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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La parentalité et l'emploi: quel défi pour les politiques publiques belges au regard de la situation en Europe?

Maron, Leila 08 September 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier l'impact de la présence d'un jeune enfant sur la participation au marché du travail et sur la qualité de l’emploi des parents (temps plein versus temps partiel et inactivité, ségrégation horizontale et verticale, salaire), tant de la mère que du père, et sur l’allocation du temps entre les parents. <p><p>Il s’agit de mettre en évidence la capacité des politiques à relever les nouveaux défis en matière d'emploi et de fécondité auxquels sont confrontés les pays européens aujourd'hui. En effet, l'objectif est d'identifier les dispositifs qui sont en faveur des familles bi-actives, et de déterminer quels sont les instruments politiques favorisant ou défavorisant la situation des femmes et des hommes sur le marché du travail (et plus particulièrement lorsqu'ils ont des enfants). Pour ce faire, nous analysons les politiques publiques visant à favoriser l'emploi des parents et couvrant plusieurs dimensions de la prise en charge de l'enfance: services de garde d'enfants, congé de maternité, congé de paternité, congé parental, mode d'imposition du système fiscal et possibilité de déduire les frais liés à la garde d'enfants.<p><p>Cette thèse vise à montrer la position relative de la Belgique au sein de l'Union Européenne afin d'identifier des exemples de bonnes pratiques qui pourraient aider à la formulation de recommandations politiques.<p> / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sciences du travail / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Föräldragrupper ur ett deltagarperspektiv : - Om föräldragrupper på ett familjecentrum

Azrang, Josefine, Salo, Pia January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur deltagare upplever en föräldragrupps innehåll och utförande på ett familjecentrum. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats, där åtta föräldrar intervjuades. Datamaterial bearbetades och analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys, och studiens teoretiska tolkningsram utgjordes av ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv, Putnams och Bourdieus teori om socialt kapital samt Eriksons psykosociala utvecklingsteori. Betydelsefulla resultat var att föräldragruppen upplevdes som viktig, framför allt för att etablera nya sociala kontakter, uppleva trygghet och stöd från andra nyblivna föräldrar. Det var även viktigt med en ledare med social kompetens, där lyhördhet och flexibilitet var några betydelsefulla egenskaper. Det framkom också att den information som gavs inte var mest väsentlig, utan att den sociala interaktionen mellan föräldrarna var främsta anledning till deltagandet. Att bli förälder var även något som resultatet visade vara påfrestande för både individ och parrelation. / The purpose of this study was to examine how participants experience the content and design, in a parent group. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach, in which eight parents were interviewed. Data material has been processed and analyzed with a qualitative manifest content analysis, and the study's theoretical framework consider primarily the perspective of systems, Putnam's and Bourdieu's theory of social capital and Erikson's psychosocial development theory. Significant results were that the parent group was perceived as important, especially to establish new social contacts, experience and safeness reliance from another first-time parent. It was also important to have a leader with social competence, where sensitivity and flexibility were significant quality. It also emerged that the information that was provided was not the most significant, instead the interaction between the parents was the main reason for participation. The results also show that becoming a parent was a draining process both to themselves and their relationship .

Perspektivy mladých lidí v kontextu trhu práce / Prospects of Youngle People on the Labour Market

Komínková, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Family and reproductive behaviour shapes the outline of Czech Republic. Regime changes after 1989 certainly influenced the whole society. Critical changes in demographic behaviour need to be viewed in context of economic, social and cumtural changes in society. The purpose of this thesis is to explore perspectives of young adults, with an emphasis on exploring links between demographic behavious and on job market between 1989 and 2015. Thus this thesis should provide an answer to a question on how signifikance of influence of e.g. parenthood on career paths of youg people. To achieve this target, we used mainly publicly available data provided by Czech Statistical Bureau, interchangeably with data from Eurostat and basic statistical analysis.

Analýza příjmové nerovnosti pohlaví / Analysis of Income Inequality Between the Sexes

Kuboušková, Hana January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on understanding the causes of gender pay gap, especially in connection with parenthood and related differences between male and female qualification- and career development and their respective time schedule. Using statistical methods and software instruments Statgraphics and Microsoft Excel the thesis attempts to describe the influence of parenthood and other significant factors such as age, education, occupational status or work field on economic activity and total personal income with respect to gender pay gap.

Vliv rodičovství na mzdy v České republice / The Effect of Parenthood on Wages in the Czech Republic

Žofková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from EU-SILC for the Czech Republic this thesis shows that mothers suffer wage penalty, whereas fathers gain wage premium. These results are in accordance with literature abroad. This thesis also shows that parenthood has greater impact on individuals with higher education, that motherhood penalty is lower for single mothers, whereas fatherhood premium is higher for single fathers, and that there is stronger self-selection of mothers into specific jobs than in case of fathers. Model of fixed effects suggests that parenthood is connected with unobservable characteristics that have positive effect on parent's wages. Results of this thesis are in accordance with human capital theory, division of labor within the household, self-selection of mothers into more mother-friendly jobs. But results concerning lower work effort of mothers are inconclusive.

Människor och barn : En genusvetenskaplig studie av ålderskonstruktioner i tidningarna/tidskrifterna Bang, Dagens Nyheter, Föräldrar &amp; Barn, KP och Land / Humans and Children : A gender study of age constructions in the newspapers and magazines Bang, Dagens Nyheter, Föräldrar &amp; Barn, KP and Land

Bodell, My January 2016 (has links)
Den genusvetenskapliga forskningen uppmärksammar idag flera olika maktordningar och intra-aktionen dem emellan. Aspekten ålder är emellertid relativt förbisedd, och vuxna och vuxenhet en omarkerad norm. I denna uppsats undersöker jag med utgångspunkt i queerteori, cripteori, intersektionalitet och kritisk åldersforskning föreställningar och antaganden i relation till kategorierna barn och vuxna i fem svenska tidningar/tidskrifter. Min uppsats visar att aspekten ålder intra-agerar med andra maktordningar i konstruktionen av både barn och vuxna. Vuxenperspektivet är i de undersökta tidningarna i princip ensidigt och synen på ålder är övervägande essentialistisk. Vuxna förstås som naturligt överordnade barn, vilka avhumaniseras och konstrueras som vuxnas rättighet eller egendom, eller som en förlängning av vuxenkroppen. Vuxenhet kopplas till reproduktion och yrkesarbete (på heltid) och vuxnas solidaritet bör enligt den hegemoniska diskursen ligga hos arbetsgivare och andra vuxna, inte hos barn. / Even though several researchers in gender studies of today are concerned with other central organizing aspects than gender, the social category age is disregarded. When it comes to age the naturalized norm in gender studies is the category the adult. In this thesis I investigate assumptions concerning the two age categories children and adults in five different newspapers and magazines, using an intersectional perspective and a queer theoretical framework. My investigation shows that the category age intra-act with other power structures in the construction of both children and adults. The adult perspective is more or less one-sided, and the view on age is primarily essentialistic. Adults are considered naturally superior, while children are dehumanized and constructed as the right and property of adults. Adultness is primarily linked to reproduction and (full-time) professional work, and adults should according to the hegemonic discourse be loyal to employers and other adults, not to children.

Experiências psíquicas do homem à espera da paternidade / Psychic experiences of men waiting paternity

Rubens de Aguiar Maciel 03 March 2010 (has links)
O tema da paternidade só recentemente tem aparecido com relativo destaque na literatura acadêmica da área da saúde, embora seja de fundamental importância para o estudo da psicodinâmica dos indivíduos, das relações familiares, da saúde do homem, da mulher, da criança e do adolescente, e outros tantos atinentes à questão de gênero, no contexto da Saúde Pública. Procuramos descrever, analisar e interpretar as experiências psíquicas vivenciadas por homens que esperavam o nascimento do primeiro filho, baseados na hipótese de que essa vivência re-atualiza conteúdos inconscientes do pai. Para tanto, entrevistamos quatro homens entre 30 e 40 anos de idade, que viviam uma união estável e que estavam acompanhando a gravidez de suas mulheres. Trata-se de uma investigação na confluência da psicologia e da saúde pública de natureza compreensiva e de corte qualitativo. Para efeito da coleta de dados foi utilizado o modelo clínico-qualitativo. Para efeito de análise, a partir dos elementos produzidos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa estabelecemos 3 categorias: patrimônio afetivo, responsabilidade e desejo inconsciente. Os resultados encontrados indicam intensa mobilização afetiva revelada por meio de estados apreensivos diante da paternidade, com destaque para as dúvidas quanto à capacidade pessoal que o sentido de responsabilidade desperta, a identificações transgeracionais, conflitos relativos ao desejo manifesto e desejo inconsciente, sentimentos de frustração diante do desvio do investimento afetivo da mãe deslocado para a criança, sentimentos messiânicos, no sentido de que no futuro a paternidade possibilitará um estado de intensa satisfação, salvando o sujeito de suas angústias atuais e, que a qualidade da relação entre pai e filho está intimamente associada ao patrimônio afetivo do pai. Concluímos que a paternidade surge, para alguns dos sujeitos de nossa investigação, como um conceito idealizado e nessa medida ela transcende a natureza humana com suas limitações, que a capacidade para ser responsável está profundamente vinculada ao patrimônio afetivo de cada sujeito e, que o desejo manifesto de ser pai pode não ser harmônico com seus desejos latentes, o que implica dificuldades no desempenho da paternidade / The issue of paternity only recently has appeared to focus on the academic literature on health care, while of fundamental importance for the study of the psychodynamics of individuals, family relations, health of men, women, children and adolescents, and many others relating to gender in the context of Public Health. We seek to describe, analyze and interpret the psychic experiences experienced by men who awaited the birth of first child, based on the assumption that this experience re-update unconscious contents of his father. To this end, we interviewed four men between 30 and 40 years of age, who lived a stable and who were following the pregnancy of their wives. It is a confluence of research in psychology and public health of a comprehensive and cutting quality. For purposes of data collection was used to model clinical quality. For purposes of analysis, from the evidence produced by the subjects established 3 categories: affective equity, responsibility and unconscious desire. The results indicate intense affective mobilization revealed by states apprehensive before parenthood, focusing on the doubts about the ability that the personal sense of responsibility awakened, the transgenerational identifications, conflicts relating to the manifest desire and unconscious desire, feelings of frustration diversion of investment affective mother moved the child\'s, feelings messianic, in the sense that future paternity allow a state of intense satisfaction, saving the subject from its current troubles and that the quality of the relationship between parent and child is closely associated with the emotional heritage of his father. We conclude that the paternity appears to some of the subjects of our investigation, as an idealized concept and as such it transcends human nature with its limitations, the ability to be responsible is deeply linked to the emotional heritage of each subject and the desire manifest a father can not be harmonious with their latent desires, which implies difficulties in the performance of fatherhood

Jämställda pappor? : En intervjustudie om pappors upplevelse av jämställdhet i föräldrablivandet / Gender equal fathers? : An interview study about fathers' experiences of gender equality in becoming a parent

Marttila, Outi, Skoglund, Siri January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige har normerna kring och synen på faderskap länge varit i förändring och idag både eftersträvas och uppmuntras jämställt föräldraskap. Jämställdhet i föräldraskapet mäts ofta kvantitativt och saknar kvalitativa nyanser. Syftet med föreliggande intervjustudie var därför att undersöka pappors upplevelser av jämställdhet i föräldrablivandet för att erhålla bättre förståelse för deras situation och erfarenheter. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades tematiskt, vilket resulterade i tre teman: Upplevelse av jämställdhet i omgivningen, Den egna relationen till jämställdhet samt Livet som pappa. Resultatet indikerar att pappor är positivt inställda till jämställt föräldraskap, samtidigt som de kan uppleva både biologiska och samhällsstrukturella hinder i sina ambitioner att vara jämställda. Övervägande beskrevs föräldrablivandet som en omtumlande tid för papporna, präglad främst av glädje och meningsfullhet, men även av utmaningar och stress I konklusion uppmuntras relevanta vårdaktörer att uppmärksamma pappors eventuella behov av stöd och vägledning tidigt i föräldraskapet. / In Sweden the norms regarding and view on fatherhood have long been transforming and today an equal parenting style is both strived for and encouraged. Gender equality in family life is often measured quantitatively and lacks qualitative aspects. The aim of this interview study was therefore to investigate fathers` experiences of gender equality in their transition to fatherhood in order to increase the understanding of their situation and experiences. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed with thematic analysis, which resulted in three themes: Experience of Gender Equality in the environment, One's own relationship to Gender Equality, and Life as a father. The results indicate that the fathers hold a positive attitude towards equal parenting, but can at the same time experience biological and social structural obstacles in their ambitions to be equal. Altogether the transition to parenthood was described by the fathers as an overwhelming time, characterized mostly by happiness and meaningfulness, but also by challenges and stress. In conclusion, healthcare professionals of relevance are encouraged to acknowledge fathers’ potential need of support and guidance in early parenthood.

"Life will be a brief, hollow walk": The Future of Humanity Through Maternal Eyes in Tracy K. Smith's Life on Mars

Bingham, Mallory Lynn 04 December 2020 (has links)
Tracy K. Smith's Pulitzer Prize winning collection of poetry, Life on Mars, has been celebrated and analyzed as an elegy to Smith's father by many reviewers and scholars. And while this reading is valid and has been openly endorsed by Smith herself, our understanding of this collection and Smith's father is incomplete without Smith's treatment of motherhood and religion, two previously unexplored fields in relation to Life on Mars that complete our picture of Smith's father. Smith uses her own new role as a mother and her religious questions about the afterlife and her father's fate to address her father's passing. This paper first discusses the previously hidden role of Smith's unborn daughter Naomi, specifically hearkening to poems in the fourth section of Life on Mars which describe Naomi's conception and the painful process of giving birth. This is followed by an analysis of Smith's father and mother and their interconnected relationship to both Smith and her child. The third section of this paper complicates Smith's more idyllic depictions of her family members with universal examples of violence, specifically violence towards women that can lead to unwanted motherhood like rape. The final section of this paper takes previous discussions of motherhood, parenthood, and violence to describe Smith's interest in the living and the dead and how the poems in Life on Mars tie together these disparate groups through the shared experience of loss and gain. This blurred boundary between life and death culminates in Smith's vision of the future, a future Earth which will be incomplete and "hollow" without children, just as Smith's past would be empty without her familial relationships. This link between the deceased and unborn makes Smith's imagined future meaningful and invites further scholarship on Life on Mars, asking for scholars previously interested in only Smith's father to include Smith's descriptions of motherhood and religion in their analysis of Smith's work.

Etika rodinných vztahů / Ethics of family relationships

Bartoňová, Magdalena Terezie January 2021 (has links)
Current society is facing the crisis of the family, for many people the family is losing its value and we are witnessing frequent family break-up. On the background of the current difficulties of families, this thesis tries to investigate the function of the family, its individual relationships and their importance for family members. The ethics of the family relationships is analyzed in terms of children's needs and complementarity of partnership and parenthood.

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