Spelling suggestions: "subject:"owned""
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Experiences of immigrant entrepreneurs in the context of the Swedish societyIp, Kin Ting January 2020 (has links)
Immigrant entrepreneurs are seen in many societies in present days, no exception for a country like Sweden with a significant number of foreign-born populations. This thesis gets in touch with current immigrant entrepreneurs in the country to obtain first-hand experiences in the entrepreneurial process. The thesis explores the factors affecting these immigrant entrepreneurs in business establishment from the first-person point of view. Employing the mixed embeddedness approach in analysis, the thesis investigates the interactions between the immigrant entrepreneurs and the environment. Every part of the society and individual characteristics could impact the decision made by immigrant entrepreneurs regarding business establishment. The establishment of business is a result of contributions from many different elements surrounding the immigrant entrepreneur. This thesis represents some of the many actual experiences in the Swedish society. There is still an extensive field left to explore and many diversified experiences to be discovered.
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Planeringsprocessen av ROT-projekt : En studie angående ekologiskt hållbara ROT-projekt i miljonprogrammen / The planning process of ROT-projects : A study regarding ecologically sustainable ROT-projects in the million programmeHamzaoui, Sami, Goro, Alex January 2021 (has links)
Between year 1961 and 1975 were about one million homes produced, which today is called the million programme. These homes are now in a great need of renovation as they contain hazardous substances in the materials, unnecessarily high energy use and they are in critical technical condition. Purpose: of the degree project is to identify how we can become increasingly sustainable in ROT-projects within the million programme areas. The degree projects studies among other things how a renovation will be sustainable, materials and waste impact, about the million programme rebuilding needs and rebuilding needs of low-energy houses in the million programme. The method: The degree project is based on a literature study, a questionnaire study and an interview study. The literature study has been carried out to gain an increased knowledge of how a ROT-project works and facts about the million programme. The survey consisted of questions about what the environmental work looks like in various ROT-projects. Entrepreneurs working on ROT-projects, landlords who manage housing in the million programme and tenants who live in the million programmehave participated in the survey. An interview study has been conducted with various ROT-entrepreneurs and landlords to get an overview of how the work of the million programmehas looked environmentally. The result: The million programme leak large amounts of energy and heat. Older have shown that greenhouse gas emissions and energy use have increased, so the need for renovation is becoming more apparent. Sustainable renovation is needed to reduce the negative environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions and energy gas. In a construction process does material production have a major impact on the environment. When it comes to material selection and waste management is an important aspect for the environment within a ROT-project. In order to be able to work in an environmentally friendly way, it is necessary to plan in detail about various factors when handling the use of materials. The various factors are inventory, waste sorting, ordering materials in the right dimension, choosing materials with regard to the environment and handling the materials well during the construction process. Conclusion: The million programme homes are energyintesive and require among other things trunk replacement, ventilation replacement, replacement of electrical installations, windows, balconies and facades. In order to renovate the million programme homes good knowledge is required about ay hazardous substances in the materials and what measures are required to make the homes more energy efficient.
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Skogen : En studie kring känsla av närhet / The forest : A study of sense of placeJohansson, Frida L. January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport presenterar en studie som gjorts i samarbete med Södra Skogsägarna. Syftet med studien var att skapa en förståelse för vilka pragmatiska och hedoniska aspekter som påverkar hur skogsägare känner närhet till sin skog och hur dessa aspekter skulle kunna implementeras/realiseras vid utvecklandet av en digital karta över skogen. Genom en kvalitativ studie utifrån en fenomenologisk metodansats kunde en holistisk bild skapas över skogsägare och hur de upplevde känsla av närhet till sin skog. Datainsamlingen bestod av både enkät, intervjuer och fältobservationer som sedan analyserades genom bottom-up och top-down tekniken med hjälp av affinitetsdiagram. Resultatet visar exempelvis att en känsla av närhet är starkt förknippad med att känna ansvar och att kunna påverka kartan utifrån varje enskild skogsägares behov. Studien visar även att en känsla av närhet är nära sammankopplat med egennamn och generation då egennamnen ofta härstammar från tidigare generationer. Skogen används också till rekreation eftersom skogsägare och andra människor mår bra av att vistas i skog och natur. Välmående bidrar då till en ökad känsla av närhet till skogen. Resultatet av studien kommer ligga till grund för kommande utvecklingsprojekt hos Södra Skogsägarna där den digitala kartan i Södras app kommer att ses över. Studien presenterar även UX-mål som bör beaktas vid skapandet av en digital karta för att frambringa känsla av närhet till skogen hos skogsägare. Slutsatsen av studien visar att det är både de pragmatiska och hedoniska aspekterna som tillsammans skapar en helhetsupplevelse av skogen för skogsägare. Denna studie bidrar även med en djupare förståelse och utveckling av begreppet känsla av närhet, för vad och hur skogsägare upplever känsla av närhet till sin skog. Med tanke på dagens snabba teknikutveckling borde framtida forskning fokusera på i vilken utsträckning visualiseringar av skogen kan bidra till ökad känsla av närhet till skogen för skogsägare och om det hos skogsägare finns skillnader mellan genus i hur känsla av närhet till skogen skapas. / This report presents a study done in collaboration with Södra Skogsägarna. The aim of the study was to create an understanding of the pragmatic and hedonic aspects that affect how forest owners feel proximity to their forest and how these aspects could be implemented / realized when developing a digital map of the forest. Through a qualitative study based on a phenomenological method approach, a holistic picture could be created of forest owners and how they experienced sense of place to their forest. The data collection consisted of survey, interviews and field observations, which then were analyzed by bottom-up and top-down technology using affinity diagrams. The result shows, for example, that a sense of place is strongly associated with feeling responsibility and being able to influence the map based on the needs of each individual forest owner. The study also shows that a sense of place is closely associated with proper names and generation, since the proper names often originate from previous generations. The forest is also used for recreation because forest owners and other people feel good about staying in the forest and nature. Well-being then contributes to an increased sense of place to the forest. The results of the study will form the basis for future development projects at Södra Skogsägarna, where the digital map in Södra's app will be reviewed. The study also presents UX goals that should be taken into account when creating a digital map to create a sense of place to the forest among forest owners. The conclusion of the study shows that it is both the pragmatic and hedonic aspects that together create a holistic experience of the forest for forest owners. This study also contributes to a deeper understanding and development of the concept of sense of place, for what and how forest owners experience a sense of place to their forest. Given today's rapid technological development, future research should focus on the extent to which visualizations of the forest can contribute to increased sense of place to the forest for forest owners and whether there are differences between genders in how forest owners create a sense of place to the forest.
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Přístupy k znovuvyužití památkových objektu / The approaches to the reuse of cultural heritage objectBarňák, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The thesis briefly defines basic concepts of the basic landmarks and distribution. Options owners of historic buildings, their rights and obligations. Outlines the options are and what support may be listed structures by the State of the European Union and by various endowment funds for recovery and subsequent use for the future and future generations. Analyzes aspects of the approach to the use of selected monuments.
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Fastighetsägaransvar och fastighetssamverkan avseende förebyggande av skador från extrema nederbördsvariationer / Real property owner liability and collaboration regarding damage prevention due to extreme precipitation variationsStåhle, Isak January 2020 (has links)
Klimatförändringar stället fastighetsägaren inför valet mellan att inte alls skydda sin fastighet, att utföra åtgärder som dämpar en pågående påverkan eller att förebygga i ett tidigt skede. Fastighetsägaren väljer främst utifrån fastighetsvärde, budgetrestriktioner och hur välinformerad den. Finns incitamentet – men budgetrestriktioner hindrar att skyddsåtgärden utförs, eller om det finns skalfördelar av att fler samsas om skyddsåtgärder – uppstår behov av någon form av spelplan för samverkan med gemensamma regler för förhandlingar etc. Fastighetsrättsliga institutioner – olika typer av fastighetssamfälligheter – kan erbjuda sådana spelplaner. Eftersom det ofta är samhällsekonomiskt mer fördelaktigt att ett tidigt förebyggande sker undersöks frågan huruvida fastighetsägaren kan beläggas med ansvar för att skydda sin fastighet för att förebygga klimatskadorna samt vilka institutioner som svensk fastighetsrätt erbjuder som kan vara lämpliga samverkansformer för fastighetssamarbete. Studien visar att ett strikt ansvar för fastighetsägaren att vidta åtgärder inte kan påvisas vid pågående markanvändning samt att ansvar i mindre mån kan utkrävas vid särskild verksamhetsutövning och vid förändrad markanvändning, särskilt nybyggnation. Genom kommunal planering kan planmyndigheten påtvinga fastighetsägare att utföra skyddsåtgärder eller skyddsanläggningar. Å andra sidan har inte det offentliga någon skyldighet att vidta förebyggande åtgärder på fastighetsägarens mark. Det offentliga har istället generellt skyldigheten att informera, planera och i något fall att övervaka. Fyra fallstudier belyser specifika problem som uppkommer vid jorddominerade snabba massrörelser (skred), vattendominerade snabba massrörelser (slamströmmar), översvämningar och vattenbrist. Fallstudierna behandlar skred i Göta älvdalen, slamströmmar vid Åre, översvämningar i Byälvens avrinnings-område i Värmland och vattenbrist i Öland. Fallstudierna belyser vilka förebyggande åtgärder som utförts i respektive fall och vem som initierat åtgärder och finansierat dem. Det finns förväntningar om att det är kommuner eller andra offentliga aktörer som ska agera och utföra skydd mot förväntade klimateffekter, vilket i vissa fall, om inte ofta, har gjorts. Därmed kan fastighetsägare vara ovilliga att delta i skyddsåtgärder för sina fastigheter även om det skulle finnas ekonomisk båtnad därtill. Det diskuteras om detaljplaneinstitutet skulle kunna bidra till att skyddsåtgärder och samverkan om förebyggande skydd i sådana fall ändå utförs. Svensk fastighetsrättslig lagstiftning erbjuder i de allra flesta fall goda möjligheter för fastighetsägare att kunna samverka inom ramen för en fastighetsrättslig institution. Det konstateras att gemensamhetsan-läggningsinstitutionen är den mest flexibla som dock har i huvudsak två begränsningar som här gör sig aktuella. För det första kan i huvudsak endast fastighetsägare vara deltagare i en gemensamhetsanläggning vilket hindrar sådana parter som ej har fastighetsanknytning att delta. I vissa fall kan sådana parters intresse vara av avgörande betydelse för att en skyddsanläggning kan inrättas. För det andra är gemen-vsamhetsanläggningar förbehållet just (stadigvarande) anläggningar och kan inte användas för icke-fysiska åtgärder och inte heller för åtgärdersom avser viss markavvattning och bevattning. För icke-fysiska åt-gärder kan vattenförbund vara alternativet och vad gäller markavvattning kan både fastighetsägare och andra verksamhetsutövare delta i markavvattningssamfälligheter. Förrättningsexempel och exempel från domstolsprocesser visar att gemensamhetsanläggning såväl som markavvattningssamfälligheter har tilllämpats för att skydda mot klimateffekter eller därmed jämförbaraändamål. Vid konkurrenssituationer som kan uppkomma vid bevattning har kommunermöjlighet att påbjuda fastighetsägare som vanligtvis inte behöver tillstånd att ta vatten att söka tillstånd. I sådana fall kan det, förutom samverkan genom en gemensamhetsanläggning, finnas möjlighet att samverka genom en vattenrättslig samfällighet för bevattningsändamål. / Expectations due to more frequent occurrences of extreme weather puts the light on what liability real property owners may have to properly defend their property from the effects of extreme weather incidents and how property owners can collaborate with others to make joint arrangements to protect property. The climate effects due to extreme weather occurrences that are affecting real property are identi-fied as rapid slope moments (landslides, mudflows etc.), floods and water scarcity (droughts). A broad panoply of arrangements can be used to protect for these climate effects, mainly it can be done through either adding a protecting facility or through avoid exposing property value by simply removing buildings or other facilities that are in the risk of taking damage or by planning or governance avoid those facilities in the risk zone of being exposed are built or are getting another land use that is more sensitive for nega-tive influence from the climate effects. Climate change puts the real property owner in the option of choosing between mainly three types of actions: to not take any action at all (laissez-fair), to mitigate ongoing changes or to take pre-emptive actions in an earlier stage. The real property owner is fore-mostly making the choice depending on the property value, budget restrictions and how well the owner is informed. If there are incitements – but budget restrictions hinder a protective arrangement to be taken or if the economy of scale makes a joint arrangement of damage protection advantageous – the need arises for some sort of a collaborative playing field with sets of corporate rules for negotiations etc. Institutions regulated in real property law – different types of joint property units or associations – could provide such playing fields. Since, from a socio-economic viewpoint, it will be more beneficial to do pre-emptive arrangements in most cases, the question of whether a real property owner can be imposed with liability to take preventive actions in order to protect its property from climate damages arises as well as what kind of institutions, Swedish real property regulations offer suitable for real property collaboration for such arrangements. It is determined that strict liability in those matters cannot be imposed for properties with ongoing land use. In some cases, liability can be imposed to a lesser extent if the land use is about to change, especially in case land is being built, or if certain activities deemed as noxious in environmental legislation are being operated. The most far-reaching road to impose liability on real property owners is by communal planning of the built environment whereby municipalities through the Swedish Built Environment act (plan- och bygglagen) can oblige real property owners to conduct certain arrangements. At the other hand, there is no obligation for the public to undertake any pre-emptive arrangements on anybody ́s real property or instead of a real property owner. The public has instead a general obligation to inform, plan and at certain occasions to supervise situations regarding climate change. Four case studies illuminate specific problems which emerge in dealing with soil-dominated rapid slope movements (landslides), water-dominated rapid slope movements, floods and water scarcity. The case studies cover landslides in the Göta Älvdal, mudflows in Åre, floods in the watershed area of Byälven in Värmland and water scarcity in Öland. The case studies shed light on which pre-emptive arrangements have been achieved in each case and which party have been initiating and financing the arrangements. In many cases, municipalities and other public actors are, due to historic and other reasons, anticipated to carry out pre-emptive arrangements, which can lead to private real property owners being unwilling to participate in arrangements even though an economic advantage could be ascertained. Proactive use of zoning plans may contribute to the achievement of pre-emptive arrangements and collaborations for the benefit thereof in such cases. In most cases, Swedish real property legislation offers good opportunities for real property owners for collaborating within a joint property setting. Joint facilities are by far providing the most flexible solution for this but which has mainly two limitations to be aware of. Firstly, only parties definable as real property owners and a few other, but similar, types of parties can be participators, effectively preventing others with no duly association to property ownership to join. This problem is not always foreseeable; in certain cases, such parties’ involvement can be determinant for establishing a certain protective facility or arrangement. Secondly, a joint facility can only be ordered for permanent facilities and cannot be used for non-physical arrangements either for several cases of drainage and water irrigation. Water federations (vattenförbund) can prove useful as a suitable form of collaboration in cases of non-physical arrangements. When it comes to drainage, joint drainage associations (markavvattningssamfällighet) are useful since both real property owners and operators with no real property connections can participate in such associations. Examples from relevant cadastral procedures and procedures in court prove that joint facilities, as well as joint drainage associations, have been used to achieve protective arrangements regarding climate effects or comparison purposes. Regarding irrigation and water use, municipalities have in case of water scarcity the legal ability to command real property owners that in normal cases have no obligation to seek permission to draw water, to apply for water catchment permission. In such cases, besides the form of joint facility, a possibility to collaborate through a joint association for irrigation use is presented.
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Stakeholder & Developer Communication Powered by Product Owners / Produktägarledd kommunikation mellan Stakeholder och mjukvaruutvecklarePersson, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges and opportunities in the communication between software developers and their stakeholders, as well as the impact that the product owners have on the communication. The research was conducted using a case study approach, and data was mainly collected through observations andinterviews with product owners and software developers at the case company Kry. The findings show that the challenges in communication are the technical language of software developers, difficulty for stakeholders to understand the software development process and difficulty for developers to understand the underlying context of a feature request. The opportunities in their communication are that the developers can better understand the reasons of a request and thus feel more engaged in the product and more satisfied towards the company; Good communication can cut development time and cost. The product owner is shown to be almost irreplaceable due to the large impact that they have. They become translators between the developers and stakeholders, enabling them to communicate better. Furthermore, they are the main point of contact for the stakeholders, thus allowing the developers to focus more on doing development work. However, this might sometimes result in that the developers get involved too late in the process, making changes costly when they discover something faulty. As a conclusion, the communication between stakeholders and developers powered by product owners greatly enhance the possibility to build good, maintainable software and lead to a more sustainable work environment for all involved. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka utmaningar och möjligheter i kommunikationen mellan mjukvaruutvecklare och stakeholders, samt den påverkan som produktägare har på kommunikationen. Detta gjordes genom en fallstudie och data är i huvudsak insamlad genom observationer och intervjuer med produktägare och utvecklare på företaget Kry. Resultatet visar att utmaningar i kommunikationen är mjukvaruutvecklarnas tekniska språk, svårigheter för stakeholders att förstå mjukvaruutvecklingsprocessen och för utvecklarna att förstå de bakomliggande anledningarna för en kravändring. Möjligheter i kommunikationen är att utvecklarna bättre kan förstå de här anledningarna och därför bli mer engagerade i produkten och känna sig mer nöjda med företaget; bra kommunikation kan minska utvecklingskostnader och tid. Produktägare visar sig vara nästan oersättliga på grund av den stora påverkan de har. De blir översättare mellan utvecklare och stakeholders, och hjälper dem att kommunicera bättre. De blir också den huvudsakliga kontaktpersonen för stakeholders, vilket ger utvecklarna mer möjligheter att fokusera på deras utvecklingsarbete. Dock kan det resultera i att utvecklarna ibland blir inblandade för sent i processen, vilket gör potentiella behov av förändringar dyra när de upptäcker något som är fel. Sammanfattningsvis, när kommunikationen mellan stakeholder och utvecklare är faciliterad av produktägare så ökar möjligheterna för att bygga bra mjukvaraoch det leder till en mer hållbar arbetsmiljö för alla inblandade.
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Data-Driven Requirements Engineering in Agile Software Development - An Approach for Eliciting Requirements from Digital Sources in Organizations using Scrum MethodologyGeorgiadis, Stylianos January 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, the business world is characterized by complexity since market and customer requirements are changing rapidly. Based on this assumption, providers are facing the challenge of delivering software products in shorter terms while these products remain innovative. Agile software development has a huge impact on how software is developed worldwide and promises business value in short iterations. At the same time, requirements are the base of all software products, and consequently, Requirements Engineering (RE) plays one of the most important roles in system development. Traditional techniques referring to intended data do not cover the constantly increasing demands of RE and unintended data from digital sources has amplified the need for Data-Driven Requirements Engineering (DDRE). This study contributes to Computer and System Science by providing a process to combine DDRE and traditional RE approaches in Agile software development methodologies. In this study, the researcher is trying to provide a concrete solution to the lack of an effective process to address data-driven requirements in a Scrum environment organized by regular Sprints and the purpose of it is to suggest a new method for requirements elicitation based on digital data and combine them with traditional stakeholder-driven RE in a Scrum agile environment. The method intends to assist Agile professionals to elicit requirements from digital sources in combination with intended data derived from the stakeholders without impacting the main Agile practices. The approach to conduct this study is Design Science Research (DSR) and contains five steps: Explicate Problem, Define Requirements, Design and develop Artefact, Demonstrate Artefact, and Evaluate Artefact. Literature review has been conducted to explicate the research problem and define the requirements of the artefact. Then, a process and a collaboration board have been created based on the requirements to bring DDRE and traditional RE into the Scrum environment. The researcher performed a demonstration of two illustrative cases of the usage of the proposed artefact to three Scrum professionals and three semi-structured interviews were conducted to evaluate the artefact. After the evaluation, the researcher refined and presented the final artefact that will help the public and private organizations to reduce the costs and time plan on eliciting requirements, and to increase the customers’ satisfaction. The artefact has not been applied in a real Agile environment, but Requirement Engineers and Agile team members can build on the proposed method and bring the elicitation approach of DDRE closer to the software development process.
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Faktorer som påverkar värdet för småhus i Stockholms län / Factors that affect the value of houses in Stockholm countyIrell Fridlund, Albin, Cederberg, Idun January 2021 (has links)
I den här rapporten undersöks hur geografiskt läge, fastighetens fysiska egenskaper och ägandeform påverkar priset för småhus i Stockholms län. Målet med undersökningen är att ta fram en modell, baserad på de faktorer som påverkar bostadspriset mest, som kan användas för att uppskatta en fastighets värde. Undersökningen är baserad på data för småhus som sålts i Stockholms län 2020. Datasetet som används har erhållits av Booli. Efter att datasetet kontrollerats och vid behov anpassats för att uppfylla antaganden för multipel linjär regression, så tillämpas multipel linjär regression. Framåtselektion används för att ta fram de faktorer som starkast påverkar priset och därmed bör ingå i den slutliga modellen. Resultat från undersökningen visar att levnadsyta är den faktor som starkast påverkar priset på småhus i Stockholms län. Vidare bidrar även faktorer som avstånd till vatten, konstruktionsår och vilken kommun huset är beläget i. Slutligen diskuteras även vilken betydelse undersökningen och modellen som tas fram kan tänkas ha för större fastighetsägare. / This report investigates how geographic position, physical attributes of the property and form of ownership affect the price of houses in Stockholm County. The research goal is to develop a model, based on the factors with the strongest impact on house prices, which can be used to estimate the value of a property. The investigation is based on data of sold houses in Stockholm County in 2020. The dataset was obtained from Booli. After relevant adjustments of the dataset have been made, in order to satisfy the assumptions of multiple linear regression, multiple linear regression was applied. Thereafter, forward selection was used to determine which factors to include in the final model. The results indicate that living area is the factor with the highest impact on property prices. Furthermore, other important factors are distance to water, construction year and which municipality the property is situated in. Finally, the importance of the investigation and the model for larger property owners is discussed.
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Long-term stress, behaviour, and the dog-owner relationship in rehomed dogs.Löf, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
Humans and dogs have been living close for over 15,000 years, resulting in a unique relationship. The dog-owner relationship can affect stress, and could be affected by contact-seeking behaviour, personalities, and behavioural synchronization. Due to Covid-19, an increase in registered dogs could be observed. This could lead to more dogs being rehomed once the restrictions are eased and people go back to their workplaces, hence the importance of more knowledge concerning rehomed dogs and their behaviour, stress, and the relationship to its new owner. Thirty rehomed dogs (26 owners) and 31 control dogs (28 owners) participated. Dogs and their owners were tested in an unsolvable problem task to observe contact-seeking behaviour, and a behavioural synchronization test was conducted. Afterwards, dogs were equipped with activity collars to measure physical activity and dog-hair was collected to assess long-term stress. In addition, owners completed three questionnaires to assess the dog-owner relationship, and the personalities of the dogs and their owners. The results revealed no significant differences in behavioural synchronization, contact-seeking behaviour, stress, physical activity, or the dog-owner relationship between rehomed and control dogs. However, owners owning a rehomed dog potentially scored higher on the personality trait “agreeableness”, and rehomed dogs were potentially scored as more fearful of handling and less playful than control dogs. In conclusion, there is potentially a difference in personality traits in both dogs and owners between the groups, however, rehomed dogs are similar to control dogs in terms of behavioural synchronization, contact-seeking behaviour, long-term stress, and the dog-owner relationship.
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Pozemková kniha a využití v dnešním katastru / The land registry book and its use in current cadastreNetolický, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This Thesis deal with problems in Czech land registry, which started after year 1945. In thesis are described four exemples, which are formed by many reasons. First example deal with problems of dual registration in Land books and Land tables. Second example is focused on situation after 1948 and subsequent changes in the ownership of land. Third example deal with problems which are formed in 1964 when had founded new property registry. The last example deal with promblems which are formed in changes of state boundary. And diferences between states land registry. Thesis is focused on description of problems and outline solutions.
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