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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Examination of the Predictors of General Recidivism, Violent Recidivism, and Property Recidivism among Juvenile Offenders

Stubbs-Richardson, Megan Suzanne 13 December 2014 (has links)
Although studies examining juvenile recidivism have focused primarily on violent recidivism, the factors that predict recidivism likely differ by offense type. To examine general, property, and violent recidivism, this study combined individual-level data (i.e., offender and case characteristics) from the Mississippi Youth Court Information Data System (MYCIDS) for the years 2009-2011 and contextual-level data (i.e., county characteristics) from the 2010 U.S. Census and the 2010 Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). Results showed that offender characteristics predicted only general and property recidivism, but case characteristics mattered for all three types (i.e., general, violent, and property recidivism). Contextual characteristics (i.e., the percentage of the population that is male aged 15 to 24) also mattered, but only for property recidivism. These findings have implications for policies and programs related to the treatment of juvenile offenders.

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Violent Media

Pidruzny, Jacquelyn N. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Personalens utsatthet för våldsamt och aggressivt beteende inom psykiatrisk öppenvård : En tvärsnittsstudie / Staff exposure to violent and aggressive behavior in psychiatric outpatient care : A cross-sectional study

Ångqvist, Tobias, Edblom, Eveline January 2015 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund. Aggressivt beteende är vanligt inom hälso- och sjukvården, med konsekvenser som försämrad arbetstillfredsställelse och burnout. Syftet med studien är att undersöka samband mellan egenskattad utsatthet för aggressivt samt våldsamt beteende och arbetstillfredsställelse, burnout samt sjukskrivning inom den psykiatriska öppenvården. Design. Tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Metod. Analys av data, insamlat hösten 2014, från totalt 129 respondenter har utförts i SPSS. Resultatet visar att 20,6 % av respondenterna ofta är utsatt för aggressivt beteende samt att 7,3 % ofta är utsatt för våldsamt beteende. Inget samband sågs mellan att vara utsatt och dess inverkan på arbetstillfredsställelse samt burnout. Däremot ses en signifikant skillnad vad gäller utsatthet mellan de undersökta orterna. Slutsats. Den undersökta gruppen är sällan utsatt för våldsamt beteende, men däremot hög förekomst av aggressivt beteende. Trots utsattheten skattades arbetstillfredsställelsen högt. Nyckelord: Aggressivt beteende, våldsamt beteende, arbetstillfredsställelse, burnout, psykiatrisk öppenvård. / Abstract Background. Aggressive behavior is common in health care, with consequences such as impaired job satisfaction and burnout. The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between self-rated exposure to aggressive and violent behavior, and job satisfaction, burnout and sick-leave in psychiatric outpatient care. Design. Cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Method. Analysis of data collected in autumn 2014 from a total of 129 respondents was performed in SPSS. The result shows that 20.6% of respondents are often exposed to aggressive behavior and 7.3% are often exposed to violent behavior. No association between being exposed and its impact on job satisfaction and burnout. In contrast the results show significance difference in terms of exposure between studied cities. Conclusion The examined groups are rarely exposed to violent behavior, however, there is a high incidence of aggressive behavior. The job satisfaction were estimated high despite the exposure. Keywords:Aggressive behavior, violent behavior, job satisfaction, burnout, psychiatric outpatient.

Blir vi mer aggressiva av att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel? : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Do we become more aggressive by playing violent video-games? : A quantitative survey

Eklöf, John January 2015 (has links)
En kvantitativ enkätstudie genomfördes för att undersöka samband mellan att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel och aggressivitet. Urvalet bestod av tillgängliga respondenter på Facebook och GameReactors Facebooksida där enkäten delades. 123 stycken deltog i undersökningen varav 85 män och 38 kvinnor. För att undersöka deltagarnas spelvanor frågades hur ofta de spelar pc/tv-spel samt våldsamma spel och hur roligt de ansåg att våldsamma pc/tv-spel var. För att mäta deltagarnas aggressivitet användes testet Buss-Perry-Questionnaire som mäter aggression och fyra underskalor av aggression (fysisk aggression, verbal aggression, ilska och fientlighet). Spearmans korrelationstest användes för att undersöka samband mellan variablerna för att se om spelvanorna av våldsamma spel gav högre poäng på aggressivitet eller någon av de fyra underskalorna. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta samband mellan att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel ofta och någon aggressionstyp. Samband fanns mellan att tycka det är roligt att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel och verbal aggressivitet samt fysisk aggressivitet. Ett Mann Whitney U test visade skillnader mellan män och kvinnor då det gällde spelvanor och aggressivitet. Männen spelade våldsamma pc/tv-spel oftare, tyckte våldsamma pc/tv-spel var roligare, var mer fysiskt aggressiva och kvinnor var mer ilskna. Spearmans rangkorrelation visade ett negativt samband mellan ålder och att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel ofta. De som var yngre ansåg dock inte att våldsamma spel var roligare än andra spel. Korrelationen visade inga signifikanta samband mellan ålder och aggression. Det visade sig alltså inte att de som var yngre var mer aggressiva. Slutsatsen som dras är att de som tycker om att spela våldsamma pc/tv-spel tenderar att vara mer verbalt aggressiva och fysiskt aggressiva. När det gäller frågan att spela våldsamma spel ofta är det oklart om speltiden påverkar aggressionen hos en person och mer forskning behövs på ämnet. / A quantitative survey was carried out to investigate the connection between playing violent PC / video games and aggression. The sample consisted of respondents available on Facebook and Gamereactor's Facebook page where the survey was divided. 123 people participated in the survey, of which 85 men and 38 women. To explore participants' gaming habits they were asked how often they play the PC / video games and violent game and how funny they thought that violent PC / TV game was. Bus-Perry-Questionnaire where used to measure participants' aggressiveness which measures aggression and four subscales of aggression (physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger and hostility). Spearman's correlation test was used to examine the relationship between the variables to see if the gaming habits of violent games gave higher scores on aggression or any of the four sub-scales. The results showed no significant correlation between playing violent PC / video games often and any type of aggression. Correlation existed between thinking it is fun to play violent PC / video games and verbal aggression and physical aggression. The Mann Whitney U test showed differences between men and women when it came to gaming and aggression. Men played violent PC / video games more often, thought violent PC / video games were more fun, were more physically aggressive, and women were angrier. Spearman's rank correlation showed a negative correlation between age and playing violent PC / video games frequently. Those who were younger did not consider violent games as more fun than other games. The correlation showed no significant relationship between age and aggression. It appeared, therefore, that those who were younger were more aggressive. The conclusion is that those who enjoy playing violent PC / video games tend to be more verbal aggressive and physical aggressive. Regarding the question about playing violent games often is it unclear whether the playing time affects the aggression of a person and more research is needed on the topic.

"Det är ju vår verktygslåda, alla metoder och teorier" : Om familjebehandlares upplevelse av kunskap, teorier och metoder i behandling av mammor som använder våld mot sina barn

Olsson, Hanna, Blixt, Filippa January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate family therapists understanding of knowledge, theories and methods in the treatment of mothers who use violence against their children. The study is made on the basis that the operation is not based on clear evidence-based knowledge and examines how family therapists understand and combines existing methods and theories in social work. Methodically the study is based on qualitative interviews with five family therapists in different municipalities in the south of Sweden. A compilation of the interviews gave rise to two main themes: Mothers and violence respective Treatment. The result shows that there are not always explicit methods and theories available in the treatment of violent mothers. Despite this, the family therapists shows a large degree of consensus regarding methods and theories. In the discussion it is suggested that this may be due to some theories and methods are so integrated in the environments that the family therapists are active in that they do not specifically reflect on them. They have, in short, become routine. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka familjebehandlares förståelse av kunskaper, teorier och metoder i behandlingen av mammor som använder våld mot sina barn. Studien görs mot bakgrund av att verksamheten inte bygger på tydliga evidensbaserade kunskaper och undersöker hur familjebehandlare, mot denna bakgrund, förstår och kombinerar i socialt arbete befintliga metoder och teorier. Metodiskt bygger studien på kvalitativa intervjuer med fem familjebehandlare i olika kommuner i södra Sverige. En sammanställning av intervjuerna gav upphov till två huvudteman: Mammor och våld respektive Behandling. Resultatet visar att det inte alltid finns uttalade metoder och teorier att tillgå i behandling av våldsutövande mammor. Trots detta uppvisar familjebehandlarna en relativt stor samstämmighet kring metoder och teorier. I diskussionen föreslås att detta kan bero på att vissa teorier och metoder är så integrerade i de miljöer familjebehandlarna är verksamma att de inte längre uttrycklig reflekterar över dem. De har, kort sagt, blivit rutin.

Returning culture to peacebuilding : contesting the liberal peace in Sierra Leone

Viktorova Milne, Jevgenia January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates the advantages and limitations of applying culture to the analysis of violent conflict and peacebuilding, with a particular focus on liberal peacebuilding in Sierra Leone. While fully aware of the critique of the concept of culture in terms of its uses for the production of difference and ‘otherness,’ it also seeks to respond to the critique of liberal peacebuilding on the account of its low sensitivity towards local culture, which allegedly undermines the peace effort. After a careful examination of the terms of discussion about culture enabled by theoretical approaches to conflict in Chapter 2, the thesis presents a theoretical framework for the analysis of cultural aspects of conflict and peace based on the processes and effects of meaning-generation (Chapter 3), developing the conceptual apparatus and vocabulary for the subsequent empirical study. Instead of bracketing out the recursive nature of cultural theorising, the developed approach embraces the recursive dynamics which arise as a result of cultural ‘embeddedness’ of the analyst and the processes which s/he seeks to elucidate, mirroring similar dynamics in the cultural production of meaning and knowledge. The framework of ‘embedded cultural enquiry’ is then used to analyse the practices of liberal peacebuilding as a particular culture, which shapes the interaction of the liberal peace with its ‘subjects’ and critics as well as framing its reception of the cultural problematic generally (Chapter 4). The application of the analytical framework to the case study investigates the interaction between the liberal peace and ‘local culture,’ offering an alternative reading of the conflict and peace process in Sierra Leone (Chapter 5). The study concludes that a greater attention to cultural meaning-making offers a largely untapped potential for peacebuilding, although any decisions with regard to its deployment will inevitably be made from within an inherently biased cultural perspective.

Struktura ličnosti, kognitivni stil, afektivna regulacija i demografske varijable kao prediktori agresivnog ponašanja kod počinilaca krivičnih dela / Structure of personality, cognitive style, emotionregulation and demographic factors as predictorsof aggressive behaviour in offenders

Kolundžija Ksenija 09 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Ekstremni vidovi ispoljavanja agresije u vidu krivičnih dela nasilja su univerzalni<br />fenomeni, prepoznati u svim dru&scaron;tvima i kulturama. Iako se radi o relativno nefrekventnim<br />događajima, trend nasilničkog pona&scaron;anja raste i predstavlja problem od &scaron;ireg dru&scaron;tvenog značaja.<br />Ishod vi&scaron;edecenijskog izučavanja agresivnosti ogleda se u detektovanju velikog broja prediktora<br />agresivnog pona&scaron;anja, pri čemu su se faktori agresivnosti najče&scaron;će izučavali izolovano. Kao<br />referentni okvir za ovo istraživanje poslužio nam je Op&scaron;ti model agresivnosti koji podrazumeva<br />međusobnu interakciju različitih faktora u generisanju agresivnog pona&scaron;anja. Osnovni cilj ovog<br />istraživanja se odnosi na rasvetljavanje glavnih i interaktivnih efekta prediktora, a &scaron;to doprinosi<br />boljem razumevanju uslova pod kojima se povećava ili smanjuje verovatnoća realizacije<br />agresivnog pona&scaron;anja, u kontekstu krivičnih dela.<br />Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 200 ispitanika, mu&scaron;kog pola, podeljenih u dve grupe.<br />Kriterijsku grupu činilo je 100 ispitanika koji su bili na izdržavanju kazne u Kazneno popravnom<br />zatvoru u Sremskoj Mitrovici, zbog krivičnog dela nasilja. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 100<br />ispitnanika koji u svojoj istoriji nisu imali izvr&scaron;eno ni jedno krivično delo. Ispitanici su<br />ujednačeni u odnosu na psihijatrijsku dijagnozu.<br />Organizovan je korelacioni nacrt, a rezultati su obrađeni kroz transferzalnu perspektivu.<br />Ispitivanje interaktivnog uticaja prediktorskih varijabli sprovedeno je putem ispitivanja<br />moderacije.<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je na osnovu personolo&scaron;ko-dispozicionih, kognitivnoemocionalnih<br />i socio-emografskih prediktora moguće razlikovati grupu počinilaca krivičnog dela<br />nasilja u odnosu na ispitanike koji nikada nisu počinili krivično delo. Konkretnije, grupu<br />počinilaca krivičnih dela nasilja karakteri&scaron;e vi&scaron;i stepen izraženosti sve tri Eysenck-ove<br />dimenzije, vi&scaron;i stepen sklonosti ka agresivnom pona&scaron;anju, vi&scaron;i stepen izraženosti psihopatske<br />devijacije, dok se po pitanju stepena samopo&scaron;tovanja ne razlikuju u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu.<br />Počinioci krivičnog dela nasilja imaju specifičan kognitivni stil koji je obeležen većim<br />prisustvom agresivnih fantazija, neefikasnom kontrolom agresivnih i neprijatnih misli, većim<br />prisustvom iracionalnih uverenja, uz če&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćenje supresije, kao neadekvatne strategije<br />vi<br />emocionalne regulacije. Takođe, počinioci krivičnog dela potiču iz porodica sa većim stepenom<br />alkoholizma (isključivo oca), u većoj meri su bili izloženi nasilju u formativnom periodu, imaju<br />niži stepen obrazovanja i ređe imaju stalno zaposlenje. Međutim, kada se ovi brojni faktori<br />agresivnosti posmatraju kroz prizmu multivarijatnog modela predikcije, samo mali broj ostvaruje<br />glavni prediktivni doprinos. Izdvojili su se sledeći prediktori: sklonost ka antisocijalnom<br />pona&scaron;anju, samopo&scaron;tovanje, netolerancija životnih događaja, supresija, reprocenjivanje i<br />obrazovni status. Ispitujući interaktivan efekat prediktorskih varijabili i psihopatije, kao<br />moderator varijable, rezultati pokazuju da različit stepen izraženosti subdimenzija psihopatije<br />predstavlja uslov pod kojim personolo&scaron;ko-dispozicione varijable ostvaruju značajan doprinos u<br />prdikciji agresivnog pona&scaron;anja.<br />Uzimajući u obzir da su se kognitivno-emocionalni faktori koji su podložni promeni<br />izdvojili kao značajni prediktori, praktičan cilj istraživanja ogleda se u primeni nalaza<br />istraživanja na proces rehabilitacije počinilaca agresivnih krivičnih dela</p> / <p>Extreme forms of aggression manifestations, in terms of violent crimes, are universal<br />phenomena recognized in all societies and cultures. Although these are relatively small<br />frequency events, the trend of violent behaviour is growing and represents a problem of wider<br />social significance. The result of multiple decades researches of human aggression is the<br />detection of a large number of aggressive behaviour predictors, where the aggression factors<br />were most commonly studied as isolated ones. As a reference framework for this research, the<br />General Aggression Model was used, as it comprehends different factors mutual interaction in<br />generation of aggressive behaviour. The basic aim of this research is to put some more light to<br />the main and interactive predictor effects, which contributes to better understanding of the<br />conditions under which the probability of realization of the aggressive behaviour is rising or<br />lowering, in terms of criminal acts.<br />The research was performed on 200 male subjects divided into two groups. The criteria<br />group was formed out of 100 subjects who are imprisoned in Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary for<br />violent crimes. The control group was formed out of 100 subjects who do not have a criminal<br />history at all. The subjects are uniform with relation to psychiatric diagnosis.<br />Correlation design was organized and the results were processed through transversal<br />perspective. Examination of the interactive influence of the predictor variables was performed<br />through moderation.<br />Research results show that it is possible to distinguish the group of violence offenders<br />from the group of subjects with no criminal history at all, on the basis of personologicaldispositional,<br />cognitive-emotional and socio-demographical predictors. Specifically, the group of<br />violent offenders is characterized by the higher level of expression of all three Eysenck<br />dimensions, higher level of inclination to aggressive behaviour, higher level of expression of<br />psychopathic deviation, while the level of self-esteem is no different to the control group.<br />Violent offenders have a specific cognitive style which is marked by higher presence of<br />aggressive fantasies, non-efficient control of aggressive and unwanted thoughts, higher presence<br />of irrational beliefs, with more frequent use of suppression as inadequate strategy for emotional<br />viii<br />regulation. Also, violent offenders come from families with higher level of alcoholism (father<br />only), they have been exposed to violence to a bigger extent in their formation period, they have<br />a lower level of education and less frequently have a permanent employment. However, when<br />these numerous factors of aggression are observed through the prism of multivariate model of<br />prediction, only a small number of factors realize the main predictive effect. The following<br />predictors are noted as significant: inclination to antisocial behaviour, self-esteem, low<br />frustration tolerance beliefs, suppression, reappraisal and educational status. Examination of<br />interactive effect of predictor variables and psychopathy, as moderator variable, gives results<br />which show that different degree of expression of psychopathy sub-dimensions represents the<br />condition under which the personological-dispositional variables give significant contribution to<br />aggressive behaviour prediction.<br />Taking into account that the cognitive-emotional factors which are subject of change are<br />shown to be significant predictors, the practical aim of this research is to apply the research<br />results in violent offenders&rsquo; rehabilitation process.</p>

Examining Violent and Property Crimes in the Provinces of Turkey for the Years of 2000 and 2007

Ekrem, Mus 04 February 2010 (has links)
This dissertation explores the relationship between social, economical, and demographic variables and reported violent and property crime incidents in the provinces of Turkey between 2000 and 2007. The data on violent and property crimes comes from Turkish National Police. All other variables are secondary data gathered from open sources and Turkstat. The research is one of the first studies to examine this relationship in Turkey. The findings of the study suggest that family disruption rate and gross domestic product were significantly related to the violent crime rate while family disruption rate, gross domestic product, population, population density, and urbanization rate were significantly related to the property crime rate in the provinces of Turkey at bivariate level. The findings of the multivariate analysis for violent crimes reveal strong support that high school graduation rate, family disruption rate and gross domestic product have a considerable significant positive impact on violent crimes while unemployment rate and urbanization rate have significant negative relationship with violent crimes in the provinces of Turkey. Likewise, the findings of the multivariate analysis for property crimes reveal strong support that high school graduation rate, family disruption rate, gross domestic product and population in a province have a considerable significant positive impact on the number of property crimes in a province in Turkey. Implications of findings and policy recommendations and future research suggestions are also discussed.


Collison, Elizabeth 17 December 2012 (has links)
Bereavement is an important area of research as it may result in grief reactions that lead to serious psychological and health consequences (Stroebe, Schut, & Stroebe, 2007). Positive outcomes, such as personal growth or spiritual well-being, may also transpire post-loss (Hogan & Schmidt, 2002; Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982). Though research on bereavement has grown, few studies have focused on the at-risk group of emerging adults (Hardison, Neimeyer, & Lichstein, 2005; Arnett, 2000). The current study aims to add to the bereavement in emerging adulthood literature through analyzing descriptive data and assessing the impact of type of loss (i.e., nonviolent vs. violent), religious affiliation (i.e., Affiliated/Christian vs. Unaffiliated), and religious coping on post-loss grief intensity, personal growth, and spiritual well-being among emerging adults. Although results did not support several hypotheses, findings from the current study reinforce and expand extant literature on bereavement and religiosity/spirituality in emerging adults.

Inhemsk terrorism - en ny fas av terrorhotet : En diskursanalys om hotkonstruktion i USA och dess följder

Höglund, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
The threat from homegrown terrorism in the United States is called a new face of the threat from terrorism. The aim of this study is to empirically examine how the new threat from homegrown terrorism has been constructed in the American discourse. Furthermore it is interesting to examine how the construction relates to the American counterterrorism policy and possible consequences. This is done by using the theoretical framework of Copenhagen’s school of securitization. By using a discourse analysis, documents and speeches from the U.S. government are analysed to see how the threat from homegrown terrorism are constructed by using the securitization theory. This study concludes that the threat from homegrown terrorism is constructed by portraying it as an existential threat to the United States, it’s people and it’s collective identity. The construction has made it possible to undertake exceptional actions that may reduce the American citizens’ freedom in benefit for security.

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