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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New solid state oxygen and hydrogen conducting materials. Towards their applications as high temperature electrochemical devices and gas separation membranes

Balaguer Ramírez, María 02 September 2013 (has links)
Los materiales conductores mixtos de electrones e iones (oxígeno o protones) son capaces de separar oxígeno o hidrógeno de los gases de combustión o de corrientes de reformado a alta temperatura. La selectividad de este proceso es del 100%. Estos materiales, óxidos sólidos densos, pueden usarse en la producción de electricidad a partir de combustibles fósiles, así como formar parte de los procesos que forman parte del sistema de captura y almacenamiento de CO2. Las membranas de transporte de oxígeno (MTO) se pueden utilizar en las plantas energéticas con procesos de oxicombustión, así como en reactores catalíticos de membrana (RCM), mientras que las membranas de transporte de hidrógeno (MTH) se aplican en procesos de precombustión. Además, estos materiales encuentran aplicación en componentes de sistemas energéticos, como electrodos o electrolitos de pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, de ambas clases iónicas y protónicas (SOFC y PC-SOFC). Los procesos mencionados implican condiciones de operación muy severas, como altas temperaturas y grandes gradientes de presión parcial de oxígeno (pO2), probablemente combinadas con la presencia de CO2 and SO2. Los materiales más que mayor rendimiento de separación presentan y más ampliamente investigados en este campo son inestables en estas condiciones. Por tanto, existe la necesidad de encontrar nuevos materiales inorgánicos estables que proporcionen alta conductividad electrónica e iónica. La presente tesis propone una búsqueda sistemática de nuevos conductores iónicos-electrónicos mixtos (MIEC, del inglés) con diferente estructura cristalina y/o diferente composición, variando la naturaleza de los elementos y la estequiometría del cristal. La investigación ha dado lugar a materiales capaces de transportar iones oxígeno, protones o cargas electrónicas y que son estables en las condiciones de operación. La caracterización de una amplia serie de cerias (CeO2) dopadas con lantánidos proporciona una comprensión general de las propiedades estructurales y de transporte, así como la relación entre ellas. Además, se estudia el efecto de la adición de cobalto a dicho sistema. Se ha completado el análisis con la optimización de las propiedades de trasporte a partir de la microestructura. Todo esto permite hacer una clasificación inicial de los materiales basada en el comportamiento de transporte principal y permite adecuar la estructura y las condiciones de operación para obtener las propiedades deseadas para cada aplicación. Algunos de los materiales extraídos de este estudio alcanzaron las expectativas. Las familias de materiales basadas en Ce1-x Tbx O2-¿ y Ce1-x Tbx O2-¿ +2 mol% Co proporcionan flujos de oxígeno bajos pero competitivos, ya que son estables en atmósferas con CO2. Además, la inclusión de estos materiales en membranas de dos fases aumenta el flujo de oxígeno. La combinación con una espinela libre de cobalto y de metales alcalinotérreos como es el Fe2 NiO4, ha dado lugar a un material prometedor en cuanto a flujo de oxígeno y estabilidad en CO2 y en SO2, que podría ser integrado en el proceso de oxicombustión. Por otra parte, se ha añadido metales como codopantes en el sistema Ce0.9-x Mx Gd0.1O1.95. Estos materiales, en combinación con la perovskita La1- x Srx MnO3 usada comúnmente como cátodo de SOFC, han sido capaces de disminuir la resistencia de polarización del cátodo. La mejora es consecuencia de la introducción de conductividad iónica por parte de la ceria. Las perovskitas dopadas basadas en CaTiO3 forman el segundo grupo de materiales investigados. La dificultad de obtener perovskitas estables y que presenten conducción mixta iónica y electrónica se ha hecho evidente. De entre los dopantes utilizados, el hierro y la combinación hierro-magnesio han sido los mejores candidatos. Ambos materiales presentan conductividad principalmente iónica a alta temperatura, mientras que a baja predomina la conductividad electrónica tipo p. CaTi0.73Fe0.18Mg0.09O3-¿ se ha mostrado como un material competente en la fabricación de membranas de oxígeno, que proporciona flujos adecuados a la par que estabilidad en CO2. Finalmente, la perovskita La0.87Sr0.13CrO3 (LSC) ha sido dopada con el objetivo de aumentar la conductividad mixta protónica electrónica. Este estudio ha llevado al desarrollo de una nueva generación de ánodos para PC-SOFC basadas en electrolitos de LWO. Las perovskitas dopadas con Ce en el sitio del La (LSCCe) y con Ni en el sitio del Cr (LSCN) son estables en condiciones de operación reductoras, así como en contacto con el electrolito. El uso de ambos materiales como ánodo disminuye la resistencia de polarización con respecto al LSC. El LSCCe está limitado por los procesos que ocurren a baja frecuencia (BF), relacionados con los procesos superficiales, y que son atenuados en el caso del LSCN debido a la formación de nanopartículas de Ni metálico en la superficie. La infiltración posterior con nanopartículas de Ni permite disminuir la resistencia a BF lo que sugiere que la reacción superficial de oxidación del H2 está siendo catalizada. La infiltración más concentrada en Ni (5Ni) elimina completamente la resistencia a BF en ambos ánodos, de forma que los procesos que ocurren a altas frecuencias son ahora limitantes. El ánodo constituido por LSCNi20+5Ni dio una resistencia de polarización de 0.26 ¿·cm 2 at 750 ºC en H2 húmedo. / Mixed ionic (oxygen ions or protons) and electronic conducting materials (MIEC) separate oxygen or hydrogen from flue gas or reforming streams at high temperature in a process 100% selective to the ion. These solid oxide materials may be used in the production of electricity from fossil fuels (coal or natural gas), taking part of the CO2 separation and storage system. Dense oxygen transport membranes (OTM) can be used in oxyfuel combustion plants or in catalytic membrane reactors (CMR), while hydrogen transport membranes (HTM) would be applied in precombustion plants. Furthermore, these materials may also be used in components for energy systems, as advanced electrodes or electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and proton conducting solid oxide fuel cells (PCSOFC) working at high and moderate temperature. The harsh working conditions stablished by the targeted processes include high temperatures and low O2 partial pressures (pO2), probably combined with CO2 and SO2 containing gases. The instability disadvantages presented by the most widely studied materials for these purposes make them impractical for application to gas separation. Thus, the need to discover new stable inorganic materials providing high electronic and ionic conductivity is still present. This thesis presents a systematic search for new mixed ionic-electronic conductors. It includes different crystalline structures and/or composition of the crystal lattice, varying the nature of the elements and the stoichiometry of the crystal. The research has yielded new materials capable to transport oxygen ions or protons and electronic carriers that are stable in the working condition to which they are submitted. / Balaguer Ramírez, M. (2013). New solid state oxygen and hydrogen conducting materials. Towards their applications as high temperature electrochemical devices and gas separation membranes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31654 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Study and Characterization of Hybrid Perovskites and Copper-Indium-Gallium Selenide thin films for Tandem Solar Cells

Bouich, Amal 01 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo principal de esta tesis es contribuir al avance de nuevas técnicas de elaboración con bajo coste, utilizando materiales tipo de cobre, indio, galio y selenio CIGS y Perovskita para aplicaciones en energía solar fotovoltaica. CIGS parecen ser adecuadas ya que son de bajo costo de producción y se han reportado eficiencias de conversión del 23,35%. Por otro lado, las perovskitas híbridas de haluros de plomo orgánicos-inorgánicos han aparecido como nuevos materiales excepcionales para celdas solares, especialmente porque la eficiencia de las celdas solares basadas en perovskita ha aumentado del 3.8% al 22.7% en menos de un lustro. Este trabajo se ha dedicado a experimentar sobre la elaboración y caracterización de CIGS y los perovskitas de metilamonio de yoduro de plomo de (MAPbI3) y formamidinio de yoduro de plomo (FAPbI3), que se utilizo tanto en la aplicación a las células solares de perovskitas y en las células Tándem CIGS-perovskita. Las películas se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X, espectroscopía Raman, microscopía electrónica de barrido, análisis de espectroscopía de energía dispersiva, microscopía de fuerza atómica, transmisión electrónica microscopía, fotoluminiscencia y espectroscopia UV-Vis. En las capas de CIGS depositadas por electrodeposición se investigó el efecto de diferentes parámetros, También investigamos en detalle el efecto del contacto posterior en las propiedades estructurales y ópticas de CIGS. Constatamos que el tipo de contacto posterior tiene un efecto significativo en el rendimiento posterior de las películas delgadas CIGS. Además, estudiamos la técnica de espray pirólisis para producir películas CIGS. Se estudió el proceso de recocido, que es el factor clave para mejorar el rendimiento de las células solares. Se elaboraron diferentes películas delgadas constituidas de nuestro dispositivo CdZnS/CdS/CIGS/Mo eso utilizó una capa conductora transparente de CdZnS para minimizar la alineación de la interfaz. Por otro lado, se analizó el proceso de cristalización y la estabilidad de las capas MAPbI3. Las capas de MAPbI3 se trataron añadiendo antisolvente a diferentes velocidades. Durante el tratamiento se producen intercambios complejos que influencian muchas propiedades fisicoquímicas. Se investigaron las propiedades ópticas y eléctricas de las películas de MAPbI3. Para mejorar la estabilidad de MAPbI3, se incorporó tetrabutilamonio (TBA), observando una mejora en la formación de la estructura perovskita que crece en la dirección preferente (110). La fase cristalina de MAPbI3 dopada con TBA presenta mejor cristalinidad, gran tamaño de grano, morfología superficial sin poros lo que es adecuado para la fabricación de dispositivos optoelectrónicas con mayor rendimiento. Además, hemos identificado el impacto de TBA en las propiedades foto físicas de MAPbI3. En las muestras de TBA:MAPbI3 aumenta la intensidad de la fotoluminiscencia al reducir la densidad de los estados de trampa y la absorción óptica muestra un cambio significativo hacia longitudes de onda más largas y la banda prohibida óptica varió de 1.8 a 1.52 eV. Finalmente, las muestras dopadas con 5% TBA mejoraron su estabilidad y se encontró que después de 15 días la estabilidad permanecía excelente en una humedad de ~ 60%. Por otra parte, investigamos el efecto de guanidinio (GA) sobre las propiedades estructurales y ópticas de FAPbI3. La relación entre la fase a de perovskita deseable y la fase indeseable y se ha estudiado en función del contenido de GA. Se comprobó que el dopaje con GA es eficaz en el control de la relación de fases a/y y luego en la estabilización de la fase a. Los resultados muestran que añadiendo una cantidad adecuada del 10% GA conduce a una mejora de película de perovskita que se evidencia en la homogeneidad de la fase a estable, granos de mayor tamaño y capas libres de poros. Además, 10% GA:FaPbI3 demostraron una excelente estabilidad después de ser envejecidas durante 15 días en un ambiente con humedad relativa del 60%. / [EN] The thesis work presented is part of the work in the Laboratory of New Materials for Photovoltaic Energy in the main target to use low cost techniques for elaboration of Perovskite and Copper, indium, gallium, and selenium CIGS materials for photovoltaic application. Organic-inorganic lead halides perovskites have currently and exceptionally appeared as new materials for low cost thin film solar cells specially that the efficiency of perovskite based solar cell have jumped from 3.8% to 22.7% in short time.in other hand, CIGS solar cells record 23.35% efficiency and still can be boosted. Here, we report the elaboration and characterization of CIGS as well as methylammonium lead iodide perovskites MAPbI3 and formamidinuim iodide lead iodide perovskites FAPbI3 absorbers for perovskite-based solar cells and Tandem Perovskites/ CIGS. The thin films prepared were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy (RS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Photoluminescence analysis (PL) and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The first stage was devoted for the effect of different parameters on the growth of CIGS by electrodeposition and we investigate the impact of different back contact in structural and optical proprieties. In a second stage, we report the growth of CIGS films by spray pyrolysis, we studied the effect of experimental parameter also the annealing process which is the key factor for improving the performance of solar cells,subsequently we elaborated different films constituted CdZnS/CdS/CIGS/Mo solar cells, the approach is to change the toxic ZnO by using a transparent, conductive CdZnS layer. In other hand, MAPbI3 film was investigated in order to optimize the chemical composition and to study the crystallization process also to get sight about the stability of perovskite materials to meet the requirement of their application as an active layer in perovskite solar cell. For this purpose. the MAPbI3 film surface was treated by adding diethyl ether antisolvent with different rates. during the treatment complex exchanges are appearing at the same time under the influence of quite a lot of physicochemical properties. A whole understanding of this topic is critically important for improving solar cell performance. MAPbI3 doped by the tetrabutylammonium TBA is boosting the formation of perovskite structure, leading to a higher orientation along the (110) and shows better crystallinity, large grain size, pinhole-free, which is suitable for the manufacturing of the optoelectronic devices with higher performance. Also, we have identified the impact of TBA in the photo-physical properties, we have noticed that the TBA improve the photoluminescence emission by reducing the density of trap states and the optical absorption indicates a significant shift to the lower wavelength and optical bandgap varied from 1.8 to 1.52 eV. Finally, the stability was explored for 5% TBA, it found that after 15 days the stability remained excellent in relative humidity of ~60%. These results would be helpful for realizing stable and high performance MAPbI3-based devices. Furthermore, we inspect the effect of monovalent cation substitution of Guanidinium (GA) on the structural and optical properties of FAPbI3 thin films perovskites. The ratio between the desirable a-phase and the undesirable y yellow phase is studied as a function of GA content. GA doping is shown to be efficient in the control of a/y phases ratio and then in the stabilization of the a-FaPbI3 phase. We qualitatively evaluate the impact of 10% of guanidinium on the phase composition and microstructure of films. The results show that an adequate amount of 10% GA:FaPbI3 leads to a homogeneous perovskite film with stable a phase, large grains, and free pinholes. 10% GA: FaPbI3 films demonstrate excellent stability after aging for 15 days in relative humidity of~60%. / [CA] L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'avanç de noves tècniques d'elaboració de baix cost, fent servir materials d'aliatges del tipus de coure, indi, gal·li i seleni (CIGS) i perovskites, per a aplicacions en energia solar fotovoltaica. El CIGS sembla ser adequat ja que són de baix cost de producció i s'han reportat eficiències de conversió del 23,35%. D'altra banda, les perovskites híbrides d'halurs de plom orgànics-inorgànics han aparegut com a nous materials excepcionals per cel·les solars, especialment perquè l'eficiència de les cel·les solars basades en perovskites ha augmentat del 3.8% al 22.7% en menys d'un lustre. En el present treball, reportem l'elaboració i caracterització de CIGS y de perovskitas de iodur de plom de metilamoni (MAPbI3) i de iodur de plom de formamidini (FaPbI3) per a les cèl·lules solars de CIGS i tàndem Perovskites/CIGS. En les capes de CIGS dipositades per electrodeposició es va investigar l'efecte dels diferents paràmetres sobre el procés d'electrodeposició, així com l'efecte del contacte posterior sobre les propietats estructurals i òptiques del CIGS. Ens trobem que el tipus de contacte posterior té un efecte significatiu en la posterior interpretació de pel·lícules primes CIGS. A més, vam estudiar la tècnica de polvorització de la piròlisi per produir pel·lícules de CIGS. Es va estudiar el procés de recuit, que és el factor clau per millorar el rendiment de les cèl·lules solars. Es van produir diferents pel·lícules fines formades pel nostre dispositiu CdZnS/CdS/CIGS/Mo que utilitzaven una capa conductiva CdZnS transparent per minimitzar l'alineació de la interfície. D'altra banda, es van investigar perovskites MAPbI3, amb la finalitat d'optimitzar la composició química i estudiar el procés de cristal·lització també per a conèixer l'estabilitat dels materials de perovskita. la cristal·lització s'aconsegueix alentint la solubilitat en una solució saturada mitjançant l'addició d'una quantitat diferent de l'antisolvent d'èter dietílic. Durant el tractament apareixen al mateix temps intercanvis complexos sota la influència de moltes propietats fisicoquímiques. Una comprensió completa d'aquest tema és de vital importància per a millorar el rendiment. Amb l'objectiu principal d'augmentar l'estabilitat de MAPbI3, el tetrabutilamoni (TBA) es pot incorporar a MAPbI3, impulsant la formació de l'estructura de perovskita, la qual cosa porta a una major orientació al llarg de (110). MAPbI3 dopades amb TBA presenten una millora de la cristalinitat, major grandària, la qual cosa és adequada per a la fabricació de dispositius optoelectròniques de major rendiment. A més, hem identificat l'impacte de TBA en les propietats foto físiques de MAPbI3. Hem notat que el dopatge amb TBA millora tant l'emissió de la fotoluminiscència en reduir la densitat dels estats de trampes com l'absorció òptica on apareix un canvi significatiu de la banda òptica prohibida cap a longituds d'ona més llargues que significa disminuir l'energia del gap, que va variar de 1.8 a 1.52 eV. Finalment, es va explorar l'estabilitat per les perovsquites dopades amb 5%TBA. Es va trobar que després de 15 dies l'estabilitat romania excel·lent en un humitat de 60%. A més, hem estudiat FAPbI3 com un dels materials de perovskita més atractius. Hem investigat l'efecte de la substitució de guanidini (GA) sobre les propietats estructurals i òptiques de FAPbI3. La relació entre la fase a de perovskita desitjable i la fase indesitjable y es va estudiar en funció del contingut de GA. Es mostra que el dopatge amb GA és eficaç en el control de la relació de fases a /y i després en l'estabilització de la fase a-FaPbI3. Els resultats mostren que una quantitat adequada de 10% GA condueix a una pel·lícula homogènia amb fase a estable, grans grans lliures de porus i forats. Les pel·lícules de 10% GA:FaPbI3 demostraren una excel·lent estabilitat després de l'envelliment durant 15 dies en un ambient humit (humitat relativa de 60%). / Bouich, A. (2020). Study and Characterization of Hybrid Perovskites and Copper-Indium-Gallium Selenide thin films for Tandem Solar Cells [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160621

Process reproducibility of perovskite deposition

Hirselandt, Katrin 27 September 2024 (has links)
Organisch-anorganische Perowskite sind attraktiv für Dünnschichtsolarzellen. Die Übertragung laborbasierter Herstellungsverfahren, typischerweise Rotationsbeschichtung, auf industrielle Prozesse erfordert ein tiefgehendes Verständnis der physikalisch-chemischen Auswirkungen auf die Schichtqualität. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die Effizienz-Reproduzierbarkeit von Perowskit-Solarzellen (PSCs) nicht primär durch Unterschiede zwischen Laboren, sondern durch interne Prozessschwankungen beeinflusst wird. Verglichen wurden PSCs mit PEDOT und PTAA als Lochleiter auf den beiden Perowskiten, MAPI und 3CAT. PEDOT-basierte PSCs zeigten neben geringerer Reproduzierbarkeit eine niedrigere Effizienz, bedingt durch Voc- und FF-Verluste, schlechtere energetische Angleichung und morphologische Grenzflächenprobleme. Im Vergleich zu 3CAT, war die Effizienz von MAPI-basierten Zellen schlechter reproduzierbar, was durch eine stärkere Abhängigkeit der MAPI-Schichten von Prozessschwankungen erklärt werden kann. Die Anwendung eines Anti-Lösungsmittel-Tropfens (AS-Tropfen) während des in dieser Rotationsbeschichtungsprozesses beeinflusst die Morphologie und Effizienz der Solarzellen erheblich. Das optimale Zeitfenster für den AS-Tropfen ist für MAPI (~10 s) kleiner als für 3CAT (~50 s). Ein falsches Timing führt zu morphologischen Hohlräumen und vermindert die Effizienz. Optische In-situ-Studien zeigten, dass der AS-Tropfen vor Beginn der natürlichen Perowskit-Kristallisation appliziert werden sollte. Für MAPI beginnt diese nach 20 Sekunden, für 3CAT nach 100 Sekunden. Ein zu später AS-Tropfen reduziert die Verfügbarkeit von Lösungsmittel für die Rekristallisation und verschlechtert die Morphologie der Perowskit-Phase. 3CAT toleriert zeitliche Variationen besser, da es während der natürlichen Kristallisation sowohl lösungsmittelhaltige Vorphasen als auch Perowskit-Phasen bildet, während MAPI hauptsächlich lösungsmittelhaltige Vorphasen bildet, was die Prozessanfälligkeit erhöht. / Organic-inorganic perovskites are promising materials for thin-film solar cells, with potential for industrial-scale production through scalable manufacturing. The transition from laboratory-based spin-coating to scalable processes requires understanding the factors affecting perovskite film quality. High-performance reproducibility is essential for commercializing perovskite solar cells (PSCs), currently challenging for certain perovskite combinations. Reproducibility issues are evident from performance variations in published PSC results fabricated from different laboratories. Even within a single laboratory, process fluctuations can lead to efficiency irreproducibility, as this study shows. Different PSC stack combinations were compared using two hole conductors, PEDOT and PTAA, with two perovskite compositions, MAPI and 3CAT. PEDOT solar cells showed low reproducibility and lower efficiency due to poor energetic alignment and morphological issues. MAPI and 3CAT with PTAA achieved higher efficiencies. However, MAPI is more sensitive to process variations, leading to lower reproducibility. This hypothesis is supported by in-situ measurements, which show that the timinng window for the addition of an anti-solvent drip (AS-drip) during spin-coating is narrower for MAPI (~10 s) than for 3CAT (~50 s). AS-drip outside this window causes morphological voids, reducing efficiency. The optical in-situ studies show that AS-drip timing is crucial: crystallization onset occurs earlier for MAPI (20s) than for 3CAT (100s). Late AS-drip results in solvate phase formation, reducing solvent availability and negatively impacting morphology. MAPI forms solvate exclusively during crystallization, while 3CAT forms both solvate and perovskite phases, increasing tolerance to timing variations.

Etude de stabilité des pérovskites aux halogénures mixtes plombate de Formamidinium FAPbX3 avec X={ Cl,Br,I}

Abdoulaye, Touré 17 March 2024 (has links)
[FR] L'énergie photovoltaïque se présente comme une solution primordiale dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique. Malgré la maturité et la fiabilité de la technologie des cellules en silicium cristallin, les défis liés à la purification énergivore du silicium restent un obstacle coûteux. Dans cette optique, les pérovskites halogénées, notamment le FAPbI3, se profilent comme des alternatives prometteuses au silicium en raison de leur capacité à être synthétisées à faible coût à température ambiante, tout en présentant des propriétés optiques et électroniques attractives. Cependant, l'instabilité des pérovskites en contact avec l'air ambiant constitue un obstacle majeur à leur utilisation comme couche absorbante. Pour surmonter ce défi, une approche a consisté à modifier la composition chimique des pérovskites en utilisant la technique du spin-coating. L'étude a révélé que les pérovskites mixtes contenant de l'iodure (I) et du brome (Br), tels que le FAPbI2Br et le FAPbBr2I, offrent un compromis intéressant entre stabilité et bande interdite. Contrairement au FAPbI3, qui perd ses propriétés optiques après un certain temps en conditions ambiantes, ces pérovskites mixtes conservent leur capacité d'absorption dans le visible même après vieillissement. De plus, le FAPbBr2I s'est avéré environ trois fois plus photoluminescent que le FAPbI3, suggérant une conversion plus efficace des photons absorbés en paires électron-trou, ce qui en fait un candidat attractif pour les applications photovoltaïques. Cependant, il convient de noter que le FAPbBr2I présente un gap énergétique trop large pour de telles applications. Pour remédier à cette limitation, le dopage du FAPbBr2I avec du bismuth a été étudié, montrant une réduction significative du gap énergétique avec l'augmentation de la concentration en bismuth. Néanmoins, il a été observé que les photons émis par photoluminescence avaient une énergie supérieure à celle des photons absorbés, ce qui pourrait être dû à la dissipation de la chaleur dans le réseau cristallin. Ce décalage anti-Stokes nécessite une enquête plus approfondie. / [ES] La energía fotovoltaica se presenta como una solución clave en la lucha contra el calentamiento global. A pesar de la madurez y confiabilidad de la tecnología de células de silicio cristalino, los desafíos de la purificación de silicio intensiva en energía siguen siendo un obstáculo costoso. Con esto en mente, las perovskitas halogenadas, especialmente FAPbI3, están emergiendo como alternativas prometedoras al silicio debido a su capacidad de ser sintetizadas a bajo costo a temperatura ambiente, aunque tiene propiedades ópticas y electrónicas atractivas. Sin embargo, la inestabilidad de las perovskitas en contacto con el aire ambiente constituye un obstáculo importante para su uso como capa absorbente. Para superar este desafío, un enfoque fue modificar la composición química de las perovskitas utilizando la técnica de recubrimiento por centrifugación. El estudio reveló que las perovskitas mixtas que contienen yoduro (I) y bromo (Br), como FAPbI2Br y FAPbBr2I, ofrecen un compromiso interesante entre la estabilidad y la brecha de banda. A diferencia de FAPbI3, que pierde sus propiedades ópticas después de un cierto tiempo en condiciones ambientales, estas perovskitas mixtas conservan su capacidad de absorción en el visible incluso después del envejecimiento. Además, se encontró que FAPbBr2I era aproximadamente tres veces más fotoluminiscente que FAPbI3, lo que sugiere una conversión más eficiente de los fotones absorbidos en pares electrón-agujero, y, esto lo convierte en un candidato atractivo para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas. Sin embargo, debe tenerse en cuenta que FAPbBr2I tiene una brecha de energía más amplia que la ideal para tales aplicaciones. Para superar esta limitación, se estudió el dopaje de FAPbBr2I con bismuto, mostrando una reducción significativa de la brecha energética con el aumento de la concentración de bismuto. Sin embargo, se ha observado que los fotones emitidos por la fotoluminiscencia tienen una energía superior a la de los fotones absorbidos, y, esto podría deberse a la disipación de calor en la red cristalina. Este retraso anti-Stokes requiere más investigación. / [EN] Photovoltaic energy emerges as a crucial solution in the fight against climate change. Despite the maturity and reliability of crystalline silicon cell technology, challenges related to the energy-intensive purification of silicon remain a costly barrier. In this context, halide perovskites, especially FAPbI3, are emerging as promising alternatives to silicon due to their ability to be synthesized cost-effectively at room temperature while exhibiting attractive optical and electronic properties. However, the instability of perovskites in contact with ambient air poses a major obstacle to their use as an absorbing layer. To overcome this challenge, one approach has been to modify the chemical composition of perovskites using the spin-coating technique. The study revealed that misted perovskites containing iodide (I) and bromide (Br), such as FAPbI2Br and FAPbBr2I, offer an interesting compromise between stability and bandgap. Unlike FAPbI3, which loses its optical properties after some time under ambient conditions, these misted perovskites retain their absorption capacity in the visible range even after aging. Furthermore, FAPbBr2I was found to be approximately three times more photoluminescent than FAPbI3, suggesting a more efficient conversion of absorbed photons into electron-hole pairs, making it an attractive candidate for photovoltaic applications. However, it is worth noting that FAPbBr2I has a wider energy gap than ideal for such applications. To address this limitation, doping FAPbBr2I with bismuth was studied, showing a significant reduction in the energy gap with increasing bismuth concentration. Nevertheless, it was observed that the photons emitted by photoluminescence had higher energy than those absorbed, which could be due to heat dissipation in the crystal lattice. This anti-Stokes shift requires further investigation. / Abdoulaye, T. (2024). Etude de stabilité des pérovskites aux halogénures mixtes plombate de Formamidinium FAPbX3 avec X={ Cl,Br,I} [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203190

Developing the Next Generation of Perovskite Solar Cells

Blake P Finkenauer (12879047) 15 June 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Organic-inorganic halide perovskites are at the brink of commercialization as the next generation of light-absorbing materials for solar energy harvesting devices. Perovskites have large absorption coefficients, long charge-carrier lifetimes and diffusion lengths, and a tunable absorption spectrum. Furthermore, these materials can be low-temperature solution-processed, which transfers to low-cost manufacturing and cost-competitive products. The remarkable material properties of perovskites enable a broad product-market fit, encompassing traditional and new applications for solar technology. Perovskites can be deposited on flexible substrates for flexible solar cells, applied in thermochromic windows for power generation and building cooling, or tuned for tandem solar cell application to include in high-performance solar panels. However, perovskites are intrinsically unstable, which has so far prevented their commercialization. Despite large research efforts, including over two thousand publications per year, perovskite solar cells degrade in under one year of operation. In a saturated research field, new ideas are needed to inspire alternative approaches to solve the perovskite stability problem. In this dissertation, we detail research efforts surrounding the concept of a self-healing perovskite solar cell.</p> <p>     A self-healing perovskite solar cell can be classified with two distinctions: mechanically healing and molecularly healing. First, mechanically self-healing involves the material’s ability to recover its intrinsic properties after mechanical damage such as tares, lacerations, or cracking. This type of healing was unique to the organic polymer community and ultra-rare in semiconducting materials. By combining a self-healing polymer with perovskite material, we developed a self-healing semiconducting perovskite composite material which can heal using synergistic grain growth and solid-state diffusion processes at slightly elevated temperatures. The material is demonstrated in flexible solar cells with improved bending durability and a power conversion efficiency reaching 10%. The addition of fluidic polymer enables macroscopic perovskite material movement, which is otherwise brittle and rigid. The results inspire the use of polymer scaffolds for mechanically self-healing solar cells.</p> <p>     The second type of healing, molecular healing, involves healing defects within the rigid crystal domains resulting from ion migration. The same phenomenon which leads to device degradation, also assists the recovery of the device performance after resting the device in the dark. During device operation, perovskite ions diffuse in the perovskite lattice and accumulate at the device interfaces where they undergo chemical reactions or leave the perovskite layer, ultimately consuming the perovskite precursors. The photovoltaic performance can be recovered if irreversible degradation is limited. Ideally, degradation and recovery can match day and night cycling to dramatically extend the lifetime of perovskite solar cells. In this dissertation, we introduce the application of chalcogenide chemistry in the fabrication of perovskite solar cells to control the thin film crystallization process, ultimately to reduce defects in the perovskite bulk and introduce surface functionality which extends the device stability. This new strategy will help improve molecularly self-healing perovskite solar cell by reducing irreversible degradation. Lastly, we present a few other new ideas to inspire future research in perovskite solar cells and assist in the commercialization of the next generation of photovoltaics.</p>

Étude de la dynamique vibrationnelle de pérovskites 2D hybrides organiques-inorganiques par spectroscopie Raman

Dragomir, Vlad Alexandru 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis And Studies Of Perovskite Nanostructures

Singh, Satyendra 08 1900 (has links)
The group of materials with ABO3 type perovskite structure are very important due to their attractive electrical and magnetic properties for technological applications and have been studied in the form of single crystals, bulk polycrystalline materials and thin films. Recently, efforts have been made to synthesize and understand the growth of ABO3 type perovskite nanostructures because of their distinctive physical properties and potential applications in the nanodevices. The primary aim of the present thesis is to synthesize the perovskites at nano-scale, with zero-dimension (0D), and one-dimension (1D) configurations. Basic work was carried in terms of synthesis – structure – composition correlation. Due to the small nature of the synthesized materials, few attempts were done to examine the physical properties, but to a limited extant. Efforts were also done to emphasize the structural behavior of nano perovskite in comparison with their bulk counterparts. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to perovskite materials and nanostructures, their technological applications and the fundamental physics involved. A brief review of the perovskite nanostructures both from fundamental science and technological point of view is provided. Finally the specific objectives of the current research are outlined. Chapter 2 deals with the experimental studies carried out in this thesis. It describes the methods used for the synthesis, experimental set up and the basic operation principles of various structural and physical characterizations such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), compositional analysis (EDX), focused ion beam (FIB), electrical and magnetic studies of the materials prepared. Chapter 3 describes the fabrication of porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates with different pore size, basic steps for synthesis of nanotubes and the possible growth mechanism of nanotubes in the AAO template. In chapter 4, we report the synthesis of ferroelectric Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0, 0.3) nanoparticles (diameter range: 20-40nm) and Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0, 0.4) nanotubes with diameter about 200nm by the sol-gel method. The Ba1-xSrxTiO3 nanostructures so obtained were characterized by number of techniques, including FE-SEM, XRD, DTA/TGA, FTIR spectroscopy, TEM, HRTEM as well as EDX and SAED. Formation of Y-junctions and multi-branches in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 nanotubes were also observed. The wall of the nanotubes were found to be made of randomly oriented nanoparticles which were confirmed from the HRTEM image. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found around 15(±5) nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 5-10nm. Diffused phase transition (cubic to tetragonal), shifted to lower temperature side and leaky ferroelectric P–E loops were observed in Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0) ceramic prepared from nanoparticles. Curie temperature was observed at 120oC in the BT nanotube array as confirmed by the dielectric study. The P–E loops of as-prepared Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0) nanotube array were also measured and the hysteresis clearly demonstrates the room temperature ferroelectricity in the as prepared nanotubes, indicating these nanotube array is potential media as ferroelectric information storage. In chapter 5, we report the synthesis of single crystalline nanoparticles and polycrystalline nanotubes of Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 (PCT24) by sol-gel processing and characterized by various techniques. The crystallinity and phase purity of the PCT24 nanoparticles and nanotubes were confirmed by the XRD and SAED pattern. Compositional homogeneity and their crystalline structure confirms the formation of the tetragonal perovskite phase. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made of nanoparticles which were confirmed from the HRTEM analysis. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found around 20nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 5-8nm. Formation of some single crystalline PCT24 nanorods was also observed as confirmed by SAED and HRTEM analysis. Formations of Y-junctions and multi-branches in this complex functional oxide were observed. Dielectric measurements shows the diffuse phase transition and frequency dependence of Tm (temperature at which real part of dielectric constant shows maxima) suggesting the relaxor type behavior in the PCT24 ceramic prepared from nanoparticles. Polarization study was carried out on PCT24 nanotube array, which shows the ferroelectric nature at room temperature. Chapter 6 reports the synthesis and studies of PbZrO3 (PZ) nanoparticles and PbZr1-xTixO3 for x = 0.0, 0.48 and 1.0 nanotubes. PZ nanoparticles were prepared by a novel sol-gel method based on diol-based solution. Initially, PZ was crystallized with some intermediate m-Z and t-Z phases at 400-550oC and start transforming to orthorhombic at around 600oC and then finally transformed into pure orthorhombic PZ phase at about 700oC. XRD and TEM confirmed the nanocrystalline nature of PZ particles. Curie temperature in the PZ ceramic prepared from PZ nanoparticles was observed around at 205oC, which is lower as compared to the bulk (233oC). P–E hysteresis loops of PZ ceramic prepared from nanoparticles were measured at different applied voltages and single ferroelectric loops of leaky nature were observed rather than antiferroelectrics. The lead zirconate nanoparticles produced may have potential applications as materials used in microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems. PbZr1-xTixO3 for x = 0.0 (PZ), 0.48 (PZT48) and 1 (PT) nanotubes were fabricated by sol-gel method within the closely packed porous alumina templates and characterized by various techniques. The crystallinity of the PZ, PZT48 and PT nanotubes were confirmed via XRD and SAED studies. EDX analysis demonstrated that stoichiometry was formed. Formation of Y-junctions in this complex functional oxide was also observed. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made up of randomly oriented nanoparticles, which were confirmed by the HRTEM studies and also by a typical SEM image. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found to be around 10-20nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall was found to be in the range of 3 – 8nm. The Curie temperature was observed at 220oC in the PZ nanotube array. For the first time, PLD has been employed for the synthesis of lead zirconate nanotubes using AAO template. Well-registered arrays of these nanotubes could function as three dimensional (3D) device elements in miniaturized ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM). In chapter 7, we report the synthesis of single crystalline 0.65Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.35PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) nanoparticles. PMN-PT nanoparticles were developed by a novel sol-gel method based on diol route. After partial calcination at 450oC/1h, PMN-PT powder morphology started transforming from pyrochlore to perovskite phase. It is interesting to note that this partially crystallized PMN-PT powder was unstable under electron beam and generated freestanding lead nanoparticles after absorbing energy from a focused electron beam. PMN-PT powder annealed at 700°C was fully transformed to perovskite phase and was stable under electron beam. XRD calculations and TEM imaging confirmed the nanocrystalline nature of PMN-PT particles. Magnetic measurements on PMN-PT nanoparticles prepared at 650 and 750oC show room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis, whereas the bulk or the agglomerated particles show diamagnetic behavior. With an increase of annealing temperature or the particle size the magnetic moment decreases. PMN-PT nanotubes with diameter about 200nm were fabricated successfully by the sol-gel method based on diol route within the closely packed porous nanochannel alumina templates. Phase purity and crystalline perovskite phase formation of PMN-PT nanotubes were confirmed by the XRD and SAED pattern. EDX analysis demonstrated that stoichiometry was formed within accepted limit. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made of nanoparticles which were confirmed from the HRTEM analysis. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotube was found around 20 nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 10-20 nm. Since electroceramic materials are following a similar trend to miniaturization as conventional semiconductors, the synthesis of nanosized oxidic building blocks is moving into the focus of scientific and technological interest. Ferroelectrics are promising class of materials for the fabrication of electronic devices, as they are already an integral part of modern nanotechnological operations. Chapter 8 deals with the synthesis and properties of BiFeO3 (BFO) nanoparticles and nanotubes. Single crystalline BFO nanoparticles of different size and polycrystalline BFO nanotubes were prepared by sol-gel method. As prepared nanostructures were characterized by various techniques such as XRD, TGA-DTA, FTIR, scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), high resolution TEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The crystallinity and phase purity of the BFO nanoparticles and nanotubes were confirmed by the XRD, SAED pattern and HRTEM analysis. Compositional homogeneity and their crystalline structure confirms the formation of the rhombohedrally distorted perovskite phase. EDX analysis demonstrated that stoichiometric BiFeO3 was formed within accepted limit. The HRTEM analysis confirmed that wall of the BFO nanotubes was made of nanoparticles, which were randomly oriented in the wall. The average thickness of the wall of the nanotubes was found to be around 15 nm and nanoparticles consisting the wall were found to be in the range of 3-6nm. Formation of Y-junctions in this complex functional oxide was observed. Magnetic measurements show clearly the enhancement of ferromagnetism in BFO nanotubes and ferroelectric loops were also observed in these nanotubes, that indicates the multiferroic nature of these nanotubes. BFO nanostructures at a large scale might be important for many applications such as memory elements in nanoscale devices in future. Chapter 9 reports the synthesis of a series of crystalline La1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7) nanoparticles with average diameter about 20 nm by an improved sol-gel method. The crystallinity and phase formation of as prepared nanoparticles was confirmed via XRD, SAED and HRTEM studies. EDX analysis demonstrated that desired stoichiometric was formed. Magnetic characterization reveals that the PM-FM transitions (Tc) occurs around at 205, 235, 235 and 230 K for x = 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, respectively. The strong irreversibility between zero field cooling (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) magnetization curves, a cusplike peak in ZFC curve and unusual shape of M versus H loop at T = 5 K gives strong support for surface spin glass behavior. The highly stable charge ordering state in bulk manganites is suppressed, while the ferromagnetism is enhanced in these nanoparticles (x = 0.5 and 0.7). La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 were fabricated by sol-gel method within the closely packed porous alumina templates. The wall of the nanotubes was found to be made up of randomly oriented nanoparticles (8-12nm) as confirmed by HRTEM studies. The strong irreversibility between ZFC and FC magnetization curves as well as a cusplike peak in ZFC curve gives strong support for surface spin glass behavior. Magnetization value as obtained from M-H loop was about 28.5% of expected value, suggesting the existence of a magnetic dead layer, which avoids the propagation of exchange interaction between magnetic grains. The PM-FM transition was observed at 235 K. Chapter 10 gives the summary and conclusions of the present study and also discusses the possible future work that could after more insights into the understanding of the perovskite nanostructures. Highlight of the present work (i) Successful growth of nanostructures in both particles and tube forms, and study of their structure – composition correlations. (ii) Present work could optimize the necessary chemistry to successfully grow nanoparticles and nanotubes of various perovskite compositions. (iii) Successful studies of physical properties of nanoparticles and nanotubes, ofcourse, to a limited extent. However the properties observed in the present nanostructures have a strong indication of nonlinear phenomena similar to their bulk counterparts. (iv) It was reported in the literature, the observation of ferromagnetic behavior in several nonmagnetic compositions at nano-scale. Surprisingly, similar ferroelectric behavior was noticed even in our perovskite complex oxides such as relaxors (PMN-PT). A clear interaction of magnetic spin and an electric dipole was evident in these oxides such as relaxors and also multiferroics at nano-scale (~10-20 nm). (v) In ferromagnetic compositions such as LCMO, a very interesting spin-glass type behavior was observed.

Synthesis and Characterization of Ferroelectric Nanomaterials

Du, Hongchu 14 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this dissertation, BaTiO3 nanocrystals, Bi4Ti3O12 nanostructured microspheres, and cosubstituted Bi4Ti3O12 nanoparticles and ceramics were prepared using solvothermal, hydrothermal and citrate-gel methods. The ferroelectric properties of the prepared cosubstituted Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics were studied using P–E hysteresis loop, leakage, and polarization fatigue measurements. A two-phase solvothermal synthesis approach for the preparation of hydrophobic BaTiO3 nanocrystals was developed. The two-phase method is based on the growth of nanocrystals at the oil/water interface by the reaction between metal surfactant complexes in the oil phase and a mineralizer in the water phase. Three kind of organic solvents, hexadecene, toluene, and heptane were used as the oil phase and compared to each other with respect to the product quality. The BaTiO3 particles are crystalline with a mean size of 3.7 nm and can be dispersed in a variety of organic solvents forming highly transparent dispersions. A hydrothermal method was developed for the synthesis of Bi4Ti3O12 nanostructured microspheres consisting of granular nanoparticles and nano-platelets. The precursor powder was prepared using a diethylene glycol mediated coprecipitation method. Tailoring of the morphology was achieved by changing the precursor quantity, sodium hydroxide concentration, and reaction time. The formation mechanism of the nanostructured microspheres probably involves aggregation, followed by dissolution and recrystallization. Bi3.25Pr0.75Ti2.97V0.03O12 (BPTV) and Bi3.25La0.75Ti3-xMxO12, (BLTMx, M = Mo, W, Nb, V, x = 0.0–0.12) ferroelectric nanoparticles and ceramics were synthesized using a modified citrate-gel method that has a crystallization temperature as low as 450 °C. The synthesized nanoparticles were spherical ranging from 30 to 100 nm. Except Nb5+, other donor cations were introduced using the corresponding oxides that have advantages in terms of high purity, low cost, and availability. The Bi3.25Pr0.75Ti2.97V0.03O12 ceramic is orthorhombic and its 2Pr and 2Ec values measured at 300 kV/cm were 35 μC/cm2 and 148 kV/cm respectively. The texture, microstructure, and ferroelectric properties of the prepared Bi3.25La0.75Ti3-xMxO12, (BLTMx, M = Mo, W, Nb, V, x = 0.0–0.12) ceramics depend on x. The maximum 2Pr (30–32 μC cm−2) was achieved at an optimum cosubstitution level (x = 0.025 for M6+, x = 0.03 for M5+). The high remanent polarization, low leakage current, and low polarization fatigue render the prepared ceramics promising for practical applications.

Contribution à l'étude des corrélations entre stoechiométrie, structure, liaison chimique et propriétes physico-chimiques de perovskites oxygénées renfermant un élément 3d a un degrè d'oxydation inusuel (Cu(III), Cu(IV), Fe(IV))

Darracq, Stéphane 03 September 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire concerne l'influence d'un degré d'oxydation inusuel d' un element de transition (Cu(III), Cu(IV), Fe(IV)) sur les proprietes physico-chimiques des réseaux oxygènes dérivés de structure perovskite. Les différentes structures du compose du cuivre trivalent LaCuO3 (formes basse et haute pression) ont été étudiées. Le role de plusieurs facteurs sur les propriétés physiques de ce matériau a pu etre mis en évidence, en particulier: 1) l'accroissement de la covalence moyenne de la liaison Cu-O du a la stabilisation de la valence mixte Cu(III)/Cu(IV) obtenue par substitution du Sr au La; 2) la distorsion structurale induite par substitution de l'yttrium au lanthane; 3) la pression d'oxygène de synthèse. La seconde partie de ce travail permet, au travers d' une étude Mössbauer par sonde diamagnétique locale (119Sn), d' expliquer le mécanisme de dismutation du fer tétravalent au sein d'un réseau perovskite AFeO3 (A=Ca, Sr)

Synthèse et caractérisation spectroscopique d oxydes multiferroïques.Y1-xInxMn1-yFeyO3 et RCrO3 (R = terre rare) / No title available

El Amrani, Mohamed 20 February 2014 (has links)
Dans les multiferroïques coexistent au moins deux ordres ferroïques différents (ferromagnétique, ferroélectrique, ferroélasticité et ferrotoroïdicité) ou anti-ferroïques. Ces différentes propriétés peuvent être couplées ou non. Parmi ces matériaux, les plus étudiés sont ceux présentant un ordre magnétique et un ordre ferroélectrique. La présence d’un couplage magnétoélectrique entre ces deux ordres, permet de contrôler la polarisation par l’application d’un champ magnétique et inversement. Cependant très peu de ces matériaux ont des températures de transition supérieures à la température ambiante. Ces matériaux multiferoïques peuvent être séparés en deux catégories : la première regroupe les matériaux où les transitions des deux ordres sont indépendantes ; la deuxième regroupe les matériaux dont la transition ferroélectrique est liée à la mise en ordre magnétique. Dans cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés à deux types d’oxyde multiferroïques dont l’un appartient à la première catégorie (YMnO3) et l’autre à la deuxième (RCrO3). / In multiferroics, at least two different ferroic orders coexist (ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, ferroelastici and ferrotoroidici) or anti-ferroic. These different properties can be coupled or not. Among these materials, the most studied are those with magnetic and ferroelectric orders. The presence of magnetoelectric coupling between these two orders, allows one to control the polarization by the application of a magnetic field and vice versa. However very few of these materials have transition temperatures above room temperature. These multiferoics materials can be separated into two categories : the first one includes the materials where the transitions of both orders are independent ; the second comprises the materials the ferroelectric transition of which is related to magnetic ordering. In this thesis we have studied two types of multiferroic oxides, one belongs to the first category (YMnO3) and the other to the second (RCrO3 ).

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