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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotional intelligence as an intervention against bullying in primary schools in Gauteng : efficacy of an anti-bullying intervention programme

Lubbe, Laurika 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 312-355 / The aim of this study was to assess the emotional intelligence of bullies between the ages of 7 and 13 years and to use the information gathered to develop an Emotional Intelligence Skills Enhancement Programme that can serve as an anti-bullying intervention programme. The impact of the programme was evaluated to determine whether it assisted in decreasing bullying behaviour in the primary school context in South Africa. The study was conducted in a primary school in the Benoni area in Gauteng (South Africa). The study was divided into three phases. The aim of the pilot study was to test the research techniques to determine whether they would be suitable for use in South Africa specifically. The respondents in the pilot study were selected from five primary schools in Gauteng, South Africa. A total of 100 (n=100) learners between the ages of 7 and 13 years were included in the pilot study phase of this study to test whether the Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (BarOn EQ-i:YV) would be appropriate for use in a South African context. A total of 175 (n=175) parents were included in the pilot study to test the reliability of the Self-developed Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire for Adults and the appropriateness of the use of the Parent–Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI) and the Parenting Styles Questionnaire (PSQ). The reliability coefficients were calculated using Cronbach’s alpha. The results indicated that the Self-developed Intelligence Questionnaire for Adults was sufficiently reliable given the design and purpose of the study, and that the other measuring instruments were appropriate for use in the South African context. The aim of Phase 1 of this quantitative study was to determine and present the relationship between the independent variables (emotional intelligence, parent–child relationship and parenting styles) and the dependent variable, bullying. Phase 1 involved 56 (n=56) bullies and 56 (n=56) non-bullies, 36 (n=36) fathers of bullies, 55 (n=55) mothers of bullies, 42 (n=42) fathers of non-bullies and 56 (n=56) mothers of non-bullies. Descriptive statistics were provided on the scales of the BarOn EQ-i:YV, the Self-developed Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire for Adults, the PCRI and the PSQ. The bullies and the non-bullies were compared on the BarOn EQ-i:YV by means of independent samples t-tests. It was found that the bullies scored significantly lower on all the scales. The parents of the bullies and the non-bullies were compared on the Self-developed Questionnaire and the PCRI using independent samples t-tests. The results for the parents on the Self-developed Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire for Adults showed no significant differences, whereas the parents of the bullies scored significantly lower on a number of scales of the PCRI. Poor parent–child relationships could, however, not be assumed based on the findings. A chi-square analysis of the results on the PSQ showed a significant interaction between the dominating parenting style of the fathers and bullying behaviour. A preference for an authoritarian parenting style was indicated by the fathers of the bullies. The aim of Phase 2 of this study was to develop an Emotional Intelligence Skills Enhancement Programme that can serve as an anti-bullying intervention programme to assist in decreasing the occurrence of bullying behaviour in the primary school context. The experimental group consisted of 15 (n=15) bullies and 15 (n=15) non-bullies and the control group consisted of 15 (n=15) bullies and 15 (n=15) non-bullies. Only the participants in the experimental group were exposed to the intervention programme. A mixed multivariate analysis (GLM) was used to explore the interaction between pretest and posttest scores and the experimental and control groups for the total EQ scores and the behavioural ratings given by the teachers. Significant changes were observed in relation to the bullies in the experimental group in the pretest and the posttest of the BarOn EQ-i:YV and the Teacher Rating Scale. These findings provide support for the effectiveness of the programme in the experimental group. / Hierdie studie het gepoog om die emosionele intelligensie van boelies/bullebakke tussen die ouderdomme 7 en 13 jaar oud te bepaal. Die bevindings is gebruik om ‘n Emosionele Intelligensie Vaardigheid Verrykingsprogram te ontwikkel wat daarna as ‘n (teen-) anti-boelie ingrypingsprogram geimplimenteer is. Dié program se impak is verder ook ge-evalueer om te bepaal of dit wel ‘n bydrae gemaak het tot vermindering van bullebakgedrag in die primêre skoolkonteks in Suid-Afrika. Die studie is in ‘n primêre skool in die omstreke van Benoni in Gauteng (Suid-Afrika), uitgevoer en is verdeel in drie fases. Die doel van die loodsstudie was om te toets of die navorsingstegnieke in Suid-Afrika toegepas kan word. Honderd (n=100) leerlinge tussen die ouderdom van 7 en 13 jaar oud, is geselekteer as deelnemers uit vyf primêre skole in Gauteng. Hierdie loodsstudie-groep is gebruik om te bepaal of die Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (BarOn EQ-i:YV), in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, suksesvol toegepas kan word. ‘n Totaal van 175 ouers (n=175) was ook ingesluit in die loodsstudie om die betroubaarheid van die Self-ontwikkelde Emosionele Intelligensie Vraelys vir Volwassenes te toets asook die toepasbaarheid van die gebruik van die Parent-Child Relationship Inventory (PCRI) en die Parenting Style Questionnaire (PSQ). Die betroubaarheidskoeffisiënte is bereken met die Cronbach’s Alpha toets. Bevindings toon dat die Self-ontwikkelde Intelligensie Vraelys vir Volwassenes voldoende betroubaar is wat die ontwerp en doel van die studie betref. Ook die ander meetinstrumente kan in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks suksesvol toegepas word. Die doel van Fase 1 (kwantitatiewe studie), was om die verhouding tussen die onafhanklike veranderlikes (emosionele intelligensie, ouer-kind verhouding en ouer- opvoedingstyle) en die afhanklike veranderlike naamlik bullebakgedrag, te bepaal. Fase 1 het 56 (n=56) boelies en 56 (n=56) nie-boelies, 36 (n=36) vaders van boelies, 55 (n=55) moeders van boelies, 42 (n=42) vaders van nie-boelies en 56 (n=56) moeders van nie-boelies, ingesluit. Beskrywende statistiek is verskaf op die volgende skale: BarOn EQ-i:YV, Self-ontwikkelde Intelligensie Vraelys vir Volwassenes, PCRI en die PSQ. Die boelies en nie-boelies is deur middel van onafhanklike steekproef t-toetse op die BarOn EQ-i:YV skaal met mekaar vergelyk en die resultaat het getoon dat die boelies beduidend laer punte op alle skale behaal het. Ouers van die boelies en nie-boelies is ook met mekaar vergelyk deur middel van die Self-ontwikkelde Intelligensie Vraelys vir Volwassenes en die PCRI en die PSQ. Resultate van eersgenoemde metode het geen beduidende verskille getoon nie terwyl die ouers van boelies met die PCRI ‘n beduidend laer syfer op verskeie skale behaal het. Swak ouer-kind verhouding kan dus nie, op grond van die bevindings, net aanvaar word nie. ‘n Chi-kwadraat analise van die resultate op die PSQ het ‘n beduidende interaksie getoon tussen die dominerende ouer-opvoedingstyl van die vaders, en bullebak(boelie) gedrag. ‘n voorkeur vir Outoritêre Ouerskap was deur vaders van die boelies aangedui. Die doel van Fase 2 in hierdie studie was om die Emosionele Intelligensie Vaardigheid Verrykingsinventaris Program te ontwikkel om sodoende as ’n teen-boelie intervensie/ingrypingsprogram te dien wat sal bydra om die voorkoms van bullebakgedrag in die primêre skoolkonteks, te verminder. Die eksperimentele groep het bestaan uit 15 (n=15) boelies en 15 (n=15) nie-boelies en die kontrole groep ook uit 15 (n=15) boelies en 15 (n=15) nie-boelies. Slegs die deelnemers aan die eksperimentele groep was blootgestel aan dié ingrypingsprogram. ‘n Gemengde Meerveranderlike Analise, GLM (“General Linear Model”), is gebruik om die interaksie tussen voor- en na-toetstellings te bepaal, vir die eksperimentele en kontrole groepe se Totale EQ (Emosionele Kwosiënt) en die gedragsgraderings deur onderwysers. Beduidende verskille was waargeneem vir boelies in die eksperimentele groep in die voor- en na-toets van die BarOn EQ-i:YV en die Onderwysgraderingsskaal. Hierdie bevindings verskaf ondersteuning vir die doeltreffendheid van die program in die eksperimentele groep. / Sepheo sa phuputso ena e ne e le ho hlahloba bohlale ba maikutlo ba bo-mmampodi ba dilemo di dipakeng tsa 7 le 13 le ho sebedisa tlhahisoleseding e bokelletsweng ho ntlafatsa Lenaneo la Ntlafatso ya Bokgoni ba Bohlale ba Maikutlo le ka sebetsang e le lenaneo la kenang dipakeng kgahlanong le bompodi. Tshusumetso ya lenaneo e ile ya hlahlojwa ho sheba hore na le thusitse ho fokotsa boitshwaro ba bompodi maemong a dikolo tsa mathomo Afrika Borwa. Phuputso e entswe dikolong tsa mathomo tikolohong ya Benoni Gauteng (Afrika Borwa).Phuputso e ne e arotswe ka mekgahlelo e meraro. Sepheo sa phuputso ena e nyane e ne e le ho etsa teko ya mekgwa ya dipatlisiso ho bona hore na e ka sebediswa hantle Afrika Borwa ka ho kgetholoha. Batho ba arabang dipotso phuputsong ena e nyane ba ne ba kgethilwe ho tswa dikolong tse hlano tsa mathomo Gauteng, Afrika Borwa. Kakaretso ya baithuti ba 100 (p=100) ba dilemo di dipakeng tsa 7 le 13 ba ne ba kenyelleditswe mokgahlelong wa phuputso e nyane wa phuputso ena ho etsa teko ya hore na Lethathamo la Maemo a Itseng a Maikutlo: Phetolelo ya Batjha (BarOn EQ-i:YV) le ne le ka loka bakeng sa tshebediso maemong a Afrika Borwa. Kakaretso ya batswadi ba 175 (p=175) e ile ya kenyelletswa phuputsong e nyane ho etsa teko ya ho tshepahala ha Lethathamo la dipotso le Iketseditsweng la Bohlale ba Maikutlo bakeng sa batho ba baholo le ho nepahala ha tshebediso ya Lethathamo la Kamano ya Motswadi le Ngwana (PCRI) le Lethathamo la dipotso la Mekgwa ya Botswadi (PSQ). Ho tshepahala ha boleng ba tekanyo ho ile ha lekanyetswa ho sebediswa alfa ya Cronbach. Diphetho di bontshitse hore Lethathamo la dipotso le Iketseditsweng la Bohlale bakeng sa batho ba baholo le ne le tshepahala ka ho lekana ho latela moralo le sepheo sa phuputso, le hore disebediswa tse ding tsa ho lekanya di ne di loketse ho sebediswa maemong a Afrika Borwa. Sepheo sa Mokgahlelo wa 1 wa phuputso ya tekanyo e ne e le ho bona le ho hlahisa kamano dipakeng tsa dintho tse feto-fetohang tse ikemetseng (bohlale ba kelelllo, kamano ya motswadi le ngwana le mekgwa ya botswadi) le ntho e feto-fetohang e sa ikemelang, bompodi. Mokgahlelo wa 1 o ne o kenyelleditse bo-mmampodi ba 56 (p =56) le bao e seng bo-mmampodi ba 56 (p=56), bo-ntate ba bo-mmampodi ba 36 (p=36), bo-mme ba 55 ba bo-mmampodi (p=55), bo-ntate ba 42 (p=42) ba bao eseng bo-mmampodi le bo-mme ba 56 (p=56) ba bao eseng bo-mmampodi. Dipalo-palo tse hlalosang di ile tsa fanwa dikaleng tsa BarOn EQ-i:YV, Lethathamo la dipotso le Iketseditsweng la Bohlale ba Maikutlo bakeng sa batho ba baholo, PCRI le PSQ. Bo-mmampodi le bao eseng bo-mmampodi ba ile ba bapiswa ho BarOn EQ-i:YV ka mekgwa ya diteko tsa t tsa disampole tse ikemetseng. Ho ile ha fumaneha hore bo-mmampodi ba ile ba fumana dintlha tse tlase dikaleng tsohle. Batswadi ba bo-mmampodi le bao eseng bo-mmampodi ba ile ba bapiswa Lethathamong la dipotso le Iketseditsweng le PCRI ho sebediswa diteko tsa t tsa disampole tse ikemetseng. Diphetho tsa batswadi Lethathamong la dipotso le Iketseditsweng la Bohlale ba Maikutlo bakeng sa Batho ba baholo ha dia bontsha diphapang tse kgolo, ha batswadi ba bo-mmampodi ba fumane dintlha tse bonahalang di le tlase dikaleng tse batlang di le ngata tsa PCRI. Leha ho le jwalo, dikamano tse seng hantle tsa motswadi le ngwana di ne di ke ke tsa nahanwa ho latela diphumano. Manollo ya sekwere sa chi ya diphumano ho PSQ e bontshitse tshebedisano e bonahalang dipakeng tsa mokgwa o atileng wa botswadi ba bo-ntate le boitshwaro ba bompodi. Kgetho ya mokgwa wa botswadi wa bohatelli o ile wa bontshwa ho bo-ntate ba bo-mmampodi. Sepheo sa Mokgahlelo wa 2 wa phuputso e ne e le ho ntlafatsa Lenaneo la Ntlafatso ya Bokgoni ba Bohlale ba Maikutlo le ka sebetsang e le lenaneo la kenang dipakeng kgahlanong le phokotso ya boitshwaro ba bompodi maemong a dikolo tsa mathomo. Sehlopha sa diteko se ne se e na le bo-mmampodi ba 15 (p=15) le bao seng bo-mmampodi ba 15 (p=15) mme sehlopha sa taolo se ne se e na le bo-mmampodi ba 15 (p=15) le bao seng bo-mmampodi ba 15 (p=15). Ke feela bankakarolo ba sehlopheng sa diteko ba ileng ba behwa lenaneong la ho kena dipakeng. Manollo ya dipalo tse ngata tse tswakilweng (GLM) e ile ya sebediswa ho lekola tshebedisano dipakeng tsa dintlha tse fumanweng pele ho teko le kamora teko le dihlopha tsa diteko le tsa taolo bakeng sa kakaretso ya dintlha tse fumanweng tsa EQ le ditekanyetso tsa boitshwaro tse fanweng ke matitjhere. Diphetoho tse bonahalang di ile tsa bonwa mabapi le bo-mmampodi ba sehlopheng sa diteko pele ho teko le kamora teko ya BarOn EQ-i:YV le Sekala ka Tekanyetso sa Titjhere. Diphumano tsena di fana ka tshehetso bakeng sa tshebetso ya lenaneo sehlopheng sa diteko. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

The relationship between the forward– and the realized spot exchange rate in South Africa / Petrus Marthinus Stephanus van Heerden

Van Heerden, Petrus Marthinus Stephanus January 2010 (has links)
The inability to effectively hedge against unfavourable exchange rate movements, using the current forward exchange rate as the only guideline, is a key inhibiting factor of international trade. Market participants use the current forward exchange rate quoted in the market to make decisions regarding future exchange rate changes. However, the current forward exchange rate is not solely determined by the interaction of demand and supply, but is also a mechanistic estimation, which is based on the current spot exchange rate and the carry cost of the transaction. Results of various studies, including this study, demonstrated that the current forward exchange rate differs substantially from the realized future spot exchange rate. This phenomenon is known as the exchange rate puzzle. This study contributes to the dynamics of modelling exchange rate theories by developing an exchange rate model that has the ability to explain the realized future spot exchange rate and the exchange rate puzzle. The exchange rate model is based only on current (time t) economic fundamentals and includes an alternative approach of incorporating the impact of the interaction of two international financial markets into the model. This study derived a unique exchange rate model, which proves that the exchange rate puzzle is a pseudo problem. The pseudo problem is based on the generally excepted fallacy that current non–stationary, level time series data cannot be used to model exchange rate theories, because of the incorrect assumption that all the available econometric methods yield statistically insignificant results due to spurious regressions. Empirical evidence conclusively shows that using non–stationary, level time series data of current economic fundamentals can statistically significantly explain the realized future spot exchange rate and, therefore, that the exchange rate puzzle can be solved. This model will give market participants in the foreign exchange market a better indication of expected future exchange rates, which will considerably reduce the dependence on the mechanistically derived forward points. The newly derived exchange rate model will also have an influence on the demand and supply of forward exchange, resulting in forward points that are a more accurate prediction of the realized future exchange rate. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

An analysis of precision agriculture in the South African summer grain producing areas / Hendriks J.

Hendriks, Joseph January 2011 (has links)
Both globally and locally, agriculture faces ever increasing challenges such as high input costs, strict environmental laws, decrease in land for cultivation and an increase in demand due to the growing global population. Profitability and sustainability requires more effective production systems. Precision agriculture is identified as such a system and is built upon a system approach that aims to restructure the total system of agriculture towards low input, high efficiency and sustainable agriculture. The aim of this study was to analyse the state of precision agriculture in the summer grain producing areas of South Africa, specifically the North West and Free State provinces. In order to achieve this, a literature study was conducted. During the literature study the term ‘precision agriculture’ was defined and discussed. The precision agriculture cycle and its components were explained and benefits of precision agriculture were identified. The literature study was concluded with identifying and discussing the most widely used and most beneficial technologies as well as reasons for slow adoption. Findings from the literature study were used to investigate the state of precision agriculture locally. In order to achieve this, a quantitative approach was used and information was collected by means of an empirical study using a questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed to farmers using selling agents of an agricultural company that is well represented in the targeted areas. The data was then statistically analysed. The survey showed that only 52% of summer grain producing farmers in the North West and Free State provinces of South Africa practises precision agriculture as defined in the v literature study. The study also revealed that the majority of precision agriculture farmers are over the age of 40, have more than 16 years of farming experience, are well educated, cultivate more than 1,000 hectares and uses none or little irrigation. The most commonly used precision agriculture technologies were grid soil sampling and yield monitors. The perception among most of the farmers was that precision technologies are not very affordable, not easily available and that it lacks proper testing with regards to efficiency. The group of summer grain–producing farmers that have correctly implemented precision agriculture as per definition stated that the benefits they derived from precision technologies include reduction in input costs, increased outputs and improved management skills. Too high implementation costs and technologies not providing enough benefits were among the main reasons farmers do not implement precision agriculture. It was concluded that a significant effort and amount of work is needed to increase the use of precision agriculture among summer grain–producing farmers in the targeted areas. A consolidated effort from government, agricultural institutions and agricultural companies will be needed to achieve this goal. Implementing precision agriculture as a system will require education (from primary to tertiary institutions) and improved marketing strategies. Only then will precision technologies be able to help meet the future demands placed on the agriculture sector. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

The relationship between the forward– and the realized spot exchange rate in South Africa / Petrus Marthinus Stephanus van Heerden

Van Heerden, Petrus Marthinus Stephanus January 2010 (has links)
The inability to effectively hedge against unfavourable exchange rate movements, using the current forward exchange rate as the only guideline, is a key inhibiting factor of international trade. Market participants use the current forward exchange rate quoted in the market to make decisions regarding future exchange rate changes. However, the current forward exchange rate is not solely determined by the interaction of demand and supply, but is also a mechanistic estimation, which is based on the current spot exchange rate and the carry cost of the transaction. Results of various studies, including this study, demonstrated that the current forward exchange rate differs substantially from the realized future spot exchange rate. This phenomenon is known as the exchange rate puzzle. This study contributes to the dynamics of modelling exchange rate theories by developing an exchange rate model that has the ability to explain the realized future spot exchange rate and the exchange rate puzzle. The exchange rate model is based only on current (time t) economic fundamentals and includes an alternative approach of incorporating the impact of the interaction of two international financial markets into the model. This study derived a unique exchange rate model, which proves that the exchange rate puzzle is a pseudo problem. The pseudo problem is based on the generally excepted fallacy that current non–stationary, level time series data cannot be used to model exchange rate theories, because of the incorrect assumption that all the available econometric methods yield statistically insignificant results due to spurious regressions. Empirical evidence conclusively shows that using non–stationary, level time series data of current economic fundamentals can statistically significantly explain the realized future spot exchange rate and, therefore, that the exchange rate puzzle can be solved. This model will give market participants in the foreign exchange market a better indication of expected future exchange rates, which will considerably reduce the dependence on the mechanistically derived forward points. The newly derived exchange rate model will also have an influence on the demand and supply of forward exchange, resulting in forward points that are a more accurate prediction of the realized future exchange rate. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Risk management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

An analysis of precision agriculture in the South African summer grain producing areas / Hendriks J.

Hendriks, Joseph January 2011 (has links)
Both globally and locally, agriculture faces ever increasing challenges such as high input costs, strict environmental laws, decrease in land for cultivation and an increase in demand due to the growing global population. Profitability and sustainability requires more effective production systems. Precision agriculture is identified as such a system and is built upon a system approach that aims to restructure the total system of agriculture towards low input, high efficiency and sustainable agriculture. The aim of this study was to analyse the state of precision agriculture in the summer grain producing areas of South Africa, specifically the North West and Free State provinces. In order to achieve this, a literature study was conducted. During the literature study the term ‘precision agriculture’ was defined and discussed. The precision agriculture cycle and its components were explained and benefits of precision agriculture were identified. The literature study was concluded with identifying and discussing the most widely used and most beneficial technologies as well as reasons for slow adoption. Findings from the literature study were used to investigate the state of precision agriculture locally. In order to achieve this, a quantitative approach was used and information was collected by means of an empirical study using a questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed to farmers using selling agents of an agricultural company that is well represented in the targeted areas. The data was then statistically analysed. The survey showed that only 52% of summer grain producing farmers in the North West and Free State provinces of South Africa practises precision agriculture as defined in the v literature study. The study also revealed that the majority of precision agriculture farmers are over the age of 40, have more than 16 years of farming experience, are well educated, cultivate more than 1,000 hectares and uses none or little irrigation. The most commonly used precision agriculture technologies were grid soil sampling and yield monitors. The perception among most of the farmers was that precision technologies are not very affordable, not easily available and that it lacks proper testing with regards to efficiency. The group of summer grain–producing farmers that have correctly implemented precision agriculture as per definition stated that the benefits they derived from precision technologies include reduction in input costs, increased outputs and improved management skills. Too high implementation costs and technologies not providing enough benefits were among the main reasons farmers do not implement precision agriculture. It was concluded that a significant effort and amount of work is needed to increase the use of precision agriculture among summer grain–producing farmers in the targeted areas. A consolidated effort from government, agricultural institutions and agricultural companies will be needed to achieve this goal. Implementing precision agriculture as a system will require education (from primary to tertiary institutions) and improved marketing strategies. Only then will precision technologies be able to help meet the future demands placed on the agriculture sector. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Developing an alternative assessment framework for undergraduate accountancy modules in Open Distance Learning (ODL) / Ontwikkeling van 'n alternatiewe assesseringsraamwerk vir voorgraadse rekeningkundige modules in oop afstandsonderrig (OAO) / Ukwakhiwa kwenye indlela yesakhiwo sohlelo lokuhlola amamojuli abafundi beziqu zokuqala ze-accountancy ohlelweni lokufunda ukude (ODL)

Swart, Odette 22 August 2019 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Worldwide, students compete for a limited number of places at universities. By increasing the use of distance education, more students could have access to tertiary education. The problem addressed in this study related to the challenges faced by an ODL university to assess undergraduate modules in accounting sciences by way of technology-enhanced, non-venue-based alternative assessments, instead of the traditional venue-based examinations. The purpose of the current study was to develop an alternative assessment framework for ODL undergraduate accounting sciences modules as a possible solution to the assessment challenges faced by accounting graduates and universities in an ODL environment. The legitimacy of qualifications was considered by reviewing the identity verification of students and other ethical issues, as well as the influence on the accreditation by professional and other regulatory and governing bodies. Institutional and neo-institutional theories were used within the ODL context as foundational principles. Design-based research was used to develop two conceptual frameworks – one based on the theoretical elements and the other on non-venue-based alternative assessments in the ODL context. The two conceptual frameworks were evaluated using interviews conducted with ODL lecturers and members of professional accounting bodies. Thereafter, the data were analysed using thematic analysis. Triangulation was used as a final evaluation of the conceptual frameworks by analysing comments from students included in reports from an alternative assessment pilot study. The two conceptual frameworks were combined in one final framework. This final framework demonstrates how the institutional theory affects the institution and, specifically, internal issues. Due to the complexity of the ODL institution, external influences (such as technology) result in aspects of the neo-institutional theory becoming even more relevant to the current study. This complexity, together with the mimetic forces of technology and innovation, creates uncertainty. However, it became clear from the data analysis that coercive and normative forces result in ‘more certainty’. The alignment of these isomorphic forces resulted in legitimacy. Due to the importance of technology in the ODL environment, it became clear that technology should be anthropomorphically considered a stakeholder in the ODL institution. The inclusion of stakeholder theory created improved performance and the potential for innovation in order to ensure the legitimacy of qualifications. / Studente ding wêreldwyd mee vir 'n beperkte aantal plekke in universiteite. Indien die gebruik van afstandsonderrig uitgebrei word, kan meer studente toegang tot tersiêre onderwys kry. Die probleem waarop hierdie studie fokus is die uitdagings van 'n OAO-universiteit om voorgraadse modules in rekeningkundige wetenskappe te assesseer deur middel van tegnologies verbeterde, nie-lokaalgebaseerde alternatiewe assesserings in plaas van die tradisionele, lokaalgebaseerde eksamens. Die doel van die huidige studie was om 'n alternatiewe assesseringsraamwerk vir voorgraadse rekeningkundige wetenskapmodules in OAO te ontwikkel as 'n moontlike oplossing vir die assesseringsuitdagings van rekeningkundige gegradueerdes en universiteite in ’n OAO-omgewing. Die geldigheid van kwalifikasies is oorweeg deur 'n oorsig te doen oor die identiteitsverifiëring van studente en ander etiese aangeleenthede, asook die invloed op die akkreditasie deur professionele en ander regulatiewe beheerliggame. Institusionele en neo-institusionele teorieë is in die OAO-konteks as grondbeginsels gebruik. Ontwerpgebaseerde navorsing is gebruik om twee konseptuele raamwerke te ontwikkel – een gebaseer op die teoretiese elemente en die ander op nie-lokaalgebaseerde alternatiewe assesserings in die OAO-konteks. Die twee konseptuele raamwerke is geëvalueer aan die hand van onderhoude met OAO-dosente en lede van professionele rekeningkundige liggame. Hierna is die data deur middel van tematiese analise ontleed. Triangulasie is gebruik as 'n finale evaluering van die konseptuele raamwerke deur die kommentaar van studente wat in verslae van 'n alternatiewe assesseringsvoorstudie ingesluit is, te evalueer. Die twee konseptuele raamwerke is in een finale raamwerk gekombineer. Hierdie finale raamwerk demonstreer hoe die institusionele teorie die instelling en, spesifiek, interne aangeleenthede beïnvloed. As gevolg van die kompleksiteit van die OAO-instelling, veroorsaak eksterne invloede (soos tegnologie) dat die neo-institusionele teorie selfs meer relevant vir die huidige studie word. Hierdie kompleksiteit, tesame met die mimetiese magte van tegnologie en innovasie, skep onsekerheid. Dit is egter duidelik uit die data-analise dat dwang- en normatiewe magte ‘meer sekerheid’ veroorsaak. Die belyning van hierdie isomorfiese magte veroorsaak geldigheid. As gevolg van die belangrikheid van tegnologie in die OAO-omgewing, is dit duidelik dat tegnologie antropomorfies beskou moet word as 'n belanghebber in die OAO-instelling. Die insluiting van die belanghebbende teorie het verbeterde prestasie en die potensiaal vir innovasie tot gevolg gehad, om sodoende die geldigheid van kwalifikasies te verseker. / Emhlabeni wonke, abafundi bazabalazela ukuthola ithuba lokungena kwizindawo ezingamanyuvesi amancane ngenani. Ngokukhulisa izinga lokusetshenziswa kohlelo lokufunda ukude, abafundi abaningi bebangakwazi ukungena emazikweni ezemfundo aphakemeyo. Inkinga exazululwa kulolu cwaningo imayelana nezinselelo ezibhekene nenyuvesi yohlelo lwe-ODL ukuhlola amamojuli asesigabeni seziqu zokuqala kwisayensi ye-accounting ngendlela yoncedo lobuchwepheshe, ngezinye izinhlelo zokuhlola ezingenziwa endaweni eyodwa, kunokusebenzisa uhlelo olwejwayelekile lokuhlolwa okwenziwa endaweni eyodwaethize. Inhloso yocwaningo lwamanje kwaye kungukwakha esinye isakhiwo sokuhlola samamojuli esayensi ye-accounting yeziqu zokuqala, lokhu kwenziwa njengekhambi elingaxazulula izinselelo zokuhlola ezibhekene nabafundi besifundo se-accounting kanye namanyuvesi akusizinda sohlelo lwe-ODL. Udaba lokuba semthethweni kweziqu luye lwabhekwa ngokubuyekeza ukuqinisekiswa kwamagama abafundi kanye nezinye izindaba ezimayelana nemigomo yokuziphatha, kanye nomthelela phezu kokwamukelwa kwamaprofeshinali kanye nezinye izinhlaka eziqinisa umthetho kanye nezinye izinhlaka eziphetheyo. Amathiyori eziko kanye nalawo ohlelo olusha lwamaziko asetshenziswe ngaphakathi kwesizinda se-ODL njengemigomo eyisisekelo. Ucwaningo olususelwa kwidizayini lusetshenziswe ukwakha izinhlaka ezimbili zegama – olunye uhlaka lususelwe kwizinto zethiyori kanye nakwezinye izinhlelo zokuhlola ezingasuselwa ezindaweni ezimile ngaphakathi kwesizinda se-ODL. Izinhlaka ezimbili zezakhiwo ziye zahlolwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezenziwa abafundisi be-ODL kanye namalungu wezinhlangano eziprofeshinali zesifundo se-accounting. Ngemuva kwalokho, idatha ihlaziywe ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya isihloko. Unxantathu wezinhlolovo (triangulation) usetshenziswe njengohlelo lokugcina lokuhlola izakhiwo zegama ngokuhlaziya izimvo ezivela kubafundi ezixutshwe kwimibiko evela ohlelweni lokuhlolwa kwesivivinyo socwaningo.Lezi zakhiwo zamagama ezimbili zihlanganiswe kuhlaka olulodwa lokugcina. Lolu hlaka lwesakhiwo lukhombisa indlela umqondo weziko othinta ngayo iziko, ikakhulu, izinto ezingaphakathi. Ngenxa yengxubevange yeziko elinohlelo lwe-ODL, imithelela evela ngaphandle (enjengobuchwepheshe) idala izinto ezihambelana nomqondo omusha weziko oya ngokuya uhambisane nesifundo samanje socwaningo. Le ngxubevange indawonye nemimoya yobuchwepheshe kanye namaqhinga amasha, kuletha isimo esingenakuqinisekiswa. Yize kunjalo, kuya ngokucaca ukusukela ekuhlaziyweni kwedatha ukuthi imimoya ephoqayo kanye naleyo eyejwayelekile idala isimo esingaziwa. Ukuhambisana kwalawa mandla okudalwe yizinto ezisemthethweni. Ngenxa yokubaluleka kobuchwepheshe kwisizinda se-ODL, kuye kwacaca ukuthi ubuchwepheshe kufanele buthathelwe phezulu njengesidlalindima kwiziko le-ODL. Ukufakwa komqondo womdlalindima kudale umsebenzi omuhle othuthukile kanye namathuba okuveza amaqhinga amasha ukuze kuqinisekiswe isimo sokuqinisekisa iziqu ukuthi zibe semthethweni. / College of Accounting Sciences / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Inklusiewe en nie-formele benadering tot die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent / An inclusive and non-formal approach to talent identification in adolescent learners

Moolman, Lindie 11 1900 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie is om riglyne daar te stel vir die vroeë identifisering van talent wat die totale funksionering en konteks van die leerder in ag neem. ‘n Literatuurstudie is onderneem om die navorsing en teorieë wat met die onderwerp verband hou, te ondersoek. Die denkverskuiwing van intelligensie as een konstruk na ‘n multikonstrukbenadering wat uit onderliggende intellektuele vermoëns voortvloei, is verken. Definisies van begaafdheid en talent wat oor ‘n tydperk onstaan het, is omskryf en die rasionaal vir die gebruik van talent in plaas van begaafdheid is gegee. Die bio-ekologiese teorie van Bronfenbrenner, die positiewe sielkunde en die bate-gebaseerde benadering dien as teoretiese begronding van die studie. Talentontwikkeling en -identifisering is aan die orde gestel deur die liggaamlike, kognitiewe, sosiale, persoonlikheids-, emosionele en morele ontwikkeling van die adolessent te bespreek. Verder is die stand van talentidentifisering in Suid-Afrikaanse skole ondersoek en is aangedui in watter mate dit deur amptelike beleid gerig en ondersteun word. Beginsels wat tydens talentidentifisering in ag geneem moet word asook enkele identifiseringsmodelle wat ‘n bydrae tot die kennis van begaafdheid en talentidentifisering lewer, is bespreek. Verder is ‘n verskeidenheid talente wat uit algemene intellektuele intelligensie ontwikkel, aangedui. Die literatuurstudie het getoon dat daar nie in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse skoolbeleid direkte riglyne is vir die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent nie. Die deurlopende klem op akademiese prestasie en die feit dat leerders teen ‘n graadgemiddeld geassesseer word, lei waarskynlik daartoe dat ander metodes van assessering nie altyd in Suid-Afrikaanse klaskamers tot hul reg kom nie. Ten einde ‘n verskeidenheid talent te identifiseer en terselfdertyd ‘n leerder se konteks in ag te neem, is afsonderlike talentskale vir leerders, ouers en onderwysers ontwikkel en toegepas. Riglyne vir die identifisering van adolessente leerders se talent is dus op ‘n nie-formele manier ontwikkel. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie dui daarop dat die talentidentifiseringsproses bewuswording van verskillende talente waaroor leerders beskik, kan bewerkstellig. Dit help leerders om hul selfkennis uit te brei en om ‘n denkverskuiwing van die erkenning van slegs akademiese talent na ‘n verskeidenheid van talentdomeine wat die uniekheid van elke leerder ontgin, te maak. / The purpose of this study was to formulate guidelines for the early identification of talent, taking into consideration the overall functioning and context of the learner. A literature review was done to investigate the research and theories on the topic. The mind shift from intelligence as one construct to a multiconstruct approach arising from underlying intellectual abilities was explored. The definitions of giftedness and talent, which have existing for some time, were presented and the rationale for using talent instead of giftedness was provided. Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological theory, positive psychology and the asset-based approach served as theoretical grounding for the study. Talent identification and development were established by discussing the physical, cognitive, social, personality, emotional and moral development of the adolescent. The state of talent identification in South African schools was also investigated, and an indication was given of the extent to which it is guided and supported by official policy. Principles to be considered in identifying talent and a few identification models that contribute to knowledge of giftedness and talent identification were discussed. A variety of talents developing from general intellectual intelligence were also highlighted. The literature review reveals that in the current South African school policy, there are no direct guidelines for identifying the talent of adolescent learners. The constant emphasis on academic performance and the fact that learners are assessed against a grade average probably lead to other methods of assessment not always coming into their own in South African classrooms. To identify a variety of talents and at the same time take into consideration a learner’s context, separate talent scales for learners, parents and educators were developed and applied. Guidelines for identifying the talent of adolescent learners have therefore been developed in a non-formal way. The findings of this study indicate that the talent identification process can lead to awareness of different talents of learners. This helps learners to expand their self-knowledge and to bring about a mind shift from the recognition of only academic talent to a variety of talent domains which reveal the uniqueness of each learner. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo ukwakha imihlahlandlela yokuhlonzwa kwekhono masinya, kubhekwa indlela umfundi ngamunye asebenza ngayo kanye nesimo angaphansi kwaso. Kwabhekwa imibhalo ukuze kuphenywe ngocwaningo nemibono yezinzululwazi ngaphansi kwalesi sihloko. Kwaphenywa ngokusuka endleleni yokubheka inhlakanipho njengendlela okuyiyona yodwa yokwakha kuyiwe ezindleleni ezihlukene kaningi zokwakha ezisukela emakhonweni obuhlakani acashe ngaphansi kwazo. Izincazelo zesiphiwo nekhono, esezibe khona isikhathi eside, zethulwa kwase kunikezwa izincazelo zokuthi kungani kusetshenziswa ikhono kunesiphiwo. Umbono kaBronfenbrenner wobudlelwano phakathi kwezinto eziphilayo kanye nendawo eziphila kuyo, izifundo zezengqondo zemiphumela emihle kanye nendlela yokubheka encike ekubeni nenani kwento konke kusebenza njengengqikithi yombono wenzululwazi yalolu cwaningo. Ukuhlonza kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwekhono kwasungulwa ngokubamba izingxoxo mayelana nokuthuthuka kwabantwana asebengena ezingeni lentsha ngokomzimba, ngokwengqondo, ngokwenhlalo, ngokwendlela yokuziphatha, ngokomoya nangokwesimilo. Isimo sokuhlonza ikhono ezikoleni zaseNingizimu Afrika naso sibhekiwe, kwanikezwa nesilinganiso sokuthi lingakanani izinga lokuholwa nokusingathwa yinqubomgomo esemthethweni. Imigomo okufanele ibhekwe ngesikhathi sokuhlonza ikhono kanye vii nezinye izibonelo ezingasiza olwazini lokuhlonza iziphiwo namakhono nayo yadingidwa. Izinhlobonhlobo zamakhono avela ebuhlakanini obujwayelekile obuhambisana nemicabango nazo zaqhakambiswa. Ucwaningo lwemibhalo luveze ukuthi kwinqubomgomo yamanje yaseNingizimu Afrika, ayikho imihlahlandlela eqondile yokuhlonza amakhono kubafundi asebengena ezingeni lentsha. Ukuqhubeka nokugcizelela ukwenza kahle kwezemfundo kanye nokuthi abafundi bahlolwa ngokwezilinganiso ezivamile zamabanga cishe kuholela kwezinye izindlela zokuhlola ezingafiki kwezifana nezabo emakilasini aseNingizimu Afrika. Ukuhlonza izinhlobonhlobo zamakhono kube futhi kubhekwa isimo somfundi, kwasungulwa futhi kwasetshenziswa izilinganiso ezihlukile zokukala amakhono abafundi, abazali nawothisha. Ngakho-ke, imihlahlandlela yokuhlonza ikhono labafundi asebengena ezingeni lentsha yakhiwe ngendlela engalandeli kakhulu umthetho kanye nokuhleleka. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo iveza ukuthi inqubo yokuhlonza amakhono ingaholela ekubonakaleni kwamakhono ahlukahlukene abafundi. Lokhu kusiza abafundi ukuba bakwazi ukwandisa ulwazi labo futhi benze kube khona ukucabanga ngokwahlukile ekwamukeleni kuphela ikhono lezemfundo kodwa kwamukelwe namakhono ahlukahlukene aveza ukwahluka komfundi ngamunye. / Department of Educational Psychology / D. Phil. (Educational Psychology)

Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-Afrikaansonderrig

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu. In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork, such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills, learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork. Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed. Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning. The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment. Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is therefore imperative. Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base, integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet. In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder, effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek, kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod. Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek. Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende, outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei. Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum 2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus noodsaaklik. Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-Afrikaansonderrig

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu. In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork, such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills, learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork. Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed. Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning. The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment. Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is therefore imperative. Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base, integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet. In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder, effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek, kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod. Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek. Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende, outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei. Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum 2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus noodsaaklik. Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

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