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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Demokratisering som ett sätt att hantera komplexiteten i IDEA MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS

Skantz, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
Idégenerering är den första fasen i en innovationsprocess och för att hantera den så finns det idéhanteringssystem som kort fattat är till för att generera, hantera, utveckla och utvärdera idéer. Den här processen är väldigt svår, vilket oftast har lett till att företag väljer att använda sig av en, eller flera experter för att utvärdera de idéer som kommer in. Detta är förmodligen den bästa lösningen när det gäller effektivitet och inkrementella innovationer. Däremot så är det inte optimalt när det kommer till medarbetarnas motivation, engagemang, kreativitet, idéernas kvalité och de radikala/diskontinuerliga innovationerna. Därför så har det här arbetet undersökt hur ett deltagardemokratiskt idéhanteringssystem kan fungera personalägda företag. Detta undersöktes genom fem intervjuer med respondenter som jobbade på personalägda företag, litteratursökning inom områdena deltagandedemokrati, idéhantering och personalägande, samt idégenereringsmöten med sakkunniga. Resultatet av arbetet blev ett tvåstegssystem som ska kunna hantera komplexiteten av idégenerering, hantering, utveckling och utvärdering. Det första steget är en öppen plattform där alla i företaget kan lägga in idéer, diskutera idéer och ändra idéer. På den här plattformen kan medarbetarna sedan rösta upp de idéer som dem tycker är bäst och bör tas vidare. När en idé får många uppröstningar så tas den vidare till nästa del av systemet. Fördelarna med det här steget är att företaget kan mobilisera medarbetarens kreativitet och kunskap på ett mycket bättre sätt. Till nästa del sätts en grupp ihop av personer som berör eller berörs av idéen ihop för att använda sin kontextuella kunskap för att diskutera och utvärdera idéen. Om den första urvalsgruppen är för stor för detta så görs ytterligare ett urval, för att gruppen ska kunna diskutera idéen på ett effektivt och konstruktivt sätt. När denna grupp är klar så läggs det fram ett slutgiltigt förslag som denna grupp får rösta på om det ska gå vidare eller inte. Här skapas en större känsla av delaktighet hos medarbetarna och en större förståelse/acceptans för de beslut som tas. Med det här idéhanteringssystemet stärks också medarbetarnas motivation och engagemang. Allt detta redovisas i en modell som visualiserar hur systemet fungerar och vilka vägval som görs under processen gång.

A Framing Analysis of #MeToo YouTube-based News Coverage in BRICS: Media Censorship, State-controlled Channels & the Obstruction of Online Feminist Activism in China, Russia and Brazil

Hoareau, Charlotte 16 February 2022 (has links)
This comparative study investigates the media representation of YouTube-based news about the #MeToo campaign, feminism, and sexual harassment accounts in three BRICS nations: China, Russia and Brazil. The situation of women in the Global South was at the centre of discussions during the 2018 BRICS summit. While their security remains a persistent issue, officials declared that women should not feel unsafe while participating in economic activity. Although the bloc flagged gender disparities as a significant concern, media outlets perceive Russia, Brazil and China's responses to sexism and gender-based violence as inadequate. Various mechanisms also compromise activism for women's rights. This research focuses on the YouTube representation of conditions which gave rise to the campaign and the process of #MeToo in BRICS. This study considers the level of inclusion of women in economic activity, the procedures established for their safety as well as the extent of media freedom, including tools available for feminist advocacy. In addition to revealing gaps in depiction and proposing solutions for improved media framing, this research is significant because the role and repercussions of this viral campaign must be comprehended better in BRICS economies. Academics focused mainly on the impact of the movement in the West. However, the innovative feminist trend rapidly spread to non-western nations that are dominant emerging economies, showing the gravity of sexual harassment and gender disparities globally. Furthermore, the extent to which #MeToo had influenced localised iterations of anti-assault movements in these emerging countries suggests that the BRICS became sites where sexual abuse and gender inequalities unfold singularly in comparison to other nations. The study presents findings from primary research done on the BRICS, this online social movement #MeToo and related gender dynamics issues. After a presentation of the selected study design, the research provides results from a content analysis of thirty YouTube news reports (October 2017-March 2019).

Hållbarhetsredovisning i publika och statliga bolag : En kvalitativ studie om skillnader i publika och statliga bolags hållbarhetsredovisning / Sustainability reporting in publicly listed companies and state owned enterprises : A qualitative study about differences in publicly listed companies and state owned enterprises sustainability reporting

Norvik, Johan, Wagner, Adrian January 2020 (has links)
Background Sustainability reporting is a relatively unregulated phenomenon in comparison to the legislation and norms regarding the reporting of financial information. With a broader spectrum of interpretation regarding how sustainability reporting should be executed, other factors beyond legislation and norms gets an impact on the application of reporting on sustainability. A comparison between state owned enterprises and publicly listed companies was done in this study with the goal of distinguishing the differences in the sustainability reporting. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine and compare the sustainability reporting amongst state owned enterprises and publicly listed companies. Method The study is qualitative with a mostly deductive approach. The data was collected by doing a thematic content analysis on the chosen companies annual and sustainability reports. Conclusion Several essential differences in the sustainability reporting were identified and discussed in context to the theoretical frame of references. / Bakgrund Hållbarhetsredovisning är ett förhållandevis oreglerat fenomen om man jämför med lagstiftning och normer kring redovisningen av finansiella rapporter. Med ett större tolkningsutrymme för hur redovisningen av hållbarhet ska utföras, kan andra faktorer utöver lagstiftning och normer påverka utformningen av hållbarhetsredovisningen. En jämförelse mellan statligt ägda bolag och publika bolag genomfördes i denna studie för att undersöka vilka skillnader som förelåg i hållbarhetsredovisningen bland valda bolag. Syfte Studiens syfte är att undersöka och jämföra hållbarhetsredovisningen i statliga och publika bolag. Metod Studien är kvalitativ med en främst deduktiv ansats. En tematisk innehållsanalys av bolagens års-och hållbarhetsredovisningar gjordes. Slutsats Flera väsentliga skillnader i hållbarhetsredovisningen identifierades och diskuterades i kontext till den teoretiska ramverket.

Privatägda offentliga platser - En fallstudie om Emporias takpark

Lorentzi Wall, Lisa, Lindby, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
Vår undersökning behandlar fenomenet POPS, Privately Owned Public Spaces.Offentliga platser har historiskt sett varit viktiga för en stad på grund av dessdemokratiska och sociala värden. Dessa värden riskerar att försvinna när stadensoffentliga platser privatiseras. Vi har gjort en fallstudie av Emporias takpark där viundersökt hur platsen används och kontrolleras. Analysen visar att privatägda offentligaplatser tenderar att kontrolleras med verktyg som övervakning och regler. Detta leder tillatt vissa grupper i samhället mer eller mindre exkluderas från dessa platser till förmånför en köpstark samhällsgrupp och i förlängningen stadens image. / Our study treats the phenomenon POPS, Privately Owned Public Spaces. Publicplaces have historically been important in cities because of their democratic andsocials values. There is a risk that these values disappear when public places of thecity are privatized. We have done a case study of Emporia rooftop park where weresearched how the space is used and controlled. Our analysis shows that privatelyowned public places tend to be controlled by tools such as surveillance and rules.This leads to certain groups in society getting more or less excluded from these placesin favor of a more well-funded social group and in extension the image of the city.

Securing Government Contracts for Women-Owned Small Businesses

Harrison, Janet Harrison 01 January 2017 (has links)
Research indicates a variety of factors may inhibit the award of federal contracts to women-owned small businesses; however, a dearth of research exists on the topic from the perspectives of women who own small businesses. The purpose of this case study was to identify the capabilities needed by female small business owners in Atlanta, Georgia to win federal contracts. The framework was based on the theory of representative bureaucracy and the effects of gender differences on individuals' entrepreneurial perceptions. Data were collected via semistructured interviews with 6 women who owned small businesses and competed for federal contracts. Results of the thematic data analysis revealed 3 overarching themes: intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors, and contract procurement experiences. Each of these themes reflected qualities fundamental to participants' successful procurement of federal contracts. Significant intrinsic characteristics included adaptability, work ethic, and networking skills. Stakeholders may use study results to foster positive social change by providing women with resources they need to compete for federal contracts. Female entrepreneurs could improve communities by using strategies from this research to reduce unemployment and increase income for themselves and their employees. Social implications include the development of additional training programs to teach women how to complete contract applications, which may increase their participation in federal contract procurement and positively contribute to the economy.

La copropriété dégradée, le relogement et après ? Professionnels et habitants dans une opération rénovation urbaine / Privately-owned buildings, re-housing, what next steps ? Professionnals and inhabitants involved in an urban renewal operation

Habouzit, Rémi 30 June 2017 (has links)
Depuis 2003, plus de 400 quartiers populaires classés en Zones Urbaines Sensibles (ZUS) et 4 millions d’habitants sont devenus les destinataires d’un Programme de Rénovation Urbaine (PRU) instauré par la « loi Borloo » d’orientation et de programmation pour la ville. Dans un objectif de transformation des quartiers et de mixité sociale, ces programmes entraînent des opérations de démolition/reconstruction de logements, la réhabilitation du parc existant et la redéfinition des espaces urbains collectifs (voirie, espaces verts, etc.).Les communes de Clichy-sous-Bois et de Montfermeil en Seine-Saint-Denis font l’objet d’un de ces PRU. Tout en étant le plus important de France (en termes de budget et de logements détruits), il a aussi la particularité d’entraîner la démolition d’immeubles en copropriétés privées dégradées : les Bosquets à Montfermeil et la Forestière à Clichy-sous-Bois. À leur place, toutes les nouvelles constructions et les relogements se font dans le parc social. L’ensemble des habitants relogés passe donc du statut de propriétaires occupants ou locataires du parc privé à celui de locataires du parc social. Outre ce changement de statut résidentiel, cette situation s’accompagne de la mise en interactions régulières de ces « délogés » aux professionnels (de la ville, associatifs et des bailleurs) qui interviennent sur ce quartier, dans ces immeubles dans le cadre d’accompagnement pré et post relogement.Basée sur une enquête conduite par entretiens, observations et archives, cette thèse vise autant à saisir la genèse de cette politique, que les effets de la volonté de transformation des quartiers, par la généralisation du parc social, sur les pratiques professionnelles et les trajectoires des habitants relogés.Dans cette optique, les archives et les entretiens donnent à comprendre que la dégradation des anciennes copropriétés s’explique en priorité par leurs conditions de commercialisation, de production et de gestion. Or, toutes les mesures d’actions publiques, jusqu'à la signature du programme de rénovation urbaine, présentent systématiquement les habitants et leurs caractéristiques (populaires et immigrées) comme les principaux responsables de cette dégradation.L’ethnographie des pratiques professionnelles illustre ensuite comment dans les résidences neuves, ces acteurs se servent des interactions avec les habitants pour encadrer leurs manières d’habiter. Ce travail se faisant dans l’idée d’éviter une nouvelle dégradation des bâtiments.Enfin, les entretiens auprès des habitants (réalisés avant et après relogement) dévoilent comment le relogement et la rencontre avec les professionnels les déstabilisent dans leurs ancrages individuels et ébranlent le sens des hiérarchies internes à ce groupe social. Alors que les anciens propriétaires constituaient dans la copropriété la frange supérieure de ce groupe, ils sont aujourd’hui ceux qui se sentent le plus déclassés. À l’inverse, les locataires qui dans la copropriété occupaient les positions les plus dominées sont aujourd’hui les plus réhabilités.Au-delà des résultats empiriques, ces pistes analytiques situent les enjeux de la thèse à plusieurs échelles. D’abord, c’est dans une perspective constructiviste que ce travail illustre comment ces copropriétés et leurs occupants ont été construits comme un problème et une catégorie d’action publique. Ensuite, c’est en partant de la pratique des professionnels que cette thèse dévoile comment dans l’espace de la politique de la ville se maintiennent des formes d’encadrement et de domination à l’égard de certains publics cibles (ici issus des catégories populaires et immigrées). Enfin, cette thèse s’inscrit dans une sociologie des classes populaires autant attentives à leurs différences internes qu’aux modalités de réception variée d’une mesure d’action publique. / Since 2003, more than 400 popular districts categorized as sensitive urban zones and 4 million inhabitants have become part of a program initiated by the Framework Act on Town Planning and Urban Renewal (so-called “Borloo law”). In order to achieve district transformation and social diversity, the program has led to demolition/rebuilding operations, the refurbishment of existing dwellings and the redefinition of public urban areas (street network and green spaces, etc.)The municipalities of Clichy-Sous-Bois and Montfermeil in the Seine-Saint-Denis region were part of this program. Whilst being the largest program in France (in terms of allocated budget and demolished dwellings), it also had the singularity to involve the destruction of dilapidated privately-owned buildings such as Les Bosquets in Montfermeil and La Forestière in Clichy-sous-Bois. All the new buildings reconstructed there are under social housing management.All re-housed inhabitants consequently moved from the status of owner-occupiers or private housing tenants to that of social housing tenants. In addition to their change in status, this situation implies regular interactions between these ‘displaced’people and the professionals (of the city, of nonprofit organizations, social landlords who operate in the area, in these buildings within the frame of pre- and post-rehousing accompaniment.Based on an analysis supported by interviews, observations and archives, this thesis aims at understanding the genesis of this policy as much as the effects of the will for district transformation through generalizing social housing, on professional practices and the trajectories of the re-housed inhabitants. To this end, archives and interviews help understanding that the degradation of the former co-ownership properties was attributable primarily to their conditions of marketing, construction and management. Yet, all the measures of public action, up to the signature of the urban renewal program, systematically present the inhabitants and their features (popular classes or migrants) as solely responsible for this deterioration.The ethnography of professional practices then shows how in the new homes the professionals use the interactions with the inhabitants to regulate the way they live there. This work is done with a view to avoiding new damage to the buildings.Eventually the interviews with the inhabitants (made before and after re-housing) illustrate how re-housing and the interactions with professionals destabilize them within their individual anchorages and shake the sense of hierarchies within this social group. While former owners made up the upper class in their previous housing, they now feel the most downgraded. Conversely, tenants who were the most dominated are today the most rehabilitated.Beyond empirical results, this analytical approach rates the issues of the thesis on sevral scales. First, this work illustrates how, in a constructivist perspective, these co-ownership properties and their inhabitants have been built as a problem and a category of public action. Then, starting from the practices of professionals, this thesis discloses how within the frame of urban policy, some forms of regulation and domination over certain targeted publics (here working classes and migrants) are still exerted. Finally this thesis is consistent with a sociology of popular classes who are attentive to their internal differences as much as to the various ways a measure of public action can be perceived.

Price Development of Residential Assets in the Stockholm Inner City Areas : Regression Analysis of Macro Prudential Policies, Construction Levels and Determination of Price in the Tenant Owned Market / Prisutvecklingen av bostadsrätter i Stockholms innerstadsområden

Westerberg, Tim, Karadja, Riad January 2019 (has links)
After the financial crisis in 2008 Sweden implemented a stricter monetary expansionary enforcement trying to stabilize the overall economy of the country. These measures have led to discussions about secular stagnation and an increased savings glut when the interest rate is lowered.Between 2013 and 2018, Stockholm has seen an increase of construction levels trying to meet the market demand of a somewhat neglected supply of housing. The import of the new tenant-owned assets has shown indications of not fulfilling the market demand as after stricter amortization requirements was implemented, the possibilities to purchase these assets has been somewhat limited.The research will focus on four inner city areas in Stockholm between the timeline, aiming to determine the household effect of a larger intake of supply and implemented regulations onto the price point of tenant-owned assets.Regression analysis is utilized to statistically determine the effects of these market conditions together with an overall analysis of the imposed dataset with a theoretical framework capitalizing models of the Stock-flow theory, Tobin’s Q and the four-quadrant model.Statistically the research regression model is built up with newly imposed variables such as user cost and new supply together with a variation of other independent variables determining effects the variables have had on the price development of tenant-owned assets. The empirical analysis then researches the mentioned scenarios together with individual area analysis in all of the specific research areas imposed by a hedonic cross-sectional method.The results of the paper indicate the amortization requirements as having a large part of the declining price development within the research areas. The new supply entering the market has had a small effect. Nevertheless, the intake of new supply has been greater than previous years, amounting to 30% over thetransaction volume at the end of 2018 indicating a large supply of tenant-owned assets that are not being sold.We conclude that the market is not in equilibrium and together with a large intake of new supply in a certain segment and strict amortization requirements, the price development has decreased indicating myopic and herd behavior by construction firms and developers that are advised to further increase and advance their strategies as well as tactics with deeper market analysis before processing new construction. / Till följd av finanskrisen år 2008 implementerades striktare monetära krav på bostadsmarknaden med syftet att stabilisera ekonomin i landet och minska skuldsättningen hos hushållen. Dessa krav har skapat diskussioner om sekulär stagnation och en ökad benägenhet att spara vid låg ränta.Mellan 2013 och 2018 har Stockholm haft en betydlig ökning av nybyggda bostäder för att möta den efterfrågan som tillkommit som följd av tidigare låg byggnation. Tillkomsten av nya bostäder på marknaden har visat indikationer på att de inte möter den påstådda efterfrågan, detta till följd av de konsekvenser som striktare amorteringskrav har haft på hushållens förmåga att få tillgång till bostadslån.Denna uppsats kommer att fokusera på bostadsmarknaden i fyra områden av Stockholms innerstad med fokus på tidsramen innan samt efter implementeringen av amorteringskraven i samband med den ökade byggnationen. Målet är att redogöra för effekten på bostadspriserna av den ökade byggnationen i samband med de striktare amorteringskraven.Uppsatsen kommer att tillämpa regressionsanalys för att statistiskt kunna avgöra effekten av amorteringskraven samt nybyggnationen med data från Bostad 2.0 i samband med ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av Stock-flow, Tobin’s Q och Four-Quadrant modellen.Regressionsmodellen består av variabler som beskriver hushållens kostnader och mängden nytt utbud med en variation av andra oberoende variabler som bestämmer prisnivån på en bostad som storlek, antal rum, område och tiden för försäljningen.Resultatet av analysen påvisar att amorteringskraven har haft en betydande effekt av den nedåtgående prisutvecklingen i Stockholms innerstad. Den stora mängd nytt utbud har haft en liten effekt men transaktionsnivån har sjunkit vilket indikerar på att många bostäder inte har blivit sålda.Slutsatsen är att marknaden är i obalans där en stor mängd nytt utbud inte möter efterfrågan. Priset på bostäder har sjunkit det senaste året till följd av amorteringskraven och mängden nytt utbud indikerar att bostadsutvecklare inte har lyckats förutsemarknadsutvecklingen där bättre modeller och strategier behövs med mer djupgående analyser för att i framtiden kunna tillgodose marknadsutvecklingen för nybyggnation.

Energy Efficiency Programs at All Utilities: An Analysis of the Factors that Lead Electric Utilities to Invest in Energy Efficiency

Pletcher, Christopher J 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
While the utilization of energy efficiency has grown in recent years, it has not been distributed evenly across the country. In some states, over 2% of a utility’s budget is spent on energy efficiency; in other states that number is 0. Much of the growth in energy efficiency has been due to state policies and the development utility-level energy efficiency programs. Yet, all utility programs are not created equal. Because they are often exempt from state regulation (and therefore state energy efficiency policy), publicly-owned utilities have traditionally lagged behind IOUs when it comes to EE programs. This research quantifies energy efficiency programs in four Midwestern states: Iowa, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. The first part of the thesis evaluates 474 electric utilities as to whether they had an energy efficiency program in 2010. The second part of the thesis evaluates each utility’s EE program spending in terms of energy and utility specific factors, as well as socio-economic, housing stock and political variables. Through descriptive statistical analysis and the creation of a predictable linear regression model, this thesis identifies relationships between the dependent variable (EE program spending as a % of a utility’s total revenue) and commonly cited barriers to EE program development. Through the analysis, this study finds widespread EE program coverage in Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin. Also, it finds states are the greatest predictor of utility energy efficiency program spending. A utility’s ownership type and the share of homes that heat with electricity are also significant predictors of program spending.

Analysing South Africa's state capture controversy : an economic monopoly battle or not?

Semosa, Abel January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Political Science)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / State capture in South Africa became the talk of the day in the mainstream media and social media alike. This was the case following state capture report (herein after referred to as ―the report‖) released by former public protector Thuli Madonsela which shed a light about the close relationship between former president Jacob Zuma and the Gupta family. The report alleged that the Gupta family played a role in appointing and offering ministerial positions to those who would bid for them in government procurements and tender awarding. This study seeks to analyse whether or not the state capture controversy in the context of the Zuma-Gupta family is a political manoeuvrings or economic contestations between the business competitors (White establishments and the Gupta family). The existing literature on the state capture narrative looks more at the Gupta family‘s ties with former President Jacob Zuma, highlighting their tumultuous relationship. The dissertation does not justify the Guptas‘ wrongdoings or nepotism, but it showcases that the State Capture narratives has been bolstered by those opposed to economic development. In terms of methodology, the study used qualitative and content analysis to examine the South African state capture debate

Erarbeitung eines ETCS-Ausrüstungskonzepts für Nichtbundeseigene Eisenbahnen

Siebert, Hendrik 05 January 2023 (has links)
Mit dem Ziel einer flächendeckenden technischen Interoperabilität schreitet die Entwicklung und Verbreitung des European Train Control System (ETCS) sowohl fahrzeug- als auch infrastrukturseitig voran. Zukünftig werden vermehrt ETCS-only Fahrzeuge, d. h. Fahrzeuge mit allein ETCS und ohne weiterem Zugbeeinflussungssystem, unterwegs sein. Die Deutsche Bahn rüstet dementsprechend ihre Strecken nach und nach mit ETCS aus, wobei zwei Varianten - ETCS Level 2 und ETCS signalgeführt - umgesetzt werden. Die Regelwerke bezüglich der zwei Varianten werden von der Deutschen Bahn stets weiter entwickelt. Für Nichtbundeseigene Eisenbahnen (NE), deren Charakteristiken häufig einfache gehaltene Nebenbahnen und zur Deutschen Bahn abweichende Randbedingungen sind, ist noch kein Konzept einer ETCS-Ausrüstung erstellt worden. Um sicherzustellen, dass auch zukünftig die Infrastruktur von NE durch ETCS-only Fahrzeuge befahren werden kann, ist eine ETCS-Ausrüstung erforderlich. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird nun aufbauend von den Anforderungen der NE ein allgemeines Ausrüstungskonzept erstellt, dass weitgehend die unterschiedlichen Gegebenheiten beinhaltet.

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