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När verkligheten skrivs : om Aftonbladets granskning av Kommunal under en vecka i januari 2016Groundstroem, Öllegård January 2016 (has links)
Berättandets vägar
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Hotet från öst : En kvalitativ textanalys om hur Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter porträtterar aktörerna i krisen i Ukraina. / The eastern threatOrebäck, Johan, Öhrström, Anton January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine how the two Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter portrayed the actions of Russia, Vladimir Putin, Nato and their allies and Ukraine in the conflict surrounding the sovereignty of Crimea that started in 2014.Our study was based on 18 news articles from the start of the conflict up to august of 2015.The results showed that Russia is portrayed as the villian of the conflict. Aftonbladet portrayed the nation as a threat to Sweden and the rest of the western countries. Both papers tended to treat Russian sources with distrust, often choosing to interview Swedish experts on Russia rather than citing Russian sources. Vladimir Putin was portrayed as an evil dictator who set his own interests first and foremost. Both papers drew parallels between Putins way of ruling with the style of leadership in Soviet Russia.In both Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, Nato and their allies actions are portrayed as self defence towards Russia. Their actions are justified and always put in a perspective towards the actions of the Russians.The nation of Ukraine are initially portrayed as victims of Russian aggression. A few months into the conflict the newspapers started to become more critical of the Ukrainian actions, but always put it into perspective towards russian actions.Our study shows that swedish media holds a critical view towards Russia and their actions.
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Kriser, katastrofer och kommunikation : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Röda Korsets och Unicefs gestaltning i svensk dagspressFagerström, Madeleine, Möller, Tove January 2016 (has links)
Newsmedia can act both as a powerful source of knowledge about the society and the world, but it can also act as a strong source of influence in terms of how we percieve current events and for example organizations. The main focus of this paper is to analyse two swedish organizations working with humanitarian aid, the Red cross and Unicef, and how they are portraited in two of the biggest newspapers in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to see whether the conformation or the perception of the organizations are supported through the perception of media. Based on the aim and main focus the three questions that we will answer in the result chapter are ”How does the Red Cross and UNICEF portrays themselves through their websites and via press releases?”, ”What does the organizations press releases say, and which pieces of the press release have an impact in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet?” and the final question ”How is the Red Cross and UNICEF's reflected in the two newspapers and are the organizations mentioned in the same context in which they work with?” To be able to answer these three questions we are analyzing the organizations websites and press releases to confirm the confirmation that is made through these channels. Then we analyze whether this confirmation is the same in articles published in two of the largest newspapers in Sweden, Dagens nyheter och Aftonbladet. The newspapers are two different type of news papers, Dagens Nyheter is a morning paper and Aftonbladet is a evning paper. The reason we use two different types of newspapers is to see if there is any difference in how the organizations are portaited, depending on the different approach of the newspaper. These results will then be compared and analyzed in order to answer our research questions. As tools for this analyze, we have chosen to use a quantitative analysis, an index for how actors are treated in media and also a textanalysis. The result of this analysis is complex but the general finding is that the confirmation of both of the organizations are supported through all elements of communication. We also found that both the Red cross and Unicef are mentioned in contexts that are relevant for the work that they do. One example is that UNICEF is mentioned in articles regarding children, education etc.
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Skammens mur : En presshistorisk undersökning av fyra svenska tidningar angående Berlinmurens fall 1989 / The Wall of shameGrenander, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
Abstract The general purpose of this study is to look at what four different Swedish newspapers reported about the Berlin walls fall. The newspapers chosen for the study are Ny Dag, Arbetet, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The method used is a qualitative method while analyzing newspaper materials. This is accomplished by using four different questions. What was the reaction? What was the predicted future? How the magazines opinion is shown through their general ideological believes? Was the Berlin walls fall viewed as a threat? The general reaction was a euphoric feeling and a new time for Europe. The future talks centered on the uniting of the two Germanys and why this should or shouldn’t happen. The political messages were different in every newspaper. Svenska Dagbladet went hard against communism while Ny Dag defended it. Arbetets reporting was milder and Dagens Nyheter tried to play both sides. The newspapers did report about a threat perspective and it was about the relationship between superpowers and the impending question about immigrants from DDR. The threat perspective was lowering while a peace perspective was rising.
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Vems tur är det att be om ursäkt nu? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys kring politiska skandaler i tryckta medier. / Whose turn is it to apologize now? : A qualitative content analysis on political scandals in printed media.Brodd, Josefine, Lundahl, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker mediers rapportering kring två svenska politiska skandaler. Den första skandalen, Geijeraffären, inträffade 1977 och den andra, Miljöpartiets skandaler, inträffade 2016. Studien kommer granska artiklar, både ledarartiklar och nyhetsartiklar, från tidningarna Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om hur medier skriver om politiska skandaler och att undersöka om mediers rapportering har ändrats över tid och på vilket sätt det i så fall har förändrats. Studiens tillvägagångssätt är att med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys fånga upp textens latenta och manifesta budskap, och metoden används för att se likheter och skillnader. De teoretiska ramverk som används är gestaltningsteorin och dagordningsteorin, studien hamnar under forskningsfälten politisk kommunikation och politiska skandaler. I resultatet går det att se många likheter i rapporteringen mellan de två åren, men från resultatet har det återfunnits fler skillnader än likheter. Den största skillnaden som uppmärksammats är angående hur politikerna under 1977 lyckades tysta ner medierna och förflytta skulden från sig själva till media, vilket är något som inte gick att se 2016. En annan skillnad som går att läsa utifrån resultatet är att politikern från skandalen 2016 fick avgå, medan en liknande konsekvens aldrig inträffade under 1977. En likhet i resultatet från de båda åren är att skandalerna förstoras med hjälp av negativa ord, dessutom blir de anklagade politikerna gestaltade på ett negativt sätt och de framställs som dåliga. Rapporteringen är genomgående kritisk och granskande under båda åren. / This study strives to see media’s reporting on two Swedish political scandals. The first scandal, the Geijer affair, occurred in 1977 and the second, Miljöpartiet’s crisis, occurred in 2016. The study will examine articles, both editorial articles and news articles, from the newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The study aims to examine how media writes about political scandals and it also strives to examine if media´s reporting has changed over time and if so, how it has changed. The study uses a qualitative content analysis as an approach in order to capture the texts latent and manifest message, and the method is used in order to see similarities and differences. The theoretical frameworks that is used for the study is framing and agenda setting, the study falls under the research fields of political communication and political scandals. In the result there are a lot of similarities regarding the reporting from the two years. However, more differences than similarieties have been found in the result. The main difference was the fact that during 1977 the politicians managed to silence the media and they were able to transfer the blame from themselves and put in on the media instead, which was not possible in 2016. Another difference that can be read from the result is that the politician from the scandal in 2016 had to resign, a similar consequence did not occur in 1977. One similaritie between the two years was how media magnifies the scandals using negative words, furthermore the accused politicans are illustrated in a negative way and portrayed as bad people. The reporting is consistently critical and scrutinizing during both years.
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"Lisa är en väldigt glad och trevlig flicka..." : En kvalitativ studie gällande framställningen av brottsoffret Lisa Holm i svensk morgon- och kvällspress / "Lisa is a very positive and polite girl..." : A qualitative study regarding the portrayal of crime victim Lisa Holm in swedish morning- and evening newspapers.Eklund, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how Lisa Holm is being portraited in the tabloid Aftonbladet and the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter through a qualitative text analysis. By examining the two different newspaper genres, it will become clear whether or not there exists similarities or differences in how the newspapers potrays Lisa Holm through the theories of media logic and framing theory. The result of this examination shows an obvious similarity between the two newspapers. This becomes clear as both Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter reported a very similar depiction of the crime victim Lisa Holm, through both framing and journalistic techniques. That means that the newspapers have approached each other in terms of content, and the line dividing the two newspaper genres has been blurred. An undifferentiated and stereotypical image is then being presented of the crime victim Lisa Holm that the readers will take part of.
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Nyhetssöktjänster på webben : En utvärdering av News Index, Excite News Search och Ananova / News search engines on the Web : An evaluation of News Index, Excite News Search and AnanovaÅkesson, Erik January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the retrieval performance of three search engines, specialized in retrieving news articles: News Index, Excite News Search and Ananova. Thirty questions, grouped into three categories â politics, economy and sports, were used and the first twenty documents for each question were examined. The questions used were designed to be as current as possible and efforts were made to perform the searches with as little time span as possible between each search engine. The precision of the search engines was determined for each of the questions as well as for each category and for the combined categories. In measuring precision an average was calculated, intended to favour search engines that place its relevant documents early in the ranked list. The relevance of the retrieved documents was evaluated using a three-grade scale. Irrelevant articles and duplicates were given 0 points, partially relevant documents were given 0,5 points and those judged to be highly relevant were given 1 point. The results of the study show surprisingly high precision from two of the search engines, Excite and News Index with the former performing slightly better than the latter. Ananova performed considerably worse than the other two. One possible reason for the high precision observed is the relatively low complexity of the documents retrieved compared to web pages in general. When comparing the different categories of questions one notable result was that all search engines performed considerably worse in the "economy"-category. Possible reasons for this are, apart from a higher number of duplicates, a shortage of relevant articles for the questions in this category as well as possible differences between either the documents retrieved in the different categories, or the web pages publishing them. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Kritikens plats på Dagens Nyheters kultursidor 1997 och 2007 / Trends in art criticism : a study of Dagens Nyheter 1997 and 2007Sjöberg, Viktor January 2009 (has links)
This study examines the state of criticism in the arts section of Sweden’s largest newspaper Dagens Nyheter. The study stems from raised concerns about the failing position of arts criticism, dubbed “the crisis of criticism”. Through an overview it compares the arts section of February 1997 to the arts section of 2007. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate to what extent “the crisis of criticism” is a reality when it comes to the arts section of Dagens Nyheter. If arts criticism has seen a decline over the time period of 1997 to 2007, the purpose of this study is to find the reasons for this decline. The method used in this study is qualitative content analysis. The content of the Dagens Nyheter arts section was coded, with each text being classified as either “criticism” or “journalism” and from then on divided into subject orientated sub-categories. This produced statistics that acted as a representation of the actual content. A series of predictions on the future state of arts criticism were used as an aid to trace the development. The results of this study show that arts criticism did indeed take a downturn between 1997 and 2007. The decline can be connected to how the newspaper was governed during this time. The head of the arts section lost the title of editor in chief and the arts section was in turn no longer sovereign. The Dagens Nyheter management also decided to merge the arts section with the entertainment section.
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Styckmörderskan och styckmördaren : En jämförande textanalys om mediernas framställning av en kvinnlig och en manlig styckmördareHempel, Carl, Bengtsson, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
Studiens fokus ligger på att undersöka om det förekommer skillnader i hur svenska tidningar skildrat två gärningspersoner med olika könstillhörigheter utifrån ett genusperspektiv. För att ställa forskningsfrågan på sin spets är de valda gärningspersonerna dömda för ett av Sveriges grövsta brott, styckmord. De två gärningspersonerna är i liknande ålder, deras offer är båda unga kvinnor och brotten begicks med endast cirka ett års mellanrum. Båda fallen prövades i hovrätten. Det som skiljer dem åt är att gärningspersonerna vid brottstillfällena hade olika könstillhörigheter. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys och med hjälp av genusteori, gestaltningsteori och teorin om det ideala offret ska mediernas gestaltning av gärningspersonerna undersökas för att ge svar på uppsatsens forskningsfråga: Hur skiljer sig mediegestaltningen av Jonna Henningsson och Kristoffer Johansson i Aftonbladets och Dagens Nyheters nyhetsrapportering på webben? Total analyserades 16 artiklar från Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet där de nedslag i tiden som gjordes var gripandet, åtalet, tingsrättens dom och till sist Hovrättens dom. Genom att använda hovrättens dom som underlag för undersökningen har den fungerat som en bakgrund till det som skrivits i de båda tidningarna. Resultatet visade att det förekom fyra framträdande skillnader i hur de valda medierna gestaltade de båda gärningspersonerna. Dessa skillnader återfanns i hur gärningspersonerna benämndes, deras motiv, deras psykiska tillstånd och vilka roller de blev tilldelade. Genom att analysera detta resultat med hjälp av studiens valda teorier drogs slutsatsen att de valda tidningarna var påverkade av strukturella genusnormer i sina gestaltningar av de båda gärningspersonerna. Detta har resulterat i en skillnad i hur de rapporterade om gärningspersonerna på grund av deras könstillhörighet.
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Listlitteratur : En studie av Dagens Nyheters "boklistor"Berndt, Lovisa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Med utgångspunkt i den litterära tidskriften 10TALs nummer ”Vässa kritiken!” och depåståenden som där dryftades om Dagens Nyheters kulturbilagas allt mer frekventaanvändande av så kallade ”boklistor”, är denna uppsats syfte att studera dessa boklistorsfrekvens och form under den gångna tioårsperioden 2000-2009. Detta görs genomfrågeställningarna: Vilka olika boklistor finns det?; Vilken/vilka diskurser framhävs ochformas i boklistorna?; Vad skulle kunna förmedlas genom boklistorna?; På vilket sätt harantalet boklistor förändrats mellan år 2000 och 2009?För att besvara dessa frågor görs en kvantitativ översikt och fyra fallstudier avuppsatsförfattaren valda boklistor genom den kvalitativa metoden kritisk diskursanalys utifrånRoger Fowlers Language in the News. Discourse and Ideology in the Press (1991) samtNorman Faircloughs Media Discourse (1995). Urvalet består av fyra slumpmässigt utvaldaveckor, år 2000, 2003, 2006 och 2009.Den teoretiska bakgrunden bygger på Bill Kovach och Tom Rosenstiels The Elements ofJournalism (2007), Josefine Sternviks I krympt kostym. Morgontidningarnasformatförändring och dess konsekvenser (2007), Tomas Forsers Kritik av kritiken (2002),Kristina Widestedts Ett tongivande förnuft. Musikkritik i dagspress under två sekler (2001)samt i viss mån Viktor Sjöbergs magisteruppsats i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapframlagd vid Bibliotekshögskolan i Borås: Kritikens plats på Dagens Nyheters kultursidor1997 och 2007.Resultatet av den kvantitativa översikten visar att det skett en uppgång i antalet boklistorde senaste åren, dock ingen stadig sådan. Olika sorters boklistor har använts under olikatidsperioder, år 2009 används definitivt flest boklistor samt flest sorters boklistor.De kvalitativa fallstudierna visar på fyra olika diskurser: Den sanna, Den reflekterande,Den informerande samt Den kreativt upplysande. Slutsatsen visar att DN Kulturs boklistorinte lever upp till de normativa kriterier för kritik som teorin målar upp och att boklistornauttrycker en förenkling av värdeomdömen vilken inte alltid gagnar läsaren.</p><p> </p><p>Nyckelord:Dagens Nyheter Kultur, litteraturkritik, boklistor, kritisk diskursanalys, kvantitativ översikt.</p>
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