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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tlhaloso ya semelo sa moanegwa dingwalong tsa Sepedi

Lekganyane, Enniah Matemane January 2002 (has links)
This study attempts to define more clearly the concepts 'flat character' and 'round character' by examining instances of Sepedi literature. Definitions provided by theorists are in most cases vague and may lead to unsatisfactory interpretations. The best examples in this instance are the definitions provided by Forster - they create problems particularly with references to the concept 'round character'. Forster's definition creates the impression that the difference can be based on the manner of characterization. In this investigation, attention is thus paid to characterization, while it is pointed out that these concepts are not to be confused with the concepts 'antagonist', 'protagonist' and 'tritagonist'. The latter types of characters are classified as structural elements while the former are thematically important. The Sepedi literary works chosen for the purposes of this study represent the four most important prose genres in Sepedi. Tsebe's Noto-ya- Masogana ( 1954) is the representative of the category 'love story'; Kekana's Nnete Fela (1989) is a detective story; Rammala's Lukas Motsheletshele (1963) and Mphahlele's Letsogo Ia Molao (1984) are tragic narratives , while Phatudi concentrates on and describes elements of pathos in his Tladi wa Dikgati (1971 ). The characters in Tsebe and Kekana's narratives are flat. Whereas Tsebe's Lesibana is portrayed as a multidimensional character, Ariel in Kekana's detective story is presented as one - dimensional. According to the definitions of Forster, Lesibana could be classified as a round character and Ariel as a flat character. The problem that surfaces in this instance also becomes manifest in the investigation into Rammala, Mphahlele and Phatudi's works. Rammala's Lukas Motsheletshele and Mphahlele's Faro are multidimensional characters as opposed to Phatudi's Tladi who is onedimensional, yet all of them are round characters. The distinction that can be drawn between the concepts 'flat character' and 'round character' has to do with humaneness. The reader's identification with the flat charater is based on the reader's ability to distinguish between good and evil, while an understanding of and a feeling for fellow human beings determine identification with the round character. The author brings about this identification process by using a variety of literary devices. In this thesis, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the theme of each of the mentioned works and on how this theme determines the character types. The concept of 'identification' is a central issue in this study and has thus been explained in detail. The specific literary devices used by the author to bring about this identification have thus also been carefully investigated and discussed. It was discovered that characterization as such does not determine whether characters are flat or round; instead, this is determined thematically. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2002. / gm2014 / African Languages / unrestricted

Identifikationsskapande i gott syfte : Retorik och identifikation i svenska UNICEF:s användning av Facebook

Jakobsson, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i retorik är att söka svar på hur svenska UNICEF kommunicerar på det sociala mediet Facebook för att påverka människor till att skänka pengar och skapa identifikation med mottagarna. Uppsatsen använder sig av en neo-aristotelisk analysmetod för att analysera hur mottagare påverkas att bidra till organisationens verksamhet. Appels föreslagna identifikationsmetodansats tillämpas för att analysera vilken publik som kan antas skapa identifikation med UNICEF Sverige. Analysen genomfördes på fyra slumpvist utvalda inlägg innehållande text och bild, vilka publicerades på  organisationens Facebook-sida i februari 2017. Resultaten visar att UNICEF Sverige uppmanar till handling eller kommunicerar med mottagarna, vilka påverkas främst genom att inläggen talar till förnuftet. Organisation vänder sig främst till en publik som värdesätter och prioriterar barns välmående. Detta visades vara den publik som främst kan tilltalas av inläggen och som främst kan skapa identifikation med UNICEF Sverige för att bidra ekonomiskt till organisationen.

Nyakišišo ya Lukas Motšheletšhele (Sepedi)

Sefoka, Moipone Magdalina 21 August 2008 (has links)
This dissertation analyses Lukas Motšheletšhele, the first novel written by M.M. Rammala, who also wrote Rangwane ke go Paletše (1971) and Mabosebosane (s.a.). Lukas Motšheletšhele is a tragic novel. M.O. Dona (1994) and P.S. Groenewald (1995) have already analysed this text, but these scholars did not discuss the content, plot and style of the text. Dona focused on feminism and Groenewald on characterisation and genre. Therefore the main objective of this study is to investigate two levels, content and plot, of Lukas Motšheletšhele. This investigation uses a narratological method, involving the two phases of definition of terms and interpretation of concepts. These processes clarified the problems to be addressed in the study. Literary works are found to have three layers, namely content, plot and style. This dissertation only discusses the first two layers; style is explained but not discussed. Regarding content, topic is an important concept, emphasised in this study, because it creates a coherent link between characters, events, time and place. Regarding plot, the important concept to be highlighted is theme, which links the events of the plot. Theme focuses the message of the text and creates suspense in readers. The theme of Lukas Motšheletšhele is discrimination by a parent in the family. Evangelist Motšheletšhele favours his last son more than his other children. Four other important concepts, namely actions, characters, place and time are also discussed. Characters are grouped into two categories, namely major and minor characters. The major characters are then divided into two groups, kind persons and bad persons. In Lukas Motšheletšhele, the kind-hearted person is the well behaved Onika, and quarrelsome person is Evangelist Motšheletšhele, who opposes Onika’s kindness. These characters are described according to their intention, patronage, resistance, assistance and success. In the novel, factors that assist Evangelist Motšheletšhele resist Onika, and vice versa. Another important aspect of plot is design, which has several facets. For example, some aspects of plot design are important for developing the theme, others show the general behaviour of the antagonist and protagonist, and others identify the genre of the literary work. Lukas Motšheletšhele can be classified as a tragedy. In the denouement, the hero, Evangelist Motšheletšhele, falls from his high position of social status and respect and dies due to his false deeds, which is the classic structure of a tragic plot. The plot is discussed in four stages, namely exposition, development, climax and denouement. How the author displays the characters, events, time and place to reveal his aim is also discussed. The concept of technique is thoroughly explained, and examples given from the novel. Particularly, the 14 techniques used to characterize the protagonist, Evangelist Motšheletšhele, are discussed. These techniques are used to disclose his high status and weaknesses, which relate to his bad behaviour. Onika as antagonist is also discussed in terms of the 12 techniques used to reveal her high status, virtue and lack of weakness. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / African Languages / unrestricted

Paul's use of ethos and pathos in Galatians: Its implications for effective preaching

Shin, Sung Wook 05 October 2004 (has links)
The primary purpose of this thesis was to discover whether two classical modes of persuasion, which Paul used in the letter to the Galatians, are really useful tools for effective preaching. This study consists of seven chapters. The introductory chapter provided a problem posing and formulation of the study, a clear study goal and hypothesis and delimitation and definition, and indicated the methodology to be used to accomplish this thesis. In chapter two, a historical review of classical rhetoric was presented. A brief history of classical rhetoric and the relationship between rhetoric and preaching as communication were explained to serve as general background to classical rhetoric and the relationship between rhetoric and preaching. In chapter three, some basic concepts of classical rhetorical theories for this thesis were considered to explain how these terms are used and related in this thesis. Chapter four was devoted to two parts. First is an investigation of Paul in an attempt to determine whether he used classical rhetorics. Galatians is a strong echo of Paul’s actual oral preaching so that the level of Paul’s rhetorical awareness and the nature and characteristics of his letter can be grasped. Second is an examination of the rhetorical situation in which the original communication was accomplished. To understand the kinds of rhetoric, and Paul’s main purpose in Galatians, the particular historical situation and rhetorical problems have to be understood, as well as the literary structure of Galatians, the purpose of Galatians and Paul’s intent in the letter as a whole. In chapter five, the modes of persuasion (ethos, and pathos) in Galatians were analysed. This chapter showed the reader how Paul used and developed Aristotles’ two modes of persuasion in his preaching to persuade audiences effectively to actions. In chapter six, the implications for effective preaching was discussed in terms of the twin modes of persuasion in Galatians. This study set the important strategies for effective contemporary preaching. Chapter seven presented and an overview and sermon outline of the four elements of persuasion for effective preaching and contributions to persuasive preaching for the effective preacher. In the final chapter, a summary of the contents was presented in the Conclusion, which arrived at a concrete argument in terms of which the hypothesis presented in the Introduction can be tested. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Ich rede konkret von den Schritten, die wir unternehmen! Davon lasse ich mich nicht abbringen! : Zur Rhetorik einer Rede von Willy Brandt

Karlström, David January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

From Wonder to the Wonderful: A Discussion of the Role of Wonder in the Philosophy of Plato

Fair, Shane 20 December 2021 (has links)
This dissertation takes as its starting point the claim made by Plato in the Theaetetus that wonder is the origin of philosophy. The aim of the dissertation is to understand this claim and to propose a reading of Plato’s dialogues which shows that this claim applies to at least two kinds of philosophical act, though in different ways. We accomplish this aim through a thorough examination of cross-examination and contemplation as distinct acts of philosophy and through an examination of where and how the notion of wonder appears and operates in these philosophical contexts. In the end, we see two distinct kinds of philosophical wonder (aporetic wonder and contemplative wonder), each corresponding to a distinct philosophical act, and each complying with Plato’s claim about wonder in different but complimentary ways. Aporetic wonder arises within a subject as the result of cross-examination, and contemplative wonder arises when the philosopher is confronted by the wonderful objects of contemplation (i.e., the forms).

Förnuft eller känsla? Vem drar det längsta strået? : En kvalitativ textanalys av Socialdemokraternas och Sverigedemokraternas politiska kommunikation på Twitter.

Isaksson Gordon, Natasha, Grahn, Adam January 2021 (has links)
This study focuses on how the Sweden Democrats and Social Democrats use different rhetorical styles on Twitter during a three month period before the 2018 election. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the Sweden Democrats and the Social Democrats' communication on Twitter differs, and whether this can be explained on the basis of conservative and liberal rhetoric. Thus, the study does not intend to answer whether a party is liberal or conservative, but only which way they communicate. The main question of the study has been formulated as follows: Is there a statistical connection between Sweden Democrats' and Social Democrats' different levels of success on social media and the use of a certain rhetorical style on Twitter? The study’s analysis implementation is based on concepts derived from classical rhetorical concepts in combination with qualitative text analysis. With this method we were able to analyse over 850 tweets, and find which rhetorical concept that was most protrusive in each tweet. The results of the analysis have largely confirmed the theory of how liberal and conservative rhetoric use different rhetorical tools; ethos, pathos and logos. While the Sweden Democrats mainly used pathos arguments that pressed on the emotions of anger and fear, rational and logical logos arguments were most prominent among the Social Democrats. An overall conclusion of the study is that Twitter as a social media can be considered as a political arena where rhetorical tools are used to create public opinions. The different rhetorical approaches have likely resulted in different levels of success for both parties.

Känslornas konst : En retorisk analys av känslomässiga appeller i debatter kring Elisabeth Ohlson Wallins Ecce Homo-utställning och Lars Vilks teckning Rondellhunden.

Rydell, Jasmine January 2020 (has links)
I denna uppsats görs ansatsen att finna vilka slags diskursiva handlingar det är som skapar och frammanar känslor i debatterna Ecce Homo och Rondellhunden. Undersökningen har koncentrerats vid tre olika känslor – vrede, blidhet och fiendskap. Känslobeskrivningarna som används i denna uppsats kommer från Aristoteles beskrivningar av pathos i Retoriken. Dessa tolkas med hjälp av W.W. Fortenbaughs undersökningar av Aristoteles pathos-beskrivningar, så som de tolkas och operationaliseras av Janne Lindqvist. Enligt Lindqvist kan Aristoteles topiker för pathos bland annat delas upp i tre typer av schematiska topiker, vilka i sin tur består i att känslor väcks endast hos vissa typer av individer (subjekt) om en viss typ av person (agent) har utfört en viss typ av handling (stimuli). Dessa tre fungerar som undersökningens grundläggande begrepp, och syftar till att klargöra hur skribenterna i de tre debatterna tecknar subjekt, agent och stimuli just som sådana att de väcker vrede, blidhet eller fiendskap.   Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur texterna utmärks av retoriska grepp för att frammana vrede, blidhet eller fiendskap mot debatternas olika agenter. Detta för att bidra till fördjupade kunskaper om två av det senaste halvseklets mest uppmärksammade konstdebatter och vidare insikter om förhållandet mellan retorik och känslor mer generellt.

Lösningen på pathos mysterier? : En esoteristisk tolkning av Aristoteles

Langetz, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

"Köp mig för att..." : En innehållsanalys av influencers argument för att kommunicera produktreklam på Instagram

Sjöström, Martina January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida kommunikationsargumenten för reklam och annonsering av produkter skiljer sig åt beroende på om det är en manlig eller kvinnlig influencer. Vidare syftar studien till att analysera försäljningsargument i utvalda inlägg publicerade av influencers. Dessa har sedan jämförts med tidigare forskning aktuell för området.  Denna studie redogör för en innehållsanalys av influencers argument för att kommunicera produktreklam på Instagram. Studien visar att svenska influencers använder känsloargument i hög utsträckning. Det ethos som framförallt framhålls är det egna jaget. Studien visar också att kvinnliga influencers i högre utsträckning än manliga influencers arbetar med att framställa skönhet och elegans, medan manliga influencers i majoriteten av fallen marknadsför produkter som associeras med träning, hälsa och fysisk aktivitet.

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