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I´m a good parent and i take responsipility. A discourse analysis on discussions about the social services´ interventions in families with children on Familjeliv.seKarlsvard, Mona, Petersson, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att belysa hur bilden av socialtjänsten förmedlas på internetforumet Familjeliv.se. Vårt fokus har legat på barnfamiljers kontakt med socialtjänsten. Vi har undersökt om vi kan se några mönster i hur socialtjänsten beskrivs och om detta skiljer sig åt om är en ”klient” eller en socialarbetare som skriver inlägget. Syftet har också varit att belysa hur ett internetmedie påverkar sättet att kommunicera. Vi har också behandlat ämnet offentligt och privat, att forumdeltagarna uppträder anonymt men att diskussionerna präglas av privat angelägenheter. Vi har också lagt fokus på hur klienten förmedlas som moder i förhållande till rådande normer. Språket och tonen från forumdeltagarna har ständigt legat i fokus. Uppsatsen bygger på fem forumdiskussioner från familjeliv.se som behandlar ämne socialtjänst och barnutredningar. Vår teoretiska utgångspunkt har varit kritisk diskursanalys samt Goffmans teorier om socialt samspel där begrepp som front- and backstage samt intrycksstyrning behandlas. Vi har genom vår granskning av forumdiskussionerna funnit teman som har legat till grund för vår ananlys. Dessa är Språkbruk/ton, offentligt och privat, föräldrarskap. Vi har också i vår analys använt oss av tidigare forskining som behandlar ämnen som makt, oversharing samt myten om den goda modern.Några av de resultat vi kommit fram till är att det finns två konkurrerande diskurser om socialtjänsten. Den ena beskriver socialtjänsten som onda och maktfullkomliga och i den andra beskrivs socialtjänsten som hjältar eller hjälpare. Moderskapet är ett återkommande tema i uppsatsen som mångt och mycket speglar en del av de rådande normer som förekommer kring moderskapet. Tydligt har också framkommit att forumdeltagarna gör gestaltningar av sina personer då man aldrig kan veta vem personerna är bakom inläggen. / The purpose of this study is to explore how the image of social services is delivered on the online forum Familjeliv.se. Our focus has been on the relationship between the social services and families with children. We have investigated whether we can detect patterns in how social services are described and how they differ if it is a "client" or a social worker who writes the post. The aim is also to illustrate how a social media on internet is effecting the ways of communication. We have also considered the borders between public and private areas, and how the borders between these two are expanding on social medias. The forum participants appear anonymously, and the discussions are characterized by private concerns. We explore how this is effecting the interaction between the forum participants. We have also focused on how social norms is expressed in relation to parenthood. The language and tone of the forum participants have continually been in focus. The essay is based on five forums discussions from Familjeliv.se treating Social Services and children investigations and their work towards families with children. Our theoretical starting point has been critical discourse analysis and Goffman's theories of social interaction.One of the results of our study is that we discovered two competing discourses about social services. One describes the social services as evil and dictatorial, and the other one describes the social services as heroes or helpers. We found that the ways of expression in the forums are often aggressive and offensive, which can be en effect of that the participants appears anonymously, and the fact that parenthood is a very sensitive matter. Further more we have seen how the representation of the self is determining how participants are perceived on the forum.
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Electoral participation through life transitionsMayer, Danielle 08 1900 (has links)
Cette dissertation a pour but d’examiner les effets des transitions adultes sur la participation électorale dans le contexte de la Grande-Bretagne et de la Suisse. En effet, un grand nombre de transitions sont considérées y compris celles qui ont lieu dans la vie personnelle et dans la vie professionnelle des individus. Les transitions étudiées dans le cadre de cette thèse sont la cohabitation/le mariage, la parentalité, le divorce ou la séparation, le chômage, la retraite et le veuvage. Deux questions de recherches vont donc être abordées: quelles sont les effets de chacune de ces transitions sur la participation électorale? Est-ce que le genre mitigent leurs effets sur le comportement politique? Dans ma revue de la littérature, je mobilise plusieurs cadres théoriques pour essayer de comprendre comment ces transitions vont influencer le vote, y compris les théories du choix rationnel, de la socialisation, de la mobilisation des ressources et des perspectives de cycle de vie. À partir de celles-ci, je développe une série d’hypothèses qui prédit la façon dont différentes transitions vont influencer la participation électorale. Afin de tester mes hypothèses, j’utilise des données de sondages d’études longitudinales à panel tels le British Household Panel Survey et le Understanding Society, United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study ainsi que le Swiss Household Panel. Utiliser ce type de données me permet de coder la participation électorale avant et après chaque transition afin de voir s’il y a eu un changement au niveau de la participation électorale des individus. Pour analyser les données de la Grande-Bretagne, j’utilise des tableaux croisés avec des tests McNemars ainsi que des modèles de régressions logistiques. Dans le cas de la Suisse, j’utilise des tests t appariés ainsi que des modèles de régressions linéaires multiples. Je trouve que la majorité des transitions de vie n’exerce pas d’influence sur la participation électorale dans le contexte de la Grande-Bretagne et de la Suisse à l’exception du veuvage et possiblement du divorce. Ces transitions mènent à un déclin dans les niveaux de participation. / The goal of this dissertation is to examine the effects of adult life transitions on political
participation in the context of Great Britain and of Switzerland. Many transitions will be
analysed throughout the course of this thesis, including those that take place in individuals’
personal and professional lives. These transitions are cohabitation or marriage, parenthood,
divorce or separation, unemployment, retirement and widowhood. The questions guiding
this research project are: what are the effects of each of these life transitions on electoral
participation? And does gender mitigate the effects of transitions on turnout? In my review
of the literature, I mobilize various theoretical frameworks to try and understand how these
transitions will impact voting behaviour. I look at rational choice, socialization, resource
mobilization and life course perspective theories. I then develop a series of hypotheses that
predict how each life transition will influence electoral participation. In order to test these,
I use data from longitudinal household panel studies such as the British Household Panel
Survey, the Understanding Society, United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study and
the Swiss Household Panel. Using this type of data allows me to code electoral
participation before and after each life transition and to see if there is a change in individual
level participation. To analyse the data from Great-Britain I use cross-tabulations with
McNemar’s test along with logit regression models. For the Swiss data, I use paired t-tests
and OLS regressions. I find that the majority of life transitions do not exert a significant
influence on electoral participation in the context of Great Britain and Switzerland with the
exception of widowhood and possibly of divorce. These transitions lead to a decline in
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”JAG HAR BLIVIT BESTULEN PÅ MINA BARN” : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars upplevelser av att få sitt/sina barn familjehemsplacerade enligt lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga, LVU.Weldai, Shanet, Alhilali, Rawan January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie avhandlar föräldrars upplevelser gällande sina barns placering i enlighet med lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga, (LVU) 2§. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod, där sju föräldrar intervjuats. Studien undersöker föräldrars upplevelser och därav metodvalet, att kunna ställa respondenternas perspektiv i centrum, i detta avseende deras individuella upplevelser. Studien utgår från teoretiska utgångspunkterna symbolisk interaktionism och intersubjektivitet för att belysa föräldrars upplevelser av att vara förälder till ett placerat barn. Studien belyser även det negativa sociala arvet samt generationstrauma, vilket visar sig i att flera av föräldrarna har erfarenhet av att själva ha utsatts för våld från sina föräldrar och flera har även själva varit familjehemsplacerade som barn. Studiens resultat visade på varierande upplevelser av att få sitt barn placerat enligt 2§ LVU. Flera respondenter beskrev en känsla av att inte uppleva sig själva som förälder förutom under umgänge, andra respondenter ansåg sig själva fortfarande vara föräldrar trots placeringen. De föräldrar som upplevde placeringen som negativ uppgav en känsla av motstånd från familjehemmet samt att bli fråntagen sin roll som förälder. Vissa föräldrar beskrev även en känsla av ambivalens utifrån att de upplevde en viss tacksamhet gentemot familjehemmet trots att föräldern inte samtycker till placeringen. / ABSTRACTThis study deals with parents' experiences regarding the placement of their children in accordance with “lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga, (LVU) 2§”. The study was carried out using a qualitative method, where seven parents were interviewed. The study investigates parents' experiences and hence the choice of method, to be able to place the respondents' perspective in the center, in this respect their individual experiences. The study is based on the theoretical starting points of symbolic interactionism and intersubjectivity to shed light on parents' experiences of being the parent of a placed child. The study also highlights the negative social legacy and generational trauma, which is shown in the fact that several of the parents have experience of having been subjected to violence from their parents themselves and several have also themselves been placed in family homes as children. The results of the study showed different experiences of being seated according to § 2 LVU. Several respondents described a feeling of not experiencing themselves as a parent except during socializing, other respondents still considered themselves to be parents despite the placement. The parents who experienced the placement as negative stated a feeling of resistance from the family home and of being deprived of their role as a parent. Some parents also described a feeling of ambivalence based on the fact that they felt a certain gratitude towards the family home despite the parent not consenting to the placement.
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Психологические особенности родительства в постразводный период : магистерская диссертация / Psychological features of parents after divorceСмолдарев, Ю., Smoldarev, Y. January 2018 (has links)
The subject matter of the study is parental relationship after divorce.
The object matter of the study is psychological psychological features of parenthood after divorce and their relationship to the quality of relations between former spouses.
The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusions, a list of references (65 sources) and an annex including the blank forms of the applied methods. The volume of the master`s thesis is 132 pages, which include 4 figures and 10 tables.
The introduction reveals the relevance of the chosen research problem, the level of development of the problematics; the objective and the tasks of the study are set, the subject matter and the scope of the research are determined, the basic and additional hypotheses are formulated, the methods and the empirical base are defined, as well as the stages of the research, its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work.
The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the research topic, a description of the structure of the family and parenthood, divorce and its impact on the characteristics of parenthood. The sections devoted to the responsible parenting, as well as the impact of divorce on relations between spouses and the characteristics of parenthood.
Conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material.
The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It includes a description of the organization and methods of the study, as well as the results obtained due to the applied methods: a Method of «Peculiarities of communication between spouses» by Aleshina Yu.E., a Method of «My letter about my spous» by Belorusov S.A., a Questionnaire "Conscious parenthood" (MS Ermikhina and RV Ovcharova) and The test "Analysis of family relationships"( Eidemiller EG, Yustitskis V.V.). Also, the chapter presents a comparative, correlation analysis and assessment of the reliability of differences of the results of the study.
The findings of Chapter 2 are the main results of the empirical study.
In the conclusion, brief results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are presented, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses. The practical significance of the study is substantiated. / Объектом исследования явилась родительские отношения в постразводный период.
Предметом исследования стали психологические психологические особенности родительства в постразводный период и их связь с качеством отношений между бывшими супругами.
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (65 источника) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 132 страницы, на которых размещены 4 рисунка и 10 таблиц.
Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы.
Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования, описание структуры семьи и родительства, развода и его влияния на особенности родительства. Представлены разделы, посвященные ответственному родительству, а также влиянию развода на отношения между супругами и особенности родительства.
Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала.
Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: методика «Особенности общения между супругами» (Алешина Ю.Е.), методика «Мое письмо о супруге» Белоусова С.А., Опросник «Сознательное родительство» (М.С. Ермихина и Р. В. Овчарова) и Тест «Анализ семейных взаимоотношений» (Эйдемиллер Э.Г., Юстицкис В.В Также в главе представлены сравнительный, корреляционный анализ и оценка достоверности различий результатов исследования.
Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования.
В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования.
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The Mental Health Implications of Unmet Parenting Efficacy ExpectationsGross, Christi L. 18 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Changes in Fathers' Physical Health Across the Transition to ParenthoodLittle, VIrginia L. 28 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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First-time parenting couples' stress associated with at-risk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalizationPolomeno, Viola 12 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal / The goals of this study were: (1) to determine the contribution of the stressors (atrisk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization), the resources (conjugal adjustment and
satisfaction from others) and the perception of the stressors (primary stress appraisal:
threat, challenge, centrality; and secondary stress appraisal: control-self, control-others,
incontroUable) to first-time parenting couples' global stress associated with at-risk
pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization, and (2) to assess congruence between the
partners' perceptions of stress in terms of similarities. Three types of similarities are
considered, produced from combinations of self-perceptions (a person's direct perception)
and metaperceptions (a person's perception of another person): actual similarity,
perceived similarity and understanding. The non-probabilistic sample of 109 couples was
recruited fi'om 12 perinatal units in the Montreal region. The couples completed four
questionnah-es: The Personal and Pregnancy Information Guide, the Dyadic Adjustment
Scale, the Support Behaviors Inventory, and the Stress Appraisal Measure. Using Boss'
model (1988) The Contextual Model of Family Stress to study the first research goal,
52% of the variance regarding the women's global stress was explained by primary stress
appraisal (threat, challenge, centrality), while 60% of the variance regarding the men's
global stress was explained by the stressors (gestation, prenatal classes, education) and
primary stress appraisal (threat, centrality). For the couples' models, 33% of their global
stress at the level of actual similarity was explained by prunary stress appraisal (threat,
centrality), while at the level of perceived similarity, 32% of the explained variance was
due to primary stress appraisal (threat, centrality) and secondary stress appraisal (controlself, control-others). At the level of understanding, 32% of the explained variance is
attributed to the resources (dyadic cohesion) and primary stress appraisal (threat,
centrality). Further analyses were conducted on couples' perceptions since primary stress
appraisal was found to be a significant predictor of thek global stress (second research
goal). In order to attain this, five hypotheses were tested: HI: There is a significant
difference in the perceived similarity of global stress appraisal between women and men
(confirmed); H2: There is a significant difference in understanding of global stress appraisal between women and men (confirmed); H3: There is congruence between
women's and men's perceived smiilarity and actual similarity for global stress appraisal
(partially confirmed); H4: There is congruence between women's and men's
understanding and actual smiilarity for global stress appraisal (partially confirmed); and,
H5: There is congruence between women's and men's understanding and women's and
men's perceived smiilarity for global stress appraisal (partially confirmed). Despite the
couples' moderate stress appraisal, women perceive at-risk pregnancy and antenatal
hospitaUzation as a threat, and their global perception of stress is significantly higher than
that of the men. Men perceive the same stressors as a challenge and being in control of the
situation. The couples are congruent in actual similarity except for the means of challenge
and self-control. Regarding perceived similarity, there are no significant differences for the
women whereas for the men, there are significant discrepancies for the means of threat and
global stress. For women's understanding, there are significant discrepancies between the
means of for threat and global stress, while for the men, there are no significant
differences. Women are more stressed by at-risk pregnancy and antenatal hospitalization
than the men, resulting in a greater lack of congruence between the different sunilarities.
They are less available for the conjugal relationship, while the men are more understanding
and more available to devote themselves to the relationship: the men's optimism appears
to reduce the women's stress with an impact on the relationship. Regarding couples'
stress, there is a gradual shift in perceiving the strcssors as threatening to perceiving them
as important for their well-being. Also, control and the conjugal relationship become more
unportant at the levels of perceived similarity and understanding respectively. In
conclusion, women and men do not perceive the stressors in the same way, and that nurses
and other health care professionals should consider both partners' perceptions as weU as
that of the couple's in their global evaluation of stress during their interventions. Nurses'
greater challenge is to help a couple to be 'a couple' in the hospital setting in order to help
them protect their love and intimacy. / Les buts de cette étude étaient: (l) d'évaluer la contribution des stresseurs (la grossesse à risque et l'hospitalisation), des ressources (rajustement conjugal et la satisfaction du soutien des autres) et de la perception des stresseurs (évaluation primaire: menace, défi, centralité; évaluation secondaire: contrôle-soi, contrôle-autres, incontrôlable) sur le niveau de stress relié à la grossesse à risque et l'hospitalisation anténatale chez des couples sans enfant; et (2) d'évaluer la congruence entre les perceptions des partenaires en termes de similarités. Trois types de similarités sont analysés, lesquels proviennent de la combinaison des autoperceptions (la perception directe d'une personne) et des méta-perceptions (la perception qu'une personne a de l'autre): la similarité actuelle, la similarité perçue et la compréhension. L'échantillon nonprobabiliste comprend 109 couples recrutés dans 12 unités périnatales de la grande région de Montréal. Les couples ont rempli quatre questionnaires: le Guide d'information personnelle et périnatale, l'Échelle d'ajustement dyadique, l'Inventaire de comportements de soutien, et l'Échelle d'évaluation du stress. Afin d'atteindre le premier but de la recherche, Le modèle contextuel de stress familial de Boss (1988) a été utUisé: 52% de la variance du stress global chez les femmes est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire (menace, défi, centralité), tandis chez les hommes, 60% de la variance de leur stress global est expliqué par les stresseurs (gestation, cours prénataux, éducation) et l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité). En ce qui concerne les modèles chez les couples, 33% de leur stress global au niveau de la similarité actuelle est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire, tandis qu'au niveau de la similarité perçue, 32% de la variance est expliqué par l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité) et l’évaluation secondaire (contrôle-soi, contrôle-autres). Au niveau de la compréhension, 32% de la variance est expliqué par les ressources (cohésion dyadique) et l’évaluation primaire (menace, centralité). Les analyses sur la perception des stresseurs ont été approfondies puisque celle-ci expliquait le stress global stress chez les femmes, les hommes et les couples (deuxième but de la recherche). Donc, cinq hypothèses ont été testées: HI: II y a une différence significative entre le niveau de similarité perçue du stress global des femmes et celui des hommes (confirmée); H2: II y a une différence significative entre le niveau de compréhension du stress global des femmes et celui des hommes (confirmée); H3: Il y a congruence entre la similarité perçue chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité actuelle du stress global (partiellement confirmée); H4: II y a congruence entre la compréhension chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité actuelle du stress global (partiellement confirmée); et, H5: Il y a congruence entre la compréhension chez les femmes et les hommes et la similarité perçue chez les femmes et les hommes du stress global (partiellement confirmée). Malgré le niveau de stress moyen des couples, les femmes perçoivent la grossesse à risque élevé et l'hospitalisation anténatale comme une menace, et leur niveau de stress global est significativement plus élevé que chez les hommes. Les hommes perçoivent les mêmes stresseurs comme un défi et d'être en contrôle de la situation. Les couples sont congruents quant à la similarité actuelle sauf le défi et le contrôle-de-soi. A l'égard de la similarité perçue, il n'y a pas de différence significative chez les femmes, tandis que pour les hommes, il y a des différences significatives entre les moyennes de la menace et du stress global. Au niveau de la compréhension des femmes, il y a des différences significatives entre les moyennes de la menace et du stress global, tandis qu'il n'y a pas chez les hommes. Les femmes sont plus stressées que les hommes face aux stresseur de la grossesse à risque et de l'hospitalisation anténatale, ayant comme conséquence un plus grand manque de congruence entre les différents niveaux de similarités. Elles sont donc moins disponibles pour la relation conjugale. Tandis que les hommes semblent plus compréhensifs et plus disponibles pour se consacrer à la relation conjugale, leur optimisme semble diminuer le stress ressenti par les femmes. En ce qui concerne le stress global des couples, les résultats suggèrent qu'il y a une transformation graduelle de la perception du stresseur vers une perception basée sur le bien-être du couple. Aussi, le contrôle et la relation conjugale deviennent plus importants aux niveaux de la similarité perçue et de la compréhension respectivement. En conclusion, les femmes et les hommes ne perçoivent pas les stresseurs de la même façon. Les infirmières et les autres professionnels de la santé doivent tenir compte des perceptions de chaque partenaire ainsi que celles du couple dans l’évaluation globale du stress. Le plus grand défi des infirmières est d'aider le couple d'être couple en milieu hospitalier afin de protéger leur intimité.
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Föräldrars aktivitetskompetens och värdering av aktiviteter under postpartumperioden : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Parents' activity competence andvaluation of activities during thepostpartum period : A quantitative survey studyViberg, Martina, Jansson, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att vara förälder innebär ofta krav och olika stressfaktorer i vardagen. Individens aktivitetskompetens och hur individen värderar utförandet av aktivitet kan förändras. Syfte: Syftet var att kartlägga hur föräldrar skattar sin aktivitetskompetens och värdering av att utföra aktiviteter under det första året med det nya barnet i familjen. Metod: Kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes genom webbaserad enkät med bakgrundsfrågor och instrumentet OSA-S. Urvalet gjordes via Facebook, totalt antal deltagare var 176. Data analyserades deskriptivt och analytiskt. T-test på beroende och oberoende variabler användes. Resultat: Medelvärdet skattad värdering av aktivitet påvisades högre än skattad aktivitetskompetens (p=<0,01). “Har dagliga rutiner som jag är nöjd med” påvisades en skillnad av hur individer boende på landsbygd skattar aktivitetskompetens lägre än de boende i tätort, (p=0,042). Slutsats: Föräldrar upplever aktivitetskompetensen fungerar bra. Dock är avkoppling och nöje svårare aktiviteter att utföra, dessa värderas som mindre viktiga. Inga skillnader identifierades beroende på omfattningen av stöd. Resultatet kan användas för ökad förståelse för föräldrars förmåga att utföra aktiviteter under småbarnsåren. Implikationer: Arbetsterapi kan hjälpa föräldrar att hitta balans mellan att ta hand om familjen och att ägna tid åt egna behov, vilket främjar hälsa och välbefinnande hos föräldern. Arbetsterapeuter kan stödja föräldrar genom olika strategier för minskad stress. / Background: Being a parent often involves demands and various stressors in everyday life. The individual's activity competence and how the individual values the performance of activity can change. Aim: The aim was to map how parents estimate their activity competence and valuation of performing activities during the first year with the new child in the family. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted through a web-based questionnaire with background questions and the instrument OSA-S. Sampling was done via Facebook, total number of participants was 176. Data were analyzed descriptively and analytically. T-tests on dependent and independent variables were used. Results: The mean estimated valuation of activity was found to be higher than estimated activity competence (p=<0.01). "Having daily routines that I am satisfied with" revealed a difference in how individuals living in rural areas rate activity competence lower than those living in urban areas, (p=0.042). Conclusion: Parents feel that activity competence works well. However, relaxation and pleasure are more difficult activities to perform, these are valued as less important. No differences were identified according to the level of support. The results can be used to increase understanding of parents' ability to perform activities during the toddler years. Implications: Occupational therapy can help parents to find a balance between caring for the family and spending time on their own needs, promoting health and well-being of the parent. Occupational therapists can support parents through various stress reduction strategies.
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Cultural Patterns in Parenting / Changing Conceptions and Practices of Parenthood in GermanyGülzau, Fabian 09 July 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht kulturelle Vorstellungen und Praktiken von Elternschaft in Deutschland. Wie Familien ihre Kinder erziehen ruft ein steigendes Interesse von Seiten der Politik, Wissenschaft und weiterer (Bildungs-)Professionen hervor. Gegenwärtig wird von Eltern erwartet, dass sie sich mit Expertenwissen auseinandersetzen, welches oftmals kostspielige und zeitaufwändige Praktiken nahelegt. Zur gleichen Zeit nehmen staatliche Akteure verstärkt Einfluss auf das familiale Leben und insbesondere die Kindererziehung. Als Folge dieser Entwicklung haben sich die kulturellen Vorstellungen von Elternschaft in Deutschland gewandelt.
Mit diesen Entwicklungen beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit in drei Aufsätzen. Im Einzelnen betrachten die Artikel: (1) die Bedingungen von familienpolitischen Reformen, (2) die elterlichen Diskussionen um sich wandelnde Erwartungen sowie (3) die Auswirkung der elterlichen Klassenposition auf deren Erziehungspraktiken. Um diese Fragen zu beantworten greifen die Artikel sowohl auf Umfragedaten als auch digitale Daten zurück, die mit neuen Methoden der computergestützten Sozialforschung analysiert werden.
Insgesamt erweitert die vorliegende Dissertation unser Wissen um den aktuellen Wandel von Elternschaft in Deutschland. Zudem werden innovative Methoden der computergestützten Sozialforschung in die Familiensoziologie eingeführt. Zuletzt wurde mit kulturellen Leitbildern von Elternschaft ein Zugang vorgeschlagen, der es erlaubt den gegenwärtigen Wandel von Elternschaft zu untersuchen. / The thesis at hand investigates conceptions and practices of parenthood in Germany. How families approach their childrearing has attracted growing interest in politics, science, and by (education) professionals. Today, parents are encouraged to seek expert advice to inform their childrearing. Such advice often involves the expenditure of considerable amounts of time and money. At the same time, the state has become increasingly active in the intimate life of families and, in particular, their parenting practices. As a result, the cultural models of parenthood in Germany have been changed.
At the background of these changes, I designed three papers that analyze (1) the conditions of family policy change, (2) the way parents adopt changing expectations and demands, and (3) the relationship between parenting practices and social class. In order to address these questions, the respective articles use survey and digital data as well as methods from the computational social sciences (CSS).
In sum, the dissertation expands our knowledge on the current recalibration of parenthood in Germany. It also introduces innovative methods from CSS to family sociology. Finally, cultural models of parenthood are proposed as a way to organize the research on changing standards and norms of parenthood.
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Les normes familiales à l'épreuve du droit et des pratiques: analyse de la parenté sociale et de la pluriparentalité homosexuelles / Family norms challenging law and social practices: an analysis of homosexual social parenthood and multi-parenthoodHerbrand, Cathy 20 March 2008 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l'évolution des normes parentales dans des situations où celles-ci sont discutées, mises en jeu et légitimées, en particulier concernant la pluriparentalité. D'une part, je me suis penchée sur le projet légal de "parenté sociale" qui vise à reconnaître la place et les droits d'un adulte qui s'occupe de l'enfant de son conjoint avec qui il n'a pas de lien biologique. D'autre part, j'ai analysé des situations familiales dites de "coparentalité" où gay(s) et lesbienne(s) s'associent pour avoir un enfant ensemble en l'élevant séparément. <p><p>The PhD thesis deals with the evolution of parental norms in changing situations in which these norms can be discussed and modified, specifically en terms of multiparenthood. On the one hand, I have studied a new form of legal status - “social parenthood” - debated in the Belgian Parliament to recognize non-biological parenthood. On the other hand, I have analyzed gay and lesbian “coparenting”, which can be defined as a parental project involving a lesbian woman/couple and a gay man/couple brought together to have a child and raise he or she separately. In each case, I examined the ways in which individuals live and deal with familial situations that involve same-sex couples and/or more than two parents raising a child. / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sociologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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