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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barndomsrevolution på Unga Klara : En föreställningsanalys av För att jag säger det utifrån ett genusperspektiv / Childhood revolution at Unga Klara : A performance analysis of För att jag säger det from a gender perspective

Wäisänen, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
CHILDHOOD REVOLUTION AT UNGA KLARA - A performance analysis of ’För att jag säger det’ from a gender perspective LINNÉA WÄISÄNEN Abstract The Swedish professional theatre for children and young audiences is in a constant change, development and renewal due to adulthoods shifting view and understanding of the child and childhood through the ages. The shifting discourse of childhood can be seen both in the various theatre performances for children and young audiences throughout the 20th century, but also in the constant shifting discussions and debates about what sort of performances are appropriate for children. The base of this thesis is a performance analysis of a recorded version of Unga Klara’s För att jag säger det from a gender perspective, with a focus on the stage setting and the mise-en-scène, along with the actors’ performative actions. The purpose is to examine if and how these theatrical signs counteracts or correlates with gender and hetero norms, but also investigate if the complex relationship between childhood and adulthood can be seen in the performance. To do this, I use a combination of hermeneutics, theatre semiotics and phenomenology as my main methodological starting point. Theories about gender performativity and discourse analysis in childhood studies serve as perspectives to the analysis and interpretation of the performance. The analysis starts with a brief introduction to the performance along with a discussion about the dramaturgical structure and the course of events and situations taking place in För att jag säger det. The analysis continues with a discussion about the theatrical space, in particular the stage space in relation to the starting point of the performance, along with the theatrical communication between the actors and the audience. Then, I discuss the theatrical signs that first caught my attention; the actors’ performative bodies and the music and stage sounds, where I analyse my comprehension of the actors’ performative bodies from a gender perspective. The analysis then continues to a more argument based interpretation of the interactions between the actors and the audience, and follows by a discussion of the actors impersonation of childhood and adulthood. In the last part of the analysis I identify and discuss my understanding of various themes and messages in För att jag säger det. The result of the study implies that a few sequences of the staging along with the actors’ performative bodies in För att jag säger det correlates to gender and hetero norms, but mostly the performance discourages normativity in general. The complex relationship between childhood and adulthood are however well established in the performance’s staging, and can be found in how the actors portraits childhood versus adulthood. It is also visible in the interactive communicational parts between the stage and the auditorium, which only occurs under the terms and conditions of the actors. Keywords: Unga Klara, gender, performativity, performance analysis, childhood revolution, theatre for children and young audiences

Performing Mother and Daughter : A Postdramatic Performance Analysis of Three Contemporary Theatre Productions

Sandberg Hensch, Elin January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis is concerned with the portrayal of motherhood and mother-daughter relationships on stage. By conducting performance analyses of three separate contemporary performances, all focused on mother-daughter relationships, the thesis investigates the creation of mother and daughter on stage. Through the lens of Hans-Thies Lehmann’s theory on postdramatic theatre, the thesis dissects aspects of the performances moving beyond the dramatic action to gain further insight into the portrayal of mother and daughter on stage. The thesis aims to investigate the aspects contributing to the creation of mother and daughter on stage, as well as analyse the conveyed meaning of the relationship between them. Combined with a feminist approach, the role of mother and daughter on stage is placed in a larger context, analysing motherhood as an institution and concept, both on and off stage. By understanding the intimate and complex mother-daughter relationship as a product of patriarchal structure, it becomes necessary and relevant to investigate this relationship further. Since the performances portray private relationships in a public space, the analysis is also concerned with the interrelation between the stage and the outside world. The analysed performances are Und dann kam Mirna at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin, Kung Mor at Teater Galeasen in Stockholm and Mommy Issues at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern in Stockholm. The material for the thesis mainly consists of my experiences of the performances in the role of spectator and the theatre texts. By using Lehmann’s theory as a starting point, the analyses are centred around moving beyond the narrative to investigate other aspects on stage, such as objects, physicality, levels of reality, intertextuality, intermediality and the use of text on stage. The thesis dissects how these aspects contribute to the creation of mother and daughter on stage, as well as analyses the portrayed generational differences and their impact on the mother-daughter relationship in the performances. The analyses place the portrayed mothers and daughters into a larger context, by including concepts such as performativity and the male gaze. The thesis shows how the portrayal of motherhood and mother-daughter relationships on stage can be created by reaching beyond a narrative or a desired understandability. Together, the three performance analyses contribute with concluding insights into the internal logic and structures of the performances.

A Comparative Analysis of Database Management Systems for Time Series Data / En jämförelse av databashanteringssystem för tidsseriedata

Verner-Carlsson, Tove, Lomanto, Valerio January 2023 (has links)
Time series data refers to data recorded over time, often periodically, and can rapidly accumulate into vast quantities. To effectively present, analyse, or conduct research on such data it must be stored in an accessible manner. For convenient storage, database management systems (DBMSs) are employed. There are numerous types of such systems, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, making different trade-offs between desired qualities. In this study we conduct a performance comparison between two contrasting DBMSs for time series data. The first system evaluated is PostgreSQL, a popular relational DBMS, equipped with the time series-specific extension TimescaleDB. The second comparand is MongoDB, one of the most well-known and widely used NoSQL systems, with out-of-the-box time series tailoring. We address the question of which out of these DBMSs is better suited for time series data by comparing their query execution times. This involves setting up two databases populated with sample time series data — in our case, publicly available weather data from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Subsequently, a set of trial queries designed to mimic real-world use cases are executed against each database, while measuring their runtimes. The benchmark results are compared and analysed query-by-query, to identify relative performance differences. Our study finds considerable variation in the relative performance of the two systems, with PostgreSQL outperforming MongoDB in some queries (by up to more than two orders of magnitude) and MongoDB resulting in faster execution in others (by a factor of over 30 in one case). Based on these findings, we conclude that certain queries, and their corresponding real-world use cases, may be better suited for one of the two DBMSs due to the alignment between query structure and the strengths of that system. We further explore other possible explanations for our results, elaborating on factors impacting the efficiency with which each DBMS can execute the provided queries, and consider potential improvements. / I takt med att mängden data världen över växer exponentiellt, ökar också behovet av effektiva lagringsmetoder. En ofta förekommande typ av data är tidsseriedata, där varje värde är associerat med en tidpunkt. Det kan till exempel vara något som mäts en gång om dagen, en gång i timmen, eller med någon annan periodicitet. Ett exempel på sådan data är klimat- och väderdata. Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut samlar varje minut in mätvärden från tusentals mätstationer runt om i landet, så som lufttemperatur, vindhastighet och nederbördsmängd. Det leder snabbt till oerhört stora datamängder, som måste lagras för att effektivt kunna analyseras, förmedlas vidare, och bevaras för eftervärlden. Sådan lagring sker i databaser. Det finns många olika typer av databaser, där de vanligaste är relationella databaser och så kallande NoSQL-databaser. I den här uppsatsen undersöker vi två olika databashanteringssystem, och deras lämplighet för lagring av tidsseriedata. Specifikt jämför vi prestandan för det relationella databashanteringssystemet PostgreSQL, utökat med tillägget TimescaleDB som optimerar systemet för användande med tidsseriedata, och NoSQL-systemet MongoDB som har inbyggd tidsserieanpassning. Vi utför jämförelsen genom att implementera två databasinstanser, en per komparand, fyllda med SMHI:s väderdata och därefter mäta exekveringstiderna för ett antal utvalda uppgifter som relaterar till behandling av tidsseriedata. Studien konstaterar att inget av systemen genomgående överträffar det andra, utan det varierar beroende på uppgift. Resultaten indikerar att TimescaleDB är bättre på komplexa uppgifter och uppgifter som involverar att plocka ut all data inom ett visst tidsintervall, emedan MongoDB presterar bättre när endast data från en delmängd av mätstationerna efterfrågas.

Cross-linguistic influence in the description of dimensional adjectives : Measuring the linguistic performance of l2 spanish in high-school students

Ugarte Bern, Sophie Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
In the present study, the linguistic performance of 11 Swedish high-school students of Spanish as second language (L2)/foreign language (FL) of 3 different levels, between 16-18 years old, has been measured through analysis of experimental elicited speech samples from a picture description task, designed to elicit placement of adjectives and dimensional adjectives in Spanish. The task provided 3 images with phrases in the source language and the participants were asked to translate it into the target language (TL). Subsequently, 9 images without text were presented and the students were asked to describe the images in the TL. The intention was to measure the grammatical accuracy concerning the placement of adjectives and the possible transfer –from Swedish to Spanish– of semantical markers regarding dimensional adjectives. The results from the performance analysis of the learners responses indicate that in beginner learners of Spanish, the semantic markers of dimensional adjectives have been transferred from Swedish to Spanish. One example that reflects this is the predominant use of the form largo ‘long’ instead of alto ’high/tall’ regarding the height of a person. The beginners also exhibit transfer in the placement of adjectives. These types of errors found in the speech of beginner students were not salient to the same extent in more advanced students.

Security vs performance in a real-time separation kernel : An analysis for multicore RISC-V architecture / Säkerhet vs prestanda i en realtidsseparationskärna : En analys för multicore RISC-V arkitektur

Kultala, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, we explored the possibility of introducing a few vulnerabilities to a separation kernel to increase its performance. We made modifications to S3K, an open-source separation kernel that is in the final stages of being designed. To test the viability of our modifications we benchmarked both the unmodified and the modified versions and compared the results. We changed the scheduler and the inter-process communication used for time sharing: we introduced side-channel vulnerabilities to allow the modified functionalities to complete their work faster. The changes to the scheduler increased performance notably when having a high scheduling overhead, but not so much with low overhead. The changes to the inter-process communication proved to have limited usefulness, as the default version was already rather quick, and the new version had the drawback of increasing the time needed for scheduling. We also tested our scheduler modifications in the inter-process communication benchmarks. This greatly improved performance in all scenarios, and it made our modifications to the inter-process communication slightly more viable. To see how our results held up in a scenario closer to a real use case we also implemented a simple cryptographic application and designed tests based on it. When we ran the tests with different combinations of including or excluding our modifications we got similar results to our previous benchmarks. Overall, our modifications to the scheduler seem like a promising change to the separation kernel, given that one is willing to introduce the side-channels that come with the changes. The modifications to the inter-process communication on the other hand are more questionable and are likely only useful in specific scenarios. / I detta arbete utforskade vi möjligheten att introducera några sårbarheter till en separationskärna för att öka dess prestanda. Vi modifierade S3K, en separationskärna med öppen källkod som är i slutstadiet av att designas. För att testa hur praktiskt användbara våra modifikationer var så körde vi benchmarks på både den ursprungliga versionen och den modifierade versionen och jämförde resultaten. Vi ändrade schemaläggaren och interprocesskommunikationen som används för att dela tid: sidokanalssårbarheter introducerades för att tillåta de ändrade funktionerna att göra färdigt sina arbeten snabbare. Ändringarna till schemaläggaren visade sig öka prestandan noterbart när man hade en hög schemaläggnings-overhead, men skillnaden var inte så stor med låg overhead. Ändringarna till interprocesskommunikationen visade sig ha begränsad användbarhet, då standardversionen redan var ganska snabb och den nya versionen hade nackdelen att den ökade schemaläggningstiden. Vi testade också våra schemaläggningsmodifikationer i våra benchmarks för interprocesskommunikationen. Detta ökade prestandan mycket i alla scenarion, och gjorde våra modifikationer till interprocesskommunikationen något mer praktiskt användbara. För att se hur våra resultat stod sig i ett mer verkligt scenario så implementerade vi också en simpel kryptografisk applikation, och utformade test runt den. När vi testade olika kombinationer av att inkludera eller exkludera våra modifikationer fick vi liknande resultat som vi fick i tidigare benchmarks. Överlag så verkar våra modifikationer till schemaläggaren lovande, givet att man är villig att introducera de sidokanalssårbarheter som kommer med ändringarna. Modifikationerna till interprocesskommunikationen är dock mer tveksamma, och är sannolikt bara användbara i specifika scenarion.

Performance Analysis and Enhancement of QoS Framework for Fixed WiMAX Networks. Design, analysis and evaluation of 802.16 Point-to-Multipoint (PMP) Quality of Service Framework based on uplink scheduler and call admission control analysis.

Laias, Elmabruk M. January 2009 (has links)
Given the current developments and advances in the scientific and technological aspects of human knowledge and introducing new approaches in various fields of telecommunication technologies and industries, there has been an increasing growth in its players¿ plans and a positive change in their outlooks in order to achieve the target of "anywhere and anytime access". Recent developments of WiMAX (Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access) networks, as a sign of increasing needs and demands for new telecommunication services and capabilities, have led to revolutions in global telecommunication which should be perceived properly in terms of the commercial and technical aspects in order to enjoy the new opportunities. Most experts believe that WiMAX technology is a preliminary step to develop Fourth Generation networks known as 4G technologies. It has not only succeeded in the utilization of several of the latest telecommunication techniques in the form of unique practical standards, but also paved the way for the quantitative and qualitative developments of high-speed broadband access. IEEE 802.16 Standard introduces several advantages, and one of them is the support for Quality of Services (QoS) at the Media Access Control (MAC) level. For these purposes, the standard defines several scheduling classes at MAC layer to treat service flow in a different way, depending on QoS requirements. In this thesis, we have proposed a new QoS framework for Point-to-Multi Point (PMP) 802.16 systems operating in Time Division Duplexing (TDD) mode over a WirelessMAN-OFDM physical layer. The proposed framework consists of a Call Admission Control (CAC) module and a scheduling scheme for the uplink traffic as well as a simple frame allocation scheme. The proposed CAC module interacts with the uplink scheduler status and it makes its decision based on the scheduler queue status; on the other hand, the proposed scheduling scheme for the uplink traffic aims to support realtime flows and adapts the frame-by-frame allocations to the current needs of the connections, with respect to the grants boundaries fixed by the CAC module. Extensive OPNET simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed architecture.

Thema mit Variablen: Zur Phänomenologie der Jazzkomposition und musikalischer Analyse

Dreps, Krystoffer 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.

»… an inborn architectural sense …«: Theoretisch-methodologische Überlegungen zur Performance-Analyse am Beispiel einer Aufnahme von Maria Callas

Sprau, Kilian 27 October 2023 (has links)
Die Tradition, der zufolge sich Werkanalyse mit Notentexten befasst – ‚Werken‘ in ihrer Gestalt als Partituren – wird mittlerweile in zahlreichen musikologischen Zusammenhängen hinterfragt. So findet die Analyse von Musik als klingender Praxis (in Bereichen wie Popularmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie seit langem etabliert) aktuell regen Zuspruch im Diskurs der sich disziplinär formierenden Interpretationsforschung/Performance Studies. Interessanter Weise lässt sich im Schrifttum zu bedeutenden Interpret*innen westlicher Kunstmusik eine quasi komplementäre Tendenz beobachten: Nicht selten verwenden Untersuchungen von Performances hochrangiger Künstlerpersönlichkeiten zur Beschreibung Begriffe, die zugleich Schlüsselkategorien der Analyse schriftlicher Notentexte darstellen (etwa solche aus dem Bereich der musikalischen Formenlehre). Diese Strategie unterstreicht indirekt die Einordnung des vermeintlich peripheren Klangereignisses als Analysegegenstand eigenen Rechts. Der Beitrag belegt diese Beobachtung an Beispielen aus der Literatur zum diskographischen Vermächtnis der Sängerin Maria Callas. Von dort ausgehend werden zunächst methodologische Grundsatzfragen thematisiert: Hat die Erschließung textanalytischer Kategorien für die Performance-Analyse lediglich metaphorische Qualität, oder birgt sie konkret-methodisches Potenzial zur Untersuchung musikalischer Aufführungen? Dass Letzteres zutrifft, wird anschließend am Beispiel einer Einspielung der Scena „O rendetemi la speme“ aus Vincenzo Bellinis Oper I Puritani durch Maria Callas (1953) gezeigt. / The traditional focus of musical analysis on scores – music in its written form as notated »text« – is by now questioned in several musicological contexts. For instance, the analysis of music as sounding practice (as it is well-established e.g. in popular music research and ethnomusicology) is highly acclaimed in the realms of Interpretationsforschung/performance studies, research fields currently undergoing organization as disciplinary integrated scientific discourse formations. Interestingly, in publications on major performers of Western art music, tendencies in a virtually opposite direction can be observed. It is not uncommon that analyses of high-quality performances make use of concepts known as central categories of »musical text analysis« (e.g. features of musical Formenlehre). This strategy can be understood as emphasizing the recognition of the performative event as an object worth of analysis by its own. This article gives evidence for this by quoting publications on the discographical legacy of Maria Callas. Following these observations, basal methodological questions are considered: can the valorisation of categories traditionally located in musico-textual analysis have anything more than purely metaphorical function in the context of performance research? That it indeed offers methodological potential of great value for performance analyses is shown by investigating a recording of the scena »O rendetemi la speme« from Vincenzo Bellini‘s opera I Puritani by Maria Callas (1953).

Performance and feature support of Progressive Web Applications : A performance and available feature comparison between Progressive Web Applications, React Native applications and native iOS applications. / Prestanda och funktionsstöd för Progressiva Webbapplikationer : En prestanda och tillgänglig funktionsjämförelse mellan progressiva webbapplikationer, React Native applikationer och Native iOS.

Nilsson, Anders January 2022 (has links)
Mobile platform fragmentation is one of the main challenges of mobile development today, forcing developers to develop one application for each targeted platform, which significantly impacts time and cost for application development and maintenance. The fragmentation has given rise to cross-platform application development tools and frameworks, making it possible to develop one single application compatible with several platforms. This thesis focuses on the web-based approach Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), which, in contrast to previous approaches, targets both mobile and desktop devices. We aim to point out the supported features, evaluate their suitability for QR code scanning, and their performance compared to alternative approaches on iOS. We specifically cover a feature set of 33 features and measure response times, CPU and memory utilization, geolocation accuracy, and QR code scanning correctness. We developed three benchmark artifacts for the performance analysis: a PWA, a React Native application, and a native iOS application, and conducted automated run-time experiments using the tools Xcode and XCUITest. The performance evaluation shows that native applications performed best in memory and CPU utilization, whereas React Native achieved the shortest response times. The feature evaluation shows that the majority of the features are supported or partially supported for PWAs, and that the support continues to grow. Still, PWAs lack support for crucial mobile features such as push notifications and background synchronization, making PWAs insufficient for advanced mobile application development on iOS. Nevertheless, this study shows that PWAs are well worth considering for applications with low requirements. / Fragmentering av mobilplattformar är en av de största utmaningarna inom mobilutveckling, vilket tvingar utvecklare att utveckla en applikation för varje specific plattform, vilket avsevärt påverkar tid och kostnad för applikationsutveckling och underhåll. Fragmenteringen har gett upphov till plattformsoberoende applikationsutvecklingsverktyg och ramverk, vilka möjliggör utveckling av en enda applikation kompatibel med flertalet plattformar. Det här examensarbetet fokuserar på det webbaserade tillvägagångssättet Progressiva Webb Applikationers (PWAs), som till skillnad från tidigare tillvägagångssätt, riktar sig till både mobila och stationära enheter. Den här studien syftar till att reda ut vilka funktioner som stöds av PWAs, utvärdera PWAs lämplighet för QR-kodskanning och deras prestanda jämfört med alternativa tillvägagångssätt på iOS. Mer specifikt täcker den här stiduen en evaluering av 33 essentiella mobilfunktioner samt en prestandaanalys genom mätning av svarstid, CPU- och minnesanvändning, geolokaliseringsnoggrannhet och QR-kodsskanning korrekthet. Vi utvecklade tre benchmark-artefakter för prestandaanalysen: en PWA, en React Native-applikation och en inbyggd iOS-applikation, och genomförde automatiserade experiment med verktygen Xcode och XCUITest. Prestandautvärderingen visar att inbyggda applikationer presterade bäst i minne och CPU-användning, medan React Native uppnådde de kortaste svarstiderna. Funktionsutvärderingen visar att majoriteten av funktionerna stöds eller delvis stöds för PWAs, och att stödet fortsätter att växa. Ändå saknar PWAs stöd för viktiga mobila funktioner som push-meddelanden och bakgrundssynkronisering, vilket gör PWAs otillräckliga för utveckling av avancerade iOS mobilapplikationer. Däremot är PWAs väl värda att överväga för applikationer med lägre krav.

Modeling Hybrid-Electric Aircraft and their Fleet-Level CO<sub>2</sub> Emission Impacts

Samarth Jain (13954977) 03 January 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>With rising concerns over commercial aviation’s contribution to global carbon emissions, there exists a tremendous pressure on the aviation industry to find advanced technological solutions to reduce its share of CO2 emissions. Single-aisle (or narrowbody) aircraft are the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions by number of operations, insisting a need to reduce / eliminate their aircraft-level fuel consumption as soon as possible. A potential solution for this is to operate fully-electric single-aisle aircraft; however, the limitations of the current (and predicted future) battery technology is forcing the industry to explore hybrid-electric aircraft as a possible mid-term solution.</p> <p>Modeling hybrid-electric aircraft comes with its own challenges due to the presence of two different propulsion sources – gas turbine engines (powered by Jet-A fuel) and electric motors (powered by batteries). Since traditional sizing approaches and legacy sizing tools do not seem to work well for hybrid-electric aircraft, this work presents a “flight-mechanics-based” conceptual sizing tool for hybrid-electric aircraft, set up as a Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) toolbox. Some of the key features of the sizing tool include concurrently sizing the electric motors and downsizing the gas turbine engines while meeting the one-engine-inoperative (OEI) and top-of-climb constraints, and re-sizing the fuselage to account for the volumetric constraints associated with required batteries.</p> <p>Current work considers a parallel hybrid-electric single-aisle aircraft with a 900 nmi design range, with electric power augmentation (with electric motors operating at full throttle) available only for the takeoff and climb segments when sizing the aircraft. Four hybrid-electric propulsion technology cases are considered, and the resulting hybrid-electric aircraft show 15.0% to 22.5% reduction in fuel burn compared to a Boeing 737-800 aircraft.</p> <p>Another challenge with modeling hybrid-electric aircraft is determining their off-design performance characteristics (considering a different payload or mission range, or both). This work presents an energy management tool – set up as a nonlinear programming optimization problem – to minimize the fuel burn for a payload-range combination by identifying the optimal combination of throttle settings for the gas turbine engines and the electric motors during takeoff, climb, and cruise, along with identifying an optimal flight path. The energy management tool enables fuel savings of at least of 2%, with actual savings ranging from 142.1 lbs to 276.1 lbs per trip for a sample route (LGA–ORD) at a 80% load factor.</p> <p>Although the hybrid-electric aircraft sizing and performance analysis studies show encouraging results about the potential reduction in carbon emissions at an aircraft level, the future fleet-level carbon emissions are not expected to reduce proportionally to these aircraft level emission reductions. This work predicts the fleet-level environmental impacts of future single-aisle parallel hybrid-electric aircraft by modeling the behavior of a profit-seeking airline (with a mixture of conventional all Jet-A fuel burning and hybrid electric aircraft in its fleet) using the Fleet-Level Environmental Evaluation Tool (FLEET). FLEET’s model-based predictions rely upon historically-based information about US-touching airline routes and passenger demand served by US flag-carrier airlines from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics to initiate model-based predictions of future demand, aircraft fleet mix, and aircraft operations. Using the aircraft performance coefficients from the energy management tool to represent the behavior of a single-aisle parallel hybrid-electric aircraft, the FLEET simulation predicts the changes in the fleet-wide carbon emissions due to the introduction of this new aircraft in an airline fleet in the year 2035. By 2055, FLEET results predict that the fleet-wide CO2 emissions with hybrid-electric aircraft in the fleet mix are at least 1.2% lower than the fleet-wide CO2 emissions of a conventional (all Jet-A fuel burning) aircraft-only airline. The rather limited reduction in emissions is an attribute of the reduced range capability and higher operating cost of the hybrid-electric aircraft (relative to a conventional aircraft of similar size). This causes the airline to change the usage, acquisition and retirement of its conventional aircraft when hybrid-electric aircraft are available; this is most notable to serve passenger demand on certain predominantly single-aisle service routes that cannot be flown by the future single-aisle hybrid-electric aircraft. </p>

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