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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur kommunicerar fackförbundet Unionen med sina medlemmar? : Påverkas kommunikationen av det minskade antalet lokala klubbar? / How does the Swedish employees union ”Unionen” communicate with its members? : Does the decreased number of local union clubs affect the communication?

Johnsson, Maria, Mård, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to investigate differences of how the Swedishemployees union “Unionen” communicates with its members, on one hand thosewho are members of local union clubs and on the other non-club members. Thenumber of non-club members has increased due to labour market changes implyingthat workplaces have been fragmented and hence affect the possibility to form localunion clubs.The questions posed in the study are: How does Unionen communicate with itsmembers? How does the communication differ between club members and non-clubmembers? What are the preferences of Unionen´s members as far as communicationwith the central organization? What kind of information do the members seek andhow do they find it? What values does Unionen represent? Are there differencesbetween the messages that Unionen is sends out and how members and non-clubmembers, respectively, perceive them?A case study method has been used applying both quantitative and qualitativeanalyses. Quantitative methods have been used in illustrating the number ofdiscussion subjects at Unionen´s website, the members needs for receivingcommunication and channel usage while qualitative methodologies have been usedin interviews with Unionen´s members, club chairmen and union representatives aswell as semiotic picture analyses and analyses based on methods of Uses andgratifications theory.One conclusion of the study is that two significant differences of communicationhave been found between members and non-club members. The club chairmen saythat they have less communication with non-club members and the non-clubmembers’ claim that Unionen´s messages are more biased. A second conclusion isthat there is a difference in the preferred choice of communication channels. Themembers suggest that e-mail, the member magazine and verbal communication workbest while “Unionen” put a lot of its faith in electronic channels, such as web-sites.A third conclusion is that members request more locally relevant information andthat they see the Unionen´s communication as too general, creating muchuncertainty of the objectives of “Unionen´s” communication</p>

En personaltidnings intryck : En fallstudie om hur personalen i Landstinget i Värmland framställs i personaltidningen Intryck / The impression of a staff magazine : A case study of the representation of the staff in county council in Värmland's staff magazine Intryck

Käller, Josefine, Åhs, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker Landstinget i Värmlands personaltidning Intryck och dess betydelse för organisationskulturen. Huvudsyftet med studien är att titta närmare på hur de fem olika yrkesgrupperna läkare, sjuksköterskor, undersköterskor, sjukgymnaster och dietister framställs i tidningen. Uppsatsen tittar också på hur personal inom yrkesgrupperna själva anser att de representeras i tidningen, samt om tidningens syfte når fram till personalen.   Studien utgår från teorier om kommunikation, internkommunikation, organisationsteori och organisationskultur. Ett viktigt begrepp för uppsatsen är bland annat transmissionsmodellen som ger en grundläggande syn på hur kommunikation fungerar genom en personaltidning.        För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har en fallstudie, genom två metoder, gjorts. Personaltidningen Intryck analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där tre frågor ställdes till texterna: Hur framställs yrkesrollerna i tidningen?, Fokuserar texterna på team eller individer? och Är kommunikationen tillgänglig för alla? Frågorna syftade till att få svar på uppsatsens övergripande frågeställning angående hur yrkesrollerna framställs. Den andra metoden var en enkätundersökning som riktades till urvals-yrkesgrupperna läkare, sjuksköterska, undersköterska, sjukgymnast och dietist. Undersökningen gjordes på Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad och på de tre utvalda vårdcentralerna Västerstrands vårdcentral, Vårdcentralen Gripen och Kronoparkens vårdcentral. Samtliga vårdcentraler är belägna i Karlstads kommun. Enkätundersökningen syftade till att svara på två av uppsatsens frågeställningar: huruvida personaltidningen upplevs bidra till gemenskap inom organisationen samt vilket av personaltidningens syften som når fram till personalen.   Av den kvalitativa undersökningen av personaltidningen framkom vissa skillnader mellan hur de olika yrkesrollerna framställdes och då främst mellan läkare och sjuksköterskor. Slutsatsen blev att läkare framställs som "hjältefigurer", medan sjuksköterskorna förminskas och framställs som osäkra personer utan pondus. Svarsfrekvensen i enkätundersökningen visar att personalen anser att tidningen till viss del bidrar till Landstinget i Värmlands organisationskultur, samt att "Informera personalen om vad som händer på arbetsplatsen" är det syfte som i högst utsträckning når fram till den tillfrågade personalen. / This essay investigates the organizational staff magazine of county council in Värmland. The purpose of the essay is to investigate the culture in the organization and how the professional groups, doctors, nurses, assistant nurses, physiotherapist and dietitian, are being represented in the magazine. The essay also investigates if the professional groups find themselves represented in the magazine and if the professional groups understand the intention of the magazine.   Communication, internal communication, organizational theory and organizational culture are the theories of this essay. The model of transmission is one, among other, important tenets in the essay.   To secure the purpose of the essay the investigation was made by using content analysis and a survey. The content analysis gave the answers to three questions asked to the text. The questions were: ”How do the magazine represent the professional groups?”, ”Do the magazine focus on team or individuals?” and ”Do the readers understand the diction in the magazine?”. These three questions were used to answer the major purpose of the essay: ”How the professional groups, doctors, nurses, assistant nurses, physiotherapists and dietitians, are being represented in the magazine”. The survey was dispensed to the professional groups at Centralsjukhuset in Karlstad (the hospital in Karlstad) and to three care centres in Karlstad: Västerstrand care centre, Gripen care centre and Kronoparken care centre. The survey was made to answer two of the major questions of the essay: ”Does the magazine contribute to the organizational culture” and ”The magazine has several purposes – which one is the readers most aware of?”.   The result of the essay shows big differense between how the magazine represents the professional groups. The content analysis shows among other things that the doctors are represented as heroes and the nurses as a lower-ranking professional group. The result of the survey shows that the magazine is helping to build an organizational culture at the county council. ”To give the staff important information about the workplace” was the most frequent answer given to the question about the main purpose of the magazine.

Organizational Identity in Practice? : -How theoretical concepts of Organizational Identity are perceived in the empirical setting of Arla Foods

Maritz, Louise, Jarne, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
An organization’s internal processes of identity management is argued to influence its communication, which in turn influence the perceived reputation of the organization. The aim of this study is to investigate how the organizational identity is reflected upon and perceived integrated in employees’ daily work. This is done through applying the internal factors of a theoretical model, comprising of identity, culture and image, at an empirical setting. Literature on organizational identity in relation to organizational culture and organizational image is reviewed followed by conducting 12 semi structured interviews with managers from the marketing and human resource departments at Arla Foods in Sweden. The findings suggest that although employees reflect on the identity, there is a gap between reflection and action, meaning that the identity is not necessarily integrated in practice in the daily work due to different understandings of the organizational culture. In relation to the model, it is suggested that culture may not be so clearly connected to identity, whereas image and identity are very closely related. Also, the context in which the employees conduct their work is shown through the empirical setting, to be important for how employees reflect upon the identity.

Hur de anställda ser på företagskulturen inom MTR Stockholm

Tok, Mehtap, Gül, Yasemin January 2014 (has links)
Problem: The great interest towards the company’s values has contributed to it becoming more common for individuals to seek out organizations that have a strong corporate culture. Where you work and whom you work for has thus become the dominant factors instead of what you are working with. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how the corporate culture, the rational and emotional benefits are experienced by the employees of the company. The aim is also to examine whether the corporate culture can become a management control measure by good communication between employees within the organization. Methodology: The essay is based on a qualitative research method and empirical data were collected through interviews from the company MTR Stockholm. Theoretical Frame of reference, Edgar Schein, Three Levels of Culture, Seven dimensions. Results: The study has shown that there are different cultures within the company. But also that there is a strong corporate culture within the business, the respondents feel an affinity with working within the underground rather than working for the company MTR Stockholm.

Etiško aptarnavimo vertinimas Kauno viešbučiuose "Daugirdas" ir "Perkūno namai" / Evaluation of the ethical personnel in the hotels „Daugirdas“ and „Perkūno namai“ in Kaunas

Babenskas, Eimantas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Probleminis klausimas – ar Kauno viešbučių „Daugirdas“ ir „Perkūno namai“ personalas etiškai aptarnauja klientus . Tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti klientų etiško aptarnavimo ir organizacijos kultūros situaciją Kauno viešbučiuose „Daugirdas“ ir „Perkūno namai“ bei remiantis situacijos analize ir klientus aptarnaujančio personalo etikos ir organizacijų kultūros teorine apžvalga, pasiūlyti etiško aptarnavimo tobulinimo būdus. Tikslui įgyvendinti iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti mokslinę literatūrą ir apžvelgti etiško aptarnavimo bei organizacijos kultūros sistemos teorinius aspektus. 2. Pritaikyti empirinio tyrimo metodologiją ir atlikti tyrimą Kauno viešbučiuose „Daugirdas“ ir „Perkūno namai“. 3. Išanalizuoti tyrimo rezultatus ir parengti pasiūlymus etiško bendravimo tobulinimui Kauno viešbučiams „Daugirdas“ ir „Perkūno namai“. Tyrimo objektas – klientų etiškas aptarnavimas. Tyrimo metodai – tiesioginis duomenų rinkimas „Kauno viešbučiuose „Daugirdas“ ir „Perkūno namai“, mokslinės literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, statistinė analizė. IŠVADOS 1. Etiškas bendravimas suprantamas kaip klasikinės etikos teorinių teiginių, moralės normų, aukštos kultūros ir etiketo taisyklės bei vadovavimąsi jomis praktikoje. 2. Anketų apžvalga parodo, kad dalies minėtuose viešbučiuose valdymo darbuotojų žinios apie klientų etišką aptarnavimo yra nepakankamos ir todėl atsiranda nusiskundimų dėl etiško bendravimo ar darbuotojų netinkamo elgesio su klientais 3. Kauno viešbučiuose „Daugirdas“... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main issue – to learn whether the personnel in the hotels „Daugirdas“ and „Perkūno namai“ in Kaunas provides ethically sufficient services. The main goal of the study – to analyze whether the hotels “Daugirdas” and “Perkūno namai” provide ethical services regarding the servicing of the customers, as well as the level of organizational culture in these institutions. Also, based on the analysis of the situation and the theoretical review of the personnel and the culture of these organizations itself, to suggest the methods of the probable improvement in the field of ethical services. To accomplish the main goal, the following tasks have been raised: 1. To analyze the scientific literature and to review the idea of ethical services and the theoretical aspects regarding the system of the organizational culture. 2. To apply the methodology of an empirical research and fulfill the very research. 3. To analyse the results of the research and prepare the suggestions for the improvement of an ethical communication in the hotels „Daugirdas“ and „Perkūno namai“ in Kaunas. The object of the research – ethical services for the customers. The methods of the research – direct collection of the data, the analysis of scientific literature, a survey in the form of a questionnaire, statistical analysis. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Ethical communication is understood as a flock of statements regarding classical ethical theory, as well as norms of morality, high level of culture and etiquette, that is... [to full text]

The internal brand implementation : a study about which factors that affect the internal brand within organizations

Axelsson, Markus, Åkesson, Yasha January 2014 (has links)
Research Questions: Which factors affect the internal brand implementation? Which factors regarding the perception of internal branding are shared and differ between two geographical locations within an organization? Purpose: The aim of this study is to mark and analyze internal factors within an organization in order to get an understanding of how there can sustain and develop the internal brand. Further, the purpose is to describe and analyze the differences in how aspects of internal branding are perceived by two geographical locations. Method: The study has primarily a quantitative research method and a deductive approach where the results from the collected data was analyzed through various tests in the statistic program SPSS. Conclusions: Through various analysis methods, the authors were able to find out which factors that had the strongest effect on internal branding. The conclusion further on reveals that there are two specific factors with a positive effect on the internal branding implementation as a whole. These factors consist of internal marketing and internal communication. Lastly the results also culminate in the shared and divergent perceptions of internal branding among employees within an organization.

Hur en organisationskultur kan se ut i en sportorganisation : - En kvalitativ studie om Karlskronas Hockeyklubbs administrativa personals potentiella kultur / How organizational culture can look like in sport organizations : A qualitative study about how Karlskrona Hockey Club’s administrative personnel’s potential culture

Karlsson, Michelle, Rydberg, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Authors: Michelle Karlsson and Johanna Rydberg Titel: How organizational culture can look like in sport organizations – A qualitative study about how Karlskrona Hockey Club’s administrative personnel’s potential culture. This study is written because of the reason that today’s sport organizations have become more like traditional and profitable businesses, which makes the administrative personnel work more important for the organizations. Earlier studies have been made, but the focus is on the players or the members in the organization and also on their development. We want to concentrate this essay on the administrative personnel’s potential culture and their contribution to the organization. Our research questions are 1) How does the administrative personnel’s work look like in a sport organization from a cultural perspective?, and 2) If, and which, culture pursues sport organizations and the administrative personnel? To answer these questions we have used theories from Edgar H. Schein and Mats Alvesson, who are leading cultural scholars. We turned to Karlskronas Hockey Club as a case study where we made six individual interviews and general observations that became our empirical basis. The chosen theories and the collected empirical data were later interconnected and used for further analysis. The main conclusion of our analysis, based on the theories, is that sport organizations culture are dependent on what context and state the organization is in. In our case study Karlskrona’s Hockey Club is a relatively new organization with a lot of new employed people who influence the culture. The theories, taken from Alvesson and Schein, explain the effects when new people get employed. The culture that exists among the administrative personnel is therefore under consistent development and has a hard time finding stability. Nowadays sport organizations need to focus on the budget and economy to survive, but profit isn’t the main purpose. People working in sport organizations are driven by commitment and interest for the sport and members in the organization.

Leading Working Environment to Foster Employees' Creativity

Arabyan, Petros, Vedelago, Arnaud January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to discuss three main categories such as: leadership, working environment and followers’ creativity. Particularly, the general principle of the work is to define how those notions are intertwined. Having used the principles of the Grounded theory (Corbin &amp; Strauss, 2008), we conducted our research with the main emphasis of originating theory from the data that was collected from empirical and theoretical materials. In particular, we found out that leadership factors classified as “work-related” influence the “organizational culture”. Similarly, “management skills” of the leader are closely interrelated with “organizational structure”. Finally, “team-related” leadership traits have their immediate effect on “organizational climate”. Consequently, we can state leadership is able to set up a creative working environment that fosters individual’s creativity. Later forward, the creative working environment is believed to be an ultimate prerequisite that fosters individuals’ creativity. However, it is pertinent to note that leadership as such, can directly influence employees’ creativity as well. As a final analysis, we claim that authentic leadership due to its indispensable attributes is an ultimate prerequisite that enhances individual’s creativity based on the findings of our research.

Changement de cadre légal dans le secteur social et médico-social et impacts sur la culture organisationnelle et les pratiques professionnelles / Non communiqué

Barbery, Julie 10 September 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse considère la culture organisationnelle comme une variable dépendante, à la croisée d’influences multiples, susceptible d’être impactée par les changements issus de la mise en œuvre de la loi du 02 janvier 2002 rénovant l’action sociale et médico-sociale. Il ne cherche pas à extraire des lois universelles, mais s’inscrit dans une perspective idiographique et poursuit un double objectif : -1- décrire les transformations de la culture d’un établissement selon le modèle des valeurs concurrentes de Quinn (Quinn et Cameron, 1983 ; Quinn et Rohrbaugh, 1983, Cameron et Quinn, 2006), -2- qualifier et quantifier la mise en œuvre des outils de la loi et leurs impacts sur la perception des agents à leur égard. Nous avons donc suivi un établissement a priori représentatif du secteur durant trois années au cours desquelles les outils ont été élaborés puis mis en œuvre. Considérant que le secteur social et médico-social présentait une culture professionnelle de type modèle de service public (Sainsaulieu, 1985, Francfort et al, 1995), nous postulions que la culture organisationnelle de cet établissement serait orientée vers le soutien lors du premier temps de recueil de données. Nous postulions également qu’elle s’orienterait progressivement vers la règle avec la déclinaison des outils de 2002 davantage représentatifs d’organisations dont la culture est orientée vers la règle. La recherche met en évidence que la culture organisationnelle est composite, que la règle est prégnante dès le premier temps de recueil de données et plus valorisée que la dimension soutien. D’autre part, les cultures professionnelles ainsi que les préférences personnelles sont orientées vers le soutien. Au gré de la mise en œuvre des outils, grâce à des pratiques managériales considérées comme respectant les principes de la justice organisationnelle et favorisant le développement de l’engagement comportemental, on observe une intégration du profil culturel au niveau des préférences personnelles et des cultures professionnelles. / The work of this thesis considers the organizational culture as a dependent variable, crossing multiple influences, possibly impacted by the changing of the law of January 02nd, 2002 renewing the medical and medical-social action. Il does not try to extract universal laws, but joins rather in an idiographic prospect and pursues a double objective: -1- describe the transformation of the culture of an establishment according the model of the competing values of Quinn (Quinn and Cameron, 1983; Quinn and Rohrbaugh, 1983; Cameron and Quinn, 2006), -2- qualify and quantify the implementation of the tools’slaw as well as the perception of the agents in this respect. Whereas the social and medical- social sector presented a professional culture of model type of public utility ( Sainsaulieu , 1985; Francfort and al , 1995). For this prospect, we have observed an institution that we think representative of this sector during three years while the tools laws have been elaborated then implemented. We postulated that the organization culture of this institution would be directed towards human relations during the first collecting data. We postulated also that it will go progressively toward the rules with the implementation of the tool’s law: this one is more representative of organizations that are guide to the rules values. The research proves that organizational culture is mixed, that the rule takes the lead before human relations, as early as the first collecting data. In another way, the professional cultures and the personal preferences are oriented toward human relations. During the implementation of the tool’s law, according managerial practices that respect the principles of organizational justice, and that favor organizational commitment, we observe an integration of the cultural pattern on a level of personal preferences and professional cultures.

Upplevda orsaker till lågt antal anställda med utländsk bakgrund : En kvalitativ undersökning / Perceived reasons for not employing immigrants : A qualitative study

Fennsjö, Lisa, Larsson, Marie January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka de anställdas upplevda orsaker till lågt antal medarbetare med utländsk bakgrund på företaget BYGGET. Företaget är ett av Sveriges större byggföretag och för säkerställandet av anonymitet har de i uppsatsen fått det fiktiva namnet BYGGET. Informationsbrevet skickades ut till ett målinriktat urval av medarbetare med chefspositioner i den lokala verksamheten där slutligen sju (n=7) personer valde att delta. Insamlandet av data gjordes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och via en tematisk analys framkom tre huvudsakliga teman med tillhörande underkategorier, vilka ligger till grund för uppsatsens resultatdel. Resultatet visade att företagskultur och utbildning ansågs vara de grundläggande upplevda orsakerna till varför det är ett lågt antal anställda med utländsk bakgrund. Vidare framkom även temat kvotering, som diskuterades i sammanhanget om förändring och hur detta skulle kunna ske. För vidare utveckling av mångfalden på arbetsplatsen måste dels den traditionella påverkan av facket minskas samt att utländska utbildningar på ett enklare sätt måste kunna kvalitetssäkras för att de ska kunna anses valida på svenska byggplatser. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the employees’ experienced reasons of why there are so few workers with other ethnic backgrounds in the organization BYGGET. The organization is one of the largest construction firms in Sweden and to ensure the company’s anonymity they have been given the fictitious name BYGGET. An information letter was sent to a targeted selection of managers within the local office and seven (n=7) people agreed to participate in the study. Data was collected with semi structured interviews which were then analyzed with a thematic method. The analysis revealed three main themes with associated subcategories, which became the foundation of the study’s final results. The results showed that organizational culture and education were the experienced reasons of why there were so few employees with other ethnic background. Further the results showed that quotation also was a theme that was discussed in the event of change and how that could happen. To increase the diversity in the organization the company must decrease the traditional influence of the trade union. Also it must be easier to ensure the quality of educations from other countries so that they will be valid for Swedish construction jobs.

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