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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relació entre Neurogenina3 i la via de senyalització Wnt en la formació de les cèl•lules beta del pàncrees

Pujadas i Rovira, Gemma 15 June 2012 (has links)
El pàncrees és una glàndula secretora formada per teixit exocrí i endocrí. El compartiment endocrí està format per les cèl•lules alpha (productores de glucagó), les cèl•lules beta (productores d'insulina), les cèl•lules delta (somatostatina), les cèl•lules PP (polipèptid pancreàtic) i les cèl•lules epsilon (grelina). La Diabetis Mellitus és un grup de malalties metabòliques que es caracteritzen per mantenir nivells elevats de glucosa en sang com a resultat de la incapacitat de produir o utilitzar la insulina. Les cèl•lules productores d'insulina són les cèl•lules beta del pàncrees. Actualment, el tractament de la diabetis es basa en injeccions periòdiques d'insulina. Per solucionar i millorar la vida d'aquests pacients hi ha molts grups que treballen per trobar noves fonts de cèl•lules productores d'insulina que recuperin la massa de cèl•lules beta perdudes durant la diabetis. Per a això, és necessari conèixer detalladament els passos que se succeeixen per generar una cèl•lula productora d'insulina a partir d'una cèl•lula indiferenciada. Durant la organogènesi pancreàtica s'activen un conjunt de factors de transcripció que són essencials per a la correcta formació de l'òrgan, entre ells el factor proendocrí Neurogenina3 (Neurog3), així com també un seguit de senyals extrínsecs (vies de senyalització) que participen en aquest procés. Neurogenina3 és un factor de transcripció de la família bHLH que exerceix un paper essencial en la diferenciació endocrino-pancreàtica, ja que en la seva absència no hi ha formació de les cèl•lules endocrines del pàncrees. En el primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi hem identificat possibles noves dianes de Neurog3, mitjançant l'ús d'un model de diferenciació endocrina in vitro de cèl•lules ductals pancreàtiques, en el qual la sobreexpresió de Neurog3 indueix l'activació del programa transcripcional endocrino-pancreàtic. Mitjançant l'estudi de canvis globals en el perfil d'expressió gènica d'aquestes cèl•lules hem identificat un conjunt de gens relacionats amb la via de senyalització Wingless (Wnt) com a dianes potencials de Neurog3 in vitro. Entre aquests gens, hem centrat els nostres estudis en l'anàlisi del gen que codifica pel lligand de la via Wnt, Wnt9a. El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra a estudiar la possible participació del lligand Wnt9a en el procés de diferenciació endocrina del pàncrees. Així, vam demostrar per primera vegada la presència en pàncrees embrionari de ratolí del mRNA de Wnt9a, així com la regulació gènica d'aquest lligand per part de factors de transcripció que participen al programa de diferenciació endocrina. Estudiem també el paper de Wnt9a dins de la cascada endocrino-pancreàtica, demostrant un paper regulador de Wnt9a sobre els efectes promoguts per Neurog3 en alguns dels gens endocrins estudiats. Aquests resultats ens han portat al tercer objectiu d'aquesta tesi: caracterització de la diferenciació endocrino-pancreàtica en el model murí gen-anul•lat per Wnt9a. A estadi e18.5 (just abans del naixement) observem un augment generalitzat de les cèl•lules productores d'hormones del compartiment endocrí (cèl•lules β insulina-positives, cèl•lules α glucagó-positives i cèl•lules δ somatostatina-positives) en relació a l'àrea pancreàtica total, que correlaciona amb una major taxa de proliferació d'aquestes. L'anàlisi de l'expressió gènica realitzat a estadi e15.5 (moment de màxima expansió endocrina) no mostra diferències en els nivells del mRNA de Neurog3, indicant que l'augment en el compartiment endocrí observat a e18.5 no es deu a una major especificació endocrina. No obstant això, l'estudi de diferents factors integrants del programa transcripcional endocrí mostra un augment en l'expressió de Pdx1 en els animals deficients que podria explicar l'augment en cèl•lules beta observat a e18.5. Per tant, en aquesta tesi definim per primera vegada la relació directa entre factors de transcripció bHLH i components de la via Wnt en pàncrees, així com identifiquem la presència del mRNA de Wnt9a en pàncrees embrionari de ratolí i en illots adults. Demostrem la regulació gènica de Wnt9a per part de factors de la cascada de transcripció endocrina, així com la regulació d'aquests per part de Wnt9a sota l'acció de Neurog3. Identifiquem, mitjançant l'estudi del model animal gen anul•lat per Wnt9a, un augment del compartiment endocrí abans del naixement, a causa d'una major taxa de proliferació, en absència de Wnt9a. Per tant, el conjunt d'aquests resultats indicaria que la via de senyalització Wnt juga un paper important durant el procés de diferenciació endocrina del pàncrees, suggerint una connexió entre el programa transcripcional endocrí i la via de senyalització intracel•lular Wnt. / The pancreas is a gland consisting of secretory exocrine and endocrine tissue. The endocrine compartment is formed by the alpha cells (glucagon producing), the beta cells (insulin producing), delta cells (somatostatin), PP (pancreatic polypeptide) cells and epsilon cells (ghrelin). Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by maintaining high levels of blood glucose resulting from the inability to produce or use insulin. Currently, the treatment for diabetes is based on regular injections of insulin. There are many groups working on finding new sources of insulin-producing cells to recover beta cells mass lost during diabetes development. For this reason, it’s necessary to detail the molecular steps that occur from an undifferentiated cell to an insulin-producing cell. During pancreatic organogenesis, a set of transcription factors that are essential for proper formation of the organ are activated, including the proendocrine factor Neurogenin3 (Neurog3), as well as a number of extrinsic signals (signalling pathways). Neurogenin3 is a transcription factor that belongs to bHLH transcription factors family. It plays an essential role in pancreatic-endocrine differentiation, since in its absence there is no formation of endocrine cells. In the first objective of this thesis we have identified potential new targets for Neurog3, using an in vitro model of endocrine differentiation process, pancreatic ductal cells (mPAC), in which adenoviral overexpression of Neurog3 induces the activation of the transcriptional differentiation program. Using whole genomic profile study, we identified a set of genes related to signalling Wingless (Wnt) pathway as potential targets of Neurog3 in vitro. Among these genes, we focused our studies on the analysis of the gene encoding the ligand of the Wnt pathway, Wingless- type MMTV integration site 9A (Wnt9a). The second objective of this thesis focuses on the study of the possible role of Wnt9a during endocrine differentiation. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time, the presence of Wnt9a mRNA in mouse embryonic pancreas, as well as its regulation by transcription factors involved in endocrine differentiation program. We studied the role of Wnt9a within the endocrine differentiation cascade, demonstrating a regulatory role of Wnt9a on some Neurog3 activated genes. Finally, we did the characterization of the endocrine differentiation process in the Wnt9a knock out animal mouse model. At embryonic stage (e) 18.5 (just before birth), we observed a general increase in the major hormone-producing cells of the endocrine compartment (β cell insulin-positive, α cells glucagon-positive cells and δ somatostatin- positive) in relation to the total pancreatic area, which correlated with a high rate of proliferation. The analysis of gene expression performed at (e) 15.5 (time of maximum endocrine expansion) shows no difference in levels of Neurog3 mRNA, indicating that the increase in the endocrine compartment observed at (e) 18.5 is not due to a greater endocrine specification. However, the study of transcriptional endocrine factors shows an increase in the expression of Pdx1 gene in the deficient Wnt9a animals; this could explain the increase in beta cells observed at (e) 18.5. Therefore, this thesis define for the first time the direct relationship between bHLH transcription factors and components of the Wnt pathway in the pancreas, as well as the identification of Wnt9a mRNA in embryonic mouse pancreas and in adult islets. We demonstrate the regulation of Wnt9a by transcription factors of the endocrine cascade and the regulation of some of them by Wnt9a. We have identified an increase of the endocrine compartment, just before birth, in Wnt9a deficient animals, probably due to a higher rate of proliferation in the absence of Wnt9a. Hence, all these results indicate that Wnt signalling pathway plays an important role during pancreatic endocrine differentiation, suggesting a connection between the endocrine transcriptional program and Wnt signalling.

Moléculas séricas relacionadas con la fisiopatología del adenocarcinoma pancreático como posibles marcadores tumorales

Ferri Iglesias, María José 27 September 2012 (has links)
Serum levels of several molecules associated to pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) pathophysiology are evaluated in this work, in order to determine their diagnostic value, distinguishing between PDAC patients and healthy controls (HC), different gastrointestinal tumours (GIT) and chronic pancreatitis (CP). Plasma mRNA levels in plasma of sialyltransferases (ST3Gal III and ST3Gal IV) could differentiate between HC and PDAC. Moreover, lower levels of ST3Gal III in early stages of PDAC compared to PDAC advanced stages were reported. The Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS), inflammatory response quantification, differentiated between all the study groups. IGF-1 levels were lower in neoplasic groups of patient vs HC and CP. We assessed the diagnostic capacity of different markers alone or in combination and compared with that of CA 19.9. The best diagnostic capacity was found combining CEA, CA 19.9 and IGF-1 compared with CA 19.9 and it could be useful to distinguish PDAC from CP. / En este trabajo se analizan distintos parámetros séricos relacionados con la fisiopatología del adenocarcinoma pancreático (PDAC), para evaluar su uso como marcadores que permitan distinguir entre pacientes con PDAC y controles sanos (C), otras neoplasias del tracto gastrointestinal (ONEOS) y pancreatitis crónica (PC). La expresión en plasma de sialiltransferasas, ST3Gal III y ST3Gal IV diferencia entre controles y PDAC. Así mismo, los niveles de ST3Gal III permiten diferenciar en PDAC entre estadíos iniciales y metastáticos. El Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS), medida de la respuesta inflamatoria, diferencia entre todos los grupos del estudio. Los valores de IGF-1 disminuyen en procesos neoplásicos vs C y PC.Se analiza la capacidad diagnóstica de los distintos parámetros individualmente y combinados entre sí respecto al CA19.9. La combinación de CA 19.9, CEA, IGF-1 aumenta la precisión diagnóstica frente al CA19.9 y podría ser útil para distinguir PDAC de PC.

Islet Neogenesis Associated Protein-Related Protein: From Gene to Folded Protein

Kulis, Michael D., Jr. 12 January 2006 (has links)
Type 1 diabetes is the direct result of an autoimmune attack on the pancreatic islet cells. The islets contain b cells, which are the only type of cell capable of supplying insulin in the human body. The destruction of these cells leaves the diabetic to rely on exogenous insulin to maintain a normal blood sugar level. Insulin therapy allows the diabetic to deal with the symptoms of the disease, but does nothing for the underlying condition. In order to truly cure the disease, the strategy is to replenish the b cells in the diabetic. Islet neogenesis associated protein (INGAP) has been shown to regenerate islet cells and reverse experimentally-induced diabetes in animal models. The INGAP pentadecapeptide is a 15 amino acid peptide from INGAP with comparable activity to the full-length protein. This 15-mer is undergoing clinical trials for treating diabetes. The overall goal of the project described in this work is to determine the structure of the INGAP pentadecapeptide for use in structure-based drug design of non-peptide mimics of the 15-mer. The first set of experiments in the present work directly examined the 15-mer in solution using NMR. No stable structure of the small peptide was found. The second set of experiments involved a homolog of INGAP, called INGAP-related protein, or INGAPrP. INGAPrP was recombinantly produced in E. coli and subsequently purified and refolded. Refolding of INGAPrP was verified by a 1H-15N HSQC experiment. CD experiments supported the NMR study, indicating helical content in INGAPrP. The folded nature of the protein will allow for the three-dimensional structure of INGAPrP to be determined. The protein structure will show the fold of the 15-mer within the full-length protein. This information will be valuable for the ultimate goal of producing structural mimics of the INGAP pentadecapeptide. Non-peptide mimics should have better oral bioavailability and longer half-lives in vivo.

Improving the bioartificial pancreas: Investigation of the effects of pro-survival and insulinotropic factor delivery and the development of PEGylated alginate microcapsules to support the function and survival of encapsulated islets and beta cells

Duncanson, Stephanie 21 September 2015 (has links)
The development of a bioartificial pancreas (BAP) has the potential to substantially improve the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes. Composed of insulin-secreting cells encapsulated in a hydrogel material, a BAP may provide superior glycemic regulation compared with conventional exogenous insulin-delivery therapies. Towards this goal, β- cells or islets encapsulated in alginate microcapsules remain a promising approach. Due to the limited supply of human islets, alternative cell sources are under investigation for incorporation into a BAP, including porcine islets and β- cell lines. Several challenges remain to clinical implementation, including loss of islet or β- cell function and viability following transplantation and host response to the transplanted microcapsules. The objective of this work was to evaluate strategies to improve a BAP by supporting the function and survival of encapsulated islets and β -cells. Towards this goal, two areas were explored: 1) the provision of pro-survival and insulinotropic factors, namely, CXCL12 and GLP-1 (or a GLP-1 analog, Exendin-4), to encapsulated islets and β-cells and 2) modification of the alginate microcapsule to confer long-term resistance to host cell adhesion. To achieve the first objective, methods to deliver both pro-survival and insulinotropic factors to a BAP were developed and their effects on encapsulated β-cells and porcine islets were studied, both in vitro and in vivo. Results demonstrate that delivery of pro-survival and insulinotropic factors is a promising strategy to prolong the survival and function of a BAP. To reduce host cell adhesion to the microcapsule, we employed covalent conjugation of PEG to the surface of alginate-PLL capsules to replace the un-crosslinked layer of alginate used in traditional alginate-PLL-alginate (APA) microcapsules. Results demonstrate that while PEGylation of alginate-PLL microcapsules initially reduced host cell adhesion over 2 weeks in vivo compared with APA capsules, the PEG coating did not provide long-term protection over 3 months. Taken together, these studies represent a multipronged approach towards improving the duration of BAP function, with the ultimate goal of advancing this technology to the clinic.

Optical projection tomography based 3D-spatial and quantitative assessments of the diabetic pancreas

Alanentalo, Tomas January 2008 (has links)
The gastrointestinal tract comprises a number of digestive organs including the stomach and pancreas. The stomach is involved in the digestion and short term storage of food while the pancreas is a mixed endocrine and exocrine gland which provides the body with hormones and enzymes essential for nutritional utilisation. The pancreas consists of three different cell lineages, acinar, ductal and endocrine cells. The endocrine cells, organised in the islets of Langerhans, are scattered throughout the exocrine parenchyma and regulate blood glucose levels by production of hormones such as glucagon and insulin. The Nkx family of homeodomain proteins controls numerous processes during development. Previous studies have identified two members belonging to the Nkx6 subfamily of Nkx proteins, Nkx6.1 and Nkx6.2. We have described the cloning and embryonic expression pattern of Nkx6.3. All three members of the Nkx6 gene family were shown to be expressed in partially overlapping domains during the development of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. Nkx6.2 was also identified as a transient marker for pancreatic exocrine cells. Analysing gene expression patterns and morphological features in tissues and organs is often performed by stereologic sampling which is a labour-intensive two dimensional approach that rely on certain assumptions when calculating e.g. β-cell mass and islet number in the pancreas. By combined improvements in immunohistochemical protocols, computational processing and tomographic scanning, we have developed a methodology based on optical projection tomography (OPT) allowing for 3D visualisation and quantification of specifically labelled objects within intact adult mouse organs. In the pancreas, this technique allows for spatial and quantitative measurements of total islet number and β-cell mass. We have further developed a protocol allowing for high resolution regional analyses based on global OPT assessments of the pancreatic constitution. This methodology is likely to facilitate detailed cellular and molecular analysis of user defined regions of interest in the pancreas, at the same time providing information on the overall disease state of the gland. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) can occur at any age and is characterized by the marked inability of the pancreas to secrete insulin due to an autoimmune destruction of the insulin producing β-cells. Information on the key cellular and molecular events underlying the recruitment of lymphocytes, their infiltration of the islets of Langerhans and consequent β-cell destruction is essential for understanding the pathogenesis of T1D. Using the developed methodology we have recorded the spatial and quantitative distribution of islet β-cells and infiltrating lymphocytes in the non obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model for T1D. This study shows that the smaller islets, which are predominantly organised in the periphery of the organ, are the first to disappear during the progression of T1D. The larger islets appear more resistant and our data suggest that a compensatory proliferative process is going on side by side with the autoimmune-induced β-cell destruction. Further, the formation of structures resembling tertiary lymphoid organs (TLOs) in areas apparently unaffected by insulitis suggests that local factors may provide cues for the homing of these lymphocytes back to the pancreas.

Cryopreservation effects on a pancreatic substitute comprised of beta cells or recombinant myoblasts encapsulated in non-adhesive and adhesive alginate hydrogels

Ahmad, Hajira Fatima 05 September 2012 (has links)
For clinical translation of a pancreatic substitute, long-term storage is essential, and cryopreservation is a promising means to achieve this goal. The two main cryopreservation methods are conventional freezing and vitrification, or ice-free cryopreservation. However, as both methods have their potential drawbacks for cryopreservation of a pancreatic substitute, they must be systematically evaluated in order to determine the appropriate method of cryopreservation. Furthermore, previous studies have indicated benefits to encapsulation in 3-D adhesive environments for pancreatic substitutes and that adhesion affects cell response to cryopreservation. Thus, the overall goal of this thesis was to investigate cryopreservation effects on model pancreatic substitutes consisting of cells encapsulated in non-adhesive and adhesive 3-D alginate hydrogels. Murine insulinoma betaTC-tet cells encapsulated in unmodified alginate hydrogels were chosen as the model pancreatic substitute in a non-adhesive 3-D environment. Murine myoblast C2C12 cells, stably transfected to secrete insulin, encapsulated in partially oxidized, RGD-modified alginate hydrogels were chosen as the model pancreatic substitute in a 3-D adhesive environment. With respect to cryopreservation effects on intermediary metabolism of betaTC-tet cells encapsulated in unmodified alginate, results indicate that relative carbon flow through the tricarboxylic acid cycle pathways examined is unaffected by cryopreservation. Additionally, insulin secretory function is maintained in Frozen constructs. However, vitrification by a cryopreservation cocktail referred to as DPS causes impairment in insulin secretion from encapsulated betaTC-tet cells, possibly due to a defect in late-stage insulin secretion. Results from Stable C2C12 cells encapsulated in RGD vs. RGE-alginate indicate that up to one day post-warming, cell-matrix interactions do not affect cellular response to cryopreservation after vitrification or freezing. Although there are differences in metabolic activity and insulin secretion immediately post-warming for DPS-vitrified RGD-encapsulated Stable C2C12 cells relative to Fresh controls, metabolic activity and insulin secretion are maintained at all time points assayed for Frozen constructs. Overall, due to results comparable to Fresh controls and simplicity of procedure, conventional freezing is appropriate for cryopreservation of betaTC-tet cells encapsulated in unmodified alginate or Stable C2C12 cells encapsulated in partially oxidized, RGD-modified alginate.

Lėtinio pankreatito chirurginio gydymo būdų ir gyvenimo kokybės lyginamasis vertinimas / Comparitive evaluation of surgical treatment methods and quality of life in chronic pancreatitis

Jurevičius, Saulius 20 December 2013 (has links)
Dvylikapirštę žarną išsauganti kasos rezekcija Frey būdu yra standartinė operacija gydant sergančiuosius komplikuotu lėtiniu pankreatitu. Kasos ir plonosios žarnos jungtis įprastai atliekama dviejų aukštų siūlėmis. Disertacinio darbo tikslas – palyginti Frey operacijos, naudojant vieno arba dviejų aukštų kasos – tuščiosios žarnos siūlę, rezultatatus, taip pat įvertinti operuotų pacientų gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius, praėjus 12 mėn. po operacijos. Perspektyviniame atsitiktinių imčių klinikiniame tyrime dalyvavo aštuoniasdešimt pacientų. Tiriamieji prieš operaciją atsitiktine tvarka suskirstyti į dvi grupes: pirmos grupės pacientams atlikta operacija, formuojant kasos – tuščiosios žarnos jungtį vieno aukšto ištisine siūle; antros grupės pacientams, kasos – tuščiosios žarnos jungtis suformuota dviejų aukštų pavienėmis siūlėmis. Tyrime nustatėme, kad bendras operacijos laikas (208±46 min ir 255±58 min), bei pankreojejunoanastomozės siuvimo laikas (19±6 min. ir 51±18 min.) buvo statistiškai reikšmingai mažesnis „vieno aušto siūlės“ grupėje nei „dviejų aukštų pavienių siūlių“ grupėje. Pooperacinės komplikacijos, kasos fistulės dažnis, pooperacinė hospitalizavimo trukmė abiejose grupėse nesiskyrė. Vertinant gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius, praėjus 12 mėn. po operacijos, nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas gyvenimo kokybės pagerėjimas abiejose pacientų grupėse. / The duodenum-preserving pancreatic resection according to Frey is a standard operation for patients with complicated chronic pancreatitis. The pancreatojejunostomy is usually performed using two layer suture. The aim of doctoral dissertation was to compare single- and two-layer suture in pancreatojejunostomy performed in duodenum-preserving pancreatic resection according to Frey modification and to assess the changes of the quality of life 12 months after operation. A total of 80 patients were enrolled in the prospective randomized clinical. They were randomly allocated into two groups. In the first group of patients, pancreatojejunostomy was constructed by using single-layer continuous suture. In the second group of patients, pancreatojejunostomy was constructed by using two-layer interrupted suture. Overall time of the operation (208 ± 46 min. and 255 ± 58 min.) and the suturing time (19 ± 6 min. and 51 ± 18 min.) were significantly shorter in the single layer anastomosis group. Postoperative complications, the prevalence of pancreatic fistula, the length of stay did not differ in both groups. There was a statistically significant improvement of the quality of life 12 months after operation in the both groups of patients.

Comparitive evaluation of surgical treatment methods and quality of life in chronic pancreatitis / Lėtinio pankreatito chirurginio gydymo būdų ir gyvenimo kokybės lyginamasis vertinimas

Jurevičius, Saulius 20 December 2013 (has links)
The duodenum-preserving pancreatic resection according to Frey is a standard operation for patients with complicated chronic pancreatitis. The pancreatojejunostomy is usually performed using two layer suture. The aim of doctoral dissertation was to compare single- and two-layer suture in pancreatojejunostomy performed in duodenum-preserving pancreatic resection according to Frey modification and to assess the changes of the quality of life 12 months after operation. A total of 80 patients were enrolled in the prospective randomized clinical. They were randomly allocated into two groups. In the first group of patients, pancreatojejunostomy was constructed by using single-layer continuous suture. In the second group of patients, pancreatojejunostomy was constructed by using two-layer interrupted suture. Overall time of the operation (208 ± 46 min. and 255 ± 58 min.) and the suturing time (19 ± 6 min. and 51 ± 18 min.) were significantly shorter in the single layer anastomosis group. Postoperative complications, the prevalence of pancreatic fistula, the length of stay did not differ in both groups. There was a statistically significant improvement of the quality of life 12 months after operation in the both groups of patients. / Dvylikapirštę žarną išsauganti kasos rezekcija Frey būdu yra standartinė operacija gydant sergančiuosius komplikuotu lėtiniu pankreatitu. Kasos ir plonosios žarnos jungtis įprastai atliekama dviejų aukštų siūlėmis. Disertacinio darbo tikslas – palyginti Frey operacijos, naudojant vieno arba dviejų aukštų kasos – tuščiosios žarnos siūlę, rezultatatus, taip pat įvertinti operuotų pacientų gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius, praėjus 12 mėn. po operacijos. Perspektyviniame atsitiktinių imčių klinikiniame tyrime dalyvavo aštuoniasdešimt pacientų. Tiriamieji prieš operaciją atsitiktine tvarka suskirstyti į dvi grupes: pirmos grupės pacientams atlikta operacija, formuojant kasos – tuščiosios žarnos jungtį vieno aukšto ištisine siūle; antros grupės pacientams, kasos – tuščiosios žarnos jungtis suformuota dviejų aukštų pavienėmis siūlėmis. Tyrime nustatėme, kad bendras operacijos laikas (208±46 min ir 255±58 min), bei pankreojejunoanastomozės siuvimo laikas (19±6 min. ir 51±18 min.) buvo statistiškai reikšmingai mažesnis „vieno aušto siūlės“ grupėje nei „dviejų aukštų pavienių siūlių“ grupėje. Pooperacinės komplikacijos, kasos fistulės dažnis, pooperacinė hospitalizavimo trukmė abiejose grupėse nesiskyrė. Vertinant gyvenimo kokybės pokyčius, praėjus 12 mėn. po operacijos, nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas gyvenimo kokybės pagerėjimas abiejose pacientų grupėse.

Surgical Therapy of Intrapancreatic Metastasis from Renal Cell Carcinoma

Volk, Andreas, Kersting, Stephan, Konopke, Ralf, Dobrowolski, Frank, Franzen, Stefan, Ockert, Detlef, Grützmann, Robert, Saeger, Hans Detlev, Bergert, Hendrik 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Pancreatic métastases from renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are clinically rare but highly resectable. The aim of this article is to identify patients who profit from pancreatic resection of RCC despite the invasiveness of the surgery. Methods: Between January 1996 and December 2007, data from 744 patients were collected in a prospective pancreatic surgery database, and patients with metastasis into the pancreas from RCC were identified. Results: Resective surgery was performed in 14 patients with metastasis to the pancreas from RCC. Most patients were clinically asymptomatic. The median interval between primary treatment of RCC and occurrence of pancreatic metastasis was 94 months (range 32–158). The morbidity rate was 42.8%. Patients with a metastasis size <2.5 cm had a much better survival after resection (100 months) than those with a metastasis size >2.5 cm (44 months). Moreover, the number of métastases predicts the survival after resection. Conclusions: In patients with pancreatic métastases from RCC who have only limited disease, complete resection of all lesions can be successfully performed with a low rate of complications. Thus, patients with a history of RCC should be monitored for more than 10 years after nephrectomy to detect recurrence. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Gene expression analysis of pancreatic cell lines reveals genes overexpressed in pancreatic cancer

Alldinger, Ingo, Dittert, Dag, Peiper, Matthias, Fusco, Alberto, Chiappetta, Gennaro, Staub, Eike, Löhr, Matthias, Jesenofsky, Ralf, Baretton, Gustavo, Ockert, Detlef, Saeger, Hans-Detlev, Grützmann, Robert, Pilarsky, Christian 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Pancreatic cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death. Using DNA gene expression analysis based on a custom made Affymetrix cancer array, we investigated the expression pattern of both primary and established pancreatic carcinoma cell lines. Methods: We analyzed the gene expression of 5 established pancreatic cancer cell lines (AsPC-1, BxPC-3, Capan-1, Capan-2 and HPAF II) and 5 primary isolates, 1 of them derived from benign pancreatic duct cells. Results: Out of 1,540 genes which were expressed in at least 3 experiments, we found 122 genes upregulated and 18 downregulated in tumor cell lines compared to benign cells with a fold change > 3. Several of the upregulated genes (like Prefoldin 5, ADAM9 and E-cadherin) have been associated with pancreatic cancer before. The other differentially regulated genes, however, play a so far unknown role in the course of human pancreatic carcinoma. By means of immunohistochemistry we could show that thymosin [β-10 (TMSB10), upregulated in tumor cell lines, is expressed in human pancreatic carcinoma, but not in non-neoplastic pancreatic tissue, suggesting a role for TMSB10 in the carcinogenesis of pancreatic carcinoma. Conclusion: Using gene expression profiling of pancreatic cell lines we were able to identify genes differentially expressed in pancreatic adenocarcinoma, which might contribute to pancreatic cancer development. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

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