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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bezbožnost v klasických Athénách / The Impiety in Classical Athens

Novotný, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
Matěj Novotný - Impiety in Classical Athens Abstract The thesis discusses the definition and prosecution of impiety in democratic Athens during the Classical period, i.e. in 5th-4th centuries BCE. The question of "impiety" in the narrower sense, i.e. of what was denoted by the Greek word ἀσέβεια (literally, "the absence/negation of respect"), is set into larger context of other crimes of religious character, covered by special laws: "sacrilege" (ἱεροσυλία), digging out sacred olive-trees, offences against festivals and other delicts which were not subsumed under any more general term in the laws, pragmatically formulated as they were. The dissertation builds on the work of the researchers who show considerable scepticism towards the reliability of later sources, for example Plutarch or Diogenes Laertius - this is connected with doubts concerning processes against philosophers before Socrates. At the same time, the thesis follows the scholars who doubt the authenticity of the documents inserted in the speeches of the Attic Orators. For these reasons, a considerable part of the thesis is devoted to the rebuttal of late reports and inserted documents. A particular attention is given to the Decree of Diopeithes, which is mentioned in Plutarch's Life of Pericles and is usually interpreted as criminalising...

Insect pests of cultivated and wild olives, and some of their natural enemies, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Mkize, Nolwazi January 2009 (has links)
This thesis has two focuses. The first problem facing the olive industry in the Eastern Cape is the growers’ perceptions of both what the industry will provide them and what a pest management program might entail. The second focus is the biology of olive pests in the Eastern Cape in terms of understanding their populations and their natural enemies on private farms, with future hopes of understanding how Integrated Pest Management strategies can be developed for this crop. Eastern Cape private farmers, small-scale farmers and workers from agricultural training institutions were interviewed regarding the history and cultivation of the local olive crop. Only one commercially viable olive grove was identified; other groves were small, experimental pilot ventures. The introduction of olives to small-scale farmers and agricultural training schools was generally a top-down initiative that led to a lack of sense of ownership and the trees being neglected. Other problems included poor human capital; poor financial capital; lack of adequate support; lack of knowledge transfer and stability; lack of communication and evaluation procedures of the project; miscommunication; and finally, olive pests. Apart from hesitancy to plant at a commercial scale, the main problem facing private farmers (Varnam Farm, Hewlands Farm and Springvale Farm) was pests. Therefore an investigation of pests from private farms was conducted ranging from collection of cultivated and wild olive fruit and flea beetle larvae for parasitism, trapping systems both for fruit flies and olive flea beetle adults. A survey of olive fruits yielded larval fruit flies of the families Tephritidae (Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), B. biguttula (Bezzi) and Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)) and Drosophilidae (Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen)) from wild olives (O. europaea cuspidata (Wall. ex G. Don) Cif.) but none from cultivated olives (O. e. europaea L.). Braconid wasps (Opiinae and Braconinae) were reared only from fruits containing B. oleae and B. biguttula. This suggests that B. oleae is not of economic significance in the Eastern Cape, perhaps because it is controlled to a significant level by natural enemies, but B. biguttula may be a potential economic pest. A survey of adult fruit flies using ChamP traps baited with ammonium bicarbonate and spiroketal capsules and Sensus trap baited with methyl eugenol and Questlure confirmed the relative importance of B. biguttula over B. oleae. ChamP traps were over 50 times better than Sensus traps for mass trapping of B. biguttula but both were ineffective for trapping B. oleae and C. capitata. Six indigenous flea beetles of the genus Argopistes Motschulsky (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) were found, three described by Bryant in 1922 and 1944 and three new species. Their morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and mutivariate morphometric analysis. The leaf-mining larvae are pests of wild and cultivated olives in South Africa and threaten the local olive industry. At Springvale Farm, A. oleae Bryant and A. sexvittatus Bryant preferred the upper parts of trees, near new leaves. Pseudophanomeris inopinatus (Blkb.) (Braconidae) was reared from 23 Argopistes larvae. The beetle larvae might not be controlled to a significant level by natural enemies because the rate of parasitism was low. The olive flea beetles showed no attraction to traps containing various volatile compounds as baits. The lace bug, Plerochila australis Distant (Tingidae), was sometimes a pest. It showed a preference for the underside of leaves on the lower parts of the trees. A moth, Palpita unionalis Hübner (Crambidae), was reared in very low numbers and without parasitoids. A twig-boring beetle larva, chalcidoid parasitoids and seed wasps of the families Eurytomidae, Ormyridae and Eupelmidae were also recorded.

Willing progress: The literary Lamarckism of Olive Schreiner, George Bernard Shaw, and William Butler Yeats / Literary Lamarckism of Olive Schreiner, George Bernard Shaw, and William Butler Yeats

Tracy, Hannah R. 12 1900 (has links)
ix, 288 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / While the impact of Darwin's theory of evolution on Victorian and modernist literature has been well-documented, very little critical attention has been paid to the influence of Lamarckian evolutionary theory on literary portrayals of human progress during this same period. Lamarck's theory of inherited acquired characteristics provided an attractive alternative to the mechanism and materialism of Darwin's theory of natural selection for many writers in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, particularly those who refused to relinquish the role of the individual will in the evolutionary process. Lamarckian rhetoric permeated an ideologically diverse range of discourses related to progress, including reproduction, degeneration, race, class, eugenics, education, and even art. By analyzing the literary texts of Olive Schreiner, G.B. Shaw, and W.B. Yeats alongside their polemical writing, I demonstrate how Lamarckism inflected these writers' perceptions of the mechanism of human evolution and their ideas about human progress, and I argue that their work helped to sustain Lamarck's cultural influence beyond his scientific relevance. In the dissertation's introduction, I place the work of these three writers in the context of the Neo-Darwinian and Neo-Lamarckian evolutionary debates in order to establish the scientific credibility and cultural attractiveness of Lamarckism during this period. Chapter II argues that Schreiner creates her own evolutionary theory that rejects the cold, competitive materialism inherent in Darwinism and builds upon Lamarck's mechanism, modifying Lamarckism to include a uniquely feminist emphasis on the importance of community, motherhood, and self-sacrifice for the betterment of the human race. In Chapter III, I demonstrate that Shaw's "metabiological" religion of Creative Evolution, as portrayed in Man and Superman and Back to Methuselah , is not simply Bergsonian vitalism repackaged as a Neo-Lamarckian evolutionary theory but, rather, a uniquely Shavian theory of human progress that combines religious, philosophical, and political elements and is thoroughly steeped in contemporary evolutionary science. Finally, Chapter IV examines the interplay between Yeats's aesthetics and his anxieties about class in both his poetry and his 1939 essay collection On the Boiler to show how Lamarckian modes of thought inflected his understanding of degeneration and reproduction and eventually led him to embrace eugenics. / Committee in charge: Paul Peppis, Chairperson, English; Mark Quigley, Member, English; Paul Farber, Member, Not from U of O; Richard Stein, Member, English; John McCole, Outside Member, History


Yunes, João Felipe Ferraz 25 February 2010 (has links)
The goal of this work was to develop mortadellas replacing porcine fat with canola, linseed soy and olive oils, using two different substitution levels (50% and 100%) and its evaluation based on fatty acids profile, nutritional quality, cholesterol amount, quality characteristics, oxidative stability and microstructure profiles. In the first experiment it was determined the fatty acid composition, the proportion between PUFA (poliunsaturated fatty acids)/SFA (saturated fatty acids) and also cholesterol content of the treatments control (P), linseed 50% (L1), linseed 100% (L2), canola 50% (C1), canola 100% (C2), olive 50 %(O1), olive 100% (O2), soy 50% (S1) e soy 100% (S2). The PUFA content had increased in all treatments with vegetable oils. For SFA, the control (P) had shown higher amounts and the treatments with canola oil had shown lower amounts. The treatments with vegetable oils also had shown higher ratio PUFA/SFA in comparison to control, and its cholesterol content were comparatively lower comparing to the control. About the second experiment, it was evaluated the substitution effect the oils of canola, linseed, olive and soy using two different substitution levels (50% and 100%) replacing porcine fat. This evaluation was based on quality characteristics, oxidation stability (TBARS value), and microstructure. All treatments had shown appropriated values regarding chemical and physicals parameters, in agreement with the Brazilian food legislation, good sensory scores, good texture and color profiles measured by devices, microbiological counting similar between control and other treatments and good stability against oxidation during shelf life. About the microstructure profile, any change in the emulsion had not been found. It is possible to find a correlation between the amount of fat seen in the pictures and the value obtained by the analytic method. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de mortadela utilizando óleos de canola, soja, oliva e linhaça, em dois diferentes níveis de substituição (50% e 100%) como opções de substituição à gordura suína e a avaliação quanto à composição de ácidos graxos, qualidade nutricional, teor de colesterol, características de qualidade, estabilidade oxidativa e microestrutura dos produtos. No primeiro experimento foram determinadas a composição em ácidos graxos, relação entre ácidos graxos poliinsaturados e saturados (poliinsaturados/saturados) e teor de colesterol dos tratamentos controle (P), linhaça a 50% (L1), linhaça a 100% (L2), canola a 50% (C1), canola a 100% (C2), oliva a 50% (O1), oliva a 100% (O2), soja a 50% (S1) e soja a 100% (S2). Os resultados apresentaram um aumento expressivo na quantidade de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados nos tratamentos com óleos vegetais. Para os ácidos graxos saturados de uma forma geral, o controle (P) apresentou quantidades maiores e os tratamentos com óleo de canola as menores quantidades. A relação poliinsaturados/saturados foi maior para todos os tratamentos em relação ao controle, e os teores de colesterol foram menores em todos os tratamentos comparativamente ao controle. No segundo experimento, foi avaliado o efeito da substituição dos óleos vegetais de canola, linhaça, oliva e soja em dois diferentes níveis de substituição (50% e 100%) nas características de qualidade, na estabilidade oxidativa (TBARS), e microestrutura dos tratamentos. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram valores físico-químicos satisfatórios e em acordo com a legislação, boa aceitação sensorial pelo painel teste, valores de textura e cor pelos respectivos aparelhos adequada, contagem microbiológica de mesófilos totais e bactérias lácticas sem diferença significativa entre controle e tratamentos com óleos vegetais e boa estabilidade lipídica durante o período de armazenamento. Nas micrografias não foram evidenciadas alterações na emulsão, sendo possível estabelecer correlação com a quantidade de gordura visualizada nas imagens e o valor obtido pelo método analítico.

Les productions d’huile et de vin dans les Alpes-Maritimes antiques / The productions of olive oil and wine in the ancient Alpes-Maritimes

Clément, Paul 13 June 2016 (has links)
L'étude a consisté à effectuer l'inventaire, dans l'actuel département des Alpes-Maritimes, des sites archéologiques ayant produit de l'huile d'olive et du vin et à établir le catalogue des mobiliers dédiés à ces productions. A fin 2015, 70 sites ont été répertoriés, comportant 250 éléments de mobiliers appartenant principalement à des installations de pressage, ainsi qu'à quelques moulins à broyer les olives de type mola olearia, qui ont fait chacun l'objet d'une fiche. Les installations de pressage ont connu leur plus fort développement au début de l'Empire romain. Alors que la plupart des installations vinicoles cessent de produire au IIe siècle ap. J.-C. ou au début du IIIe siècle, , la production d'huile d'olive, après un ralentissement au IIIe s., est relancée au Bas-Empire, jusqu'à l'Antiquité tardive. Cette étude donne un premier aperçu global des aspects technologiques et économiques des productions d'huile d'olive et de vin dans la région. / This work presents a catalogue of archeological sites and equipments related to the production of olive oil and wine in the present Département des Alpes-Maritimes. By the end of 2015, 70 sites had been indexed, including 250 archeological items , mostly concerning pressing facilities and some crushing mills (molae oleariae); all of which have been recorded on individual data sheets. The major development of the rural press settlements was found at the beginning of the Roman Empire. While most wineries stopped producing during the 2nd century A.C. or in the early 3rd century, the production of olive oil, after a slowing down in the 3rd century, experienced a revival during the Low Empire and until the Late Antiquity. The analysis has given a global first insight into the economic and technological dimensions of olive oil and wine production in the region

La filière oléicole au pied du Mur : adaptations et contournements socio-économiques palestiniens face à l'occupation israélienne / Back to the wall : socioeconomic adaptation and bypass in the face of Israeli occupation in the Palestinian olive oil sector

Garcette, Arnaud 07 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’adaptation socio-économique de la filière oléicole palestinienne face aux dispositifs de contrôle et de séparation israéliens (1993-2013). Cette filière a fait l’objet d’une profonde réhabilitation sur le plan politique, puisque les oliviers sont progressivement devenus l’icône du peuple palestinien et le symbole de sa lutte contre l’occupation. Tout en analysant la manière dont l’occupation bouleverse en profondeur leur environnement, l’étude envisage les Palestiniens comme des acteurs qui apprennent à contourner les restrictions israéliennes en développant des pratiques spécifiques et de nouveaux réseaux. L’analyse interroge notamment le rôle ambigu que jouent les acteurs étrangers, de plus en plus nombreux à se rendre en Cisjordanie pour des raisons professionnelles, touristiques, mais aussi militantes. Les oliviers palestiniens constituent un vecteur privilégié pour canaliser aussi bien les flux d’aide internationale que les manifestations de solidarité, ce qui génère de nombreuses retombées politiques et économiques. Des acteurs variés ont ainsi développé un large éventail de projets de développement, de services touristiques et de produits vendus au nom de la solidarité avec les Palestiniens, autour de l’oléiculture. En participant à ces nouveaux marchés, ils se soumettent à des contraintes qui les obligent à modifier leurs modes de faire, leurs discours, et leurs réseaux. Partant de l’étude des transformations des pratiques oléicoles sous l’effet de la politique de séparation, ce travail ouvre plus globalement sur une analyse de « l’économie de la séparation » et des relations entre les différents acteurs des espaces israélo-palestiniens / This research focuses on the socio-economic adaptation of the Palestinian olive oil sector in the face of Israeli control and separation schemes (1993-2013). This sector has benefited from a deep political rehabilitation, since olive trees have gradually become the icon of the Palestinian people and the symbol of their struggle against the occupation. While analyzing how the occupation devices deeply disrupt their environment, the study considers the Palestinians as active players who are learning to bypass Israeli restrictions by developing specific practices, formal and informal, and developing new networks. The analysis also focuses on the central role played by the growing number of foreigners in the West Bank (business people, tourists, pilgrims or activists). Palestinian olive trees are an opportune channel for both international aid and demonstrations of solidarity, generating many political and economic benefits. Various people have developed a wide range of development projects, tourist services and products sold in the name of solidarity with the Palestinians. By participating in these new markets, they undergo logistical and competitive constraints that force them to change their practices, their speeches and their networks. These interactions involve indeed a reorganization of economic practices but also a change in power, dependence and hierarchy relations between all the stakeholders. Based on the study of the transformations of olive practices as a result of the separation policy, this work opens more broadly into an analysis of "the separation of the economy" and the relationships between both the inhabitants and the visitors of Israeli-Palestinian lands.

Les enjeux de l’olivier en situations urbaine et périurbaine : nouvelles constructions territoriales et prospectives : cas du cordon littoral Centre–Sud tunisien / The stakes of the olive tree in urban and suburban situations, new territorial structures and prospective : the central and southern Tunisian coast

Jaouachi, Tahar 12 July 2016 (has links)
Alors que de nouveaux usages des espaces ruraux se développent sous l’effet combiné des dynamiques urbaines et touristiques, la question de l’effet de l’urbanisation sur les oliveraies du littoral tunisien est questionnée. L’hypothèse de base est que le développement économique et touristique important, associé à une urbanisation peu planifiée, met en danger l’oléiculture du littoral Centre-Sud tunisien, culture stratégique dans l’économie et la société du pays. L’objectif de la thèse est de comprendre les places (spatiales, économiques, culturelles, paysagères, etc.) du système de l’olivier. Il s’agit d’étudier les enjeux de l’olivier en situations urbaine et périurbaine. Dans une première partie est exposée la démarche conceptuelle, méthodologique et pratique qui permet d’appréhender les enjeux de l’agriculture urbaine et périurbaine et de l’olivier. Le concept du système de l’olivier est alors inscrit dans un méta-système littoral territorial afin de rendre compte des temporalités, du jeu des acteurs locaux publics et privés autour de la place et des fonctions de l’activité oléicole. Ce concept est à la base de l’analyse systémique de l’oléiculture littorale urbaine et périurbaine du cordon littoral, dont les résultats sont développés pour saisir les facteurs de résistance et les nouvelles valeurs de l’olivier. Il est tout d’abord montré comment les interactions dynamiques entre des événements d’ordre démographique, socioéconomique et politique ont conduit à transformer l’espace oléicole littoral en espace mixte, agricole, urbain et touristique. Mais, les transformations spatiales et les dynamiques agri-urbaines, conjuguées aux évolutions culturelles des populations locales se traduisent par l’émergence de nouveaux rapports, non seulement contradictoires, mais aussi reliés : environnementaux, patrimoniaux, paysagers, etc. Dans cette perspective, les notions de ressources paysagères et patrimoniales deviennent un nouveau point de recherche pour saisir les atouts et les limites des processus mis en oeuvre. Ceci oriente la recherche vers des questions nouvelles, notamment celle de la valorisation territoriale qui s’appuient sur les potentialités et les nouvelles valeurs de l’olivier (patrimoniale, paysagère et économique), tout en tirant profit du développement touristique sur le littoral / When new uses of rural areas are developed through a combination of urban and tourist dynamics, the question of the impact of urbanization on the olive groves of the Tunisian coast is presents itself. The basic assumption is that the major economic and tourism development, coupled with an uncontrolled urbanization, and supported by inadequate policies, create a threat on the olives growing along the central and southern Tunisian coast, this is a strategic culture for the national economy. The aim of the thesis is to understand the places (spatial, economic, cultural, etc.) of the olive tree system, and to study the issues of olive trees in urban and suburban situations. In the first part is demonstrated the approach and methodology that allows understanding the issues of the urban and suburban agriculture and olive groves. The concept of the olive tree system is then placed in a coastal metasystem to understand the time frames, the interactions between the actors around the place and the functions of the olive sector. This concept is the base of a systemic analysis of olive groves. The results are, then, developed to study the factors of resistance and new values of the olive tree. It is first shown how the dynamic interactions between the demographic, the socio-economic and the political events led to transform the olive’s landscape coastline to a mixed area: agricultural, economic and tourism. However, the territorial transformations and the different dynamics, combined with the cultural developments can be observed in the emergence of new interactions, not only contradictory but also affective: environmental and patrimonial. The landscape and heritage resources notions have become a new subject of research to understand the potential and new values of olive tree

Uno spazio di confine tra Liguria e Provenza : La Val Nervia nel basso medioevo e nella prima età moderna (secoli XII-XVII) / Une vallée frontière entre Provence et Ligurie : La Nervia au Moyen Âge et dans le premier âge moderne (XIIe-XVIIe siècle) / A Borderland between Provence and Liguria : the Nervia Valley during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, 1100-1600

Cassioli, Marco 05 April 2014 (has links)
Le présent travail se propose de reconstruire la genèse et l'évolution de la frontière entre Provence et Ligurie et son impact sur les sociétés locales. L'enquête a choisi, pour zone spécifique, la vallée de la Nervia. Comprise entre les montagnes du Ponant ligure et de la région de Nice, elle a seule constitué pendant plus de cinq siècles (1262-1796) une marche entre deux entités étatiques souvent en conflit : la République de Gênes à l'est, la Provence angevine puis les domaines savoyards à l'ouest. La recherche n'a pas mobilisé moins d'un millier de documents répartis entre les archives de trois pays européens (France, Italie, Monaco). Pour le Moyen Âge, elle a mis d'abord en lumière l'importance tant économique que stratégique de la vallée. Elle a concurremment retracé les politiques menées dans la contrée par Gênes, par la Provence et par les Savoie en matière de communications routières, de production et d'échanges, comme de peuplement. Elle a autant considéré les relations complexes entre seigneurs et communautés. À cette première partie succède une analyse des sociétés locales au seizième siècle. Une attention particulière est accordée aux Doria de Dolceacqua et à leur rôle dans le développement « proto-industriel » du territoire, en tant que gros entrepreneurs dans les secteurs du vin, de l'huile d'olive et du papier. La diffusion de la Réforme dans les villages gouvernés par le duc de Savoie et le renouveau catholique post-tridentin se sont révélés comme d'autres thèmes majeurs. La dernière partie de la thèse se propose de déterminer jusqu'à quel point la présence d'une frontière influa sur la vie et sur les activités quotidiennes des habitants. / This work aims to reconstruct the genesis and the evolution of the frontier between Liguria and Provence and its impact on local societies. The specific area of research is the Nervia Valley: the only, among the valleys of western Liguria and the region of Nice, to have constituted for more than five centuries (1262-1796) a frontier between two countries often in conflict, the Republic of Genoa in the east and Angevin Provence (later Savoy) in the west. Based on a thousand documents preserved at the archives of three European states (France, Italy and Monaco), the study firstly highlights both the economic and strategic importance of the Nervia Valley; the road network, economic and settlement policies pursued in this area by Genoa, Provence and the House of Savoy; the complex relations between Lords and communities. The second part of the work investigates the local societies in the Sixteenth century. Special attention is devoted to the Doria of Dolceacqua and to their role in the industrial development of the territory as wine, olive oil and paper entrepreneurs; to the diffusion of the ideas fostered by the Reformation in the villages governed by the duke of Savoy; and to the post-Tridentine Catholic renewal. The final part tries to assess to what degree the presence of a frontier influenced the life and daily activities of the inhabitants.

Stanovení a vyhodnocení kosmetických mastí a návrh etikety dle aktuální legislativy / Determination and evaluation of cosmetic ointment and design of label according to actual legislation

Trávníčková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study olephylic formulations – ointments and cream type of V/O. This thesis gives out information about production, use and properties 3 cosmetic ointments and about properties baby´s skin cream and the study of stability of these products in the presence of antioxidants - tocopherol acetate and rosemary extract. Ointments are made from hemp oil, olive oil and shea butter and chamomile extract. Each ointment is produced in two versions. Once the use of vitamin E as an antioxidant, a second is used as an antioxidant extract from rosemary. Among other important substances with positive effects on human skin include, for example, saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid and stearic acid, unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and more. Ointments are suitable for greasing dry to very dry skin hands, face and other body parts. The thesis also discusses the current legislation, which producer of cosmetics must comply, the details which must be placed on the label of a cosmetic product and it contains proposals of cosmetic labels Further thesis includes studying methods for determination of lipid characterizations were used for study of behaviour of ointments during time and during storage at different temperatures. They include iodine, acid, peroxide and saponification values. The ester value and the content of glycerol were counted.

Non-human primate iPS cells for cell replacement therapies and human cardiovascular disease modeling

Rodriguez Polo, Ignacio 29 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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