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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os limites do dever de informação na relação médico-paciente e sua prova / The limits of the duty to inform in the doctor-patient relationship and its proof.

Bergstein, Gilberto 26 April 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho construiu-se a partir dos novos paradigmas que permeiam a relação médico-paciente. Se o profissional não mais se encontra em uma posição de superioridade (ao menos do ponto de vista fático) em face de seu paciente, que por sua vez está mais sensível em virtude das transformações oriundas da sociedade de massa, o elemento informação ganhou contornos importantíssimos, inserindo-se no núcleo principal da prestação, ao lado dos cuidados relativos à saúde propriamente ditos. Nesse contexto, foi proposta uma nova visão do dever de informar na relação médico-paciente, tratando a informação como uma obrigação autônoma, que gera de per se em caso de ausência ou vício responsabilização civil. A reparação, em tal perspectiva, surge a partir da violação do direito à liberdade: se a autodeterminação é um atributo da personalidade do paciente, a afronta a esse direito acarreta danos indenizáveis. Os limites do dever de informar, assim, desempenham relevante papel, pois demarcam a tênue linha que distingue a informação viciada (que ensejará responsabilização civil) daquela transmitida diligentemente. Assim, o conteúdo e a extensão da informação foram abordados, confrontando-se aspectos subjetivos, objetivos e buscando uma solução ao mesmo tempo viável (do ponto de vista prático), jurídica e justa. Como o trabalho trata essencialmente do dever de informar na relação médico-paciente e das consequências jurídicas derivadas do inadimplemento dessa obrigação, foram destrinchados todos os elementos que compõem esse complexo vínculo, passando por sua evolução histórica, pelos princípios, valores e direitos que permeiam e iluminam esta relação e, finalmente, pelos sujeitos que a compõem. Aspectos processuais atinentes à prova do cumprimento do dever de informação foram, ainda, examinados. Diversas questões polêmicas, tais como recusa de tratamento, direito a não saber, privilégio terapêutico, dentre outros, foram também debatidos. / This study is based on the new paradigms that permeate the doctor-patient relationship. If the medical professional no longer holds a superior position (at least from the factual point of view) vis a vis the patient who, on the other hand, is more aware to changes originating from doctor-patient relationship in the mass society, information availability has gained highly important contours, inserting itself into the core of services rendered, together with health care services themselves. In this context, this study proposes a new vision of the duty to inform in a doctor-patient relationship, treating information as an autonomous obligation, that, per se, results in liability in the case of its absence or flaws. The compensation, in such perspective, arises from breach of the right to autonomous choice: if self-determination is a characteristic of the patients personality, the disrespect of this right results in damages subject to indemnification. Therefore, the limits of the duty to inform perform a relevant role since they demarcate the fine line that distinguishes flawed information (that can incur liabilities) from that transmitted diligently. Thus, the contents and the extension of the information were addressed, comparing subjective and objective aspects and seeking a solution at the same time viable (from the practical viewpoint), legal and just. Since this study essentially deals with the duty to inform in the doctorpatient relationship and of the legal consequences derived from noncompliance of this duty, all factors that compose this complex link were carefully examined, reviewing its historical evolution, the principles, values and rights that permeate and elucidate this relationship and, finally, the parties involved. Legal evidential procedures related to fulfillment of the duty to inform were also examined. Various controversial topics such as the refusal to undergo treatment, the right to not be informed, therapeutic privilege, among others, were also discussed.

Hur vårdrelationen kan upplevas av en patient med kommunikationssvårigheter efter stroke / How the nurse-patient relationship can be experienced by a patient with communication difficulties after stroke

Fröberg Fredén, Susanna, Westergren, Carina January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Doctor, the Task and the Group : Balint Groups as a Means of Developing New Understanding in the Physician-Patient Relationship

Kjeldmand, Dorte January 2006 (has links)
The general practitioner has a central position in the health care system, but demands have increased and there are signs of exhaustion in the corps. Patient-centredness is beneficial for the patients and probably for the outcome of health care. In Balint groups general practitioners study and gain further understanding of the physician-patient relationship by means of the participants’ own experiences. This thesis aims at studying experienced effects of Balint groups on the working life of general practitioners. General practitioners with and without Balint group experience are compared by means of a questionnaire, using statistical methods. General practitioners with Balint group experience are interviewed. Both these studies show positive experiences of Balint group participation in the physicians’ working life in terms of feeling of control and satisfaction, and on relations to patients, particularly patients with complex problems. A new instrument for measuring physicians’ degree of patient-centredness is presented. It can be used in groups of physicians to evaluate training programmes or by the individual physician to detect decline in patient-centredness as an early sign of burnout. Balint groups are viewed critically in interviews with Balint group leaders, focussed on difficulties and dropouts from the groups. Balint groups are found to fit into modern theories of small groups as complex systems, submitted to group dynamics that are sometimes malicious. Professionally conducted Balint groups seem to be a gentle, efficient method to train physicians, but with limits. Participation of a member demands a stable psychological condition and an open mind, and obligatory Balint groups are questioned. The thesis concludes that Balint groups are generally beneficial for general practitioners’ working life as a means to enable the physicians endure, even thrive in their job. The method facilitates development of new understanding of the physician-patient relationship with possible positive effects for the patient as well.

A Qualitative Examination of Health Care Professionals' Experience as Patient Educators: Cases from Canadian Chiropractors

Piccininni, Joseph John 01 September 2010 (has links)
This qualitative research study examined the patient education experience from the point of view of health care professionals, namely doctors of chiropractic in the Greater Toronto Area practicing for up to ten years. Health care professionals’ views and beliefs of this important aspect of health care have not been well studied. Patient education is defined as, “the process by which patients learn or acquire knowledge about his/her health status or condition and may involve learning in the cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor domains.” The study explored eight participants’ views on the nature of patient education in their early and current practices by examining their feelings, beliefs, and use of patient education, its role in their practices, as well as the perceptions of their roles as patient educators. Two semi-structured interviews were conducted with each of the participants. The transcribed interviews underwent detailed qualitative analysis to determine response trends and consensus. The key findings revealed that the participants felt that, while they were well prepared in their undergraduate curricula to diagnose and treat patients, they were not as well prepared to be effective patient educators when they entered practice. Early in their careers, they did not understand or appreciate patient education’s importance and value as a component of their practice. Over time, their beliefs and understanding of patient education changed and participants reported that with experience, they began to value patient education to a greater extent. Changing values reflected changing behaviours. For example, participants increased their time and efforts related to patient education with increased clinical experience. A variety of teaching aids were used with wall charts/posters, three dimensional anatomical models, printed materials and images from textbooks being among the most common. Most of the teaching described by the participants would be characterized as transmission with a one-way flow of information from the doctor to the patient. To a great extent, patient education involved speaking with individual patients. Participants reported encountering, throughout their careers, intrinsic and extrinsic barriers that interfered with the effectiveness of their patient education. The findings suggest that curricular planners for health care professional programs, and specifically for chiropractors, might consider developing content aimed at improving students’ patient education knowledge and skills.

A Qualitative Examination of Health Care Professionals' Experience as Patient Educators: Cases from Canadian Chiropractors

Piccininni, Joseph John 01 September 2010 (has links)
This qualitative research study examined the patient education experience from the point of view of health care professionals, namely doctors of chiropractic in the Greater Toronto Area practicing for up to ten years. Health care professionals’ views and beliefs of this important aspect of health care have not been well studied. Patient education is defined as, “the process by which patients learn or acquire knowledge about his/her health status or condition and may involve learning in the cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor domains.” The study explored eight participants’ views on the nature of patient education in their early and current practices by examining their feelings, beliefs, and use of patient education, its role in their practices, as well as the perceptions of their roles as patient educators. Two semi-structured interviews were conducted with each of the participants. The transcribed interviews underwent detailed qualitative analysis to determine response trends and consensus. The key findings revealed that the participants felt that, while they were well prepared in their undergraduate curricula to diagnose and treat patients, they were not as well prepared to be effective patient educators when they entered practice. Early in their careers, they did not understand or appreciate patient education’s importance and value as a component of their practice. Over time, their beliefs and understanding of patient education changed and participants reported that with experience, they began to value patient education to a greater extent. Changing values reflected changing behaviours. For example, participants increased their time and efforts related to patient education with increased clinical experience. A variety of teaching aids were used with wall charts/posters, three dimensional anatomical models, printed materials and images from textbooks being among the most common. Most of the teaching described by the participants would be characterized as transmission with a one-way flow of information from the doctor to the patient. To a great extent, patient education involved speaking with individual patients. Participants reported encountering, throughout their careers, intrinsic and extrinsic barriers that interfered with the effectiveness of their patient education. The findings suggest that curricular planners for health care professional programs, and specifically for chiropractors, might consider developing content aimed at improving students’ patient education knowledge and skills.

Sjuksköterskors inställning till att vårda patienter med psykisk sjukdom inom den somatiska slutenvården / Nurses' stance on caring for patients with mental illness in somatic inpatient care settings

Bismark, Sophie, Larsson, May January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk sjukdom utgör en fjärde del av Sveriges sjukdomsbörda men fördomar mot personer med psykisk sjukdom är ingen ovanlig företeelse i dagens samhälle. Patienter med psykisk sjukdom har lika rätt till en god vård som alla andra. En grundutbildad sjuksköterska ska kunna vårda dessa patienter. Det framkommer dock att patienter med psykisk sjukdom inte har lika förutsättningar och hälsoutfall som patienter utan psykisk sjukdom. Patienterna upplever ett behov av trygghet och förtroende för sina vårdare men sjuksköterskor visar en tendens att agera annorlunda mot dessa patienter. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors inställning till att vårda patienter med psykisk sjukdom i den somatiska slutenvården. Metod: En litteratursökning har genomförts för att skapa en översikt över vetenskapliga artiklar om grundutbildade sjuksköterskors inställning till vårdandet av patienter med psykisk sjukdom inom den somatiska vården. Åtta vetenskapliga artiklar, fyra kvantitativa och fyra kvalitativa, har analyserats och ligger till grund för resultatet. För sökningen användes databasen PubMed. Resultat: Resultatet tyder på att de negativa inställningarna till psykisk sjukdom överväger över de positiva. De framträdande orsakerna är framförallt brist på kunskap och erfarenhet, arbetsmiljöns påverkan, föreställningar om patienters beteende, negativa känslor såsom rädsla, frustation och ilska samt uppfattningen att vården av patienter med psykisk sjukdom inte ingår i yrkesrollen hos somatiska sjuksköterskor. De få positiva inställningar som framkommit grundar sig på faktorer som tillräcklig kunskap, goda erfarenheter, en anpassad arbetsmiljö och en holistisk syn på omvårdnad där även vård av patienter med psykisk sjukdom ingår. Diskussion: I resultatdiskussionen resoneras det kring hur sjuksköterskans arbete försvåras av de faktorer som beskrivs ligga bakom de negativa inställningarna. Sjuksköterskor behöver mer stöd i form av arbetsmiljöfaktorer som tid, bemanning och anpassning av vårdutrymmen. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen beskrivs hur vårdrelationen påverkas av sjuksköterskors inställning och vad detta innebär för den vård patienter med psykisk sjukdom får inom somatiken. Förståelse för patienten är en viktig förutsättning för en bra vårdrelation. När vårdrelationen inte fungerar riskerar mötet mellan patienten och sjuksköterskan bli negativt och på så sätt skapas det negativa vårderfarenheter för både patienten och sjuksköterskan. / Background: Mental illness makes up a quarter of Sweden's disease burden but prejudice against people with mental illness is not an unusual phenomenon in today's society. Patients with mental illness have the same right to good health care as everyone else. General nurses with no specialist training should be able to care for these patients. It appears, however, that patients with mental illness do not receive health care under the same conditions and do not have the same health outcomes as patients without mental illness. These patients experience a need for security and trust in their caregivers but nurses show a tendency to act differently towards these patients. Aim: To describe nurses' stance on caring for patients with mental illness in somatic inpatient care settings. Method: A literature review has been made of scientific articles on general nurses' stance on caring for patients with mental illness in somatic care. Eight scientific articles, four quantitative and four qualitative, have been analysed and provide the base for the results. PubMed was used as database. Result: The results indicate that negative attitudes outweigh positive attitudes. The revealed causes of negative attitudes are mainly lack of knowledge and experience, work environment factors, preconceptions about patients' behaviour, negative emotions such as fear, frustration and anger, as well as the perception that caring for patients with mental illness is not part of the work of somatic care nurses. The few positive attitudes that have emerged are based on factors such as knowledge, good experience, an adjusted work environment and a holistic view of nursing care, which includes the care of patients with mental illness. Discussion: In the result discussion it is reasoned about how nurses’ work is being complicated by the factors described as causing negative attitudes. Nurses need more support in terms of work environment improvements such as more time, better staffing and adjusted care settings. The theoretical framework is used to clarify how the nurse-patient relationship is affected by nurses' attitudes and what implications this has on the care these patients received within somatic health care. Being understood is important for patients as a premise for a good nurse-patient relationship. With a dysfunctional nurse-patient relationship there is a risk for the nurse-patient encounter to be negative, which in its turn creates negative health care experiences for both patients and nurses.

A mixed method multidimensional approach to exploring patient satisfaction with healthcare in Greece and UK

Dallas, Theodora January 2011 (has links)
Previous research has examined patients’ level of satisfaction with the care, in an attempt to develop health care services that match patients’ expectations and needs. Nevertheless, there is still considerable debate among researchers over conceptual and methodological issues. This research programme investigated factors that contribute to patient satisfaction with health care in two fairly different European health care systems (the UK’s NHS and Greece’s ESY). A further aim was to develop a scale to assess patient satisfaction and health care evaluations within these two cultural contexts. In order to achieve those aims, a sequential exploratory strategy incorporating, qualitative and quantitative designs was used to explore patient health care evaluations, patient satisfaction, expectations, health care experiences, interpersonal qualities of the doctor-patient relationship and health care contextual factors at both micro and macro level. Three studies were conducted: Studies 1a and 1b examined levels of patient satisfaction with health care delivery in Greece and the UK respectively. More similarities than differences were found between the two samples, but aspects of health system evaluation differed. The data obtained from this study informed the development of the Patient Expectation and Satisfaction Scale (PESS). The psychometric properties of the preliminary version of the scale were subsequently tested in non clinical populations in Greece and the UK (Studies 2a and 2b). The pilot testing of the PESS was based on a proposed theoretical framework suggesting that patients’ expectations depend on the nature of past experiences and current expectations. The variable that influences some of the differences between the two countries is health culture in terms of contextual health care differences. Although findings revealed similarities between the two cultures, differences were found relating to dissatisfaction, health care evaluations, expectations and the quality of the doctor-patient relationship. A revised version of the PESS, based on these findings, was administered to hospital outpatient populations in both countries (Study 3). The Patient Satisfaction and Expectation Model that emerged from this analysis incorporated three levels of patient satisfaction: at the micro level, the macro level and the interpersonal level. The importance of patients’ understanding of professional competence and its salience as a predictor of the effectiveness of the doctor-patient relationship was highlighted. The quality of the doctor-patient relationship emerged as an important determinant of patient satisfaction and adherence. The overall findings of this research programme suggest that patient satisfaction is multidimensional; despite contextual differences between the two health care systems, a universal concept exists that includes health care expectations, health care experiences, interpersonal qualities and aspects relating to operational and organisational structures at both micro and macro level.

Le médecin est-il aussi un guérisseur?

Bourdon, Marie-Claude January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om tvångsåtgärders inverkan på omvårdnadsrelationen : en intervjustudie

Wrede, Stefan, Norefors, Karl January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård och Lagen om rättspsykiatrisk vård ger rätt att vårda patienter mot deras vilja. I psykiatrisk vård förekommer specifika omvårdnadsåtgärder som bältesläggning, tvångsmedicinering och avskiljning. Dessa väcker många känslor och kräver att sjuksköterskan arbetar med hänsyn och respekt. Relationen är en central del inom psykiatrisk omvårdnad och ska baseras på tillit och empati. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskors uppfattning om tvångsåtgärders inverkan på omvårdnadsrelationen. Metod: Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av en intervjuguide genomfördes med yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor på en psykiatrisk klinik. Data bearbetades med en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat: Studien resulterade i sex kategorier; professionellt förhållningssätt, vårdande samtal, tillitsfull relation, tvång som maktmedel, sjuksköterskans uppfattning av patientens känslor och sjuksköterskans känslor. Slutsats: Tvångsåtgärder väckte flera känslor hos sjuksköterskan. Med hjälp av ett professionellt förhållningssätt och vårdande samtal skapades en tillitsfull relation med patienten. Detta medförde att tvångsåtgärderna inte hade en negativ inverkan på omvårdnadsrelationen. / Background: The Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act and the Forensic Psychiatric Care Act gives the right to treat patients involuntarily. Specific nursing interventions in the form of restraint, coerced medication and seclusion occur in psychiatric care. These evoke a lot of emotions and require that the nurse work with consideration and respect. The nurse-patient relationship is an essential part within psychiatric nursing and should be based on trust and empathy. Aim: To illuminate nurses perception of coercive measures impact on the nurse-patient relationship. Method: Semi-structured interviews with the help of a topic guide were conducted with nurses on a psychiatric clinic. The data were processed through a qualitative manifest content analysis. Results: The study resulted in six categories; professional approach, caring dialogue, trusting relationship, coercion as an instrument of power, the nurse´s perception of patients emotions and the nurse´s emotions. Conclusion: Coercive measures raised several emotions within the nurse. With the use of a professional approach and a caring dialogue a trusting relationship was created with the patient. This meant that coercive measures didn't have a negative impact on the nurse-patient relationship.

När vårdande och lärande sammanfaller : Patienters, studenters och handledares erfarenheter av möten på en utbildningsvårdavdelning inom psykiatrisk vård

Andersson, Niklas January 2015 (has links)
When students learn caring during clinical practice, the usual point of departure is thatcaring and learning coexist, as separate and parallel phenomena. There is, however, a needto study how caring and learning relate to one another, as well as when and how theyconverge. The aim of this dissertation is to describe how caring and learning converge inthe encounters between students and patients, in a dedicated educational unit withinpsychiatric care, as experienced by students, patients, and supervisors. Describing howsupervisory support can facilitate this is another aim. A reflective lifeworld approach basedon phenomenological philosophy has been applied. Data were collected through interviews,participant observations with follow-up interviews, and narrative diaries.The result shows that caring and learning converge in those encounters between studentsand patients which are characterized by reciprocity, wherein the patient’s narrative is thepoint of departure, complemented by the student’s listening and inquiring attitude. It ishere, that the desire for and pursuit of health and understanding, give the reciprocalinteraction power. The common desire of those involved to know, to become accustomedto the new and unfamiliar, as well as the presence of a feeling of responsibility for oneanother, create questions which in turn create opportunities wherein students and patientsare available to one another.The dissertation shows that learning in a caring context can be complex. Despite theirbeing prerequisites for one another, competition and conflicts can occur when the caringand learning perspectives are not equally attended to. When they are placed counter to oneanother, there is a risk that reciprocal interaction is hindered, which can cause loneliness forall involved. For convergence to occur most propitiously, those involved must exist in acaring and learning togetherness. Responsible and present supervisors are needed, whocreate possibilities for the perspectives to converge through maintenance and monitoring, sothat caring and learning receive equal space.A didactic concept has been developed based on the dissertation’s result, focusing on themeaning of creating forums where students’, patients’, and supervisors’ caringconsiderations and reflections can intertwine.

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