Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peace""
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Pearl Harbor and 9/11: A Comparison.Nielsen, Chad L 03 May 2008 (has links)
Pearl Harbor and 9/11 have been compared together since the 9/11 attacks. This thesis analyzes the two from the viewpoints of the politicians, the media, and finally the effects on culture. Sources were gathered from newspapers, books, journal articles, government resources, and internet web sites. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are similar on the surface, but upon looking into further circumstances, dissimilarities are found between the two events. With sixty years between the two events the outcome and delayed reactions are different, but the initial response is similar.
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Temporal Variation and Regional Transfer of Heavy Metals in the Pearl (Zhujiang) River, ChinaZhen, Gengchong, Li, Ying, Tong, Yindong, Yang, Lei, Zhu, Yan, Zhang, Wei 01 May 2016 (has links)
Heavy metals are highly persistent in water and have a particular significance in ecotoxicology. Heavy metals loading from the Pearl River are likely to cause significant impacts on the environment in the South China Sea and the West Pacific. In this study, using monthly monitoring data from a water quality monitoring campaign during 2006–2012, the temporal variation and spatial transfer of six heavy metals (lead (Pb), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg)) in the Pearl River were analyzed, and the heavy metal fluxes into the sea were calculated. During this period, the annual heavy metal loads discharged from the Pearl River into the South China Sea were 5.8 (Hg), 471.7 (Pb), 1524.6 (Cu), 3819.6 (Zn), 43.9 (Cd), and 621.9 (As) tons, respectively. The metal fluxes showed a seasonal variation with the maximum fluxes occurring from June to July. There is a close association between metal fluxes and runoff. The analysis of the heavy metal transfer from the upstream to the downstream revealed that the transfer from the upstream accounted for a major portion of the heavy metals in the Pearl River Delta. Therefore, earlier industry relocation efforts in the Pearl River watershed may have limited effect on the water quality improvement in surrounding areas. It is suggested that watershed-based pollution control measures focusing on wastewater discharge in both upstream and downstream areas should be developed and implemented in the future.
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Pearl McGill and the promise of industrial unionism: button workers, the women's trade union league and the AFLWeaver, Janet Kay 01 May 2019 (has links)
This dissertation explores the boundaries of industrial unionism within and outside of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in the struggle over what direction the American labor movement would take in the Progressive Era. The experiences of Iowa button worker and labor activist Pearl McGill in two nationally significant strikes between 1911 and 1912 enable us to see more clearly the nuances and ambiguities of these boundaries as industrial workers sought to build more inclusive unions. McGill’s advocacy for both the AFL-affiliated and industrially organized button workers in Iowa and the campaign of textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts, assisted by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), to organize on an industrial basis, shine a light on the conundrum faced by AFL leaders. The AFL and its craft union affiliates held fast to an anachronistic approach to organizing in an environment of rapid and technologically transformative industrialization in which the labor of women and ethnic and racial minorities was critical. The AFL’s early federal labor unions, for which Iowa button workers provide a case study, exemplify the strength of the impulse for unionization among mass production workers and show how AFL leaders fostered an institutional response to the growing demand for industrial unions while ensuring that craft unionists continued to dominate the AFL.
The Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL) walked a fine, and sometimes precarious, line between its loyalty to the AFL and the demand of working women—notably in the garment and textile industries—for new, inclusive forms of organization. The strikes of women button workers and Lawrence textile workers illustrate the predicament faced by WTUL leaders. Pearl McGill’s short but prominent career as a youthful leader of the Muscatine button workers, a spokesperson for the WTUL, an advocate for women strikers, and a prominent activist with the IWW in Lawrence illuminates these tensions and the appeal of industrial unionism for young working women.
This study elevates the importance of Progressive Era federal labor unions as a bridge connecting the local assemblies of the Knights of Labor of the 1880s to the industrial unions that would emerge in the 1930s. It examines the institutional history of the AFL and its bitter struggle with the Knights and establishes the link between the local assemblies of the Knights and the first generation of AFL-affiliated federal labor unions that provided a precedent for later industrial unions. The arc of industrial unionism in the United States can thus be seen as a long, interconnected movement rooted in the principles of general unionism embodied by the Knights and animated by the vital impulse for industrial unionism carried forward by industrially-organized workers of which Iowa button workers provide an important example.
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Movement patterns, home range and habitat selection by Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus, Gray 1845) following translocation to Pearl Island, southern New ZealandJoyce, Leigh, n/a January 2009 (has links)
Understanding the relationship between organisms and their environment is particularly important for the conservation and management of endangered species. The kakapo (Strigops habroptilus, Gray 1845) is a critically endangered, lek breeding, flightless nocturnal parrot endemic to New Zealand. In April 1998, a total population of fifty-six kakapo was known to survive on offshore islands. Twenty-six kakapo, thirteen males and thirteen females, were temporarily transferred to Pearl Island (518 ha), southern Stewart Island, from April 1998 to April 1999. The translocation of kakapo to Pearl Island, and subsequent breeding season, provided an ideal experimental framework to study kakapo dispersal, movement patterns, home range development, habitat selection, and lek development during the non-breeding and breeding seasons. A total of 4425 radio locations were analysed for all twenty-six birds, with a mean error polygon of 0.03 ha and an estimated average radio telemetry error of 21.6 m.
Various home range analysis techniques were used to estimate kakapo home range size and overlap including: minimum convex polygons (MCP), modified minimum convex polygons (MMCP), harmonic mean analysis, adaptive kernel methods and cluster analysis. Estimates of kakapo home range size differed significantly depending on the method used (ANOVA, general linear model: F₁₃, ₁₀₇₆ = 63.99, p < 0.0001) and the season (F₂, ₁₀₇₆ = 160.75, p < 0.0001). Breeding home range size was significantly larger than non-breeding range size (mean difference = 67.6 ha, t₂₅ = 15.27, p < 0.0001). Calculations from 100% MCP and 95% harmonic mean analysis resulted in larger estimates of home range size and overlap compared to other methods. Cluster and kernel analyses appeared to give the most accurate home range representation for kakapo. Core home range areas showed a greater degree of similarity between methods. Male and female mean annual home range size did not differ significantly, whereas males had significantly (p < 0.05) larger home ranges than females during the nonbreeding season. Minimum convex polygons and harmonic mean analysis suggested that there was no significant difference in the way in which males and females interacted with each other. Kernel and cluster analyses indicated that females would overlap a greater proportion of another bird�s home range than males would. Cluster analysis also indicated that a female would have more of her home range occupied by another bird than a male would. The fact that different methods produced different quantitative results is an important consideration when using home range analysis to make conservation management decisions. Researchers must determine which method is the most appropriate for a particular research objective, species, or study area.
The application of geographical information systems, ERDAS image classification techniques and global positioning systems was an integral part of this study. A large-scale vegetation classification map of Pearl Island was produced in order to quantify habitat selection by kakapo. The unsupervised classification technique produced the least accurate vegetation map, with an accuracy measure of 17-23%, compared to 52% for the supervised classification. The highest accuracy was obtained using an integrated approach involving inductive classification and deductive mapping, resulting in a vegetation classification map which correctly classified 95% of vegetation samples. Thirty-seven ecotone classes were identified and a total ecotone length of approximately 124 km was detected.
Resource selection ratios and resource selection functions were estimated using a combination of discrete, continuous and area-based habitat variables. Circular buffers around used and available point locations were generated to determine whether kakapo selectively use vegetation mosaics. The probability of selection increased with increasing species diversity in each 75-metre radius buffer. Kakapo selected habitat mosaics and vegetation types with higher species diversity and moderate to high abundance of mature rimu and yellow silver pine trees.
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Being Home in the Pearl of the OrientPersson, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
<p>Hong Kong is an Asian metropolis with a population of approximately seven million. Previous studies on the region concentrate on its history that is marked by radical changes to conclude that the on-going makeovers in the physical environment leave people without a permanence of place. Researchers also say that this fluid history eradicates temporal identity because pre-modernism and post-modernism exist at the same time. This study investigates how to describe and explain the relationship between people and environment in Hong Kong. Six informants who are from Hong Kong and who live in Hong Kong help to portray an image of home that does not agree with earlier studies. By looking at physical and emotional boundaries, expressions, and temporal dimensions, this study shows that people cannot be separated from their environment as both parts constitute the unity of being home. This study therefore concludes that neither the sense of place nor the temporal identity is threatened by the region's history of instability. Rather, the informants express a strong sense of home because of the fast pace of life in Hong Kong.</p>
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Tragedi som underhållningArmbäck, Hanna, Danielsson, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur två verklighetsbaserade Hollywoodfilmer, Pearl Harbor och World Trade Center, framställer det amerikanska folket samt dess fiender när landet blir attackerat.</p><p>Vår studie är baserad på en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys förankrad i hermeneutiken, Vi väljer ut två filmer som vi sedan granskar och analyserar.</p><p>Analysen visar att trots filmerna skiljer sig i handling och när de utspelar sig, så har de många gemensamma faktorer. Det framstår som att USA blir oskyldigt attackerat eftersom det inte redogjorts i filmerna några bakomliggande faktorer till vad som hänt. </p><p>Genom symboler, handlingar, musik och tal speglas en påtaglig amerikansk patriotism i båda filmerna, det amerikanska folket framställs som hjältar, både uniformsbeklädda och privatpersoner. Fienden är en anonym makt som publiken aldrig får chans att identifiera sig med och framställs som hjärtlös och kall genom musik, färger och bildberättande.</p>
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Is there a link between forestry and the decline of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in central Sweden? / Finns det en koppling mellan skogsbruk och flodpärlmusslans nedgång i centrala Sverige?Jensen, Alice January 2007 (has links)
<p>The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, is a species in decline throughout its entire range in Europe and North America. In Sweden, the species has disappeared from one third of the watercourses it was found in a century ago, and recruitment occurs in only one third of the approximately 400 populations of mussels remaining. Changes to a watercourse induced by forestry are seen to be among the causes of decline, though there is little direct evidence. This study used GIS to determine various aspects of land cover in the catchment areas of 25 mussel populations in Western Värmland, Sweden. The road network, percentage of different land covers, and forest age were examined at four scales: whole catchment, subcatchment (up to nearest sediment trap), 250m and 100m streamside corridors. Streams containing populations of recruiting mussels had significantly fewer road crossings than streams with non-recruiting populations, perhaps due to increased sedimentation of streams in connection to road crossings. Recruiting mussels were found in catchments with more forest of age class 4-40 years, and significance increased as the scale of analysis was reduced. Almost all other age classes were insignificant. Reasons for these relationships are proposed, which include the larger proportion of birch in young forest (which provide more easily degradable material than conifer needles); and the higher acidity of soils in conifer forests, which increases with forest age and can be detrimental to mussels.</p> / <p>Flodpärlmusslan, Margaritifera margaritifera, visar en kraftig nedgång i hela sitt utbredning-område i Europa och Nordamerika. I Sverige har arten försvunnit från en tredjedel av alla vattendrag som den fanns i för hundra år sedan, och rekrytering sker bara i en tredjedel av de cirka 400 återstående populationerna. Förändringar i vattendrag, som en följd av skogsbruk, ses som en orsak till nedgången, dock finns det föga bevis. GIS användes för att undersöka olika aspekter av markslag i avrinningsområden för 25 musselpopulationer i västra Värmland. Vägnätet, procentandel av olika markslagtyper och skogsålder undersöktes på fyra nivåer: hela avrinningsområdet, avrinningsområdet uppströms till närmaste sedimentfälla och med 250m respektive 100m zoner runt bäcken. Vattendrag med rekryterande populationer hade signifikant färre vägkorsningar än vattendrag utan rekrytering, kanske på grund av ökad sedimentation i vattendrag där vägar korsar dem. Rekryterande populationer fanns i avrinningsområden med mer skog i åldersklass 4-40 år, och detta samband blev mer signifikant i och med lägre analysnivå. De flesta andra åldersklasserna uppvisade ingen signifikans. Förklaring till dessa samband föreslås bland annat vara större inslag av björk i ungskog, vilket ger ett lättare nedbrytbart material än barrträd, och den surare marken som förekommer med barrskog, vilken förvärras med skogsålder och därigenom kan vara skadlig för unga musslor.</p>
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Can GIS be used to identify streams with successful recruitment of freshwater pearlmussels (Margaritifera margaritifera)? / Kan GIS användas för att identifiera vattendrag med fungerande rekrytering av flodpärlmusslor (Margaritifera margaritifera)?Högberg, Jan-Olov January 2009 (has links)
<p>The freshwater pearl mussel (<em>Margaritifera margaritifera</em>) has declined dramatically throughout its range and is faced with recruitment problems in most of the streams where populations still persist. Human activities, such as forestry and agriculture, are thought to be the main reason for these problems. In this study, spatial information on landscape features along 38 streams with known recruitment status were analyzed in an effort to determine if GIS-tools could be used to identify streams with successful recruitment. Differences in the distribution of various landscape features, measured in stream corridors of 50 and 150 m, and differences in several water chemical factors between streams with and without recruitment were investigated. The distribution of landscape features was also compared with host fish (brown trout) density and any statistically significant water chemical factor. Both mussel recruitment and trout density were found to be negatively related to clear-cuts, and mussel recruitment was also negatively related to high water color, which has been shown to be correlated with high nutrient content, one of several adverse effects of clear-cutting close to streams. Recruitment was expected to be negatively affected by roads, but no such relationship could be found. Instead, mussel recruitment was found to be positively related to the number of road crossings per kilometer, but the strength of this relationship was questionable. In addition, even though it was somewhat unclear, high proportions of lakes and ponds were found to be positive for both recruitment and high trout density. The results of the study indicate that GIS-tools can be used to find landscape features that affect recruitment of freshwater pearl mussel and they support the belief that forestry activities are an important cause for the decline of the species in Sweden. In addition, the results indicate that leaving protective zones of forest between streams and clear-cuts can be a possible conservation method for the freshwater pearl mussel.</p> / <p>Flodpärlmusslan (<em>Margaritifera margaritifera</em>) har minskat kraftigt i hela sitt utbredningsområde och i de flesta vattendrag där populationer finns kvar sker ingen rekrytering. Mänskliga aktiviteter, exempelvis skogsbruk och jordbruk, anses vara huvudorsaken för dessa problem. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om GIS-verktyg kan användas för att identifiera vattendrag med fungerande rekrytering. För att uppnå det analyserades geografisk information om landskapet längs 38 vattendrag med känd rekryteringsstatus. Skillnader i fördelningen av olika landskapsföreteelser, uppmätt i 50 och 150 meters buffertzoner, och skillnader i flera vattenkemiska faktorer mellan vattendrag med eller utan rekrytering undersöktes. Dessutom undersöktes även om det fanns något förhållande mellan landskapsföreteelser och tätheten av värdfisk (öring) och mellan landskapsföreteelser och signifikanta vattenkemiska faktorer. Både rekrytering av flodpärlmusslor och öringstäthet var negativt relaterad till kalhyggen. Rekrytering var också negativt relaterad till hög vattenfärg, som har visats vara korrelerat med högt näringsinnehåll, en av flera effekter kalhyggen nära vattendrag har. Rekrytering förväntades påverkas negativt av vägar, men inget negativt förhållande hittades. Istället hittades ett positivt förhållande mellan rekrytering och antalet vägkorsningar per kilometer, men styrkan av det förhållandet var ifrågasättbar. Dessutom var, om än något otydligt, andelen sjö och damm positivt för både rekrytering och hög öringtäthet. Studien indikerar att GIS-verktyg kan användas för att hitta landskapsföreteelser som påverkar rekryteringen av flodpärlmusslor och den stödjer bedömningen att skogsbruk är en av de viktigaste anledningarna till artens nedgång i Sverige. Dessutom indikerar resultaten att skyddszoner mellan kalhyggen och vattendrag kan vara en möjlig skyddsåtgärd för flodpärlmusslan.</p>
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A comparative study of the roles of Hong Kong and Shanghai in the economic integration of the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River DeltaLai, Yin-sheung. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. A.)--University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Title proper from title frame. Also available in printed format.
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Is there a link between forestry and the decline of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in central Sweden? / Finns det en koppling mellan skogsbruk och flodpärlmusslans nedgång i centrala Sverige?Jensen, Alice January 2007 (has links)
The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, is a species in decline throughout its entire range in Europe and North America. In Sweden, the species has disappeared from one third of the watercourses it was found in a century ago, and recruitment occurs in only one third of the approximately 400 populations of mussels remaining. Changes to a watercourse induced by forestry are seen to be among the causes of decline, though there is little direct evidence. This study used GIS to determine various aspects of land cover in the catchment areas of 25 mussel populations in Western Värmland, Sweden. The road network, percentage of different land covers, and forest age were examined at four scales: whole catchment, subcatchment (up to nearest sediment trap), 250m and 100m streamside corridors. Streams containing populations of recruiting mussels had significantly fewer road crossings than streams with non-recruiting populations, perhaps due to increased sedimentation of streams in connection to road crossings. Recruiting mussels were found in catchments with more forest of age class 4-40 years, and significance increased as the scale of analysis was reduced. Almost all other age classes were insignificant. Reasons for these relationships are proposed, which include the larger proportion of birch in young forest (which provide more easily degradable material than conifer needles); and the higher acidity of soils in conifer forests, which increases with forest age and can be detrimental to mussels. / Flodpärlmusslan, Margaritifera margaritifera, visar en kraftig nedgång i hela sitt utbredning-område i Europa och Nordamerika. I Sverige har arten försvunnit från en tredjedel av alla vattendrag som den fanns i för hundra år sedan, och rekrytering sker bara i en tredjedel av de cirka 400 återstående populationerna. Förändringar i vattendrag, som en följd av skogsbruk, ses som en orsak till nedgången, dock finns det föga bevis. GIS användes för att undersöka olika aspekter av markslag i avrinningsområden för 25 musselpopulationer i västra Värmland. Vägnätet, procentandel av olika markslagtyper och skogsålder undersöktes på fyra nivåer: hela avrinningsområdet, avrinningsområdet uppströms till närmaste sedimentfälla och med 250m respektive 100m zoner runt bäcken. Vattendrag med rekryterande populationer hade signifikant färre vägkorsningar än vattendrag utan rekrytering, kanske på grund av ökad sedimentation i vattendrag där vägar korsar dem. Rekryterande populationer fanns i avrinningsområden med mer skog i åldersklass 4-40 år, och detta samband blev mer signifikant i och med lägre analysnivå. De flesta andra åldersklasserna uppvisade ingen signifikans. Förklaring till dessa samband föreslås bland annat vara större inslag av björk i ungskog, vilket ger ett lättare nedbrytbart material än barrträd, och den surare marken som förekommer med barrskog, vilken förvärras med skogsålder och därigenom kan vara skadlig för unga musslor.
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