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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sufficient conditions for local exactness of the exact penalty function method in nonsmooth optimization

Al hashimi, Farah 01 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ränteskillnadsersättning, en konsuments vän eller fiende? : En utredande studie om konsumentskyddet i villkoren för förtidsbetalda bolån / Pre-payment penalty, a consumer's friend or enemy? : An explorative study on consumer protection in the terms of prepayment mortgages

Borg, Anna, Eriksson, Tilda January 2023 (has links)
En grundsten i det svenska samhället är det konsumentskydd som tar tillvara på konsumentensintressen i förhållandet till näringsidkare. Europakommissionens bolånedirektiv motiverar ett starktkonsumentskydd i syfte att främja utvecklingen av en väl fungerande kreditmarknad i såväl Sverigesom i övriga medlemsstater. Sverige är således tvungna att följa direktivet. Konsumenter har enligtdirektivet rätt att lösa bundna bolån i förtid. Ränteskillnadsersättning kan utgå när en konsument lösersitt bundna bolån i förtid. Syftet är att ersätta kreditgivaren för den förlust som kan uppkomma tillföljd av det uppsagda avtalet. Historiskt har regleringen av ränteskillnadsersättning påverkatbolånebeteenden och gett konsumenter incitament att strategiskt lösa lån eller att inte välja bundnabolån över huvud taget. Enligt EU-direktivet ska ersättningen bland annat vara skälig, objektiv ochendast täcka de direkta kostnader som återbetalningen av lånet innebär för kreditgivaren. Detkonstateras att svensk lagstiftning inte är väl förenlig med EU-direktivet och inte heller uppfyller detkonsumentskydd som direktivet motiverar i villkoren för ersättningen. Avtalsrättsliga principermotiverar att en ersättning utgår vid en förtidsbetalning, däremot motiveras interänteskillnadsersättningen som utgår idag. En väl fungerande kreditmarknad motiverar ettkonsumentskydd utifrån risken för finansiell instabilitet som en över- respektive underkompensationkan resultera i. / The foundation in Swedish society is the consumer protection which takes the consumer’s interests inrelation to the businesses in consideration. European directives include injunctions for housingmortgage loans that motivate a legit consumer protection aiming to improve a well functioning creditmarket in Sweden as well as in other member states. Sweden is therefore obligated to follow thedirectives by law. Pursuant to the directives the consumers obtain the right to repay mortgages with afixed rate prematurely. A prepayment penalty proceeds when a premature payment of a fixed ratemortgage is done and intends to compensate the lender for the contingent loss that may occur due tothe terminated agreement. Historically, the regulation of the prepayment penalty has affected themortgage behavior and given consumers incentives to strategically solve mortgages or not choose afixed rate in the first place. The compensation should be reasonable, objective and only cover thedirect costs that can be related to the premature payment according to the European directive. It isascertained that Swedish regulations are not compatible with the European directives and they do notmeet the consumer protection that the directives warrant for the terms of the compensation. Principleswithin contract law motivate that a compensation emanates in the situation of a prematurely paidmortgage but the prepayment penalty that emanates from today's conditions are not. A wellfunctioning credit market motivates consumer protection through the risk of financial instability as aneffect of an overcompensation as well as an undercompensation.

An Arbitrary Death? Capital Punishment and the Supreme Court

Braslaw, Truman 03 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.


SINGH, ONKAR DEEP 06 October 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Cost/Weight Optimization of Aircraft Structures

Kaufmann, Markus January 2008 (has links)
Composite structures can lower the weight of an airliner significantly. The increased production cost, however, requires the application of cost-effective design strategies. Hence, a comparative value is required which is used for the evaluation of a design solution in terms of cost and weight. The direct operating cost (DOC) can be used as this comparative value; it captures all costs that arise when the aircraft is flown. In this work, a cost/weight optimization framework for composite structures is proposed. It takes into account manufacturing cost, non-destructive testing cost and the lifetime fuel consumption based on the weight of the aircraft, thus using a simplified version of the DOC as the objective function. First, the different phases in the design of an aircraft are explained. It is then focused on the advantages and drawbacks of composite structures, the design constraints and allowables, and non-destructive inspection. Further, the topics of multiobjective optimization and the combined optimization of cost and weight are addressed. Manufacturing cost can be estimated by means of different techniques; here, feature-based cost estimations and parametric cost estimations proved to be most suitable for the proposed framework. Finally, a short summary of the appended papers is given. The first paper contains a parametric study in which a skin/stringer panel is optimized for a series of cost/weight ratios (weight penalties) and material configurations. The weight penalty, defined as the specific lifetime fuel burn, is dependent on the fuel consumption of the aircraft, the fuel price and the viewpoint of the optimizer. It is concluded that the ideal choice of the design solution is neither low-cost nor low-weight but rather a combination thereof. The second paper proposes the inclusion of non-destructive testing cost in the design process of the component, and the adjustment of the design strength of each laminate according to the inspection parameters. Hence, the scan pitch of the ultrasonic testing is regarded as a variable, representing an index for the (guaranteed) laminate quality. It is shown that the direct operating cost can be lowered when the quality level of the laminate is assigned and adjusted in an early design stage. / QC 20101112

El procedimiento sancionador tributario administrativo y la vulneración del principio de culpabilidad

Salazar Rivera, Angie Violeta January 2024 (has links)
El Código Tributario vigente, que regula el fundamento de la potestad sancionadora en materia tributaria, está a disposición de la Administración Tributaria para su utilización en el ejercicio de acciones y ejecución de sanciones tributarias; en la instancia correspondiente ante un organismo de la administración fiscal, según sea el caso, el contribuyente puede hacer valer estos principios. Sin embargo, hay un principio el de culpabilidad, que no es recogido por la autoridad sancionadora en materia tributaria. Es aquí donde surge el desacuerdo ya que habría que evaluar la eficacia de la Administración Tributaria al momento de imponer sanciones o el derecho del ciudadano ya que está prohibido evaluar dicho principio en materia tributaria. Como objetivo general del presente estudio es resolver si el procedimiento sancionador tributario administrativo, vulnera al principio de culpabilidad. Para ello se realizará una investigación cualitativa en la cual se recoge datos no cuantificables basados en observaciones del comportamiento para su posterior interpretación. Concluyéndose que la responsabilidad objetiva solo reconoce que la SUNAT ejecute una precipitada tarea para poder sancionar al contribuyente que comete una infracción, en materia tributaria no existe un procedimiento especial estipulado en el Código Tributario y el artículo 165 tiene que incluir la responsabilidad subjetiva, ya viene a ser un límite a la facultad sancionadora del Estado. / The Tax Administration, in taking measures and executing tax sanctions, has the current Tax Code who controls the foundations of the sanctioning power in tax matters; In the corresponding instance before a tax administration body, as the case may be, the taxpayer can assert these principles. However, there is a principle of guilt, which is not included by the sanctioning authority in tax matters. This is where the disagreement arises since it would be necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the Tax Administration when imposing sanctions or the right of the citizen since it is prohibited to evaluate said principle in tax matters. The general objective of this investigation is to determine if the administrative tax sanctioning procedure violates the principle of culpability. To do this, a qualitative investigation will be carried out in which non-quantifiable data is collected based on behavioral observations for subsequent interpretation. Concluding that objective responsibility only recognizes that SUNAT executes a quick task to be able to sanction the taxpayer who commits an infraction, in tax matters there is no special procedure stipulated in the Tax Code and article 165 has to include subjective responsibility, it is already coming to be a limit to the sanctioning power of the State.

When Race Matters: The Influence of Race on Case Clearances in Capital vs. Non-Capital Homicides in Texas

Samaniego, Rebekah 12 1900 (has links)
Texas leads the nation in the number of executions carried out since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976. Race was a key factor in the 1972 moratorium, and though the Supreme Court allowed for its return under new statutes, race continues to plague the capital punishment legal system. In this study, I examine the influence of race on case clearances in capital and non-capital homicides in Texas, using the extra-legal and non-discretionary theories from existing clearance literature. I find that race influences the probability of cases being cleared in non-capital cases but has no statistically significant effect in clearing capital cases.

Cross Validation of the Juror Questionnaire of Values and Viewpoints: Sentencing Decisions and Impression Management in Eligible Capital Jurors

Hartigan, Sara E. 08 1900 (has links)
The current dissertation had three primary objectives, categorized into two MTurk studies with capital juror-eligible community members: (a) cross-validate the psychometric properties of the JQVV, (b): explore the role of legal attitudes via the JQVV in mock capital sentencing decisions, and (c): examine the JQVV's ability to detect juror social desirability in capital voir dire. Impressively, Study 1 (N = 552) and Study 2 (N = 313) provided strong and consistent evidence for the JQVV's reliability and construct validity. In the mock juror paradigm, punitive legal attitudes on the JQVV (i.e., Crime-Neg, Convict, and Death-Pos), did not directly affect sentencing decisions, however they indirectly influenced the perception of nearly all other legally relevant variables (e.g., evidence type). For example, participants with more punitive criminal justice attitudes evaluated aggravating evidence more favorably which, in turn, increased death sentence verdicts. Study 1 also underscored the concerningly low levels of comprehension jurors have regarding judicial instructions and other relevant legal knowledge (e.g., the definition of aggravating). In Study 2, the support-life and support-death groups evidenced divergent patterns of social desirability, although support-death participants did not dramatically alter their scores between the genuine and social desirability condition. Additionally, the JQVV Pros-Cyn and Justice-Pos scales were moderately effective at identifying social desirability, marking the first ever questionnaire to examine juror response styles. Implications for research, professional practice in capital jury selection, and legal policy are discussed.

Das neue Kontaktmodell mit endlicher Reibung in Creo Simulate 3.0 : Theorie und Anwendung ; Vergleich mit dem reibungsfreien und unendlich reibungsbehafteten Kontaktmodell / The New Contact with Finite Friction Feature in Creo Simulate 3.0 : Theory and Application ; Comparison with the Friction-Free and Infinite Friction Contact Models

Jakel, Roland 22 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Der Vortrag beschreibt die zugrunde liegende Theorie und die Softwarefunktionalität des in PTC Creo Simulate 3.0 eingeführten Kontaktmodells mit endlicher Reibung und vergleicht dieses mit den bis Creo Simulate 2.0 exklusiv verwendeten Kontaktmodellen (ideal reibungsfrei und unendlich reibungsbehaftet). An zwei Modellbeispielen (ein von zwei Bremsbacken geklemmtes Bremsschwert und ein verschraubtes Schwungrad) wird versucht, die Funktionsweise des neuen Modells zu demonstrieren. Wegen aktueller Qualitätsprobleme der Software wird die Brauchbarkeit der Kontaktmodelle für den Anwender bewertet (Stand Creo 3.0 M080 / Creo 2.0 M200) und umfangreiches Feedback an den Softwarehersteller PTC gegeben. / The presentation describes the underlying theory and software functionality of the finite friction contact model introduced with PTC Creo Simulate 3.0. It is being compared with the friction-free and infinite friction contact model used exclusively until Creo Simulate 2.0. It is being tried to demonstrate the mode of operation of the new model with help of two examples: A brake sword clamped by two brake pads and a bolted flywheel. Because of actual software quality problems, the usability of the contact model for the user is being rated (status Creo 3.0 M080 / Creo 2.0 M200). Furthermore, comprehensive feedback is given to the software developer PTC.

Os limites da multa devida por descumprimento de obrigação tributária acessória: proposta de solução para o tema 487 da lista de repercussões gerais do STF

Crestani, William Roberto 13 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by William Roberto Crestani (crestan@terra.com.br) on 2016-10-08T18:09:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Trabalho_de_Conclusão_-_Final_com_ficha_e_revisões_da_banca.PDF: 1167622 bytes, checksum: 185a7caee1c21b038191f9f990a2f3cf (MD5) Planilha - Análise decisões STF.XLSX: 61106 bytes, checksum: 6b299cb8a2c9554baca289b01aa8c047 (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: William, boa tarde Para que possamos aceitar seu trabalho junto à biblioteca, deverá realizar ajustes de acordo com as normas da ABNT. As páginas 1 até a página 4, deverão ser refeitas. Acessar o link http://sistema.bibliotecas-sp.fgv.br/bkab_normalizacao na opção Normas para apresentação de monografias, a partir da página 12 para verificar o modelo do trabalho. Ajustar também a numeração. Está correto a partir da Introdução, mas se por exemplo a Introdução for a página 9, incluir o numero 9 e seguir. Após ajustes, realizar nova submissão. Qualquer dúvida estamos à disposição. Att on 2016-10-10T17:35:24Z (GMT) / Submitted by William Roberto Crestani (crestan@terra.com.br) on 2016-10-11T03:36:06Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Mestrado Profissional - Limite das multas - versão biblioteca FGVpdf.pdf: 1166133 bytes, checksum: 160bb728f716fc4a0124bfa77ef7f446 (MD5) Anexo 2 - Planilha eletronica - Anexo II (Parte integrante da Dissertão - Mestrado Profissional).XLSX: 61109 bytes, checksum: 0136d49d91d71dbe6fa2f71f36048dbd (MD5) / Rejected by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br), reason: William, boa tarde Somente mais dois ajustes: Retirar a acentuação do nome Getúlio e retirar a sigla SP que consta ao lado de São Paulo (capa e contracapa). Att on 2016-10-11T17:09:31Z (GMT) / Submitted by William Roberto Crestani (crestan@terra.com.br) on 2016-10-11T17:59:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Mestrado Profissional - Limite das multas - versão final biblioteca FGV.pdf: 1166110 bytes, checksum: 2edafb6e1274e8d1eb4b4708fed3c0ef (MD5) Anexo 2 - Planilha eletronica - Anexo II (Parte integrante da Dissertão - Mestrado Profissional).XLSX: 61109 bytes, checksum: 0136d49d91d71dbe6fa2f71f36048dbd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-10-11T18:02:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Mestrado Profissional - Limite das multas - versão final biblioteca FGV.pdf: 1166110 bytes, checksum: 2edafb6e1274e8d1eb4b4708fed3c0ef (MD5) Anexo 2 - Planilha eletronica - Anexo II (Parte integrante da Dissertão - Mestrado Profissional).XLSX: 61109 bytes, checksum: 0136d49d91d71dbe6fa2f71f36048dbd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-11T18:22:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Mestrado Profissional - Limite das multas - versão final biblioteca FGV.pdf: 1166110 bytes, checksum: 2edafb6e1274e8d1eb4b4708fed3c0ef (MD5) Anexo 2 - Planilha eletronica - Anexo II (Parte integrante da Dissertão - Mestrado Profissional).XLSX: 61109 bytes, checksum: 0136d49d91d71dbe6fa2f71f36048dbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-13 / This paper is aimed at proposing a solution to the object matter of case 487 of the list of general repercussion of the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF), in which the court will judge the following subject: 487 – Confiscatory character of the 'isolated penalty' due for the non acomplishment of ancillary tax obligations. Based on the extensive examination of the STF precedents regarding the limitation of tax penalties, combined with the analysis of the applicable legal doctrine related to the tax sanctions and the proporcionality and reasonableness principles, we will develop and present an answer to the following questions: Is there any limitation to charge the penalty due for the non accomplishment of ancillary tax obligations in the event the tax was duly paid? If the answer is positive, which would be that limit? As a result, we are intended to face a recent ongoing problem in Brazil – which is the substantial increase on the amounts of the penalties charged for the non accomplishment of ancillary tax obligations, specially in cases in which taxes were duly paid by the taxpayers – and, simulteneously, contribute on the seek of a balance point between the function of the ancillary tax obligations and the amount charged as penalty for its non accomplishment. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor uma solução à questão objeto do tema 487 da lista de repercussões gerais do Supremo Tribunal Federal, por meio do qual o STF irá julgar a seguinte temática: 487 – Caráter confiscatório da 'multa isolada' por descumprimento de obrigação acessória decorrente de dever instrumental. A partir do exame extensivo da jurisprudência histórica do STF acerca da limitação das multas fiscais, combinado com o estudo da doutrina relativa às sanções tributárias e aos princípios da proporcionalidade e razoabilidade, desenvolveremos e apresentaremos ao final uma resposta objetiva às seguintes indagações: Existe algum limite que deve ser observado para a cobrança de multa pecuniária devida por descumprimento de dever instrumental nas situações em que não houve falta de recolhimento de tributo? Em caso positivo, qual seria esse limite? Desse modo, pretende-se enfrentar um problema que tem crescido no Brasil nos últimos anos – o aumento expressivo do valor das multas cobradas em razão do descumprimento do dever instrumental e, em vários casos, a desvinculação da cobrança dessa multa do próprio pagamento do tributo – e, simultaneamente, contribuir na tarefa de buscar um ponto de equilíbrio entre a função das obrigações tributárias acessórias e o valor da multa cobrada por conta do seu descumprimento.

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