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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vilka olika typer av stöd gynnar nyanlända elevers lärande i samhällskunskapsundervisning? / What type of support benefits newly arrived pupils learning civics?

Hadrous, Layal, Abedelrazek, Nadine January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to investigate what research says about what different types of support that the teacher has to benefit to support newly arrived students' learning in the social studies subject. With a focus on clarifying why the subject of social studies is important in school for both newly arrived students as well as for native students. To answer the purpose, we started from a question. The question served as an aid and guideline during the course of the work, “What does past research say about different types of support to benefit newly arrived students’ learnings in civics?”. In order to obtain a clearer result based on the research, we demarcated the study from grades 7-9 to secondary school students.   To answer our question, we implemented a search process that has been structured based on three databases we used, Swepub, Libsearch and ERIC via EBSCO.    The result shows that there are different types of support that benefit newly arrived students’ learning in teaching and in social studies teaching, for example, the inclusion of newly arrived students’ first language in teaching, scaffolding, placement and study guidance. The conclusion of this study has given us that it’s important for teachers to be able to master knowledge and skills in how to support newly arrived students’ learning in social studies teaching. Which indicates that it’s an important aspect to highlight for the future teaching profession.

Nyanlända barns deltagande i språkliga händelser i förskolan

Skaremyr, Ellinor January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about newly arrived children’s participation in communicative events and the communicative tools that are being practiced by them. The study takes its starting point in a sociocultural perspective on learning and is informed by Vygotsky´s (1896-1934) thoughts on development, which is learning taking place in interaction between people in a sociocultural context. Through participant observation combined with use of interaction analysis, a number of children´s interactions were observed and analyzed. Two newly arrived children were observed during their daily child-to-child interactions during a period of five months. Ethical considerations according to the Swedish research council have been addressed and the study has been approved by the Swedish Central Ethical Review Board. The result shows how newly arrived children participate by combining different communicative tools as speech, bodily language and materials when they shadow, mix languages, invent languages, use their voice, meta-communicates and use surrounding structures in interaction. The result also shows how the newly arrived children’s practice of communicative tools change from a salient bodily form to a more verbal form in a period of five months. This change in their practice of communicative tools leads to changed participation in communicative events in Swedish preschools. The study contributes with knowledge about how newly arrived children use various ways of approaching a new language (Swedish) and a new cultural context but also children´s informal learning which take place in interaction. / Baksidestext Denna uppsats har finansierats med medel från Nationella forskarskolan för ämnesdidaktik i mångfaldens förskola. Förutsättningar och möjligheter för barns språkliga och matematiska utveckling och lärande (FoBaSM). Diarienummer 729-2011-4652. Inom forskarskolan samarbetar Göteborgs universitet, Karlstad universitet, Linköpings universitet och Malmö högskola, som är värdhögskola. Denna uppsats handlar om två nyanlända barn som är nya i det svenska språket samtidigt som de är nya i den svenska förskolan och deras deltagande i språkliga händelser med barn på förskolan. I studien undersöks hur de nyanlända barnen deltar i språkliga händelser och med vilka kommunikativa redskap. Resultatet visar att nyanlända barn kombinerar olika kommunikativa redskap som verbalt språk, kroppsspråk och material då de skuggar, språkblandar, hittar på språk, gör utrop och känsloyttringar med rösten, metakommunicerar och refererar till strukturer i omgivningen i interaktioner. Resultatet visar också hur de nyanlända barnens praktiserande av kommunikativa redskap, går från en mer framträdande kroppslig form till en mer verbalt språklig form på fem månader. Denna förändring innebär ett förändrat deltagande för nyanlända barn i språkliga händelser i förskolan. Uppsatsen bidrar med förståelse för barns olika sätt att kommunicera när de är nya i en språklig och kulturell kontext men också barns informella lärande i interaktion med varandra. Uppsatsen riktar sig till forskare, förskollärare och andra som är intresserade av nyanlända barn och språk i barninteraktioner.

School integration of newly arrived immigrant children and youth

Al-haddia, Abdulhakim, King, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The aim was to study how school professionals working with newly arrived immigrant children and youth experience how these students integrate into the school. The study is a qualitative research conducted in Sweden. The first part of the research focused on studying what factors affect the integration of newly arrived immigrant in schools while the second part focused on what strategy is used to ensure their integration. The findings of the study were thematically analyzed using the ecological systems theory as a framework of analysis. Through semi-structured interviews, four teachers and a counsellor expressed their perception on the integration of newly arrived immigrants’ student into schools. The result showed that the teachers are the core agent for integration within schools. It was shown that past experiences, family, social connections, educational background, school system, migration policies, culture are important factors that affect the integration process of these students.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarns erfarenheter av möten med skolsköterska i Sverige / Unaccompanied refugee children’s experiences of meetings with school nurse in Sweden

Juhlin, Maria, Tedsjö, Sanna January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet ensamkommande flyktingbarn har ökat stadigt i Sverige från år 2000 med en topp år 2015. Den första hälso- och sjukvård dessa barn träffar är oftast skolsköterska. Därmed behövs mer kunskap om hur dessa barns behov ser ut då de i högre grad än andra barn lider av psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Att beskriva ensamkommande flyktingbarns erfarenheter av möten med skolsköterska i Sverige. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ design. Datainsamlingen skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet baseras på intervjuer med fem ensamkommande flyktingbarn som vid intervjutillfället var över 18 år. Resultat: Analysen av intervjuerna resulterade i två kategorier; det goda mötet och det misshagliga mötet. Dessa formas av sju subkategorier; att ha en bra känsla, att ha ett bra samtal, att skolsköterskan är omtänksam, att skolsköterskan är tillgänglig, att känna otrygghet, att bli påtvingad ett samtalsämne samt att skolsköterskan är otillgänglig. Konklusion: Resultatet av studien visar att de ensamkommande flyktingbarnen kände sig trygga i mötet med skolsköterskan och oftast hade de en bra känsla efter mötet. Resultatet visar också att skolsköterskan var omtänksam och bra att prata med. Det framkom även en upplevd otrygghet när det var flera personer närvarande vid mötet. / Background: The number of unaccompanied refugee children has increased steadily in Sweden since 2000, with a peak in 2015. The first health care provider these children meet, is usually the school nurse. This demands more knowledge about what these children's needs look like as they, to a greater extent than other children, suffer from mental illness. Aim: To describe unaccompanied refugee children’s experiences of meetings with school nurse in Sweden. Method: The study has a qualitative design where data collection took place through semi-structured interviews. The analysis is carried out with qualitative content analysis where results are based on interviews with five unaccompanied refugee children who were over 18 years old at the time of the interview. Results: The analysis of the interviews resulted in two categories; the good meeting and the unpleasant meeting. Of these, seven subcategories emerged; to have a good feeling, to have a good conversation, that the school nurse is caring, that the school nurse is available, to feel insecure, to be forced in to a topic of conversation and that the school nurse is unavailable. Conclusion: The result of the study show that the unaccompanied refugee children felt safe in the meeting with the school nurse and usually had a good feeling after the meeting. The result also show that the school nurse was caring and good to talk to. There was also a perceived insecurity when several people were present at the meeting.

Nyanlända, inkludering och samverkan i fritidshemmet : Etnografisk studie om inkludering av nyanlända elever i fritidshemmet samt samverkan mellan nyanlända föräldrar och fritidslärar

Cvrk, Amira, Kafaji, Nora January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate what methods are most effective in including newly arrived students in the after–school program. But also how bad cooperation between the newly arrived parents and teacher can affect the newly arrived students' school attendance. We have conducted this study by interviewing five different teachers with different teaching qualifications and by using previous research. During our writing process a war in Europe broke out. This motivated us to gain an understanding of how the school works with different methods for newly arrived students and how cooperation between newly arrived parents and teachers had an impact on the student. To find this out, we have looked up previous researchon these topics and held interviews with experienced teachers who work in after-schoolcenters. To create perspective, we have also chosen to use different levels of education for the teachers we have interviewed. And with these interviews and previous research we have hadan aim to answer the effects of poor interaction between parents. And what methods are themost effective way to include a newly com student in class. Throughout our writing processwe have used the sociocultural perspective to understand how cultural thinking plays a role insocial contexts. By studying this from a sociocultural perspective we have come to the conclusion that the most effective method for inclusion of newly arrived students is using pictures and visual instruments. Furthermore, poor cooperation between the newly arrived parents and teachers affect the newly arrived student’s school attendance negatively.

Friends don’t come easy- but most find a way: A qualitative study of refugee adolescents’ relationships with their peers

Nilsson Grip, Mina, Liljedahl, Ylva January 2021 (has links)
A significant proportion of Sweden’s population consists of immigrants and refugees, many of whom are adolescents. Resettlement in a new host culture could be extra challenging during adolescence due to the additional burden that developmental tasks bring to the refugee adolescents’ daily life. One of the most important developmental tasks during adolescence is the development of functional relationships with peers. Previous research on refugee adolescents and peer relationships has often been quantitative and much focus has lied on the pathological outcomes and adversities that this population faces. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate how refugee adolescents experienced peer relationships from their point of view, taking in the full spectrum of experiences. Furthermore, this study aimed to highlight the strengths and resilience this population posits. Specifically, the study used qualitative methodology to examine how newly arrived refugee adolescents experienced interpersonal relationships with peers and how they dealt with challenges faced. The sample of the study were 33 newly arrived refugee adolescents (Mage = 14.9, SD = .91; 55% females). Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through inductive thematic analysis. Themes of language, quality of relationships, and integration appeared central for refugee adolescents’ experience of peer relationships. Despite the difficulties that this population faced, they showed great capacity in overcoming challenges. The findings indicate that peer relationships are a central part of refugee adolescents' adjustment and well-being, and that there is a strong motivation and capacity to overcome difficulties and create functional relationships among newly arrived refugee adolescents.

Jämlikt deltagande - Om ensamkommande och nyanlända tjejers väg in i föreningsliv genom separatism

Rundström, Beatrice January 2018 (has links)
This study examines unaccompanied and newly arrived refugee girls’ possibilities to join collective activities. A lot of organizations in Sweden struggle to include unaccompanied and newly arrived refugee girls in activities such as sports and culture. Some of the causes to this problem derive from excluding mechanisms within the organizations, but also from the girls’ families or relatives who have certain rules regarding participation in activities. To increase the number of female participants, a number of organizations working with the target group are now developing projects using separatism as a method for inclusion. Separatism increases participation amongst girls, but it can be used as an alibi to compensate for inequalities within organizations. In order to receive good results from separatist work, the ideas from which separatism has evolved, such as feminism and equality, must be implemented throughout the entire work of the organizations using separatism as a method.

“And so each and every teacher has to handle it to the best of their abilities”

Musa, Ibrahim, Nordström, Charles January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the methods and strategies teachers in Malmö and Lund, Sweden, use to overcome issues faced when working with newly arrived students in teaching English. There was a need to explore this further since there is a lack of previous research in the area, as well as a lack of education on how to teach these students. Our two research questions investigate what specific difficulties teachers report facing when working with newly arrived students in English, and what teaching strategies/methods these teachers utilize to overcome these difficulties. To answer this, we conducted five semi-structured interviews with teachers who have experience in teaching English to newly arrived students. Our results show teachers feel a general feeling of unpreparedness through the lack of official support and measures in coping with these challenges. Moreover, the teachers employ several different types of coping strategies to help the newly arrived students, and they also report on the issues which can arise due to cultural contrasts. The implications of our findings is that there is a lack of a centralized, coherent approach among teachers on how to work with this population, as well as a lack of education in how to do so. Teachers require more training and more resources to better meet the needs of these students.

Nyanlända elever och idrottsundervisning

Nilsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Refugees have been migrating to Sweden over the past decade. Integrating newly arrived students is therefore a highly relevant topic for the Swedish schools. This research overview presents different sources concerning teaching physical education to newly arrived students. The purpose with the research overview is to investigate how newly arrived students perceive the teaching in physical education, how the teaching can be shaped to ensure integration and what factors are important to create an including teaching experience for newly arrived students in the subject physical education. Using a number of identified key words, searches on databases have been conducted to find sources. The selection has been based on relevance regarding suitable content based on the research questions. The result shows that language difficulties are a fact, and that many students find physical education entertaining but some activities challenging due to lack of previous education in their country of origin. Furthermore, it shows that there is a need for further research and that teachers can facilitate the newly arrivals’ learning experiences by ensuring that the students get to know each other properly. Suggested further research is for example a field study combining lesson observations with qualitative interviews with the newly arrived students and their teachers.

Riktlinjer på riktigt? Direktintegration i teori och praktik

Alphonce, Amy, Johansson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
This case study aims to explore how the stated guidelines, regarding direct immersed newly arrived students and their subsequent education, are complied with in practice in a school in Sweden. To examine this relation between theory and practice, we have chosen a qualitative approach which consists of semi-structured interviews and participatory observations. The interviews with the school’s headmaster and SSL-teacher (Swedish as Second Language) intend to inform the analysis from an organizational perspective, while the interviews with two teachers as well as the observations of one newly arrived student intend to provide the empirical basis of the classroom perspective. Our results have been analyzed within the frames of Thomas and Collier’s (1997) Prism model which is grounded in their theories concerning language minority students’ education. The conclusion drawn based on this case study is that there is a discrepancy between the formulated guidelines and the studied educational practice. The headmaster and the SSL-teacher convey clear intentions regarding how the education for the newly arrived students should be organized. However, the teachers’ statements and our observations indicate that these guidelines are not complied with to the extent that is being sought. In order to optimize the education for newly arrived students, it is insufficient to merely create theoretical guidelines without ensuring that they are fully implemented in practice.

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