideur public, contraint juridiquement de protéger ces enjeux, est dans l’obligation, après avoir évalué et qualifié le risque, de déclencher une action publique préventive. C’est au cours d’un processus décisionnel complexe qu’il devra déterminer le degré de dangerosité du risque et les mesures préventives appropriées et proportionnées. S’effectue alors, pour le décideur public, la recherche du meilleur compromis possible entre les libertés et les objectifs de sécurité dans le cadre d’un difficile bilan coûts/avantages. Le droit tente d’encadrer ce processus décisionnel en laissant une marge d’appréciation importante et nécessaire au décideur public dans la détermination du degré d’acceptabilité du risque. C’est la recherche de ce compromis qui sera étudiée dans le cadre de cette thèse et plus particulièrement la manière dont le droit encadre cette recherche, gère cette question délicate et éventuellement contrôle les décisions entérinées. / Preventive management of natural and technological hazards is a major issue for state authorities, in regards to the people, property and the environment or in regards to the cost represented by the realization of such risks. Therefore, policy makers legally bound to protect these interests are required to initiate a preventive public action after evaluating and qualifying the risks. The level of hazard and the appropriateness and proportionality of preventive measures will be determined within a complex decision-making process. The policymakers then strive to reach the best possible compromise between freedom and security objectives within the framework of a delicate cost/benefit analysis. The law attempts to regulate this decision-making process by leaving a large and necessary margin of discretion to the public policy makers in determining the acceptability of the risk. This thesis will explore the process to reach this compromise, and in particular how the law governs it, manages this delicate issue and potentially controls the endorsed decisions.

Integrated Flood Modeling for Improved Understanding of River-Floodplain Hydrodynamics: Moving beyond Traditional Flood Mapping

Siddharth Saksena (7026707) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<div>With increasing focus on large scale planning and allocation of resources for protection against future flood risk, it is necessary to analyze and improve the deficiencies in the conventional flood modeling approach through a better understanding of the interactions between river hydrodynamics and subsurface processes. Recent studies have shown that it is possible to improve the flood inundation modeling and mapping using physically-based integrated models that incorporate observable data through assimilation and simulate hydrologic fluxes using the fundamental laws of conservation of mass at multiple spatiotemporal scales. However, despite the significance of integrated modeling in hydrology, it has received relatively less attention within the context of flood hazard. The overall aim of this dissertation is to study the heterogeneity in complex physical processes that govern the watershed response during flooding and incorporate these effects in integrated models across large scales for improved flood risk estimation. Specifically, this dissertation addresses the following questions: (1) Can physical process incorporation using integrated models improve the characterization of antecedent conditions and increase the accuracy of the watershed response to flood events? (2) What factors need to be considered for characterizing scale-dependent physical processes in integrated models across large watersheds? (3) How can the computational efficiency and process representation be improved for modeling flood events at large scales? (4) Can the applicability of integrated models be improved for capturing the hydrodynamics of unprecedented flood events in complex urban systems?</div><div><br></div><div>To understand the combined effect of surface-subsurface hydrology and hydrodynamics on streamflow generation and subsequent inundation during floods, the first objective incorporates an integrated surface water-groundwater (SW-GW) modeling approach for simulating flood conditions. The results suggest that an integrated model provides a more realistic simulation of flood hydrodynamics for different antecedent soil conditions. Overall, the findings suggest that the current practice of simulating floods which assumes an impervious surface may not be providing realistic estimates of flood inundation, and that an integrated approach incorporating all the hydrologic and hydraulic processes in the river system must be adopted.</div><div><br></div><div>The second objective focuses on providing solutions to better characterize scale-dependent processes in integrated models by comparing two model structures across two spatial scales and analyzing the changes in flood responses. The results indicate that since the characteristic length scales of GW processes are larger than SW processes, the intrinsic scale (or resolution) of GW in integrated models should be coarser when compared to SW. The results also highlight the degradation of streamflow prediction using a single channel roughness when the stream length scales are increased. A distributed channel roughness variable along the stream length improves the modeled basin response. Further, the results highlight the ability of a dimensionless parameter 𝜂1, representing the ratio of the reach length in the study region to maximum length of the single stream draining at that point, for identifying which streams may require a distributed channel roughness.</div><div><br></div><div>The third objective presents a hybrid flood modeling approach that incorporates the advantages of both loosely-coupled (‘downward’) and integrated (‘upward’) modeling approaches by coupling empirically-based and physically-based approaches within a watershed. The computational efficiency and accuracy of the proposed hybrid modeling approach is tested across three watersheds in Indiana using multiple flood events and comparing the results with fully- integrated models. Overall, the hybrid modeling approach results in a performance comparable to a fully-integrated approach but at a much higher computational efficiency, while at the same time, providing objective-oriented flexibility to the modeler.</div><div><br></div><div>The fourth objective presents a physically-based but computationally-efficient approach for modeling unprecedented flood events at large scales in complex urban systems. The application of the proposed approach results in accurate simulation of large scale flood hydrodynamics which is shown using Hurricane Harvey as the test case. The results also suggest that the ability to control the mesh development using the proposed flexible model structure for incorporating important physical and hydraulic features is as important as integration of distributed hydrology and hydrodynamics.</div>

The phenomenon of risk and its management in natural resource recreation and tourism settings : a case study of Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers, Westland National Park, New Zealand

Espiner, Stephen January 2001 (has links)
The significance of risk is growing in many Western societies, a phenomenon linked to increasing individualism, personal choice, and outcome uncertainty in multiple spheres of life. Despite being healthier and more physically protected from harm than any previous society, a serious concern for safety and risk control is emerging as a defining characteristic of modern social life. Within the context of a risk-averse society, this thesis investigates the nature and relevance of risk in natural resource recreation and tourism settings. Millions of people every day visit national parks and other protected areas around the world in which natural hazards inhere. Many visitors fail to recognise these hazards, creating moral, legal, and ethical issues for natural resource managers. People travel to national parks anticipating a degree of adventure, to escape routines, and to witness the grandeur of nature. Ironically, the very qualities that attract people to natural areas may also put them at risk. Managers of natural resource tourism and recreation areas in New Zealand are confronted with a paradox born out of visitor demand for nature experiences, a legal obligation to facilitate free access, and a growing social emphasis on health and safety. In particular, this study assesses the risk perceptions of visitors to the Fox and Franz Josef glaciers, popular tourist attractions on the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island, and explores the risk perceptions and beliefs of resource management agency staff. The study also investigates the issue of risk communication at these two sites, and the degree to which existing hazard messages are successful at encouraging appropriate visitor behaviour. Pictorial hazard warning signs are introduced to the sites and their effectiveness evaluated. The findings show that many visitors (especially international visitors) have relatively poor awareness of natural hazards, and behave in ways which potentially compromise physical safety. It is argued that perceptions and behaviour are a consequence of diverse individual and situational factors including limited knowledge of the sites, beliefs about management, poor comprehension of hazard warning signs, and freedom from the normative constraints of everyday life. In contrast to visitors, managers at the glacier sites consider the risks to be significant, and, potentially, severe. It is argued that managers' perceptions of risk are influenced by several important social and site-specific factors, including their own experiences of hazards at the glaciers, perceived legal and moral obligations, the organisational culture, and impressions of high societal expectation concerning safety. The situation is further complicated by the freedom of access principle in national parks, and increasing tourist demand for nature-based experiences. These factors governed beliefs about the subject of risk. This study identifies several dimensions of risk in nature-based recreation and tourism settings. Visitors are at risk of personal accident or injury at certain tourism attractions. Awareness of hazards is limited, visitor behaviour compromises safety, and existing communication strategies are only partially effective. Risk is also apparent in the agency responsible for management of outdoor recreation areas. Site managers perceive a risk in their failure to prevent visitors from harm, whereas senior managers identify risk as primarily financial, legal, and political. Collectively, these factors demonstrate that the phenomenon of risk is increasingly important in the tourism and recreation context, and has the potential to influence significantly both management and experience of protected natural areas in New Zealand.

Концептуални оквир за процену социјалне рањивости од природних хазарда у Србији / Konceptualni okvir za procenu socijalne ranjivosti od prirodnih hazarda u Srbiji / Conceptual Framework for the Social Vulnerability Assessment to Natural Hazards in Serbia

Panić Milena 12 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Рањивост од&nbsp; природних хазарда представља атрактивну тему<br />данашњице, која произилази из значаја који има за проблематику<br />природних непогода. Рањивост представља обавезну компоненту<br />сваке природне непогоде, тачније схвата се као &bdquo;контролна<br />полуга&ldquo; за смањење ризика од природних непогода. Социјална<br />рањивост од природних хазарда треба да укаже и опише ко или<br />шта је угрожено деловањем природног хазарда и у којој мери, као<br />и на обим и озбиљност последица које из потенцијалне колизије<br />могу произаћи. Из тог разлога, јавила се&nbsp; потреба да се социјална<br />рањивост измери, премери или процени у тежњи да се теоријске<br />поставке боље разумеју и добију практичну примену. Тај<br />комплексан приступ треба да пружи информације о нивоима<br />рањивости, као и отпорности одређених елемената у простору,&nbsp; а<br />потом и да омогући идентификацију покретачких фактора који<br />утичу на формирање и развој појаве социјалне рањивости. С<br />обзиром да је процена социјалне рањивости базирана на<br />званичним статистичким подацима, који дају уопштену, стерилну<br />слику стварности, за&nbsp; њено употпуњавање и хуманизацију<br />неопходно је истраживање перцепције, знања, ставова и искуства<br />становништва са природним хазардима и природним непогодама.<br />Најбољи приступ за испуњење тог циља је анкетно истраживање<br />које треба да омогући увид у поменуте карактеристике код<br />појединца, а потом обрадом добијених података и њиховим<br />уопштавањем стиче се потпуна слика о друштву и његовом<br />односу према природним хазардима и спремност за природне<br />непогоде.</p> / <p>Ranjivost od&nbsp; prirodnih hazarda predstavlja atraktivnu temu<br />današnjice, koja proizilazi iz značaja koji ima za problematiku<br />prirodnih nepogoda. Ranjivost predstavlja obaveznu komponentu<br />svake prirodne nepogode, tačnije shvata se kao &bdquo;kontrolna<br />poluga&ldquo; za smanjenje rizika od prirodnih nepogoda. Socijalna<br />ranjivost od prirodnih hazarda treba da ukaže i opiše ko ili<br />šta je ugroženo delovanjem prirodnog hazarda i u kojoj meri, kao<br />i na obim i ozbiljnost posledica koje iz potencijalne kolizije<br />mogu proizaći. Iz tog razloga, javila se&nbsp; potreba da se socijalna<br />ranjivost izmeri, premeri ili proceni u težnji da se teorijske<br />postavke bolje razumeju i dobiju praktičnu primenu. Taj<br />kompleksan pristup treba da pruži informacije o nivoima<br />ranjivosti, kao i otpornosti određenih elemenata u prostoru,&nbsp; a<br />potom i da omogući identifikaciju pokretačkih faktora koji<br />utiču na formiranje i razvoj pojave socijalne ranjivosti. S<br />obzirom da je procena socijalne ranjivosti bazirana na<br />zvaničnim statističkim podacima, koji daju uopštenu, sterilnu<br />sliku stvarnosti, za&nbsp; njeno upotpunjavanje i humanizaciju<br />neophodno je istraživanje percepcije, znanja, stavova i iskustva<br />stanovništva sa prirodnim hazardima i prirodnim nepogodama.<br />Najbolji pristup za ispunjenje tog cilja je anketno istraživanje<br />koje treba da omogući uvid u pomenute karakteristike kod<br />pojedinca, a potom obradom dobijenih podataka i njihovim<br />uopštavanjem stiče se potpuna slika o društvu i njegovom<br />odnosu prema prirodnim hazardima i spremnost za prirodne<br />nepogode.</p> / <p>Today,&nbsp; vulnerability&nbsp; to natural hazards is one of the most attractive topic, which stems from its importance for the research field of natural disasters. Vulnerability is a mandatory component of any natural disasters, more precisely understood as the &quot;control lever&quot; to reduce the natural disasters risk. Social vulnerability should point to and describe who or what is at risk from natural hazards and the extent and severity of the consequences of potential collisions. For this reason, there is a need to&nbsp; measure or estimate social vulnerability, which will enable theoretical assumptions to be better understood and receive practical application. This complex approach should provide information on the levels of vulnerability, as well as the resistance of certain elements in space,&nbsp; and then to allow the identification of the driving factors that influence the formation and development of the social vulnerability phenomena. Social vulnerability assessment is based on official statistics, which provide a general, sterile picture of reality, but its humanization is necessary through exploring of perceptions, knowledge, awareness and experiences of the society to natural hazards and natural disasters. The best approach for achieving that goal is the survey that should provide insight into the mentioned characteristics of the individual, and then processing the data and their generalization gets the full picture of the society and its relation to natural hazards and natural disasters preparedness.</p>

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