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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DNA-Programmed Nanomaterials and Exploration of Their Chemical Activities

Xiong, Yan January 2022 (has links)
DNA-based self-assembly has been developed as an ideal means to create precisely controllable and hierarchical materials from the bottom up due to DNA’s regularity, programmability and addressability. This dissertation demonstrates utilization of the powerful molecular tool to construct 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D nanomaterials. In the first part of the dissertation, I overview the significance of anisotropic building blocks and discuss how to engineer them in a programmable manner (Chapter 1). I establish a general approach to pattern nanoparticles where DNA nanostructure is employed as a template to transfer prescribed molecular linkers onto an isotropic nanoparticle surface, generating so-called patchy nanoparticle (Chapter 2). I then show the manipulation of nanoscale patches constituted by DNA molecules to fabricate nano-polymeric assemblies (Chapters 3-4). Furthermore, I design sized-confined 2D DNA screens to display discrete nanoparticle patterns and manage dynamic switches of these patterns (Chapter 5). Despite the advancements in fabricating sophisticated DNA nanoarchitectures, achievement of the original motivation of founding DNA nanotechnology, engineering protein nanostructures, is still hindered due to proteins’ heterogeneity and limited general methodologies to integrate them with DNA materials. In the second part of this dissertation, I present three studies towards DNA-based organization of two cascade enzymes, glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase, exhibiting the ability to manipulate proteins at DNA molecular scaffold (Chapter 6), 2D surface (Chapter 7) and 3D lattice (Chapter 8). In particular, the eighth chapter introduces a platform approach for creating by-design organizations of target enzymes decoupled from their inherent properties, paving way for engineering protein superlattice. In addition, all the studied well-defined enzymatic materials can be employed to investigate the correlation of biocatalytic functions with arbitrary enzyme organizations, which is able to resolve the long-running controversy over mechanisms of enzymatic activity enhancement due to DNA scaffolding.

Lysyl Oxidase-Like 2 in vascular morphogenesis and extracellular matrix scaffolding / Lysyl oxydase-like 2 dans la morphogénèse vasculaire et échafaudage matriciel extracellulaire

Umaña Diaz, Claudia 06 October 2015 (has links)
L’angiogenèses par bourgeonnement est associée à une réorganisation majeure de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC). Nous avons déjà démontré que la lysyl oxydase-like 2 (LOXL2), une enzyme responsable du crosslinking de la MEC, régule la formation de vaisseaux intersomitiques dans les embryons de poisson zèbre et de capillaires en hydrogels 3D. Dans ce manuscrit, nous avons examiné les mécanismes impliqués dans cette régulation. Nous avons constaté l’association intracellulaire de LOXL2 avec la fibronectine et le collagène IV, avant d’être incorporée dans des structures fibrillaires dès l’exocytose. De plus, l’inhibition de l’expression de LOXL2 entraine des défauts de déposition de la MEC et diminue sa rigidité, inhibant secondairement la maturation des structures d'adhésion cellulaire. Alors que LOXL2 n‘est pas nécessaire pour la formation de capillaires dans un modèle 2D sur MEC de fibroblastes, les défauts de déposition de MEC sont corrélés à l'inhibition de formation des capillaires en hydrogel 3D. Ni l’addition de LOXL2 exogène, ni l’augmentation de la rigidité des hydrogels ne compense la perte d’expression de LOXL2. Enfin, nous avons pu montrer que ni l'activité catalytique ni le domaine catalytique de LOXL2 ne sont essentiels pour la formation de capillaire dans le poisson zèbre et dans les hydrogels et pour l’assemblage du collagène IV par des cellules endothéliales. L’ensemble de ces données suggère donc que les domaines SRCR de LOXL2 exprimés par des cellules endothéliales régulent l’échafaudage de fibronectine et de collagène IV dans la MEC qui est nécessaire à la formation de capillaires. / Sprouting angiogenesis is associated with major extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling, consisting in both degradation of the microenvironment and generation of a new basement membrane. We have previously reported that lysyl oxidase-like 2 (LOXL2), an enzyme responsible for ECM crosslinking, regulates formation of intersomitic vessels (ISV) of zebrafish embryos and of capillaries in 3D hydrogels. In this manuscript we investigated the mechanisms involved. We found that LOXL2 associates with fibronectin and collagen IV intracellulary before direct incorporation in fibrillar structures of the ECM upon exocytosis. In addition, silencing LOXL2 demonstrated its involvement in ECM deposition as both composition and stiffness of the ECM were affected, which subsequently altered maturation of cell adhesion structures. Whereas LOXL2 is not required for formation of capillaries on top of a fibroblast monolayer, in a 2D assay, ECM defaults were associated with altered formation of capillaries in 3D hydrogels.Neither addition of exogenous LOXL2, nor increasing the stiffness of hydrogels could restore capillary formation. Moreover, we could show that neither the catalytic activity nor the catalytic domain were required for capillary formation in vivo and in 3D hydrogels, and for collagen IV deposition by endothelial cells. Altogether, these data suggest that the SRCR domains of LOXL2 expressed by endothelial cells regulate 3D capillary morphogenesis through scaffolding of fibronectin and collagen IV in the ECM.

Activité NADPH oxydase des cellules de leucémie aiguë myéloïde / NADPH oxidase activity in acute myeloid leukemic cells

Leclerc, Joan 13 December 2013 (has links)
Le métabolisme oxydatif joue un rôle important dans l’hématopoïèse normale et leucémique. L’homéostasie des espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS) est un élément crucial qui repose sur une balance finement régulée entre leur élimination et leur production. A ce niveau, des études ont montrés une différence entre cellules souches leucémique (CSL) présentant un faible niveau de ROS et cellules différenciées leucoblastiques présentant un plus fort niveau de ROS. Dans cette étude nous avons montré que les NADPH oxydases sont des producteurs majeurs de ROS des cellules de leucémies aiguës myéloïdes. Les cellules leucoblastiques, quelque soit le stade de différenciation présentent une activité NADPH oxydase constitutive qui contribue à leur niveau de ROS élevé et favorise leur prolifération en accélérant le cycle cellulaire. A l’inverse, les analyses réalisées sur des CSL grâce à des modèles murins de leucémies primaires induites par les oncogènes Hoxa9 et Meis1 suggèrent qu’il existerait une plus faible activité oxydase dans les cellules souches leucémiques. / Oxydative metabolism play a key role in normal and leukemic hematopoiesis. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis is a crucial point which is the result of a finely regulated balance between elimination and production. Recent studies establishe a difference in ROS level between leukemic stem cells (LSC, ROSlow) and differentiated leucoblasts (higher level). In our study we have shown that NADPH oxidases are major ROS producers in acute myeloid leukemic cells. Leukoblasts, wathever their differentition stage, have a constitutive NADPH oxydase activity that contributes to the ROS level and promotes the proliferation by accelerating the cell cycle. Conversly, the analyses of LSCs performed by using murins primary leukemia induced by Hoxa9 and Meis1 oncogens suggest a potential lower NADPH oxidase activity in LSCs.

Caractérisation des NADPH oxydases et effet de leur inhibition dans les leucémies aigues myéloïdes / Characterization of NADPH oxidases and effect of their inhibition in acute myeloid leukaemia

Dakik, Hassan 20 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le monde, 350 000 leucémies sont diagnostiquées chaque année. La rechute reste un problème majeur des leucémies aiguës myéloïdes (LAM) et le métabolisme oxydatif pourrait jouer un rôle essentiel dans la réponse au traitement. Un faible niveau des espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS) est associé à des propriétés des cellules souches leucémiques et la quiescence alors qu’un niveau plus élevé caractérise les leucoblastes proliférants. L’homéostasie des ROS repose sur un équilibre entre les systèmes oxydants et antioxydants. Les antioxydants sont bien documentés dans les LAM alors que les connaissances sur l’activité oxydante sont encore limitées. Dans ce travail nous avons choisi d’étudier les sept complexes NADPH oxydases (NOX) dans 25 lignées issues de LAM humaines et des LAM primaires. L’analyse des ARNm et des protéines montre des profils d’expression variables entre les lignées avec une expression plus forte des sous-unités du complexe NOX2 dans les lignées correspondant à des stades de différenciation myéloïde plus avancés. L’activité enzymatique des NOX est cependant équivalente entre les lignées. Deux inhibiteurs, DPI et VAS3947, ont été utilisés pour connaître la contribution des NOX à la production des ROS cellulaires. Alors qu’ils ont inhibé l’activité, ils ont aussi généré un stress oxydatif majeur conduisant à une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire et une forte apoptose, le DPI en augmentant les ROS mitochondriaux et VAS3047 les ROS cytoplasmiques. Afin de connaitre les sous-unités impliquées et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes, les sous-unités NOX2 et p22phox ont été inhibée par ARN interférence. Celle-ci n’ont pas affecté la prolifération mais ont montré des effets compensatoires. Nos data montrent qu’inhiber les NOX pourrait s’avérer une stratégie thérapeutique en augmentant le stress oxydatif dans les cellules leucémiques. / 350,000 leukaemia are diagnosed each year worldwide. In acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), relapse remains a major problem and the oxidative metabolism might play a crucial role in the therapeutic response. Low level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is associated with properties of leukemic stem cells and quiescence whereas higher level promotes leukoblasts proliferation. ROS homeostasis relies on a tightly regulated balance between the oxidant and antioxidant systems. Although the antioxidant system is extensively studied in AML, the oxidant system remains poorly documented. In this work we aimed to study the seven NADPH oxidases (NOX) complexes in 25 AML human cell lines and primary samples. NOX transcriptional and protein profiles are variable with a higher expression of NOX2 in cell lines belonging to mature differentiation stages. An equivalent level of enzymatic activity was observed across all the cell lines. To reveal the contribution of NOX to global ROS production in the cells, two NOX inhibitors, DPI and VAS3947, were then used. Although both inhibitors efficiently blocked NOX activity they unexpectedly triggered strong oxidative stress leading to reduced cell proliferation and strong apoptosis, DPI by increasing mitochondrial ROS while VAS3947 by increasing cytoplasmic ROS production. To highlight which of the subunits were involved and to understand the mechanisms, NOX2 and p22phox subunits were inhibited using shRNA strategy. These did not affect cell proliferation but revealed a compensation effect. Our data suggest that NOX inhibition might be potential therapeutic strategy by increasing oxidative stress in leukemic cells.

Impact of proteasomal immune adaptation on the early immune response to viral infection

Warnatsch, Annika 11 July 2013 (has links)
Im Kampf gegen eine Virusinfektion spielen CD8+ T Zellen des adaptiven Immunsystems eine besondere Rolle. Sie patroullieren im Körper und entdecken spezifische Virusepitope, welche mittels MHC Klasse I Molekülen auf der Oberfläche infizierter Zellen präsentiert werden. Wird eine virus-infizierte Zelle erkannt, kann diese schnell und effizient eliminiert. Für die Generierung viraler Peptide, welche auf MHC Klasse I Komplexe geladen werden, ist das Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System von essentieller Bedeutung. Kürzlich wurden weitere Funktionen des Immunoproteasoms aufgedeckt wie zum Beispiel der Schutz gegen oxidativen Stress. Innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte die Fähigkeit des Immunoproteasoms gegen eine Akkumulation oxidativ geschädigter Proteine zu schützen mit der Generierung von MHC Klasse I Liganden kombiniert und neu interpretiert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass während einer Virusinfektion in Nicht-Immunzellen die Produktion reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies durch die alternative NADPH Oxidase Nox4 eine bedeutende Rolle spielt. Die Aktivierung von Nox4 resultiert in der Akkumulation oxidativ geschädigter Proteine. Innerhalb von zwei Stunden nach dem Eintreten von Viruspartikeln in die Zellen wurden strukturelle Virusproteine oxidiert und anschließend ubiquityliert. Die gleichzeitige, virus-induzierte Expression von Immunoproteasomen führte zu einem schnellen und effizienten Abbau ubiquitylierter Virusantigene. Infolgedessen konnten immundominante Virusepitope vermehrt freigesetzt werden. Folglich wurde ein soweit unbekannter Mechanismus gefunden, welcher Substrate für das Proteasom zur Generierung von MHC Klasse I Liganden bereitstellt. Zusammenfassend konnte innerhalb dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass das Immunoproteasom den Schutz vor oxidativen Stress mit der Generierung antigener Peptide verbindet, wodurch eine effektive adaptive Immunantwort etabliert werden kann. / An efficient immune control of virus infection is predominantly mediated by CD8+ T cells which patrol through the body and eliminate infected cells. Infected cells are recognized when they present viral antigenic peptides on their surface via MHC class I molecules. To make antigenic peptides available for loading on MHC class I complexes, the ubiquitin proteasome system plays a crucial role. Moreover, the induction of the i-proteasome is known to support the generation of MHC class I ligands. Recently, new functions of the i-proteasome have been discovered. Evidence is increasing that the i-proteasome is involved in the protection of cells against oxidative stress. Within this thesis the characteristic of the i-proteasome to protect cells against the accumulation of oxidant-damaged proteins could be linked to its role in improving the generation of MHC class I ligands. It could be demonstrated that during a virus infection in non-immune cells the production of reactive oxygen species by the alternative NADPH oxidase Nox4 is of critical importance resulting in the accumulation of potentially toxic oxidant-damaged proteins. Indeed, within two hours of infection structural virus proteins were oxidized and subsequently poly-ubiquitylated. The concomitant formation of i-proteasomes led to a rapid and efficient degradation of ubiquitylated virus antigens thereby improving the liberation of immunodominant viral epitopes. In conclusion, a so far unknown mechanism to fuel proteasomal substrates into the MHC class I antigen presentation pathway has been revealed. A new protein pool consisting of exogenously delivered viral proteins provides proteasomal substrates in the very early phase of a virus infection. Within the scope of this thesis the i-proteasome has been shown to link the protection against oxidative stress, initiated directly by pathogen recognition, with the generation of antigenic peptides. Together, an effective adaptive immune response is triggered.

Antioxidant Activity Of The Anti-Inflammatory Compound Ebselen And Its Analogues : Role Of Nonbonded Interactions

Sarma, Bani Kanta 07 1900 (has links)
Although considered as a poison for long time, the importance of selenium as an essential trace element is now well recognized. In proteins, the redox active selenium moiety is incorportated as selenocysteine (Sec), the 21st amino acid. In mammals, selenium exerts its redox activities through several selenocysteine-containing enzymes, which include glutathione peroxidase (GPx), iodothyronine deiodinase (ID) and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR). Although these enzymes have Sec in their active sites, they catalyze completely different reactions and their substrate specificity and cofactor or co-substrate systems are significantly different. The most widely studied selenoenzyme GPx protects various organisms from oxidative stresses by catalyzing the reduction of hydroperoxides by using glutathione (GSH) as cofactor. The chemical aspects of the reduction of hydroperoxide by GPx have been extensively studied with the help of synthetic selenium and tellurium compounds. For example, 2-phenyl, 1, 2-benzoisoselenazol-3(2H)-one, commonly known as ebselen exhibits significant GPx activity by using GSH as cofactor. The anti-inflammatory, antiatherosclerotic and cytoprotective properties of ebselen have led to the design and synthesis of nex GPx mimics for potential therapeutic applications. In the first chapter, the importance of selenium in biochemistry in general and the function of selenoenzyme GPx and its synthetic mimics in particular are discussed. In the second chapter, the importance of ebselen as a GPx mimic and how thiol exchange reaction in the selenenyl sulfide intermediate deactivates its catalytic cycle and the possible ways to overcome thiol exchange reaction are described. The third chapter deals with the first synthetic chemical model that effectively mimics the unusual cyclization of sulfenic acid to a sulfenyl amide in protein Tyrosien Phosphatase 1B(PTP1B). PTP1B is a cysteine containing enzyme where the sulfenic acid (PTP1B-SOH) intermediate produced in response to its oxidation by H2O2 is rapidly converted into a sulfenyl amide species, in which sulfur atom of the catalytic cysteine is covalently bonded to the main chain nitrogen of an adjacent serine residue. This unusual protein modification in PTP1B has been proposed to protect the sulfur centre from irreversible oxidation to sulfinic acid and and sulfonic acids. In the fourth chapter, it is shown that not only the catalytic efficiency of ebselen but also its phosphatase like behavior is important for its antioxidant activity. Ebselen is regenerated from selenenic acid (R-SeOH) under a verity of conditions, which protects its selenium centre from irreversible oxidation and thus reduces its toxicity. The fifth chapter deals with spirodizaselenurane and Spirodiazatellurane. Although the chemistry of spirodioxyselenuranes and spirodiazasulfuranes has been studied extensively due to their interesting structural and stereochemical properties, there is no example of stable spirodiazaselenurane and its tellurium analogues. In the fifth chapter, the synthesis, structure and GPx-like activity of the spirodizzaselenurane and spirodiazatellurane are discussed. In summary, the synthetic sulfenic acids and seleneric acids undergo cyclization to their corresponding sulfenyl amides and selenenyl amides and thus protect their sulfur and selenium centers from irreversible inactivation. We have also observed that selenoxides and telluroxides with nearby amide moieties undergo cyclization to their corresponding cyclic spiro compounds. This unusual transformation of sulfenic acids has been recently discovered in PTP1B. As the redox regulation cycle of PTP1B and the catalytic cycle of GPx are similar we believe that GPx may involve a selenenyl amide intermediate in its catalytic cycle.

Bio-encapsulation d'oxydases et de déshydrogénases par électrogénération sol-gel sur réseau de nano-objets / Bioencapsulation of oxidases and dehydrogenases using electrochemically-assisted sol-gel deposition on the nanoobjects network

Mazurenko, Ievgen 03 June 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, des travaux de recherche ont été menés pour immobiliser différentes enzymes (oxydases et déshydrogénases) au sein d'une matrice de silice dans le but de construire un biocapteur ampérométrique. Des matériaux nanostructurés ont ensuite été introduit dans ce système afin d'améliorer les caractéristiques analytiques de ces biocapteurs. La méthode de dépôt sol-gel par assistance électrochimique a été choisie pour l'immobilisation des enzymes à la surface des électrodes et des nanomatériaux car elle donne la possibilité de contrôler finement l'épaisseur du film déposé afin de couvrir individuellement ces objets. La faisabilité de cette approche a été montrée par la modification de nanofibres de platine présentant une grande surface active pour l'oxydation de H2O2 produit en présence de biocomposite silice-glucose oxidase. Le dépôt sol-gel électrochimiquement assisté permet également la modification d'électrodes imprimées en or par un biocomposite silice-choline oxidase, ce qui donne la possibilité de construire rapidement un biocapteur à choline présentant de très bonnes caractéristiques analytiques. Les nanotubes de carbone ont également été choisis comme matrice pour l'immobilisation de déshydrogénases car ils permettent d'obtenir une grande aire spécifique et des propriétés catalytiques intéressantes pour l'oxydation du co-facteur enzymatique NADH. La méthode de dépôt électrophorétique a été utilisée pour créer des couches de nanotubes poreuses ayant une épaisseur contrôlée à la surface d'un support de carbone vitreux. Les électrodes ainsi préparées présentent de bonne performances électrochimiques, permettant notamment de déplacer le potentiel d'oxydation de NADH et d'augmenter la sensibilité de détection. Un biocomposite silice-sorbitol déshydrogénase a ensuite été déposé à la surface de la couche de nanotubes de carbone en utilisant la méthode de dépôt sol-gel assisté par électrochimie pour construire un biocapteur à sorbitol. La méthode de dépôt électrophorétique a enfin été appliquée pour la première fois à l'élaboration d'assemblages de nanotubes de carbone macroporeux. De tells assemblages ont été utilisés comme support pour co-immobiliser la sorbitol déshydrogénase et le co-facteur enzymatique au sein des macropores, ce qui a permis d'augmenter la sensibilité de la détection du sorbitol par comparaison avec un assemblage de nanotubes de carbone non macroporeux / In this thesis, the research work was focused on the immobilization of different enzymes (oxidases and dehydrogenases) into biocomposite silica matrix with the aim of amperometric biosensors construction. Then, the structured nanomaterials were introduced in the system in order to improve the characteristics of biosensors. The method of electrochemically-assisted deposition was chosen for the immobilization of enzymes on the surface of nanomaterials as it provides possibility of fine tuning of film thickness allowing covering each individual nanoobject. The feasibility of this was shown while modifying the platinum nanofibers, which demonstrate high electroactive surface and H2O2 oxidation rate, with silica-glucose oxidase biocomposite. The electrochemically-assisted deposition also allows the express modification of gold screen-printed electrodes with silica-choline oxidase biocomposite making possible the quick fabrication of cheap choline biosensors with high analytical characteristics. The carbon nanotubes was chosen as matrix for the immobilization of dehydrogenases as they have high surface area and electrocatalytic properties towards the oxidation of enzymatic co-factor NADH. The method of electrophoretic deposition was used for the creation of porous CNT-layer with controllable thickness on the surface of glassy carbon electrode. Created thereby matrix demonstrated good electrochemical performance significantly shifting the potential and increasing sensitivity of NADH oxidation. Then the biocomposite silica-sorbitol dehydrogenase film was deposited on the CNT-layer by means of electrochemically-assisted deposition for the construction of high-performance sorbitol biosensor. The method of electrophoretic deposition was also applied for the first time for the construction of thick macroporous CNT-assemblies with uniform pore size using template approach. Such macroporous CNT-electrode was used for the co-immobilization of sorbitol dehydrogenase and enzymatic co-factor inside the pores demonstrating higher sensitivity of sorbitol detection in comparison with nonporous CNT-electrode

Élaboration de nouvelles biopiles glucose/O2 : cathodes enzymatiques à base des bilirubine oxydases issues de Bacillus pumilus et de Magnaporthe oryzae / Development of new glucose/O2 biofuel cells : enzymatic cathodes based on bilirubin oxidases from Bacillus pumilus and Magnaporthe oryzae

Edembe, Lise 25 March 2015 (has links)
Nous avons montré les performances et les limitations en électrochimie des deuxnouvelles BODs de Bacillus pumilus et de Magnaporthe oryzae. La BOD de M.oryzae commence à réduire l’O2 à un potentiel de + 0,50 V vs. Ag/AgCl et B. pumilusà + 0,44 V vs. Ag/AgCl. La BOD de M. oryzae est peu sensible à la concentration dephosphate de sodium dans l’hydrogel rédox mais est sensible au chlore, à l’urate etaux fortes température. La BOD de B. pumilus a une activité élevée en présence dechlore et à 50 °C mais est sensible à la concentration de phosphate dans l’hydrogel.Cette sensibilité est compensée par une meilleure stabilité en présence d’urate, ainsielle ne perd que 9 % d’activité après 3 heures dans le sérum de veau. La BOD de M.oryzae immobilisée sans médiateur est plus performante que B. pumilus. Sonutilisation dans des nouveaux carbones poreux contenant des nanoparticules d’or amis en évidence l’effet des conditions de séchage des enzymes et de la méthode desynthèse des nanoparticules. Les meilleures performances sont obtenues pour unséchage à 25 °C sous vide et une synthèse séquentielle des nanoparticules. Nousavons combiné ces deux BODs dans une nouvelle cathode bi-enzymatique. Au ratiooptimal de 50 %v de chaque BOD, elle opère à + 0,50 V vs. Ag/AgCl avec un courantde -0,86 ± 0,01 mA.cm-2 dans les conditions physiologiques. Elle a une forte activité àhaute température et en présence de chlore et une stabilité intermédiaire enprésence d’urate. Dans les mêmes conditions nous avons réalisé une cathode bienzymatiqueavec B. pumilus et la laccase de Podospora anserina. Elle estégalement plus performante que les cathodes mono-enzymatiques correspondantes. / Here we showed the performances and the limits in electrochemistry of the two newBODs from Bacillus pumilus and Magnaporthe oryzae. The onset potential for theoxygen reduction with the BOD from M. oryzae is + 0.50 V vs. Ag/AgCl and with B.pumilus is + 0.44 V vs. Ag/AgCl. The BOD from M. oryzae is not sensitive to theconcentration of sodium phosphate in redox hydrogel but is sensitive to chloride,urate and high temperatures. The BOD from B. pumilus has a high activity in thepresence of chloride and at 50 °C, but is sensitive to the concentration of phosphatein the hydrogel. This sensitivity is offset by an improved stability in the presence ofurate, so it loses only 9 % of activity after 3 hours in calf serum. The BOD from M.oryzae immobilized without mediator outperforms B. pumilus. Its use in new porouscarbon materials containing gold nanoparticles showed the effect of enzymes dryingconditions of the synthesis method of the nanoparticles. The best performance isobtained for a drying at 25 °C under vacuum and a sequential synthesis ofnanoparticles. We combined these two BODs in a new bi-enzymatic cathode. At theoptimal ratio of 50 %v of each BOD, it operates at + 0.50 V vs. Ag/AgCl with a currentdensity of -0.86 ± 0.01 mA.cm-2 under physiological conditions. It has a high activityat high temperatures and in the presence of chloride and an intermediate stability inthe presence of urate. Under the same conditions we conceived a bi-enzymaticcathode with B. pumilus and laccase Podospora anserina. It is also more efficientthan the single-enzymatic corresponding cathodes.

Investigations of lipid metabolism in Yarrowia lipolytica

Blocher-Smith, Ethan Charles 31 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / An investigation of the lipid metabolism pathway in the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica was conducted. Yarrowia is an oleaginous ascomycete that is capable of growing on many different substrates, which derives its name from its high efficiency of growth on lipids. Once the exogenous lipids are converted into free fatty acids and internalized by the yeast, the primary mode of degradation is through β-oxidation mediated by the peroxisomal oxidases, or POX genes. These enzymes catalyze the formation of a trans double bond, producing the trans-2-enoyl product. Our study looked at the comparison of the Y. lipolytica prototrophic strain against a knockout of the Pox2 gene on the uptake, incorporation, and degradation of relevant fatty acids. To construct this gene knockout, a novel gene deletion method using a combination of Cre recombinase and the AHAS* gene was synthesized, developed, and tested successfully. This knockout system allows for serial deletion of genes with the use of only one resistance marker, with excision of the marker after selection.

Charakterisierung des Proteoms von Ralstonia eutropha H16 unter lithoautotrophen und anaeroben Bedingungen

Kohlmann, Yvonne 18 June 2015 (has links)
Das Biopolymer-produzierende Knallgasbakterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 gilt mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Stoffwechsel als vielversprechender Produktionsstamm für die weiße Biotechnologie. Es wächst auf einer Vielzahl organischer Substrate sowie chemolithoautotroph mit H2 und CO2 als einzige Energie- bzw. Kohlenstoffquelle. Unter anaeroben Bedingungen ist es zudem zur Denitrifikation befähigt. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Proteinprofil von R. eutropha unter chemolithoautotrophen sowie anaeroben Bedingungen mittels GeLC-MS/MS untersucht. Beide Proteomstudien offenbarten, dass die Nutzung unterschiedlicher Elektronendonoren bzw. -akzeptoren mit zahlreichen Veränderungen im Proteinbestand der Zellen einherging. Hierbei waren neben Proteinen metabolischer und Transportprozesse auch jene der Zellbewegung betroffen. Die Ergebnisse stellen im Vergleich zu vorangegangenen Studien den bisher umfassendsten Überblick zum Proteinbestand beim H2-basierten sowie anaeroben Wachstum in R. eutropha dar. Von besonderer Bedeutung war dabei das Einbinden der Analyse der Membran als Ort wichtiger Energie- und Transportprozesse. Besonderes Interesse galt einem unter H2/CO2-Bedingungen abundanten Zweikomponentensystem. Sequenzvergleiche zeigten Ähnlichkeit zum Regulationssystem der Katabolitrepression des Biphenylabbaus in Acidovorax sp. KKS102. Die Deletion des Response-Regulator-Gens führte zu vielfältigen Wachstumseffekten auf Substraten wie Fructose, Glycerin sowie auf H2/CO2. Der pleiotrope Phänotyp sowie die Ergebnisse von Genexpressionsstudien und der Suche nach Regulator-Bindestellen lassen eine globale Rolle des Systems im Energie- und/oder Kohlenstoffmetabolismus von R. eutropha H16 annehmen. Histidin-Kinase und Response Regulator wurden in GloS bzw. GloR umbenannt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt eindrucksvoll das Potential der Proteomik als Teil der funktionellen Genomik für den Anstoß neuer Forschungsansätze zur Evaluierung des biotechnologischen Potentials von Mikroorganismen. / Due to its remarkable metabolism the bioplastic-producing “Knallgas” bacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16 is ranked as a promising production strain for white biotechnology. It grows on a wide range of organic substrates as well as lithoautotrophically on H2 and CO2 as sole energy and carbon source, respectively. Under anaerobic conditions it thrives by denitrification. This thesis focused on characterizing the protein profiles of lithoautotrophically and anaerobically grown R. eutropha cells. Proteome analyses revealed an extensive protein repertoire adapting the organism to alternative electron donors and acceptors, respectively. Changes concerned proteins involved in metabolic and transport processes as well as in cell movement. Compared to previous studies the results reported here offer the most comprehensive proteomic survey regarding the H2-based as well as anaerobic lifestyle of R. eutropha so far. In this context analyzing the cell membrane as a place for a number of energy, transport and signal transduction processes was of particular importance. Special interest aroused the identification of a two-component system upregulated on H2/CO2. Sequence analysis offered high similarity to the regulatory system for catabolite control of biphenyl degradation in Acidovorax sp. KKS102. Deletion of the response regulator gene led to versatile growth effects on substrates such as fructose and glycerol as well as H2/CO2. This pleiotrophic phenotype as well as the results of gene expression studies and the search for regulator binding sites suggests that the two-component system is a global player in energy and/or carbon metabolism in R. eutropha and possibly other bacteria. Thus, histidine kinase and response regulator have been renamed GloS/R. Since their characterization was initiated by proteomic data this study impressively elucidates the power of functional genomics in terms of revealing new research approaches to evaluate the biotechnological use of microbes.

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