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La SFIO des années 1960 : une réforme impossible ? / The SFIO of the 1960s : an impossible reform?Dupin, Arnaud 29 November 2018 (has links)
La SFIO des années 1960 est un parti politique sur le déclin. Son incapacité à répondre aux défis politiques du temps, son inadaptation à la Vème République et la volonté inaltérable de Guy Mollet de garder le contrôle sur l’organisation empêchent toute évolution profonde de la « vieille maison ». La conduite par la SFIO des négociations préparatoires à la création du NPS ne permet pas de sauver le parti aux yeux de l’opinion. La « vieille maison » disparaît le 4 mai 1969 lors du congrès d’Alfortville. / The 1960s SFIO is a political party on the decline. Its inability to respond to the political challenges of the time, its unsuitability to the Fifth Republic and Guy Mollet's unalterable desire to maintain control over the organization prevent any profound evolution of the "vieille maison". The management by the SFIO of the preparatory negotiations for the creation of the NPS does not save the party in the opinion. The "vieille maison" disappears on May 4, 1969 at the Alfortville convention.
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Kundlojalitet: Vad är det, hur gör man och varför fungerar det inte? : Lärdomar från företag i den svenska detaljhandeln / Customer loyalty: What is it, how do you do it and why doesn’t it work? : Teachings from firms in the Swedish retail sectorBremholt, Pontus, Hansson, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
Kundlojalitet är ett begrepp som aldrig tycks försvinna ur marknadsföringens ordlistor, kanske eftersom det för många företag är det ultimata marknadsföringsmålet. Den samtida konkurrensen har tack vare globalisering och digitalisering blivit hårdare än någonsin och lojalitet har aldrig varit mer relevant. Men kundlojalitet som forskningsområde är långt ifrån tydligt och enat i sina åsikter, och i det värsta fallet tycks det vara oklart vad lojalitet ens är eller om det kan skapas eller påverkas. Därmed uppfattas ett behov av att närmare undersöka hur kundlojalitet hanteras av företag inom detaljhandel via onlinekanaler, en bransch som har drabbats av en hårdare konkurrens. En kartläggning av forskning kring ämnet förtydligar att kundlojalitet som koncept har studerats, omdefinierats och kritiserats i en stor utsträckning, men att det nu finns en enad syn på kundlojalitet som ett flerdimensionellt koncept bestående av både beteende och attityd. Men detta synsätt har enligt forskning inte översatts väl till praktiken och många av de strategier som tillämpas såsom lojalitetsprogram kritiseras för att inte främja sann lojalitet. Samtidigt har mycket av den forskning som genomförts fokuserat på konsumentsidan och varför det som görs i relation till lojalitet inte fungerar. Denna masteruppsats fortsätter studien av kundlojalitetens praktiska situation genom att med intervjuer undersöka hur detaljhandelsföretag inom onlinehandel tacklar kundlojalitet för att tydligare kartlägga vad som görs och varför. Åtta intervjuer resulterade i ett flertal teman som beskriver hur kundlojaliteten uppfattas och behandlas i praktiken. Resultaten visar att de definitioner, strategier, metoder och mätetal som används inte stämmer överens med den nyare synen på lojalitet som flerdimensionell. Detta har lett till strategier som varken främjar relationer eller lojalitet och som snarare leder till minskade marginaler och uppmuntrar ett ohållbart konsumentbeteende. Resultaten lyfter även fram fem utmaningar inom det praktiska arbetet med kundlojalitet. Dessa kan härledas till ett övergripande problem som bottnar i att kundlojalitet inte behandlas som en ledningsfråga. / Customer loyalty is a term which is seemingly ubiquitous in the proverbial dictionary of marketing, perhaps because it often is considered the ultimate goal of many marketing activities. Thanks to rising globalisation and digitalisation the current competitive landscape has intensified to a point previously unheard of, which renders loyalty more important than ever before. But, as a field of research customer loyalty is quite split in terms of how loyalty should be defined, and it seems uncertain if loyalty even should be seen as something which can be created. With all this uncertainty in mind there would appear to be a need to more closely examine how Customer Loyalty is actively handled by businesses, using the Swedish e-retail market as a point of reference. A mapping of research on the subject clarifies that customer loyalty as a concept has been studied, redefined and criticized to a great extent, but that there now is a unified view of customer loyalty as a multi-dimensional concept consisting of both behaviour and attitude. However, according to research, this approach has not been translated well into practice, a lot of the strategies applied within loyalty programs has been criticized for not encouraging true loyalty. At the same time, much of the research that has been carried out has focused on the consumer perspective and why the loyalty efforts do not work. This master thesis elaborates on the study of the practicals of customer loyalty by conducting interviews with laypeople to determine how Swedish business within online retail deal with the challenge of maintaining loyalty. A total of eight interviews yielded many themes which thoroughly describe how customer loyalty is viewed, defined, measured and dealt with in practice. Our results show that the definitions, strategies, methods and measurements currently used within the field of loyalty management are not up to snuff when compared with the views of academic research, which define customer loyalty as a multidimensional construct. This has lead to strategies which neither favour loyalty nor relationships but rather result in lessening margins while encouraging unsustainable consumer behaviour. The results also highlight five distinct challenges within the practice of loyalty management. These can largely be contributed to the fact that customer loyalty rarely is given the level of attention on a leadership level that it should warrant.
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Elaboration et évaluation d'une nouvelle hétérostructure Ag°/TIO2 destinée à la détection par effet SERS sans marquage d'ADN / Elaboration and assessment of a new Ag°/TIO2 heterostructure intended to the label-free SERS detection of DNAHe, Lijie 02 February 2015 (has links)
Des substrats SERS, élaborés selon une approche simple et à moindre coût, ont été étudiéspour la détection sans marqueurs d’ADN en vue d’applications dans le domaine du diagnostic médical.Un protocole de réduction photocatalytique assistée chimiquement conduisant à des hétérostructuresAg°/TiO2 a été optimisé. Nohttp://star.theses.fr/editeur.jsp?tefId=58411&action=save#droitsus avons montré en quoi l’utilisation d’un agent encapsulant et d’uneprocédure de nucléation-croissance permettent de contrôler la formation et l’agrégation de NPs Ag° à lasurface de couches minces TiO2. L’agrégation contrôlée des NPs conduit à des points chauds induisantune très forte amplification de l’effet SERS. Les performances des substrats SERS ont tout d’abord étévalidées par détection Raman de la molécule modèle R6G. Des études de fond, portant sur la détectionde polybases dérivées des quatre nucléobases constituant la structure de l’ADN, adénine, cytosine,guanine et thymine, ont ensuite été réalisées. Le potentiel de détection des hétérostructures Ag°/TiO2 apermis l’indexation quasi-intégrale des bandes Raman des quatre polybases étudiées, modifiées ou nonavec des groupements NH2, et nous a permis de discuter des effets d’accrochage, d’orientation etd’agencement des molécules d’ADN sur les substrats SERS. Des études complémentaires ont finalementconfirmé le potentiel de nos hétérostructures en fournissant différents aperçus sur l’hybridation despolybases et l’association de différentes polybases sur un même substrat SERS. / SERS substrates, elaborated through a simple and low-cost procedure, have been studied forthe label-free detection of DNA in the view of applications in the medical diagnostic field. A chemicallyassisted photocatalytic reduction protocol leading to an Ag°/TiO2 heterostructure has been optimized.We have shown how the use of an encapsulating agent and a nucleation-growth procedure enable tocontrol the formation and aggregation of Ag° NPs at the surface of TiO2 thin films. The controlledaggregation of NPs leads to hot points inducing a very strong amplification of the SERS effect.Performances of the SERS substrate have first been evaluated through the Raman detection of the R6Gmodel molecule. Thorough studies dealing with the detection of polybases derived from the fournucleobases constituting the DNA structure, adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, have then beenconducted. The detection potential of the Ag°/TiO2 heterostructure enabled a nearly exhaustiveindexation of the Raman bands for the four studied polybases, modified or not with NH2 groups, and todiscuss on binding, orientation, and ordering effects of the DNA molecules on the SERS substrate.Complementary studies finally enabled us to confirm the potential of our heterostructure by providingdifferent insights on the polybase hybridization and the association of different polybases on a sameSERS substrate.
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Elaboration et évaluation d'une nouvelle hétérostructure Ag°/TIO2 destinée à la détection par effet SERS sans marquage d'ADN / Elaboration and assessment of a new Ag°/TIO2 heterostructure intended to the label-free SERS detection of DNAHe, Lijie 02 February 2015 (has links)
Des substrats SERS, élaborés selon une approche simple et à moindre coût, ont été étudiéspour la détection sans marqueurs d’ADN en vue d’applications dans le domaine du diagnostic médical.Un protocole de réduction photocatalytique assistée chimiquement conduisant à des hétérostructuresAg°/TiO2 a été optimisé. Nohttp://star.theses.fr/editeur.jsp?tefId=58411&action=save#droitsus avons montré en quoi l’utilisation d’un agent encapsulant et d’uneprocédure de nucléation-croissance permettent de contrôler la formation et l’agrégation de NPs Ag° à lasurface de couches minces TiO2. L’agrégation contrôlée des NPs conduit à des points chauds induisantune très forte amplification de l’effet SERS. Les performances des substrats SERS ont tout d’abord étévalidées par détection Raman de la molécule modèle R6G. Des études de fond, portant sur la détectionde polybases dérivées des quatre nucléobases constituant la structure de l’ADN, adénine, cytosine,guanine et thymine, ont ensuite été réalisées. Le potentiel de détection des hétérostructures Ag°/TiO2 apermis l’indexation quasi-intégrale des bandes Raman des quatre polybases étudiées, modifiées ou nonavec des groupements NH2, et nous a permis de discuter des effets d’accrochage, d’orientation etd’agencement des molécules d’ADN sur les substrats SERS. Des études complémentaires ont finalementconfirmé le potentiel de nos hétérostructures en fournissant différents aperçus sur l’hybridation despolybases et l’association de différentes polybases sur un même substrat SERS. / SERS substrates, elaborated through a simple and low-cost procedure, have been studied forthe label-free detection of DNA in the view of applications in the medical diagnostic field. A chemicallyassisted photocatalytic reduction protocol leading to an Ag°/TiO2 heterostructure has been optimized.We have shown how the use of an encapsulating agent and a nucleation-growth procedure enable tocontrol the formation and aggregation of Ag° NPs at the surface of TiO2 thin films. The controlledaggregation of NPs leads to hot points inducing a very strong amplification of the SERS effect.Performances of the SERS substrate have first been evaluated through the Raman detection of the R6Gmodel molecule. Thorough studies dealing with the detection of polybases derived from the fournucleobases constituting the DNA structure, adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, have then beenconducted. The detection potential of the Ag°/TiO2 heterostructure enabled a nearly exhaustiveindexation of the Raman bands for the four studied polybases, modified or not with NH2 groups, and todiscuss on binding, orientation, and ordering effects of the DNA molecules on the SERS substrate.Complementary studies finally enabled us to confirm the potential of our heterostructure by providingdifferent insights on the polybase hybridization and the association of different polybases on a sameSERS substrate.
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Nouvelles réactions à économie d'atomes et d'étapes basées sur la catalyse par des nanoparticules d'or et la multicatalyse. Applications dans la synthèse de chimie fine et des odorants / Novel atom- and step-economical reactions based on gold nanoparticles catalysis and multicatalysis. Applications in the synthesis of fine chemicals and odorantsGiorgi, Pascal 12 December 2017 (has links)
L'élaboration de méthodes de synthèse, basées sur l’utilisation d’espèces métalliques a été un sujet de tous les instances en chimie organique. Malgré l’efficacité des métaux utilisés en catalyse homogènes, leurs procédures de recyclage restent limitées. Ce pourquoi, une contrainte supplémentaire a été placée dans la conception de catalyseurs, pouvant offrir à la fois l'efficacité de la catalyse homogène et le recyclage de l’hétérogène. Dans ce contexte, les nanoparticules métalliques sont apparues comme objet phare, en raison de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques inégalées. On a découvert que les nanoparticules de métaux nobles présentaient des propriétés catalytiques similaires dans certains cas, aux complexes monoatomiques. De plus, les Au NPs ont montré une activité catalytique remarquable dans l'oxydation d’alcools activés sous O2. Nous avons donc envisagé des procédures multicatalytiques, basées sur les NPs d’Au. Notre choix d'utiliser des catalyseurs solides était pertinent, puisque les nano-catalyseurs, pour lesquels la fraction de sites actifs se trouve en surface, limitent les risques de cross-quenching. Ici, nous présentons trois nouveaux procédés bicatalytiques permettant l’accès, à des chromenes/quinoléines (53-93%) via une oxydation / Michael Addition/ aldolisation, combinant nanocatalyse et catalyse basique, l’accès à des ortho-THC (50-81%) via oxydation / arylation / cyclisation, combinant nanocatalyse et catalyse supportée, ainsi qu’une une oxydation / hydrolyse en cascade, pour accéder à l’HMLA (86%, sel 93%), un grand panel de produits d'activité biologique reconnue, utilisé en parfumerie ou visant une pré-industrialisation via la chimie en flux continu. / Elaboration of synthetic methods based on metal-catalyzed reactions has been a hot topic in organic chemistry. Despite good efficiency, catalysis proceeding homogeneously, are limited in the operation of recovering/recycling of the catalysts. An important stress was placed to design catalysis, offering both the efficiency of homogeneous catalysts and the recyclability of heterogeneous catalysts. In this context, metal nanoparticles merged as a key tool, due to their unique physical and chemical properties. Notably, Au NPs have shown remarkable catalytic activity in the oxidation of activated alcohols under O2 atmosphere. Since now, the access to more complex molecules is the next step forward for this field, we envisioned multicatalytic roads, based on the oxidation of activated alcohols via supported Au NPs. Our choice of using solid catalysts was relevant, since nanostructured catalysts for which the fraction of active sites are located on the surface, limit the risk of cross-quenching. The latter carbonyl formed, could be further converted in situ, via tandem protocol. Herein, we developed novel, atom- and step-economical bicatalytic one-pot processes, to access substituted chromenes/quinolines (53-93%) by tandem oxidation/hetero-Michael addition/aldolisation combining nanocatalysis and base catalysis, ortho-THCs (50-81%) via tandem oxidation/arylation/cyclisation combining nanocatalysis and supported catalysts and a tandem cascade oxidation/hydrolysis to access HMLA (86%, sel 93%). A large panel of products of biological activity relevance, pertaining to the fragrance chemistry or aiming in some cases, pre-industrial scalability via continuous flow applications.
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[pt] O termo e-commerce designa o modelo de negócio no qual as transações comerciais de compra e venda são feitas através de meios digitais. Essa variedade de comércio on-line tem aumentado significativamente no Brasil. Dados recentes revelam um crescimento de 267% no setor, cujo número de usuários do comércio eletrônico passou de 31,3 milhões em 2013 para 83,7 milhões em 2022. Quando se compara ao número de encomendas, o aumento foi de 88 milhões no ano de 2013 para 368 milhões em 2022. Esse crescimento trouxe inúmeros desafios logísticos, especialmente para alcançar a satisfação do cliente do e-commerce e sua fidelização. Com isso, a qualidade do serviço logístico no processo de distribuição de produtos no last mile ganhou relevância no processo de distribuição Business to Consumer (B2C). Corresponder a uma expectativa de compra satisfatória é um fator crítico para as empresas do e-commerce que buscam obter vantagem competitiva. Com esse propósito, a melhoria logística de distribuição desempenha um papel preponderante; entretanto, é necessário definir exatamente o que o cliente valoriza e espera desse tipo de serviço, dado que as expectativas do mercado são elevadas e boa parte das empresas não estão em condições de atender a esse padrão. Nesse contexto, este estudo de caso tem por objetivo geral identificar as expectativas de last mile delivery dos clientes de uma empresa brasileira do e-commerce B2C ao realizar uma compra, no segmento de móveis e decoração, em uma empresa que atua em todo o território nacional. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso único, os clientes responderam um survey que foi utilizado como base de dado para o desenvolvimento do trabalho e melhoria da operação, com abordagem qualitativa e empregou o método Net Promoter Score (NPS). Participaram desse estudo os clientes da empresa estudada e citada no trabalho. Quinze dias após o recebimento da mercadoria, era enviado para o cliente um questionário on-line com duas perguntas, as respostas eram analisadas sobre a expectativa relacionada ao serviço logístico, ao nível de lealdade, à satisfação e à fidelização de compras. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho apontam cinco fatores críticos para satisfazer a necessidade do cliente. A expectativa mais relevante para os consumidores em relação à distribuição de produtos por meio do e-commerce B2C é ter um prazo menor ofertado pela empresa relacionado a entrega, seguido de não receber produto danificado, receber produto com material de melhor qualidade, melhor atendimento e entrega dentro do prazo. Conclui-se que existe uma expectativa do consumidor intimamente associada a uma oportunidade de melhoria na logística de distribuição no e-commerce. Isso significa que a qualidade do serviço de entrega logística tem o impacto direto sobre uma experiência satisfatória para os clientes do e-commerce. O presente trabalho oferece um framework como ferramenta para a aplicação do método NPS e, consecutivamente, para a melhoria do nível de serviço e da excelência operacional nas atividades logísticas. Dessa forma, contribuir para retenção, fidelização e satisfação da experiência de compra dos clientes. / [en] The term e-commerce refers to the business model in which commercial transactions of buying and selling are conducted through digital means. This variety of online commerce has significantly increased in Brazil. Recent data reveals a growth of 267% in the sector, with the number of e-commerce users increasing from 31.3 million in 2013 to 83.7 million in 2022. When comparing the number of orders, it increased from 88 million in 2013 to 368 million in 2022. This growth has brought numerous logistical challenges, especially in achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce. Therefore, the quality of logistics services in the last mile distribution process has gained relevance in the Business to Consumer (B2C) distribution process. Meeting satisfactory purchase expectations is a critical factor for e-commerce companies seeking a competitive advantage. With this purpose, logistic distribution improvement plays a significant role; however, it is necessary to precisely define what the customer values and expects from this type of service, as market expectations are high, and many companies are unable to meet this standard. In this context, this case study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the last mile delivery expectations of customers of a Brazilian B2C e-commerce company when making a purchase in the furniture and decoration segment, operating nationwide. The methodology used was a single case study, customers completed a survey that was used as a database for developing the work and improving the operation, with a qualitative approach and using the Net Promoter Score (NPS) method. The clients of the company studied and mentioned in the work participated in this study. Fifteen days after receiving the merchandise, an online questionnaire with two questions was sent to the customer, the answers were analyzed regarding expectations related to the logistics service, the level of loyalty, satisfaction and purchase loyalty. The results obtained in this study point to five critical factors for meeting customer needs. The most relevant expectation for consumers regarding the distribution of products through B2C e-commerce is to have a shorter delivery time offered by the company, followed by damaged products, products with better quality materials, better customer service, and on-time delivery. It is concluded that there is a customer expectation closely linked to an opportunity for improvement in e-commerce distribution logistics. This means that the quality of the logistic delivery service directly impacts a satisfactory experience for e-commerce customers. This study suggests the application of the Framework as a tool for implementing NPS and, consequently, for improving the level of service and operational excellence in logistics activities. This can contribute to customer retention, loyalty, and satisfaction in the shopping experience.
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Gut peptides in gastrointestinal motility and mucosal permeabilityHalim, Md. Abdul January 2016 (has links)
Gut regulatory peptides, such as neuropeptides and incretins, play important roles in hunger, satiety and gastrointestinal motility, and possibly mucosal permeability. Many peptides secreted by myenteric nerves that regulate motor control are also produced in mucosal epithelial cells. Derangements in motility and mucosal permeability occur in many diseases. Current knowledge is fragmentary regarding gut peptide actions and mechanisms in motility and permeability. This thesis aimed to 1) develop probes and methods for gut permeability testing, 2) elucidate the role of neuropeptide S (NPS) in motility and permeability, 3) characterize nitrergic muscle relaxation and 4) characterize mechanisms of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and the drug ROSE-010 (GLP-1 analog) in motility inhibition. A rapid fluorescent permeability test was developed using riboflavin as a transcellular transport probe and the bisboronic acid 4,4'oBBV coupled to the fluorophore HPTS as a sensor for lactulose, a paracellular permeability probe. This yielded a lactulose:riboflavin ratio test. NPS induced muscle relaxation and increased permeability through NO-dependent mechanisms. Organ bath studies revealed that NPS induced NO-dependent muscle relaxation that was tetrodotoxin (TTX) sensitive. In addition to the epithelium, NPS and its receptor NPSR1 localized at myenteric nerves. Circulating NPS was too low to activate NPSR1, indicating NPS uses local autocrine/paracrine mechanisms. Nitrergic signaling inhibition by nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NMMA elicited premature duodenojejunal phase III contractions in migrating motility complex (MMC) in humans. L-NMMA shortened MMC cycle length, suppressed phase I and shifted motility towards phase II. Pre-treatment with atropine extended phase II, while ondansetron had no effect. Intestinal contractions were stimulated by L-NMMA, but not TTX. NOS immunoreactivity was detected in the myenteric plexus but not smooth muscle. Food-intake increased motility of human antrum, duodenum and jejunum. GLP-1 and ROSE-010 relaxed bethanechol-induced contractions in muscle strips. Relaxation was blocked by GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin(9-39) amide, L-NMMA, adenylate cyclase inhibitor 2´5´-dideoxyadenosine or TTX. GLP-1R and GLP-2R were expressed in myenteric neurons, but not muscle. In conclusion, rapid chemistries for permeability were developed while physiological mechanisms of NPS, nitrergic and GLP-1 and ROSE-010 signaling were revealed. In the case of NPS, a tight synchrony between motility and permeability was found.
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Customer perception on the effectiveness of customer centric sales channels in a financial cooperation in South Africa / Stephanus Paulus KrügerKrüger, Stephanus Paulus January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of the study was to determine which measurement tool, existing or
adapted, would be able to determine the levels of customer centricity within the sales
channels of a specific organisation, operating in the South African financial industry.
A literary study showed that in order to determine the levels of customer centricity,
customer experience should be measured. Six questionnaires were administered,
namely, EXQ, NPS, CES, Customer satisfaction, Word-of-Mouth and Behavioural
loyalty intention.
The data showed a statistical significance and a positive relationship between all the
constructs within all the questionnaires except with that of CES. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Development of CubeSat Vibration Testing Capabilities for the Naval Postgraduate School and Cal Poly San Luis ObispoBrummitt, Marissa 01 December 2010 (has links)
The Naval Postgraduate School is currently developing their first CubeSat, the Solar Cell Array Tester CubeSat, or NPS-SCAT. Launching a CubeSat, such as NPS-SCAT, requires environmental testing to ensure not only the success of the mission, but also the safety of other CubeSats housed in the same deployer. This thesis will address the development of CubeSat vibration testing methodology at NPS, including subsystem testing, engineering unit qualification, and flight unit testing. In addition, the new Cal Poly CubeSat Test POD Mk III will be introduced and evaluated based upon comparison with the Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). Using examples from the development of NPS-SCAT and test data from Cal Poly’s Test POD Mk III and P-POD, the current CubeSat testing methodology will be verified and an improved method for NPS CubeSat subsystem testing will be presented.
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The water quality in the United States has greatly improved since the implementation of the Clean Water Act (CWA) in the early 1970s. Unfortunately, the Clean Water Act only addresses one kind of water pollution, point source pollution. The major problem that is present in the degradation of todays water quality has to deal with nonpoint source pollution. Agriculture is commonly regarded as the leading contributor to nonpoint source pollution in the United States. This study uses two analytical tools to try to determine the significant factors in the transport of pollutants in the Lower Kentucky Watershed, located in central Kentucky. Spatial analysis (GIS) coupled with the statistical analysis (SAS), allowed for significant factors to be identified within a small proximity of sampling sites throughout the watershed. The results suggest that although agriculture is commonly regarded as the largest contributor to nonpoint source pollution, other factors outside of agriculture were also found to be significant, such as resident land use and rainfall. The results generated from this study suggest that land managers in communities throughout the watershed should analyze agricultural factors, as well as, factors outside of agriculture, in an effort to protect their communities water quality.
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